What is the difference of perception and imagination


Answer 1



the difference between imagination and perception is not understood, a person believes that what is in the mind and reality are one and the same. Thus, if he can imagine a wing falling off the plane, he believes it is possible, and thus is concerned about it.

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Check all that apply: functions of the skeletal system
a. stores
b. protects
c. supports
d. moves
e. produces blood cells
f. provides are for muscle attachment


Answer: a, b, c (this one is debatable), d, e, f

The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body. It gives the body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals. The skeletal system is also called the musculoskeletal system

example of chemical property​



in chemical reaction we find out that it is full of chemical

so please mark me as brainlist

why is my tough always white


You need to clean it either with a tongue scraper or with your toothbrush and some toothpaste

Which action is a way to best help remove the personal barrier of eating fast food?

Skip eating a meal.
Plan meals ahead of time.
Purchase processed TV dinners.
Eat meals in the car.



Plan meals ahead of time


can i plz have brainliest




Thanks for the points!!

How is decision-making relevant to time management?



It take time to make decisions and can cause stress


Several types of decisions help reduce the stress of urgency, deadlines and high demands on your time. ... Errors take time to correct and can lead to an ongoing cycle of more stress, greater urgency and ultimately more mistakes. Decision-making is crucial to time management.

Learning about how your body works will A. enable you to avoid all injury B. show you the field of medicine you belong in C. empower you to take care of it​





Muscles make up what percentage of the total body weight?






it is 40%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

. The sweet spot for receiving a volleyball is?

a. The hands b. The elbow c. Between the hands and elbow



Between the hands and elbows cause that is where it is most secure

Answer: Ball should come off the same spot on lower forearms

so its c


how does the nervous system work with the digestive system to make jump roping possible? please helppp​



jumping involves most of bodily muscles to bring far-reaching benefits to the bodyYour regular jumping boosts the level of oxygen to the body to bring instant and long-term benefitsWhen you do jump on regular basis, it boosts the G-force and improves your balance ability


hope i helped you out! :)

Which of the following is an uncontrollable risk factor that may affect physical activity throughout a person's life?
Family history
Lack of exercise
Poor diet
Tobacco use


lack off exercise, poor diet and tobacco use


lack of exercise can cause your muscles and bones to start getting old quicker and cause them to stop working as well
poor diet can cause you to not have energy to get up and move around as you should
and tobacco use can damage your heart and liver which can cause you to be at a high risk to have a stroke or heart attack

State of health and wellness in which people generally feel good about their present conditions is called what?


I have no idea what it’s called

Which of the following does long-distance running raise in the body?

A) VO2 max level

B) Blood sugar level

C) Blood pressure

D) LDL cholesterol


When you're running long, you're developing greater aerobic endurance so your body doesn't have to work as hard to attain the same performance level next time. The long runs strengthen your heart and open your capillaries, sending energy to working muscles and flushing waste products from fatigued muscles. So its D

Between which hours does the most significant drop in temperature occur for most patients?


Answer: The greatest decline occurs during the first half hour or phase 1 normally body he is maintained in an unevenly  distributed manner the temperature of core tissues is 2°C to 4°C greater than skin temperature


Teachers should exclude children with symptoms of ________ from school.
fifth disease
coxsackie virus





Among the choices above, "impetigo" is the most highly contagious disease. It is caused by bacteria that is responsible for causing lesions on the child's skin. It is advisable for kids to stay at home until a treatment is already given for the lesions. This is transmissible by mostly direct contact, thus it is very important for the sick person to stay at home and complete proper treatment (such as taking antibiotics). It can also be transmitted indirectly, for example by touching the person's soiled personal things.

4. ) Soccer can be played on grass or artificial turf and the surface can be any color.

a.) False
b.) True



because yeah

what is something that could cause someone to use social media more and ALSO cause them to be
depressed? Fill in a lurking var


Something that could cause someone to use social media may be the excitement of being in contact with different people around the world, or seeing funny memes, or videos, but cyber bullying can cause many to become depressed, people can be ruthless and bully one for their appearance, race, sexual orientation, religion, financial state, clothes, disabilities, etc.


the feeling of being ALONE you can also be somebody else on social media you can hide from being your true self.


Question 3

Diana has just been diagnosed with "pre-diabetes," and her doctor has instructed her to watch her intake of sugar. This is easy at home, but this weekend she will be going to a restaurant with her family. What should she do?

A. Order anything on the menu labeled "sugar-free" or "fat-free."

B. Use a phone app to check the sugar content in items or ingredients on the menu.

C. Order something off the salad options and skip the soda or dessert.

D. Split an entrée with a friend to reduce her calorie intake at the meal.



Order anything on the menu labeled "sugar-free" or "fat-free."


Ample research evidence supports the fact that reduction in sugar and fat diets is a relevant treatment for pre-diabetes. If the sugar and fat intake of the patient is reduced, the blood sugar levels may be lowered because more sugar is prevented from entering into the patient's blood stream. Reducing sugar intake can also help reverse insulin resistance.

Intake of a diet of sugar that digest quickly may lead to a spike in blood sugar  level of a  pre-diabetes patient, the body often find it difficult to lower blood sugar levels after such a meal. Hence, ordering anything on the menu labeled "sugar-free" or "fat-free" can help to minimize Diana's spikes in sugar level.


answer is A


How do project goals affect project culture and management



Project management is the process of leading the work of a team to achieve goals and meet success criteria at a specified time. The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints. This information is usually described in project documentation, created at the beginning of the development process.


Project goals do not have an effect on project culture or. management styles. The more risk and danger involved in a project, the less. management control is needed.

To feel pain on your incision, you must get the message from what division?



isnt incision when u like cut someone open or do a surgery??


which is NOT a good characteristic of good mental and emotional health



being overwhelmed by everyday challengest


can you please mark me brainliest?

Describe three small changes that you can make to your current eating habits to support a healthier lifestyle. Be specific. Use the Internet if you need to do additional research.



Explanation: Drinking water, eating vegetables, laughing more, and walking around your neighborhood.


Any individual can become healthier by following these steps:

Increasing their level of activity: It is important to keep oneself active. A sedentary lifestyle isn’t healthy. A person can make small changes, such as choosing the staircase over an elevator. It helps to have a regular exercise routine. Adults should exercise for at least 30 minutes, five days a week, or at least 2.5 hours per week. Children should exercise for at least an hour daily. The exercise can be vigorous or of moderate intensity—walking, lifting weights, running, playing sports, or aerobics. The exercise should be vigorous enough to lead to an elevated heart rate and sweating.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet: A person’s diet should contain food from all the major food groups—fruits, vegetable, grains, proteins, and dairy. A balanced diet is one that provides all the essential nutrients—carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Choose low-fat, low-calorie items from each of the major food groups. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate offer good guidelines. According to the Dietary Guidelines, the recommended daily calorie count for adult women is 1,800 to 2,200 calories, and for adult men, 2,400 to 2,800 calories. Less active people can refer to the lower limit, while more active people should look at the upper limit.

Controlling stress: When people have a lot of stress in their life, they are likely to suffer from conditions such as headache, anger problems, drug abuse, eating disorders, and fatigue. They should address the reasons for the stress. For example, a person who is stressed due to financial reasons should plan and budget to minimize bills. If they have friends that stress them out, they should avoid interacting with them. For stressors that may not be in a person’s control, such as work pressure, they should learn coping techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization.

Quitting unhealthy habits: Unhealthy habits, such as smoking, abusing alcohol, or using drugs go against the principles of a healthy lifestyle. These habits have a negative effect on health. They increase the risk of cancer, decrease mental capacity, and affect mood. If people are unable to quit these habits on their own, they should contact a doctor or addiction specialist to help them come up with a plan to help them quit.

list of any 10 methods that you
apply to make your family heathy​



Eat a variety of foods

Base your diet on plenty of foods rich in carbohydrates

Replace saturated with unsaturated fat

Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables

Reduce salt and sugar intake

Eat regularly, control the portion size

Drink plenty of fluids

Maintain a healthy body weight

Get on the move, make it a habit!

Start now and keep changing gradually.


Does threating to hit someone count as verbal or physical abuse​



Verbal Abuse


When you threaten someone, you aren't touching the person, so it's verbal abuse not physical. Both are very wrong regardless of what happens.


Verbal abuse


Because with the society we live in today, these snowflakes cant handle words, so they had to make a punishment for that.


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Learning to recognize feelings and express them appropriately is the process of moral development.





I'm not quite sure but I think so

1. Taking responsibility for your own health
is part of practicing..



Have a commitment to take charge of your actions and behaviors.


Which of the following is an effect of sleep deprivation over time on the immune system?
A. A decreased amount id cytokines, making a person more susceptible to disease and infection B. An increase in stress hormones, causing a person’s risk of heart attack to increase C. An decrease amount of muscle mass, leading to obesity D. An increase in blood sugar levels, leading to a person become obese or developing diabetes



The answer is A.


Hope it helps! <3

The effect of sleep deprivation over time on the immune system is that it decreases amount of cytokines, making a person more susceptible to disease and infection. That is option A.

What are cytokines?

Cytokines are proteins of the immune system that controls the growth and activity of other immune system cells and blood cells.

The level of secretion of cytokines is affected by stress.

Sleep deprivation is a type of stress to the body which causes these immune proteins, cytokines, to decrease making a person more susceptible to disease and infection.

Learn more about immune system here:



Many cities in Texas, such as El Paso and San Antonio reflect the cultural legacy of —







spain is the correct answer

Answer is Spain your your welcome :)

Which statement is most correct about self-esteem? A. Self-esteem is set by the teen years. B. Self-esteem is set at birth. C. Self-esteem begins at birth and continues to change throughout life. D. Self-esteem begins to develop in the teen years and ends by early adulthood.



the answer is c


Self-esteem is an important psychological factor, so the answer is C. Self-esteem begins at birth and continues to change throughout life.

What is Self-esteem ?

Self-esteem is the image and opinion, positive or negative, that each one has and makes of himself. It is built from personal

ExperiencesEmotionsBeliefsBehaviorsSelf-image and The image that others have of us.

With this information, we can say that self-esteem will always be molded to the individual's personal present time.

Learn more about Self-esteem in https://brainly.com/question/1969367

(WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST) What are some ways to stay focused when doing online schooling?


A lot of caffeine if you don't wanna ruin your lungs, vaping and smoking are stress relievers and I heard that it helps with homework but since I'm a xc runner that wouldn't be very good on my lungs and I don't recommend it.
Get enough sleep. Dont go on your phone too much. Make sure your room is quiet. And take breaks when you need them
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