which line from the poem suggests that people covered in wagons experienced the conditions of the land​


Answer 1
mountains of froth and foam
Which line from the poem suggests that people in covered wagons experienced the conditions of the land? mountains of froth and foam.

Related Questions

Type this word with correct spelling.
mězh' er


Measure? lol what me get it wrong

CREATE: Your Savings Goals
We all know that saving money is good for us, but it can be challenging to save regularly. One of the most effective ways to help you save is to set savings goals for yourself and identify ways to keep yourself accountable. In this activity, you’ll identify what your savings goals are, calculate how much you need to save, and write a letter to your future self to help you reach your goals.

Part I: Identify Your Savings Goals

Using post-it notes, small pieces of paper, or a piece of scrap paper, brainstorm specific savings goals you would like to meet. These goals can vary from small (saving for a new pair of sunglasses) to big (saving for college). Aim to come up with at least 15-20 ideas.

Now sort your ideas into three piles:
- Short-term goals: goals you would like to achieve within two months
- Medium-term goals: goals you would like to achieve from within two months to three years
- Long-term goals: goals you would like to achieve three or more years out

Fill out the table below using the piles you created.

Short-Term Goals
< 2 months

Medium-Term Goals
2 months - 3 years

Long-Term Goals
> 3 years

Which goal, in each category, would motivate you most to save? Why?




Let’s say you have a part-time job and you’re able to save $100 per month from your paychecks. How would you distribute the money between your 3 savings goals above? Explain your reasoning.






After job-hunting for two months, Jessica had to choose between two alternatives" for employment-a fashion magazine and a clothing store. She already had (1)____job offers from both employers. They planned to make the offers definite after they were able to (2)_____application. the information on her job. In the meantime, Jessica thought about the good and bad points of the two jobs. Both offered the (3)______that she liked; she hated doing the same thing every day. Both had good benefits, such as sick leave and vacation time. However, the two companies would not (4)_____her equally. At this salary would endorse a promotion for her within a few months. At the fashion magazine Jessica's starting salary the clothing store, Jessica would start out at a (5)_____ salary-not as much as she had hoped for. With her many expenses, she might even have to find a part-time job in the evenings to (6)_____ But there were other reasons for taking this job. Working for the store, Jessica would be free to put her many ideas into practice right away. Her manager said he would not (7)_____any attempts she might make to move up in the company. In fact, he promised that if her work was good, he would far (8)_____ what she would get paid at the clothing store-she wouldn't have to worry about money at all. But the prospects of getting promotions and raises were not so definite. Jessica could (9)_____(10)______of both jobs as learning experiences and also felt she could much satisfaction from either one. This would not be an easy decision.

Choose the answer:













1. tentative

2. verify

3. diversity

4. supplement

5. moderate

6. compensate

7. inhibit

8. surpass

9. conceive

10. derive

For the given passage, the words are to be filled which suit the meaning of the sentence and paragraph as a whole.

What will be the answers of the given passage?

The correct order for the fill in the blanks will be:

1. tentative

2. verify

3. diversity

4. supplement

5. moderate

6. compensate

7. inhibit

8. surpass

9. conceive

10. derive

Hence, this is the order in which the blanks will be filled.

Learn more about Fill the blanks on https://brainly.com/question/18881247


6 Plan the following descriptive titles. What difference do the definite article and use of
the plural make? List at least six ideas which could be developed into paragraphs, and
make notes of some descriptive words, phrases and images you will include. Decide on
the order in which you would use your material.
a The lake
b A place I never want to go back to
c Where I come from
d City street at night
e Mountains.






Reread "The Emancipation Proclamation, excerpt":


I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy thereof, do hereby proclaim and declare that hereafter, as heretofore, the war will be prosecuted for the object of practically restoring the constitutional relation between the United States, and each of the States, and the people thereof, in which States that relation is, or may be, suspended or disturbed.

That it is my purpose, upon the next meeting of Congress to again recommend the adoption of a practical measure tendering pecuniary aid to the free acceptance or rejection of all slave States, so called, the people whereof may not then be in rebellion against the United States and which States may then have voluntarily adopted, or thereafter may voluntarily adopt, immediate or gradual abolishment of slavery within their respective limits; and that the effort to colonize persons of African descent, with their consent, upon this continent, or elsewhere, with the previously obtained consent of the Governments existing there, will be continued.

That on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

That the executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States, and part of States, if any, in which the people thereof respectively, shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof shall, on that day be, in good faith represented in the Congress of the United States, by members chosen thereto, at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States.

That attention is hereby called to an Act of Congress entitled "An Act to make an additional Article of War" approved March 13, 1862, and which act is in the words and figure following:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter the following shall be promulgated as an additional article of war for the government of the army of the United States, and shall be obeyed and observed as such:

Article —. All officers or persons in the military or naval service of the United States are prohibited from employing any of the forces under their respective commands for the purpose of returning fugitives from service or labor, who may have escaped from any persons to whom such service or labor is claimed to be due, and any officer who shall be found guilty by a court-martial of violating this article shall be dismissed from the service.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage."

In a paragraph of 3-5 complete sentences, answer the following question: What is the purpose of this document and why did Lincoln write it? Be sure to use evidence from the text to support your answer.


Ans now from the top make it drop that some


The graphic organizer shows the structure of an informative essay.

The thesis statement should be established in the


first body paragraph.

second body paragraph.



is this supposed to be a true or false question??
It should be in the Introduction Paragraph

Explain Hamlet's family tree. Include Hamlet, Queen Gertrude, King Hamlet, and King Claudius. You may draw it, but make sure I am able to understand their current relationships.



Hamlet's family tree is established as follows: King Hamlet marries Queen Gertrude. In this marriage is generated Hamlet, who becomes engaged to Ophelia (who is Polonius' daughter  and Laertes' sister).

Claudios is the brother of King Hamlet and Hamlet's uncle. Claudios marries Queen Gertrude, after King Hamlet's death, becoming Hamlet's stepfather.


A genealogical tree is a representation that shows how the construction of a family happened, presenting all the members of the family and the connection that existed between them through marriages and the generation of children. In a family tree a person's ancestors and descendants are shown, in addition to presenting all the family relationships that these people have.

Here is an explanation of Hamlet's family tree, including Hamlet, Queen Gertrude, King Hamlet, and King Claudius:

Hamlet's Family Tree:

                         King Hamlet


                         Queen Gertrude



         │                                   │

      Hamlet                            Claudius


King Hamlet: King Hamlet was the father of Hamlet and the former king of Denmark. At the beginning of the play, he is deceased. He was married to Queen Gertrude.

Queen Gertrude: Queen Gertrude is Hamlet's mother and the widow of King Hamlet. After King Hamlet's death, she marries Claudius, Hamlet's uncle, which causes tension and conflict in the play.

Hamlet: Hamlet is the protagonist of the play. He is the son of King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. Following his father's death and his mother's hasty remarriage, Hamlet is consumed by grief, anger, and a desire for revenge.

Claudius: Claudius is Hamlet's uncle and the brother of King Hamlet. He marries Queen Gertrude shortly after King Hamlet's death and becomes the new king of Denmark. Hamlet suspects Claudius of foul play in his father's death and seeks to expose him.

To summarize, Hamlet is the son of King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. Queen Gertrude marries Claudius, Hamlet's uncle, after King Hamlet's death. This makes Claudius both Hamlet's uncle and stepfather. The complex family relationships in the play contribute to the central conflicts and themes of the story.

To know more about  protagonist here



letter to your brother about choosing a good friend



explain what goes into making a good friend, if they would stay for a while or not/ if they would be there for him or not in hard times, and how u want the best for him


Read the following excerpt and answer the question that follows.

From the Bill of Rights, US Constitution

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Which of the following human rights issues is addressed in the first amendment of the Constitution? (10 points)

The right of people to express themselves
The right of people to protect themselves
The right of people to get a fair trial
The right of people to have private lives


The right of people to express themselves

How well do you utilize your power of media and information?


can you tell class level

I utilize it very good with my access to media and information I can twist what the media says by making false accusations and they wouldn’t know I started it.





These are all examples of what literary device?

A. Imagery
B. Paradox
C. Hyperbole
D. Metaphor



It's either B or D in my thought of choice

Choose all if not B

How far of a drive is it from Miami to Florida? My friend asked me this stupid question how do I respond.



If you are in miami it takes 0 time


Slap that guy as hard as you can

Which sentence best supports the author's claim that the best place to build solar power plants is the Mojave Desert?

sentence 1
sentence 2
sentence 3
sentence 4



sentence 3

yw :)

When his audience returns home after his speech, what dose Dr. King want them to know about the situation African American face ?


That action needs to be taken in order for them to receive the same treatment as everyone else and that one day, they'll succeed in getting that recognition and will be served equality and justice like everyone else.

Based on details in the passage, what can the reader conclude about the author? A) the author prefers to keep an open mind. B) the author enjoys listening to spooky stories. D) the author does not like traveling to rural areas. D) the author does not believes in paranormal activity.
Chasing the Paulding Light
Alexandra Rowker, Investigative Journalist



the author does not believe in paranormal activity.


Answer: A) the author prefers to keep an open mind


This is the answer because the author states at the beginning of the passage, "A good journalist gathers the facts before rendering judgement." Then at the end, she says that all theories remain plausible for the cause of the Paulding Light. These show that she keeps an open mind.

Which of the following basic sentence structures appear in the passage?

I. simple
II. complex
III. compound-complex

A. I only

B. I and II

C. I and III

D. II and III

E. I, II, and III





just did on edg

The following people have been arrested and charged with a variety of crimes. For each case, decide whether the person should be released and, if so, under what conditions: (1) bail (release after a certain amount of money is paid; set an amount), (2) personal recognizance (release with no money), (3) conditional release (release under certain conditions; set the conditions), or (4) pretrial detention (no release).

Case 1

Name: Marta Garcia
Age: 26
Charge: Possession of crack cocaine
Residence: 619 30th Street; lives alone; no family or references.
Employment: Unemployed
Education: 11th grade
Criminal record: As a juvenile, five arrests, mostly misdemeanors. As an adult, two arrests for petty larceny and a conviction for possession of dangerous drugs. Probation was successfully completed.
Comment: Arrested while leaving a train station with a large quantity of crack cocaine. Urine test indicates use of narcotics.

Case 2

Name: Gloria Hardy
Age: 23
Charge: Prostitution
Residence: 130 Riverside Drive, Apt. 10; lives with female roommates.
Employment: Call girl; earns $2,500 per week.
Education: Completed high school.
Criminal record: Five arrests for prostitution, two convictions. Currently on probation.
Comment: Allegedly involved in prostitution catering to wealthy clients.




Case 1

Name: Marta Garcia

Age: 26

Charge: Possession of crack cocaine

Residence: 619 30th Street; lives alone; no family or references.

Employment: Unemployed

Education: 11th grade

Criminal record: As a juvenile, five arrests, mostly misdemeanors. As an adult, two arrests for petty larceny and a conviction for possession of dangerous drugs. Probation was successfully completed.

Comment: Arrested while leaving a train station with a large quantity of crack cocaine. Urine test indicates use of narcotics.

Decision on the case: pretrial detention (no release).

Case 2

Name: Gloria Hardy

Age: 23

Charge: Prostitution

Residence: 130 Riverside Drive, Apt. 10; lives with female roommates.

Employment: Call girl; earns $2,500 per week.

Education: Completed high school.

Criminal record: Five arrests for prostitution, two convictions. Currently on probation.

Comment: Allegedly involved in prostitution catering to wealthy clients.

Decision on the case: bail (release after $25,000 is paid)


Which statement from the Article best supports the idea that Amina Mseffer feels that there is additional work to be done to help people with intellectual disabilities?

A. But while Mseffer celebrates her group's progress toward integrating people with disabilities, she also wants government officials in Morocco to get more involved.

B. Over the years, Hadaf has received gifts of money from businesses, individuals, and even the Moroccan king.

C. When launching the restaurant, Hadaf partnered with a Moroccan government project that helps citizens who are poor.

D. Still, Hadaf was helping people with disabilities long before the restaurant opened



you need to write the article name or a picture of the article to get a correct awnser


guys plz send me quotes for life, bored life etc.
plz guys​


Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


♡ madeline here! ♡

- don't wait for the perfect moment, take the

moment and make it positive.

have a great day! ☆

✧・゚: *✧・゚:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Why did Mrs. Hadley, who had been so frightened of the nursery, urge her husband to let the kid have it on for one last time?


Answer: Why did Mrs. Hadley, who had been so frightened of the nursery, urge George to let the kids have it on for one last time? Hadley believes that even though the nursery is becomingly terrifyingly real, just a few more minutes can't hurt, because she thinks the main damage has already been done.


I agree with the person above me

How is Grandma Ruth’s identity shaped as a result of her experience at her friend’s home?



Lamento no poder ayudarte



She was deeply secretive about her long life.



- Daphne Hampstead was 39 when she fled her home in Sydney's west in 1958

- She left behind her sometimes violent older husband Sidney and eight children  

- Letters from Daphne to Sidney and one their daughters arrived two days later  

- Daphne changed her name and her birth date to make herself six years     younger

- She had two long, loving relationships and died in Queensland in 2007 aged 89  

- Private investigator discovered missing Daphne Hampstead was Daphne Jones

- One of Daphne's new granddaughters, 40, was shot dead in Brisbane last year

what is newton law of order



an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it.


Read the text trailer about “Amigo Brothers.”

What happens when careers collide with friendships? When entering the boxing ring no longer means facing an opponent, but a trusted and loyal friend? Felix Vargas and Antonio Cruz, two of the most well-respected boxers in the Bronx, come face to face with this reality. When the bell sounds and the match ends, will they still be friends or will the friendship they once shared be “knocked out” forever?
Which adjective best describes the tone of this text trailer?
A. angry
B. formal
C. hesitant
D. suspenseful


It may be can b number 2 b


D) Suspenseful


In Act III, scene i of Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt returns to the scene after he has killed Mercutio and fled. What motivates his return?

the anger he feels about the marriage
his desire to make peace with Romeo
the guilt he feels about killing Mercutio
his hatred for the entire Montague family



the answer is D


In act III of this story, the motivation that caused Tybalt to return was from the fact that he hated the whole Montague family. Option D is right.

Why did Tybalt hate the Montague family?

The hatred for the Montague family is from an age-long feud that has existed between both of the families. The new generation of both families are merely keeping the enmity that was passed down to them

He had hated Romeo because of this and he saw them as his sworn enemies.

Read more on Romeo and Juliet here:



At a popular restaurant, where Lee is the head chef; the following events occurred:________
Lee determined that sales of the house salad had dropped.
Lee decided that the house salad needed a new dressing.
In a taste test, Lee prepared four bowls of lettuce, each with a new dressing:________
sesame seed, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, creamy Italian, and blue cheese.
Tasters rated the sesame seed salad dressing as the favorite. After two weeks, Lee noted that the orders for the house salad with the new sesame seed dressing had doubled.
Lee decided that the sesame seed dressing improved the sales of the house salad because the sesame seed dressing enhanced the taste.



Lee determined that sales of the house salad had dropped.  Observation.

Lee decided that the house salad needed a new dressing.  Hypothesis.

In a taste test, Lee prepared four bowls of lettuce, each with a new dressing:  sesame seed, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, creamy Italian, and blue cheese.  Experiment.

Tasters rated the sesame seed salad dressing as the favorite. Observation.

After two weeks, Lee noted that the orders for the house salad with the new sesame seed dressing had doubled.  Observation.

Lee decided that the sesame seed dressing improved the sales of the house salad because the sesame seed dressing enhanced the taste. Conclusion.


In the given passage, the sentences all have different aspects of which it could be an observation, a hypothesis, or an experiment. A hypothesis is the decision to start or do a 'test', to try to come to a new process, or try to find a solution to the problem. An experiment is where 'tests' are done, to see which is the best. Observation is where the 'test' is observed and which is the possible outcome.

The different steps or aspects are listed as follows-

Lee determined that sales of the house salad had dropped. Observation.

Lee decided that the house salad needed a new dressing. Hypothesis.

In a taste test, Lee prepared four bowls of lettuce, each with a new dressing: sesame seed, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, creamy Italian, and blue cheese. Experiment.

Tasters rated the sesame seed salad dressing as the favorite. Observation.

After two weeks, Lee noted that the orders for the house salad with the new sesame seed dressing had doubled. Observation.

Lee decided that the sesame seed dressing improved the sales of the house salad because the sesame seed dressing enhanced the taste. Conclusion.

Which of the following combinations of rhetorical techniques is the best way
to appeal to an audience?
A. With just cold facts and figures
B. With emotion, logic, and character
C. With insincere concern and flattery
D. With rage, anger, and passion





It is best to approach audience with compassion and facts all in the same right, using ethos and logos will help appeal to them.  


1) c 2) a 3) b 4) b


i tried my best okay >:( hope this works out for u im not the brightest but id try it out

Name the types of
types of "Present Tense and give an example
for each​




Present: I go

present progressive : I am going

present perfect: I have gone

present perfect progressive: I have been going

Which phrase in this sentence is a prepositional phrase?
She closed the door, locked it, and put the key carefully in the pocket of her dress.



of her dress


it starts with a preposition (of) and has a subject, making it a prep phrase.

2. What type of fallacy is represented by the passage below?
The poem "Cautionary Tale of Girls and Birds of Prey" is not worth reading. The author clearly is a sick and morbid person who likes to write about death.
non sequitur
association fallacy
appeal to authority
ad hominem attack



Ad hominem attack


A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning.

Ad hominem (literally translated as to the person) is a type of logical fallacy in which a person criticizes or attacks another person, rather than what they are saying. Here, the speaker doesn't critize the mentioned poem. They don't give explanations about why the poem is not good. They simply attack the writer, stating that they are a sick and morbid person. That is not a valid reason as to why someone shouldn't read a poem.


Ad hominem attack.


I took the quiz and got this correct.

What type of figurative language is this: "Three short guys
took huge fish - big like they were baby sharks or something..."



its not a metaphor, its a simile (not sure if i spelled that right lol)


It’s a simile


Other Questions
Sketch a simple model that shows why the constellations change over the course of a year. What is the solution to this equation? Show your work. -7n + 29 = -5(n - 7) What is a highland? An area of high or hilly land A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides A large area of land made up of one type of landform A raised, flat-surfaced area bound on one or more sides by cliffsBTW this is for science Can you think of any real-world examples where people have done bad things forwhat they believed to be a greater good? List and define the five components of physical fitness? b + 5/14 b = 5/7please help help!Jerome solves a problem using the law of conservation of momentum. What should Jerome always keep constant for each object after the objects collide and bounce apart?velocitymassmomentumdirection Where is the chemical energy stored in ATP?o In the chemical bonds between the first and second phosphateo In the chemical bonds between the second and third phosphateo In the chemical bonds between adenine and riboseo ATP does not store energyHelp is appreciated! Thanks in advance! Will give 100 points! plz help will give brallest Complete the passage to describe the link between photosynthesis and respiration.The reactants for cellular respiration are the ____ for photosynthesis. The products of cellular respiration are the ____ of photosynthesis. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?PLEASE. There are four questions that I just need help with :( Which action is a change in state? You reflect triangle PQR, with vertices P(-2, -4), Q(-3, -1), and R(-4, -4), across the y-axis to get triangle PQR. What are the coordinates of triangle PQR? A beam of electrons moving with a velocity Of 101 m/senters midway between two horizontal parallel plates whichQue 5cm long. 2cm apart and have pod Of V voltapplied between them - Calculate v if the beam is deflectedso that it just grazes the edge of the lower plate.(e/m = 1.810^11 c/kg) Completa las tres conversaciones.Roberto: Sr. y Sra. Ortega, (1) presento (2) amigo (3) Sr. Gmez, don Fernando.Sr. Ortega: Tanto (4) , don Fernando.Don Fernando: (5) .Sra. Tovar: Sra. Santos, (6) presento (7) profesora de espaol, Alejandra Pinel.Sra. Santos: (8) , Sra. Pinel.Sra. Pinel: (9) .Marcos: Hola. Me llamo Marcos. (10) .Estefana: (11) . Reagan uses 2 3/4 cups of vinegar in her salad dressing recipe. How much vinegar would Reagan use to make 5 recipes? how do you identify the development of society? write in a sentence. ANSWER THIS AND ILL CASH APP YOU !! ( has to be at least 2000 words and make sense)Imagine you are an executive for a Fortune 500 company and you are preparing a presentation for the board of directors about the organizations direction. Choose an organization that is a public company to write this assignment. n/2 - 2 > 1solve for N someone help me please ill give brainly