The principle of separation of powers limits government power by:

A. making sure nobody in the government has too much authority.

B. preventing the government from taking certain freedoms away
from citizens.

C. making sure that laws apply to leaders and common citizens.

D. letting citizens vote to remove leaders they dislike at any time.


Answer 1

The principle of separation of powers limits government power by A. making sure nobody in the government has too much authority.

What is the theory of separation of powers?

The theory of separation of powers  can be described as one that explains that the different body of persons can come together which are those in the government of a particular country and they will administer into each of the departments of government .

These departments could be the The legislative, executive as well as the judiciary and thos will help the government to be running smoothly becaquse their will be no centralization of power to just one department whiichj implies that every department have their own power and their is no memeber of all these departments that are above the law which implies that they are both equal under the law and they work hand in hand.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Read more about separation of powers at:


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What major era in U.S history is referred to in the graphic organizer?
A. Colonial
B. Civil War
C. Revolutionary
D. Reconstruction​


Option C. Revolutionary War


I’m pretty sure it is revolutionary


For people who needs to know about Phillips wheatly the first part is stolen



What is this about?


What was NOT an effect of the Hundred Year's War?
A Joan of Arc became a patron saint.
B Power of the French monarchy increased.
C England suffered an internal civil war.
D Power of the English monarchy increased.


Joan of Arc’s Early Life
Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orléans
Downfall of Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Burned at the Stake
Joan of Arc: From Witch to Saint

Joan of Arc, a peasant girl living in medieval France, believed that God had chosen her to lead France to victory in its long-running war with England. With no military training, Joan convinced the embattled crown prince Charles of Valois to allow her to lead a French army to the besieged city of Orléans, where it achieved a momentous victory over the English and their French allies, the Burgundians. After seeing the prince crowned King Charles VII, Joan was captured by Anglo-Burgundian forces, tried for witchcraft and heresy and burned at the stake in 1431, at the age of 19. By the time she was officially canonized in 1920, the Maid of Orléans (as she was known) had long been considered one of history’s greatest saints, and an enduring symbol of French unity and nationalism.

Who was a better activist , WEB Dubois or Booker T. Washington





fill in the blanks with the words in parenthesis

Today, (no nations, few nations) _________________ have a government that is a direct democracy because it is impractical to bring all citizens together for a meeting due to large populations.


Answer:pluralist democracy I think


- How were black women involved in the fight for women’s suffrage? What additional challenges did they face?




Sometimes Black women worked in their own clubs and suffrage organizations, sometimes with white suffragists. Black women did not accept their exclusion from white suffrage organizations or the racist tactics employed by white suffragists. The mainstream organizations did not address the challenges faced by Black women because of their race, such as negative stereotypes, harassment, and unequal access to jobs, housing, and education(despite many of them not supporting slavery). Regardless, Black Suffragists continued to help fight for woman rights

Which factor most contributed to the spread of railroads in Great Britain?
A. Rising trade with overseas colonies
B. The Agricultural Revolution
C. Increased access to cheap steel
D. Government-owned railroad companies


Hey he answer is b, the argicultural revolution

23. How can the Constitution be amended? (10 points)



The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.


The Constitutional Amendment Process, per The National Archives

The Constitution can be amended either by any of this ways;

Amendment can be done by joint resolution passed by a two-thirds vote.

Amendment can be done by convention.

Constitutional amendment can be regarded as modification of the constitution of a polity as well as organization or other type of entity.

The amendment to constitution can take place, if there passage of resolution by two-thirds vote in the house.

Amendment can take place, through convention, this would be a response to applications that must have been sent from two-thirds of the state legislatures.

Learn more

How did a network of roads maintain peace and unity in the Persian empire?


The persain empire was so vast the road connected in different location. they made trade easier and allowed government offices to travel between cities to collect taxes

was it helpful?

What importance did North Africa have to conquering states?

strategic military value
food and trade source
abundant mineral resources



it was a food and trade source


I agree with bloonkle


North America had a lot of untouched land where there was natural food and animals. They wanted to get there because they could also trade with other people and get new animals and weapons. They could also trade ideas.

What was an effect of the abolitionist movement?
A. Greater cooperation between people of different areas and
B. Social and political activism
C. Greater understanding between whites and African Americans
O D. All of the above



Greater cooperation between people of different areas and backgrounds

Social and political activism

Greater understanding between whites and African Americans

All the things listed above are things the abolitionist movement accomplished, thus the answer is D) All of the above

1.Sourcing: This rebellion against the Jamestown government was led by Nathaniel Bacon. He also wrote this document to gather support for this rebellion. Given this information, what kind of biases would we expect to find in this document?

2.Corroboration: If you wanted to confirm the truth of these events and accusations that Nathaniel Bacon is referring to in his declaration, what other kinds of historical documents could you analyze?



1. Personal Bias, or opinions because Nathaniel Bacon wrote documents over the rebellion. There could be missing information.

2. Diaries from men fighting with Bacon, and also Government files.


These are the most reliable sources to look at because you might have stories from this that could've been different and others very opinionated.

The kind of biases one would expect to find in this document is known as Personal Bias.

This is because Personal Bias is a type of Bias in which an individual do, act, speak or write things that are considered to be favorable or prejudicial, to his cause or interests.

In this case, given that Nathaniel Bacon led the rebellion, it is expected that the document he wrote will contain personal bias as he would want to write things that favor him when the readers read it.

On the other hand, to confirm the truth of these events and accusations that Nathaniel Bacon is referring to in his declaration, the other kinds of historical documents one could analyze are:

Diaries of those not on the side of rebellion nor the government.Accounts of the government.

This is because the government can't support him through their accounts of the events, except it is the truth.

Also, the account of the person that is not attached to the rebellion nor the government would be considered fairly accurate.

Hence, in this case, it can be concluded that the answer to the first part is "Personal Bias." While the second part is Accounts of events from other people like the government and observers.

Learn more here:

Briefly explain the point of view expressed by the artist about ONE of the following:
• Lewis and Clark
• Sacagawea
• European attitudes regarding imperialism





she was the only woman to travel with Lewis Clark she was Native American and 16 years old she was brave .

gimme a riddle lol like a hard one


Answer: What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?



What disappears as soon as you say it's name/ I speak without a mouth, what am I


30 POINTS Elizabeth the I was the Protestant ruler of France. Please select the best answer from the choices provided TRUE or FALSE​


I believe that answer is true. I hope I helped you out.




I put True and got it wrong so it would be False if u want proof then let me know

What was NOT one of the reasons for
migration west?
farmland in New England was running
the concept of manifest destiny
many new factories in the West
the new restrictive wage worker model


the answer is be "C. many new factories in the West."

All the other answers were reasons for migration west, but there were no factories in the West, at least not in the beginning or when most if the migration occured.

I need help now someone please HELP!!!

What were some incentives that brought European settlers to Louisiana? Check all that apply. a chance to escape war in other nations free land for farming rice and other crops new opportunities to work and make money job openings in factories processing tobacco legal trade opportunities with Spanish colonists a promise of reliable supplies provided by France​



a chance to escape war in other nations

free land for farming rice and other crops

new opportunities to work and make money


what are 5 basic principles of the u.s constitution ​



Popular sovereignty, separation of power, rule of law, checks and balances, and federalism.

What letter is China



The letter D represents China.

China is located in East Asia.

Which policy was supported by the Democratic Republicans, but not the federalist?
A.Creating a national bank
B.Building a larger military
C.Giving states more independence
D.Loosely interpreting the constitution


Answer: C. Giving states more independence

Explanation: I just took the quiz


C Giving states more independence.


i'm doing the quiz on A P E X and it's the right answer.

Why was Britain geographically lucky when it came to a new source of fuel?


Geographic luck had placed Britain in one of the greatest coal deposits of Western Europe. ... Along with the help from the skills necessary to extract the fuel, coal soon came to be the substitution of wood.

Why would southern states oppose combining state debts into one national debt?


Answer: Southern states oppose combining state debts into one national debt because they thought that each state deserved to pay it's own debt. So, it never payed an national debt.

Hope this helps!

Democracy was first practiced in __________.
the United States



B. Greece





hope it help :)

what were the intellectuals concerned about in 1750



Perhaps the Industrial Revolution?


There was child labor, unsafe and unhealthy working conditions, dirty streets and many accidents.

What did the Interstate Commerce Act ban in 1887?



Applying only to railroads, the law required "just and reasonable" rate changes; prohibited special rates or rebates for individual shippers; prohibited "preference" in rates for any particular localities, shippers, or products; forbade long-haul/short-haul discrimination; prohibited pooling of traffic or markets.



Hello there, can you help me with a few of my most recent questions please im in desperate need of help!!


Believes in limited government powers



Republican  / Libertarian



King George III passed the Proclamation of 1763 which set the line of western settlement________________________ .
a. along the Mason- Dixon Line
c. at the Appalachian Mountains
b. along the Mississippi River
d .along the Prime Meridian





What kind of people made up the
population of the first colonists in georgia ?
What skills did they have?



James Edward Oglethorpe, a philanthropist and an English general, along with twenty-one other men, created a charter to settle a new colony which they named Georgia in honor of King George II. The grant established land between the Savannah and Altamaha rivers as well as the waters of these rivers.


Based on the pattern of trade described in the third paragraph, the Egyptian kairim merchants were most likely directly involved in which of the following broader developments in the Indian Ocean in the period circa 1200-1450?



The establishment of diaspora merchant communities.


Muslim merchants called Kārimīs whose centre remain in Egypt. They involved in the Oriental regional trade. India was one of the region Karimis merchant traded with for spices, textile and other luxury items. As they traded and spread in the coastal regions, merchants began to interact with local people and other traders, which led to a formation of diaspora where traders from different region settled.

1. The ___ guaranteed that not even the king was above the law.

a. Constitution. C. House of Burgesses

b. Magna Carta. D. Mayflower Compact



I'm to dumb for this lol




constitution is collectively referred to tge set of laws which are supreme in any country and is followed by the country's citizens including the king and his family as they are also the citizens of the country and they're not above the laws.

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