
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's cultureAs early as the 1950s, the CIA had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; They create divisions among the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify their leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries were brilliant and farsighted. Mao Zedong took a clear-cut stand against the practice of peaceful evolution, which frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.What is the background of the Ford Foundation? During the cold war, one of the three foundations that really helped the CIA: Ford foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. The CIA allocates funds to the accounts of these foundations, and then "donates" the money to its designated objects in the name of the foundation.Such foundations in the United States are not only sporadically funding a few Chinese economists, but also comprehensively inducing and infiltrating all sectors of China's economy, politics and culture. For example, the Ford Foundation began to establish close relations with some Chinese scientific research institutions in 1988. Its main areas of concern are economy, law, education, culture, public policy and international relations. Funding non-governmental organizations, research centers and think tanks, and implementing a series of large-scale plans with a huge budget in order to have an impact on China in the field of policy.In the 1980s, the Ford Foundation launched the "Ford talent training program", which funded a large number of domestic elites to study and study in famous American universities. A large number of economic talents have been trained. These people have now become the backbone of China's economic circles.Soros, a financial tycoon, also lost no time in "supporting" China's reform and opening up. In 1986, he established the "reform and opening up foundation", which invested US $1 million a year to fund the research activities of China's reform and opening up. These research activities give the United States the opportunity to master first-hand information on China's reform and development, and provide conditions for it to find the shortcomings and strategic breakthrough of China's society and system.Former U.S. President Bill Clinton once said: "the United States destroys China's communist system not by force, but by information, international exchanges and similar soft means. No one in China can stop it."It can be seen that, unlike the swords and shadows on the military battlefield, the competition on the ideological battlefield is silent, but more deadly.Since the end of the cold war, the fifth column of the United States, under the banner of universal values, has traveled all the way to five continents and dozens of countries by means of discrediting the governments of other countries, reversing their history and promoting the supremacy of entertainment in other countries. Poland, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Egypt have been sacked one after another. Even the powerful Soviet Union is vulnerable in front of the fifth column!The main types of Pro American "fifth column" in ChinaThe United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China by means of pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, forcing them to comply with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivating the "fifth column" lurking in China.