Which Quaker belief do you think influenced William Penn’s attitude toward Native Americans? Explain your answer.

Your answer should be at least 5-7 sentences in length.


Answer 1


Petter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers


Related Questions

Explain how we choose the President and share what you believe to be the strengths and weaknesses of this system?



time for me to pull out the entire textbook xD


Based on Isaac Newton
pls help


Ok, so I found these answers on Quizlet. When you put the answer in please reword them so it doesn’t look like plagiarism. If you want me to give you an example I can!

1 - He had a lot of insecurity because his mother abandoned him and gave him away to his grandmother and father died when he was young.

2 - He did not learn any math or science until 17 years old. He worked so hard and he had nothing and became one of the most well known scientists throughout the world.

3 - This answer is optional. You can put this answer or make one of your own.
Newton though the sun was the center of the solar system. Aristotle thought the Earth was. (The answer to this question had a lot of grammar issues, but if you can tell what he was saying then you can complete the sentence.

4 - Hooke criticizes his work and also claimed Newton stole some of his ideas.

5 - You have to answer this question yourself.

6 - Leibniz claimed that he developed calculus before Newton. Newton claimed he had developed it first.

7 - It is a substance that can convert any basic metal to gold or silver as well as give a person immortality and cure all diseases.

Hope this helps!

The Roman Empire fell around the fifth century, and as Islam spread in the seventh century, trade between Europe and China slowed. Chinese traders were blocked from westward expansion into Europe when the Chinese army was defeated by Muslim fighters in the area known as Syr Darya. The trade routes, known as the Silk Road, fell into disuse, and trade between the Far East and Europe nearly stopped. It wasn't until the thirteenth century when the Mongols invaded and controlled central Asia and large parts of the Middle East that extensive trade along these routes was opened again.

Which statement is true about the Mongol empire?
Without access to European markets, the Chinese were unable to obtain raw materials.
The Mongols unified regions along the Silk Road, allowing for safe transport of goods.
Muslims controlled busy trade routes into China from the fifth to the seventh centuries.


This answer would in fact be A

If you commit a crime, which part of the 5th amendment protects you from not being told what you have been arrested for or being told that your court date is in 10 years?
A) Self-incrimination
B) Due Process
C) Freedom of Speech
D) Eminent Domain


Answer: The answer is a Self-incrimination


Answer:The answer is Self-Incrimination


Which of the following indicates only a relative chronology?
A. the Civil War started on April 12, 1861
B. the American Revolution started on April 19, 1775
C. The Reconstruction era began after the Civil War ended
D. the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776


Answer: The answer is c because it does not give an exact date


The answer is c sorry I need some points to ask a question

Should American teenagers join political parties? State why or why not. Please explain your reasoning with five facts about political parties.



It depends on your age. If you are 16-19, yes because you are approaching the age to legally vote. If you are younger, maybe think about your political party that your thinking about joining. Think about your beliefs and why you want those rights.


Will yes when your 16-19 because you are close to vote

Which economy is this?
The Amerikaner are a strong, democratic country with a thriving economy. Due to competition between businesses, there are lots of options when buying new products. In order to stay in business, companies have to keep creating new products and convincing consumers that their product is best. If the prices are too high, the customers may not buy their product! Years ago, the Amerikaner people were taken advantage of as they worked… they had to start work at a very young age and were barely paid anything. Also, some companies bought out others and took control of industries. These companies were able to control everything and make prices too high! Today, the government has made laws to protect the consumers. The laws created minimum wage and a minimum work age. The laws also prevent monopolies to help increase competition and keep product prices affordable.





Who likes to collect old things. I know that i love to collect old things especially old cars.
God bless all! :)



God Bless Explanation:

What did Mexico hope to accomplish by placing custom duties (taxes) on all goods entering Texas from the United States?

A. they just did it out of spite
B. to collect enough money to go to war with the U.S.
C. to get Texans to buy their goods from Mexico
D. to pay for the Mexican Revolution


I’m pretty sure it’s C
It C.to get Texans to buy their goods from Mexico

In at least 150-200 words, discuss the pros and cons of westward expansion in the state of Georgia. Consider both the yeoman farmers and Native Americans in your response.


Answer:  Pros-  here was territorial expansion Proponents of the movement said that with Manifest Destiny, America became what it is today, one of the most powerful countries in the world. When our forefathers followed what was destined for America, the U.S. was able to acquire more properties as well as gold. This also made it possible for more immigrants to have chance to start new lives. It brought more land for farming and improvement.

Those who were in favor of the movement said that with more land area acquired, there were more agriculture land made available which was good for the economy and for supply of food and vegetables for the people. The Manifest Destiny made it possible for the merchants and farmers to produce more crops to consume and sell. It was good for trade and industry.

Proponents said that this opened new doors for trading to other countries. By acquiring lands from other places and even other countries, like Alaska which was bought from Russia, there will be more routes for trade and barter.As it doubled the land area of the U.S., it also increased goods, services and wealth.

Some advocates said that not only did the movement increase the size of the country, expanding to other countries and not just states, but it also added to farm lands needed to produce products and poultry. Moreover, with the territorial expansion not only in Asia but also in Europe, more ports for trade were opened and all these added to the reserves of the country, thus, it brought about more wealth. The gold rush of 1849 is one of the significant events in American history and this happened within the period where Manifest Destiny evolved. It paved the way for Americans to share their culture.

People who lived in the new territories were influenced with the way of life of Americans. It offered a chance for exploration.

One of the benefits advocates for Manifest Destiny claimed was that Americans were given the chance to discover other places other than the community they grew up in. This was not only great for economic improvement but also for personal gain, spiritually, emotionally and socially. By given the chance to be settlers, Americans were able to maximize their potential, discover new ways of living and learn to be innovative. As a whole, this was able to bring more benefits than drawbacks to the American people.

Cons-It brought conflict and war. Opponents of Manifest Destiny argued that this philosophy resulted to war between countries and even the civil war. As early as 1822, the U.S. was already in conflict with Great Britain over the division of Oregon. It also gave a reason for the U.S. to start a war with Mexico and Spain. It was a time of slavery.

One of the drawbacks of U.S. territorial expansion was the proliferation of slavery. Although the Americans made a promise that they will not be taking the land of other people, like the Native Americans, without their consent and other than through peaceful means, history showed that this did not really happen. It led to the death and suffering of many people, particularly, the Indians.

Opponents claim that Manifest Destiny brought about suffering to the people whose land were taken from them without their consent. Along the way, many people were killed and there was mass destruction of tribes. Indians were brought to reservations as well. It is unconstitutional.

Those who are not in favor of what the Manifest Destiny stood for said that what the Southerners did, which was spread slavery, was against the constitution and so is taking other territories that do not really belong to them. They also argued that those who pushed for territorial expansion already knew beforehand that the Native Americans will be uprooted to give way for white settlers and international railroad links and yet they still proceeded. For critics, this is clearly a violation of the rights of the people. Abolitionists said that the constitution did not give the country the right for acquisition of new land areas.

Explanation: I wrote more than 150-200 word but this is like 2-3 paragraphs

Answer: Pros-  here was territorial expansion Proponents of the movement said that with Manifest Destiny, America became what it is today, one of the most powerful countries in the world. When our forefathers followed what was destined for America, the U.S. was able to acquire more properties as well as gold. This also made it possible for more immigrants to have chance to start new lives. It brought more land for farming and improvement.

Those who were in favor of the movement said that with more land area acquired, there were more agriculture land made available which was good for the economy and for supply of food and vegetables for the people. The Manifest Destiny made it possible for the merchants and farmers to produce more crops to consume and sell. It was good for trade and industry.

Proponents said that this opened new doors for trading to other countries. By acquiring lands from other places and even other countries, like Alaska which was bought from Russia, there will be more routes for trade and barter.As it doubled the land area of the U.S., it also increased goods, services and wealth.

Some advocates said that not only did the movement increase the size of the country, expanding to other countries and not just states, but it also added to farm lands needed to produce products and poultry. Moreover, with the territorial expansion not only in Asia but also in Europe, more ports for trade were opened and all these added to the reserves of the country, thus, it brought about more wealth. The gold rush of 1849 is one of the significant events in American history and this happened within the period where Manifest Destiny evolved. It paved the way for Americans to share their culture.

People who lived in the new territories were influenced with the way of life of Americans. It offered a chance for exploration.

One of the benefits advocates for Manifest Destiny claimed was that Americans were given the chance to discover other places other than the community they grew up in. This was not only great for economic improvement but also for personal gain, spiritually, emotionally and socially. By given the chance to be settlers, Americans were able to maximize their potential, discover new ways of living and learn to be innovative. As a whole, this was able to bring more benefits than drawbacks to the American people.

Cons-It brought conflict and war. Opponents of Manifest Destiny argued that this philosophy resulted to war between countries and even the civil war. As early as 1822, the U.S. was already in conflict with Great Britain over the division of Oregon. It also gave a reason for the U.S. to start a war with Mexico and Spain. It was a time of slavery.

One of the drawbacks of U.S. territorial expansion was the proliferation of slavery. Although the Americans made a promise that they will not be taking the land of other people, like the Native Americans, without their consent and other than through peaceful means, history showed that this did not really happen. It led to the death and suffering of many people, particularly, the Indians.

Opponents claim that Manifest Destiny brought about suffering to the people whose land were taken from them without their consent. Along the way, many people were killed and there was mass destruction of tribes. Indians were brought to reservations as well. It is unconstitutional.

Those who are not in favor of what the Manifest Destiny stood for said that what the Southerners did, which was spread slavery, was against the constitution and so is taking other territories that do not really belong to them. They also argued that those who pushed for territorial expansion already knew beforehand that the Native Americans will be uprooted to give way for white settlers and international railroad links and yet they still proceeded. For critics, this is clearly a violation of the rights of the people. Abolitionists said that the constitution did not give the country the right for acquisition of new land areas.

Explanation: Pls give branliest this is odessy. Thank You

Tell whether each term represents a general statement regarding either the Democratic or Republican Party.

Need answer fast!!!





Bill Clinton


Favors Judaical activism


Ronald Reagan



2nd amendment


What they said ^^^^^^

Roger Bannister: The Barrier Breaker

How do you overcome obstacles that seem impossible? Sir Roger Bannister, the first man to break the four-minute-mile record, knew what it was like to break barriers.

Learning a Passion
Roger Bannister was born in Harrow, England, in 1929. Since his parents couldn't afford to send him to college, he worked to win scholarships to study medicine at Oxford. Bannister had two loves: studying medicine and running track. He worked hard to do well at both. Because of his studies, Bannister had less time for track practice than other athletes. Most athletes trained at least six days a week. Bannister trained only two to three times a week. In the 1952 Olympic Games, Bannister ran the 1500m race but finished fourth. Many said this was due to his lack of training. Bannister decided it was time to get serious. He focused on doing what everyone in the world thought was impossible. He wanted to break the four-minute-mile barrier.

Setting a Goal
No one in history had ever run a mile in less than four minutes, although several had tried. For decades, physicians believed that running a mile too fast would cause heart failure. Bannister knew he could set a new world record by working hard. Bannister believed that pushing himself beyond the pain would make him a winner. That is just what Bannister did on May 6, 1954, at Iffley Road Track in Oxford. On a cold, wet track, Roger Bannister broke the four-minute-mile barrier with a time of 3:59.4. Two other runners helped him set a fast pace. Then Bannister relied on his training to run the first three laps of the track in 3:01. During the final lap of the race against the clock, Bannister knew he could finish the race in less than 59 seconds. He broke away from the other runners and flew down the last two curves of the track at record speed. As he crossed the finish line, he collapsed into the arms of his friend Reverend Nicholas Stacey. Bannister was out of breath and out of energy, but he knew he had broken the world record. Bannister accomplished a great moment in history that day.
After breaking the four-minute-mile barrier, Bannister competed in a few more races. He ran his personal record of 3:43.8 in the 1500m in the European Championship. That was Bannister's last race. In August of 1954, he retired at the age of 25 to focus on what he considered his true contribution to society—his research in the field of neurology, the study of the nerves and the nervous system.

Making a Difference
In 1975, two decades after his feat, Roger Bannister was knighted by the Sports Council of England. He had done what no man thought was possible. However, Bannister knew his athletic glory was fleeting. He felt that his work as a neurologist was the real accomplishment of his life. For over 40 years, he worked in neurology, helping patients who suffered serious neurological disorders. To honor his work and dedication as a neurologist, St. Mary's Hospital in London named a lecture hall after Dr. Bannister. In the lecture hall, the famous stopwatch used to time Bannister's mile is on display. In July of 2012, Bannister was honored to be elected as one of the Olympic torchbearers. He carried the flame into the Oxford track stadium that was named for him. Of his neurology career and his track achievements, as the greatest runner ever, Bannister claims that working hard is the secret to his success.

Why does the author use chronological order to organize the passage?
to place the events in Bannister's life in the order in which they happened
to present Bannister's challenge of breaking a record and his solution for it
to compare Bannister's achievements in running with his achievements in medicine
to show how the events in Bannister's life affected his career in neurology


Answer to 11 is A... I believe
11 answer

i need help with this please help me!!!!



The answer is B) monarchy

i think C. if you google all of the governments and read the definitions of all of them, C matches the description the best.

i already know the answer isnt c.



D i think


b or d!!!! confucianism is very pure so either of those should be right ! probably D

According to Crevecoeur, what happened in the “New World” that didn’t happen in Europe? Why?

if you answer with random letters or things to get points, you will be reported.


According to crevecoeur, the new world was a place where people could start a new and create a new identity for themselves. He believe that the new world was a place where people could escape the rigid class structure of Europe and create a new Society based on equality and freedom


write a letter to King George III on behalf of the colonists.

Please format your letter as follow and be sure to include each section

1. Salutation (Dear King George, etc.)

2. State your complaint

3. Give ideas for change (How can your compaint in #2 be resolved?)

4. Tell what each side (colonists and British) can change to help the situation

5. Close with a note of thanks

6. Sincerely, Your Name


The Petition to the King was a petition sent to King George III by the First Continental Congress in 1774, calling for repeal of the Intolerable Acts.

uhm not about to write a whole letter. you can do it tho

Where is it the hottest in Israel?



I'm pretty sure its Tirat Zvi


Tirat Zvi


Tirat Zvi and several other kibbutzim are located, lies 220 meters (722 feet) below sea level, making it not just one of the hottest places in Israel, but also one of the hottest places on earth

In the Declaration of Independence, the colonists claimed the right to establish their own government. Which diagram represents the change that occurred as a result of the Declaration?


Post a picture of the diagram so we can help

Which of the following is a path for transportation built by a private company that charges
users a fee or toll?
O locomotive
O railroad
O turnpike
O waterway


C. Turnpike is the answer. Hope this helped

what was the effect of city growth on women ?



As indicated by Cathy Mcllwaine of the University of London, while urbanization could give ladies an occasion to successfully adapt to savagery because of accessible institutional help and monetary assets, frequently "social relations can be more divided, which can prompt more prominent rate of viciousness, as can the weights of metropolitan living, for example, destitution, commitment in particular sorts of occupation, low quality everyday environments and the actual setup of metropolitan regions."


we aren’t gonna get tights if trump wins >:( but biden won so we have rights <3

What is a government that is run by a small group of people?

Select one:
A. democracy
B. autocracy
C. oligarchy
D. communism


The answer is Oligarchy


its C oligarchy

Which is not something Christopher Columbus is known for?

A). safely bringing his ships to landfall despite a much longer voyage than he expected
B). convincing Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to sponsor his expedition in sailing west across the Atlantic to reach Asia
C). succeeding in his goal of reaching the Indies
D). miscalculating the circumference of the earth and the sizes of Asia and Europe

Please answer quickly and correctly! :)



C is probably the answer

Elyse has prepared these lists for her next city council meeting, where she will present to the rest of the council about water services in the city. Which argument could she make in favor of the current water service instead of the service offered by the private company?

Select one:
A. Residents will pay less if the city provides their water.
B. Maintaining the current sanitation plant will be easier if the city provides water service.
C. There will be more jobs available if the city service provides water service.
D. The water will contain fluoride if the city provides water service.





A. Because when you see it you do and that’s that on that hoops

How did Catholic leaders encourage change during the Catholic Reformation? through a return to Simony through a return to community service with a break from the coaments with a break from church expansion​


There were reports that priests, monks and nuns did not behave as well as they should. Some felt that the Catholic Church was more interested in money and power than in saving souls. For example, the church sold 'indulgences' for those who had committed sins. On November 9, 1518 the pope condemned Luther's writings as conflicting with the teachings of the Church. Luther refused to recant, and on January 3, 1521 Pope Leo excommunicated Martin Luther from the Catholic Church. On April 17, 1521 Luther appeared before the Diet of Worms in Germany. How was the Catholic Church corrupt in the period of The Decameron and the Renaissance? During the Renaissance and the time period of The Decameron, the Catholic Church was rife with corruption. Clergy often misbehaved sexually and lived lavishly, despite vows to do otherwise. The Jesuits helped carry out two major objectives of the Counter-Reformation: Catholic education and missionary work. The Jesuits established numerous schools and universities throughout Europe, helping to maintain the relevance of the Catholic church in increasingly secular and Protestant societies. The first effort to stop the spread of protestantism was to declare the effort to reform the Catholic Church a heresy. In 1408 The Catholic Church declared the Lollards heretics and encouraged their persecutions, loss of wealth and even death. By 1438 the Lollard movement was dead.

Study the image above. Which of the following should you place on the line labeled "F"?



Congress. Hbcdjxbbfffhhzfnzd
the judicial branch. they have to serve for life. i remember learning this.

How did Seward change American attitudes?

He added land to increase our size
He made people believe we should expand into foreign territories
He bought territory that became a huge investment
He showed how to negotiate under pressure



It is (C).


I did it and got it right.

Sorry if it is wrong


The answer is C and here is my reading on it


As time passed, however, the Alaskan purchase proved to be one of the shrewdest investments ever made by the United States.

so that proves that the answer is C. Good luck sorry for the late answer!

Why did the Georgia Trustees found the Georgia Colony? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

a) to produce cash crops that could not be grown well in Britain

b) to grow enough food in the Colony to feed the poor in Britain

c) to give poor and indebted British people a new start in the New World

d) to build mills and factories and manufacture finished goods in the colony

e) to protect the profitable South Carolina Colony from the Spanish in Florida

f) to mine for gold and other valuable metals that were discovered in the area


The ones that apply are E,D,B

The charter was granted to James Oglethorpe's Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America. Oglethorpe envisioned the province as a location for the resettlement of English debtors and "worthy poor," despite the fact that few debtors were part

What was the main focus of Georgia during the trustee period?The charter was granted to James Oglethorpe's Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America. Oglethorpe envisioned the province as a location for the resettlement of English debtors and "worthy poor," despite the fact that few debtors were part of Georgia's organized settlement.The rigidity of Georgia's peculiar system, on the other hand, betrayed the Colony's mercantile origins. The Colony failed miserably as both a compact society for military purposes and a producer of exotic products.The colony quickly rose to prominence as the world's leading producer of textiles and raw cotton.Georgia's Trustees returned its charter to King George II in 1752. Georgia became a Royal Colony, subject to the King of England's direct rule.

To learn more about : Georgia

Ref : https://brainly.com/question/6109374


briefly define Fahrenheit scale IN YOUR OWN WORDS! plz thnx<3



A system of measurement used to determine the thermal energy somebody or something gives off.

Who were the women of the American Revolution. I need help



Here are ten females who were in the American Revolution:

- Mary Ball Washington

- Martha Custis Washington

- Lucy Flucker Knox

- Abigail Adams

- Mercy Otis Warren

- Catherine Moore Barry

- Sybil Ludington

- Nancy Hart

- Esther DeBerdt Reed

- Margaret Cochran Corbin


Have a wonderful day, my friend:)

That first answer would be correct, she knows what she is talking about

I dont think the answer is B.



It is a. Don’t listen to that fool Brainliest?
The girl above my answer is right. The answer is A
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