write the use of hydraulic press


Answer 1


Hydraulic presses are used for ;

ForgingClinchingMouldingBlankingPunchingDeep drawing Metal forming operations. Creating more intricate shapes Can be economical with materials.


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Five data entry operators work at the data processing department of the Birmingham Bank. Each day for 30​ days, the number of defective records in a sample of 200 records typed by these operators has been​ noted, as​ follows:                                                                                                                       Sample No. No. Defectives Sample No. No. Defectives Sample No. No. Defectives 1 7 11 6 21 18 2 6 12 6 22 12 3 20 13 15 23 6 4 10 14 3 24 6 5 10 15 11 25 14 6 8 16 7 26 9 7 12 17 13 27 14 8 10 18 5 28 6 9 5 19 17 29 11 10 14 20 16 30 4 ​a) Establish 3sigma upper and lower control limits. UCL Subscript p ​=



UCL =  22.336

LCL=  -2.936


Sple No. No. Defectives Sple No. No. Defectives Sple No. No. Defectives

1             7                               11                   6                    21 1             8

2             6                             12                   6                     22           12

3             20                           13                      15                    23          6

4               10                           14                        3                    24        6

5               10                            15                         11               25          14

6              8                              16                    7                     26           9

7             12                               17                     13                  27          14

8                10                                18                  5                     28       6

9                  5                             19                       17                  29       11

10                14                             20                     16                30          4


UCL= X~+ 3σ

LCL= X~- 3σ

Using calculator we get

X`= ∑x/n=7 + 6 +18+ 6 + 6  +12 + 20+  15 + 6 + 10 + 3+  6 + 10 + 11+  14+  8+  7+ 9+  12 + 13+  14 + 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 17 +11+  14+  16+  4/30 ​=  9.7        

σ= 4.212

UCL = 9.7 + 3(4.212) = 22.336

LCL= 9.7 - 3(4.212) = -2.936

How do any of these life decision problems



baseially you are putting in a person is affecting your life. you come up with a solution. write a postive way to solve it then right a negavitve way to solve it.  then write when you are going to solve  your problem. then the steps that are needed.

Why does a business often reach a point at which adding more resources does not increase productivity or profits at the same rate it used to? (diminishing returns, stages of production)



diminishing returns,


The law of diminishing marginal returns claims that the returns from the input will first increase at an increasing rate until production reaches an optimal level. After the optimal level, and holding the other factors constant, the returns from the output will start diminishing and eventually turn negative.

Diminishing returns concepts apply in the short term, where only variable inputs can change. For example, in a factory setting, the optimal production capacity is fixed in the short-run. Additional usage of a variable such as labor increase returns until the factor reaches its optimal capital. Additional hiring of labor results in diminishing returns in labor output.

The law of diminishing marginal returns claims that the returns from the input will first increase at an increasing rate until production reaches an optimal level. After the optimal level, and holding the opposite factors constant, the returns from the output will start diminishing and eventually turn negative.

Diminishing returns

Diminishing returns concepts apply within the short term, where only variable inputs can change. for instance, in a very factory setting, the optimal production capacity is fixed within the short run. Additional usage of a variable like labor increase returns until the factor reaches its optimal capital. Additional hiring of labor leads to diminishing returns of parturient output.

Find out more information about Diminishing returns here:


How has banking changed in the past 200 years of our nation's history?


Banking has changed in the past 200 years of our nation's history because:

Everything is digitized and more efficient

Banking is the institution which basically keeps money of its customers and allows them to perform financial transactions, collect overdrafts, send and receive money, give interests and many more.

As a result of this, we can see that there are differences in how banking was two hundred years ago and today. Back then, banking was not digitized as people exchanged money by hand and stored their money wherever they felt was safe for them.

Read more here:


Karl’s Sporting Goods started as a small shop catering to the fly-fishing crowd but as requests were made for different and varied goods, it branched out into an outdoor-sports store. Karl caters to his core customer base of hunters and fishermen, but stocks the latest outdoor gear for those who want to incorporate other sports such as backpacking into their hunting and fishing experience. Due to space limitations, he does not carry mountain bikes, but does carry gear for them. Since Karl’s is not located near the ocean or a large body of water, he does not carry wetsuits or other watersports equipment, but he does carry gear that would be required for wading in cold mountain rivers and streams, and canoes and kayaks. His marketing is directed toward hunters and fishermen, but includes activities, events, and sales aimed at bringing outdoor enthusiasts with other interests into his store. Over the past month, he has received numerous request for rock climbing gear. As a result of t


The full question is:

Karl's Sporting Goods started as a small shop catering to the fly-fishing crowd but as requests were made for different and varied goods, it branched out into an outdoor-sports store. Karl caters to his core customer base of hunters and fishermen, but stocks the latest outdoor gear for those who want to incorporate other sports such as backpacking into their hunting and fishing experience. Due to space limitations, he does not carry mountain bikes, but does carry gear for them. Since Karl's is not located near the ocean or a large body of water, he does not carry wetsuits or other watersports equipment, but he does carry gear that would be required for wading in cold mountain rivers and streams, and canoes and kayaks. His marketing is directed toward hunters and fishermen, but includes activities, events, and sales aimed at bringing outdoor enthusiasts with other interests into his store. Over the past month, he has received numerous request for rock climbing gear. As a result of these requests, Karl has entered into negotiations with three providers of high-quality rock climbing shoes and gear. What do Karl's activities show about his marketing for Karl's Sporting Goods?


He has a marketing concept and is acting on it.


A marketing concept is the way by which businesses identify the needs of customers and come up with strategic ways of meeting those needs better than competing firms.

Different marketing concepts include: production concept, product concept, selling concept, marketing concept, and the societal marketing concept.

In the given scenario Karl's sporting goods only catered for fly fishers but as demand for other items increased they branched into other outdoor sport items.

He is stocking gear for swimming, rock climbing, and mountain bikers through partnership with suppliers even if they are not his primary market.

This is acting on marketing concept to be able to meet demand for the other outdoor sporting activities he does not normally supply

Which document would be issued to a limited company giving it permission to trade


There are a few and you have to keep in mind that it could vary from one country to another
-Memorandum of Association. - This is short form which sets out the initial shareholders
-Articles of Association. - This forms a rulebook binding all of the company members.
-Statement of Capital Holdings (Form IN01) - This sets out the name and addresses of the directors, where the registered office is and how much share capital there will be.
-Certificate of Incorporation – This is a legal document relating to the formation of a corporation. This confirms a company has been incorporated under the Companies Act 2006

For this assignment, you will create a budget using the Cost of Living Worksheet. (Do not round any percentages.)

Cost of Living Worksheet
Your job: Sales Representative
Average Salary: $36,000 annually / $3,000 monthly. Note: these are pre-tax amounts, so your take-home pay will be roughly $2,000 monthly.

Based on your salary, what percentage of your monthly take-home pay will go to each of the following expenses? You will use $2,000 as your total take-home pay for the month.

Instructions: Fill in the last column with the correct percentage. The first one, the apartment, has already been done for you. The apartment is $500/$2000 = .25. So, 25% of your monthly total take-home pay goes towards rent. Complete and submit your assignment to 04.01 Your Money Now.

Expense Amount Paid % of total take-home pay of $2,000 per month
Apartment Rent (1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment) $500/month 25%
Car Payment (purchased used 4-door sedan) $250/month
Insurance (renter’s insurance, car insurance, health/dental insurance) $200/month
Gas/Parking $200/month
Groceries $360/month
Utilities (electricity, water, gas, garbage, cable) $80/month
Clothing budget $50/month
Entertainment (movies, eating out, etc.) $50/month
Savings Account $150/month
Emergency Fund (car accident, sick leave, house fire, etc.) $115/month
Total expenses $1,955/month



1- 25%

2- 12.5%

3- 10%

4- 10%

5- 18%

6- 4%

7- 2.5%

8- 2.5%

9- 7.5%

10- 7.5%

Total expenses =97.75%


You divide everything,So for example 500 divided by 2000=0.25

Then you turn it into a % so 25%




1- 25%

2- 12.5%

3- 10%

4- 10%

5- 18%

6- 4%

7- 2.5%

8- 2.5%

9- 7.5%

10- 7.5%

Total expenses =97.75%


Your brother has cooked the books and skimmed money because he has six kids, one ex-wife, and may lose his home. The corporation's ISP sues the corporation for defaulting on the Web design and hosting contract, which you signed, claiming that the corporation is a sham corporation. You and your mom are personally liable.





false (?)


I have no explanation




Did on Edg

What are some typical roles filled by the construction manager? (Select all that apply.)

responding to emergencies
designing exterior spaces
preparing budgets
conducting structural calculations
establishing a project timetable



Construction managers typically do the following:

1. Prepare cost estimates, budgets, and work timetables.

2. Interpret and explain contracts and technical information to other   professionals.

3. Report work progress and budget matters to clients.

4. Collaborate with architects, engineers, and other construction specialists.


The answer is responding to emergencies and conducting structural calculations and establishing a project timetable.

Did Sue draw this circle​ change into passive voice



Was this circle drawn by Sue?


If a person wants to work from home in the Business, Management and Administrative careers, what is required?
a cubicle to keep the person on task
a private office to protect confidential information
proper technology to keep the person connected
proper travel arrangements to meet with customers



proper technology to keep the person connected


proper technology to keep the person connected


A person in the  Business, Management, and Administrative career have a desk and computer in the office. For them to work efficiently, they will need to have a similar setting at home. In the office, they are most likely connected to the company's private network via the intranet.

To work from home efficiently, the person will need a strong and reliable technology to stay in touch with the official business. He or she will require access to the office files and programs while at home. Technology will be required to facilitate the seamless flow of information between him, his colleagues, and supervisors.

Argue why it is important for farmers to create three separate budgets.


They will split their budget up for different things, house, equipment, crops, combined this iss their total income but it is separate so you don’t over lap and not spend too much on equipment but then not have enough to weed your crops


which of these would be considered an issue of law?
a. being excessively tardy
b. helping a child cross the street
c. lying to a friend
d. stealing from a store


D would be the correct answer due to the fact it is the only illegal option.


Stealing from a store

Revise the following sentences to conform to standard business communication principles. Add appropriate details as needed to complete the ideas. First, identify the error(s): if you want to order a copy of the training video call



If you would like to purchase or rent a copy of the training video call please contact me.


you want to be as professional as possible

informational facts about airplanes


when you put your phone on airplane mode while on a flight it will fly

Which is a requirement for an acceptance?

mirror image of offer
intent to contract
all of the above


All of the above

The offer must be mirrored, the first party must have an intent to contract, and that intent must be communicated for the second party to know, for sure, that a specific contract is agreed upon for acceptance.

Please mark as Brainliest if you found this helpful.

The answer above is correct my dude

Parent's Signature:------------
Balances brought forward: Cash $ 1620, Bank $9800
Trade Payables: Blue $ 800; Red $1200; White $2000
Trade Receivables: G Graham $500; A Ahmed $180; R Brown $640
The following paid their accounts by cheque, in each case deducting 5% cash discounts:
G Graham $500; A Ahmed $180; R Brown $640
Sold goods on credit Alan $900
Paid rent by cheque $350
H Mohamed lent us $6700 by cheque
We paid the following accounts by cheque in each case deducting 2 %% cash discount:
Blue $ 800; Red $1200; White $2000
Alan paid us the amount owed by him after allowing the discount of 10%
Paid motor expenses in cash $120
P Jack pays his account of $210, by cash $200, deducting $10 cash discount
Cash withdrawn from the bank for business use, $650
Paid wages in cash in cash $ 140
Cash withdrawn from the bank for personal use, $300
Received commission by cheque $260
Purchased furniture for $2200 and paid half of it by cheque
Cash deposited to bank account $600
Three Column Cash Book
DA (S)
DR(S) Cash(s)
Cash($) Bank ($)
1620 9800 1
A Sep Balance b/a



its good


it's great vsvhebejehsdhdbehhebehdbeh


Manni wants to start a paper company. He needs to find a place where he can have access to lumber so he can create his products. Which category of economic resource does he require?


entrepreneurial ability




I think land


because he needs the wood to make paper, and wood makes paper so

The Correct Answer: land

Your plan projects revenue of $5,000, $8,000, and $10,000 in years 1 through 3. Expenses are projected to be $9,000 for each of years 1 through 3. If your only funding need is the gap between revenue and expenses, which is the best estimate of your maximum cumulative funding need?

a) $0
b) $1,000
c) $4,000
d) $50,000



c) $4,000


The only funding needed is the difference between revenue and expense.

For year 1: funding required is $9,000 -$5000 = $4000

For year 2: funding required is$ 9,000 - $8000 = $1000

For year 3: funding required is $9000 -$10,000 = -$1000

cumulative funding = $4000, + $1000 + (-$1000)

=$5000 - $1000


Reka Rahim is employed at Damon's Deli. She has family medical coverage through the company's group medical plan. The annual cost of Reka's family coverage is $12,800. The company pays 80% of the cost. How much is deducted from her biweekly paycheck for medical insurance?



$98.46 per biweekly payment


the total cost of Reka's health insurance = $12,800

her employer pays = $12,800 x 805 = $10,240

Reka must pay = $12,800 - $10,240 = $2,560

there are 52 weeks in a year, so Reka receives 52 / 2 = 26 biweekly payments

amount deducted per biweekly payment = $2,560 / 26 = $98.46

what are the basic element of selection of profession describe any two of them​



Basic elements of selection of profession are:

i. Knowledge

ii. Skill

iii. Demand

iv. Importance

v. Scope

vi. Interest

Knowledge: A person must have knowledge about the profession while selection. If a person has knowledge about all the basic things, and key factors which can help him to get success and run the profession properly then he/she can get achievement in profession. But if a person doesn't have knowledge while selecting profession of his/her kind he/she will be failure in the profession. So knowledge is a very important element of selection of profession.

Demand : A person should select a profession which is highly demanded in society. If a person is knowledgeable and skilled then it will be beneficial for him/her to select a profession according to the demand of people. When a skilled person involves in a job concerning the demand of people he/she can earn so much profit because of the popularity and reputation of the profession. In this way, demand is also an important elemeny of selection of profession.


Pls mark me brainliest if u like the answer :)

Knowledge, skill, demand, importance, scope, and interest are the fundamental factors in choosing a vocation.

What is knowledge?

Knowledge is frequently interpreted as being aware of facts or as having practical abilities, but it can also entail being familiar with things or circumstances. Propositional knowledge, also known as knowledge of the facts, is frequently characterized as a true belief that can be distinguished from opinion or conjecture by the use of evidence.

When choosing a profession, a person must be knowledgeable about it. A person can achieve in their profession if they are knowledgeable about all the fundamental concepts and important elements that can help them succeed and manage their profession effectively. However, a person will fail in their chosen profession if they don't have information when choosing a profession that suits them. Therefore, choosing a vocation requires careful consideration of knowledge.

Learn more about knowledge, from:



The worst possible consequence of conflict is ______. a. Stress b. Hurtful words c. Damaged relationships d. Violence Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D





The worst possible consequence of conflict is Violence. Thus the correct option is D.

What is a conflict?

Conflicts refer to situations when two individuals involved in a conversation share differences of opinions which causes disagreement between them and creates arguments in order to prove them stronger conflicts raises.

Conflicts can be a foundation for violence, most confrontations have a favorable outcome and do not escalate to violence. When there is a difference of opinion and no resolution is found, it enrages people and leads to violence.

When two parties believe that their objectives are incompatible, conflict develops. The diverse ways senior managers are rewarded within a company frequently lead to contradictory aims.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about conflict, here:



which of the following factors are likely to strengthen a diverse family?
1. Family using their gadgets during breakfast
2. Family playing in the park
3. Mother busy on her laptop ignoring her daughter
4. Farther explaining family traditions to son


Family playing in the park :)



For all Plato users


Adalaide is considering switching cell phone plans. Though the new plan is slightly more each month, she’ll be able to get a new phone sooner. When making this financial decision, what should Adalaide keep in mind?

A. Only major financial commitments will affect your overall financial status.

B. Any small financial commitments will make no effect on your financial standing.

C. Both small and large financial decisions can influence your financial health.



Though the new plan is slightly more each month, she'll be able to get a new phone sooner. When making this financial decision, what should Adalaide keep in mind? Only major financial commitments will affect your overall financial status. Any small financial commitments will make no effect on your financial standing.

When making this financial decision Only major financial commitments will affect your overall financial status should Adalaide keep in mind. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a financial status?

Financial status can be defined as the statement with States the income as well as expenses of a particular person's first stop clearly defined that the fund is being used for all updates. This gives the financial position of the individual or a company.

In this, as an Adalaide switched cell phone plant there is only a slide difference in the monthly plan but this will not affect in a very big or significant way the financial status of the financial structure for her overall new phone decision. As she can adjust us light expenses in other things or grocery.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Financial status, here:



In order to decrease their level of pollution, Jean and Rhonda decided to _______. a. ride the bus to work instead of walking b. drive separately instead of taking the train c. ride the train instead of riding their bikes d. carpool instead of driving separately Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


Answer: d. carpool instead of driving separately


The best option is the one that leaves the least carbon footprint on the planet.

If they ride the bus instead of walking, the bus would burn more fuel (carbon) to carry them as opposed to if they simply walked.

If they drive separately instead of taking the train, the two cars would cause more pollution than if they took a train.

If they ride the train instead of their bikes, the train would burn more fuel or use more electricity to carry them as opposed to them simply using bicycles which do not cause pollution when used.

If they however carpool instead of driving separately, they would decrease their level of pollution because one car would cause less pollution than two.


D. carpool instead of driving separately

Hope this helps!


Choose the answer.
This is one of the few languages that is accepted and supported by all major
browsers without the need for plug-ins or compilers. Choose the answer
C. JavaScript


C. Java script

I think srry if im wrong

If two or more people own a business equally, it is called a
O corporation
O sole proprietorship
O partnership
O limited liability company





A partnership is a formal arrangement by two or more parties to manage and operate a business and share its profits.

Partnetship it’s when two or more people own a business

_____ was withheld specifically for the tax that is used to pay for a healthcare program.
_____ was withheld for the payroll tax that specifically supports retired and disabled citizens.
_____ If this individual made more money, the amount withheld for Social Security would


Answer: First : 612.65$

second :   2567.45$

Third : Increase

Explanation: i did this by self its surity



First Sentence: $612.65

Second Sentence: $2567.45

Third Sentence: Increase


Edgen 2020

Why could the invention of new technology lead to new business ideas?


ANSWER: Another reason why entrepreneurs come up with new business ideas is that consumers' wants and needs also move on over time. As you saw in the Deliveroo case study, changes in lifestyle and technology have an impact on what consumers want, and entrepreneurs create businesses to satisfy these new demands.

In 2-5 paragraphs, describe how using active listening at work can help you be a better employee.


Here I wrote and pictured it on pc
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