Choose one of the thirteen original colonies to research:

why the colony was founded

who founded the colony

what natural resources the colony was known for

hardships the colony had to overcome

how the colony was governed three to four sentences explain the relationship between Israel and HAMAS.


Answer 1


This question is really up to you, but id go with something like this

North Carolina:

Why was the colony founded:

The economic success of the Virginia colony convinced English aristocrats that there was money to be made in owning colonies in the New World. King Charles II, gave a group of eight noblemen a large tract of land to the south of Virginia colony in 1663. They called the new colony "Carolina", the Latin form of Charles.

Who founded the colony:

The North Carolina Colony was founded in 1653 by the Virginia colonists. But the state was named in honor Charles IX of France and then King Charles I and King Charles II of England.

What Natural resources the colony was known for:

Forests cover nearly 60 percent of North Carolina, making timber a very important natural resource that helped North Carolina become one of the largest producers of furniture in the country. Other natural resources include fish, meat, clay, and different types of rocks and minerals used in construction.

Hardships the colony had to overcome:

In the colony's first fifty years, North Carolina's settlers faced corrupt officials, violent rebellion, Indian war, isolation, disease, hurricanes, and pirates.

How the colony was governed:

While a proprietary colony was ruled by proprietors or owners in the king's place, a royal colony was ruled directly by the king... In 1729, seven of the eight Lords Proprietors agreed to sell their shares of North Carolina to King George II, and North Carolina, too, became a royal colony.

Explain the relationship between Israel and HAMAS:

The political relationship is rooted in conflict between Israel and Palestine. The conflict is over whether or not Palestinians should be able to form its own separate country in government within a part of land that currently belongs to Israel

Related Questions

Any 4 water conservation methods.


fill the cup with water when brushing your teeth, instead of letting it flow.

take shorter showers.

check for leaks

get water saving shower heads

if youre looking for simpler answers


Hey there!

Some measures to conserve methods are;

Afforestation should be done to make under water conserved.There shouldn't be any kind of pollution near water resources.The wet lands must be conserved.The water resources shouldn't be directly contacted with industrial waste.The atmosphere shouldn't be polluted, if polluted the rain water may contain bad quality of water.The use of water should be used in proper way.

Hope it helps...

List of the foreign empires that rules Egypt in chronological order










Answer: hyksos







My daughter just took the test and these were the correct answers.

How to know if I have a good research problem?


When you have a good research problem you have three borders of your thing that you want to resolve the thing has to be on topic not off-topic it has good punctuation and yeah

what was expected of the colonists in the new quartering act passed as part of the coetcive acts in 1774​


Explanation: What was expected of the colonists in the new Quartering Act passed as part of the Coercive (intolerable) Acts in 1774? Colonists would have to provide living quarters to British soldiers, even in private homes.

What makes Kenya multicultural



Ethnic Diversity and the Kenyan Education System

Kenya is a multi-ethnic nation, where more than 42 ethno-linguistic groups are living together.


hope it helps

Different ethnic groups from all over the continent have migrated to Kenya for centuries, bringing with them the distinctive features of their own African culture. Kenya is essentially a cultural microcosm of Africa. hope this helps!

In care ethics, moral decisions (right and wrong) are primarily defined in terms of

a. Relationships.

b. A sense of justice.

c. Material reality.

d. Universal moral theory.

e. Ideals.



b. A sense of justice.


Care ethics is an ethical aspect that seeks to promote good in a society through the human ability to care and be fair to all living beings. This ethical aspect seeks to make moral decisions based on a sense of justice, helping the weakest and positioning themselves in favor of protecting the community, animals of the nature of bioethics and social minorities, especially women.

With that, we can say that this aspect can only be established in non-patriarchal societies and distinguishes what is right and what is wrong based on a strong census of justice.

You thank Sean for his candid comments. You definitely have a motivation problem in the Northeast Division. Now you need to decide which approach to take to resolve the problem based on the following advice of various managers: Vice President of Human Resources: "Your managers and employees will always underperform unless they are given specific and challenging goals along with appropriate feedback. I don’t think the Northeast Region has any system of this type." Midwest Division Manager: "Your managers and employees are underperforming because they aren’t being rewarded appropriately for good performance. Your employees don’t see how their effort results in performance, or how good performance results in rewards. Also, they don’t receive rewards that meet their personal needs or goals." Western Division Manager: "Your managers and employees feel like the commission system is unintelligible and unfair. This perception is sapping their desire to perform their jobs well." Now that you have decided which manager's advice to follow, which motivation theory should you choose to solve the problem?



Vroom’s theory of expectancy.


Vroom's theory of motivation corresponds to the employee's expectations regarding his work.

Through this theory, it is possible for the manager to better understand why the employees acted in a way at work, such as lack of motivation and low productivity.

He then developed through the theory of expectation that motivation at work depends on the perception that employees have of their effort at work, as they believe that their efforts at work will lead to positive results for the organization and consequently will lead to significant rewards for their performance .

Through this theory, then, the manager could assist in understanding and assessing the lack of motivation of employees, to have a greater dimension of their expectations and to be able to develop tactics for including greater autonomy at work, including challenges, etc., which could lead to an increase satisfaction with work, adjust the rewards system and consequently achieve the system of personal goals for each employee.

The Post-It note was created when a scientist decided to try putting a new adhesive that he'd heard about on his paper bookmarks. What is this an example of?
Creative thinking
Scientific method
Scientific law
Artistic ability



Creative thinking


describe how you use energy in your life everyday ​


Explanation:  Things that use energy in your life everyday:



Working from home on your laptop/Computer

Running appliances

Watching tv

washing clothes

Heating and lighting the home

(Hope this helps!)

Answer: Every day, you use energy-the part of the physical world that allows objects to move and to do work.

Explanation: We humans get our energy from the food we eat, which is used to build tissues and move our bodies. In addition to the energy in our food, we use a variety of energy sources to power machinery, heat our homes, communicate, grow crops, travel from place to place, and perform the many other activities of daily life.

What would you say is okay for the government to record and monitor?

Do they need certain reasons to do so?



Monitoring can determine the extent of compliance with company policies and programs overseeing information security. Monitoring may also deter unlawful appropriation of personal information, and potential spam or viruses.

Using four sentences or more, briefly describe the qualifications for a career in firefighting.


When it comes to firefighting, you dont exactly need any particular qualifications. However, you will be expected to sit tests at a similar level to English and maths GCSEs. That will follow with a test to assess your mechanical reasoning. Also, you will need the Postsecondary nondegree for education.


The qualifications for a career in firefighting is that you need minimum education of a high school diploma or a equivalency certificate.


Examine the photo of a factory’s smokestacks.

Two factory smokestacks emitting smoke.

What direct negative effect does this factory have on the environment?

urban sprawl
overuse of resources
introduction of nonnative species





The smoke directly contributes to pollution.


Examine the photo of a factory’s smokestacks.

Two factory smokestacks emitting smoke.

What direct negative effect does this factory have on the environment?


urban sprawl

overuse of resources

introduction of nonnative species


The answer should be POLLUTION hope this helps!

This refers to manufacturing companies moving plants from U.S. cities to areas with
Tower costs in Asia, Latin America or other lower GDP countries.
Creative destruction
Capital flight



Capital flight


The purpose of Capital flight is to increase the profit of the company's owner.

By moving the company to areas with lower GDP, the company owners gained these following benefit:

- They reduce the amount of salaries that they have to pay to their workers.

- They can obtain resources material at a cheaper cost compared to purchasing it on the States.

- They have to pay lower taxes.

All of the things above contribtued to the increase in the company's overall profit.

what should be done to take care of our public properties? write any three ways ​


Answer:Write posters there to prevent folks from damaging.

Make a group that will help you abolish spoiling of public properties. People who do such acts must pay a fine.

25) Although their relationship has generally been very happy, when Jennifer gets angry at Gary, the handful of insensitive or unkind things that Gary has done to her over the years flood into her mind, biasing her to believe that Gary is no good for her. Jennifer’s conclusion may be based on



reaction formation


Reaction formation: In psychology, the term "reaction formation" is referred to as one of the different psychological defense mechanisms whereby an individual tends to go beyond denial and often behaves in an opposite manner to what she actually feels or thinks. The conscious behaviors are being adopted to "overcompensate" the anxiety of an individual associated with the "socially unacceptable" unconscious emotions or thoughts.

In the question above, the given statement represents reaction formation.

Decsion making ability is based on logics and explanations. Jennifer's conclusion may be based on the availability heuristic making her thoughts to be biased.  

What is the availability heuristic?

The availability heuristic is a biased nature that depends on rapid instances that influences the decision-making ability when the specific topic related to the situation or the person comes to mind of the person.

Gary's insensitive nature and personality makes Jennifer biased in her thought and tricks her into thinking that he is not good for her.

Deductible reasoning is the progression of the opinions towards the conclusion and anchoring bias is based on the information presented first.

Therefore, Jennifer's conclusion may be based on the availability heuristic.

Learn more about the availability heuristic here:

why is it important to vote​



It is important to vote because you are choseing what will be the future of you Country or state. You will be making a dicision of what example as you want for future generation and what will benifit the country more in all, moral,economic,political.ect


Voting is important due to the fact that it will determine who will be the rightful leader of the United States. It can make us or break us. It determines what will happen with the education systems, taxes and bills. Voting for a president will determine the next 4 years of what happens to us as American citizens.  you should be able to make your voice count for the president you want.


what type of research is a demographer most likely to do


Demographers are population specialists who collect and analyze vital statistics related to human population changes, such as births, marriages, and deaths.


analyze things in our population


If There Are Years Of Little Rain In The Blue Ridge Mountains, How Does This Affect The Rest Of Georgia?

A) It Means There Is Rainfall Elsewhere

B) It Can Increase Snowfall

C) It Can Cause Water Shortages

D) It Affects Only The Blue Ridge Region



Its C, It can Cause Water Shortages


Mark Brainliest if it correct

newspaper publishing is a dying industry?


Newspaper publishing is a dying industry for a multitude of reasons. The main one being the internet. With the world wide web at our fingertips news is coming at us faster then ever. We can pick up our phones and look at a news article 20 minutes after the event happened whereas you'd have to wait until the next day, or many even the day after that to see what happened if you relied on newspapers.

Many Anglo Americans were attracted to the new settlement in Texas because of the cheap farmland. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F







Explanation:  It got me a 100% and btw before anyone says i copied the other guy on i did not i got it straint from edge 2020 so dont say i copied.

The English slave trade became part of the Atlantic commercial system known as the what?
A. Middle passage
B. Sugar Trade
C.Trans- Oceanic Trade
D. Triangular Trade​





Before business principles came to dominate everyday life, the common welfare, when it was not a question of peace and war, turned on the ease and certainty with which enough of the means of life could be supplied. Since business has become the central and controlling interest, the question of welfare has become a question of price. Under the old regime of handicraft and petty trade, dearth (high prices) meant privation and might mean famine and pestilence; under the new regime low prices commonly mean privation and may on occasion mean famine. Under the old regime the question was whether the community's work was adequate to supply the community's needs; (under the new regime that question is not seriously entertained).

Use this short reading to explain the clause which is in bracket.



The clause's clarification indicates something which is given below.


Thus, once during the past, circumstances were wonderful or horrible to the point that new methods forever produced a satisfactory or insufficient performance of the process. Recently, to the degree that perhaps the market method yields a reasonable again that insufficient rate of advantages, times are wonderful or bad. He proposes an emergency theory here and lets these springs out of another payment activity. As we'd like to believe, this is the worst aspect of the entire novel.The laborers do not and should not control and regulate the technological machinery and processes as well as private ownership gains, and company performance must always be supervised by the industry. The source of labor, or the working people, will therefore not become merged into the above-mentioned ideally whole coalition, such that at the moment when the last step in the consistent with organizational has indeed been taken, the violent grinding between some of the combined market resources and the centralized laborer continues.

If sin A=3/5
and sinB =5/13
then the value of sin(A + B) is:




The value is 0.0171

In my opinion this should be the answer

what is the color of a god dam apple i said brown but clearly im wrong.


Answer: Red and green

Explanation: The color of an will be red or green. I hope this helps. :)

Correct me if I’m wrong! Thanks!





The Klyuchevskaya volcano is located in which of the following regions?
A the Ural Mountains
B. the Western Siberian Plain
C. the Central Siberian Plateau
D. the Eastern Siberian Highlands


Answer: Its D hope this helps


The Klyuchevskaya volcano is located in the Eastern Siberian Highlands. (D)

What are the different types of volcano?

There are three types of volcanoes: cinder cones (also called spatter cones), composite volcanoes (also called stratovolcanoes), and shield volcanoes. Shield volcanoes, which get their name from their broad rounded shape, are the largest.

What is a volcano?

A volcano is a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object, such as Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface. On Earth, volcanoes are most often found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging, and most are found underwater.

How are volcanoes formed?

A volcano is formed when hot molten rock, ash and gases escape from an opening in the Earth's surface. The molten rock and ash solidify as they cool, forming the distinctive volcano shape shown here. As a volcano erupts, it spills lava that flows downslope. Hot ash and gases are thrown into the air.

To learn more about The Klyuchevskaya volcano and Eastern Siberian Highlands refer





Mexico City, Mexico

Answer to: "What City is at approximately 23 degrees north?"

Answer:  Riyadh

Harriett Powers was born: Africa
b. into slavery,
C. in 1866
d. in Mexico



B. Into slavery


Harriett Powers was born into slavery. One of the most well-known quilters of southern African descent in the country is Harriet Powers. The correct option is (b).

What do you mean by the Harriett Powers?

American folk artist and quilter Harriet Powers lived from October 29, 1837, through January 1, 1910. She married early and had a big family after being born into slavery in a rural area in northeast Georgia.

She and her husband acquired land by the 1880s after the American Civil War and emancipation, but they lost it owing to financial difficulties.

Powers created quilts that depicted local tales, Bible stories, and astronomical phenomena using traditional appliqué techniques.

Therefore, Harriett Powers was born into slavery. One of the most well-known quilters of southern African descent in the country is Harriet Powers.

To know more about the Harriett Powers, visit:


How are the governments of Mexico and Brazil similar? Be sure to describe at least one challenge to democracy shared by both nations.



Both have federal governments that are elected by democrats and both have separation of powers.



both have separation of powers and Both have federal governments that are elected by democrats .


1) Whom did the Thirteen Colonies depended upon to
protect them from Native Americans and other
European countries (like France and Spain)?



britain I think

A researcher is conducting a study to determine how knowledgeable teenagers are about making good food choices. She decides to interview teenagers eating at a fast food restaurant. The results may be biased because this is a



convenience sampling


Convenience sampling is a kind of non-probability sampling that involves the sample from that part of the population that is under consideration.

A researcher is conducting a study to determine how knowledgeable teenagers are about making good food choices. She decides to interview teenagers eating at a fast food restaurant. The results may be biased because this is a convenience sampling.

Other Questions
someone help pleasethe options are1. y = 2x + 42. y = 1/2 x + 43. y = -1/2x + 4 4. y = -2x + 4 Read the passage.excerpt from The Story of My Lifeby Helen KellerAt the age of 18 months, Helen Keller was rendered deaf and blind. Unable to read, write, or speak, it was thought that Helen would never be able to communicate. "The Story of My Life" describes Helen's education with Anne Sullivan and the unorthodox teaching methods that enabled her to learn how to communicate and thrive.We read and studied out of doors, preferring the sunlit woods to the house. All my early lessons have in them the breath of the woodsthe fine, resinous odour of pine needles, blended with the perfume of wild grapes. Seated in the gracious shade of a wild tulip tree, I learned to think that everything has a lesson and a suggestion. The loveliness of things taught me all their use. Indeed, everything that could hum, or buzz, or sing, or bloom had a part in my educationnoisy-throated frogs, katydids and crickets held in my hand until forgetting their embarrassment, they trilled their reedy note, little downy chickens and wildflowers, the dogwood blossoms, meadow-violets and budding fruit trees. I felt the bursting cotton-bolls and fingered their soft fiber and fuzzy seeds; I felt the low soughing of the wind through the cornstalks, the silky rustling of the long leaves, and the indignant snort of my pony, as we caught him in the pasture and put the bit in his mouthah me! how well I remember the spicy, clovery smell of his breath!Sometimes I rose at dawn and stole into the garden while the heavy dew lay on the grass and flowers. Few know what joy it is to feel the roses pressing softly into the hand, or the beautiful motion of the lilies as they sway in the morning breeze. Sometimes I caught an insect in the flower I was plucking, and I felt the faint noise of a pair of wings rubbed together in a sudden terror, as the little creature became aware of a pressure from without.Another favourite haunt of mine was the orchard, where the fruit ripened early in July. The large, downy peaches would reach themselves into my hand, and as the joyous breezes flew about the trees the apples tumbled at my feet. Oh, the delight with which I gathered up the fruit in my pinafore, pressed my face against the smooth cheeks of the apples, still warm from the sun, and skipped back to the house!Our favourite walk was to Keller's Landing, an old tumbledown lumber-wharf on the Tennessee River, used during the Civil War to land soldiers. There we spent many happy hours and played at learning geography. I built dams of pebbles, made islands and lakes, and dug river-beds, all for fun, and never dreamed that I was learning a lesson. I listened with increasing wonder to Miss Sullivan's descriptions of the great round world with its burning mountains, buried cities, moving rivers of ice, and many other things as strange. She made raised maps in clay, so that I could feel the mountain ridges and valleys, and follow with my fingers the devious course of rivers. I liked this, too; but the division of the earth into zones and poles confused and teased my mind. The illustrative strings and the orange stick representing the poles seemed so real that even to this day the mere mention of temperate zone suggests a series of twine circles; and I believe that if any one should set about it he could convince me that white bears actually climb the North Pole.Part AWhat does Helen Keller's word choice in her description of her lessons with her teacher, Anne Sullivan, reveal about Keller? A. Her lessons are easier for her when she learns them outdoors. B.She feels connected to the natural world despite her lack of sight. 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