What was one possible effect of the domestic slave trade?
O A. More slaves tried to run away
B. Less work for slaves
C. More freedom for slaves
D. More education for slaves


Answer 1
A. More slaves tried to run away

Related Questions

this cartoon depicts president woodrow calling on congress to h


Answer: b. issue a declaration of war against Germany


As was the case in WW2, the United States was trying to avoid entering WW1. This gradually changed as time went on however especially with the sinking of the Lusitania by Germany in 1915 where 128 Americans died. The USA protested and Germany stopped sinking passenger ships.

In 1917 however, the Germans believed that if they restarted the sinking of ships the British would fall within 5 months and so they resumed. This cartoon shows the subsequent action of President Woodrow Wilson as he went before Congress and asked them to declare war on Germany.

14. The Native Americans sided with the French over the Ohio River Valley
conflict because
O A. their languages were similar
B. the French desired to use the land for trading and would not force the native
their land
C. the Native Americans were offended by the British's religious persuasion
O D. the British had desired to use the land as slave trading ground


B is the correct answer.

In 1770, who did the grandson of Louis XV marry? What did this marriage symbolize?


At Versailles, Louis, the French dauphin, marries Marie Antoinette, the daughter of Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa and Holy Roman Emperor Francis I. France hoped their marriage would strengthen its alliance with Austria, its longtime enemy.

How do the three branches of government sometimes work against each



Checks and balcances


For example the legislative brach will send a bill to the president (executive) and the executive will veto the bill, but if the bill passes, the judicial can also deny the bill

The bubonic plague could be identified by
, or swellings, that appeared on the body. (clots/buboes)





I just took the test and the name of the disease is called bubonic plague and buboes is close to the disease name.

The bubonic plague could be identified by buboes.

What is the meaning of plague?

Both humans as well as mammals can contract the plague. Yersinia pestis is the bacterium that causes it. The most common ways for humans to contract the plague are through handling a plague-infected animal or by getting bitten by a rodent flea that would be carrying the disease.

Even in modern times, the term "plague" still refers to an illness brought on by Yersinia pestis. Typically, we also refer to it by the particular plague kind it is, such as bubonic, septicemic, or pneumonic.

Los Angeles saw the last urban plague outbreak in the United States between 1924 and 1925. The plague then migrated from urban rats to rural rodent species and established itself in numerous regions of the western United States. Since then, there have been isolated cases of plague in rural areas.

Learn more about the Plague here:



How did Greek trading ships differ from fighting ships?

Trading ships used many more sails than fighting ships to ensure speed.
Trading ships were smaller because they traveled shorter distances.
Trading ships were larger because they carried supplies and goods.
Trading ships used three rows of oars for maneuvering.



B)Trading ships were smaller because they traveled shorter distances.


mark me brainlyist




Guess The Basketball Player?
•He Plays For The Los Angeles Lakers
•4x NBA Champion
•4x Finals MVP
•An All Star Selection
•He Play For 3 Different Teams (Heat, Lakers And The Cavaliers)
•He Is Now Year No.17 In The NBA.​






LeBron James. . . duh


What was the result of Shia and Sunni Muslims being divided?



Unsettled disputes and civil war.


Tension and civil war

I will give brainlest to whoever gets it right
Select all the correct answers.

Identify two human characteristics of a place that are influenced by its location.

the system of government
the choice of crops grown
the dominant religion
the population density


The choice of crops grown (climate) and the population density (terrain)

Even as learning expanded, science made only small progress in Europe the Middle Ages because



Even as learning expanded, science made only small progress in Europe the Middle Ages because  monks controlled the printing of books, thereby limiting the progress of science as it was contrary to their religion.


Until Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in 1459, books were created manually and by artisans by Catholic monks, who only created books and writings related to religion, or had content that included God or spirituality as a central or important theme.

For this reason, given that science in many cases posed an absolute contradiction to religious ideas, the monks arbitrarily decided not to publish these books, with which despite the progress of science and knowledge, they did not reach the majority of the population.

Help ASAP!’

What evidence can be offered to support this statement: Although it is not legal obligation, voting is the most important duty a citizen can carry out?


Answer: Voting is the most important duty because as seen time and time again in history, your president/leader matters. If you don't vote, you might not be able to help the best candidate win. You could end up having a tyrant in a position of power. A piece of evidence that supports this is how King George III acted. They were a tyrant that taxed the colonists in American heavily and denied any attempts to amend the situation. We're lucky to be able to vote now so why would you waste that opportunity? Voting is one of the most vital duties you have.

Voting is the most significant obligation because, as history has repeatedly demonstrated, your president or leader matters.

Why is Voting Important ?

You might not be able to support the best candidate's victory if you don't cast a ballot. A tyrant could find up in a position of authority. King George III's behavior is one piece of evidence in favor of this. They were a dictator who levied high taxes on the colonies in America and rejected any attempts to make things better.

One of your most important responsibilities is to vote.

Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are chosen directly by the people in accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution.

However, the Electoral College would choose the president instead of the general public. The number of representative votes allotted by the Electoral College is normally determined by the population of each state. The use of state representatives in Congress to elect a president was considered as a compromise between the public vote and this indirect election process.

Learn more about Voting here


# SPJ 5

Who is the “Father” of Texas?



Stephen Fuller Austin


The Indian Removal Act was a policy that removed the Native Americans
from the states.



True -


This can be True and false and here's why. President Andrew Jackson signed this law moving Native Americans more west, so it did remove there tribes from the states and pushed them more to the west.

Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as
President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the
Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of
War, and the Military Commanders whom he may from time to
time designate, whenever he or any designated Commander
deems such action necessary or desirable, to prescribe military
areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate
Military Commander may determine, from which any or all
persons may be excluded....
-President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 9066, February
19, 1942
Which constitutional right was most directly violated by this executive order?
Freedom of speech
Freedom of religion
Right to bear arms
Right to equal protection


solidly rooted in society. Remarkably, at present all

major political parties are deeply rooted in society. The

UDF’s formidable organization, when combined with

the staying power and enduring unity of the BSP and

the loyalty of the MRF’s followers and activists, is

giving rise to a polity in which parties—rather than

spellbinding leaders, the state apparatus, independent

local strongmen, the military, or private oligarchs—are

the central actors in political life. As the Italian experi-

ence demonstrates, pluralistic partyocracy can engender

clientelism, dysfunctional politicization of parts of the

private sector, and political sclerosis. The Italian expe-

rience also shows that pluralistic partyocracy can spur

consolidation of democracy and progress toward

prosperity in a poor, peripheral, and demoralized land.

M. Steven Fish is an associate professor of political science at the

University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of

Democracy from Scratch: Opposition and Regime in the

New Russian Revolution (Princeton University Press, 1995).

Robin S. Brooks is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of polit-

ical science at the University of California, Berkeley. She is writing

her dissertation on ethnic self-identification and nation building in

postcommunist Europe.




This goal describes the goal of keeping things peaceful inside America:

Promote the general welfare

establish justice

insure domestic tranquility

secure the blessings of liberty



its B



The answer is c


Who played the biggest role in creating the first universities in Europe? a. Muslim scholars c. noble landowners b. kings and queens d. church leaders ANSWER AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE I HAVE 25 MINUTES LEFT AND


Answer: The answer is church leaders.

Explanation: Because in that time the church or religious groups had he most say in thing like In creating Universities.


The answer is church leaders.


Which of the following best describes the cause of the French and Indian War?



began due to a conflict between England and France over control of the Ohio River Valley. Both sides wanted the valley so they could expand their settlements into the area.


Please answer this for me :)




... bc the state is not...


none of the above

Who Purpose is to tell
people who Jesus



As true God he brings God to mankind. As true man he brings mankind to God. Most Christians generally consider Jesus to be the Christ, the long-awaited Messiah, as well as the one and only Son of God.



That ranges.


here are some:

Popes, preachers, and church deligates.

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition
a soldier who serves for pay in a foreign army


The answer is "mercenary"




edg 2020

What material is painted on the bandages to give them together


More linen strips are wrapped around the body. At every layer, the bandages are painted with liquid resin that helps to glue the bandages together.

How did King Henry Vll start the Protestant Reformation in England?
A. He became a Muslim made a pilgrimage to Mecca with a caravan of camels and gold.
B. He had his English citizens read the 95 theses of Martin Luther.
C. He went against the pope and had the Bible translated from Latin into English.
D. He broke away from Catholic Church so he could marry his wife’s handmaid.





Answer: D. He broke away from Catholic Church so he could marry his wife’s handmaid


How did the conflict create tension between colonial militiamen and British troops?


Britain's debt from the French and Indian War led it to try to consolidate control over its colonies and raise revenue through direct taxation (e.g., Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, and Intolerable Acts), generating tensions between Great Britain and its North American colonies.

The conflict between Great Britain and its North American colonies resulted from Britain's attempts to increase control over its colonies and raise money through direct taxes (e.g., Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, and Intolerable Acts) as a result of its debt from the French and Indian War.

What are direct taxes?

Direct taxes are a kind of tax that is generally charged on the income of individuals. They are not the only types of taxes that individuals pay in their countries; they also generally pay indirect taxes and sales taxes.

Taxes are one of the major sources of revenue for the government. The revenue that is generated with the help of all the taxes is used in the government's plans for many projects which are developmental and growth-oriented for the nation.

Learn more about direct taxes here:



Why did the Spanish set up missions, presidios, and pueblos?


Spanish leaders wanted more people to settle in Alta California. To protect settlers, Spain built presidios, or forts, along the coast. The presidio was usually near a port, so the colony could be protected. Forts were evenly spaced so soldiers could protect the missions against Indian revolts.

The Spanish set up missions, presidios to protect the missions and settlers against intruders. Indians, as well as immigrants from Spain, Mexico, and Africa, founded pueblos.

Why did the Spanish set up missions?

Spanish missions were specifically founded with the intention of converting people to Christianity and instructing them in the Catholic religion.

However, the mission system actually played a major role in integrating Indians into Florida's colonial system's political and economic framework.

The first and second stages involved the parallel creation of military reservations known as presidios to protect the missions and settlers from intruders and missions to civilize the native Indians.

The third stage was the civic component, which included the creation of farming settlements known as pueblos.

Therefore, the Spanish set up missions, presidios to protect the missions and settlers against intruders. Indians, as well as immigrants from Spain, Mexico, and Africa, founded pueblos.

To know more about the Spanish missions, visit:



Need help please !!!!


It’s the 15th Amendment

What was the Monroe Doctrine?



The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy that opposed European colonialism in the Americas.


How did mass culture signify a change in American life?

A: Americans became more alike in their purchasing.

B: The new middle-class strove to create a completely independent identity.

c: A class of trendsetters emerged from the middle class.

D: Rich and poor people used the exact same goods.




Answer:the correct answer would be A :)

Which feature would most likely appear on a political map?
Group of answer choices

topographic features

mountain ranges

weather patterns

governmental boundaries of countries



The Governmental Boundaries of Countries


I last travelled abroad two years ago???Been ____________________Two years​



away for Two years


thats how I understood your question sorry

What role did French Jesuits play in North America?



The Society of Jesus, The Jesuits. In 1615, France insisted that Champlain send missionaries to New France in order to convert the natives. The Recollet friars were the first to arrive. Fifteen years later, the missionaries of the Society of Jesus arrived, also known as the Jesuits and the "soldiers of Christ"



New France


New France

Eight Jesuits—killed between 1642 and 1649—became known as the North American Martyrs. ... Within thirteen years, the Jesuits had missions among all five Iroquois nations, in part imposed by French attacks against their villages in present-day New York state.

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