
2. What special poetic feature of "Light My Lucky" do you like the most? And why? 3. Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences: a. b. C. Employees who work hard are often incited/promoted. Many senior citizens have contacted us to enquire/discuss about the new tax. We always take an interest/account on a prospective employee's ambitions. Most doctors are motivated by a reason/desire to help people. e. Campaigners against the international arms trade/concern have presented a petition. 4. What do you think is the theme of "The Clock Tower"? 5. What does the world outside and inside the cave represent for Plato? "Allegory of the Cave" 6. Use an appropriate word to complete the inversions in the following sentences: a. No sooner........ the firemen extinguished one forest fire than another started. Never before........ I been so petrified as when I did a parachute jump. b. C. I suspect that only much later from now........ we find out the cause of the explosion. Little........we know at the moment where the ability to clone humans might d. d. lead. e. Under no circumstances........ passengers permitted to smoke on the flight. 7. Complete the following expressions with luck: I broke my grandmother's favourite vase but, by a identical one in a shop down the road. b. Some times in life you have no choice about-it's just the luck of the C. Sorry, you're d. We aim to set out early and, a. e. a. b. 8. Add conditional clauses as shown in brackets below to form mixed conditional sentences: We wouldn't know as much about the universe as we do now if... (3rd conditional) If email hadn't been invented... (2nd conditional) C. d. e. of luck, I found an of luck! We sold the last newspaper five minutes ago. any luck, we should arrive before dark. such luck. They gave it to someone I thought I might get the job but else. If we haven't discovered intelligent life on other planets by now ... (1" conditional) I'd be a lot better off today if... (3d conditional) Venice wouldn't have become such a popular tourist destination if... (2nd conditional)
Obviously, this example may not fit you. You may not be a girl or you may not own a dog. You may live on a farm and have unfriendly neighbors. Everyone will have a different diagram because everyone has different backgrounds and experiences.Lets learn about a famous athlete named Jackie Robinson. Although he excelled in many sports including basketball, football, and track, he is most famous for playing in Major League Baseball and for being an important figure in the Civil Rights Movement. You may want to keep notes about your reading in your travel journal.Jackie Joyner-Kersee is perhaps one of Americas most celebrated African-American female athletes. Though there have been others to accomplish more than Joyner-Kersee, she always remained a strong advocate to succeed without chemicals to enhance her performance. Joyner-Kersee overcame numerous obstacles in her life, both physical and financial, and remains one of Americas most decorated female athletes. Take notes in your travel journal as you read this biography.Finally, Arthur Ashe is a famous athlete known not only for his tennis skills and accomplishments, but for his contributions to mankind. He too was an import figure in Civil Rights, not just in America, but around the world. Keep notes about him in your travel journal as you read his biography.When you think of any one of these athletes, you should be able to think of some things you and he or she have in common and some things that may be different. If you need help, here are some points to consider:Do you and the athlete have the same type of home life?Do you and the athlete have similar interests and hobbies?Would you make the same decisions the athlete has made?Do you have some of the same feelings the athlete has?These are just some of the ideas you may use to brainstorm for the diagram. Also, think back to the character sketch chart you completed in Lesson 03.03. Remember some of the adjectives you chose in that assignment, as you may be able to brainstorm more ideas about yourself.Open the Venn Diagram page. Print or copy and paste the provided Venn Diagram to complete your assignment or create one of your own. Be sure to list a minimum of three items in each of the circles and a minimum of three common items in the intersecting area.Place a copy of your completed Venn Diagram in your Travel Journal. Save a copy of your diagram as an .rtf file (view the help file if needed) to submit as the assignment for this lesson. (If you have difficulty creating a Venn diagram, you may submit your responses in list form.)