Write a letter to the editor of a national newspaper in your country, explaining at least three reasons why discipline has fallen in today's world compared to the past


Answer 1


The Editor,

The Mirror Newspaper,

34 Massachuset drive, US

16 November,2020.

Dear Editor,

I Michel is writing to contribute to the last week's topic published on your newspaper on why discipline has fallen in today's world compared to the past.

Firstly, I would say that the slow judgement system is part of the reason. Unlike in the past were undisciplined people are swiftly dealt with thereby restoring order, currently such is no longer obtainable. Example is flogging that was banned in all school.

Secondly, the rise of social media is a contributory factor. People are afraid of being crucified on the alter of social media for trying to enforce discipline on erring people. The would rather overlook it than to be labelled to harsh.

Lastly, the issue of politically correct movements. Previously, discipline is enforced in the highest order including the carrying of capital punishment where necessary but is no longer up tenable do to various politically correct movements that would rather have things their way rather than disciplinary actions which they consider archaic to be enforced.

I believe, some of these are part of the reason why discipline has fallen in today's world compared to the past.

Sincerely yours,



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People take cars and other road vehicles for granted today. However, the idea of such vehicles was unheard of about 500 years ago. Then, in 1478, the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci designed a self-propelled vehicle. His drawing showed a boxy, open-topped wooden machine with three wheels. Coiled springs would make the vehicle move somewhat like a windup toy. Models of Leonardo's vehicle have been made in recent years and are on exhibit in museums in Italy.

A title that best summarize this Paragraph?

A. Models in Museums Today
B.Taking cars for Granted
C. Da Vincis self propelled Vechicle
D. Three wheeled wooden Machine

Which Sentence is mostly true?

A. People can still used Leonardo Drawings
B.Leonardo Da Vinci is still working
c. Leonardo invented windup toys.
D.Leonardo Painted his new vehicle

From this paragraph you can conclude that?

A.Leonardo started a car making business.
b.Leonardo didn't think his invention would work
C.Leonardo Vechicle design amazed people
D. Leonardo Drawings weren't very good.


Im not positive about the first one but if it’s incorrect Id be surprised

1. D
2. A
3. C

Give two examples of how Edward taylor’s poem, huswifery is written in plain style


Answer:Taylor uses conceit in "Huswifery" to establish a connection between himself and God. He compares himself to the tools used to make "holy robes for glory." The image of a spinning wheel emphasizes that God is responsible for every aspect of human life: from beginning to end


I would trade places with _____________because ___________. I like him/her because ___________. If I traded places, I would be able to ____________and that would make me feel _____________.

who would you trade places with, it HAS to be a TIKTOKER



I would trade places with Charlie Damelio because she is very popular and good at dancing lol. I like her because she has a energetic vibe. If I traded places, I would be able to get brand deals and that would make me feel rich



Instruction: Change the sentences from direct speech to indirect speech and write it i
1. Mr. Dorji said. "Dawa is at the dentist's."
2. Mrs. Wangmo said. "It is raining heavily."
3. He said, "I have already seen you."
4. Thinley said, "I eat rice on Fridays."
5. "The driver is coming," said the father.
6. Pema said, "I am going early today."
7. They said, "There is a mouse under your table."
8. He said, "I work in a small shop."​



Dawa is at the dentist, said Mr.Dorji.

it is raining heavily, said Mrs wangmo

Give example of how Hispanic American have stereotypes ?



Is this what you were asking for?


Um like a stereotype about Hispanic Americans is that...

All Hispanic Americans like spicy/hot food.

Which is not true.

Answer: Latin America is generally considered to comprise all of the politically-independent territory of the Western Hemisphere other than Canada and the United States


write an interesting short story that ends at i have never found such a kind person ever since​



My neighbor, Jim, had trouble deciding if he wanted to retire from the construction field, until he ran into a younger man he’d worked with previously. The young man had a wife and three children and was finding it difficult to make ends meet, since he hadn’t worked in some time. The next morning, Jim went to the union office and submitted his retirement paperwork. As for his replacement, he gave them the name of the young man. That was six years ago, and that young husband and father has been employed ever since.

Answer: Once upon a time, there was a king that kept all the kingdom's worth of gold in a safe. Now, if you would have expected, the safe was giant; it was as big as a giant's thumb! Now, the king was getting old but he had no children nor successor to take over his throne. Thus, he decided to hold a competition where the kindest person would get to be the next king, as well as obtain the gold from the safe. Men, far and wide, went to participate in the competition, in the hopes that they might be able to succeed the king and get the gold. A retired soldier who had just come back from the recent war defending his country was limping with only a little money in his pockets. When he came back to his homeland, he found that the land was all dried and there were no crops that could be grown. A massive drought had hit the country quite badly and many people were suffering. Although the king was a generous king, he wanted to test the men who tried for the competition and asked them to solve the drought for the sake of the country's health and wellbeing. After a few weeks, none had been able to solve the country's drought problem. However, the soldier had an idea. As he fought outside the sturdy walls of his nation, he had found a lake where the army would quench their thirst by. He could try to bring the water back and deliver to each and every household, but there were short of time and manpower. In the end, he sought help from the wise witch who lived in the woods. The witch made a deal that if he could serve her for a year, the witch would ask the winds and clouds to let the rain fall from the sky for the nation. You had read that the soldier had just come back from the war wounded and he was tired with nothing to provide. Nonetheless, he agreed and the witch commanded the water droplets in the clouds to swell and fall from the sky. The city was saved! The king wanted to let the person who helped the country to be the king, but no one knew who had done it as the soldier was not allowed to go back to his country while he was working for the witch. It was a silent yet impactful assistance provided by the selfless soldier albeit not credited. In the end, the king had passed away and the country had to get a king from a neighbouring country to rule over them. That was how I was born into the world as royalty; my dad was the king. Our castle was built near the forest, where I often went there to explore on my own. Upon hearing the witch's story about the soldier who had worked for her tirelessly, I was flabbergasted. I have never found such a kind person ever since.

Note: I don't really need anything, just wanted to have fun :) If you really read the entire story, thank you so much and have a nice day ahead hahah

Hi can someone please revise this for me thanks feel free to add something or take something away if you think it sounds stupid.

Having a high school diploma is a goal to my future. With it I would be able to get a degree, and have the option to begin my career. My principle objective in the wake of finishing high school is to find a new line of work that I appreciate. I will likewise require an occupation that will accommodate my family. Without it, I would simply have the option to find a new line of work that would scarcely pay for the gas to land to that position. It might take me a few months longer than most to get it, yet I will have a feeling of pride from realizing that I have finished it. I will have the option to show my children that it doesn't make a difference when you accomplish your objective, yet that you have the determination to finish it.



Having a high school diploma is a goal for my future. With it, I would be able to get a degree and have the option to begin my career. My principal objective in the wake of finishing high school is to find a new line of work that I'd appreciate. I will likewise require an occupation that will accommodate my family. Without it, I would have the option to find a new line of work that would scarcely pay for the gas to land to that position. It might take me a few months longer than most to get it, yet I will have a feeling of pride from realizing that I have finished it. I will have the option to show my children that it doesn't make a difference when you accomplish your objective, yet that you have the determination to finish it.


I did some grammar changes like punctiation and I took off the word "simply". Ran it through Grammarly for any feedback and it said everything was looking good.

many families give teens a weekly allowance some require that the teen preform household chores or maintain good grades in school others simply give allowances to teach there child to be financially responsible. do you believe teens should receive allowances write a letter to your local parents accosiation discussing your position and backing it up with details Marlena wrote this claim in response to the prompt





dear "mom/dad/parent/ect"

  I believe that teens should receive allowance because giving teens an allowance can help instill positive money habits, financial experts say. ... One of the biggest debates for parents around allowances is whether to tie them to chores. Taub believes chores should be done because kids are contributing household members, not because of financial incentive.

Giving your teen an allowance will help them learn to make those same budgeting decisions. If they overspend one week, they'll have to budget better the next week. These little lessons can be helpful in teaching about the balancing act that budgeting requires.

( i hope this is ok) sorry if not


A P E X answer: The claim is effective because it clearly addresses the prompt and gives a specific viewpoint.


Please read the following and write a response that is 2-3 paragraphs in length. Each paragraph should be 5-7 sentences in length.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

This age-old adage has been passed down through the generations. Typically, it’s an offhand response from a parent to a child when someone has said something that hurt the child’s feelings. After all, as long as there’s no physical damage, then everything must be fine, right? Hurtful words are often treated as inconsequential. People assume they can be easily brushed aside and smoothed over with a flimsy apology on the part of the perpetrator.

But the truth is, words can hurt — in more ways than one — and the effects often far outweigh any scrape or bruise.

In today’s world, our stories are no longer limited to simple word-of-mouth tales or even hard-bound books. Words are digital and far-reaching, passed around on websites, on social media, and in text messages. More often than not, the words we publish online are not really for the benefit of others, but for ourselves. Writer Gracy Olmstead says, “in the world of internet and social media, another narrative has begun to reign supreme: namely, the self-narration.”

So, what happens when the words we use become more about self-gratification than genuinely helping or communicating with others? The result can be anything from shameless selfies to cyberbullying, and the effects are tangible.

The Texas Education Code defines bullying as an act that “exploits an imbalance of power and involves written or verbal expression.” This has recently expanded to include digital forms of communication. These include “sending vicious text messages, emails or instant messages,” and “spreading rumors or gossip by posting it to social networking sites.” The sneaky thing about cyberbullying is that because it’s not physical, we underestimate its negative effects. With the anonymity and distance the internet provides, cyberbullies don’t have to face the consequences of their actions, and often feel free to say whatever they want about others.

History has proven that words can be just as potent weapons as — if not more so than — sticks and stones. During World War II, “the Nazi regime employed propaganda to impress upon German civilians and soldiers that the Jews were not only subhuman but also dangerous enemies.” The words of the German government became the defining narrative of an entire group of people. While this false propaganda seems a far cry from the problems facing teenagers today, they all demonstrate the impact of words.

Novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie put it simply when she said that the stories we tell are often about power. “Power is the ability not just to tell the story of another person, but to make it the definitive story of that person,” Adichie said. Perhaps the answer is not to fight to be heard, but rather to learn to listen. When we are empowered to tell our own stories or share our own points of view, our words can have positive, transformative effects. They can help people understand other experiences and see the world differently.

Now that you’ve read about the effects words can have, what do you think? Has anyone ever said something about you that was hurtful or untrue? What did you do about it? How have you used words to solve a problem, bring people together, or share your own story? Why do words matter?



fight to be heard, but rather to learn to listen. When we are empowered to tell our own stories or share our own points of view, our words can have positive, transformative effects. They can help people understand other experiences and see the world differently.


fight to be heard, but rather to learn to listen. When we are empowered to tell our own stories or share our own points of view, our words can have positive, transformative effects. They can help people understand other experiences and see the world differently.




In Act I, Scene 1 of The Diary of Anne Frank, compare the setting to the action that occurs in the scene. Is the mood of the setting hopeful, frightening, or something else? Compare this to the actions of the scene to discuss how the setting and plot do or do not work together. Use specific quotations and examples in your response of about 150 words.



It is very frightening because they can get caught easily and if they do, they will most likely get killed right there, tortured, or go to a concentration camp. They all are hoping not to get caught by the Nazis and hoping they have enough food when all this ends. It is frightening for the people who are hiding in the Secret Annex because if they make any noise between 6 a.m to 8 p.m the people who work down there will hear them and they will turn them in. They are also starting to argue who gets more food, which will turn out bad if they keep doing that. It would be very frightening if I was them and I wouldn't know what to think. The Nazis are at every block in the streets and if they see them through a window or such sort are getting killed. That's why I think it is very frightening.


After arriving in North America in 1630, the Puritans focused on

converting American Indians to their religion.

preventing Quakers from gaining control of the area.

establishing a colony based on religious principles.

gaining wealth through trade and commerce.



establishing a colony based on religious principles.


Puritans were a very religious society and had all their constituents, concepts, traditions, activities and skills focused on religion and the worship of the Christian God. As they were persecuted and prevented from establishing the religious principles that they defended in England, they decided to immigrate to America, where they would establish a Puritan colony totally focused on religious principles, where they could usurp them without suffering persecution and reprisals.

Which one of the following sentences is written correctly? *
Please, Dad, can I go to the park with my friends?
I want to go play outside Mom!
Hannah let's go to the mall after school!
Billy Bob can you stop taking your shoes off in the classroom?



The First One Is

Explanation: After you say a name you always use a comma. The first one was the only one that did

what is the short verb form of '' the teacher has got a lot of books at home ''


The teacher has many books at home

Mrs. Bertha Flowers was the aristocrat of Black Stamps. She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and on the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her. She was thin without the taut look of wiry people, and her printed voile dresses and flowered hats were as right for her as denim overalls for a farmer. She was our side's answer to the richest white woman in town.

Based on the passage, the reader can infer that Marguerite values






Mrs. Bertha Flowers is a character in the book entitled, "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings." She's a black aristocrat who was very helpful to Maya (Marguerite) after Maya was raped. Maya admire her for being educated and well-mannered. She became Maya's role model. Maya describes Bertha as being poised and appearing calm. This social habit is part of Bertha's "culture" because of her social status in life. Clearly, this is something that Maya valued in life.




took the test

what do you think Odysseus greatest obstacles will be on his journey home? ​



Climbing mountains maybe

1.Think about the five steps to writing an algorithm. Why is each step necessary? 2.Why is it important to be precise when writing computer code? 3.Some problems are better solved by a computer and some are better solved by humans. How do you know when a problem should be solved by a computer or by a person? 4.There’s a scientific theory out there that says that our brain uses an algorithm to create our thoughts and it’s called the Theory of Connectivity. This theory suggests that information comes into our brains, is processed, stored, and then results in an output. Does this process sound familiar to you? In what ways do our bodies take in input and respond, sometimes without our control? Give two examples. 5.In what ways is the human brain like a computer? In what ways is it different? (100) points



Following are the solution to this question:


In point 1:

The algorithm requires the steps in writing:

Step 1: provide issue description

Step 2: A problem analysis.

Step 3: Designing an algorithm at a high level.

Step 4: Improve the method with details.

Step 5: Algorithm revision

Designers attempt to address our issue by defining it and understand precisely what issue we are working to remedy. Its problem is analyzed or disrupted to find out how it starts and finishes and therefore understands and creates an equation to fix it.

The key part of the problem was its creation of a high-level method and later leave it up. Our implementation is enhanced and further algorithms are provided in more detail. An algorithm would be checked to be certain of fixing the situation, and how much we will solve it.

In point 2:

Rightness, Right, and Thirdly, a right code allows people to become less concerned about glitches and to improve the functionality of a program. Users like correct code as no one enjoys crashing apps.

In point 3:

Whenever a judgment is important or requires the integrity of civilization (it's called "artificial" intelligence for a reason). Example: computers weren’t a person, they feel the emotion.

In point 4:

Yes, I'm familiar with the process. It appears to be the computer's operating system.

Our muscles accept the permission and sometimes react beyond our command by reflex acts. The sneezing as well as the scratch reflection were the two examples.

Input, processing, hoarding, and results theory of connectivity is analogous to the functioning of the human body, which has to recognize input from the surrounding conditions in which it produces and delivers the output. Involuntary measures taken to react to a stimulus were reflex acts. Whenever the organ receives its feedback, the response is often given before we know.

In point 5:

By mapping the systems into matrices, machines can model neural nets. In every gross detail, we don't know how the brain functions. We learn more constantly, but the long way is still ahead of us.

which one ? PLEASE HELP! DONT WRITE jksnsnakn



its the middle one Controversial


sorry if wrong  ;(


too obvious i think :(


At the end of part one of Fahrenheit 451, Montag is not happy. Mildred claims to be very happy. This is a difference in how they feel internally. Do you think Mildred is really happy? Or do you think sheIs pretending to be? Explain your answer.


Answer: I think the is acting happy but internally she is sad.

Since Montag is not happy Mildrid cannnot be happy because other people around you affect your mood by their mood.

Why French Jews and Muslims are learning each other’s language



France’s Jews and Muslims are fighting Islamophobia and anti-Semitism by sharing their cultures and languages with each other.

what humor devices are used on this poem?
"One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other,
One was blind and the other couldn't, see
So they chose a dummy for a referee.
A blind man went to see fair play,
A dumb man went to shout "hooray!"
A paralysed donkey passing by,
Kicked the blind man in the eye,
Knocked him through a nine inch wall,
Into a dry ditch and drowned them all,
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came to arrest the two dead boys,
If you don't believe this story's true,
Ask the blind man he saw it too!"- Christopher Brookmyre

(humor devices)
Verbal Irony
Situational Irony
Dramatic Irony



situational Irony


because the iorny is because the situations where they are supposed to be disabled turns on the oppiste

3. PART A: What does the word "spectacle" most closely
mean as it is used in paragraph 2?
O A Tragic hardship or misfortune
OB Success as the result of deceit or foul play
C A boring or mundane story
O D A dramatic scene often involving scandal


Most likely D a dramatic scene. But it would be helpful if you posted the paragraph.


Most likely is B. success as the result of deceit or foul play

What causes conflict to impact relationships?
What types of conflict are there? How can you
improve communication?



Some of the common types and causes of relationship conflict include children, finances, insecurity, and lack of participation in household responsibilities. Relationship conflict is often the result of a power differential that leaves one partner feeling more dependent upon the other.


Hope this helps Amy~

Read lines 45-59: What is Torrance's view about telling children scary stories? What is one counterargument that she provides?
Write the claim, counterclaim and text evidence for both I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST



They are scary!!!!


Children scary stories are scary1!11!!!

How pandemic affects your studies ? our community and to the world?​



The pandemic affects studies and schoolwork in many ways, the biggest being the toll it can take on ones mental health after awhile as it creates a huge sense of isolating from the world. This alone can cause one to then as a result suffer from academic burn out.


The pandemic could affect your studies immensely by not being able to physically be in class which could cause you to more likely become distracted. It could affect your sense of community by not being able to see and effect others in the way you normally would in daily life. It affects the worldly greatly causing so many deaths and horrible tragedies for all people. Even affecting people mental health and stability.


Just my look on the pandemic feel free to do more research on others opinion and the generalization of how people have been affected. Especially reflect on yourself and think if anything has changed. Good luck

Neeed hellllllpppp pleasssssseeee



You're correct


Just from what I know as a person it should be-Answer:

Both of them are talented speakers and highly value education and human rights.

Hope this helps!

How do you think these measures of development are related to how prepared a country is for an earthquake?



basically it awares the people about earthquake and have safety measures and precautions they need to take during the earthquake.

What was the primary measurement used to determine if a film was a commercially successful blockbuster?


Netfix series Hollywood
I do not know for sure but I hope this helpsI found this information if this helps

For a filmmaker and/or screenwriter, there are many ways to define `success' for your film: 1) Whether the film was profitable (i.e. made a greater than say, 373% return on investment) 2) Awards (Oscars, BAFTAs, AFIs, etc) 3) Critics' Reviews (e.g.: on Metacritic.com, and Roger Ebert, and Joe-Bob Briggs, etc)

Why was the following sentence written in passive voice? “The moon rock was displayed by the museum.”
A. The subject is unknown.
B. The object is the most important part of the sentence.
C. None of these. This sentence should be rewritten in active voice.
D. The verb is the most important part of the sentence.





"The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence."

Let me know if you need further assistance. Thanks

can someone please help me?
will gibe brainliest please!



for sure dm me at alex_j8840




we need the excerpt too

stating the significance of the study is the first phase in research true or false


Answer: True

Explanation: In order to do a research on any topic, the first step is to establish the significance of the study, since making this statement is the basis of any proper investigation. It allows the writer to approach the purpose accurately and have high-quality knowledge in the field, avoiding then, any possible confusion or misleading of the topic.

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