Determine the Northward and the Eastward components of a 75 m long displacement vector which points in a direction of 27^o E of N.


Answer 1


Eastward = 34.05m

Northward = 66.8m


First, let's define our coordinate axis.

I will choose the North as the positive y-axis and the East as the positive x-axis.

Now we will work with polar coordinates, r and θ and remember that if we want to recover the rectangular coordinates, we need to compute:

x = r*cos(θ)

y = r*sin(θ)

(remember that θ is measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis)

Now we have:

"... 75 m long displacement vector..."

r = 75m

"...points in a direction of 27° E of N..."

This means that the measure is from the positive y-axis, clockwise (so this is not equivalent to θ).

Now, remember that the angle between the positive y-axis and the positive x-axis is 90°.

Then we will have that θ is the complementary angle to 27°, or:

θ = 90° - 27° = 63°

Now we have θ and r, then we can calculate the rectangular components:

x = 75m*cos(63°) = 34.05m (this is the Eastward component)

y = 75m*sin(63°) = 66.8m (this is the Northward component)

Related Questions

The Jamaican Bobsled Team is sliding down a hill in a toboggan at a rate of 5 m/s when he reaches an even steeper slope. If he accelerates at 2 m/s2 for the 5 m slope, how fast is he traveling when he reaches the bottom of the 5 m slope?



6.7 m/s



Δx = 5 m

v₀ = 5 m/s

a = 2 m/s²

Find: v

v² = v₀² + 2aΔx

v² = (5 m/s)² + 2 (2 m/s²) (5 m)

v = 6.7 m/s

An object moving 20 m/s
experiences an acceleration of 4 m/s' for 8
seconds. How far did it move in that time?
Equation and Solve:



We are given:

initial velocity (u) = 20m/s

acceleration (a) = 4 m/s²

time (t) = 8 seconds

displacement (s) = s m

Solving for Displacement:

From the seconds equation of motion:

s = ut + 1/2 * at²

replacing the variables

s = 20(8) + 1/2 * (4)*(8)*(8)

s = 160 + 128

s = 288 m

The interaction between electrical energy and magnetism has been an important
topic in 20th century science, Which term describes this interaction?





I say maybe because it will help them still but not quite

Take the regular compass and hold it so the case is vertical. Now use it to investigate the direction of the coil’s magnetic field at locations other than the central axis. What happens as you move away from the center axis toward the coil? What happens above the coil? Outside the coil? Below the coil?



Please find the answer in the explanation


Take the regular compass and hold it so the case is vertical. Now use it to investigate the direction of the coil’s magnetic field at locations other than the central axis.

What happens as you move away from the center axis toward the coil? The direction of the magnetic compass needle will move in an opposite direction since the direction of the induced voltage is reversed.

What happens above the coil?

the needle on the magnetic compass will be deflected. Since compasses work by pointing along magnetic field lines

Outside the coil? The magnetic compass needle will experience no deflection. Since there is no induced voltage or current.

Below the coil?

The needle will move in an opposite direction.

The precision value of measuring tape is








precision is how close two or more measurements are to each other



sorry im not sure but

You can always take a metre ruler as a starting point. Your metre ruler has the same precision as your 15.0cm or 30.0cm ruler, so bring a ruler during exams as they'll come in handy ;)

The order goes like this:

rulers: 0.1cm or 1mm

measuring tape: 0.01cm or 0.1mm

vernier calipers: 0.001cm or 0.01mm

micrometer screw gauge: 0.0001cm or 0.001mm

((if i'm not wrong))

A 1870 kg car traveling at 13.5 m/s collides with a 2970 kg car that is initally at rest at a stoplight. The cars stick together and move 1.93 m before friction causes them to stop. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between the cars and the road, assuming that the negative acceleration is constant and all wheels on both cars lock at the time of impact.



The value  is [tex]  \mu  = 0.72  [/tex]


From the question we are told that

   The mass of the first car is  [tex]m_1  =  1870\ kg[/tex]

    the initial  speed of the car  is  [tex]u  =  13.5 \  m/s[/tex]

    The  mass of the second car is  [tex]m_2 =  2970\  kg[/tex]

    The distance move by both cars is  s =  1.93  m

Generally from the law of momentum conservation

    [tex]m_1 * u_1 + m_2 *  u_2  =  (m_1 + m_2 ) *  v_f[/tex]

Here [tex]u_2  =  0[/tex] because the second car is at rest

and  [tex]v_f[/tex] is the final  velocity of the the two car


    [tex]1870*  13.5+ 0=  ( 1870 + 2970 ) *  v_f[/tex]      

=> [tex]v_f  =  5.22\  m/s[/tex]

Generally from kinematic equation

    [tex]v_f^2 = u_2^2  +  2as[/tex]

here a is the deceleration


    [tex]5.22^2 = 0  +  2 *a  *  1.93[/tex]

=> [tex]a =  7.06 \  m/s^2 [/tex]

Generally the frictional  force is equal to the force propelling the car , this can be mathematically represented as

   [tex]F_f  =  F[/tex]

Here  F is mathematically represented as

[tex]F =  (m_1 + m_2) *  a[/tex]

[tex]F =  (1870 + 2970) *  7.06 [/tex]    

[tex]F =34170.4 \ N[/tex]  


[tex]F_f  =  \mu *  (m_1 + m_2 ) *  g[/tex]

[tex]F_f  =  47432 * \mu [/tex]


[tex]  47432 * \mu   = 34170.4  [/tex]

=> [tex]  47432 * \mu   = 34170.4  [/tex]

=> [tex]  \mu  = 0.72  [/tex]

The speed of a car is decreasing from 35 m/s to 15 m/s in 4s


If you are looking for the acceleration
a = -20/4 = -5 m/s^2

A mountain climber, in the process of crossing between two cliffs by a rope, pauses to rest. She weighs 555 N. As the drawing shows, she is closer to the left cliff than to the right cliff, with the result that the tensions in the left and right sides of the rope are not the same. Find the tension in the rope to the left of the mountain climber.


Complete Question

The diagram for this question is shown on the first uploaded image


The tension in the rope on the left of the mountain climber is [tex] T_a = 1106 \ N [/tex]


From the question we are told that

The weight of the mountain climber is m = 555 N

Generally from the diagram , the total amount of force acting on the rope along the vertical axis at equilibrium is mathematically represented as  

       [tex]T_a*  cos 65 -555 + T_b * cos(85) =  0[/tex]

Here  [tex]T_a, T_b[/tex] are the tension of the rope on the left and on the right hand side


    [tex]0.423T_a   + 0.0871T_b  =  555[/tex]

=>   [tex] 0.0871T_b  =  555 - 0.423T_a[/tex]

=>   [tex] T_b  =  \frac{555 - 0.423T_a}{0.0871}[/tex]

Generally from the diagram , the total amount of force acting on the rope along the horizontal  axis at equilibrium is mathematically represented as

      [tex]T_a*  sin 65 - T_b * sin(85) =  0[/tex]

=>     [tex] 0.9063T_a - 0.9962T_b =  0[/tex]

=>     [tex] 0.9063T_a =   0.9962T_b [/tex]

=>     [tex] 0.9063T_a =   0.9962[\frac{555 - 0.423T_a}{0.0871}] [/tex]

=>     [tex] 0.9063T_a =   [\frac{552.891 - 0.421T_a}{0.0871}] [/tex]

=>    [tex] 0.0789T_a =   [552.891 - 0.421T_a[/tex]

=>    [tex] 0.4999T_a =   552.891 [/tex]

=>      [tex] T_a = 1106 \ N [/tex]

A child and sled with a combined mass of 53.9 kg slide down a frictionless slope. If the sled starts from rest and has a speed of 5.71 m/s at the bottom, what is the height of the hill





Using the conservation law


mgh = 1/2mv²

gh = V²/2

g is the acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/s²

h is the height of the hill

V is the velocity = 5.71m/s


9.81h = 5.71²/2

Cross multiply

2×9.81h = 5.71²

19.62h = 32.6041

h = 32.6041/19.62

h = 1.66m

Hence the height of the hill is 1.66m

Calculate the work WC done by the gas during the isothermal expansion. Express WC in terms of p0, V0, and Rv.


Complete Question

The complete question is shown on the first and second uploaded image


The expression is  [tex]W_c =  P_o V_o ln (R_v)[/tex]  


Generally smallest workdone done by  a gas is mathematically represented as

          [tex]dW  =  PdV[/tex]

Generally for an isothermal process

    [tex]PV  =  nRT = constant [/tex]

=>   [tex]P = \frac{nRT}{V}[/tex]

Generally the total workdone is mathematically represented as

   [tex]W_c =  \int\limits^{v_f}_{V_o} {\frac{nRT}{V} } \, dV[/tex]

=> [tex]W_c = nRT  \int\limits^{V_f}_{V_o} {\frac{1}{V} } \, dV[/tex]

=>  [tex]nRT [lnV]   | \left \ {V_f}} \atop {V_o}} \right.[/tex]

=>  [tex]W_c = nRT [ln(V_f) - ln(V_o)][/tex]

=>  [tex]W_c = nRT ln \frac{V_f}{V_o}[/tex]

From the question [tex]\frac{V_f}{V_o }  =  R_v[/tex]

=> [tex]W_c =  P Vln (R_v)[/tex]

at initial  state

[tex]W_c =  P_o V_o ln (R_v)[/tex]  

In a spy movie, the hero, James, stands on a scale that is positioned horizontally on the floor. It registers his weight as 810 N . Unknown to our hero, the floor is actually a trap door, and when the door suddenly disappears, James and the scale fall at the acceleration of gravity, down towards an unknown fate. As James falls, he looks at the scale to see his weight. What does he see



His weight would be zero on the scale i.e he is weightless at that instance.


weight = mg

where m is the mass of the object, and g is the acceleration of gravity.

⇒ 810 = mg

During free fall, the weight of an object can be determined by:

W = mg - ma (provided that acceleration of gravity is greater than acceleration of the object)

where a is the acceleration of the object.

But since James fall at the acceleration of gravity, then:

g = a

mg = ma = 810 N

So that;

W = 810 - 810

    = 0 N

Therefore though the weight of James is 810 N, but the scale reads 0 N. this condition is referred to as weightlessness.

the neuron is considered a (a. Cell. (B.artery. (C. Vein



A Cell


Neurons are considered a cell :)

color code of electrical resistors​



Tolerance: [tex]\pm 10\%[/tex]


Resistor Color Codes

Resistor Color Coding uses colored bands to quickly identify the resistive value or resistors and its percentage of tolerance.

Since the question does not provide a specific color table, we'll use the table attached below.

The colors of the resistor shown in the question are:

First band: orange

Second band: blue

Third band: brown

Fourth band: silver

The colors relate to the following numbers respectively:

3, 6, 10Ω, [tex]\pm 1\%[/tex]

The first two colors form the number 36

The third color is the multiplier: 36*10Ω = 360Ω

And the fourth color is the tolerance or the possible variation of the resistance [tex]\pm 1\%[/tex]

Resistance: 360Ω

Tolerance: [tex]\pm 10\%[/tex]

A car traveling at 27 m/s slams on its brakes to come to a stop. It decelerates at a rate of 8 m/s2 . What is the stopping distance of the car?


v² - u² = 2 ax

where u = initial velocity (27 m/s), v = final velocity (0), a = acceleration (-8 m/s², taken to be negative because we take direction of movement to be positive), and ∆x = stopping distance.


0² - (27 m/s)² = 2 (-8 m/s²) ∆x

x = (27 m/s)² / (16 m/s²)

x ≈ 45.6 m

The stopping distance of car achieved during the braking is of 45.56 m.

Given data:

The initial speed of car is, u = 27 m/s.

The final speed of car is, v = 0 m/s. (Because car comes to stop finally)

The magnitude of deacceleration is, [tex]a = 8\;\rm m/s^{2}[/tex].

In order to find the stopping distance of the car, we need to use the third kinematic equation of motion. Third kinematic equation of motion is the relation between the initial speed, final speed, acceleration and distance covered.



Here, s is the stopping distance.

Solving as,

[tex]0^{2}=27^{2}+2(-8)s\\\\s = 45.56 \;\rm m[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that the stopping distance of car achieved during the braking is of 45.56 m.

Learn more about the kinematic equation of motion here:

A crane uses a single cable to lower a steel girder into place. The girder moves with constant speed. The cable tension does work WT and gravity does work WG. Which statement is true



Work done by a force is given by :



F is force, d is displacement and [tex]\theta[/tex] is the angle between F and d.

In this problem, a crane is moving in downward direction, the force gravity is in downward direction and the tension is in upward direction.

We know that if force and displacement is in same direction, work is positive while if force and displacement is in oposite direction, work is negative.

I would mean that, [tex]W_g[/tex] is positive, because gravity is parallel to the displacement and [tex]W_t[/tex] is negative, because the tension is opposite to the displacement.

If the power supply is to be made safe by increasing its internal resistance, what should the internal resistance be for the maximum current in the above situation to be Imax


The complete question is;

A person with body resistance between his hands of 10 kΩ accidentally grasps the terminals of a 16-kV power supply. What is the power dissipated in his body?

A) If the internal resistance of the power supply is 1600 Ω , what is the current through the person's body?

B) What is the power dissipated in his body?

C) If the power supply is to be made safe by increasing its internal resistance, what should the internal resistance be for the maximum current in the above situation to be I_max = 1.00mA or less?


A) I = 1.379 A

B) P = 19016.41 W

C) r = 15990000 Ω


A) We are given;

Internal resistance of the power supply; r = 1600 Ω

Body resistance between hands; R = 10kΩ = 10000 Ω

Power supply voltage; E =16 kV = 16000 V

Formula for the current through the person's body with internal resistance is given by;

I = E/(R + r)


I = 16000/(10000 + 1600)

I = 1.379 A

B) Formula for power dissipated is;

P = I²R

P = 1.379² × 10000

P = 19016.41 W

C) Now, we are told that the maximum current should be I_max = 1.00mA or less. So, I_max = 0.001 A

Thus, from I = E/(R + r) and making r the subject, we have;

r = (E/I) - R

r = (16000/0.001) - 10000

r = 15990000 Ω

Chris races his Audi north down a road for 1000 meters in 20 seconds, what is his velocity?


The answer is 1000/20. Or that’s what I’m guessing. Lol


I think it would be 50 I am not really sure


I think you would have to divid 1000 by 20 Again I'm not sure

A single-turn circular loop of radius 9.4 cm is to produce a field at its center that will just cancel the earth's field of magnitude 0.7 G directed at 70degrees below the horizontal north direction. Find the current in the loop.



The current in the loop is 10.5 A.


Given that,

Radius = 9.4 cm

Magnetic field = 0.7 G

Angle = 70°

We know that,

The magnetic field due to the current in a loop is


The magnetic field due to the current is equal to the magnetic field of earth.


We need to calculate the current in the loop

Using formula of magnetic field



Put the value into the formula


[tex]I=10.5\ A[/tex]

Hence, The current in the loop is 10.5 A.

A 10-ohm resistor has a constant current. If 1200 C of charge flow through it in 4 minutes what
is the value of the current?
A. 3.0 A
B 5.0 A
C. 11 A
D. 15 A
E. 20A



B 5.0 A .



In this case, since we know the charge (1200 C), time (4 min =240 s) and resistance (10Ω) which is actually not needed here, we compute the current as follows:


Then, for the given data, we obtain:


Therefore, answer is B 5.0 A .

Best regards!

The steam from a boiling pot of water is
A: conduction
B: Convection
C: radiation
D: Radiant energy


The steam from a boiling pot of water is B. Convection.

give three factors which are responsible for the vanishing forest ​



1. Huge wildfires

2. Deforestation

3. Reduced amount of aforestation, etc

g A child bounces a 50 g super ball on the sidewalk. The velocity change of the super bowl is from 27 m/s downward to 17 m/s upward. If the contact time with the sidewalk is 1 800 s, what is the magnitude of the average force exerted on the superball by the sidewalk



The average force exerted on the superball by the sidewalk is 0.00122 N.



mass of the super ball, m = 50 g = 0.05 kg

initial velocity of the super bowl, u = -27 m/s (assuming downward motion to be negative)

final velocity of the super bowl, u = 17 m/s (assuming upward motion to be positive)

time of motion, t = 1800 s

The average force exerted on the superball by the sidewalk is given by;

[tex]F = ma\\\\F = \frac{m(v-u)}{t} \\\\F = \frac{0.05(17-(-27))}{1800}\\\\ F = \frac{0.05(44)}{1800}\\\\F = 0.00122 \ N[/tex]

Therefore, the average force exerted on the superball by the sidewalk is 0.00122 N.

A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly over a time of 18 seconds for a distance of 390 m. Determine the acceleration of the car.



[tex]a=2.4\ m/s^2[/tex]


Given that,

The initial speed of a car, u = 0

Time, t = 18 s

Distance, d = 390 m

We need to find the acceleration of the car. Let it is a. Using the second equation of motion to find it.



[tex]d=\dfrac{1}{2}at^2\\\\a=\dfrac{2d}{t^2}\\\\a=\dfrac{2\times 390}{(18)^2}\\\\a=2.4\ m/s^2[/tex]

So, the acceleration of the car is [tex]2.4\ m/s^2[/tex].

You measure the radius of a sphere as (6.45 ± 0.30) cm, and you measure its mass as (1.79 ± 0.08) kg. What is the density and uncertainty in the density of the sphere, in kilograms per cubic meter?



[tex](1630.13\pm 300.10)\ kg/m^3[/tex]


Given that,

The radius of a sphere is (6.45 ± 0.30) cm

Mass of the sphere is (1.79 ± 0.08) kg

Density = mass/volume

For sphere,

[tex]d=\dfrac{m}{V}\\\\d=\dfrac{m}{\dfrac{4}{3}\pi r^3}\\\\d=\dfrac{1.79\ kg}{\dfrac{4}{3}\pi (6.4\times 10^{-2}\ m)^3}\\\\d=1630.13\ kg/m^3[/tex]

We can find the uncertainty in volume as follows :

[tex]\dfrac{\delta V}{V}=3\dfrac{\delta r}{r}\\\\=3\times \dfrac{0.3\times 10^{-2}}{6.45\times 10^{-2}}\\\\=0.1395[/tex]

Uncertainty in mass,

[tex]\dfrac{\delta m}{m}=\dfrac{0.08}{1.79}\\\\=0.0446[/tex]

Now, the uncertainty in density of sphere is given by :

[tex]\dfrac{\delta d}{d}=\dfrac{\delta m}{m}+\dfrac{\delta V}V}\\\\=0.0446+0.1395\\\\\dfrac{\delta d}{d}=0.1841\\\\\delta d=0.1841\times d\\\\\delta d=0.1841\times 1630.13\\\\\delta d = 300.10\ kg/m^3[/tex]

Hence, the density pf the sphere is [tex](1630.13\pm 300.10)\ kg/m^3[/tex]

A 849-kg car starts from rest on a horizontal roadway and accelerates eastward for 5.00 s when it reaches a speed of 35.0 m/s. What is the average force exerted on the car during this time



The average force exerted on the car during this time is 5,943 N



mass of the car, m = 849 kg

initial velocity of the car, u = 0

time of motion of the car, t = 5.00 s

final velocity of the car, v = 35 m/s

The average force exerted on the car during this time is given by;

[tex]F = ma \\\\F = \frac{m(v-u)}{t}\\\\F = \frac{849(35-0)}{5}\\\\F = \frac{849(35)}{5}\\\\ F = 849*7\\\\F = 5,943 \ N[/tex]

Therefore, the average force exerted on the car during this time is 5,943 N



Let's say (+x) = eastward

Average horizontal acceleration

ax = vx -v0x/5.00s

= 35.0m/s-0/5.00s

= +7.09m/s

From here we apply the second law of newton

During this period average horizontal force acting on car

Summation x = max = (849kg)(+7.09m/s²)

= 5943N


= 5.94kN east ward.

A car with a mass of 1500kg is traveling at a speed of 30m/s. What force must be applied to stop the car in 3 seconds?



The answer is 15,000 N


To find the force given the mass , velocity and time can be found by using the formula

[tex]f = \frac{m \times v}{t} \\ [/tex]


m is the mass

v is the velocity

t is the time

From the question

m = 1500 kg

v = 30 m/s

t = 3 s

We have

[tex]f = \frac{1500 \times 30}{3} = \frac{45000}{3} \\ [/tex]

We have the final answer as

15,000 N

Hope this helps you

What is the magnitude of the net force acting on this object? And what direction?



The magnitude of the net force acting on an object is equal to the mass. and the direction is in 20N


Converting compound units
You would like to know whether silicon will float in mercury and you know that can determine this based on their densities. Unfortunately, you have the density of mercury in units of kilogram/meter3 and the density of silicon in other units: 2.33 gram/centimeter3. You decide to convert the density of silicon into units of kilogram/meter3 to perform the comparison. By which combination of conversion factors will you multiply 2.33 gram/centimeter3 to perform the unit conversion?




Given the density of silicon as 2.33g/cm³

We are to convert this to kg/cm³

We will be using the following conversion factors

1000g = 1kg

2.33g = x

Cross multiply

1000x = 2.33

x = 2.33/1000

x = 0.00233kg

Also we need to convert 1cm³ to 1m³

1cm = 0.01m

1cm³ = 0.01×0.01×0.01

1cm³ = 0.000001m³

Substituting into the density value of silicon

2.33g/cm³ = 0.00233kg/0.000001m³

= 2330kg/m³

Open Box. Consider a hollow box with the top missing. The sides have negligible thickness and each has length L and mass m. (a) Find the x-coordinate of the center of mass.



x_{cm} = L / 2


The center of mass is defined by

         [tex]x_{cm}[/tex] = 1 / M ∑ m_{i}  x_{i}

where M is the total mass of the system

in this case the system is continuous so, for which we use the density

      ρ = dm / dx

      dm = ρ dx


        x_{cm} = 1 / M ∫ x ρ dx

        x_{cm} = ρ / M ∫ x dx

we integrate and evaluate from x = 0 to x = L

        x_{cm} = ρ / M (L² /2 -0)


we introduce the density which is constant

        ρ = M / L

        x_{cm} = 1 /M (M/L)  L² / 2

        x_{cm} = L / 2

The particles of a more dense substance are closer together
than the particles of a less dense substance.



True i think like ya cut g

The particles of a more dense substance are closer together than the particles of a less dense substance. Thus, the given statement is true.

What is density of particles?

Density of the particles is the substance's mass per unit of volume. The symbol which is most often used for the density is ρ (rho), although the Latin letter D can also be used to denote density.

Density is the mass of a unit volume of a material substance or particle. The formula for density is d = M/V (mass per unit volume), where d is density, M is the mass of particle, and V is the volume. Density is commonly expressed in the units of grams per cubic centimeters.

The S.I. unit of density is made up of the mass of the particle which is kg and that of volume is meter cube. Hence, the S.I. unit of density is kg/m³.

Learn more about Density here:


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Alex needs to bisect ABC using a compass and straightedge. He starts by performing the following steps. Step 1: Place the compass on vertex B of the angle. Step 2: Draw an arc that intersects both sides of the angle. Step 3: Label these intersections as point D and point E . Step 4: Place the compass at point D and draw an arc in the interior of the angle. What are the next steps Alex should take in his construction? You are a business owner and you want to know if you have made a profitfor the month. You are given the following information:1. The monthly salary of your employees is Php 10000.00 each and youhave 5 employees.2. The store rent is Php 40,000.3. Utilities expenses amount to Php 20,000.004. 200 pieces of your product were sold at Php 1000.00 each.Questions: Did your business make a profit for the month? How much?Why?Pleae help PLEASE pls help me if you can i dont need the work shown just the answer Thomas More's fictional text about a society governed by reason and order is most likely a response to the conflictbetweenthe king and church leadersmale and female leadersrulers of other nationsroyalty and the working class 5 Danny steals a debit card from the purse of Megan. The debit cardhas an account balance of $5.00. What offense, if any, is Danny guiltyof? Part 1)There is a storage container with 5.25 tons of Ammonia (NH3). How many molecules of Ammonia are there? What is the atomic mass of element X what is one reason biodiversity is beneficial What are the common weights of a letter stroke?a.)Narrow, Hebrew, Blackb.)Condensed, Regular, Expandedc.)Light, Medium, Heavyd.)Regular, Light, Bold 2. What is the tone of Just Be Yourself!"? please and thank you Q is between P and R. S is between Q and R. R is between Q and T. PT=34, QR=8, and PQ=SQ=SR what is the length of RT. If 3 (x + 2) 2(x + 1) = 8 what is the value of x Which is the Spanish equivalent of South America?Amrica del surAmrica del southAsiaO Amrica del norte Read the passage from The Importance of Being Earnest.Lady Bracknell. . . . I think some preliminary inquiry on my part would not be out of place. Mr. Worthing, is Miss Cardew at all connected with any of the larger railway stations in London? I merely desire information. Until yesterday I had no idea that there were any families or persons whose origin was a Terminus.Which excerpt from the passage contains a paradox and a pun?my part would not be out of place.larger railway stations in London.I merely desire information.whose origin was a Terminus. Verbal and nonverbal communication can be integrated in order to do all of the following, except:A. Accent or emphasize a part of verbal communicationB. Complement, or add meaning too, verbal communicationC. Contradict one anotherD. "Turn off" nonverbal communication Simplify the expression.(4a- 80 - 4a2) + (7a3 - 7 - 6a) 5. A car travels at a speed of 72 miles per hour. Write a direct variation equation for the distance, y, the car will travel in x hours. How far will the car travels in 4.5 hours? Describe four ways in which improving your muscular fitness would have a positive affect in your life What is deoxyribose?A. n acid found in DNAB. a sugar in DNAC. a pigment found in RNAD. a nitrogenous base found in DNA and RNA PLEASE HELP ASAPSalinas age is one-quarter the age of her aunt. If a represents her aunts age, which expression represents Salinas age?4aa minus 4a + 4StartFraction a Over 4 EndFraction