Who Invented landscape architecture
A. John Roebling
B. Frederick Olmstead
C. Louis Sullivan
D. Elisha Otis


Answer 1
I’m pretty sure it’s B. Frederick Olmstead. I looked it up and found none of the other names.

Related Questions

how would you define a adjective



A word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages.


What’s the role of a coach in character education? With your own words



The role of a coach in character education is to inspire other through positivity. They also give opportunities of developing self-confidence and to be able to give them a better future (opening their minds).

Hope this helps!

What are the variables to be included and excluded?In research?


Answer: Variables that need to be included or excluded are defined by the research being done and its limitations also.

OR Inclusion and exclusion criteria may include factors such as age, sex, race, ethnicity, type and stage of disease, the subject's previous treatment history, and the presence or absence (as in the case of the “healthy” or “control” subject) of other medical, psychosocial, or emotional conditions.

It was late, but Jen was hungry anyway. She had been too
busy to eat all day, and now all she could think about was a
hamburger and fries, and maybe a milkshake, too. Jen
pulled into the drive-thru, but found that it had closed at 10
p.m. Jen sighed. What else might be open? She spotted a
24-hour joint across the street. She looked both ways and
pulled out into the road again.
What can you infer from the text?
A. Jen is thinking about a burger and fries.
B. Jen drives to another place.
C. Milkshakes are not good for you.
D. Jen pulls out of the drive-thru.


The answer is B. Jen is going to the other restaurant to get the food that she wants

Answer: A


and now all she could think about was a

hamburger and fries

Where are the children about to go as Chapter 6 ends in A Wrinkle in Time?



Mrs. Which's "gift" to all three children is the command that they go down into the town and stay strong together.


List five questions that you will ask about product and answer also the question given below​


This question is incomplete. Here is the complete question:

List five questions that you will ask about the product and answer also the question given below.

1. Using the guide questions in assessing health information, will you buy the product? Why or why not?



What else?​


1- What is the product made of?

2- Who is in charge of the good hygiene of the product?

3- For what reason is it on sale?

4- Will this product be good for my health?

5- How long will this product last in good condition?


 When purchasing a product, you must take into account its health information. This is essential for our health and what we are going to consume.

You must evaluate if the product is of good quality and make sure that it will not harm your health.

You can also consult this information with a doctor, with someone who knows the subject and is qualified to answer you or with a consumer help line.

Select all the correct answers.
Read the following sentence.
During the taste-test experiment, participants wore opaque blindfolds so that they could not see the brand names of the
foods they were testing.
In which of the following sentences does opaque have the same meaning as in the sentence above?
The confused students asked the teacher to help them understand the opaque lesson
on inflation and its effects on the economy.
The deep-sea diver found it difficult to see through the opaque water after a passing
shark stirred up mud and debris.
The patient did not understand the seriousness of his diagnosis because the doctor,
afraid of upsetting the patient, used opaque jargon and unclear descriptions.
The director of the museum insisted on replacing the clear glass windows with opaque
windows to prevent the precious paintings from fading in the sunlight.



The last one


the last one since in the context of the question the blindfolds are opaque meaning that they cannot see through them and the last one talks about adding opaque windows so then no sunlight comes through. If you do not agree with my answer then my second guess would be the one with the diver.

The sentence that have the same meaning of opaque as in the given sentence is "The director of the museum insisted on replacing the clear glass windows with opaque windows to prevent the precious paintings from fading in the sunlight".

What is the meaning of opaque?

Opaque means something through which you cannot see.

The sentence that have the same meaning of opaque as in the given sentence is "The director of the museum insisted on replacing the clear glass windows with opaque windows to prevent the precious paintings from fading in the sunlight" because in both the sentences the word "opaque" means unclear thing through which people cannot see. Both the sentences use the literal meaning of opaque.

To learn more about opaque here



help me to answer this questions please​



kaddu Kato chaar baar paad paad ke nacho har baar
Good luck on your test

Part A

In the memoir "A Home Away from Home," how does the narrator feel about her grandmother?

A. She is very jealous of her grandmother.

B. She resents and dislikes her grandmother.

C. She loves and admires her grandmother.

D. She feels worried about her grandmother.

Part B

Which statement from the text best supports the answer in Part A?

"Grandma Rose referred to us as the 'birthday gals,...'"

A. "'...you're just as strong-willed as your Grandma Rose,...'"

B. "I loved Grandma Rose and I wanted to be like her,..."

C. "I was named Caroline Rose after my Grandma Rose..."



Part A

C. She loves and admires her grandmother.

Part B

B. "I loved Grandma Rose and I wanted to be like her,...


In the book a home away from home, the narrator admitted how much she loves her grandmother and admired her a lot, she even went as far as making a statement which of how much she loved her grandmother rose and wanted to be like her.

Part 1- C. She loves and admires her grandmother.

Part 2-  B. "I loved Grandma Rose and I wanted to be like her,..."

                      I took the quiz for K12

Which excerpt from "Our Hero" best supports the conclusion that helping others makes someone a true hero?


O The town is setting up for the parade

to welcome brave Bill Wilson home again.

O And Joe has taught the children in the town

to value courage, as he's taught them, oh

Ann Martinson will give a speech today.

When Bill left, Anne was on a harmful path

O Wildflower Park has never looked so fine.

You'd never know it was vacant lot



And Joe has taught the children in the town

to value courage, as he's taught them, oh


The excerpt from "Our Hero" that supports the conclusion that helping others makes someone a true hero is option B.

This is because, Joe is regarded as a true hero because he taught the children how to have and value courage.





Ok same thing write me a paragraph make it good 4 sentences creative it's not for school so put what you want 20 points this time thanks to people who can't listen




The sunflower is an extremely strong flower, most underestimate how strong the sunflower is. They can stand up to 200 mph winds, allowing them to stand strong during strong winds. This helps them really well especially when they have to deal with large tornadoes that can even destroy buildings! This shows the true strength of the sunflower. If a flower that stands 6ish feet tall can stand strong in the ground while buildings made up of concrete and wood get instantly destroyed into small pieces. The sunflower is truly the best flower to ever exist and nothing can beat it.

Jean rushes to help Sam, who just got hurt at the skate park. Create at least four lines of effective dialogue between them that are punctuated and capitalized correctly, and include tag lines.


Creating at least four lines of effective dialogue between Jean and Sam, we have:

Jean: Oh my God! Sorry. Are you hurt?

Sam: (groans in pain) Yes. I have feeling that my ankle bones are dislocated.

Jean: (holds his legs) Allow me to check it so that I can apply some first aid.

Sam: (screams in pain) Don't press it hard, please.

Jean: (massaging it gently) Don't worry. You will be fine.

What is dialogue?

Dialogue actually refers to the process of conversation between two or more people. Dialogue is used in plays which help readers to understand the plot of the play.

We see above the dialogue between Jean and Sam.

Learn more about dialogue on https://brainly.com/question/6950210


Below are the effective lines of dialogue between Jean and Sam, who is hurt at the skatepark:

Jean: Hey bro, are you all right?

Sam: No, mate. I'm hurt in my ankle. Do you have any painkillers on you?

Jean: Yes, I've got a pill. Here, let me help you up.

Sam: Thanks, mate. I appreciate this.

What is an effective dialogue?

An effective dialogue is one where two or more speakers have a conversation and communication in an efficient manner.

Dialogue is used in plays which helps readers to understand the plot of the play.

Read more here:



Select the correct answer.
Which words best complete this sentence?

need help





predicament describes his difficult situation and enveloped describes how the snow is surrounding him.

What does the author suggest about Roosevelt in the last paragraph of the passage?
A. His problems will continue to grow worse.
osevelt as
her head
at a table
B. He has finally decided to become a writer.
C. His attitude is changed by Delphinia's words.
blearily at
for ten
ng to doubt
He will become a better friend and worker.
you down.
ding now?"
hinia said.
time putting it
ads across his
e told her.



i guess ...........the answers D

Which sentences from the excerpt most emphasize that spring has become a symbol of hope for the boys? Check all that apply.

A. That winter we didn’t make much progress, for I was in school and Doodle suffered from one bad cold after another.

B. But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again.

C. Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start.

D. Sometimes we descended into the cool greenness of Old Woman Swamp and climbed the rope vines or boxed scientifically beneath the pine where he had learned to walk.

E. Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song.



B. But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again.

C. Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start.

E. Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song.


The sentences from the excerpt that most emphasize spring as hope for the boys are option B, C, and E.

This is because spring is narrated as a moment when the boys raised their sights again, and success lay at the end of summer and that promise hung around like leaves.

The sentences from the excerpt that most emphasize that spring has become a symbol of hope for the boys is:

B. But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again.

C. Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start.

E. Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song.

"The Scarlet Ibis" is a story by James Hurst, full of symbols.Here, we are analyzing spring and how it became a symbol of hope for the boys in the story.Notice that winter has become the opposite: a symbol of sadness, or apathy, and sickness.Not spring! Spring is "rich and warm," full of "promise" and "success"!Spring represents new life and health - especially for poor, sickly Doodle.The options that show such feeling are B, C, and E.

Learn more about the topic here:







The author employs Alliteration, or the poetic device of using 2 or more words that start with the same letter together, when describing the "mystical moist" night-air.

Can someone please help my grade is super low in Ela and my mom is going to get mad at me



individual vs individual


a man vs. an other man

Which words from this text help create mood


What text are you referring to?

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the evils of online games on smartphones as a great source of time, energy and money waste for teenagers and youngsters and suggest some ways to discourage this unhealthy practice.



Mobile Legends or More


because it can cause paralyzes and shockes and more u need help from professional doctors.

What is the Fall of the House of Usher about?


An unnamed narrator approaches the house of Usher on a “dull, dark, and soundless day.” This house—the estate of his boyhood friend, Roderick Usher—is gloomy and mysterious. The narrator observes that the house seems to have absorbed an evil and diseased atmosphere from the decaying trees and murky ponds around it. He notes that although the house is decaying in places—individual stones are disintegrating, for example—the structure itself is fairly solid. There is only a small crack from the roof to the ground in the front of the building. He has come to the house because his friend Roderick sent him a letter earnestly requesting his company. Roderick wrote that he was feeling physically and emotionally ill, so the narrator is rushing to his assistance. The narrator mentions that the Usher family, though an ancient clan, has never flourished. Only one member of the Usher family has survived from generation to generation, thereby forming a direct line of descent without any outside branches. The Usher family has become so identified with its estate that the peasantry confuses the inhabitants with their home.

The narrator finds the inside of the house just as spooky as the outside. He makes his way through the long passages to the room where Roderick is waiting. He notes that Roderick is paler and less energetic than he once was. Roderick tells the narrator that he suffers from nerves and fear and that his senses are heightened. The narrator also notes that Roderick seems afraid of his own house. Roderick’s sister, Madeline, has taken ill with a mysterious sickness—perhaps catalepsy, the loss of control of one’s limbs—that the doctors cannot reverse. The narrator spends several days trying to cheer up Roderick. He listens to Roderick play the guitar and make up words for his songs, and he reads him stories, but he cannot lift Roderick’s spirit. Soon, Roderick posits his theory that the house itself is unhealthy, just as the narrator supposes at the beginning of the story.

Madeline soon dies, and Roderick decides to bury her temporarily in the tombs below the house. He wants to keep her in the house because he fears that the doctors might dig up her body for scientific examination, since her disease was so strange to them. The narrator helps Roderick put the body in the tomb, and he notes that Madeline has rosy cheeks, as some do after death. The narrator also realizes suddenly that Roderick and Madeline were twins. Over the next few days, Roderick becomes even more uneasy. One night, the narrator cannot sleep either. Roderick knocks on his door, apparently hysterical. He leads the narrator to the window, from which they see a bright-looking gas surrounding the house. The narrator tells Roderick that the gas is a natural phenomenon, not altogether uncommon.

The narrator decides to read to Roderick in order to pass the night away. He reads “Mad Trist” by Sir Launcelot Canning, a medieval romance. As he reads, he hears noises that correspond to the descriptions in the story. At first, he ignores these sounds as the vagaries of his imagination. Soon, however, they become more distinct and he can no longer ignore them. He also notices that Roderick has slumped over in his chair and is muttering to himself. The narrator approaches Roderick and listens to what he is saying. Roderick reveals that he has been hearing these sounds for days, and believes that they have buried Madeline alive and that she is trying to escape. He yells that she is standing behind the door. The wind blows open the door and confirms Roderick’s fears: Madeline stands in white robes bloodied from her struggle. She attacks Roderick as the life drains from her, and he dies of fear. The narrator flees the house. As he escapes, the entire house cracks along the break in the frame and crumbles to the ground

In The Farewell Speech, Queen Elizabeth's use of first-person point of view O helps her to appear to be impartial and objective. O prevents her from addressing the audience directly. allows her to share her personal thoughts and ideas. makes it seem as though she's observing from the outside.​


Answer:allows her to share her personal thoughts and ideas


The Queen is known for her Golden speeches.

In the Farewell speech, Queen Elizabeth uses the first person point of view in order to allow her to share her personal thoughts and ideas.

People often shows their thoughts verbally often in the way they express themselves.

The Queen by the use of a first person point of view was able to express her though and ideas so that the people can understand what she is trying to convey to them.

It shows that her view is not impartial or objective and She can communicate easily with them.

Learn more about The Speech from


The story “To Lotti With Love” is told by


The author has organised the story 'To Lotti With Love' by giving a sequential account of episodes that shaped Nancy's personality.

Explanation: it’s chronological

To Lotti With Love is a brief tale composed by Freda Lament. The story is named about a note given to an entertainer named Lotti. The story predicates the existence of Nancy, who dealt with the dresses of entertainer's.

What is the idea behind the story?

The creator has coordinated the story sequentially. The Sequential type of coordinating a design is utilized to structure a text according to the movement of time. This movement can happen either in forward of time or in reverse.

Miss Lotti is quite possibly of the most focal person in the account of Marigolds, where she is seen utilizing the various strategies to plant and develop marigolds in the front yard of her home with a goal to offer them to wealth in the general public.

The story 'To Lotti With Adoration' is coordinated in sequential way and records the episodes that transformed Nancy and character over the timeframe.

The creator has coordinated the story 'To Lotti With Adoration' by giving a consecutive record of episodes that formed Nancy's character.

For more information about Lottie, refer the following link:



Who are the major characters in the book, “My Favorite Chaperone”?



maya. narrator main character.

Madina Zhamejakova. main character's aunt first to America.

natalie wood. movie star that the aunt is compared to.

Bob Campbell. marries the aunt and is in the navy.

papa. dad cab driver.

mama. mom house cleaner.

Shannon Lui. best friend grandparents from china.

ms coe.


write 150 words explaining why it is important to set specific goals in life and strive to reach those goals , PLS HELP !!!


Answer: Why is it important to set goals in life? First of all, it focuses your acquisition of knowledge, helping you organize your time and your resources so that you can make the most of your life. This gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. Motivation is very important and keeps us going every day. So setting a simple goal and possibly promising yourself something in the end can power your motivation.

So how can you strive to reach these goals? Here are a couple strategies: Use a journal, diary, calendar, or app to track how you are doing. Commit to your goal by saying it out loud and reminding yourself each day. Write a story or draw a picture to envision how your life will change when you reach your goal. It is also important to decide in advance when and where you will perform the tasks that will help you reach what you are striving for. “All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.” says Orison Swett Marden . Set your goal, look to your future, and forget the past. This is how you can reach your goal and get where you need to be.


The bank was robbed precisely at 1:23 p.m. Anyone who can prove where they were between 1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. cannot be considered a suspect.
The argument above is an example of _____.
inductive reasoning
subjective reasoning
deductive reasoning
a logical fallacy





PLEASE MARK BRAINLIEST!!!!!! Iv'e never gotten one before.

I don't have your number i can get it later



i'll give it to you if you want, but i'm grounded sorry



The Englishmen make a cultural allusion when they mention that —
the leper must be taken alive and unhurt
a horse could probably tell them something important
the gun barrel is singeing the carpet
in H.M.S. Pinafore an unknown noise is attributed to a cat


Answer:  i will get back to you



Hold on I’m looking into it okay just wait

Only once during all those trips did we have any trouble. Some demon boys were out in the street. They stooped as if to pick up things to throw, and Father whispered to me to sit up straight and not show I was afraid. The demon boys called out some things, but we ignored them until we had passed them by. A rock whizzed by my ear and hit Red Rabbit in the side. He snorted, but plodded on as steadily as before. —Dragonwings, Laurence Yep Based on his actions in the passage, which is the best inference about Father? Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence. Father's response to the children throwing rocks shows that he is

A) strong and calm
B) afraid and weak
C) unaware of conflict
D) unhappy and resentful



strong and calm



The response of the Father to the children throwing rocks shows that he is Option A.

What does the Passage show?

The youngsters are throwing rocks at the narrator and his father because they are Chinese, which illustrates the challenges that Chinese immigrants faced in the early 1900s.

The challenges faced by the father and his son can be deduced from the paragraph; on each new excursion, they encounter children or boys who treat them badly by hurling rocks. This was primarily due to the fact that they were Chinese, and the son finds himself rather terrifying and foreign as a result.

For more information about Dragonwings refer to the link:



which phrase signals a cause and effect relationship

A) not long after
B) this led to
C). to begin with
D). at that point​


The answer is A. not long after

Example: Bob forgot to lock the door. Not long after a thief noticed the unlocked door and stole all of Bob's valuables.

Do you think it’s gotten harder to have conversations with people about controversial issues?



Yes Say one wrong thing and They gonna bring they whole family to your door steps with guns at 1 am.


Other Questions
What's the answer ? A. B. C. Or D? Which of these is the best definition of biotechnology?? A) The study of chemical processes in living things B) the use and application of living things and science C) the application of engineering principles to solve medical problems D) the study of forces Which type of poem has five lines, an AABBA rhyme scheme, and a specific rhythmical pattern? |2x+5|-4=16 find both answers Ming Chen began a professional practice on June 1 and plans to prepare financial statements at the end of each month. During June, Ming Chen (the owner) completed these transactions. ok ht inces a. Owner invested $60,000 cash in the company along with equipment that had a $26,000 market value in exchange for its common stock. b. The company paid $2,700 cash forfrent of office space for the month. c. The company purchased $14,000 of additional equipment on credit (payment due within 30 days). d. The company completed work for a client and immediately collected the $2,600 cash earned. e. The company completed work for a client and sent a bill for $7,700 to be received within 30 days. f. The company purchased additional equipment for $5,100 cash. g. The company paid an assistant $4,000 cash as wages for the month. h. The company collected $4,300 cash as a partial payment for the amount owed by the client in transaction e. i. The company paid $14,000 cash to settle the liability created in transaction c. j. The company paid $1,100 cash in dividends to the owner (sole shareholder). ad time Required: Enter the impact of each transaction on individual items of the accounting equation. (Enter decreases to account balances with a minus sign.) what is an example of carbohydrates? Find the measurement of PQ. Assume the drawings are not drawn to scale HURRY UP NEED HELP7. Find the equation of a line that fits the data shown in the graph below. Read this excerpt from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone. However the change came about, it provided Champollion with a new key to the puzzle of the hieroglyphs. He soon made use of it to go a step beyond Young and establish his own worth as a scholar once and for all. What is the best prediction that can be made based on this excerpt? Champollion went on to prove that Young had deciphered the hieroglyphs. Champollion was not supported by other scholars and died unrecognized. Champollion made new discoveries that earned him great respect. Champollion and Young joined forces and began to work together. if tan =3 determine all the possible values of such that -202 URGENT PLEASE HELP ASAP 50 PTS Brainliest to best IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER DO NOT COMMENT!!!1. What part of speech is the italicized word?The speaker delivered a rousing message.pronounadverbverbadjectivenoun 2. What part of speech is the italicized word?The giant pines swayed in the wind.verbpronounadjectivenounadverb3. What part of speech is the italicized word?They had to cancel the game because of rain.verbadverbpronounadjectivenoun4. What part of speech is the italicized word?Our choir director is a talented musician.pronounadverbnounverbadjective5.What part of speech is the italicized word?Mary looked lovely in her new dress.verbnounpronounadjectiveadverb example of chemical property Using PhytonWrite a program with the following functions.function 1: Accepts 2 strings as arguments. returns true if the second string is a part of the first string. HELP ME PLSSS SOMEONE HELPP ILL GIVE BRAINLIESTtom sold 3 cars ( a total value of $112,500) in the month of january. it is paid only by commission for its seller. he receives a commission of 7%. what is toms salary for the month of january? Can someone help? I need a answer by 10/29 Evaluating. Do you think it is necessary to make a work plan and schedule for every meal? Why or why not? What are the pros and cons of doing so? What the meaning of centerpiece Caleb is a junior at JA Enterprise High School and plays rugby on the school team. He has a part-time job at a local fast-food restaurant and works 20 hours a week for $7.60 an hour. His gross monthly income is $608.00, and his take-home pay is $501.64. In his spare time, Caleb walks a dog belonging to an elderly neighbor. He earns an additional $40.00 per month for that chore.Caleb's parents gave him a used car, and he pays his own insurance, which is $110 per month. His gas and maintenance expenses usually run $65 a month. He also has a cell phone and pays his parents $30 each month for his share of the family plan.In three weeks, Caleb plans to take a day trip to Six Flags amusement park. His admission will cost $50, and he plans to have $35 for meals and another $50 for incidentals.Caleb needs to start saving for Christmas, which is in four months, and he usually spends around $200 on gifts for his family and friends. He also would like to buy a new $80 e-reader this month.Though Caleb's parents will help pay for his college tuition, he knows that in two years, he will have to pay for his books and earn his own spending money. He is estimating that each semester, he will spend $300 on books and $600 on personal needs.How much are Caleb's regular monthly expenses? HELP ASAP!!!!3) Why do some employers use credit reports before hiring a new employee? How can having a pastdue bill on your credit report impact your ability to get hired for your dream job?Explain using at least two complete sentences.