why we need to eat at home?​


Answer 1
People who eat home cooked meals on a regular basis tend to be happier and healthier
Answer 2
Eating at home has many great benefits. Typically, home cooked meals will have more nutrients and be more healthy than fast food or restaurant food. Moreover, cooking at home is way more cost efficient than eating out every night, which will save you tons of money in the long run.

Related Questions

what is the meaning of the phrase "general good of the colony?"


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The meaning of the phrase "general good of the colony" means that the decisions that are about to be taken must benefit the whole, not just the interests of one group or an individual.

This quote was expressed by the Pilgrims who traveled in the Mayflower ship to the American shores. During the trip, they gather together and created a document to establish the first type of government in the colony. Laster, this document was known as the "Mayflower Compact." This was an agreement on how to rule the colony and respect one another, stating that the general good of the colony was the priority over other particular interests.

Of the three men selected by delegates at the Convention of 1833 to take the resolutions to the Mexican president, who was the only one to make the trip?
Stephen A. Austin
Dr. James B. Miller
Sam Houston
Erasmo Seguín

Please select the best answer from the choices provided







the answer is A



Why did the USA cause the Cold War?



Historians have identified several causes that led to the outbreak of the Cold War, including: tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.


Which of the following best explains the goal of imperialism? to extend a country’s power and influence to ensure a market for a country’s products to acquire a source of raw materials to increase a country’s labor and tax bases


A policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.

Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending the rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political and economic access, power and control, through employing hard power especially military force, but also soft power.


to extend a country's power or influence


Being that the Constitution condoned slavery why did Benjamin Franklyn recommend its passage being that he was President of the Abolition Society ?


Answer: There was a great division between the states on slavery. The final signed constitution was a compromise and slavery was never mentioned however pro slavery elements. Benjamin Franklin called it an imperfect document, however for the good of the country moving forward he signed it and gave a speech in support. In short the debate will always be should the founders put up a more vigorous anti slavery position.


What are the delegated powers of Congress? What are the implied powers?



powers that are granted to the federal goverment


The U.S. government created the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) using their power to collect taxes.

The minimum wage was established using the power to regulate commerce.

The Air Force was created using their power to raise armies.

some examples.



Definition of Delegated Powers


Specific powers granted to Congress as outlined in Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.


1788         Ratification of the U.S. Constitution

What are Delegated Powers

The term delegated powers refers to the authorities granted to the United States Congress in of the U.S. Constitution. An important thing to note regarding how enumerated powers are established is that the Constitution does not outline what the government cannot do, but what it can do. Anything not specifically outlined in the Constitution as a power that is bestowed upon Congress, is not something Congress has the authority to do. These are also frequently called “enumerated powers,” because they specifically itemize Congress’ authority.

Congress operates within this paradigm of expected responsibilities and delegated powers, proposing legislation, and voting on it to determine whether or not it will become law. Congress has an important role within the greater legislative process, as it is the branch that initially writes the laws. Members of Congress then promote and vote on these laws, which the President will either sign or veto.

The Constitution works fundamentally as an outline of the responsibilities and authority of the three branches of government, as well as which powers are reserved for the states. This includes detailing what matters Congress has authority over, how much authority it has, and what types of legislation and regulation it may establish. As the Constitution was ratified over two hundred years ago, the process of deciding what issues over which Congress does and does not have authority is still a matter of contention at times.

Congressional Authority over Taxes

No single individual in government has the authority to create a new tax, or to change an existing tax rate. Rather, this authority is delegated to Congress in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. It is only through the congressional process that the American people are assigned new or adjusted taxes, which in turn creates revenue for the federal government.

How Many Delegated Powers Does Congress Have

The Constitution acts as an operating manual for the U.S. government, citing all of the responsibilities and authorities that the federal government holds. Congress has eighteen delegated powers, all of which are listed individually in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. These deal with important issues that affect all citizens of the nation, such as collecting taxes and duties, and making financial decisions regarding borrowing money on behalf of the country. Specifically, Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution provides the following powers to Congress:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

does 3m-5=2m have one solution



I think you put this in the wrong subject


Yes, the solution is m=5

Have a good day :)

plzzzzzzz help!!!! What are 5 differences and similarities between mercantilism and capitalism?



Capitalism evolved from mercantilism and while both economic systems are geared towards profit,Capitalism is an economic system that works around the concept of wealth creation in the pursuit of economic growth for the nation while mercantilism focuses on wealth accumulation through extraction of wealth which they believe is measured by the amount of gold bullions that the nation has in its possession

hope this helped,brainliest?

After reading chapter 13 of our textbook please explain the justifications for the doctrine of manifest destiny, including at least two material and two idealistic motivations for this doctrine?



The material justifications behind Manifest Destiny, are, in first place, the need for more land, because the United States was growing fast, both due to natural growth, and also due to immigration from Europe.

The second material justification was the need for more resources. The American West has important resources, including access to the Pacific Ocean.

Ideologically, the first justification is that Americans considered their duty and right to expand the American ideology over the western part of the continent, and impose this ideoloy over Native Americans.

The second ideological justification is the same but pertaining to religion: Americans felt that it was their duty and right to spread christianity.

Which statement about the articles of confederation is true?

A. They created a national government that was much stronger than any individual state governments, which led many citizens to call for stronger state governments.

B.They were the first constitution Of the United States, and they united the newly independent states under a national government with limited power.
C. They officially announced the independence of the United States and started the revolutionary war.

D. They establish the United States as a protectorate of great Britain capable of creating its own laws but relying on the British Armed Forces to defend it.



u dummy I'm playin its b



What did the consultation of 1835 fail to do.
The answer choices are at the photo​



I think the answer is the third one.


All the other reasons are positive stuff, the third reason is a negative problem.

I hope this helps


I hope this is right

List two demands of the Ciompi rebels in fourteenth-century Florence.


Greater representation and less representation of the Sotto posti

Identify one advancement from the Industrial Revolution that had a significant impact on agriculture, and discuss the benefits this advancement had on the industry.


Answer: A plow drove by a steam engine.


Technical achievements during the Industrial Revolution affected every segment of life, including agriculture. The machines have greatly simplified production. Machinery in agriculture first appeared in England and the United States. The primary goal was to build a solid machine or plow that would withstand machine traction on steam. One of the first people to design this plow was the Englishman, Robert Ransom. For the product to be fully functional, John Fowler and Howard used a steam engine to traction, thus enabling the harvest to be doubled.

Name the four ancient cultural hearths.



The seven original cultural hearths are located in: Mesopotamia, Nile Valley and the Indus Valley, Wei-Huang Valley, Ganges Valley, Mesoamerica, West Africa, Andean America.


I got that off google


The seven original cultural hearths are located in: Mesopotamia, Nile Valley and the Indus Valley, Wei-Huang Valley, Ganges Valley, Mesoamerica, West Africa, Andean America.

Can i get a brainliest

what was a belief of the federalist party



Federalists believed in a centralized national government with strong fiscal roots. In addition, the Federalists felt that the Constitution was open for interpretation.


Discuss the role of the family and specifically the role of women both in the fight against the Cold War and as part of a new definition of freedom centered on consumerism. How does the idealization of the gender role of "housewife" affect unmarried women, working women, non-heterosexual women?


Answer and Explanation:

During the world wars, women broke this stereotype of being limited to housework. This is because, once men were sent to the battlefield, jobs in factories and industries needed to be occupied by women. In this way, women reached a level of independence that they did not want to lose, but that was necessary, due to the patriarchal society in force. In the cold war, however, this story was different, since there was no armed combat, men were not summoned and to force women not to look for jobs outside the home, the idealization of the "housewife" was created.

This idealization affirmed that the wife would only achieve happiness taking care of the house for when the husbands arrived of the work. To make this housewife's life easier, electrodes were created, ethics that would allow women to cook better, clean better and make the house more and more perfect. That moment, consumerism increased a lot because women believed that they would have a happy family like that. This idealization put pressure on single women to make good marriages, while they were young and beautiful, otherwise they would not be valued by society. Women who worked outside the home, however, were not admired because they broke the stereotype of "housewife" created at the time. Homosexual women were seen as the outcast of society, they went against everything that the housewife vision preached and were ostracized if they did not keep their sexual orientation a secret.

The role of the family and women both in the fight against the Cold War was very important.

In course of the Cold War,  women who chose to work when they did not need the paycheck were called selfish, putting themselves before the needs of their family. They emphasis on family first above anything else.

Women were encouraged to take the place of men in the workplace and change their role from housewife to working women in a temporary time. Women were actively involve in supporting their husbands by working to take care of their family.

Single ladies in American society as at that time was known to be undesirable especially when a woman is single and pregnant. This was totally unacceptable.

Learn more from


Who proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?
O Stephen Douglas
Abraham Lincoln
O Charles Sumner
O John Brown



A.  Stephen Douglas


Hi :)

The answer is A) Stephen Douglas

Hope this helps!

How did the Portuguese arrive in Brazil? long paragraph plz



Europeans arrived in Brazil at the opening of the 16th century (around the 1500s). The first European to claim sovereignty over Indigenous lands part of what is now the territory of the Federative Republic of Brazil on the continent of South America was Pedro Alvares Cabral on April 22, 1500 under the sponsorship of the Kingdom of Portugal.

Characteristics of Brazil

➡ Brazil was a colony and a part of the Portuguese Empire

➡ The country expanded south along the coast and west along the Amazon and other inland rivers from the original 15 colonies established on the northeast Atlantic coast east of the Tordesillas Line of 1494 that divided the Portuguese domain to the east from the Spanish domain to the west,

➡ The country's borders were really only finalized in the early 20th century (around the 1900s)

Hope this helped,


Brainliest is always appreciated! <3

Answer below.

The Portuguese arrived in Brazil in 1500 on their way to India. On their way to a South route to get to Asia, they acquired a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean. They relied heavily on the slavery of Africans and the slavery of the Brazilian natives. In the 1690s and 1720s gold and diamonds were discovered. They began to export 30,000 pounds of gold a year to Portugal. People from all over began to come. Painters, sculptors, and carpenters all came to build cities in the wilderness of Brazil.

Hope this helps!

William Mcintosh, a half-Scottish and half-Creek chief, and several other Creek signed the first and second Treaty of Indian Springs. As a part of the treaties, Mcintosh... Eliminate
A) secured his own county in Georgia's western territory.
B)gave up nearly all of the Creek's land to Georgia's state government
C)guaranteed the Creek's land would be protected from white settlement. D)promised to defend the Creek's ancestral homelands​


gave up almost all the land


In 1825, McIntosh, without Creek consent, negotiated the Treaty of Indian Springs that sold almost all Creek land in Georgia and personally profited McIntosh. According to Creek law, any leader who ceded land to the United States without the full assent of the Creek Nation would be put to death.

Gave up nearly all of the Creek's land to Georgia's state government is the part of the treaties, Mcintosh. Hence, option B is correct.

What is William Mcintosh?

"Here, on February 12, 1825, William McIntosh, a friendly chief of the Creek Indians, signed the Treaty surrendering to the State of Georgia all territory west of the Flint River," reads the inscription on the memorial. Because of this, a group of Creeks who were opposed to the pact killed him.

The First Treaty of Indian Springs, or more formally the Treaty with the Creeks, 1821, gave the United States the last of the Creeks' land in Georgia east of the Flint River. The agreement strengthened the Creek National Council's resolve never to cede land ever more.

Because of his experiences in the West, McIntosh was certain that the Creeks should surrender their land and take the cash and land offered there.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about William Mcintosh, click here:



What covered much of North America between 10,000 and 100,000 years ago?



The quaternary period

or ice did



ice age


The nation state of Germany was founded at the conclusion of the Franco-Prussian War.





This is correct. The nation-state of Germany was founded at the conclusion of the Franco-Prussian war that lasted from 1870 to 1871. Many were against the formation of a German nation because a unified Germany opposed the imperial goals of other global superpowers of the time. But the nation began and still exists to this day. There was an idea of it being cut into pieces and destroyed after world war 2 but that never happened.

How does the power of Gaius, which is the power of the paterfamilias, compare with a father's power today?


Answer: Gaius was the son of a Roman aristocrat whose family had regularly held the highest offices of state for the past century and was connected to the most powerful political families of the day.


True or false. The first amendment protests individuals convicted of a capital crime from being subjected to cruel or unusual punishment.





That is the 8th amendment

How the land was obatain in indiana?​



Early settlers of Indiana obtained their land through grants issued by France or England.


members of the crowd are tearing down a statue of King George lll which event most likely prompted this action

A)the capture of sons of liberty

B)the resignation of George Washington

C)the death of King George lll I'n England

D)the creation of the Declaration of Independence ​



D. the creation of the declaration of independence

Why do you think Thomas Jefferson responded to British impressment of us with an embargo



Because he wanted to try to stop the British and French seizure of American ships.


Jefferson believed that the only way to stay out of the war was to shut down shipping. The commerce of New England was harmed more than that of France and Britain.


I know this be like 2 years late but, you answered your own question, man.

"against Great Britain in 1807" like.... but really the answer is because the U.S had barly anything to use against French, and Britian besides trade. The war was between Britian & France, and because we traded with both, one got mad at the other, causing an AT&T argument. Jk of course but if we traded with French, it got Britian mad, if we did vice-versa, the other got mad. So


TJ thought it would cause the war to stop, and both of them to battle eachother of whom is better at bribing us, or to win our trading over basically, if that makes sense. Now, I don't know why I put so much effort into this answer, like you probaly not even active on brainly, but whateve

16. All of the following describe conditions of urban neighborhoods during the Industrial Revolution except for
A. They were often filled with severely overcrowded tenements B. Inadequate municipal services created an atmosphere of sewage and pollution.
C. Diseases such as smallpox, dysentery, cholera and tuberculosis spread.
D. Most factory workers lived in fully furnished apartment buildings ​



Answer D


The factory workers didn't live in fully furnished buildings. Their houses weren't the best.

Please answer and just give one piece of evidence as to why. Just an example



marshall believed in a strong commitment to judicial power and a belief in the supremacy of national over state legislatures (federalist views) hamilton was a federalist as well so hamilton would be more supportive of john marshall's views.

During the Great Depression, which was the main reason films like King Kong were popular?

They played as double features with FDR's Fireside Chats.

They helped people forget their troubles.

They put money back into the economy and stimulated employment.

They dealt realistically with social problems.



That's depressing



They helped people forget their troubles


Which of the following is a grievance from the Declaration of Independence?


Can you put the answers we are choosing from? Or do you want me to get one for myself I can do either.

Answer: A

Explanation: I did this test last week and got an 100

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