water makes up what percentage of our body weight?


Answer 1


Water represents between half and two thirds of a person's average weight. Adipose tissue has a lower percentage of water than lean tissue, and women tend to have more fat, which is why the percentage of water in women is lower (52% to 55%) in relation to the average body weight of a male (60%).


Answer 2


60% of the body is made up of water


Related Questions

Yeast cells, plant cells, and mammal cells all share many similarities in cell signaling. This provides evidence that:________

a. cell-signaling mechanisms are only found in organisms that use methods of sexual reproduction
b. intercellular communication evolved as a way for multicellular organisms to coordinate cell functions
c. eukaryotic cells use signal transduction pathways while prokaryotic cells use a more primitive form of signaling
d. signal transduction pathways appeared in cells before the evolution of multicellular organisms





Yeast cells, plant cells, and mammal cells all share many similarities in cell signaling. This provides evidence that signal transduction pathways appeared in cells before the evolution of multicellular organisms. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

What is cell signaling?

Cell signaling may be defined as a process through which a cell of an organism may respond to substances outside the cell through signaling molecules found on the surface of and inside the cell.

This biological process of cell signaling is ultimately required in order to accomplish all sorts of metabolic activities that are essential for the survival of living organisms, no matter whether they are prokaryotic or eukaryotic, unicellular or multicellular.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is D.

To learn more about Cell signaling, refer to the link:



In essence, DNA is a thin and very, very long organic molecule. It is a polymer, and each of the monomers that constitute it are called ______





DNA is a polymer of nucleotide monomers.

Nucleotides are made of a nitrogenous base (either adenine, thymine, guanine, or cytosine), a deoxyribose sugar, and a phosphate group.

The nucleotides are joined together by phosphodiester bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of the next.

Which is an example of a voluntary response to an internal stimulus?



hunger thirst is an example of internal stimulus


so i would say getting up to get food or water is one

How many valence electrons does Neon have and does it have cations and anions???



Neon has eight valence electrons and it does not have cations or anions.


Neon is a noble gas, meaning it has already fulfilled the octet rule and has eight electrons in its valence electron shell. Hence, it does not want to lose or gain any more electrons, and does not have cations or anions.

Hope this helped!


Neon has eight valence electrons and it does not have cations or anions.


What is one difference between p-waves and s-waves


p waves travel through solid liquid or gas and s waves travel through solid but is stopped by liquid and gas.

Why do aquatic organisms have to constantly deal with osmosis



Because salt is an agent that attracts and draws out water, the surrounding salt water draws water from inside the fish so they must constantly drink water to replace the lost water in their system. The process of water being drawn out of the body by the surrounding water of higher salt levels is known as osmosis.


a 1000 kg car speeds up from rest to 25 m/s in 10 seconds.how much force acts on the car?​



a great week to week to week to week I was



Use formula F=ma
* a= v/t
So F= m v/t
F= 2500N

Which of the following explains why pearl millet was one of the most important crops in China, India, and West Africa?

It thrived in dry and hot conditions.

It was on a stalk with many clusters.

It was easy to plant and grew rapidly.

It could be made into enough flour to feed many people.



It was easy to plant and grew rapidly.


what is malcoms prediction for hammonds island in jurassic park



I quote: "Life cannot be contained. Life breaks free. Life... finds a way"


All living organisms are composed of:






D. one or more cells


hope this helped!!

plz give brainliest ;-;

What does brianliest mean?


it means your answer was the best one it’s like a little award thing someone gives you


Brainliest is where you, the creator, think that a specific person did a good job. If you give them brainliest it is saying thank you to one person but not the other.

Good day mate, Mallory <3

What type of organism is grass considered to be?Required to answer. Single choice.






because plants create there own food from sunlight

crown plz

Answer:  hey friend, the answer of your question is

B. consumer and herbivore


hope this was helpful....

What would be the best diet to your knowledge?


I think limiting portion sizes as well as eating foods lower in calories. You should drink water and limit your consumption of foods that do not have nutritional value.

Which part of photosynthesis is represented by the diagram to the right



Light-dependent reactions


Photosynthesis occurs in two stages: light-dependent reactions and light independent-reactions. This last stage is often called Calvin cycle.

The diagram shows reactions occurred in the thylakoid membranes which are located inside the chloroplasts. Therefore, we can identify that these reactions are the light-dependent reactions. During this part of photosynthesis, the energy from the sunlight is absorbed by a pigment called chlorophyl (Chl). Then, it is sequentially coverted into chemical energy stored in the form of molecules: NADPH (nitotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) and ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

When it is winter in North America it is summer in South America. Explain why this happen.



north america is on the northern hemisphere, so we get more direct sunlight when the southern hemisphere (south america) gets less direct sunlight and visa versa.  


North america is on the northern hemisphere, so we get more direct sunlight when the southern hemisphere (south america) gets less direct sunlight and visa versa.  

What are the hemispheres of earth?

Any circle drawn around the Earth divides it into two equal halves called hemispheres. There are generally considered to be four hemispheres: Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western.

Hemisphere comes from the Greek, and combines the prefix hemi-, for "half," with sphere, or "perfectly round ball." We talk about the earth as divided at the equator into the northern and southern hemispheres.

It is important because it brings about differences in the climates of the Northern and Southern hemisphere because of the Earth's seasonal tilt towards and away from the sun.

Learn more about hemispheres:



If the amount of oxygen improved by a plant or measure of a 24 hour. When would you expect the greatest not a function to be produced



After 6 hours


Functions in oxygen begin to decrease after 6 hours

What is the Law of Conservation Of Matter in your own words



The amount of matter in a system stays constant, it is not created nor destroyed.


For example, in a situation such as a chemical reaction, the atoms of the molecules never magically appear or vanish. The atoms of the reactants are simply rearranged into a product. Hope this helps.

DNA polymerase is responsible for pairing the new nucleotides with the template strand. If the template strand reads ATCCGC, what will the newly synthesized strand read





c and their delicious thrash


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Thxxx for the points

Identify all statements that accurately describe the structure of the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex.A. A regulatory kinase and phosphatase are part of the mammalian PDH complex. B. Several copies each fo E1 and E3 surround E2. C. E2 contains three domains. D. The complex contains multiplex is made up of several copies of E1.


Answer: Options A, B ,C and E are correct


The structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex comprises if three enzymes E1, E2 and E3 which convert pyruvate to acetyl CoA. The three enzymes are have several copies.

Within the PDH complex, the E2 subunit forms the structural unit, contain three domains and are surrounded by E1 and E3. The E 2 accepts acetyl groups from E1 and transmit the group to coenzyme A. The decarboxylation of pyruvate and its conversion to acetyl-CoA by the PDH complex comes first before glucose carbon enter into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. This process is important to the aerobic oxidation of glucose .

A group of people have white blood cell (WBC) counts that are from 4,500 to 10,000 WBC/ml. All cell count values in that range are equally abundant in the population. What is the mean WBC count in the population?



7250 WBC/ml


The mean of any value is the average of a certain amount of given values. When this is taken into cognizance, to get the mean White Blood Cell count of the population, given two ranges, is to add and divide both together. This gives us

10,000 + 4,500 = 14,500 WBC/ml

The mean then is

14,500 / 2 = 7250 WBC/ml

Therefore, the mean White Blood Cell count in the population is 7250 WBC/ml

Select three types of land associated with the largest pore size of soil.




I believe the answers are beach, desert, and clay.


Sand is the largest mineral particle and it has more pore space between its particles.

its beach desert and clay i got it right

Which statement correctly describes the effect of abiotic factors on population density?

A. A change in abiotic factors always decreases the size of a population.
B. A change in abiotic factors always increases the size of a population.
C. A change in abiotic factors never impacts the size of a population.
D. A change in abiotic factors may increase or decrease the size of a population.



option A is correct


Does Potassium have cations or anions?


Cations are what your looking for
Cations are positively charged and are present in Potassium

What is not a characteristic of cell differentiation
A) stable phenomenon
B) unstable phenomenon
C) controlled by genetic factors
D) precedes morphological difference



B) unstable phenomenon


Ablation of the anchor cell in wild-type C. elegans results in a vulva-less phenotype. What phenotype(s) is to be expected if the anchor cell is ablated in a let-23 loss-of-function mutant? A) Vulva.B) Multi-vulvate.C) Both.D) None.



A) Vulva.


This is your answer.

Need help with these questions due tomorrow??



The speed of the river decreases


As the river slows down, all the sediments mixed up in there have time to settle on the floor.

Hope that helped! :)

Q: Predict and describe some possible effects to your entire food web if the following happened:
A mysterious virus has sickened the secondary consumer fish. There
are few survivors. Fortunately, this virus is not affecting organisms on any other trophic levels. However, the loss of these organisms is
affecting the rest of the food web. Please describe the possible effects:



Less fish will disrupt the predators in the ocean. Sharks, and other predators in these oceans need a food source such as fish if this Virus does indeed kill these many fish. Meaning the virus is in this fish, It might spred to predators that eat these fish. Still if the predators of the food chain dont find these food sources for them i am sure they will die of starvation.


If a food source for animals is obsulete i am sure the predators of the animals will have starved to death like how, the Hot blob is affecting the Cassins auklet due to the Less amount of phytoplankton in the oceans.

What are some examples of endangered species​



Black Rhino/Amur Leopard/Bornean Orangutan/Cross River Gorilla


A 24 fluid ounces is equivalent to ___ pounds





1.50 pounds is the correct answer.
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