The surge of blood entering arteries causes an expansion and recoil of the arterial wall producing a _____________ that can be felt externally.


Answer 1


I think the answer you're looking for is pulse

Related Questions

A solution has a pH of 2. Which best describes the solution?
…answer: a strong acid





Lower pH a stronger acid.

A very concentrated acid

which of these is most important for the testing of a new drug to determine?

A. its name

B. its effectiveness

C. its cost

D. its flavor



B. its effectiveness


Obviously, a drug (or any medical treatment) should be used only when it will benefit a patient. Benefit takes into account both the drug's ability to produce the desired result (efficacy) and the type and likelihood of adverse effects (safety).


When dealing with drugs like Corona virus vaccines i think the effectiveness is most important in that case but when dealing with may be children's syrups the flavour could be most important

Because scientists are unable to predict when and precisely where an earthquake will occur, the government has a duty to issue building codes to ensure that all structures can withstand earthquakes. Agree and disagree


Agree. They want to make sure that when a building does take a hit that it can withstand the force.

Scientists are unable to predict when and where the earthquake will occur precisely, so the government has a duty to issue building codes to ensure that all the structures can withstand earthquakes. I agree with the given statement.

What is Earthquake?

An earthquake is a natural disaster which happens when the two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past each other, this causes the tectonic plates to move. The surface where the blocks slip is called the fault or fault plane.

Earthquake damage the buildings and other infrastructure completely which can be fatal for the people living in that area. So, to save life of people government has the duty to issue the buildings code to ensure that all the structures can withstand earthquake.

Learn more about Earthquake here:


Explain how a cell uses mitochondria, cell membrane, lysosomes, and vacuoles to make energy.​



How does the cell membrane and mitochondria work together to make energy?


Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions. Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

List three limitations for measuring cell size​



Cell size is limited by the cell's surface- area- to - volume ratio

Question A mouse population that is originally white in color becoming darker in color after several generations is an example of ________ selection.


The answer would be natural selection.

A mouse population that is originally white in color becoming darker in color after several generations is an example of natural selection.

What do you mean by natural selection?

Natural selection is the differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in phenotype. It is a key mechanism of evolution, the change in the heritable traits characteristic of a population over generations.

Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways.

Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways.

Learn more about natural selection:











In which biome(s) are fawnsfoot mussels found??



The fawnsfoot is found in the Mississippi drainage and the St. Lawrence

Environmental science can include which of the following disciplines?
Political Science



I'd say Chemistry! Hope this helps! :)


Environmental science can include which of the following disciplines Botany.

What is environmental science?

"The term environmental science refers to a grouping of scientific disciplines that are all concerned with the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the surroundings in which organisms live."

What is botany?

"Botany, branch of biology that deals with the study of plants, including their structure, properties, and biochemical processes."

What are the principles of environmental science?

Four basic principles of environmental science are put forward in this paper:

systematic principle of environment,principle of environmental capacity,symbiosis principle of human between environment,entropy principle.

To know more about environmental science here


Which type of land has less percolation?\
Urban areas





The lab that tested the water initially determined that the water quality grew worse between 2005 and
2007. Based on your observations do you agree or disagree with their findings? Why?



Most water systems test for lead as a regular part of

water monitoring. These tests give a system-wide

picture, but do not refl ect conditions at a specifi c

household faucet.

If you want to know if your home’s drinking water

contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested.

Testing is the only way to confi rm if lead is present or


Some faucet and pitcher fi lters can remove lead from

drinking water. If you use a fi lter to remove lead, be

sure you get one that is certifi ed to remove lead by NSF


The color that we see depends on the color of light that is shined on the object and the color of light that is _______________ by the object.





that's what I remember in science XD


i think its reflected could be wrong tho so dont be mad if it is


I created a list of reasons for a priest to work for me, but he still doesn't understand. Any advice?





Do what you need

which of the following could explain why the percentage of brown-shelled insects decreased from year 3 to year 4​



I feel like you need a picture or graph for someone to answer this question. Being helpful, I'll guess some possible answers.

Nutrient or water shortages

Environment issues



need the answer right now
carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide is a compound whose molecules consist of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen



Carbon dioxide is a compound whose molecules consist of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen. Check out the picture!


Carbon monoxide consists of one atom of carbon and one atom of oxygen, instead.

.・。.・゜✭・have a nice day・✫・゜・。

the kidneys can permanently remove substances that affect ph balance by secreting them into the ____________ .


The kidneys secrete an enzyme called renin that aids in the regulation of blood pressure.

A patient with advanced kidney disease is likely to be suffering from azotemia, which is an unusually high blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level.

A disease that results in an increase in the breakdown of muscle tissue would result in an increase in the presence of ammonia in the blood, which the liver would convert to urea and would then be excreted in the urine.

The oldest rocks on earth date from about 4.2 billion years ago. What does this suggest about the interval between 4.6 billion years ago, when the earth started to form, and 4.2 billion years ago ?



4.6 billion hehehehhehe

Which definition is the best for “semipermeable membrane”?

It is a barrier that prevents materials from moving from one side to the other.

It is a barrier that allows materials to move freely from one side to the other.

It is a barrier with tiny openings that let some, but not all, materials pass through.

It is a barrier that helps materials move from one side to the other.


it is a barrier with tiny openings that lets some ,but not all, matérials pass through




Why the body needs more water after exercising/performing rigorous activity



Sweat and dehydration. When you exercise, your body sweats as it tries to return to its optimal temperature. As sweat evaporates from your skin, it removes heat from the body, but you also lose body fluid. So, you need to drink fluid during exercise to replace the fluids you lose when you sweat.

Fluids keep your body hydrated; without them your body won’t function at its best.  

If you don’t drink enough fluid:

Your body temperature and heart rate may rise. That’s because when the total amount of water in your body is below normal level (hypohydration) your body can’t properly regulate heat.  You may feel more fatigued than usual. You may not be able to think clearly – your motor control, decision-making abilities and concentration may be impaired.  Your body’s functions may slow down – this includes gastric emptying, so you may feel uncomfortable in your stomach. Your performance in sport or exercise may not be as good as it could be. The impact is even worse when you’re active and dehydrated in hot conditions.What hydration means :

The amount of water you need depends on a range of factors, such as climatic conditions, your health, your clothing, your exercise intensity and duration. So, being well hydrated will differ per person and situation.

As a guide, you probably need more fluid if:

you sweat heavily you have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease you have cystic fibrosis, which means you have a high concentration of sodium in your sweat  you are using a medication that can act as a diuretic, causing your body to lose more fluid you have a bigger body size you are fit (because fitter people tend to sweat more and earlier in their exercise) you are doing vigorous exercise you are active in hot or humid conditions.

Thirst isn’t the best indicator that you need to drink. In fact, if you feel thirsty, you are probably already dehydrated.

A good test of dehydration is the colour of your urine. If it’s pale and clear it means you’re well hydrated. The darker it is, the more fluid you need to drink.

Another sign of dehydration is a lack of sweat during vigorous activity, when you expect to sweat. No sweating is a sign that you’re both dehydrated and probably suffering heat exhaustion.

What dehydration means :

Dehydration occurs when your body’s water content is too low. Here are some body signals that indicate you haven’t had enough fluid:

headaches fatigue mood changes slow reaction times dry nasal passages dry or cracked lips dark coloured urine muscle cramps weakness confusion hallucinations.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you may need to increase your fluid intake.  

If you don’t rehydrate, your physical and mental performance is likely to be affected. A loss of fluid equal to two per cent of body mass (for example a 1.4 kg loss in a 70 kg person) is enough to cause a detectable decrease in performance. A loss of fluid equal to more than two per cent means you risk nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and other gastro-intestinal problems.  

It’s not possible to train your body to handle dehydration, so don’t delay fluid replacement to ‘get used to dehydration’. When you need water, you need it.

Sweat and dehydration

When you exercise, your body sweats as it tries to return to its optimal temperature. As sweat evaporates from your skin, it removes heat from the body, but you also lose body fluid.  

So, you need to drink fluid during exercise to replace the fluids you lose when you sweat. That way, you’ll reduce the risk of heat stress, maintain normal body function, and maintain performance levels. The general rule is: if you’re sweating, you need to be drinking fluids.

Over-hydration, in rare but severe cases, can lead to death. To avoid this, it can be useful to know your sweat rate. That way, you can work out exactly how much you should be drinking. Or, talk to your GP or an accredited sports dietitian for a fluids plan.

To work out your sweat rate:

Empty your bladder. Weigh yourself in minimal clothing, as close to the start of exercise as possible (this is your initial weight). Record the ambient temperature. Do your exercise session. Record the volume of any fluid you consume during your exercise session (fluid).  Estimate (or measure!) urine losses during your exercise session (urine).  Weigh yourself again at the end of your session, in the same clothing as before - be sure to towel off any excess sweat from your body first (this is your final weight). Your weight change during exercise, plus any fluids consumed, minus any urine losses, reflects your total fluid loss for that session. To work this out: Subtract your final weight from your initial weight. Add the weight of fluid (in kg) that you consumed while exercising. Subtract the weight of fluid (in kg) you lost through urination. To make this into an hourly rate, divide it by the number of hours you spent exercising.  

Sweat rate (L/hr) = [initial weight (kg) – final weight (kg) + fluid (kg*) – urine (kg)] / time (hrs)

(*One litre of water or urine is equivalent to one kilogram.)

Remember, this is your sweat rate when exercising at a particular ambient temperature. Your sweat rate will change with the temperature, so it can be useful to measure your sweat rate at different times of the year.  

In humans, freckles are encoded by a dominant allele. A woman is heterozygous for freckles. According to the law of segregation, allele pairs separate during gamete formation and then randomly unite during fertilization. Which of the following would apply to this woman's child?


The child having an equal chance of inheriting the dominant allele or the

recessive allele for freckles from her mother is what applies.

The law of segregation by Mendel states that diploid organisms have a pair

of alleles and are passed to their offspring at random.

The woman being heterozygous means she has the dominant and recessive

allele present. Due to the law of segregation stating the alleles are passed

at random to the offspring, the child will have an equal chance of inheriting

the dominant allele or the recessive allele for freckles .





you have to always act your age and actually ask a question

Please explain the health principles that are practiced by Rastafarians in Trinidad and Tobago and how this information prepares you as a nurse to better serve this community.​



Rastas, as members of the movement are called, see their past, present, and future in a distinct way. Drawing from Old Testament stories, especially that of Exodus, they “overstand” (rather than understand) people of African descent in the Americas and around the world to be “exiles in Babylon.” They believe that they are being tested by Jah (God) through slavery and the existence of economic injustice and racial “downpression” (rather than oppression). Looking to the New Testament book of Revelation, Rastas await their deliverance from captivity and their return to Zion, the symbolic name for Africa drawn from the biblical tradition. Ethiopia, the site of a dynastic power, is the ultimate home of all Africans and the seat of Jah, and repatriation is one goal of the movement. Many (though not all) Rastas believe that the Ethiopian emperor, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, crowned in 1930, is the Second Coming of Christ who returned to redeem all Black people. The movement takes its name from the emperor’s precoronation name, Ras Tafari.


this question is Based to your opinion, You just have to realized the Both related topic.

Chlorophyll, the primary photosynthetic pigment, emits light in the red region of the visible spectrum. The presence of chlorophyll correlates with photosynthetic capacity. Under a fluorescent microscope, which part of a leaf do you think would fluoresce in the red region of the spectrum?



The mesophyll is the main site of photosynthesis.


Oceanic crust is best described as _______.
thin and young
continuously replenished
a majority of Earth’s crust
all of the above


D. All of the above
This statement is correct because all the options can describe the oceanic crust


d. all of the above


correct ed2022

How long do scientists estimate that the sea has been at its current level?
250 years
2,500 years
25,000 years
250,000 years






A. 250 years


NASA measures sea level around the globe using satellites. The Jason-3 satellite uses radio waves and other instruments to measure the height of the ocean's surface – also known as sea level. It does this for the entire Earth every 10 days, studying how global sea level is changing over time.

Which Image shows what the cell would look like in the next step?


What was the first step?



Answer: This makes no sense. message me for more help though.


Which of the following structures is known as the power house or power generator of a cell?
rough ER
smooth ER


The Mitochondria is known as the powerhouse of the cell.

They generate the majority of our adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell.

three benefits attributed to all psychotherapies are:



hope for demoralized people, new perspective, and a healthy relations

Which equation represents the photosynthesis process?

CO2 + Glucose ----> H2O + Sunlight + O2

CO2 + H2O + Sunlight ----> Glucose + O2

CO2 + H2O ----> Glucose + O2

Glucose ----> CO2 + Alcohol + ATP





Carbon Dioxide + Water -> Oxygen + Glucose

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