Let g(x) = cos(x/2) - 3x. Let f(x) = 2x + 5. What is g(f(x))?​


Answer 1


f = 2


g(x) = cos(x/2) - 3x=w where w=-3.5 or -1 or -38.5

13– (13/2)-3*13=-3.5 (1st d value of g(x))

-1-(-1/2)-3*(-1)=-1 (the 2nd possible value)

g(x) = cos(x/2) - 3x=-1 where the first x=13 and the 2nd one=-1

where the first x=-1 and the 2nd one=-38.5 (the 3rd value)

g(x) = cos(x/2) - 3x)=0 where cos(x/2=-3.5

g(f(x)) = cos(f(x)/2) - 3 aka 0.5 f(x) = cos(2x+5 aka 7x) (x/2 - 3 =aka -1 );

(2x+5) = 7x by definition but the equation has to be set to 7 to find x)

(7x/2 -6x=0) -7 on both sides


x/2= 13


x=13 (these values are set up for 2x+5=7.



the 2nd x=-1

gfx=cos*2*x i.e cos*2*13 or cos*2*-1




(cos*2*13)=the 1st gfx value=26 basically.

( cos*2*(-13)=-26 (the 2nd gfx value)

cos*2*(-1)=-`1 (the 3rd gfx value)


hope this helped!

Related Questions

What is the best prediction she could make about this
semester's text?
Natalia's class read Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
last semester and took a field trip to see it performed
live in a community theater. Today, Natalia learned that
her class will read another work by Shakespeare this
It is a play.
It is an adventure.
It is a fairy tale.
It is a fable.


Answer:its a play



A. It is a play


Got the answer correct on the quiz

Endnotes are indicated by

A. lowercase letters (a, b, c)

B. numbers (1, 2, 3)

C. Roman numerals (i, il, ill)

D. uppercase letters (A, B, C)



The answer is D because u have the uppercase letter bold


Endnotes are actually indicated by Roman Numerals so option C is correct.

what is the CPU's role?



The CPU performs basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions in the program. The computer industry used the term "central processing unit" as early as 1955.


The Cpu is like the brain of the computer it's responsible for everything from running a program to solving a complex math equation.

No variables and only in one lines


In python 3.8, we can use a simple print statement.

print(('h0 '*3 +'Merry Christmas\n')*2)

Computer Architecture
1. Define what a "word" is in computer architecture:
A. The size (number of bits) of the address
B. The total number of bits of an instruction (e.g. 16 bits)
C. Word and width are synonymous.
D. A word is the contents of a memory register.
2. What is the difference between a register’s width and a register’s address? (choose all that apply - there may be more than one correct answer)
A. They are both the same!
B. Address is the same for all registers, width is unique for each register.
C. Width is the amount of data a single register holds, address is the location of the register within a larger chip.
D. The address bits of a register is a logarithm of its width.
3. Which of the following is NOT implemented by the Program Counter?
A. Set the counter to 0.
B. Increase the counter by 1.
C. Decrease the counter by 1.
D. Set the counter to any input value.
4. What is the relationship between the size of the address (number of bits) and the word size for memory registers?
A. address bits = 2^(word size)
B. address bits = word size ^ 2
C. address bits = word size
D. address bits = log2(word size)
E. address bits = (word size) / 2






Describe an algorithm that takes as input a list of n integers in nondecreasing order and produces the list of all values that occur more than once. (



Input a series of integer numbers and split the string from the input to get a list. Then check and convert each string to integer with a list comprehension. Create a new variable with a value equal to the set of the list ( to get unique values) then check for the occurrence of each value in the original list.


This algorithm is used to check for the occurrence of values in a list that has been sorted in ascending order. This is faster if the items in the list is not converted to integer yet (still strings) before writing a for loop to check the value count in the list.

When tracking time for subcontractors, which QuickBooks window is used to enter subcontractor information? Vendors List Payroll Setup Item List Employee List



Vendors list


The answer to this question is the vendors list. The Vendor List can be defined as a selected or contracted list of suppliers that is needed for a project or company.

The vendor list a quickbooks window that is used to enter subcontractor information. Quickbooks definition of a vendor is a person from whom a product is purchased

Which of the following server types is in the form of a single circuit board?
a. blade
b. tower
O c. rack
O d. dedicated



A. Blade


Server Blade means a complete computer system on a single board which includes one or more CPUs, memory, operating system, network connections, and typically includes access to hard drives or other mass storage devices. A Server Blade is designed to be inserted into a space-saving rack, and each rack may contain a number of Server Blades served by one or more power supplies.

If this is multiple choice, a dedicated server can be too.

answer 1 question and get 10 points in return





sorry if I'm wrong...it's been a while since I took a coding class.

3 I think... hope this helps!

what program we write for nested if in c++ to print something after else part but before inner if else
//something we want to print





else  {

  // something we want to print

  if(condition) {

     // ...


  else {

     // ...




Create code blocks using curly braces { ... }.

Use proper indentation to visibly make it clear where code blocks start and end.

Write an expression that will print "in high school" if the value of user_grade is between 9 and 12 (inclusive).




if(user_grade >=9 && user_grade <=12)


   Console.WriteLine("In Highschool");



if user_grade >= 9 & user_grade <= 12:

  print("In Highschool")


if(user_grade >=9 && user_grade <=12)


   System.println("In Highschool");



give the one simple program using c++programming language​



the ejedjrjr eenekrr




Ask the user how many numbers for which they want to calculate the sum. Using a for loop, prompt the user to enter that many numbers, one-by-one, keeping track of the sum. At the end, after the user entered all numbers, output the sum.


n = int(input("How many numbers do you want to sum? "))

total = 0

for x in range(n):

   total += int(input("Enter a number: "))

print("Sum: "+str(total))

I hope this helps!

Following are the program to the given question:

Program Explanation:

Defining a variable "Sum" that holds an integer value.In the next step, a variable "t" is defined that uses the input method to input a value from the user-end.After the input value, a for loop is declared that takes the range of the t variable.Inside the loop, another variable "n" is defined that inputs value from user-end and use the "Sum" variable to add its value.Outside the loop, a print method has been used that prints the sum variable in the string with the message.  


Sum = 0#defining a variable sum that hold an integer value

t= int(input("Enter the total number you want to add: "))#defining a t variable that input value from user-end

for i in range(t):#defining a loop that add inputs values from above user-input range

   n= int(input("Enter value "+str(i+1)+": "))#defining loop that inputs n value

   Sum += n; #defining sum variable that adds user-input value

print("Sum of entered number: "+str(Sum))#using print method that print added value


Please find the attached file.

Learn more:


Write a statement that calls the recursive method backwardsAlphabet() with parameter startingLetter.




public class RecursiveCalls {

public static void backwardsAlphabet(char currLetter) {

if (currLetter == 'a') {



else {

System.out.print(currLetter + " ");





public static void main (String [] args) {

char startingLetter = '-';

startingLetter = 'z';

// Your solution goes here





describe PROM, EPROM and EEPROM memories​




PROM is a Read Only Memory (ROM) that can be modified only once by a user while EPROM is a programmable ROM that can be erased and reused. EEPROM, on the other hand, is a user-modifiable ROM that can be erased and reprogrammed repeatedly through a normal electrical voltage.


(1) Prompt the user to enter two words and a number, storing each into separate variables. Then, output those three values on a single line separated by a space. (Submit for 1 point)

Enter favorite color:
Enter pet's name:
Enter a number:
You entered: yellow Daisy 6

(2) Output two passwords using a combination of the user input. Format the passwords as shown below. (Submit for 2 points, so 3 points total).

Enter favorite color:
Enter pet's name:
Enter a number:
You entered: yellow Daisy 6

First password: yellow_Daisy
Second password: 6yellow6

(3) Output the length of each password (the number of characters in the strings). (Submit for 2 points, so 5 points total).

Enter favorite color:
Enter pet's name:
Enter a number:
You entered: yellow Daisy 6

First password: yellow_Daisy
Second password: 6yellow6

Number of characters in yellow_Daisy: 12
Number of characters in 6yellow6: 8



favorite_color = input('Enter favorite color:\n')

pet_name = input("Enter pet's name:\n")

number = input('Enter a number:\n')

print('You entered:',favorite_color+' '+pet_name+' '+number)

password1 = favorite_color+'_'+pet_name

password2 = number+favorite_color+number

print('\nFirst password:'+' '+password1)

print('Second password:'+' '+password2)

print('\nNumber of characters in '+password1+': '+str(len(password1)))

print('Number of characters in '+password2+': '+str(len(password2)))


Notice on the pet name I used quotes instead of parenthesis because so I can use the comma on pet's.

This solution worked for me.

4.5 Lesson Practice edhesive



Count Variable -- When it hits a limt.

using user input -- its true if the user input is the conditional variable needed to end it.

The two ways that one can end a loop are:

Using user input (Option B)- This is used when its true if the user input is the conditional variable  has to to terminate it;Count Variable (Option D) - When it hits a limit.

What is a loop?

In programming, the sequence of events (instruction) that continues to run repeatedly in the same chain is called a loop.

Thus, it is right to state that the two ways that one can end a loop are:

Using user input (Option B)- This is used when its true if the user input is the conditional variable  has to to terminate it;Count Variable (Option D) - When it hits a limit.

Learn more about loops at:

Write a function named minMax() that accepts three integers arguments from the keyboard and finds the smallest and largest integers. Include the function minMax() in a working program. Make sure your function is called from main().Test the function by passing various combinations of three integers to it.



public class Main


public static void main(String[] args) {

 minMax(1, 2, 3);

 minMax(100, 25, 33);

 minMax(11, 222, 37);


public static void minMax(int n1, int n2, int n3){

    int max, min;

    if(n1 >= n2 && n1 >= n3){

        max = n1;


    else if(n2 >= n1 && n2 >= n3){

        max = n2;



        max = n3;



    if(n1 <= n2 && n1 <= n3){

        min = n1;


    else if(n2 <= n1 && n2 <= n3){

        min = n2;



        min = n3;


    System.out.println("The max is " + max + "\nThe min is " + min);    




*The code is in Java.

Create a function named minMax() that takes three integers, n1, n2 and n3

Inside the function:

Declare the min and max

Check if n1 is greater than or equal to n2 and n3. If it is set it as max. If not, check if n2 is greater than or equal to n1 and n3. If it is set it as max. Otherwise, set n3 as max

Check if n1 is smaller than or equal to n2 and n3. If it is set it as min. If not, check if n2 is smaller than or equal to n1 and n3. If it is set it as min. Otherwise, set n3 as min

Print the max and min

Inside the main:

Call the minMax() with different combinations

What was that show where lowe’s were based off eye colors and the main character had orange eyes that let her mind control people. It was either on netflix or hulu


The Innocents on Hulu i think

Answer:Raising Dion?


Was it Raising Dion?

I need help with my homework:
Greetings, secret agent 00111! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help Agent M plan a pizza party. Unfortunately, M has no idea how much pizza to order for his 83 guests. Luck for him, party planning is your specialty! Estimate the number of pizzas he’ll need on scratch paper, and then convert that number to binary and write it here.



You need to order 11100 pizzas.


A couple of assumptions here.

Each pizza has 12 slices.  Each guest will eat 4 slices (1/3 of a pizza).

83 * 1/3 = 28 pizzas

28 = 11100

4. Word Separator:Write a program that accepts as input a sentence in which all of thewords are run together but the first character of each word is uppercase. Convert the sentence to a string in which the words are separated by spaces and only the first word starts with an uppercase letter. For example the string “StopAndSmellTheRoses.” would be converted to “Stop and smell the roses.”
*python coding


sent = input("")

count = 0

new_sent = ""

for i in sent:

   if count == 0:

       new_sent += i

       count += 1


       if i.isupper():

           new_sent += " "+i.lower()


           new_sent += i


The above code works if the user enters the sentence.

def func(sentence):

   count = 0

   new_sent = ""

   for i in sentence:

       if count == 0:

           new_sent += i

           count += 1


           if i.isupper():

               new_sent += " " + i.lower()


               new_sent += i

   return new_sent


The above code works if the sentence is entered via a function.

References inserted initially as footnotes can be converted to endnotes through an option in the software.

A. True

B. False


The answer is A. True

The answer is: A) True

There are some formatting errors in this bibliography
page. Which corrections should be made? Check all
that apply
O The title should be in bold.
O There should be a double space between each
Amber, Claire. "How Would Gandhi Respond?"
The World Post. TheHuffington Post.com,
16 Sept. 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
Wilkinson, Philip. Gandhi: The Young Protester
Who Founded a Nation. Washington, DC:
National Geographic Society, 2005. Print.
Eknath, Easwaran. Gandhi the Man: How One
Man Changed Himself to Change the World.
Tomales, CA: Nilgiri, 2011. Print.
O The citation entries should be in alphabetical order.
The web sources should be listed first.
The second and third lines of the last entry should
be indented



There should be a double space between each citation

The citation entries should be in alphabetical order.

The second and third lines of the last entry should be indented


The bibliography page contains some formatting errors which should be corrected before it is standard and acceptable.

First of all, in MLA (and most other styles), it is important to double space each citation to make them easily readable and eliminate errors.

Next, the citation entries needs to be in alphabetical order and not random which makes it easy to find a source.

Also, there needs to be indentation in the second and third lines of the last entry.


B,C,E is the answer


I got it right on test...

sorry if its too late

Hope it helps someone else :D

write aemail to brother for laptop for vitrual classes​



If I were to ask my brother for a laptop, I would go:

Hey, can I have your laptop? I need it for online classes.

Sincerely, [my name]

Dear brother, I really need a lab top for my online classes (explain why you don’t have one) i would really appreciate it :)

Your bro/ Sis

Write an application that counts the total number of spaces contained in a quote entered by the user.




The following code is written in Java. It asks the user for an input and saves it in a String variable. Then it loops through all the characters in the string and counts the spaces. Finally, it prints the total number of spaces in the String.

public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter Line Now:");

       String userInput = in.nextLine();

       int spaceCount = 0;

       for (int x = 0; x < userInput.length(); x++) {

           if (userInput.charAt(x) == ' ') {






True/False: A datasum can be generated for any width of data. For example, we can create an 8, 16, or 32 bit datasum for 8, 16, or 32 bit data elements respectively.





Dance dance1 = new Dance("Tango","Hernandos Hideaway");
Dance dance2 = new Dance("Swing","Hound Dog");


class Dance
private String name;
private String song;

public Dance(String name, String s)
this.name = name;
song = s;

public String toString()
return name + " " + song;
What is printed when the program is executed?

null null

null null

Hernandos Hideaway null

Hound Dog null

null null

Swing Hound Dog

Tango Hernados Hideaway

Swing Hound Dog

null Hernandos Hideaway

null Hound Dog



The output of the program is (d)

Tango Hernados Hideaway

Swing Hound Dog


Analyzing the given code segment

In class Dance,

A method named dance was defined with an instance of two string variables/values

which are name and song

public Dance(String name, String s)

In the main of the program,

The first line creates an instance of Dance as dance1

dance1 is initialized with the following string values: "Tango","Hernandos Hideaway"

- The first string value "Tango" will be passed into the name variable of the Dance method

- The second string value "Hernandos Hideaway" will be passed into the song variable of the Dance method

Next, another instance of Dance is initialized as dance2

dance2 is initialized with the following string values: "Swing","Hound Dog"

- The first string value "Swing" will be passed into the name variable of the Dance method

- The second string value "Hound Dog" will be passed into the song variable of the Dance method

On line 3 of the main: System.out.println(dance1.toString());

The values of dance1, which are "Tango","Hernandos Hideaway" are printed

On line 4 of the main: System.out.println(dance2.toString());

The values of dance1, which are "Swing","Hound Dog" are printed

Hence, option d answers the question

Write a program that creates an integer array with 40 elements in it. Use a for loop to assign values to each element of the array so that each element has a value that is triple its index. For example, the element with index 0 should have a value of 0, the element with index 1 should have a value of 3, the element with index 2 should have a value of 6, and so on.



public class Main


public static void main(String[] args) {

 int[] numbers = new int[40];

 for (int i=0; i<40; i++){

     numbers[i] = i * 3;


 for (int i=0; i<40; i++){






*The code is in Java.

Initialize an integer array with size 40

Create a for loop that iterates 40 times. Inside the loop, set the number at index i as i*3

i = 0, numbers[0] = 0 * 3 = 0

i = 1, numbers[1] = 1 * 3 = 3

i = 2, numbers[2] = 2 * 3 = 6



i = 39, numbers[39] = 39 * 3 = 117

Create another for loop that iterates 40 times and prints the values in the numbers array

10. The Domain Name refers to the
a) Mail
b) Google
c) Internet
d) Local





need help asap
Which statement is true of emerging technologies?

Advancements in communication technologies played a minor part in the rise of globalization.
Developments in communication helped remote locations connect with the world.
Malicious entities can misuse emerging technologies.
There are few disadvantages to the widespread growth of the internet.
The complexity of wireless communication prohibits it from being provided in remote locations



Advancements on communication technologies played a minor part in the rise of globalization.



Developments in communication helped remote locations connect with the world.


I took the test, plato/edemetuimedemetuim

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