LEER ESCRIBIR Expresa de otra manera. 1. Lleva un disfraz. 2. Todo el mundo marchaba hacia el cementerio. 3. Todo el mundo marchaba hacia el cementerio. 4. Todo el mundo andaba hacia atrás. 5. La señora hacia bizcochos. 6. Los muertos están enterrados en el cementerio. 7. Hacía bizcochos en forma de una calavera.​


Answer 1

Answer: READ WRITE Express in another way. 1. Wear a costume. 2. Everyone was marching towards the cemetery. 3. Everyone was marching towards the cemetery. 4. Everyone was walking backwards. 5. The lady made biscuits. 6. The dead are buried in the cemetery. 7. She made cupcakes in the shape of a skull.​


Related Questions

The picture shows $40.50 that two friends earned mowing a lawn.
They want to share the money equally.
Drag the money below to show how much each friend will get.





$40.50 ÷ 2

= $20.25

So, each friend gets $20.25.

Wow! You now know so much about Mexico! Your friend Jordan, however, knows nothing about it. In a few months, his family is going on a tour of Spanish speaking-countries, including Spain and several Latin American countries. He has asked you to help him learn more about those places before his trip. His first trip is to Mexico.

Write Jordan a letter in English comparing Mexican culture and American culture in a minimum of ten descriptive sentences.

Note: The United States is a vast country filled with diverse and beautiful cultures and people, and so is México! One person's cultural experience in the United States can vary greatly to another. Write about your cultural experience. Your culture can be different than your best friend's culture or neighbor's culture. You may share a Mexican-American culture. Write about it.

Think in terms of food, sports, transportation, weather, population, celebrations, and demographics. How is your culture similar to Mexican culture? How is it different? Use details from what you have learned to help Jordan prepare for the trip, and have fun!

Before you write, take notes on these questions to help guide your writing. Be sure to include an introductory sentence and a sign-off in your letter.

A) What are the three most interesting things you have learned about Mexico?




B) What are three aspects of Mexican culture that are similar to your culture in the United States?




C) What are three aspects of Mexican culture that are different from your culture in the United States?




Now, here is a guide for your letter. Feel free to use the format if it's helpful, but make it your own.

Hola Jordan,

It's so cool that you get to visit Mexico. I found some very interesting things about living there. Did you know...? (Describe 3 items from list A).

Some things in Mexico can be very different from how you or I live in the United States. For example, (Describe 3 items from list B).

Otherwise, just like my family and I, we do many things the same. For example, (Describe 3 items from list C).

Have a great trip! Bring me back a souvenir!



in spanish or english?

Answer: Hola Jordan,

It's so cool that you get to visit Mexico. I found some very interesting things about living there. Did you know...? (Describe 3 items from list A).

Some things in Mexico can be very different from how you or I live in the United States. For example, (Describe 3 items from list B).

Otherwise, just like my family and I, we do many things the same. For example, (Describe 3 items from list C).

Have a great trip! Bring me back a souvenir!



¿Por qué el uso práctico de la razón nos convierte en seres morales?


Answer: The translation is.. Why does the practical use of reason make us moral beings?

Change the following from an adjective to an adverb.




The correct way to change the word "suave" from an adjective to an adverb would be"suavemente".

What is an adjective?

The adjective is a term that refers to a part of the sentence or word class that has the function of complementing a noun to qualify it because it expresses characteristics or properties attributed to it.

What is an adverb?

An adverb is a term that refers to a part of speech that complements a verb, an adjective, other adverbs, and even sentences. Adverbs express circumstances, such as mode, place, time, quantity, affirmation, doubt, among others. One way to identify that a word corresponds to an adverb is by checking if it answers questions such as: when?, where?, how?, in what way?, among others.

According to the above, the word "suave" is an adjective because it complements an adjective, for example:

La almohada es suave.

On the other hand, the adverb that is related to the word "suave" would be "suavemente" because it can describe a circumstance, for example:

Me acarició suavemente.

According to the above, the correct answer is option D. suavemente.

Learn more about adverbs in: https://brainly.com/question/8554630


read and choose the option with the correct formal command to complete the sentence. ________ para sanar.





yo form

Which of the following should not use 'ser'?
Yo soy en la escuela hoy.
Ustedes son de los Estados Unidos.
La fiesta es a las ocho y media.



the first sentence would not use "ser"


The correct format for that sentence would be "yo ESTOY en la escuela hoy" which translates to I am at school today.

Write complete sentences using all the cues provided. Follow the model.
el excursionista / preferir / escalar la montaña de noche
(yo) / dormir / ocho horas al día
Miguel / poder / salir / a las seis


El excursionista prefiere escalar la montaña de noche

Yo duermo ocho horas al día

Miguel puede sale a las seis

Hope this helps, I conjugated for you as well.




no questions attached . Thanks for the points.

You can as mark brainliest

thanks for the points

1. Using the Preterite tense, select the correct conjugation.
Se dio cuenta que___ (tener) reacciones más rápidas.
A. tenía
B. tuvo
C. tiene

2. Select the correct Imperfect conjugation for the sentence.
Se___(hacer) un disfraz azul y rojo.
A. hacía
B. hago
C. hizo


1. Se dio cuenta que tenía reacciones más rápidas. (A), 2. Se hizo un disfraz azul y rojo (C)


A. teníaC. hizo.


Se dio cuenta que tenía reacciones más rápidas.Se hizo un disfraz azul y rijo.


Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or present perfect.
1. I ...............
(read) the book last week.
2.I ..............
(read) the book and can tell you about it.
3. They................
(live) in Kolkata for five years. They may live there for a year more.
4. They..............
(live) in Kolkata for five years. They are living in Delhi now.
5. He...............
(go) to Kochi. He is returning tomorrow.
6.I ................
(not buy) a new computer yet.


To complete the sentences, we put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or present perfect:

1. I read the book last week.

   Yo leí el libro la semana pasada.

2. I have read the book and can tell you about it.

   Yo he leído el libro y puedo informarle al respecto.

3. They have lived in Kolkata for five years. They may live there for a year more.

   Ellos han vivido en Kolkata por cinco años. Ellos pueden vivir allí por un año más.

4. They lived in Kolkata for five years. They are living in Delhi now.

   Ellos vivieron en Kolkata por cinco años. Ellos están viviendo en Delhi ahora.

5. He went to Kochi. He is returning tomorrow.

   Él fue a Kochi. Él está regresando mañana.

6. I haven't bought a new computer yet.

   Yo no he comprado una computadora nueva todavía.

When is the present perfect used?

It is used when we talk about actions that started in the past and continue in the present, or that have recently been completed. To complete affirmative sentences, the auxiliary of have (have/has) must be used with the following structure:

Subject + have / has + verb in past participle + subject complement.

Sujeto +  ha / he + verbo en pasado participio + complemento.

You can learn more about the present perfect in Spanish in:



Choose the best Spanish equivalent to the phrase.

Juan opens his eyes quickly.

Juan abre los ojos rápido.
Juan abre los ojos rápidomente.
Juan abre los ojos rápidamente.
Juan abre los ojos rápidmente.


Answer: The second one.


The best equivalent phrase is
Juan abre los ojos rápidamente.

Quien creo cayo levantado?





A cat


You have been working through a lot of material that includes sorting grammatically correct and incorrect sentences.
Directions: Take a look at the sentences below that require spelling changes in the preterite tense for (-CAR, -GAR, -ZAR
verbs). Observe the situations when a spelling change is needed and what the change is. Make your best guess and create a
general grammar rule for these 3 types of verbs, in your own words, that you think could explain the grammatical structure.
Then, test your rule to see if it applies to the example sentences. We are not looking for a textbook grammar rule, but rather
a creation of your own.
Hint: Note the subject pronoun.
Pay attention to the type of verb. (-ar, -er, -ir)
Determine the conjugations for regular preterite tense verbs.
See if any patterns occur.
Example readings:
Me la gusta tocar el violín. Yo toco el violín en la escuela para practicar y yo lo toqué al concierto anoche. ¿Tocaste tú?
A mi amiga toca el violín también. Ayer ella lo tocó conmigo. Tocamos muy bien. ¡Los estudiantes de la escuela visitante
tocaron como nosotros! A veces tocamos tanto que se hinchan nuestros dedos y tenemos que descansar.
¿ Jugaste tú deportes o algo más después de escuela? Yo jugué unos videojuegos y después mi familia y yo
jugamos afuera. Mi hermano jugó al béisbol con mis padres. Ellos jugaron lanzadora y jardinero (pitcher and outfielder). Mi
hermano tiene el asma y necesitó medicamentos para respirar.
Hola amigo, ¿tienes tiempo entre las clases para almorzar? Javier y Julia ya almorzaron a la 1. Yo no almorcé con
ellos. Almorzamos en el patio ayer y hacía sol. ¿Almorzaste algo? Es importante comer para que estés sano y en buena



The answer is ser and estar, it is better to use "ser" when you are expressing something that will be permanent, or most likely will be permanent, and it is better to use "estar" to express something that is likely to end in a short or medium term. Sometimes the verbs are interchangeable, in such cases is not needed to explain the length of the state expressed by the sentence.

¿En qué batalla se hirió la mano Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra?


Answer: SI

Explanation: SI

Answer:si step by step explanation:si

What is the correct form of the verb viajar for the subject pronoun ellos?


viajan, ,

viajo, ,

viaja, ,



it’s ellos “viajan” so it would be the first one


О viajan.


Ellos viajan.


Yo viajo

él, ell, usted: viaja

Tú viajas

cuáles son los personajes de bajo la misma estrella?



Hazel Grace Lancaster · Augustus Waters · Isaac · La madre de Hazel · El padre de Hazel · Peter Van Houten · Lidewij Vliegenthart · Patrick.

fill in the blanks in the following paragraph with the appropriate spanish forms of the adjectives in parentheses


use g-translate it can help you

Read the passage and answer the following question:
How long is Xavier's recess?

Hola amigo, ¿cómo estás? Hoy quiero escribir sobre mi horario de clases. Mis clases empiezan a las siete y media de la mañana. Tengo cinco clases todos los días. Mi clase de matemáticas empieza a las siete y media. Después tengo una clase de biologia y empieza a las nueve y cinco. Tengo un receso de veinte minutos a mediodía. Siempre tengo práctica de fútbol después de la escuela, pero hoy tengo que llegar a mi casa temprano porque tengo que estudiar para el examen de biologia. Cuidate mucho. Saludos, Xavier Yahir
15 min.
20 min.
30 min.​


20 minutes

“Tengo un receso de viente minutos”

I have recess for 20 minutes

¿Cuáles son nombres que pueden ser puertorriqueños?

Manuel Rodriguez Lozada
María Gonzalez
Alison Peréz Gomez
Hector Colón Sanchez


El nombre que puede ser puertorriqueño es María Gonzalez.

the interactionist view of conflict encourages conflict on the grounds that a harmonious, peaceful, tranquil, and cooperative group is prone to become static, apathetic, and unresponsive to the needs for change and innovation.


The interactionist view of conflict posits that conflict can be beneficial when it stimulates change and innovation. By encouraging debate, healthy disagreements, and constructive dialogue, a group can become more:

CreativeDynamicResponsive to the needs of its members

The Benefits of Conflict: The Interactionist View

This type of conflict allows the group to move forward and remain engaged with the issues that matter most.

When managed properly, conflict can be beneficial for a group. It can act as a catalyst for constructive change and a source of creative problem-solving. By encouraging members to express their views and engage in meaningful dialogue, the group can move towards a more productive and adaptive environment.

Learn more about Problem-solving: https://brainly.com/question/23945932


On the other hand, i don't need it. Para que sepas, no lo necesito. Para siempre, no lo necesito. Por todas partes, no lo necesito. Por otra parte, no lo necesito.



Por otra parte, no lo necesito.

talk about what you are going to do, use the formula IR + A + INFINITVE!
A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb ir
1. Las ________chicas al baile con los chicos
2. Doja Cat_______al concierto para cantar
3. Charlie y yo_____a la playa con nuestro perro
4. Yo____a comer pizza esta noche
5. Drew y Luke ____ a jugar al básquetbol después de clase.



1.  van

2. va

3. vamos

4. voy

5. van

could anyone please help me. #10


Answer: Here


le gusta

me gusta

les gusta

nos gusta

le gusta

le gusta
me gusta
les gusta
nos gusta
le gusta


1. ¿Eric quiere comer comida italiana o mexicana?
2. ¿Eric y los amigos quieren ir a la cancha de tenis o a la pista de patinaje?
3. ¿Eric quiere jugar a bolos o ir al cine?
4. ¿Eric y los amigos quieren comer o solamente tomar un café?
5. ¿A qué hora quiere ir a cine?



if you want me to translate


1. Does Eric want to eat Italian or Mexican food?

A eric le gusta comer

2. Do Eric and the friends want to go to the tennis court or the skating rink?

Eric y sus amigas quieren ir a

3. Does Eric want to go bowling or go to the movies?

Eric quiere ir a

4. Do Eric and the friends want to eat or just have a coffee?

Eric y sus amigas quieren tener

5. What time do you want to go to the movies?

Nosotras queremos ir al cine a

Directions are in picture
this is how I started:
hola amiga,
en el verano yo planeo viajar a la playa. A preparar por la viaje yo will traer calida ropa. La playa es normalmente calida en verano. Por mi viaje yo nessisita la flada, las sandalias y sueter if it es frio. Yo soy con mi familia.

I know it's bad just finish it please. must be a full page


Answer: Hopefully this is long enough.


Hola amigo,

En el verano planeo viajar a Maui, una playa hawaiana. Para prepararme para el viaje empacaré ropa adecuada para el clima cálido. La playa es normalmente cálida en verano. Para mi viaje necesito una flada, sandalias y un suéter si hace frío porque a veces me da frío. También prepararé un sándwich y agua si me da hambre de camino a Hawái. Estoy con mi familia. Traeré un recuerdo para mis abuelos.

Ayer, yo ____________ (traer) mi almuerzo al parque para comer.






It’s the 2nd one ‘traje’

Pls help!! The most helpful answer gets brainliest!!!



1. Tienen

2. Tienen

3. Tiene

4. Tengo

5. Tienes


Hope it's right

1. tienen

C. Highlight all the cognates
Se cree que el árbol de Cacao es originario de la Amazonia,
y que más tarde se extendió a América Central, es especial en
México, en donde el cacao ya era cultivado por los mayas, hace
más de 2500 años. Los aztecas aprendieron de los mayas, el
cultivo y uso del cacao. El xocolatl era una bebida muy amarga y
estaba reservada para el emperador, los nobles y los guerreros.
Las semillas de cacao también se utilizaban como monedas de


A pesar de la importancia del chocolate en la cultura maya, no estaba reservado para los ricos y poderosos, sino que estaba disponible para casi todos.

Choose the best answer. which supplies humans with milk? el león el pez la vaca el gato



La vaca


The cow provides us with milk! :]

Cuando al menos una de cuatro banderas de colores rojo verde negro y azul es acomodada.





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