You guy's I'm going through a real tough time. Please give me motivation to keep going


Answer 1


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, . ' , , . ' ' , . , : , . . ' . , . ' , ' , ' . . ' , , , , . ' ' , . ? . ? ' , ' . ' , -, , ' !

Related Questions

What western tribe most resented the Cherokee presence in Indian Territory?
I will give Brainliest



ohhh your doing this too

The Osage tribe most resented the Cherokee presence territory.

What is the only part of government that can "declare war"


Answer: Congress


The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many Presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.




What is an aristocrat? Describe what privileges they had in ancient Europe.



An aristocrat was/is considered the person at the tippity top in other words the highest class (I forgot to add that an aristocrat is part of a small group of people who were considered the best of the best and they would make decisions for that country, most notably in Greece.)  Some of the privileges  they had were hereditary titles so if your dad was king you'd be king when your father passes. They also had the right to leadership in an office just due to their status.


The explanation is above

Which event resulted from the unexpected death of Muhammad?
The Persian Empire expanded into parts of Europe.
Muhammad’s son came to power and conquered different areas.
The Byzantine Empire attacked the weakened Arabian Peninsula.
Conflicts arose among his followers because he had not chosen a successor.








Where did most routes on the Underground Railroad lead?
to Canada
to Mexico
to Western territories
to the Caribbean Islands


The answer to the question is Canada

Most routes on the Underground Railroad lead to Canada. The correct option is A.

Why was the railroad important to Canada?

The railway, which connected Eastern Canada to British Columbia and was finished in 1885, was crucial to the growth of the country. The railway made it easier to communicate and move around the country because it was constructed under perilous circumstances by thousands of laborers, including 15,000 temporary Chinese workers.

African Americans were assisted in escaping from slavery in the American South to free Northern states or to Canada. In North America, the Underground Railroad was the main anti-slavery freedom movement. In British North America, it brought in between 30,000 and 40,000 fugitives. About 30,000 to 40,000 slaves traveled the Underground Railroad between the early and middle 19th centuries to enter Canada. most people moved to Upper Canada (Ontario). They quickly rose to prominence in Canadian society as productive contributors.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Canada here:


List the three jobs for a female in the Industrial Revolution



In the industrial revolution women took up manufacturing jobs, daycare jobs, and nurses.


What effect did the Sumerians beleve their gods had on
everyday ife? Think about nature, job and social structure as
you prepare an answer. Using the space provided explain
your answer in a minimum of four sentences.
I might be able to Venmo you if you help just put your username with it



The Sumerians believed that the gods protected them against disease, flood, drought, and invasion. ... How did Sumerians use or change their environment to improve their lives? The Sumerians used their fertile land and the rivers surrounding to grow crops and grain surpluses in order to trade.


What two important inventions did the people from this region share with society?



i believe steam engines and factory systems


please mark brain thingy!

dont forget to say thanks!!

the first amendment is perhaps the most important amendment in the bill it rights. write a paragraph describing the on-going importance of the first amendment. how does it continue to affect your life , and the life of the other americans ? include at least three examples



The First Amendment is also the most important to the maintenance of a democratic government. The freedoms of speech, press, assembly and the right to petition the government and seek redress of grievances proclaim that citizens have the right to call the government to account

These guarantees affect me every day and empower me as a citizen seeking to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


What do you believe Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Legacy is? What did she do for women?
Help please


Answer: she paved the way for many women to have rights over their own bodies. Her legacy is the power she has given to so many people and the ongoing fight for equality couldve never been done without her


1. Why was the creation of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut an important milestone in the growth of representative government in the colonies? A. It was a written constitution and is considered the first in the colonies. B. It was a social contract requiring settlers to sign a loyalty oath to Britain. C. It established the first legislature in the colonies, the House of Burgesses. D. It set the precedent for the idea of judicial review for laws from Congress.


The answer is D it set the precedent for idea of judicial review for laws from congress

The creation of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was an important milestone in the growth of representative government in the colonies due to the fact that it was a written constitution and is considered the first in the colonies. Thus, option 'A' is correct.

What is the "Fundamental Orders of Connecticut"?

On January 24 1639, the Connecticut Colony council approved the Fundamental Orders. The foundational laws specify the form and powers of the government established by the Connecticut River towns. They desired the government have commercial access to the wide seas.

Some writers believe that The Orders is the earliest written Constitution in the Western tradition since it has the characteristics of a written constitution. Connecticut, therefore, acquired the moniker "The Constitution State."

Thus, it was considered the first written constitution for the colony. Therefore, option 'A' is correct.

Learn more about the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, here:


Why was the church hesitant to move from Latin to the vernacular (everyday language)?


from what i understand, the church liked the consistency of it, since it had been used in the liturgies and all for such a long time. hope that helps?

what qualities of muslim architecture and art do you find the most appealing



It comprises both religious and secular art forms. ... Islamic art is often characterized by recurrent motifs, such as the use of geometrical floral or vegetal designs in a repetition known as the arabesque. The arabesque in Islamic art is often used to symbolize the transcendent, indivisible and infinite nature of God.

hope it helps :)


What was dechristianization? Why do you think it didn't work in Catholic France?



The dechristianization of France during the French Revolution is a conventional description of the results of a number of separate policies conducted by various governments of France between the start of the French Revolution in 1789 and the Concordat of 1801, forming the basis of the later and less radical laïcité policies. The aim of the campaign between 1790 and 1794 ranged from the appropriation by the government of the great landed estates and the large amounts of money held by the Gallican Church (the Roman Catholic Church in France) to the termination of Christian religious practice and of the religion itself.


According to the article, the site of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is important to which faiths? Check all that apply.



Juadisim and Islam im pretty sure


Islam and Judaism but don’t quote me

Analyze the map below and answer the question that follows.
P.S. The map is below this whole question :) (image)

The Pacific Ocean is located at number _____ on the map above, while the Atlantic Ocean is located at number _____.


1 . . . 2


1 . . . 3


2 . . . 1


3 . . . 1

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



For you, it's A, since you put Pacific Ocean (1) first, instead of Atlantic Ocean (2). If you did Atlantic Ocean (2) first, the answer would be C. Also, sorry I'm late, I just came up on this question on E g e n u i t y.


a (a)


why did small states prefer the jersey plan provided for a bicameral legislature with no executive called for the election of the president by popular vote as opposed to the electoral college gave them the same power as the states with larger population
it called for vote by populations called for vote by population which aid the smaller states​





smaller states liked unicameral legislature, where each state would get one vote. so even though their population was smaller, they got the same representation as largly populated states.

What is the purpose of the Preamble to the Constitution?
Select the best answer to the question.
O A.
To reiterate the Declaration of Independence
B. To form a more perfect union
c. To outline the amendment process
D. To explain why the Articles of Confederation were being replaced with a new constitution





the correct answer is B because that is a line in the actual Preamble.

In war there is a good side and a bad side regardless of personal feelings or sides? Yes or no? Why?



Yes, because there are personal feelings regardless of what other people are feeling, wars or fights always start because someone disagrees with something or someone said.


What was the result of the national industrial recovery act ?



Down Below


On June 16, 1933, this act established the National Recovery Administration, which supervised fair trade codes and guaranteed laborers a right to collective bargaining. The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was enacted by Congress in June 1933 and was one of the measures by which President Franklin D.


On June 16, 1933, this act established the National Recovery Administration, which supervised fair trade codes and guaranteed laborers a right to collective bargaining. The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was enacted by Congress in June 1933 and was one of the measures by which President Franklin D.


i hope this helps :D

Ida B wells book “The Red Record”

A.) exposed the corruption of the standard oil monopoly
B.) exposed the corrupt practices of the railroad industry
C.) exposed the horrors of lynching in America
D.) exposed the terrible work conditions of the meat-packing industry



C. the horrors of lynching in America


Just took the quiz on Edge 2020

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Ida B wells book “The Red Record” exposed the horrors of lynching in America. The appropriate response is option C.

What is lynching ?

Lynching is a form of collective extrajudicial killing. It is most frequently used to describe impromptu public executions carried out by a mob to punish an alleged transgressor, punish a transgressor who has already been found guilty, or scare people.

The Red Record: Tabulated Data and Alleged Reasons of Lynching in the United States, 1892-1894 was published by Wells in 1895. Throughout her career, she kept using quantitative research on lynching.

Ida B. Wells revealed the practice of lynching as a strategy used to uphold white supremacy and restrict the prospects for African Americans to gain economic, social, and political power in A Red Record.

To learn more about Ida B


please help i want to know if it’s right


yes i believe so because he consolidated the Kievan state through both cultural and administrative improvements

Hey can you guys help me it needs to be turned in 5 min pls

Claim - Since the start of the current administration, ICE has simply done thei jobs to protect our borders from illegal immigrants. Any reports of human rights violations committed by ICE are unsubstantiated and spread only for political purposes.

Supporting Evidence -
Explanation -​


There isn’t supporting evidence because the claim is false

how were spains goals for exploring the American s DIFFERENT from the goals of France and Great Britain


im sorry i dont understand the quetion

The Spanish goals were different from the goals of France and Britain because they explored the Americas for North West passage and a route for trade.

The reason France explored the Americas was also to get trade route, but these routes were to the East. The France wanted to spread the new region and also to establish Trading routes that would lead to the East.

The British explored the New World because they wanted wealth from these colonies. They explored North America to get Raw materials that they could export back to England.


Many of the rich creoles like Simon Bolivar studied the Enlightenment ideas. Explain what impact those ideas might have had on the revolutions in Latin America. Besides the Enlightenment, what other influences might have impacted Latin American revolutionaries?



Enlightenment ideas played an influential role in Latin America by overthrowing the Spanish colonial rule.


Many of the Independence Wars in South American was the result of the enlightenment ideas as it began to spread in colonies. The revolutions against the Spanish colonial rule took place during the late 18th century, which contributed to the creation of several independent countries in South America. The social class led many creoles to fight for their rights. The Creoles were colonists (Spanish) who were born in South America. The Creoles were wealthy and educated but not allowed to work in the government. The Peninsulares had the right to govern in the colonial government as they were born in Spain and seen as privileged.

Simon Bolivar led most of the independence campaigns in South America. His achievement seen first in his native country Venezuela where he was able to raise an army to fight for independence. Columbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru are some of the nations gained independence with Simon Bolivar's effort.

It is true that many of the rich creoles like Simon Bolivar studied the Enlightenment ideas.

The impact those ideas might have had on the revolutions in Latin America was huge to the degree of introducing ideas of liberty, justice, independence, and equality.

Besides the Enlightenment, other influences that might have impacted Latin American revolutionaries ideas were the scientific revolution, the American Revolutionary War of Independence, and the French Revolution.

Simon Bolivar is a national hero in Venezuela and an important figure in other Latin American countries.

Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) was the liberator of what today is Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama.

There were other important creole people in New Spain. as was the case of priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.

He initiated the Independence movement in México. Indeed, he is known as the "Father of México."

We conclude that Enlightenment ideas, as well as the revolutionary movements such as the Revolutionary War, and the French Revolution, represented major influences for rich creole people in New Spain-

These creoles led their own independent movements.

Learn more about Simón Bolívar here:

The ___ joined the French in the fight against Britain, but they were unsuccessful.






This was during the French and Indian war

Who won the French and Indian War?

What did they gain from the war?

Who did problems develop between after the war?




The British had won the French and Indian War. They took control of the lands that had been claimed by FranceFrance lost its mainland possessions to North America.Included in event: Seven Years' War

Combatants: France

What industry is Guatemala more dependent on? Oh



sugar, textiles and clothing, furniture, chemicals, petroleum, metals, rubber, tourism


According to the United States Constitution, which action would be the most
appropriate for state government?

Printing a newly designed twenty‐dollar bill
Creating a military force to guard an important port city
Establishing a waiting period for a marriage license
Negotiating a free trade agreement with foreign countries



your answer would be Negotiating a free trade agreement with foreign countries

hope this helps


Negotiating a free trade agreement with foreign countries


the US Constitution, negotiating a free trade agreement with overseas international locations could be extra suitable for the State Government when you consider that they are able to make cash thru this.

A major change women experienced during the post-World War I era was that they started wearing longer hemlines. dancing and drinking alcohol. driving cars and trucks. working outside the home.





Working outside the home. The other changes listed occured later in the future, but after the first war, women began to work away from home.

A major change women experienced during the post-World War I era was

that they started working outside the home.

Role of Women in World war I

Before the World war I, the women major role was to stay at home and take

care of the family. This was a  result of the inequality which existed

between the male and female gender during this period.

The post-World War I era however witnessed a decrease in the inequality as

women were allowed to do same jobs as men.

Read mire about World war I here

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