what was the voting experience like for African Americans after the Civil War?​


Answer 1


Voting Rights for African Americans

To the Colored Men of Voting Age in the Southern States: What a Colored Man Should Do to Vote, pamphlet circa 1900

A terrible and bloody Civil War freed enslaved Americans. The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1868) granted African Americans the rights of citizenship. However, this did not always translate into the ability to vote. Black voters were systematically turned away from state polling places. To combat this problem, Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870. It says:

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Yet states still found ways to circumvent the Constitution and prevent blacks from voting. Poll taxes, literacy tests, fraud and intimidation all turned African Americans away from the polls. Until the Supreme Court struck it down in 1915, many states used the "grandfather clause " to keep descendents of slaves out of elections. The clause said you could not vote unless your grandfather had voted -- an impossibility for most people whose ancestors were slaves.

This unfair treatment was debated on the street, in the Congress and in the press. A full fifty years after the Fifteenth Amendment passed, black Americans still found it difficult to vote, especially in the South." What a Colored Man Should Do to Vote", lists many of the barriers African American voters faced.

The fight for African American suffrage raged on for decades. In the 1930s one Georgia man described the situation this way: "Do you know I've never voted in my life, never been able to exercise my right as a citizen because of the poll tax? ... I can't pay a poll tax, can't have a voice in my own government."

Demonstrators marching in the street holding signs during the March on Washington, 1963

Many brave and impassioned Americans protested, marched, were arrested and even died working toward voting equality. In 1963 and 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. brought hundreds of black people to the courthouse in Selma, Alabama to register. When they were turned away, Dr. King organized and led protests that finally turned the tide of American political opinion. In 1964 the Twenty-fourth Amendment prohibited the use of poll taxes. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act directed the Attorney General to enforce the right to vote for African Americans.

The 1965 Voting Rights Act created a significant change in the status of African Americans throughout the South. The Voting Rights Act prohibited the states from using literacy tests and other methods of excluding African Americans from voting. Prior to this, only an estimated twenty-three percent of voting-age blacks were registered nationally, but by 1969 the number had jumped to sixty-one percent.

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The battle of trenton

Geogre Washington crossed the Delaware River over ti Trenton.

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By letting others speak while one is talking, by getting to the point about a topic, and also by being respectful towards one another because it's a campaign to prove your point, not be rude and judgmental.

Explanation: Hoped this helps! :)

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The Battle of Saratoga


The battle of Saratoga which was fought on September 19 and October 7, 1777, in which Americans came off victorious is evidence that the Americans were better fighters than the British. In that battle, British forces led by General John Burgoyne advanced towards the American forces in New York City moving Southward, with the hope that some other forces were marching Northward and Eastward to join him in the battle.

That was not to happen as the American forces who were not as experienced as the British forces trapped the General and his military men and this eventually resulted in their surrender on October 17, 1777.

a flag that honors war veterans



the service flag?

The flag that honors war veterans is called:

Service flag

According to the given question, we can see that we need to name the flag that is used to honor war veterans. A war veteran is a person who has been on different military tours sent by his government to protect their interests.

As a result of this, the flag which is used to honor war veterans is called the service flag because it is regarded as a national symbol of honor and pride to families of servicemen who are war veterans or died in active service.

Therefore, the correct answer is Service flag

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Barbarians - used wood and thatch and that architecture didn't exist to the Barbarians
(was primitive compared to Roman

Philip II defeated the Greeks at the Battle of a. Troy. c. Chaeronea. b. Alexandria. d. Greece. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer: C

Explanation: Philip ll destroyed the Greek at the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC!

Hope this helps, if not, comment below please!!!




Please give brainliest.

during the renaissance from which of all the following cultures did the italians try to imitate their art from



The primary differences between Northern Renaissance art and Italian Renaissance art were the emphasis placed on religion and the anatomical extent to which the human body was portrayed. Northern Renaissance artists were more religious in their approach, while Italian artists were more secular.


Which of these factors led to the Palmer Raids? Check all that apply. real evidence of a communist plot fear of communists, socialists, and anarchists anti-immigrant feelings laws against espionage and sedition fear because of bombings and violence



B: fear of communists, socialists, and anarchists

C: anti-immigrant feelings

D: laws against espionage and sedition

E: fear because of bombings and violence



Some of the factors that brought about Palmer Raids are;

B: fear of communists, socialists, and anarchists

C: anti-immigrant feelings

D: laws against espionage and sedition

E: fear because of bombings and violence

Palmer Raids, can be regarded as a  Red Raids, which was conducted in 1919, in order to get the foreign anarchists attested. It was targeted at Italian immigrants and others.

U.S. Department of Justice  were the pioneer of this and one of the reasons fir this is that fear because of bombings as well as  violence, laws against espionage and others.

Therefore, options BCDE are correct.


How might the location and expanse of the gupta empire have promoted trade with distant lands



The location and expanse of the Gupta empire has promoted trade with distant lands due to being close to the water promoting easier trade and travel .


The location and expanse of the Gupta empire promoted trade with distant lands due to the fact that they were close to the water promoting easier trade and travel.

How trade was in the Gupta empire?

During the Gupta era, trade and industry were typically thriving. International trade was in balance. 'Sresthi and Sarthavaha' were the two categories of merchants that existed during the Gupta era. The main items of long-distance trading were luxury goods.

Roads and waterways used to be the primary means of interstate commerce. Both land and water were once employed to conduct foreign trade. During the Gupta era, India's foreign commerce with China significantly grew. India was a successful market for the Chinese silk Chinasunka.

Both the island's international trade and transoceanic trade between the East and the West used Sri Lanka as a major port.

Learn more about the Gupta period, here:



What does To one who has faith , no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." mean?




Take some of the hard to explain passages in the Bible (or some contradictions).

Those who have faith don't need to know what the passage means at all. They accept what is part of their faith as all that matters. If they don't understand something, they believe that if they leave it alone or pray about, eventually the meaning will become clear. And if it never does, then God will reveal it perhaps after death. It doesn't matter.

To someone without faith, the meaning will never be clear even if one is offered. They can't accept it because their understanding will not permit them to care about whatever it is that seems unclear. To them it does not matter because the premise that religion is built on is false. No answer can bridge that gap.

I hope I'm being fair to both sides. I have faith so if you get a better answer from those who do not, then their explanation is the one you should accept.

If you lived in Mesopotamia between 3500 BCE and 300 BCE, how might the Tigris and Euphrates rivers have impacted your daily life? The map might help support your thinking.
Write or draw your response in the box below.



Religion was central to Mesopotamians as they believed the divine affected every aspect of human life. Mesopotamians were polytheistic; they worshipped several major gods and thousands of minor gods. In early Mesopotamia, priests were the initial rulers as all authority came from god.


What was the washington administration's response to the anti-federalists belief in the importance of state sovereignty?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

The Washington administration's response to the anti-federalist's belief in the importance of state sovereignty was that United States President George Washington was smart enough to form a cabinet with people he trusted and included different points of views and backgrounds, but loyal to him. This way, President Washington could calm anti-federalists' views that critiqued the central government system that Washington favored.

That is why Washington choose federalists Alexander Hamilton as his Secretary of the Treasury but selected antifederalist Thomas Jefferson as his Secretary of State.

The initial reaction of the Washington administration towards the anti-federalists' commitment to excellence of national sovereignty was that All us President Washington was wise enough to assemble a cabinet of people he trusted, who represented a variety of viewpoints and backgrounds while remaining loyal to him.

This allowed President Washington to appease anti-federalists who criticized the central government structure he supported.

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What is drought explain it​



a period when there is low rainfall and there is low amount of water in the place


shortage of water

What does it mean that retail prices were introduced in Britain in 1947?


This means that the idea to charge customers after they buy something was introduced to Britain in 1947, two years after the conflict of World War 2. This idea was used for Britain to pay off all it's debt it owed to Canada and the United States, for military support in the conflict.

The Retail Price Index (RPI) is one of the two main measures of consumer inflation produced by the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics (ONS). It is not considered an official statistic by the U.K., but it is used for certain types of cost escalation. The RPI was introduced in the U.K. in 1947, and it was made official in 1956. Detail:The Retail Price Index (RPI) is an older measurement of inflation that is still published because it is used to calculate cost of living and wage escalation; however, it is not considered an official inflation rate by the government. RPI was first calculated for June 1947, largely replacing the previous Cost of Living Index. It was once the principal official measure of inflation. However, the consumer prices index (CPI) now largely serves that purpose in practice

Who were the first progressives?



Middle class whites I think.



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how are the populations of Japan, North Korea, and South Korea similar?


Answer: Japan consists of islands that lie along the Pacific Rim east of China and across the Sea of Japan from the Korean Peninsula. Most of the archipelago, which has more than three thousand islands, is just north of 30° latitude. Four islands make up most of the country: Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido, and Honshu. The islands have tall mountains originating from volcanic activity. Many of the volcanoes are active, including the famous Mount Fuji. The physical area of all Japan’s islands is equivalent to about the size of the US state of Montana. The mountainous islands of Japan extend into two climate zones. All but the northern region of Japan has a type C climate. The island of Hokkaido in northern Japan has a type D climate and receives enough snow for downhill skiing. Japan hosted the Winter Olympics in 1998. Mt. Fuji, located just west of Tokyo, is a widely photographed mountain because of its symmetrical volcanic cone.

Explanation: Cities like Mexico City, São Paulo, and Bombay, which have vast slum communities, each claims to be the world’s largest city but lacks firm census data to verify its population. The largest metropolitan urban area in the world that can be verified is Tokyo, with a population of 26.7 million. The Tokyo metropolitan area is located in an extensive agricultural region called the Kanto Plain and includes the conurbation of Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kawasaki. The second-largest urban area in Japan is located in the Kansai District, and includes the cities of Kobe, Osaka, and Kyoto. Japan is a mountainous region, and most of its large cities are located in low-lying areas along the coast. Most of the population (67 percent) lives in urban areas such as Japan’s core area, an urbanized region from Tokyo to Nagasaki. The 2010 population of Japan was listed at about 126 million, less than half the size of the United States. It is ironic that the world’s largest metropolitan area is built on one of the worst places imaginable to build a city. Tokyo is located where three tectonic plates meet: the Eurasian Plate, the Philippine Plate, and the Pacific Plate. Earthquakes result when these plates shift, leading to possibly extensive damage and destruction. In 1923, a large earthquake struck the Tokyo area and killed an estimated 143,000 people. In 1995, an earthquake near Kobe killed about 5,500 people and injured another 26,000. The three-way split in China revealed that the Japanese colonizers were a major force in China even after the other European powers had halted their colonial activities. Japan’s relative location as an independent island country provided both quick access to their neighbors and also protection from them. By World War II, Japan’s economic and military power had expanded until they were dominating Asia’s Pacific Rim community. The Japanese military believed that they could invade the western coast of North America and eventually take control of the entire United States. Their attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941, was meant to be only a beginning. History has recorded the outcome. The United States rallied its people and resources to fight against the Japanese in World War II. The Soviet Union also turned to fight the Japanese empire. The end came after atomic bombs, one each, were dropped by the United States on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The terms of Japan’s surrender in 1945 stipulated that Japan had to give up claims on the Russian islands, Korea, Taiwan, China, and all the other places that they had previously controlled. Japan also lost the Kurile Islands—off its northern shores—to the Soviet Union. The islands have never been returned. Japan offered Russia an enormous amount of cash for them but the matter remains unresolved. The Kurile Island chain continues to be controlled by Russia. Japan also agreed not to have a military for offensive purposes. Japan was decimated during World War II, its infrastructure and economy destroyed.

Number the events in
the order in which they
Revere and Dawes
warn that the
British are coming.
Battle of Concord
British soldiers
ordered to destroy
the Massachusetts
militia's weapons.
Battle of Lexington



1. British soldiers

ordered to destroy

the Massachusetts

militia's weapons.

2. Revere and Dawes

warn that the

British are coming.

3. Battle of Lexington

4. Battle of Concord


I'm not sure how accurate the order is, but it made sense to me for the British soldier to go to Massachusetts, only for Revere and Dawes to find out and warn the others. I'm also pretty sure the weapons were stored in Concord.

The explosive eruption of Mt Vesuvius 3500 years ago in the Mediterranean might form the basis for the mythical story of Atlantis. a) True b) False



Option: False


The volcanic eruptions at the Greek isle of Santorini about 3,600 years ago destroyed the ancient Minoan civilization which inspired the legend of the lost city of Atlantis.

The cities Herculaneum and Pompeii were part of the Roman Empire until it got destroyed by the Volcano eruption. The report of Mt. Vesuvius volcano in 79 AD explosion first from Pliny the Younger. According to him, the eruption lasted for 18 hours which buried both cities with volcano rocks, ash, and other materials and killed thousands of people.

What did the Great Schism split?
the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire
the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches
the Eastern Orthodox and Russian Orthodox Churches
the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church



B) the separation between the Orthodox Churches in the East and the Roman Catholic Church in the West

I just took the quiz it’s d

The role of the black church in the creation of community and political leaders.





The Legislative Branch of the United States is NOT entrusted with which of the powers listed below?

Select one:
A. command the armed forces
B. impeach the President
C. declare war
D. coin and print money


Answer: command armed forces

Explanation: its the right answer because the legislative branch enforces laws and command the armed forces

Examine the map below. In which of the following locations did a revolution
of the poor turn into a revolution that won the country's independence while
keeping old social structures in place?

A. Region C
B. Region D
C. Region B
D. Region A

Please please answer I will give brainliest


The awnswer is region b


Region A


a p e x

How did the plantation system contribute to greater agriculture production in South Carolina?


I think is B or C. I’m not sure

Answer: C With most necessities on site, the self-sufficiency of plantations led to increased production


I took the test and it was the right answer

In 2 paragraphs Discuss the differences between U.S. foreign policies during the Cold War and discuss which policy you believe was most effective and why. Which policy do you think was least effective and why?



The strategy of "containment" is best known as a Cold War foreign policy of the United States and its allies to prevent the spread of communism after the end of World War II.



Frederick Douglas, a freed slave and prominent abolitionist, once said, "Power
concedes nothing without a demand." What did he mean by this? (Your answer
must be at least 2 sentences long.) *



By this quote, Douglass meant that everything that we desire demands something, be it then power or anything.


The given quote was said by Frederick Douglass in his speech on twenty-third anniversary of 'West India Emancipation' at Canandaigua, New York. The speech was concerning Britishers efforts towards emancipation and West Indian's efforts towards their freedom.

In the given quote, Douglass is making an attempt to educate his audience about the importance of struggle and effortss. He said that if anyone desires freedom and does not struggle for it will gain nothing. If anyone desires power, then power demands something in return, that is struggle and efforts towards it.

Looks like you're going to the shadow realm jimbo


What is that suppose to mean?-


meme + Yugioh reference


Compare Christianity and the kapu system. Do you think it is possible for one to completely replace the other? Explain.



I don't think it is possible for one to completely replace the other because Christianity is everywhere and the kapu system only ruled Hawaiian life.


What motive did the Federalists have for pushing the Alien Act through Congress in 1798?
The new law made immigrants pay higher taxes, which the Federalists hoped would be used to
pay the national debt and fund the military,
b. The new law denied immigrants the right to vote because many immigrants supported Thomas
Jefferson and the Republicans,
c. The new law required business owners to hire illegal aliens who hated the liberal Republicans,
d. The new law made immigrants wait 14 years before becoming citizens, a move the Federalists
hoped would keep them from voting for years.





trust me

An official government order to be enforced as law is called _______________.
a constitution
an amendment
a decree
a treaty

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A- constitution is the answer to it

the answer is A

UwU im so epic

Does the Court's decision make it impossible to treat juvenile and adult cases




The Juvenile Justice System

A separate juvenile justice system was established in the United States about 100 years ago with the goal of diverting youthful offenders from the destructive punishments of criminal courts and encouraging rehabilitation based on the individual juvenile's needs. This system was to differ from adult or criminal court in a number of ways. It was to focus on the child or adolescent as a person in need of assistance, not on the act that brought him or her before the court. The proceedings were informal, with much discretion left to the juvenile court judge. Because the judge was to act in the best interests of the child, procedural safeguards available to adults, such as the right to an attorney, the right to know the charges brought against one, the right to trial by jury, and the right to confront one's accuser, were thought unnecessary. Juvenile court proceedings were closed to the public and juvenile records were to remain confidential so as not to interfere with the child's or adolescent's ability to be rehabilitated and reintegrated into society. The very language used in juvenile court underscored these differences. Juveniles are not charged with crimes, but rather with delinquencies; they are not found guilty, but rather are adjudicated delinquent; they are not sent to prison, but to training school or reformatory.

In practice, there was always a tension between social welfare and social control—that is, focusing on the best interests of the individual child versus focusing on punishment, incapacitation, and protecting society from certain offenses. This tension has shifted over time and has varied significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and it remains today.

Page 155

Suggested Citation:"The Juvenile Justice System." National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. 2001. Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Justice. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9747.×

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In response to the increase in violent crime in the 1980s, state legal reforms in juvenile justice, particularly those that deal with serious offenses, have stressed punitiveness, accountability, and a concern for public safety, rejecting traditional concerns for diversion and rehabilitation in favor of a get-tough approach to juvenile crime and punishment. This change in emphasis from a focus on rehabilitating the individual to punishing the act is exemplified by the 17 states that redefined the purpose clause of their juvenile courts to emphasize public safety, certainty of sanctions, and offender accountability (Torbet and Szymanski, 1998). Inherent in this change in focus is the belief that the juvenile justice system is too soft on delinquents, who are thought to be potentially as much a threat to public safety as their adult criminal counterparts.

It is important to remember that the United States has at least 51 different juvenile justice systems, not one. Each state and the District of Columbia has its own laws that govern its juvenile justice system. How juvenile courts operate may vary from county to county and municipality to municipality within a state. The federal government has jurisdiction over a small number of juveniles, such as those who commit crimes on Indian reservations or in national parks, and it has its own laws to govern juveniles within its system. States that receive money under the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act must meet certain requirements, such as not housing juveniles with adults in detention or incarceration facilities, but it is state law that governs the structure of juvenile courts and juvenile corrections facilities. When this report refers to the juvenile justice system, it is referring to a generic framework that is more or less representative of what happens in any given state.

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