Which beliefs are important to Judaism?


Answer 1
Jews believe that there is a single God who not only created the universe, but with whom every Jew can have an individual and personal relationship. They believe that God continues to work in the world, affecting everything that people do. The Jewish relationship with God is a covenant relationship.
Answer 2


Jews only believe in one God.


Don't have one.

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What details about the shooting of
the lieutenant make his wound so




The lieutenant's wound serves to separate him from the other uninjured men  on the description of the lieutenant dividing up the coffee, you can best make the Crane's story is, like The Red Badge of Courage, a series of snapshots, so to in "An Episode of War,"

plz mark as brainliest

How did Portuguese exploration represent
a synthesis of European and Asian methods?



The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war. Since the first declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812, Congress has declared war on 10 other occasions, including the last formal declaration of war with Rumania in 1942.


The Portuguese destroyed the Arab trade lines connecting Africa, Arabia, and India in the Indian Ocean. The Portuguese took over dominance of the ivory, gold, and slave trades from the Arabs. They traded up the Zambezi River, disrupting inland African trade.

What was the impact of Portuguese exploration?

Portuguese explorers were at the vanguard of European overseas discovery throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, leading them to reach India, establish various trading ports in Asia and Africa, and colonize what would become Brazil, establishing one of the most powerful empires.

Portugal, Europe's westernmost country, was a key actor throughout the European Age of Discovery and Exploration. During the majority of the fifteenth century, Portugal took the lead in hunting for a way to Asia by sailing south around Africa, led by Prince Henry the Navigator.

Learn more about Portuguese exploration here:



The Han dynasty was considerd to be china's first

A. Industrial age
B. golden age
C. iron age
D. stone age

plssss help





The Golden Age is when China built up and became powerful.

Hope this helps :D

Which is an example of cultural appropriation?
A. A white actor made up to look like an Asian in a film about karate
O B. A non-Christian person wearing a cross on a necklace because it
is fashionable
O C. A non-American Indian person going to a sweat lodge because it
has become a popular place to go
O D. All of the above



d i think lmk if its right


A white actor made up to look like an Asian in a film about karate, A non-Christian person wearing a cross on a necklace because it is fashionable, A non-American Indian person going to a sweat lodge because it has become a popular place to go are the example of cultural appropriation. Hence, option D is correct.

What is cultural appropriation?

When persons of a majority group embrace cultural practices from a minority population in an unethical, insulting, or stereotyped form, this is known as cultural appropriation. People must, however, be sure we have a working definition of culture in order to fully comprehend its effects.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more details about cultural appropriation, click here:



what was the voting experience like for African Americans after the Civil War?​



Voting Rights for African Americans

To the Colored Men of Voting Age in the Southern States: What a Colored Man Should Do to Vote, pamphlet circa 1900

A terrible and bloody Civil War freed enslaved Americans. The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1868) granted African Americans the rights of citizenship. However, this did not always translate into the ability to vote. Black voters were systematically turned away from state polling places. To combat this problem, Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870. It says:

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Yet states still found ways to circumvent the Constitution and prevent blacks from voting. Poll taxes, literacy tests, fraud and intimidation all turned African Americans away from the polls. Until the Supreme Court struck it down in 1915, many states used the "grandfather clause " to keep descendents of slaves out of elections. The clause said you could not vote unless your grandfather had voted -- an impossibility for most people whose ancestors were slaves.

This unfair treatment was debated on the street, in the Congress and in the press. A full fifty years after the Fifteenth Amendment passed, black Americans still found it difficult to vote, especially in the South." What a Colored Man Should Do to Vote", lists many of the barriers African American voters faced.

The fight for African American suffrage raged on for decades. In the 1930s one Georgia man described the situation this way: "Do you know I've never voted in my life, never been able to exercise my right as a citizen because of the poll tax? ... I can't pay a poll tax, can't have a voice in my own government."

Demonstrators marching in the street holding signs during the March on Washington, 1963

Many brave and impassioned Americans protested, marched, were arrested and even died working toward voting equality. In 1963 and 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. brought hundreds of black people to the courthouse in Selma, Alabama to register. When they were turned away, Dr. King organized and led protests that finally turned the tide of American political opinion. In 1964 the Twenty-fourth Amendment prohibited the use of poll taxes. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act directed the Attorney General to enforce the right to vote for African Americans.

The 1965 Voting Rights Act created a significant change in the status of African Americans throughout the South. The Voting Rights Act prohibited the states from using literacy tests and other methods of excluding African Americans from voting. Prior to this, only an estimated twenty-three percent of voting-age blacks were registered nationally, but by 1969 the number had jumped to sixty-one percent.

The typical Oregon Trail journeyman worked in which of the following occupational fields?

A) medicine

B) agriculture

C) education

D) culinary arts



Probably medicine, although not sure.


Accidents and diseases and injuries and other medical related problems happened all the time on the Trail, so A seems the most likely.

explain the relationship between the persians and jews



Persian Jews or Iranian Jews are Jews historically associated with the Persian Empire, whose successor state is Iran. The biblical Book of Esther contains references to the experiences of the Jews in Persia. Jews have had a continuous presence in Iran since the time of Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid Empire. Cyrus invaded Babylon and freed the Jews from Babylonian captivity.


True or false: A "P" in music means to play soft?





P is for piano which is quiet


Dynamic markings. The two basic dynamic indications in music are: p or piano, meaning "quiet". f or forte, meaning "loud or strong".


According to the law of superposition, fossils found at which position in these layers of rock are likely to be the oldest?
A. D
B. B
C. A
D. C


Assuming A is the one at the top and D is the bottom one, the answer would be D
Answer:The oldest rocks are found at the bottom of the sequence.~ SIMPLIFIED!

How did the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad affect the settlement and development of the West? How was that good or bad for the U.S.? PLZZZZ ANSWER FAST FOR BRAINLIEST!


The completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad in 1869 had a huge impact on the West. It encouraged further settlement in the West as it made traveling their cheaper and easier. It also encouraged the development of towns along the railroad, as the railroad made the west less isolated.

So They had a huge impact on the West. And It encouraged further settlement in the West as it made traveling their cheaper and easier.

And also In the West, railroads helped open new territory to economic exploitation, and then played a large part in the creation of the first national parks. They also pioneered modern forms of hotels, resorts, and restaurants. As the nineteenth century ebbed, every aspect of society and culture was reflected in the railroad.

May I Have brainliest? <3 Hope this Helps!

What event the end of WW1 would be more deadly than the war itself? How did it occur, and
what made it so deadly?

35 points



Spanish Influenza

A deadly illness took hold as World War One ended and killed an estimated 50 million people globally. On Armistice Day, 1918, the world was already fighting another battle. It was in the grip of Spanish Influenza, which went on to kill almost three times more people than the 17 million soldiers and civilians killed during World War One. Within a few months Spanish Flu had killed more people than any other illness in recorded history. In just one year the average life expectancy in America dropped by 12 years.

What gave rise to the slave trade?
A- The lack of a skilled labor force in the Americas and the decline of the West African population caused residents to seek a living elsewhere.
B- The shipment of gold from the Americas to Europe caused plantation owners to seek inexpensive laborers.
C- The death of many American Indians to disease and the planting of labor-intensive crops.
D- The global expansion of the spice trade and the rise of Christianity in the Americas.





Because the Americans had vast sums of gold and sugar people were needed to harvest and mine them and when the Native Americans weren't enough they traded guns and other materials for slaves.




C. The death of many American Indians to disease and the planting of labor-intensive crops. Just took the test

21.1 Industrial Revolution notes


This is some rough notes i took on the industrial revolution a few years back. Hope it helps.

The industrial revolution was the change of how things were going to be made and how they were going to be sold, or the change of human labor to machine labor.

The industrial revolution started after 1750 and started in England. Other places would industrialise in the mid 1800s. England had 6 reasons to be ahead of everyone else in industrialization. The had more money than anyone else, colonies, Raw Materials, Workers, Trade Markets, and geography. More than half of England's citizens were unemployed so there were plenty of workers for factories.

New sources of energy like steam,oil (gas and Kerosene),water, and Electricity.

Later advances would reveal atomic, wind, and solar energy.

Increased usage of aluminum, copper, iron, and steel.

Coal became the most important mineral.

Textiles were the first to industrialise and many agricultural improvements were made.

Better Ships, Trains, and automobiles were made that improved transportation.

New means of communication were made like the (telegraph).  .../ / /…= SOS

Telephones and radios were also made that improved communication.

Mass production starts and it makes more stuff faster than normal home businesses.

Urbanisation was people leaving rural, farming places into cities.

Capitalism is a free market economy.

Factory system replaced the domestic system.


The Industrial Revolution brought factories that made many new jobs for citizens. Most farmers were subsistence farmers and could only make enough food for themselves and could not make money. New jobes used wages to pay workers that played them every week or every other week and that was much better. The factory jobs required them to work for a smaller amount of time every day. They can now buy food instead of making it. The pay was low and they also had to pay for food and rent in apartments that the factory owners owned. Working conditions were poor and it was much hotter inside than outside.

The factories could hire women to work and pay them less than a man, women didn’t have many jobs. Work regulations were put into factories and they had to have windows and women had to tie their hair back. Some factories hired children and they could be used to fix things and had to stick their hands in dangerous machines without them being turned off. They also sent children into coal mines because they were smaller. The apartments were small and there could be 4-5 families in a room. Many advancements in agriculture rise. Many Labor problems started and the idea of socialism was started by a man named Karl Marx.Socialism was supposed to be for the worker class. Socialism makes all businesses owned by the government but Karl Marx believed in Communism which had no social classes. In communism everyone is paid the same no matter what they do. The government gives you all of your stuff in communism including your home.

Which of the following was an important impact of the Reformation? The economy of Catholic Southern Europe advanced more rapidly than that of Protestant Northern Europe. Literacy increased since Protestants believed that all people should read the Bible for themselves. The power of the Papacy over secular rulers increased as a result of the wars of religion. Learning decreased when Protestants stopped using Latin in their church services.



Here so im not into work like this but I have a friend his thing is 359747656

Explanation:give me brainliest

An important impact of the reformation was that Literacy increased since Protestants believed that all people should read the Bible for themselves.

The reformation was the period that marked the era when the protestants broke away from the Roman catholic church.

In this period the teachings that were done in the church was being questioned by a man known as Martin Luther King.

He disagreed with the teachings that the church had on indulgences, confessions and some others. He encouraged the people to read the bible to find out truths for themselves.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/19734071?referrer=searchResults

How does Hamilton respond to Jefferson at the first cabinet meeting?
What does Alexander decide to do when Angelica comes home and goes upstate with Eliza?

What does Hamilton do after Maria Reynolds’ husband finds out about their affair?




Proclaiming Hamilton “our Buonaparte,” Jefferson predicted the federal troops would be used against domestic dissidents. (On this point, he was not wholly wrong: Hamilton said in private that he would not hesitate to “subdue a refractory and powerful state.”)

Alexander returns home to work on his financial plan and is welcomed home by Eliza and Angelica, who has traveled from England.Both women invite him to travel uptown to the home of Philip Schuyler: Alexander refuses, saying that he needs time to work on his plan for Congress.

When he arrived at the Reynolds home, Maria led him into an upstairs ... And thus began an affair that would put Alexander Hamilton at the front of a long line of  do a great deal for me, but its out of your power to do any thing that.

plz mark as brainliest

Hamilton tries to convince the others that his plan is what'll work to get the new nation stronger. From the song 'Cabinet Battle #1' in the musical Hamilton, the lyrics say,

"'"If we assume the debts, the union gets  a new line of credit, a financial diuretic . How do you not get it? If we're aggressive and competitive , the union gets a boost. You'd rather give it a sedative?  A civics lesson from a slaver. Hey neighbor ! Your debts are paid 'cause you don't pay for labor . "We plant seeds in the South. We create!"  Yeah, keep ranting . We know who's really doing the planting"'"

When Angelica comes back to New York from Britain, she visits her sister, Eliza, and they both try to convince Alexander to join them on a visit to their father upstate. In the end, he refuses, and Mrs. Hamilton and her sister go upstate with the children of the Hamiltons.

During the summer, in which Eliza, her children, and Angelica are in their father's house upstate, Hamilton gets seduced by Miss Mariah Reynolds. After a while, her husband, James Reynolds, finds out about their affair, but seemingly doesn't care about it, and just wants to have the upper hand. He sends Hamilton a letter which says that Hamilton is to pay James for having the affair with his wife and even could continue with his permission, but if he doesn't pay, he'll tell Eliza.

Hamilton gets angry immediately and races to Mariah's house and they argue and shout at each other. In the end, Hamilton pays James but leaves Mariah and hides the secret. At some point later, three men learn about Hamilton's secret affair when James Reynolds was thrown in jail and told the men. He told them, or hinted at them, that Hamilton had been giving him or using money that wasn't his own. He told them because when he asked Hamilton to let him out with money, Hamilton refused.

So they went to Hamilton's place and questioned him, then they knew all about the affair, but also knew that Hamilton had used his own money, not the money of the treasury. He publishes the Reynolds Pamphlet later on when he felt threatened.

I hope that helps! Good luck!

This is the question hurry plz



answer is  i meant B



I think its B


I think its B because the Greeks did make advances in medicine, along with others like astronomy, but some of the other answers might be right. I'm pretty sure its B tho. Srry if wrong :(

reporting if incorrect


i belive it is A because c d and b dont have knights

Which statement provides the best explanation of the relationship between American consumerism and manufacturing during the 1920s



D ) they economy boomed as consumers had more money to spend just as more manufacturerd goods were becoming available





Did the US do enough to help stop genocide in Rwanda? Explain your answer.



Why did the United States not do more for the Rwandans at the time of the killings


What are three reasons that France stopped paying for voyages to Canada?
1. The New World appeared worthless.
2. The cost was too high.
3. They did not like exploring.
4. France was at war with England.



It is 1, 2, and 4


got it right on my lesson

The three reasons that France stopped paying for voyages to Canada are the new world appeared worthless, the cost was too high and France was at war with England. The correct option is 1, 2 and 4.

What is the New World?

New World is often used to mean the majority of Earth's Western Hemisphere, specifically the Americas. The term gained prominence in the early 16th century, during Europe's Age of Discovery, shortly after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci concluded that America represented a new continent, and subsequently published his findings in a pamphlet he titled Latin: Mundus Novus.

This realization expanded the geographical horizon of classical European geographers, who had thought the world consisted of Africa, Europe, and Asia, collectively now referred to as the Old World. The Americas were thus also referred to as the fourth part of the world.

The Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucci is usually credited for coming up with the term "New World" for the Americas in his 1503 letter.

Learn more about new world, here:



Identify a benefit of the laissez-faire economy prevalent in the United States during the 1800s.


Answer: Falling Prices benefited consumers.

third wave of feminism​



The third wave of feminism emerged in the mid-1990s. It was led by so-called Generation Xers who, born in the 1960s and '70s in the developed world, came of age in a media-saturated and culturally and economically diverse milieu.

Place names such as El Paso, Amarillo, San Antonio, and San Angelo are examples of:
A. locations named after early Angelo settlers.
B. towns where the first French settlements were established.
C. cities that reflect Spanish influence in Texas.
D. historical sites honoring Mexican generals.



because those cities are where the spanish influence fight

The names which includes El Paso, Amarillo, San Antonio and San Angelo reflects the Spanish influence in Texas.

It is important to know that name of cities which includes El Paso, Amarillo, San Antonio and San Angelo in Texas are coined because the of the early Spanish Influence in the region.

The names of the 4 cities in Texas are Spanish names, so the name are use to keep in memory the early influence of the Spanish explorer in Texas, United State.

Therefore, the Option C. is correct.

Learn more about this here


Which reason was one important factor that contributed to Harlem becoming the epicenter of the renaissance for African American artists


Answer: D

Explanation: I took it and got it correct on edge

Which of the following was NOT a research
project from the House of Wisdom?
Astronomical observatory
World Map
The first Water Clock



the first water clock


what was the purpose of Sherman's March to the sea?



The purpose of Sherman's March to the Sea was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause.


13. The main reason the government wanted the Native Americans on reservations was:
To take over their land
To keep them from starving
To preserve the remaining buffalo
O To teach them new skills



They did it to take their land, and natural resources


They also wanted them to be like them.

Which of the following best completes the diagram?
private correspondence
classroom discussions
congressional hearings
print journalism



print journalism.


I took the test.

What is the name of who invented the lightbulb?
And his name is JOHN CENA!!!



Thomas Edison


The outcome of the French wars of religion can best be described as political unity
A. with toleration of Huguenots.
B. plus equal rights for Huguenots and Catholics.
C. with acceptance of Huguenots.
D. only



A. with toleration of Huguenots.


The idea that peace and religious disunity are not unconditionally incompatible has developed despite widespread intolerance. Generally speaking, at that time the question of faith was inseparable from civic loyalty.

In reality, the edict went in favor of Catholicism, which was declared the main religion and which had to be re-established throughout the kingdom. Protestants had to pay Catholics a dozen and respect Catholic holidays and restrictions on marriage.

Answer: A. With toleration of Huguenots


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