Do you think some limits on the freedom of speech are necessary? Explain.


Answer 1

Yes, I do think that some restrictions on freedom of speech is necessary.

Freedom of speech in Indian constitution mentioned under fundamental rights under article 19 as this that stated they are important for development of individual.

In Indian constitution itself restrictions on right to speech is mentioned like

Public orderSecurity of IndiaFriendly relation with foreign nationsContempt of court Defamation etc.

Restrictions are crucial as limitless rights are also dangerous for society and can hurt decorum and stability. Without any restrictions misuse of such rights are very common and create chaos in society like hatred speech, provocation etc.

To know more about right to speech, click below

Answer 2
The state may, however, 'limit' the freedom of expression for certain reasons. International and domestic law empowers the state to impose limitations on the freedom of expression in order to advance broad aims such as national security, public order, public health, and public morals.

Hope this helps!

Related Questions

Which of these policies involving foreign countries was generally favored by isolationist americans?.


Encouraging France and Britain to repay their loans from the war. Foreign nations that traditionally supported isolationist politics were involved in the programs.

Americans were pressuring Britain and France to repay their wartime loans. In the past, the British administrations relied more on borrowing money than on taxes to pay for wartime expenses. The 1930s saw a rise in isolationism in American public opinion and policy as a result of the Great Depression and recollections of the tragic losses in World War I. Isolationists favored staying out of international affairs and staying out of conflicts in Europe and Asia. Avoiding international economic or political entanglements is isolationist policy.

Learn more about  policies from


during the cold war, the threat from the soviet union prompted americans and canadians to establish military bases throughout canada, alaska, and greenland. this was called .


During the cold war, the threat from the soviet union prompted americans and canadians to establish military bases throughout canada, alaska, and greenland known as Distant Early Warning Line (DEW Line).

Distant Early Warning Line (DEW Line), a Cold War communications system that connected more than 60 manned radar stations, stretches 4,800 kilometres (3,000 miles) from northwest Alaska to eastern Baffin Island. For the United States and Canada, the network acted as a warning system that could identify and confirm the approach of Soviet-made aircraft or intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). During the Cold War, the DEW Line and other early-warning facilities served as potent deterrents against Soviet aggression.

To now more about Cold war:


which compromise prohibited slavery north of 36 degrees latitude and fueled a new abolition movement?


Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery north of 36 degrees latitude and fueled a new abolition movement.

The Missouri Compromise was a piece of federal law in the United States that struck a compromise between the goals of the northern states to stop the spread of slavery in the nation and the southern states' ambitions to do so.

This statute simultaneously recognised Maine as a non-slave state and Missouri as a slave state in order to preserve the nation's balance between slave and free states. Slavery was also forbidden in the remaining Louisiana Territory above the 36° 30' latitude line.

To learn more about Missouri Compromise, refer


What are the goals of the #Day4Diversity protest organizers and how have their efforts been portrayed by different media outlets


To publicly voice their thoughts in an effort to change public opinion or governmental policy, protesters may choose to organize a protest, or they may choose to take direct action.

What is a Protest:

A protest, also known as a demonstration is an open declaration of opposition or disapproval of a political thought or conduct. Demonstrations expressing disagreement must only take place in designated areas, even though the Supreme Court acknowledged that "democracy & dissent go hand in hand".

A social movement's use of force for offensive or defensive goals on occasion, going beyond the bounds of nonviolent resistance but stopping short of total militarization, is known as the diversity of tactics. It also alludes to the notion that claims this is the best civil disobedience tactic for bringing about social change. Depending on the extent of repression the political movement is experiencing, a variety of techniques may encourage peaceful tactics, armed resistance, or a spectrum of means in between.

To know more about Protest, visit:


What was the difference in educational opportunity for african americans before and after plessy v. Ferguson (1896)? (site 2).


Plessy v. Ferguson increased funding for white schools by roughly 100%, while African American schools were only funded by half. The change was still monumental, as it went from no support for African Schooling all the way up to 50%.

Which of these best describes the Muslim view of the relationship between religion and politics?


Where are the answer choices?

In 1963, this us president set up the warren commission to investigate the assassination of john f kennedy. What was his name?.


The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, known unofficially as the Warren Commission, was established by President Lyndon B.

which of the following best characterizes the significance of texas holding elections for statewide officials in midterm election years?


Candidates in Texas may stay away from national political parties. - Separation of presidential and state campaigns protects officials from presidential decline.

The secretary of the National Electoral Commission provides services and advice to the electoral authorities with a view to ensuring smooth electoral development. The United States will hold constitutional elections on July 8. In Texas, voters choose officers for the state’s state legislative bodies—the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state. for a congressional sweep of South Texas.Texas Midterm Election 2022, a state guide to help you plan your vote, including key dates, voting information, and primary results for Republican and Democratic candidates

To know more about constitutional elections please click on link


2. explain the difference between the jamestown settlement and the massachusetts settlements. what made one more successful that the other.


The main distinction between Jamestown and Massachusetts was "economic motives and religious freedom."

Jamestown bestowed more prospects to colonists than Massachusetts Bay Colony by admitting in addition individual myth, traders' rights, and the right to speak freely. Jamestown colonizers had a bond with England that guaranteed the rights of colonizers, as they would have exhausted in England.

Massachusetts is famous for alluring many colleges and academies, containing Harvard University, the first organization of larger knowledge in the country (organized in 1636). And Bay State locals advantage instruction: Massachusetts has the maximal allotment of tenants accompanying an association strength in the country with its own government.

To know more about Jamestown refer to:


The united states navy used the tactic of "island hopping" to fight the japanese imperial navy in world war ii. This was because the u. S.


American forces adopted a plan of seizing some Japanese-held islands and avoiding others in order to take control of the Pacific Ocean. This was the island-hopping campaign, as each island taken over represented a new gateway to Japan.

You can explore a wide variety of fascinating natural sceneries while island hopping, hiking, scuba diving, and sunbathing to your heart's content. Avoiding the hurricane season and more harsh temperatures, it is better to travel during the dry season months of May to October. Island hopping came to be characterized as this tactic of skipping over well fortified islands in order to conquer weakly protected places that could support the following push. Defenders of remote Japanese strongholds were let to deteriorate from famine and disease. In a strategy known as "island hopping," American forces moved between islands, using each as a base to seize the following. MacArthur kept up his push in New Guinea as the island-hopping campaign got underway, while other Allied forces worked to drive the Japanese out of the Aleutians.

Learn more about island-hopping here


which is an essential part of federalism in the Untied States?


Dual federalism

The basic philosophy during this time was that the U.S. Government ought to be limited to its enumerated powers and that all others belonged to the states. Any powers that were not granted to the U. S. Government by the Constitution were handed over to the states through the Tenth Amendment.

Federalism is a form of government in which a central government and regional governments share authority.

Despite some of the framers' intentions to create something like a unitary system of government, the states were kept due to their well-established and already-functioning political institutions as well as the extensive attachments eighteenth-century "Americans" had to their various states.

The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the American national government are each separate institutions, and the separation of powers divides power among them.

This period of federalism, which roughly spans from 1780 to 1920, is noted for its group of "unknown presidents." It is distinguished by a strong emphasis on state rights and a small federal government that prioritized wealth, war, and peace. the distinct divisions of political power between the federal government and the states. Federalism in this way is known as "layer cake."

An essential component of United States federalism is the division of power between the federal and state governments.

For more details on federalism:

How many words are in 1 paragraph essays?



Various educators teach rules governing the length of paragraphs. They may say that a paragraph should be 100 to 200 words long, or be no more than five or six sentences. But a good paragraph should not be measured in characters, words, or sentences. The true measure of your paragraphs should be ideas.

explain the impact and outcomes of the prophecy of calchas on the start of the trojan war and the relationship between agamemnon and his wife. how did the family drama help to set the stage for the later conflict in the iliad between agamemnon and greatest greek warrior, achilles? why do you think agamemnon returns from the trojan war victorious only to fall prey to his duplicitous wife?


Agamemnon is a legendary king and warrior from Greek mythology. In an open assembly, Calchas prophesied that the captive Chryses, a spoil of war awarded to Agamemnon, must be returned to her father Chryses.

Agamemnon's brother, Menelaus of Sparta, marries Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world. When the Trojan prince Paris kidnaps Helen, Agamemnon defends his family's honor and leads the Greek forces in the 10-year Trojan War.

When King Agamemnon returns to his kingdom after the ten-year Trojan war, he is murdered by his jealous wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover, Aegisthus. In his arrogance, he fails to prepare for possible dangers and betrayals at home. So, Agamemnon is infamously murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra.

Learn more about the Trojan war here:


What opportunity was given to Japanese people to prove patriotism towards the United States?


Japanese Americans thought that the best way to prove their loyalty and patriotism to the United States was by participating in activities that aided the war effort, including making uniforms and parachutes.

What is patriotism?

Patriotism is defined as a love, devotion, and attachment to one's country. This attachment can be a collection of various feelings and language relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political, and historical aspects. It encompasses a number of concepts that are closely related to nationalism, primarily civic nationalism and, on occasion, cultural nationalism.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order authorizing the Secretary of War to move civilians into "relocation camps" two months after the Japanese attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor in 1942. Military officials on the West Coast, acting on the directive, shifted over 110,000 Japanese Americans to the interment camp. The internment camps remained open until 1946, during which time those interned demonstrated their patriotism by contributing to the war effort.

Therefore, Japanese Americans in internment camps were frequently involved in the some activities to support the war effort. Japanese Americans were assigned jobs such as uniform manufacturing. To demonstrate their loyalty, many joined the Japanese American Citizens League.

To learn more about patriotism, click here:


Where did the Expulsion of Acadians take place?


The islands of Saint-Jean and Royale Thousands of Acadians were deported from the islands of Saint-Jean and Royale (Cape Breton Island).

What religion did most Acadians practice?

First, the Acadians practiced Roman Catholicism, whereas the British practiced Protestantism. Second, the Acadians feared that accepting British rule would expose them to attack by the Mi'kmaq, a nearby native tribe that despised the British.

Approximately 10,000 Acadians were forced to leave between 1755 and 1763. Thousands of them were sent to the 13 colonies by the British. Many of them died as a result of diseases or starvation. Others were transferred to the Caribbean.

Learn more about Acadians following Roman Catholicism here:


How does windrider deal with the fact that he may never be able to bring mother to America? ​


Windrider and Moon Shadow must leave the Tang people's village after a man is killed by Windrider in self-defense in order to avoid the victim's family taking revenge.

Windrider consents to go back to the business. He will be given a $1,000 loan from his uncle to purchase a complete partnership. Additionally, becoming a partner entitles Windrider to bring his wife to America.

The main theme of Dragonwings is transitioning from one place to another.

The next summer, Windrider sets off for the Middle Kingdom in order to return with his wife via ship. They observe Chinese New Year celebrations, and during earthquakes, everyone cooperates to stay alive.

In order to one day be able to bring Moon Shadow's mother to America, Moon Shadow and Windrider have been able to save money by the winter of 1905.

Learn more about the America here:

5. Henry Ford introduced the first moving automobile assembly line during the
early 20th century. How did Ford's innovations in car manufacturing impact
transportation in the United States?


At the turn of the century, Henry Ford (1863–1947), one of the most significant industrialists in history.

What was Henry Ford innovation in 20th Century ?

Helped usher in the era of mass manufacturing by making the automobile affordable for the middle and working classes. He thus permanently influenced American society.

The reduced cost of the Model T was a significant result of the assembly line's relocation. The car's price dropped from $825 in 1908 to $260 in 1925, making it more accessible to people worldwide.

Henry Ford created the renowned Model T automobile and established Ford Motor Company.

Learn more about Henry Ford here


Of the following options, which isnot one of the temperaments first proposed by thomas and chess (1977)?.


The secure baby one of the temperaments first proposed by Thomas and chess (1977). Thomas and Chess assert that children generally fall into one of three temperamental categories: easy, slow-to-warm-up, or difficult.

Researchers Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas discovered that nine temperamental characteristics—activity, regularity, initial reaction, adaptability, intensity, mood, distractibility, persistence-attention span, and sensory threshold—have an impact on temperament. Thomas and Chess assert that children often fall into one of three temperamental categories: easy, slow-to-warm-up, or challenging. Children who are easy to raise are typically joyful, active, and quick to adapt to new situations and environments. They came to the conclusion that kids who grew up in situations and had influences that complemented their personalities did better than kids whose personalities and environments didn't mesh as well. They studied a group of more than 100 infants in 1956 and followed them until 1977 in order to come to these conclusions.

Learn more about Thomas and chess here


Read the scenario.

A restaurant worker decides to take her employer to civil court. She has not been paid the wages that she agreed to when taking the job.

Which amendment states that a jury can be involved?

the Fourth Amendment
the Sixth Amendment
the Seventh Amendment
the Eighth Amendment



Seventh Amendment


Hope this helps, let me know if it's correct!

Some of the movements discussed in this chapter were not religious from the start but took on a religious meaning later, after they were established. Which of the following fall into this category?
Fourier's socialism and the Mayan Caste War


The following reasons are - Fourier's socialism and the Mayan Caste War

These movements were not religious from the start but took on a religious meaning later, after they were established.

Fourier Socialism:

Fourier's reason was that individuals could live agreeably in a condition of nature, liberated from government mediation. Visionaries found a lot to respect in Fourierist, and genuine devotees anticipated that at last the whole world would be coordinated into phalanxes.

the Mayan Caste War:

The Caste War was between socially European Spaniards and the native Maya. It began when the more affluent Spaniards endeavored to assume control over land being cultivated by the less fortunate workers. A large portion of the battling happened in Mexico yet there were likewise fights and populace developments in Belize.

Know more about Fourier and Mayan Caste -


how many different tribes lived within the northeastern united states during that time period (1621) and what were their names?


They divided themselves into roughly 600 tribes and spoke a variety of dialects.

People who live and work together in the same region are referred to as tribes.  Additionally, they feel really united. A chief is typically in charge of the tribe. Native peoples, aboriginal peoples, first nations, adivasi, janajati, hunter-gatherers, or hill tribes are only a few examples of national words used to refer to indigenous and tribal groups. The Algonquians, Iroquois, Susquehannocks, Mohicans, and Hurons are among the most prominent indigenous peoples in this region. Over the past 500 years, numerous labels, including American Indian, Native American, First Nation, Eskimo, Inuit, and Native Alaskan, have been used to refer to indigenous Americans.

To learn more about tribes click here:


Absence of volting rights for women in democracies​


But just as women’s voting rights weren’t always the law of the land, neither was their disenfranchisement. As we look below at the history of hard-won advances towards gender equity in the U.S., we also remember that in many parts of the world, women’s rights are in danger. Disenfranchisement is a reality for many.

Germany developed an extensive propaganda campaign during world war ii to build support for its war effort. please select the best answer from the choices provided t f


Its true .Germany developed an extensive propaganda campaign during world war ii to build support for its war effort.

During the American involvement in World War II (1941–1945), propaganda was used to increase Allied victory commitment and wartime morale. Propagandists encouraged the public to contribute more to war production and victory gardens, convinced people to save some of their materials so that more materials could be used for the war effort, and promoted the sale of war bonds using a wide range of media. Throughout the war, advertising increasingly centered on patriotism as massive campaigns were developed to sell war bonds, boost factory productivity, stop malicious rumors, and keep up civilian morale. The war strengthened the position of the advertising sector in American society, rebuking prior criticism.

Learn more about world war ii from


Answer: Its True!



Which of the following ideas from the Baron de Montesquieu influenced the Founding Fathers?

Separation of powers
Declaration of independence
Social contract
Natural law


Baron de Montesquieu's idea of separation of powers influenced the founding fathers.

What is the separation of powers?

Separation of powers is the division of government's responsibilities into different institutions or branches to restrict any of them from exercising the main functions of another.

The purpose of the separation of powers is to prevent one person from holding power and to provide for checks and balances.

The U.S. and other democratic systems practice separation of power via three branches of government - the legislative, the executive, and the judicial whereby each of the branches control the actions of others.

Therefore, the separation of powers is Baron de Montesquieu's idea that influenced the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Read more about the separation of powers at


The preamble to the u. S. Constitution called for a new system of government that could "provide for the common defence. " which of these is the best example of that role of our government?.


The best illustration of this function of our government can be found in our 1941 declaration of war against Japan.

The right to life and liberty was protected by the American constitution. These rights may occasionally be in danger from outside influences. External circumstances may occasionally put these rights in jeopardy. When Japan destroyed Pearl Harbor in 1941, this is what happened.

In this instance, "this preamble endowed the Congress of the United war  States with the right to appropriate funds for the national defense and government determine whether the country should take proper measures to declare war war against national threat."

An hour later, the Joint Resolution was drafted that declared war had war broken out between the Imperial Government of Japan and the government Government and People of the United States and made plans to carry it out.

Learn more about war  here


Answer the question for brainlist and hearts 15 points!


I think A is the answer

Hope this helps!

how did homelessness start in america? historically, homelessness emerged as a national issue in the 1870s. early homeless people lived in emerging urban cities, such as new york city. into the 20th century, the great depression of the 1930s caused a substantial rise in unemployment and related social issues, distress, and homelessness.


The origins of the current homelessness crisis go back decades - to policies that stopped the U.S. from building enough housing, experts said. Historically, homelessness emerged as a national issue in the 1870s.

Growing industrialization in the 19th century brought a steady migration to urban centers such as Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. The early 1980s marked the emergence of what now may be considered the modern era of homelessness.

And inflation is compounding the problem: Rent has increased at its fastest rate since 1986, putting houses and apartments out of reach for more Americans.

Learn more about homelessness in America here:


jack ruby was charged with assassinating president john f. kennedy, but doubts about his guilt linger. t/f


The statement that Jack Ruby was charged with assassinating president John F. Kennedy, but doubts about his guilt linger is false.

Jack Ruby was a nightclub owner shot to death the alleged assassin of President John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas police station. President Kennedy was fatally shot during an open-car motorcade in downtown Dallas streets. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and arraigned the murders of President Kennedy and Officer J.D. Tippit (who Oswald shot when he was questioning him). Ruby, who emerged from the ground and shot Oswald claiming that rage at Kennedy’s murder was the motive for his action. Ruby denied the allegation in his trial and pleaded innocent on the grounds that his grief over Kennedy’s murder caused “psychomotor epilepsy” and he shot Oswald unconsciously. Hence, the statement is false.

Learn more about John F. Kennedy:


although king james i was antagonistic to puritans, he sponsored which innovation that contributed to the spread of their ideals? group of answer choices


Although King James I was antagonistic to PuritanismPuritanism, he sponsored the invention of the printing press that contributed to the spread of their ideals.

Who was King James I?

From 1406 until his death in 1437, James I ruled Scotland.He was the third son, and the youngest, of King Robert III and Annabella Drummond. He was born in Dunfermline Abbey.While being held by their uncle Robert, Duke of Albany, their older brother David, Duke of Rothesay, passed away in questionable circumstances.Robert, James' younger brother, passed away too soon. Throughout the winter of 1405, 406, concerns about James's safety rose, and arrangements were made to move him to France.After members of Archibald, 4th Earl of Douglas's army attacked James' escort in February 1406, he was forced to seek sanctuary at the castle of Bass Rock in the Firth of Forth.

To know more about king james I click the link given below:


a type of climactic play structure, blank were popular nineteenth century dramas with carefully and tightly constructed, although contrived, plots.


A type of climactic play structure well-made plays were popular nineteenth century dramas with carefully and tightly constructed, although contrived, plots.

Climactic structure is identified by how closely it relates to the story's conclusion. The narrative's height of suspense occurs in the climax. While still having many twists and turns and a quick start, this plot archetype ultimately serves to direct both the characters and the audience to the point of greatest narrative tension. This is typically accomplished by presenting the cast with hurdles that only grow in difficulty until the climax, when they are forced to face the origin of those difficulties. Climactic plots typically feature fewer people and locations since establishing these new details can detract from the building suspense. The most compelling part of a tale or play is its conclusion. It is frequently the moment the protagonist recognizes what has to be done to fix the issue in the narrative. The biggest compression occurs in climactic story structure during the rising action, or the activities building up to the climax. An episodic theatrical play stretches the action widely rather than condensing it. As an alternative, climax structure involves a streamlined narrative that concentrates on fewer characters across fewer settings. A climax is a key event at the pinnacle of the story arc that sets the protagonist against an opposing power in an effort to end the primary conflict once and for all. It is a dramatic turning point in the narrative.

Learn more about climactic play structure here


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