How far do you agree with this view of Napoleon the great reform


Answer 1


From a position relative obscurity as the scion of petty Corsican nobility, Napoleon ... which Napoleon represented: he was a dictator, but he initiated beneficial reforms ... Yet Napoleon did not retain his power through his domestic policies alone: a ... The Napoleon we think of today is the result of so many portrayals in books.

Answer 2
I agree 100% .. that’s my opinion and answer

Related Questions

PART A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the text?

A)If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper.

B)Despite the riches they possessed, the Incas lived simple lives.

C)The Incas were a highly advanced civilization that were able to expand their net of influence far and wide.

D)Warfare was the most common and successful way in which the Incas were able to expand their empire.

PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

A)"The Inca controlled perhaps 10 million people, speaking a hundred different tongues. It was the largest empire on earth at the time."

B)"Members of a community supported one another. The Inca tailored this practice of reciprocity — give-and-take — to their own needs."

C)"All were required to pay taxes as tribute. The Mit’a was a labor tax, which required the head of every household to work for the state fo



A) If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper.


Consider, for example, we are told at the outset, "When Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro landed in Peru in 1532, he found unimaginable riches. The Inca Empire was in full bloom."

However, we were told that Pizarro captured and requested ransom from the last Inca emperor Atahualpa. What was the outcome? The text tells us, "Once Pizarro had executed the last emperor, the empire  rapidly collapsed." This detail brings out the central idea of the text, that is, "If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper."

Please help brainiest!!


I think transferable because it’s the meaning of rights I guess


I think the answer was unalienable rights


I learned this back in 8th grade and im pretty sure that this is the right answer (srry if its not but im pretty sure i am)

Which political leader was a Democrat that supported populist causes?
A. Theodore Roosevelt
B. Grover Cleveland
C. William H. Taft
D. William Jennings Bryan



williams jennings bryan


hes the only democrat on here

William Jennings Bryan
he was a democratic and had affiliations with the populist beliefs.

Which statement best describes the removal of the Cherokee people from Georgia in the 1830s?

1. A small group of Cherokees agreed to sell their territory, but most were forcibly removed by the government.

2. A small group of Cherokees was forcibly removed by the government, but most agreed to sell their territory.

3. A small group of Cherokees stayed to fight, but most willingly moved to new lands in the west.

4. A small group of Cherokees wanted to stay, but most were

excited at the better opportunities in the West.



1. A small group of Cherokees agreed to sell their territory, but most were forcibly removed by the government.


The Cherokee removal, also more famously known as the "Trail of Tears" was the historical event in American history when the Cherokee Indians were forcibly removed from their lands by the government. This removal was a result of the growing cotton business and also the attempt by the government to seize Indian lands and make them the property of the federal government.

This removal became one of the most famous removal processes in American history. The removal was initially objected to by everyone in the Cherokee nation. But under the influence of Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot, a treaty was signed that allowed the possession of lands by the federal government. This party, also known as "the Ridge Party" consisted of a group of Indians who had accepted the 'compensation' amount paid by the government in exchange for their lands and property. Meanwhile, the rest of the Cherokee Indians under their chief John Ross continued to object but were eventually driven out by force to move to the west.

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.




1. A small group of Cherokees agreed to sell their territory, but most were forcibly removed by the government

Why do people join the military?
What do you think about the military?
Honest opinion,dont have to answer both questions.


i would join the military to help protect my country and to honor my home. I think being in the military is a very honorable job and very heroic.

how did the popes move to avignon and the establishment of rival popes encourge reformers?


Answer:  How did the pope's move to Avignon and the establishment of a rival pope in Rome affect Church authority and power? They weakened the Church's authority. The move of the papacy put the Church under French influence and having rival popes showed further disarray in the hierarchy of the Church.  

I hope it can help you dear! :)


$ New Tab

Untitled presentatio...


F president of india & Socrativem Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web F G3B1-

People and Cultures

5. Read the history question, "Who can read?" Also look at chart D, "Education in the

Frankish Empire." Next to each statement below, write BC if the statement describes

education before Charlemagne, CER if it describes Charlemagne's proposed

education reform, or B if it describes both.

a. Students studied geometry and music.

b. Students were taught in a monastery.

c. All boys could go to school.

d. Students studied grammar and rhetoric.

e. Primary schools were located in every city.



i dont understand the question


How did the Hun invasions affect the Western Roman Empire?

A. The Huns controlled the trade centers but did not settle them.
B. The Huns were able to integrate themselves into Roman society.
C. The Huns completely overthrew Roman rule in the western empire.
D. The Huns settled the farming areas and moved their growing population.



Correct answer is A. The Huns controlled the trade centers but did not settle them.


A is correct as they controlled trade areas between East and the West, but mostly settled in the area of Pannonia.

B is not correct as Huns never meant to became a part of Roman society, but had their own social structure that was totally different.

C is not correct as the Huns weren't the one that destroyed the Roman Empire. Those were the Germanic tribes.

D is not correct as they were nomadic tribes that were not keen to settle in certain areas for a longer period of time.

Answer: . The Huns completely overthrew Roman rule in the western empire.

Explanation: The Huns Destroyed the Western Roman empire, and the Huns also destroyed much of the Eastern Roman Empire.

How did medieval Muslim merchants organize regional trade?

They traveled long distances with government officials.
They encouraged leaders to build large armies for protection.
They worked with communities to bring needed products to people.
They supported schools where different subjects could be studied.





because it makes since and i took the test


C: They worked with communities to bring needed products to people.


I just took the quiz on edge and got it right

how did the south kill reconstruction?


Throughout Reconstruction, Southern whites felt threatened by legislation to provide rights for former slaves. The Civil ... Adams, threatened to kill her & her sister if they did not leave the county

What would happen to the cell it if were placed in 80% solute molecules?


A hypotonic solution has a low solute concentration than the inside of the cells (solute concentration in the cell is high). Osmotic forces then cause water from a solution to enter the cells. The cell eventually stretches and bursts in the process becoming lysis.

(This is my best explanation, I'm not sure if you need what would happen if the cell was placed in specifically 80%, btw this is the social studies thread, not the biology one!!)

Hope this helps :0

Which feature do Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have in common?
O A. Each religion believes in reincarnation.
B. Each religion is violently opposed to secularism.
C. Each religion worships only one god.
O D. Each religion considers Muhammad a prophet.


C, Each religion worships only one god. Hope this helps!!

Summarize the introduction of the Declaration in your own words.
- declaration of rights of man
pls help




The French Constitution began with a Declaration of the Rights of Man

and Citizen. Rights such as the right to life, freedom of speech,

freedom of opinion, equality before law, were established as ‘natural

and inalienable’ rights, that is, they belonged to each human being

by birth and could not be taken away. It was the duty of the state to

protect each citizen’s natural rights.

If u want to know some of the laws of declaration of rights of man and citizen

look below:

1. Men are born and remain free and equal

in rights.

2. The aim of every political association is

the preservation of the natural and

inalienable rights of man; these are liberty,

property, security and resistance to


3. The source of all sovereignty resides in

the nation; no group or individual may

exercise authority that does not come

from the people.

4. Liberty consists of the power to do

whatever is not injurious to others.

5. The law has the right to forbid only

actions that are injurious to society.

6. Law is the expression of the general

will. All citizens have the right to participate

in its formation, personally or through their

representatives. All citizens are equal

before it.

7. No man may be accused, arrested or

detained, except in cases determined by

the law.

11. Every citizen may speak, write and print

freely; he must take responsibility for the

abuse of such liberty in cases determined

by the law.

12. For the maintenance of the public

force and for the expenses of

administration a common tax is

indispensable; it must be assessed equally

on all citizens in proportion to their means.

17. Since property is a sacred and inviolable

right, no one may be deprived of it, unless

a legally established public necessity

requires it. In that case a just

compensation must be given in advance.

Hope this helps

plz mark as brainliest!!!!!!!!

How did Ruby bridges create greater opportunities in education for African American children?



Ruby Bridges (born September 8, 1954) was six when she became the first African-American child to integrate a white Southern elementary school on November 14, 1960, escorted to class by her mother and U.S. marshals due to violent mobs. Bridges' bravery paved the way for continued Civil Rights action and she's shared her story with future generations in educational forums.

The stamp act required for all Americans to by a stamp for their shoes.

(Can someone please explain)



The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765. The new tax was imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on ... rights as the English, especially the right to be taxed only by their own representatives


In 1884, the United States established time zones. What new form of transportation was the reason for this?
A. Automobile
B. Train
C. Boats
D. Airplanes


The answer is B hope this helps




edge said it was right

"Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States: If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated..."—U.S. Constitution

This quote directly reflects the principle of

popular sovereignty
checks and balances



just wait to pass the bill


Checks and balance


The president checked what Congress did, he didn't like it, or it's unconstitutional, he veto's the bill which creates a wealthy balance, between the 3 branches of Government.

The increased need for slave labor during the first quarter of the nineteenth century led to



During the first half of the nineteenth century, demand for cotton led to the expansion of plantation slavery. By 1850, enslaved people were growing cotton from South Carolina to Texas.


According to the article about the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union came close to nuclear war in 1962. This happened after the US discovered that the Soviets were building missile bases on the island of
A. Haiti
B. Cuba
C. Jamaica
D. Puerto Rico

Please ASAP thanks [• = •]​





Cuban Missile crisis




Explain one way in which India’s religious landscape experienced change between the period of 500 BCE to 1000 CE


The Indus Valley civilization (2600 – 1700 BCE) now stands at the beginning of India’s long history. Much like the states of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, the foundations for that history were established by Paleo-lithic foragers who migrated to and populated the region, and then Neolithic agriculturalists who settled into villages. During the third millennium BCE, building on these foundations, urban centers emerged along the Indus River, along with other elements that contribute to making a civilization.

50PTSSS!!!! (Just bc im boared)
So i searched on the web for this Question but couldn't find it, so I want to see who can give me a good answer (btw I will give you Brainliest for your time):

What caused the Revolution of Puerto Rico?



found it lol


The Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Revolts of the 1950s were a series of coordinated armed protests for the independence of Puerto Rico led by the president of the Puerto Rican ... Nelson Antonio Denis, War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America's Colony; Nation Books (April 7, 2015); ISBN


ion know man


11) What were the cities with important rail yards for cattle in the 19th century?
Select all that apply.

Denver, Colorado

Ellsworth, Kansas

Promontory Point, Utah

Cheyenne, Wyoming

Topeka, Kansas

San Francisco, California

Dallas, Texas

Council Bluffs, Iowa

Kansas City, Missouri (or Kansas)

Abilene, Kansas

Dodge City, Kansas

Wichita, Kansas



your answer is

Abilene, Kansas

What did grandfather clauses mean to African Americans who wanted to vote?



They had to wait for explanation on terms.


They couldn't vote if there grandfather had not been allowed to vote


What part did minority soldiers play in fighting for the U.S.
during WW II?

A.They refused to fight because they had not been treated well in America.

B. They volunteered for the war, but nonewere allowed to fight on the front lines due
to institutional racism.

C.They fought alongside white Americans in unsegregated units.

D.Some fought on the front lines in segregated units, but most served behind the scenes due to racist policies.


D.Some fought on the front lines in segregated units, but most served behind the scenes due to racist policies.


Hi! I'd say your answer would most likely be D. Some fought on the front lines in segregated units, but most seved behind the sxenes due to racist policies.


During WWII, African Americans weren't typically allowed to fight on the frontlines unless an emergency happened, so they'd usually be assigned menial tasks. The closest answer that fits this information is D.

im confused please help me



145 to 1       236 to 2


how do skeletons travel in an emergency



They don’t


it aids in the shape and morphology of the whole body; it provides support and protection as well as allowing movement. It plays a major role in producing blood for the body and in storage of minerals

Which of the following most accurately describes the right of American citizens to privacy?
The right to privacy is determined entirely by the states on a case-by-case basis.
The right to privacy is explicitly granted in the Constitution.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the right to privacy is implied in the Bill of Rights.
There is no right to privacy, but the government seldom violates individuals' privacy because it is not necessary for it to do so.


Answer: C


the one that most accurately describes the right of

American citizen to privacy is :

The supreme court has ruled that the right to privacy is implied in the bill of rights

hope this helps

Many of the grievances Thomas Jefferson references as justifications for declaring independence were more the will of British parliament than they were the will of King George III. Even though Jefferson would have been well aware of this fact, why does he go to such great lengths to vilify the king throughout the declaration?



Explanation below


Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States and the person that wrote the Declaration of Independence was of the view that George William Frederick, known as George III, was a Tyrant.  

King George the third interfered with the judicial processes and the civil rights of the colonists at that time. He also ensured that the military powers were beyond that of the civilian government and replaced the governments of the colonists with the ministers he appointed.  

The explorer vasco was finally able to go India around the southern tip of Africa




c. da gama

What does the word Swahili mean, and what does the origin of this word tell us about the culture of the East African coast?



The Swahili language, is basically of Bantu (African) origin. ... The word "Swahili" was used by early Arab visitors to the coast and it means "the coast". Ultimately it came to be applied to the people and the language.


hope this helps


Swahill mass noun A Bantu language widely used as a lingua franca in East Africa and having official status in several countries. There are probably fewer than 2 million native speakers, but it is in everyday use by over 20 million.  Also called Kiswahili. As regards the formation of the Swahili culture and language, some scholars attribute these phenomena to the intercourse of African and Asiatic people on the coast of East Africa. The word "Swahili" was used by early Arab visitors to the coast and it means "the coast". Ultimately it came to be applied to the people and the language.

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