should the us raise taxes on the rich?


Answer 1

yes they should raise there taxes on the rich

Answer 2
Yes they should taxes the rich

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When was mariachi cobre founded



it was 1971


Mariachi Cobre founded in tucson Azizona in 1971 , was the first prominent Mexican American mariachi group

Mariachi Cobre was founded in 1971 in Tucson, Arizona.

Read this sentence:

A disruption of the Federal Union, heretofore only menaced, is now formidably attempted.

What is meant by "a disruption of the Federal Union" in this sentence?

secession, or the breaking away of southern states from the Union
an interruption in the arguments between the North and the South
a joining of the northern states with the states that had seceded
an attempt by the southern states to form their own government





Please answer this for me fast



All of the above


The free press clause guarantees that people can publish any lawful material without fear of punishment by the government, even if that material is critical of the government. This meant anything that criticized the government or its officials.

So it is 4. All of the above

Who comes next in line of succession after the speaker of the house?



The President Pro Tempore.


The current President Pro Tempore is Chuck Grassley.

How did reformers work to address poverty in the late 1800s and early 1900s? Check all that apply.
They worked to increase public awareness of poverty.
They documented the lives of poor immigrants.
They created settlement houses for immigrants
They outlawed all slums and tenement buildings.
They passed laws to improve ventilation in housing.
They moved immigrants from Eastern cities to Western areas.


Reformers work to address poverty by increasing public awareness of poverty, making laws that reform buildings, created settlement houses for immigrants.

What is meant by the term Reformer?

A Reformer is an individual or a group of individuals who advocates for better laws that will improve the system for the people.

A good example of a reformer is Martin Luther.

Learn more about Reformer here:



a, b, and c


the governor of maryland just signed a bill that provides upgrades in public transportation throughout the state. What purpose of government is he supporting?

1. Maintaining Social order
2. providing public services
3. Making economic decisions
4. provide national security



providing public services


When discussing Government's purpose , providing Public services refers to creating collection of services organized by the government which funded by the Tax payment given by the citizens. Public services were not created to obtain profit, and can be used by all people as long as those people can prove that they're a legal citizens in that country.

United States have a wide variety of public services.  Example of public services that are most commonly used are: Public transportation, maintenance of  public infrastructure, Public library, Welfare, etc.

National property is precious. We should not damage or destroy the
national property. Give your view on this topic. ​



Well I think it depends on what shouldnt and shouldnt be destroyed..


for starters recently a christopher columbus statue was broken due to him "finding America" even though the Indegious people were here first. and also with this whole political thing going the American Flag is supposed to show liberty and justice and freeedom for all but how is that even possible if the president isn't even listening to that when hs racist,homopobic, transphobic ECT! theres so much more but yeah my opinion:)


depends if you own it then it's your to destroy but if it's not yours then it's just vandalism

Why did the Catholic Church apposed the scientific revolution?


Church officials feared that scientific ideas would threaten the influence of the Catholic Church.

4. What type of law established by the Pope required people to follow the
law of the Church *


Answer:Canon Law


Times of extreme cold when great sheets of ice covered parts of the Earthwere the



ice ages.


bruh seriously??

A young man living in England during the early 17th century decides that he does not agree with some teachings of the Anglican Church. He joins a group of people who share his beliefs and opinions. While they support the king, they do not believe that a monarch should be the head of the Church in England. Other Protestants believe that this young man and his friends are dangerous "radicals" and should be silenced. What was this sect of Protestants called?





The Separatists didn't support the king being the head of the Church of England, so they wanted to separate from the Anglican Church (hence the name Separatists).




the spoils system did all of the following except
A( Fraud
B( incompetence
C( social reform
D( interfered with the daily government functions



C) social reform


The spoils system in politics or government is defined as the practice in which the winning government gives all the government jobs or federal employment to their supporters.

The spoil system was unable to do social reform because it was filled with corruption and political favoritism by federal officials. Bribes and abuse of political powers dominated social causes and the system was beneficial for government supporters only.

Hence, the correct answer is "C) social reform".

Pls help it’s due todayyy


Answer:Put in a guess

Explanation:I guess :/




Chinese needed to know 300 characters to be literate. *





Chinese People need to know at least 8,000 charaters to be literate. That's at least what my dad told me...





What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention?

amend the Articles of Confederation

amend the Bill of Rights

amend the Constitution


amend the Declaration of Independence
In December 1776, General Washington led his forces across the Delaware River/ Ohio River. The Continental Army launched a surprise attack against Hessian forces in the Battle of Bunker Hill/ Trenton.

Use the passage to answer the question.

from Andrew Jackson's Message to Congress "On Indian Removal"

“It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites . . . and perhaps cause them gradually, under the protection of the Government and through the influence of good counsels, to cast off their savage habits and become an interesting, civilized, and Christian community.”

—Andrew Jackson, 1830

What was the impact of the Indian Removal policy discussed by Andrew Jackson?

the integration of the Five Civilized Tribes into American culture

the beginning of a financial crisis in 1837

the alliance between Native Americans and the British

the deaths of thousands along the Trail of Tears

Why were southern states less industrialized than states in the North? Select the two correct answers.

Northern factories would not trade with southern businesses.

Southern states did not have the raw materials needed for factories.

Agriculture was very profitable for the southern states.

Climate conditions favored agricultural industries.

Factory owners would not relocate to the South.

Which were effects of John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry? Select the two correct answers.

Slaves engaged in armed revolts throughout the South.

Kansas was taken over by Free-Soilers.

Several southern states passed laws to prevent slave rebellions.

Antislavery northerners considered Brown a martyr to the cause.

Frederick Douglass joined Brown’s abolition movement.

Why did the idea of republican motherhood lead to increased education for some women?

Women were tasked with educating the next generation, and thus needed to be educated themselves.

Women were required to attend public schools, and thus would be punished if they did not obey.

Women were believed to be more intelligent than men, and thus were encouraged to educate themselves.

Women were thought to be the future leaders of the country, and thus were pushed to study politics and economics.

Which was most likely an effect of the Confiscation Acts during the American Revolution?

increased loyalist opposition to patriots

decreased loyalist opposition to patriots

increased patriot opposition to loyalists

decreased patriot opposition to loyalists

What did Shays’s Rebellion expose?

the advantage of allowing new territories to become states

the need for the protection of freedom of religion

the strength of having a unicameral legislative system

the government's weakness under the Articles of Confederation

In what way did the states create economic problems for the national government after the American Revolution? Select the two correct answers.

issued currency that was worthless

imposed tariffs on items produced by other states

requested funds to support state militias

refused to pay their militias or their veterans

passed laws that punished debtors

Select the words to make the sentences true.

The Articles of Confederation authorized a unicameral / bicameral legislature whose members were elected by direct / indirect voting. Laws were easy / difficult to pass since they required a consensus of nine states. Amendments to laws required a majority / unanimous vote.

What reason did the Democratic-Republicans give for opposing the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They were unconstitutional.

They were too pro-French.

They targeted wealthy elites.

They opened the country to unlimited immigration.

Use the quote to answer the question.

“The Americans have tarred and feathered your subjects, plundered your merchants, burnt your ships, denied all obedience to your laws and authority; yet so clement and so long forbearing has our conduct been that it is incumbent on us now to take a different course. Whatever may be the consequences, we must risk something; if we do not, all is over.” —Lord North

This quote most clearly supports an argument in favor of what?

British officials and the Coercive Acts

Native Americans and the Proclamation Line

Parliament and the Declaratory Act

Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party

Which laws were deemed “intolerable” by the colonies?

Coercive Acts

Stamp Act

Tea Act

Townshend Acts



Number 1 : c .amend the Constitution

Number 2: D.  the deaths of thousands along the Trail of Tears

Number 3: The correct answers are B and D. As a result of John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry, in the South support for secession from the Union grew, and states passed laws to prevent rebellions by enslaved people.

Number 4:The correct answer is A; Women were tasked with educating the next generation, and thus needed to be educated themselves.

Number 5 : The most likely effect of the confiscation Acts during the American Revolution was that it increased loyalist opposition to patriots.  Answer: Option A

Number 6: D: The government's weakness under the Articles of Confederation

Number 7:  B. imposed tariffs on items produced by other states

C.  requested funds to support state militias

Number 8: D:They opened the country to unlimited immigration

Number 9: C.  Parliament and the Declaratory Act As you can see in the question, this quote belongs to Lord North. He was a member of the British Parliament, and also held other positions such as Prime Minister.

Number 10: A. Coercive Acts

Hope this helps

Explanation: Number 5:The loyalists were the ones who were on the side of the British crown and thought in favour of the British council.

The confiscation acts done by the American revolutionaries to confiscate the was in order to establish their control over the region were opposed by the loyalists as to that was not what the British Council wanted.

Number 4 Explanation: The phrase or term Republican Motherhood was started in the 1980s. This idea was based on books written by John Locke. He has several ideas that were based on revolutionary ideas of republicanism.

Christians loved this idea because mothers would be able to pass down the family's religious views and values to generations.

Women were then opened many doors to education that they did not have before. This was so that they could educate their children about things that they learned. They also had more of a public role in women's rights, abolitionism, and had more chances of being teachers, etc.


The other person is correct, have a good day.


How has water shaped Earth's surface? Provide evidence in your description.



Water moving across the earth in streams and rivers pushes along soil and breaks down pieces of rock in a process called erosion. The moving water carries away rock and soil from some areas and deposits them in other areas, creating new landforms or changing the course of a stream or river


What are graphs? Give an example of a graph that would be useful to you in your everyday life





to support your answer with work


It is like a diagram, a grid, or chart.


Most big companies yous graphs to keep track of money esc.

Using the RACE method, answer the following question: Do you think Andrew Carnegie was a good person or a villain?



"Gospel of Wealth" describes Andrew Carnegie's philosophy.

The 'Gospel of Wealth' was an article composed by Andrew Carnegie in 1889. Carnegie, a steel tycoon, contended that extremely well off men like him had a duty to utilize their riches for greater benefit of society. It's a break with the individualist account that we are frequently given. It addressed issues of commitment, heritage, and community as imperative qualities. It’s a manifesto for philanthropy.


How did the trial of Peter Zenger in 1733 demonstrate the need for an impartial court system?



The trial of Peter Zenger showed that the jury needs to be more diverse. The jury on his first trial were all in general his enemies(the king's council). That's not fair since they would be on the king's side and the judge makes decisions with the help of the jury and the evidence they present. This would mean an unanimous belief that he should be in jail. His second trial were full of Zenger's peers. Which may not be fair but was a victory for Zenger(with the help of famous lawyer Hamilton)

The famous case of Peter Zenger happened in 1733. He was accused of calumny. Earlier it was illegal for any individual to write and promote any opinion or information against the government.

This hearing showed that the judicial policy needed to reform and the judging panel should be more diverse.

The tribunal in Zenger's trial was all King's members that clearly would not have supported or defended him.

The panel members were surely on the leader's side and the court could not reach a balanced judgment as they would be biased towards the predicament.

In his next trial, the jury was filled with Zenger's supporters and hence the verdict came in his favour.

Therefore, this case shows that impartial bar arrangement should be abolished.

To learn more about Peter Zenger's trial follow the link:

Growth of the ___ movement led to the formation of the National Prohibition Party.



The temperance movement


What can people determine about a readers dialogue?



They tell the reader a lot about characters' personalities... Powerful dialogue can reveal: A character's thoughts and feelings through his or her tone of voice and the way the words are spoken.


Dialogue, or a conversation between two or more people, can tell the reader a lot about characters' personalities. ... Powerful dialogue can reveal: A character's thoughts and feelings through his or her tone of voice and the way the words are spoken.


What names are associated with the Jewish faith?
Check All that apply:








Jews represent the group of people who adopt Jewish faith as a religion.

Israelites are the people who are born in Israel. Not all people who were born In Israel adopted a Jewish faith.

Canaries and Hebrews are the language that are most commonly found in Jewish Scripture. Even though that's the case, the language itself can be used for any other things beside religious scripture.

The Pyramids were built during the New Kingdom. *



Though pyramids were built from the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the close of the Ptolemaic period in the fourth century A.D., the peak of pyramid building began with the late third dynasty and continued until roughly the sixth


The awnser is going to be true

Help pls really need it









I googled it lolol your welcome

4,1,8,9,6 I looooooooked it up

Government policies during the 1920's were better for businesses than workers.
Group of answer choices

A. True

B. False



a .



What is the electoral college



The United States Electoral College is a name used to describe the official 538 Presidential electors who come together every four years during the presidential election to give their official votes for President and Vice President of the United States.



The United States Electoral College is a name used to describe the official 538 Presidential electors who come together every four years during the presidential election to give their official votes for President and Vice President of the United States.



Examples of dissident,



"I disagreed with my teacher on the grade of my test", "My mother said I knocked the vase off, even though my brother really did it. I disagreed."

Explanation: Dissident is defined as someone who disagrees.


what is a brief history of Brazil?
*3 sentences



Brazil was officially "discovered" in 1500, when a fleet commanded by Portuguese diplomat Pedro Álvares Cabral, on its way to India, landed in Porto Seguro, between Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. ... Brazil's first colonizers were met by Tupinamba Indians, one group in the vast array of the continent's native population.


Is a fish on a water a biotic or abiotic


The fish is biotic because it is living.

The water is abiotic because it is non living.

Therefore, the answer to your question is biotic.

Under the Proprietors why would the colonists feel they had no political power?



The idea of self-government


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