A Cessna 172 plane that is used to transport up to four VIPs is 2 km in the air if the potential energy of the VIP plane with three VIPs on board is 860 J what is the combined mass of the Cessna and passengers


Answer 1


0.0438 kg

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given;

Potential energy; U = 860 J

Height; h = 2 km = 2000 m

Formula for potential energy is;

U = mgh

Where g is acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²


860 = m × 9.81 × 2000

m = 860/(9.81 × 2000)

m = 0.0438 kg

Related Questions

11. Factor for

12 – 8.1 + 16​


I’m going to go ahead and say the answer is 19.9... sorry if it’s wrong.



Step-by-step explanation:


Factorise fully

Please do quick, will mark brainiest!!​




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]40 - 10g[/tex]

Rewrite 40 as 4 × 10

[tex]4 \times 10 - 10g[/tex]

Factor out 10

[tex]10(4 - g)[/tex]

1) Suppose you buy a laptop costing $1850 at a store charging 12% add-on interest, and you make a $500 down payment.


Find the exact value using trigonometric identities.

1850 , 0.12 , − o n , 500 a

Explain how to use the distributive property to find an expression that is equivalent to 20+16.​


Step-by-step explanation:

distributive property is a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c

20+16 = 4* (5+4)

The temperature at 4:00 p.m. was 2.5'F. It
dropped 0.75°F each hour for the next 4 hours.
What was the temperature at 8:00 p.m.?


Answer:-0.5; 0.75*4=3, 2-3=-0.5

Step-by-step explanation:



бx + 8 = 50
I need that answer





Step-by-step explanation:

Find the value of x


9514 1404 393


  B.  18

Step-by-step explanation:

The vertical angles are supplementary to the same angle.

  4x +(2y+x) = 180

  (2y-x) +(2y+x) = 180

We can solve the second equation first to find the value of y:

  4y = 180 . . . . simplified

  2y = 90 . . . . .divide by 2

Substituting into the first equation, we have ...

  5x +2y = 180

  5x +90 = 180

  5x = 90

  x = 18  . . .  matches choice B

Megan had $235.17 in her bank account. She withdrew $77.98 from the account to spend
on clothing. How much money does she have left in her bank account now?


Answer: 157.19

Step-by-step explanation:

157.19 that would be the answer

please answer asap!!



∠QPR = 40°

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the question the line PQ ⊥ PS which means that they both are perpendicular angles. Perpendicular angles are always 90°, so,

∠QPR + ∠RPS = 90°

=> 7x - 9° + 4x + 22° = 90°

=> (7x +  4x) +(22 - 9)° = 90°

=> 11x + 13° = 90°

=> 11x  = 90° - 13°

=> 11x = 77°

=> x = 77/11

=> x = 7

So, now that we have x, we can find ∠QPR,

7x - 9°

=> (7 * 7 - 9)°

=> (49 - 9)°

=> 40°

If my answer helped, kindly mark me as the brainliest!!

Thank You!!

What is the sign of the product (3)(−25)(7)(−24)?

A. Positive, because the products (3)(−25) and (7)(−24) are negative, and the product of two negative numbers is positive
B. Positive, because the products (3)(−25) and (7)(−24) are positive, and the product of two positive numbers is positive
C. Negative, because the products (3)(−25) and (7)(−24) are negative, and the product of two negative numbers is negative
D. Negative, because the products (3)(−25) and (7)(−24) are positive, and the product of two positive numbers is negative


I think it is B because I had that

Need help ASAP with my math


U need a calculator for that lol

Answer:  The answer is -2

Step-by-step explanation: I want points and trust me this answer is correct

-6(x - 6) = x(16 - 7)
Help please



the answer would be x equal 2.4

Step-by-step explanation:

sorry for my bad handwriting

Solve for X please :(( Will give brainliest.


5x+6+92 = 22x-4

5x+98 = 22x-4

add 5x to both sides

98 = 27x-4

add 4 to both sides

102 = 27x

divide both sides by 27

x = 3 and [tex]\frac{7}{9}[/tex]

What does the value of the LCM represent? How many packs of red sticks and blue sticks should Harold purchase?



LCM mean least common multiple

Step-by-step explanation:

The red sticks in a pack of 8 so, to get 24 red sticks, Harold needs = 3 packs. The blue sticks come in a pack of 12 to get 24 blue sticks, Harold need = 2 pack


the LCM represents the minimum number of sticks of each color that Harold would have to buy to have the same number of blue sticks and red sticks.

The red sticks come in packs of 8. So, to get 24 red sticks Harold need 3 packs.

The blue sticks come in packs of 12, so to get to 12 blue sticks Harold needs 2 packs.

in conclusion Harold should purchase 3 packs of red sticks and 2 packs of blue sticks.

hope this helped ^^

Is 60N Cold or hot



It is warm.

Step-by-step explanation:

The angle measures of triangle QRS are given:

The measure of angle Q is (5x−15)°.
The measure of angle R is 75°.
The measure of angle S is (3x)°.
What is the value of x?



x = 15°

Step-by-step explanation:

(5x-15) + 75 + 3x = 180

8x + 60 = 180

8x = 120

x = 15°

Use a system of linear equations with two variables and two equations to solve.

175 students enrolled in a freshman-level chemistry class. By the end of the semester, 4 times the number of students passed as failed. Find the number of students who passed, and the number of students who failed.



35 failed and 140 passed

Step-by-step explanation:

Let  p = number who passed

f = number who failed

p+f = 175

4 times the number of students passed as failed, so we need to balance this to set it equal

4f = p

Substitute this into the first equation

4r+f = 175

5f = 175

5f/5 =175/5

f = 35

Now find the number who passed

p = 4f

p = 4*35

p =140

What is the value of j


the value of j is 66 degrees

180- 82= 98
98 - 32 = 66

So it’s 66

there is a box that contains a $50 bill, two $20 bills, three $10 bills and four $1 bills. If a bill is picked at random, what is the expected value?


One of the ten bills

The solution of the system shown is
O (OK)
O (0,0)
O (k, O)


Answer:  (0,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

The only integer"s" that both add and subtract to the same value are 0 "and" 0.  Properly stated, the only integer that can be added to itself and subtracted from itself with the same outcome is 0.

Of course, k will also be 0

So this system of equation works out to be

0 + 0 = 0

0 - 0 = 0

A florist sold 45 flowers in a day and 60 flowers on the next day. If p is the percent increase in the number of flowers sold, which proportion can be used to calculate p?




Step-by-step explanation:

i took the test

Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation:

Only one that makes sense and I just took that test

|3d-3n|-4 if n=2 and d=3




Step-by-step explanation:


Once we have an absolute value, we know that

[tex]|3d-3n| \geq 0[/tex]

[tex]\text{For }n=2 \text{ and } d=3[/tex]






2/15 = h/125 need a step by step please


Answer:  h = 50/3


Work Shown:

2/15 = h/125

2*125 = 15*h .... cross multiply

250 = 15h

15h = 250

h = 250/15

h = (5*50)/(5*3)

h = 50/3


Extra info:

50/3 = (48+2)/3

50/3 = (48/3)+(2/3)

50/3 = 16 + (2/3)

50/3 = 16 & 2/3

The improper fraction 50/3 converts to the mixed number 16 & 2/3

Another way to see this is to use long division to get 50/3 = 16 remainder 2.

bob is on his way home in his car. he has driven 30 miles so far, which is three-fifths of the way home. what is the total length of his drive?​


The length of Bob's drive as a fraction = 5/5

Let the length of his total drive be = x

30 miles driven by Bob as a fraction =

= 3/5 of x = 30

= 3/5x = 30

= 5/x = 30 ÷ 3 ( transposing ×3 from LHS to RHS changes ×3 to ÷3 )

=5/x = 10

= x = 10 × 5 ( transposing ÷5 from LHS to RHS changes ÷5 to ×5 )

= x = 50

Now we have to see what is =

= 2/5 of 50

= 2/5 × 50

= 100/5

= 20 miles

So , total length of Bob's drive = 30 miles + 20 miles = 50 miles .

∴ The total length of Bob's drive is 50 miles .

Look at this as a fraction and break it down.
Simplify as much as possible:



espera y termino y te ayudo vale que me falta poco vale

The answers is 2 wholes and 1 half.

Which correctly solves the equation ab+c=d solve for b.




Step-by-step explanation:

Just gotta switch them around a bit

Write the following equation in the general form Ax+ By+ C:
1/2y -1/3x -1 = 0
a.) -2x +3y -6 = 0
b.) 2x -3y -6 = 0
c.) 2x 3y +6 = 0


C the answer hehehehehehehwhw

5. If three times a number is increased by 4, the result is -8.



I think that’s right because three times 5 is 15 increased by four is 19 not -8 so...

Step-by-step explanation:

Hey there!

Let the unknown number be x. Then;

According to the question;

3x+4= -8

3x = -12

x = -12/3

Therefore, x = -4


3*-4 +4 = -8

-12+4 = -8

-8= -8 (True).

Hope it helps...

(-8) X 2/3 i NEED the answer help me



I used a calulator can I get brainliest please

Show that each conjecture is false by finding a counterexample.

1.For any integer n, n3 > 0.

2. Each angle in a right triangle has a different measure.

3.For many years in the U.S, each bank printed its own currency. The variety of different bills led to widespread counterfeiting. By the time of the Civil War, a significant fraction of the currency in circulation was counterfeit. If one soldier had 48 bills, 16 of which were counterfeit, and another soldier had 39 bills, 13 of which were counterfeit, make a conjecture about what fraction of bills were counterfeit at the time of the Civil War.



1.   [tex]n: n^3 > 0[/tex] is not true for negative integers

2.  [tex]45\ and\ 45[/tex] show that all angles do not have different measure

3.  [tex]Fraction = \frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Solving (1):

[tex]n: n^3 > 0[/tex]


[tex]n = -1[/tex]

[tex]-1^3 = -1[/tex]

[tex]n: n^3 > 0[/tex] is not true for negative integers

Solving (2):

The angles of a right angled triangle are:

[tex]45, 45\ and\ 90[/tex]

[tex]45\ and\ 45[/tex] show that all angles do not have different measure

Solving (3):


[tex]Bills = 48[/tex]

[tex]Counterfeit = 16[/tex]

The fraction is calculated as thus:

[tex]Fraction = \frac{Counterfeit}{Bills}[/tex]

[tex]Fraction = \frac{16}{48}[/tex]

[tex]Fraction = \frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Similarly, when

[tex]Bills = 39[/tex]

[tex]Counterfeit = 13[/tex]

[tex]Fraction = \frac{Counterfeit}{Bills}[/tex]

[tex]Fraction = \frac{13}{39}[/tex]

[tex]Fraction = \frac{1}{3}[/tex]

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