stages of mitosis in order


Answer 1


nucleus formed




telophase and cytokinesis

Related Questions

Aquanauts explore the area called?



Inner space


I hope this helps

Which RNA strand would match with this DNA strand?


What is the DNA strand? You have not named it.

What metal is Potassium (K)?



Potassium is a chemical element with the symbol K and atomic number 19. Potassium is a silvery-white metal that is soft enough to be cut with a knife with little force. Potassium metal reacts rapidly with atmospheric oxygen to form flaky white potassium peroxide in only seconds of exposure


alkali metal


Potassium is a chemical element with symbol K and atomic number 19. Classified as an alkali metal

What is hydrochloride acid plus water plus salt and water



It is called Caffeine Hydrochloride.
Formula: HC8H10N4O2Cl

A metal object has a density of 2 g/ml. When placed in a graduated cylinder with 500 ml of water, the
water rises to 508 ml. What is the mass of the metal object?



The answer is 16 g


The mass of a substance when given the density and volume can be found by using the formula

mass = Density × volume

From the question

density = 2 g/ml

volume = final volume of water - initial volume of water

volume = 508 - 500 = 8 mL

We have

mass = 2 × 8

We have the final answer as

16 g

Hope this helps you

Convert 122 moles of Methane to liters?


122 moles of Methane to liters is 2734.5

Elements in group to are cold alkaline earth metals what is most similar about alkaline earth metals how many protons and neutrons they have which Chemical properties he have how many total electrons they have which period They have most often found in



explanations below


The alkaline earth metals are the 6 chemical elements that can be found in group two of the periodic table. These elements have a lot of properties in common, in the sense that they are generally shiny, reactive at standard temperature and pressure and they are also silvery-white. The elements are beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra)

These metals have two electrons at their orbits, which can be easily lost to form cations (with charge +2, and an oxidation state of +2)  

Below are some of their details

Name: Beryllium  

Number of Protons/Electrons: 4  

Number of Neutrons: 5  

Name: Magnesium  

Number of Protons/Electrons: 12  

Number of Neutrons: 12  

Name: Calcium  

Number of Protons/Electrons: 20  

Number of Neutrons: 20  

Name: Strontium  

Number of Protons/Electrons: 38  

Number of Neutrons: 50  

Name: Barium  

Number of Protons/Electrons: 56  

Number of Neutrons: 81  

Name: Radium  

Number of Protons/Electrons: 88  

Number of Neutrons: 138  

How many neutrons make up one of these potassium atoms?


Potassium has twenty neutrons




what is 1.23 x 10^-3 in standard notation





Look at the attachments below

Hope this helps (:




Standard notation is the normal way of writing numbers. Examples include 1, 2, and 10. The number 1.23 x 10^-3 is written in scientific notation. The decimal goes after the first nonzero integer and it is multiplied by a power of 10. The power or exponent attached to the 10 tells you how many places over you need to move the decimal to get back into scientific notation. Examples include 1.00 x 10^2 (representing 100 in standard form because you would move the decimal two places to the right.), 2.0 x 10^1 (representing 20 in standard form because you would move the decimal one place to the right), and 3.0 x 10^-4 (representing 0.0003 in standard form because you would move the decimal four places to the left since it is a negative exponent).

The negative (-3) exponent in 1.23 x 10^-3 indicated to move the decimal three places to the left. If it was positive, you would move it three places to the right.

In 1.23 x 10^-3 move the decimal to the left 1 place to get:


two places to get:


and a third place to get:


The final answer is 0.00123

What is the correct name for the compound P406?
A. Phosphoric acid
B. Tetraphosphorus hexoxide
C. Phosphorus (IV) oxide
D. Phosphorus oxide



Phosphorus trioxide



Tetraphosphorus hexoxide


Give brainliest please

The density of air at STP is 1.285 g/L. Which of the following cannot be used to fill a balloon that will float in air at STP?


NO can't  be used to fill a balloon

Further explanation

Conditions at T 0 ° C and P 1 atm are stated by STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure). At STP, Vm is 22.4 liters/mol.

Answer options that need to be added :

a. Ne

b. NO

c. NH₃

d. CH₄

e. HF

will float in air ⇒ element or compound to fill the balloon, its density must be less than < 1.285 g/L

We can use the ideal gas formula ta find density :

[tex]\tt \rho=\dfrac{P.MW}{RT}[/tex]

Because at STP, then the constant value is

[tex]\tt \rho=\dfrac{1~atm\times MW}{0.08205\times 273.15~K}\\\\\rho=0.0446\times MW[/tex]

So that the density is determined from the MW(molecular weight) of each element or compound

a. Ne

Ar = 20.1797 g/mol

[tex]\tt \rho=0.0446\times 20.1797=0.9~g/L[/tex]

b. NO

MW=30.006 g/mol

[tex]\tt \rho=0.0446\times 30.006=\boxed{\bold{1.338~g/L}}[/tex]

c. NH₃

MW=17.0306 g/mol

[tex]\tt \rho=0.0446\times 17.0306=0.760~g/L[/tex]

d. CH₄

MW=16.04 g/mol

[tex]\tt \rho=0.0446\times 16.04=0.715~g/L[/tex]

e. HF

MW=20.01 g/mol

[tex]\tt \rho=0.0446\times 20.01=0.892~g/L[/tex]

why is lithium used in the body?





what unit of measure would i use to measure the width of my fingernail A millimeters
B centimeters C meters D kilometers
E grams​


A. Millimeters
Because the width of fingernails are very small and millimeters is the smallest unit of measurement listed.

A dull metal object has a density of 8.8 G/ML and a volume of 20 ML calculate the mass



Mass = 0.000176 gram


m =  V × ρ

=  20 milliliter × 8.8 gram/cubic meter

=  2.0E-5 cubic meter × 8.8 gram/cubic meter

=  0.000176 gram


What is the relationship between the latitude and hours of daylight



The tilt of the Earth's axis also defines the length of daylight.Daylight hours are shortest in each hemisphere winter. Between summer and winter

solistice the number of daylight hours decreases and the rate of decrease is larger the higher the latitude.The fewer sunlight hours the colder nights.

Write the word equations for the following balanced chemical equations.
a. Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2
b. 2503 2502 + O2





Answer question number 3





A mixture is formed when two or more substances are physically mixed together. A compound is formed when two or more substances are chemically combined through a chemical reaction.

Why MgO will form after Mg reacting with CuO? (mcq)
Mg forms positive ions and O forms negative ions
Mg is more reactive than Cu
CuO have loose bonding



Mg is more reactive than Cu


In the reaction between Mg and CuO to form MgO, MgO will form because Mg is more reactive than Cu.

This kind of reaction is called a single replacement or single displacement reaction.

The replacement of a metallic ion in solution by a metal atom higher in the activity series than the metal in solution falls into this category of reactions. The element Mg is higher than Cu in the activity series. The higher an element is in the activity series, the more reactive they are. Since Mg is more reactive, it will displace the Cu from CuO.

What is the effect of tap water, sea water, and rainwater on the rusting rate of iron?
(Please i need an answer π-π) ​



The more acidic the solution the faster it rusts. More Na = more rust


True or false

Each family represents the number of energy levels present in an atom of the element.



true because of the elements

Why is the nitrogen cycle considered a closed system?



because nitrogen is fixed by bacteria and assimilated by plants



It is a considered a closed system because nitrogen is fixed by bacteria and is taken in by plants.


What’s this called please help



the answer is a linear


heres a graph different ones at this link

Which is the IUPAC name for NO?
nitric oxide
binitrogen oxide
dinitrogen dioxide
nitrogen monoxide


The IUPAC name for NO is nitric oxide. The correct option is A.

What is IUPAC naming?

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is a global organization that represents chemistry as well as related sciences and technologies.

The chemical compound's identity is represented by its common and IUPAC names, which differ from one another. Every chemical compound has multiple names.

Complete the following step-by-step response: The IUPAC nomenclature is a standardized name given to organic compounds in accordance with official naming rules.

Nitric oxide, also known as NO, is a colorless gas. It is one of the most important nitrogen oxides.

Nitric oxide is a free radical, which means it has an unpaired electron, which is sometimes represented in its chemical formula by a dot.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding IUPAC, visit:



D: Nitrogen Monoxide


There's one Nitrogen atom and one Oxygen atom

Boyd takes additional measurements of the mass of product formed in a reaction. He uses a balance that has smaller graduations than the first balance he used.
What is Boyd most likely trying to change?

He is trying to increase his accuracy but not his precision.
He is trying to increase his precision but not his accuracy.
He is trying to decrease his precision and increase his accuracy.
He is trying to increase his precision and decrease his accuracy.



The correct option is A: "He is trying to increase his accuracy but not his precision"


Accuracy of measurement is when the value of the measurement is close to the actual value of that measurement while precision is when the experiment is repeated using the same instrument but obtaining different values.

When Boyd changed the weighing balance in his experiment to a smaller one, the smaller weighing balance has better accuracy (smaller graduations) than the initially used one because the smaller weighing balance will provide a value close to the actual value of the mass of the product. If he had, however, repeated the experiment without changing the weighing balance, he would have sought to increase his precision.

From the description above, it can be said that Boyd was trying to increase his accuracy but not his precision


The correct option is A: "He is trying to increase his accuracy but not his precision"


right on EDGE 2021

Describe how calcium and fluorine bond together to form calcium fluoride. The electron arrangement of each atom is shown.



Detail is given below.


Calcium is alkaline earth metal. It has two valance electron. Thus calcium needs six more electron to complete the octet. Thus, its very easy for calcium to remove its two electron and get complete octet.

Electronic configuration of Ca:

Ca₂₀ = [Ar] 4s²


Fluorine is halogen. It has seven valance electrons. It needed only one electron to complete the octet. When it combine with calcium , calcium loses two electrons thus two atom of fluorine combine with one atom of fluorine and stable compound calcium fluoride is formed.

Electronic configuration of F:

F₉  = [He] 2s² 2p⁵

Chemical equation:

Ca  + F₂     →     CaF₂

You are about to take a short trip. However, you will not be traveling by car or bus; instead you will be traveling up in a hot air balloon. You know that hot air balloons, like the ones pictured, are able to rise when the air contained in them is heated. Why does the balloon rise? What is happening at the molecular level to make the balloon rise?



Hot air rises. Heated air molecules “spread out” or expand and bounce around, and the space becomes less dense than the surrounding space. Increasing the air temperature inside the balloon envelope makes it less dense than the air, thus making it “lighter than air”.


I'm new to brainly but I hope this helped!

Balloon rise because  Warm air ascends. Heat causes the molecules of the air to "spread out," or expand, and bounce off one another, making the area less dense than the surroundings.

What are molecules ?

A molecule is the smallest unit of a substance that keeps its content and properties. It is made up of two or more atoms that are joined together by chemical bonds.

Chemistry is built on molecules. The element symbol and a subscript indicating the number of atoms are used to identify molecules.

When Balloon rise because  Warm air ascends. Heat causes the molecules of the air to "spread out," or expand, and bounce off one another, making the area less dense than the surroundings.

The air inside the balloon's envelope becomes less dense as the temperature rises, making it "lighter than air."

To learn more about molecules, refer to the below link:

# SPJ2

ultraviolet radiation has a higher frequency than visible light. which type of light wave carries more energy?
a=they carry the same amount of energy
b=visible light
c= ultraviolet radiation



The answer to this question is C; ultraviolet radiation


The the reason for this is because it carries more energy per photon than visible light does. Light travels at a speed of 299,792 kilometers per second (about 186,282 miles per second).

Which phrase best describes igneous rocks?
form when lava and magma cool

accumulate sediments following erosion

require heat and pressure to be formed

consist of many sediment layers



A) form when lava and magma cool

please give me brainliest :p

God bless!


A: form when lava and magma cools


Got it right on Edge 2020 :)

Which of these elements is most likely to be a colorless gas based on the type of element? Al, Pd, Ar, Cs



Al (Aluminum)

whats the lewis dot diagram for calcium


Draw the Lewis dot structure for each atom of the compound to show how many valence electrons are present in each atom. For example, the calcium atom in calcium chloride, CaCl2, has two valence electrons, and the chlorine atoms have seven valence electrons each.

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