Why is summarizing a position back to the person you're arguing with an effective way to understand nuances? How
might doing this help you to understand someone else's logic?


Answer 1


One should first ask what is the intent of the argument whether it is about facts, something meaningful or if it is useful.


When arguing with someone, it is important to understand the purpose of the argument. One should first ask what is the intent of the argument whether it is about facts, something meaningful or if it is useful. This can be done by summarizing a position back to the person you are arguing with. It will help you understand where the nuances occur between you and the other person.

Taking this step might help one to understand someone else's logic because it helps you understand the intent of the other person's argument. Through this, one get to understand if the other person is arguing for facts' sake, personal opinion or something useful to them.

Related Questions

What are two tips that should be followed when paraphrasing?



1. Summarize the key points of the passage in your own words.

2. Make sure you understand the text and read it several times.


Which image is used throughout "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" to provoke fear in the audience?



The image of fire was used in '' sinners in the hands of an angry God'' to provoke fear in the audience. Edward deployed the use of fire in the sermon as a metaphor to express God's wrath against sinners, thereby making a comparison of a God's wrath to the fierceness of hell.


Read the sentence.

My brother would have worked all summer.

What is the verb phrase?



hope this helped:))
worked is the verb phrase

What does this photograph
indicate about workers' interest
in organizing to achieve their



waw they are amazing and if we work together we can achieve our goal and i need this picture

What the image indicates about workers is that they seem very determined to achieve their goal that they set up a protest and were able to gather many people that believe in the same goal.

What rhetorical device should you try to use when embedding a quote?





The boat that belongs to Fred creates large waves. What is the subject in the sentence?





The boat is being described

What happened to Sam Tatum, an African-American man, when he confronted Mr. Barnett in his mercantile store?



tarred and feathered


i believe he was tarred and feathered for allegedly calling Jim Lee Barnett a liar.

Change this sentence to correctly include a restrictive phrase. Everyone crowded around the ball player, the pitcher, who hit the winning run. Everyone crowded around the ball player who hit the winning run. Everyone crowded around the pitcher because he hit the winning run. Because he hit the winning run, everyone crowded around the pitcher. Everyone crowded around the pitcher, the ball player who hit the winning run.



The sentence that correctly includes a restrictive phrase is:

A. Everyone crowded around the ball player who hit the winning run.


A restrictive clause is a relative clause that provides essential information about a noun or noun phrase, limiting it. It can also be called defining relative clause. A restrictive clause is not set off by commas. The option that has information about the ball player that is not set off by commas is:

A. Everyone crowded around the ball player who hit the winning run.

When we have a restrictive clause removed, the sentence loses part of its meaning. If we remove "who hit the winning run," the rest of the sentence could be referring to any ball player. Therefore, this information is crucial because it specifies to which ball player we refer.

Note: Option B does not have commas as well, but it uses the conjunction "because", which does not form a restrictive clause.

The Mentioned sentences included restrictive phrases as mention :


The relative clause is same as restrictive clause which bring our the important information about the nouns, also known as relative clause and the relative clauses not set by the commas.

The sentence looses his meaning when we separated the clauses from the words :-


and the remaining sentence could be refer to ball player .

For more information on run , please refer the below link :







tell me if you get it wrong, if you do try a

one of those


the real answer is actually A!

While education of Native Americans has improved over the years. Native Americans continue to be isolated from their culture and history in the classroom.



"What it really boils down to is that, in spite of it all, although the, you know, the residential boarding school system has been reformed, although not eliminated — believe it or not, there are still four Indian boarding schools run by the United States federal government today. They’ve been reformed, so they’re not beating people for the speaking of their tribal languages anymore, but they’ve kind of survived as a vestigial remnant of this experience."

Fill in the blank with an appropriate transition word or phrase.

1. Mary's work is wonderful._________ she got a raise.

2. Lucie was a terrible employee._________ she got promoted.

3. We hope to receive the order on time._________ we will cancel.

4. ________ to your request of last week,we are sending you a magazine.

5.She was attractive._________ she was beautiful.

6.________ last week,she is not the same.

7. Please been time_______ try to be early.

8. __________ we are thinking of visiting.

9.___________fulfil his contract,he will have to submit his sketches by Friday.

10.Our school expanded_________ we hired new teachers.​


1- accordingly
9-in order to

Hope this helps !

Hurry please What is the attitude in this poem?



The attitude in this poem is optimistic & passionate


I beleive that this is correct I'm not completely sure

what costume item does maria give the fool to wear?



The robes of a clergyman


Which choice is the best paraphrase of the text? In the years just after the Empire State Building was built, there were not enough renters to fill the building due to the Depression. However, there were plenty of visitors, both tourists and celebrities. They came to marvel at the building’s height and go up to the observation tower. The Empire State Building quickly became a favorite place to visit in New York. Even though the Empire State Building was not filled with renters just after it was built, it did become a popular place to visit. People were amazed by the building’s height. Because of the Depression, the Empire State Building was never fully rented in its earliest years, but it immediately became one of the wonders of New York City and a favorite tourist attraction. Ordinary folk and the famous alike made the trip up to the observation tower and were enthralled by the sheer height of it all. The Empire State Building is an amazing place. When my family and I visited New



"In the years just after the Empire State Building was built, there were not enough renters to fill the building due to the Depression. However, there were plenty of visitors, both tourists and celebrities. They came to marvel at the building's height and go up to the observation tower. The Empire State Building quickly became a favorite place to visit in New York."


To paraphrase a text means using the same meaning as the text, but using different words. In other words, we can say that paraphrasing is the ability to repeat information from one text, in another text, using different words and phrases.

In this case, among the options given in the question above, only one of them reaches the meaning of paraphrase. This option is: "In the years just after the Empire State Building was built, there were not enough renters to fill the building due to the Depression. However, there were plenty of visitors, both tourists and celebrities. They came to marvel at the building's height and go up to the observation tower. The Empire State Building quickly became a favorite place to visit in New York."

Answer: In the years just after the Empire State Building was built, there were not enough renters to fill the building due to the Depression. However, there were plenty of visitors, both tourists and celebrities. They came to marvel at the building's height and go up to the observation tower. The Empire State Building quickly became a favorite place to visit in New YorkIn the years just after the Empire State Building was built, there were not enough renters to fill the building due to the Depression. However, there were plenty of visitors, both tourists and celebrities. They came to marvel at the building's height and go up to the observation tower. The Empire State Building quickly became a favorite place to visit in New York

Explanation: AKA it is A

Why did president Jefferson like mockingbirds so much - please use a sentence that a really strict English teacher would approve of



Early in November 1772 — when he had a wife, a month-old child, and an unfinished house — Thomas Jefferson acquired a family pet. For five shillings he bought a mockingbird from one of the slaves of his father-in-law, John Wayles. It was the first in a procession of singing birds that would always be part of Jefferson's household.


:) hope dis helped

HELP I HAVE TO TURN THIS IN 3 HOURS! BUT I CANT RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I HAVE OTHER HOMEWORKS TO DO PLS HELP ME IF YOU KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS * 7th grade Reading DPA 2 (2020-2021) Final. There's 16 question look at my other post





be motivated to get jobs that involves world Peace because it might look easy and interesting while playing

The commercial was about a doctor who said he used the diet he advertised on many of his patients. Then, I patient was seen, giving his own experience of using the diet. This is an example of... *

glittering generalities
emotional appeal





how do I write a letter to my former class mate telling her about your new school​


Make sure you have heading, date, address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and a signature.

dear (said former classmate),

It's me (your name here). I hope you've been well, I really miss hanging out with you. I moved so that's why i'm writing you this letter, and surprise, I also moved to a new school called (said school). How are you doing? How was your summer? I got go but right back soon!

                                 (your name here)

Cars driving through the tunnel (turns, turn) their lights on.



Turn, not turns.


It was....... (an/a/the) windy evening. I was pretending as it was rew
Choose the correct options from the brackets the complete the text
in my room. Way down........ (in/at/on) my heart, I couldn't help feel
that there was something in what grandmother had said. The leaven
my grandparent's philosophy.......(was/were/has) working I could
see that happiness, contentment and peace depended more upon
orderliness, thoughtfulness and kindliness than upon genius. Spasmod
effort or keeping up appearances........(couldn'tl/could i can't
......... (although/however/because) mother had been wonderfully
courageous father could hardly have claimed that virtue. what kind of
mother would have had to be in order to have filled expectations of
grandmother ......... (was/is/were) difficult to imagine for me now to make
room, 1 ........(would think/ did think/ would not have thought) so. Anyway
I believed that I ...... (had learnt/ have learnt / am leant) much from my
family. Then the door........ (was knocked? Knocked/ would knocked) and I
was called by mother.​






couldn't I



would not have thought


was knocked

17) Which statement would make the LEAST effective thesis statement for this passage?
Collaborative efforts to develop a global tracking network for migratory birds provides valuable
information on avian flu.
The Wildlife Conservation Society is partnering with U.S. interests to ensure that leaders abroad
donate money to help solve the problem.
Several different agencies are partnering to establish a more reliable way to track, gather, and
report how avian flu is spread through migratory birds.
USAID is supporting the development of a global network to track avian influenza, with the aim
of monitoring the role of migratory birds so the virus does not spread.




Because Its A Bbbbbbbb

Write this sentence correctly.
capt stevens was one of the furst woman to flew a jumbo jet



Captain Stevens was one of the first women to fly a jumbo jet.



Capt. Stevens was one of the first women to fly a jumbo jet.


What is the main idea of paragraph 10?
A) There are jobs Peter could get, but he doesn’t qualify for any of them.
B) Peter is desperately hungry and will do anything to find something to eat.
C) Peter has no direction and is searching for someone who can help him out of his dilemma.
D) Peter is proud that he uses his brains rather than his brawn, and he would rather go hungry than settle for a manual labor job.



C is the correct answer

If you could control the brain of a rat with your thoughts, what would you tell it to do? Perhaps you'd to tell it to go away. Or, if you were feeling mischievous, maybe you'd encourage it to creep into a sibling's bed or scurry across the floor of a crowded room. For proof-of-concept, scientists kept it simple. They asked human volunteers to move a rat's tail simply by thinking about it—a feat they actually accomplished, with the aid of brain-to-brain interface technologies that transmitted electrical signals from the human to the rat brain.
The experiment, which was reported recently in the journal PLoS ONE, was based on computer-to-brain interfacing with electroencephalography (EEG) in humans and focused brain ultrasound in rats. The humans conveyed their intention of moving the rats' tails by watching a computer display of a flickering strobe light. EEG captured the electrical activity associated with their thought processes while watching the strobe. When EEG signals became synchronized with signals from the visual stimuli, a spike in signal amplitude occurred, which was detected by the computer and subsequently relayed to the ultrasound electronics, triggering a burst of focused ultrasound to the rat brain. The burst, focused onto a specific area of the motor cortex in the brain of the anesthetized rat, ultimately produced a flick of the tail. (See a video of the experiment here.)
The ability to control the thoughts of others is of special interest in the study of cognitive processes, and it could find applications in neurotherapy or even as a novel mode of communication in "brain-to-brain coupling." The practicality of these applications, however, remains to be explored.
In the meantime, in highlighting the fine line between fiction and reality, the new study gives us plenty to think about. Indeed, Ratatouille could become more human-like than he ever imagined.

What is the main point of this article?



That we can control the cognitive thoughts of others in certain circumstances and that ratouille might be more human-like than we thought.

I guess I’m getting too old for trick-or-treating. So last Halloween, I decided to stay home, answer the door, and give out candy. It’s always fun to see all the different scary costumes. I couldn’t wait for the first group of trick-or-treaters to come. Finally, the doorbell rang, but there were no trick-or-treaters to be seen. When I opened the door...
Please finish the story



A person without a head appeared "nice Halloween costume." I said.

I heard a "NAHHH" and a horse started to gallop up to my door. "Wow a horse too!" I said. "REVENGE" said the trick or treater. He pushed right thru me like i was a ghost but then...  


sorry i could not finsh it i wanted to end it on a cliff hanger

a) They have already completed the work.(change into
b) I........ it two weeks ago.(use the correct from of the
verb 'do')
c) Let him do what he likes............?( add a Tag Question)
d) Our teacher said," water freezes at 0° Celsius."
(change into indirect speech)



a) They have not completed the work

B) I did it two weeks ago

C) can't he?

D) Our teacher said that the water freezes at 0° Celsius


Identify the sentence in which the underlined clause is a noun clause that functions as the object of a preposition.

These experts say that the best time to begin a dog’s training is when the dog is still a puppy.

These experts say that the best time to begin a dog’s training is when the dog is still a puppy.

Whoever trains a dog should have experience.

Veteran trainers offer a great deal of love and discipline to whatever dogs they train.



Veteran trainers offer a great deal of love and discipline to whatever dogs they train.


the lydians experience hunger ,so



The Lydians experienced hunger so, they played games as a distraction from their hunger.


The Lydians experienced hunger so, they played games as a distraction from their hunger.

Why the Lydian experience hunger?

The main reason behind hunger was that there was a scarcity of food at the time. That was why they have to face that kind of worst situations and circumstances.

Moreover, the Asian Manor was considered as the only home to the Lydians. In this area, people were involved in the economic activity related to textile and leather materials production. At the time of this scarcity of food, the King was Atys.

The stiatutions were bad day by day that the scarcity and hunger increased. Hence, the people go outside in order to find out the food or hunt for food. They alternated between eating for a day and going hungry the next day.

At the end, Atys was claimed by Strabo And have been drop of Heracles and Omphale.

Learn more about Hunger, refer to the link:



Which sentence correctly defines verb voice?

A. Verb voice indicates whose voice is speaking in a sentence.

B. Verb voice indicates whether someone is speaking in a sentence.

C. Verb voice indicates how loudly or softly to read a sentence.

D. Verb voice indicates the relationship between a verb and its subject and object.



D. Verb voice indicates the relationship between a verb and its subject and object


Verb Voice

In grammar, the voice of a verb describes the relationship between the action (or state) that the verb expresses and the participants identified by its arguments (subject, object, etc.). When the subject is the agent or doer of the action, the verb is in the active voice. When the subject is the patient, target or undergoer of the action, the verb is said to be in the passive voice. Voice is sometimes called diathesis.[1]

The following pair of examples illustrates the contrast between active and passive voice in English. In sentence (1), the verb "ate" is in the active voice, but in sentence (2), the verbal phrase "was eaten" is in the passive voice. Independent of voice, "the cat" is the Agent (the doer) of the action of eating in both sentences.

(1) The cat ate the mouse.

(2) The mouse was eaten by the cat.

In a transformation from an active-voice clause to an equivalent passive-voice construction, the subject and the direct object switch grammatical roles. The direct object gets promoted to subject, and the subject demoted to an (optional) adjunct. In the first example above, the mouse serves as the direct object in the active-voice version, but becomes the subject in the passive version. The subject of the active-voice version, the cat, becomes part of a prepositional phrase in the passive version of the sentence, and can be left out entirely

Verbs in English have voice, which refers to the relationship between the subject of the sentence and the verb.

Examples of Verb Voice:

There are two verb voices in English:

Active Voice-when the subject of the sentence the person or thing doing the action of the verb or in the state expressed by the verb. This is the voice with which we are most familiar-the subject performs the action of the sentence.

Passive Voice-when the subject of the sentence is being acted upon. The subject of the sentence is not performing the action. Instead, it is receiving the action.

Most writers do not use passive voice. Passive voice should only be used when you need to emphasize the thing that is being acted upon.

to write a sentence in the passive voice, you must use an auxiliary verb, or "helping" verb.

Examples of sentences written in active voice:

1) Joseph threw the ball through the neighbor's window.

2) Alyssa drank the last bottle of water.

Out of the choices provided above, it can be concluded that the statement, ''Verb voice indicates the relationship between a verb and its subject and object.'', is the one that correctly gives the definition for verb voice. Therefore, the option D holds true.

What is the significance of verb?

A verb voice can be referred to or considered as the tool or the element that expresses the sense of connectivity between action and the noun, as well as the predicates that exist in a complete and a meaningful sentence. A verb can only define or express action and movement.

The presence of a verb along with the verb voice helps to establish the relationship between the subject and objects of the same verb in the same sentence.

Therefore, the option D holds true and states regarding the significance of the definition of verb voice.

Learn more about verb here:



How does Tan build a central idea of her story in the excerpt?



Tan discusses her mother's English to support the idea that the language of one's childhood is a person's deepest, truest form of expression. ... All forms of the English language are meaningful and purposeful.

Will give brainliest answer and 20 points!! Provide a thesis statement about why school uniforms are beneficial to schools.


School uniforms are clearly beneficial for schools.

then talk about how they stop bullying or smth


School uniforms make the school look professional.


If they are all wearing the same uniform they look more united and it will gain more attention.

:) Hope this helps

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