Help with paper essay!!! COPY OF SPEECH ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSBegin with you pretending to be the President of the American Society of Criminology, a famous scholar with a major theory of your own right, delivering the annual Presidential keynote address. (You may want to look up in a research journal, like Criminology, what a Presidential Annual Address looks like) A certain amount of graded discussion will take place over this assignment along with further tips and hints, but here are general guidelines:a) Use your own name, not one of a known criminologist, and use your own voiceb) Assume a fictitious theory of your own that is popular but need only be referenced vaguely as a point of reference; i.e., you do not have to spell out what your theory is for this assignmentc) Persuasively and definitively chart the course of the field, while naming names, major ideas (such as at least 10 or so concepts), perspectives, approaches, etc.d) Be extremely more definitive about disciplinary and interdisciplinary issues such as whether psychology or sociology should more heavily chart the field, and whye) Remind the audience of any enduring debates that can be resolved or cannot bef) Delineate the contours of the field, what it should intellectually be more involved in