A Utilitarian would determine whether lying is morally justifiable on a case-by-case basis.
True or False


Answer 1




Related Questions

.Due to the difficulties of passing immigration reform through a Republican-controlled Congress, President Obama chose to issue the executive order "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)" as a means of protecting the immigrant children who have grown up in the United States After repeated efforts to get additional funding for a new wall along the U.S.-Mexico border from the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives failed, President Trump finally issued the executive order: "Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements" as a means of using existing federal funds to begin building the wall. What do both of these scenarios demonstrate about why presidents use executive orders?​



President Obama proposed improving legal immigration processes, strengthening border security, deporting people convicted of a felony, expanding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and creating the Deferred Action for Parents of U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program. DACA and DAPA were the most controversial elements of the president's plan with Republican critics, including Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Sen. Mike Lee (Utah), saying that the programs were a form of amnesty.[8] President Obama responded to these criticisms, saying, "I know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. Well, it’s not. Amnesty is the immigration system we have today – millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules, while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time."[7]

Texas and the 25 states that brought a lawsuit against the Obama administration argued that President Obama did not have the authority to implement DAPA because it was essentially a new law. The brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Texas and the states argued that "DAPA is a crucial change in the Nation’s immigration law and policy—and that is precisely why it could be created only by Congress, rather than unilaterally imposed by the Executive.

The Obama administration argued that the president's actions were legal because Congress had given the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the ability to administer and enforce immigration laws under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The DHS secretary had the authority to decide whom to deport and whom to grant deferred action to under the INA, and "Congress has repeatedly recognized" this ability in other legislation. The United States government argued that the ruling of the appeals court, which stated that DAPA could not be implemented, "will allow States to frustrate the federal government’s enforcement of the Nation’s immigration laws. It will force millions of people—who are not removal priorities under criteria the court conceded are valid, and who are parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents—to continue to work off the books, without the option of lawful employment to provide for their families.

3.) What spurred the growth
of Virginia?
a) tobacco
b) coal mining
c) new farmland for
d) new urban areas were


B. Coal mining because Quizlet said so

explain why Japan began to
invade other countries leading up to WWII?


Answer:Faced with severe shortages of oil and other natural resources and driven by the ambition to displace the United States as the dominant Pacific power, Japan decided to attack the United States and British forces in Asia and seize the resources of Southeast Asia.

Which of the following was NOT a decision made at the Yalta Conference?
A. Soviets did not have to allow free elections in occupied cities
B. The Soviets would join the war against Japan
C. Germany would be divided into four parts
D. Germans were to pay reparations for the war





Examine two or more significant conflicts in the struggle for independence from Britain. Describe the successes and failures of each side, and provide a perspective that explains how the manner in which these wars were fought reveals something about the distinctions between the colonists and the British.


Although the colonists suffered a heavy defeat at Bunker Hill, it also demonstrated to the British that they were prepared to fight and were capable of holding their own. Although they were able to take the hill, the British incurred significant losses in the process, which had a negative impact on their spirits.

Due to a substantial colonial victory, the Battle of Saratoga marked a turning point in the Revolutionary War. The colonists' morale was raised as a result of the British being forced to surrender, and they also received crucial French backing.

The tactics used in these battles provide insight into the differences between the colonists and the British. While the British liked to battle in broad fields in traditional formation, the colonists depended on guerilla tactics like hiding behind buildings and trees and firing at the British from cover.

This demonstrates the colonists' ability to adapt and employ novel tactics in conflict as well as their capacity to make use of their familiarity with the environment. The British, on the other hand, were less willing to adjust to the shifting conditions and were more dogmatic in their approach to battle.

learn more about independence from Britain here



In their quest to have direct trade with Europeans on the coast, Akyem and Akwamu often clashed. Akwamu Kingdom was successful in materializing this ambition by her conquest of Accra in 1677. However, by 1730, Akyem had conquered Akwamu kingdom to possess not only Akwamu itself but its large provinces like Accra and Ladoku.
Based on the above,
1. Discuss the initial challenges that Akyem faced with regards to raising people to administer those large territories.
2. What is the history behind the inability of Akyem to raise people to rule those territories?
3. What temporal solution did Akyem offer to solve the situation?


Due to a lack of formal education and training possibilities, the Akyem people had a difficult time producing people to manage their sizable territory.There are numerous historical, social, and political causes that have contributed to the Akyem people's historical failure to produce rulers to reign over specific territory.There are a lot of reasons why Akyem were unable to properly control the territory they had taken from Akwamu.Who are the Akyem?

The Eastern Region of Ghana is home to the Akyem kingdom and ethnic group. The Akyem people have contributed significantly to Ghana's development and have a rich history and culture.

The size of the Akyem state, which made it challenging to retain centralised authority over the populace, was one of the largest challenges. Lack of a formal educational system in the Akyem presented another difficulty because it limited the chances for young people to acquire the knowledge and abilities necessary to work as competent administrators.

The Akyem are a member of the wider Akan ethnic group, one of Ghana's main ethnic groupings, and are found in the West African nation of Ghana.

To know more about Akyem people, visit:



The city state of Venice should only be governed by merchants who understand buisness and not by catholic clergy who only understand the Bible ?



It is worth noting that the governance of the city state of Venice during its history was complex and involved various groups, including merchants and the Catholic Church. The role and influence of different groups in Venice's government varied over time, and different individuals and factions had different perspectives on what was best for the city and its people. Ultimately, the effectiveness and legitimacy of a government depend on many factors, including the competence and integrity of its leaders, the quality of its institutions, and the support and participation of its citizens.

Explain what events and actions caused the conflict
between Barbara Frietchie and the Confederate soldiers.
Write three to four sentences.


While Confederate soldiers marched by, Barbara Frietchie flew a Union flag.

What about Barbara Fritchie?

According to Barbara Fritchie's tale, as Confederate troops advanced into Union territory and drew near a particular town, the men there took down the Union flags that were flying out of concern for retaliation.

Barbara Fritchie would have none of that, so she: went outside and flew the Union flag; rebuked General "Stonewall" Jackson for trying to convince her to take it down by reminding him that it was the flag of the United States and that he must respect it; and went back inside and lowered the Union flag. She requested that no soldier take the flag down, and General Jackson complied.

To learn more about Barbara Fritchie, refer to:


Which of the following describes a way in which enslaved Africans would
resist the conditions of slavery?
Choose 1 answer:
converting to Judaism
contracting smallpox
working at a faster pace
breaking tools which one is correct


Breaking tools, resistance against cruel enslavers

Answer: They broke tools.

Explanation: Don't worry this answer is correct, I answered this question on khan Academy :).

Sequencing Copy the organizer
below. Use it to place into sequence
the important events in the record
of British imperialism in North and
East Africa


Organizer: race towards Africa, Berlin Meeting, British rule over Egypt, Omdurman Battle of the Mahdist War, British rule over Sudan, Kenya was colonised by the British, 'Mau Mau' movements for independence in uprising

Use it to place into sequence the important events in the record of British imperialism in North and East Africa

In the late 19th century, the Scramble for Africa—a period of intense colonisation and exploitation of Africa by European powers—began. The Berlin Conference, which included Britain, was held in 1884 to divide Africa among the European powers. Following its 1882 takeover of Egypt, Britain waged the Mahdist War against rebels in Sudan from 1884 to 1899, which culminated in the Battle of Omdurman. Up until the country's independence in 1956, the Sudan remained under British rule. Because of political unrest and economic inequality, many African nations are still suffering from the effects of British imperialism in North and East Africa.

To Know more about Battle of the Mahdist Visit:



Why is Morley important to the narrator's understanding of herself? Use two details story to support your response.


he helps the narrator develop a deeper understanding of herself and her role in the family, and also because he is the cause as to why the narrator is no longer viewed or treated as the “baby” of the family.

1. After World War 2, Texas underwent many changes. One change was a huge increase in the state's ______.

2. President Eisenhower supported the creation of an ______ highway system to connect all states with high quality roads.

3. Because of new highways, people could live in ______ and drive to their jobs in the downtown area.

4. As ______ grew, the number of small, family-owned farms decreased.

5. The increased use of farm machinery and ______ greatly increased crop production.


After World War 2, Texas underwent many changes, and one change was a huge increase in the state's population.

What is population?

Population refers to the total number of individuals or organisms of a particular species living within a specific geographical area or region. It is a fundamental concept in ecology, demographics, and social sciences. The size and characteristics of a population are determined by various factors, including birth and death rates, migration patterns, and environmental factors such as resource availability and climate. Population size and growth rate have significant implications for social, economic, and environmental issues, such as urbanization, healthcare, food security, and biodiversity conservation. Understanding population dynamics is crucial for sustainable development and effective policy-making, particularly in the context of global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and human health.

To learn more about population, visit:



how were the victims of Racims in both germany in south Africa​



Racism had a significant impact on both Germany and South Africa in the past, but the nature and scope of racism differed in both countries.

In Germany, during the Nazi regime led by Adolf Hitler, millions of Jews, Romas, homosexuals, disabled people, and others were targeted and systematically murdered in what became known as the Holocaust. This was a result of Nazi ideology that deemed certain groups of people as inferior and unworthy of life. The Holocaust is considered one of the most significant tragedies in human history and serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences of racism, discrimination, and prejudice.

In South Africa, apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that was implemented by the white minority government in the mid-20th century. It resulted in widespread discrimination, inequality, and human rights abuses against non-white South Africans, particularly Black people. Non-white people were denied many basic rights, such as access to education, housing, and employment. The apartheid system was ultimately dismantled in the early 1990s, following years of protests, sanctions, and international pressure.

Both Germany and South Africa have since made efforts to acknowledge and address their respective histories of racism, including through education, remembrance, and policies aimed at promoting equality and combating discrimination.

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Fill in the blanks to tell what Blare
did to help the children of Haiti.


The plan was for Blare to deliver more than just his one unique bear to Haiti. He intended to appeal to his neighborhood to gather several bears. He wanted to amass 2,000 bears. Many children in Haiti would be inspired by that.

Blare Gooch: Who is he?

Blare Gooch, a 13-year-old from Grand Rapids with connections to Bronson, was chosen by Parenting magazine as one of the "Kids of the Year" for his "Blare's Bears for Haiti" campaign.

Does Haiti pose a threat?

Avoid traveling to Haiti due to kidnapping, bloodshed, and unrest there. Americans need to leave Haiti immediately due to the current security, medical, and infrastructure problems. United States citizens who want to leave Port-au-Prince should follow local news reports and only depart when it is judged safe to do so.

Learn more about infrastructure problems: https://brainly.com/question/3808148


What is the current balance between the government protecting the public from terrorist threats while also protecting people’s individual rights


the current balance is atleast high levels of the terrorist threats in the US and all around the world while also protecting the individual rights of the people 60% of it is on the individual rights and the 40% is on the terrorist threats

What was president Lincoln’s central goal during the civil war



President Lincoln's central goal was to preserve the Union.

Explanation: Hope it helps you :))))

Can someone help me to answer these questions please

Listen to Kerry Washington perform Sojourner Truth's speech Ain't I a Woman. Then go to ST's version at the Sojourner Truth Project's website. Compare the differences between Frances Gage's (the one Washington read) and Marius Robinson's earlier version (the one ST read). You can read them here.

Answer the following questions:

1. List 3 differences between the Robinson version and the Gage version of the speech.

2. Why do you think it is important to hear both versions of the speech?

3. How do you think the differences changed the way people (in the north and the south) understood the context of her speech? How about now?

4. How does hearing the differences in dialect change the way you think about the speech?

answer them in at least 10 sentences.

When women’s rights activists spoke out, who were they advocating for, white women or African-American women?

What are the distinct arguments that Truth makes in her speech?

What is Truth saying about women’s rights?

Who is going to give them these rights?

How does Truth’s speech reflect intersectionality?

What passages in the speech reflect this?


College loans are a type of financial aid offered to students to help them pay for their education. While college loans can be helpful in covering tuition costs, they also come with a number of pros and cons.


1-Access to higher education: College loans provide students with the opportunity to attend college, even if they do not have the financial means to do so.

2-Building credit: Taking out a college loan and making regular, on-time payments can help students build credit, which is important for future financial endeavors such as purchasing a home or a car.

3-Lower interest rates: Federal student loans generally have lower interest rates compared to private loans, making them a more affordable option for students.


1-Accumulating debt: College loans can accumulate into a significant amount of debt, which can take years or even decades to pay off.

2-Limited flexibility: College loans must be used specifically for educational expenses, meaning students may not have as much financial flexibility to use the money for other purposes.

3-High interest rates: Private student loans can come with high interest rates, which can significantly increase the amount of money that must be paid back over time.

According to The College Investor (2021), “students should approach college loans with caution, understanding the pros and cons before making a decision” (para. 3).

The College Investor. (2021). The pros and cons of student loans. https://thecollegeinvestor.com/317/top-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-student-loans/

Note: I have used APA 7th edition format for this answer.

Note: copy the link and put it in a new tab and search a citation machine like scribber and insert the link there for better
accurate citation

Answer the questions please with the cartoon you see please I will give brainliest


Words and visuals in the first cartoon include: Hybrid cars, health care, refinancing and the visuals include a mall, the text boxes, and the environment.

In the second picture, we can see one big and one small persons. In the text box, there is a message: You realize this means war.

Relation of the cartoons to domestic and foreign poilcies

The first cartoon relates to domestic policy because it deals with issues that affect a nationa dn its people.

Some of these issues are healthcare, and finance. In the second picture we can see the subject of foreign policy as war often involves different nations.

Learn more about domestic and foreign policies here:



How did the North and the South differ economically during the Civil War?

A: The North had more people than the South, so it could produce more goods.

B: The South had more immigrants the North, so it had a more diverse economy.

C: The South had better technology than the North, so it made better weapons.

D: The North had more enslaved people than the South, so it could produce goods more cheaply.



none of the above


E: The North had a more diversified economy based on manufacturing and industry, while the South was largely dependent on agriculture and the labor of enslaved people.

Before the Civil War, the North had a strong industrial base and was rapidly expanding its infrastructure, including railroads and factories. This allowed it to manufacture and produce goods at a faster rate than the agrarian South. The North's economy was also more diversified, with a variety of industries and businesses contributing to its economic growth.

In contrast, the South was heavily reliant on agriculture, particularly cotton, which was grown on large plantations using the labor of enslaved people. The South did not have the same level of industrialization as the North and was therefore not able to produce goods at the same rate. Additionally, the South's economy was largely dependent on exports, particularly cotton exports to European markets.

These economic differences played a significant role in the outcome of the Civil War, as the North's industrial strength and diversified economy allowed it to better support and sustain its war effort, while the South's reliance on agriculture and enslaved labor made it more vulnerable to economic disruption and collapse.

The North and the South differ economically during the Civil War because the North had more enslaved people than the South, so it could produce goods more cheaply. The correct option is D.

How was the North affected economically after the Civil War ended?

Following the Civil War's end, the North's economy grew significantly. With compensation in hand, returning soldiers were able to build sizable new customer bases for a range of various businesses.

With a focus on commerce and manufacturing, the economy in the North was more industrialized. On the other hand, the South's agricultural economy was highly dependent on the labor of slaves. In contrast to the North, which produced more food crops, the South exported cash commodities like cotton. The North also possessed a more advanced transportation network, with more railroads and canals, which facilitated the movement of both commodities and people.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about North America here:



Berlin was located:

A. On the border of the U.S.S.R. and U.S. territory
B. Entirely in the U.S. territory
C. Entirely in French territory
D. Entirely in the U.S.S.R. controlled territory



Berlin was located partially in the U.S.S.R.-controlled territory and partially in the territory of the Western Allies, consisting of the United States, Great Britain, and France, following the end of World War II. The city was divided into four zones of occupation, with the Soviet Union controlling the eastern part of the city and the other Allies controlling the western part.

The answer is A. Berlin was located on the border of the U.S.S.R. and U.S. territory during the Cold War.

Which of the following was NOT a reform program of the Progressives



As the 1900s opened, reformers pushed for a number of changes. Together their efforts built the progressive movement. The progressive movement had four major goals: (1) to protect social welfare, (2) to promote moral improvement, (3) to create economic reform, and (4) to foster efficiency.


Why didn't delegates at the Second Constitutional Convention end slavery in Tennessee?​


Slavery-abolitionist groups petitioned the convention, but the delegates disapproved of the request. The constitution expanded the number of ways that people might participate in politics, but it only granted white males the right to vote.

What is Constitutional Convention?Between May and September of 1787, the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention gathered to discuss how to fix the issues caused by the Articles of Confederation's flimsy central administration. The Federal Convention met to amend the Articles of Confederation on May 14, 1787, in Philadelphia's State House (Independence Hall). The members met seldom because there were initially only two state delegations present, adjourning each day until a quorum of seven states was reached on May 25.  The nascent nation was in danger of breaking apart because to the states' disputes about trade, taxation, trade rights, and territory. A Grand Convention of state delegates was called by Alexander Hamilton in order to work on amending the Articles of Confederation.

To learn more about Constitutional Convention, refer to:


What do you think might result from the
growing sectionalism in Congress?


Northern congressmen voted against proslavery measure such as the Fugitive slave act and South were against abolition of slave trade in Washington.

What evidence supports the fact that this image is of a trial? Check all of the boxes that apply. The women are pointing. The women are wearing white hats. It looks like there are guards and judges, as well as a jury.


A. The women are pointing and C. It looks like there are guards and judges, as well as a jury. These are the evidences from image that  supports the fact that this image is of a trial.

Hence, options A. and C. are the right choice.

Trial and example: what are they?

A judicial hearing to decide the outcome of a specific case is known as a trial. For example-Should your cousin be detained for taking her neighbor's dog, she may face a Trial.

What stage of the trial is that?

A trial is when parties to a disagreement gather together to submit information as evidence in a formal setting, often a court, before a judge, jury, or another authority tasked by law with finding a fact, in an effort to resolve their conflict.

To know more about Trial visit:



The complete question is-

What evidence supports the fact that this image is of a trial? Check all of the boxes that apply. ( The image is added below)

A. The women are pointing.

B. The women are wearing white hats.

C. It looks like there are guards and judges, as well as a jury.

Why did the Cold War accelerate the end of Jim Crow?


In this context, the issue of racial discrimination in the United States became a liability for the U.S. government, as it contradicted its rhetoric of freedom and democracy.

The Soviet Union and other communist countries exploited this contradiction by publicizing instances of racial injustice in the United States, and portraying them as evidence of the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of American democracy. This put pressure on the U.S. government to address the issue of racial discrimination, in order to counter the Soviet propaganda.

Additionally, the civil rights movement gained momentum during the Cold War, as African Americans and their allies used the rhetoric of freedom and democracy to challenge segregation and discrimination. The U.S. government was reluctant to intervene in this struggle, but as the movement grew in size and visibility, it became increasingly difficult to ignore.

Thus, the Cold War created a political and ideological climate that made it more difficult for the U.S. government to maintain the system of racial segregation known as Jim Crow. The pressures created by the Cold War, combined with the activism of the civil rights movement, helped to bring about significant changes in U.S. race relations in the 1950s and 1960s.

Which statement is true about the Native American population in the United States?

A)It declined in the late 1800s due to mass migration to other countries.

B)Native Americans share a common culture and language.

C)Some groups are currently developing mineral resources on their land.

D)Native Americans came to the United States to help build railroads.


C) Some groups are currently developing mineral resources on their land.

what was the result of the war of 1812?​


The War of 1812 was a war between the United States and Great Britain, which lasted from 1812 to 1815. Despite some early American successes, such as victory at the Battle of Lake Erie, the war was generally inconclusive and ended in a draw. In 1814, both sides agreed to a peace treaty called the Treaty of Ghent, which restored relations between the two countries to the way they were before the war. One of the long-term effects of the war was that it strengthened the feeling of national unity in the United States and led to further territorial expansion in the West.

The Venetians and Ottomans were trade partners because?



a mutually beneficial relationship providing each with access to key ports and valuable goods


i hope this helps :)

The Santa Fe Trail was used as a trade route between Mexico and:
A. Montana.
B. California.
C. Oregon.
D. Missouri.



Yo, the Santa Fe Trail was a trade route back in the day, connectin' Mexico with Missouri, man. So the answer is D. Missouri, bro!

Answer: D.Missouri


Missouri is where it started and Mexico is where it ended.

Answer the following in at least 5-8 complete sentences.

In your own words, provide a definition for the term imperialism that addresses the four different arguments about the causes and values of imperialism (as mentioned in the article).

First argument: Does Imperialism pay?
Second argument: Imperialism is the nature of human beings.
Third argument: Strategy and security of the region.
Fourth argument: Moral grounds- the spread of religion.
Part 2 - Opinion Writing:

Based on what you have learned in this unit, as well as from the article, write an introductory paragraph to an essay expressing your opinion on the issue of imperialism. Overall, is imperialism a positive or negative condition and/or policy, and what are some examples to support your position?



L'impérialisme peut être défini comme une politique d'expansion territoriale et d'influence politique et économique sur d'autres nations et peuples. Cette politique a été motivée par différents arguments, notamment économiques, humains, stratégiques et moraux. Certains ont justifié l'impérialisme en affirmant qu'il était rentable, que la domination était la nature humaine, que cela garantissait la sécurité régionale ou que c'était une façon de propager une religion. Cependant, d'autres ont critiqué cette politique en affirmant que c'était une forme de domination et d'exploitation qui nuisait aux peuples soumis. Ils ont également souligné les effets négatifs sur la culture et la société des nations dominées. En fin de compte, l'impérialisme peut être considéré comme une politique et une condition à la fois positives et négatives, en fonction des motivations, des méthodes et des conséquences. Dans cet essai, je vais soutenir que l'impérialisme est généralement une politique négative en raison des conséquences néfastes pour les peuples dominés, mais que dans certains cas, il peut être considéré comme positif, par exemple lorsque les peuples dominés bénéficient d'une modernisation bénéfique, d'une meilleure gouvernance et de protections accrues contre les conflits. Pour illustrer mon point de vue, je vais examiner plusieurs exemples d'impérialisme dans l'histoire, tels que le colonialisme européen en Afrique, l'impérialisme japonais en Asie et l'expansion américaine dans les Caraïbes et en Amérique latine.


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