Why do you think the author told the story of
the Holocaust in this symbolic way? Who is this
story directed to?


Answer 1

If the story in question is "Maus" by Art Spiegelman, it is likely that the author told the story of the Holocaust in a symbolic way in order to convey the complex emotional and psychological impact of this historical

Describe holocaust

The Holocaust was a genocide that occurred during World War II, in which Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, systematically murdered around six million Jews, as well as millions of other marginalized groups, including Romani people, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and others.

The Holocaust was characterized by the use of concentration camps, gas chambers, and other methods of mass extermination. It was a devastating and traumatic event that left lasting scars on the survivors, their families, and the world at large.

To know more about holocaust visit:



Related Questions

Read these first two lines from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven. " Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, Which of these best describes the tone in these lines?


The best description of the tone in these lines is melancholic.

The opening lines of the poem establish a mood of gloom and sadness. The use of words like "midnight dreary" and "weak and weary" conveys a sense of exhaustion and depression. The narrator's reference to "forgotten lore" also suggests a sense of loss and nostalgia for the past. Overall, the tone of these lines is one of melancholy, which sets the stage for the rest of the poem's exploration of grief, loss, and the supernatural.

Tone refers to the attitude or emotion that a writer expresses towards the subject or audience through the words they use. It is conveyed through the writer's choice of words, syntax, and other stylistic devices, and can be described as serious, humorous, ironic, sarcastic, optimistic, pessimistic, formal, informal, and so on. Tone can impact the reader's perception of the writing, and can influence how they respond to the content.

To learn more about tone of sentences, here



what literary work contains this woodcut? a. the knights of the round table b. canterbury tales c. a knight?s tale d. the bible please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


The literary work that contains this woodcut is b. Canterbury Tales.

A group of pilgrims making their way to Canterbury Cathedral engage in a storytelling competition in The Canterbury Tales. The pilgrims have a purpose to relate their stories, which mirror the anxieties produced by the social upheavals of late medieval England, because of this overarching plot, or frame.

The significance of social position in Chaucer's day is a recurring theme in The Canterbury Tales. The Prioress and the Parson, for instance, are diametrically opposed people when it comes to social standing. The Parson cares more about his religious commitment than his social standing.

To learn more about Canteburry Tales, click here:



A dependent clause can act as which part of speech within the structure of a sentence?

a. Verb

b. Pronoun

c. Adjective

d. Conjunction


A dependent clause supports the main clause in a sentence by functioning as an adverb, an adjective, or a noun.

What is the poet's main message in this sonnet (poem)? Explain with a CER (Claim, Evidence and Reasoning). Sonnet XXVII: I know I am but summer to your heart
by Edna St. Vincent Millay.


The movie Love Is Not Everything explores the ways in which love cannot protect a person from potentially fatal circumstances and the ways in which a person may be prepared to give up that love. The speaker compares love to nature in the first quatrain of "Pity Me Not Because the Light of Day," which starts the poem.

What is the subject of Edna St. Vincent Millay's sonnet?

This is a classic Shakespearean sonnet that, like many of Millay's poetry, discusses love. In this passage, the speaker warns a lover that their time together is fleeting.

What is Edna St. Vincent Millay's topic in Sonnet 29?

Themes. Millay explores concepts related to relationships and nature. The majority of the poem is devoted to the poet's speaker comparing their relationship, the highs and lows of love,

To know more about Edna St. visit:-



a literary genre that has the purpose of amusing but may be critical, using satire


The literary genre you are referring to is called "satire". Satire is a genre of literature that uses humor, irony, and exaggeration to criticize or poke fun at societal issues, politics, or individuals.

The purpose of satire is to amuse and entertain readers while also making a critical point or commentary on the subject being satirized. Satire can take many forms, including novels, plays, poetry, and even cartoons. It often highlights the flaws, hypocrisy, and absurdity of people or institutions in a humorous and exaggerated manner.

Satirical works are often seen as a way to raise awareness and spark change in society, by highlighting issues that need to be addressed.

Learn more about satire



The dialogue and behavior in i don’t like to brag but of Finn and Zelda suggest that they are


The dialogue and behavior in "I don’t like to brag but.." of Finn and Zelda suggest that they are: F witty and clever.

What what can be suggested about the charaacters?

The behavior of the characters in the stories suggest that they were witty and clever persons. They were not pushed to say anything that came to mind but applied some restraint.

A dialogue is a conversation between individuals or characters in a play. The statements made by Finn and Zelda during the dialogue can help in drawing conclusions about their personalities.

Learn more about dialogues here:



What is the theme of the selection by Kiera Kass?



Explanation: appearances can be deceiving

Answer: The theme for selection by Kierra Kass is "appearances can be deceiving."


The selection by Kierra Kass has the theme " appearances can be deceiving". This is seen at two points:

Firstly, when she sees American prince Maxon on TV, and thinks he is a harsh, shallow and struck-up person but when she runs into the garden and meets him she finds him to be kind and soft.

Secondly, this theme is seen when she sees the king and thinks he is a good father but later finds out he puts his son down for not being confident enough and being too kind.


To know more about the theme


Read the fable. Then, answer the question that follows.

"The Mouse and the Weasel" from Aesop's Fables

A little hungry Mouse found his way one day into a basket of corn. He had to squeeze himself a good deal to get through the narrow opening between the strips of the basket. But the corn was tempting and the Mouse was determined to get it. When at last he had succeeded, he gorged himself to bursting. Indeed he became about three times as big around the middle as he was when he went in.

At last he felt satisfied and dragged himself to the opening to get out again. But the best he could do was to get his head out. So there he sat groaning and moaning, both from the discomfort inside him and his anxiety to escape from the basket.

Just then a Weasel came by. He understood the situation quickly.

"My friend," he said, "I know what you've been doing. You've been stuffing. That's what you get. You will have to stay there till you feel just like you did when you went in. Good night, and good enough for you."

And that was all the sympathy the poor mouse got.

Which two themes are developed in this fable?

You should never take more than you truly need.
If it appears too good to be true, it probably is.
Greediness often leads to trouble.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
A and B
B and C
A and C
C and D


Answer: The answer is A & C


This is because the mouse took more corn than he needed and as a result, couldn't leave the basket.

The other reason is that because he was greedy enough to take a lot of corn, he got into the trouble of not being able to leave the basket.

Hope this helped and if you need any assistance, just send a comment, I'll be happy to help!

what organizational method (or methods) might you use to arrange main points for speeches with the following specific purpose statements?


When arranging main points for speeches with specific purpose statements, there are various organizational methods that can be used depending on the type and content of the speech.

One effective method is the topical method, where the main points are organized according to the topic or subject being discussed. Another method is the chronological method, where the main points are arranged in order of time or sequence. The problem-solution method can also be used when the purpose of the speech is to identify a problem and propose a solution. Additionally, the cause-effect method can be used when the purpose of the speech is to explain the cause and effect relationship between different ideas or events. Ultimately, the organizational method used will depend on the purpose of the speech and the content being presented.

To know more about speech refer :



Select all that apply.​ ASAP


To be effective, the conclusion of a narrative must be able to show how the character has grown or changed and be able to wrap up the plot without leaving any loose ends.

What is the conclusion of a narrative?It is the last part of the story.It's the end of the plot.

The conclusion is the moment when the story is over, all issues have been resolved, and the characters are ready to move on with their lives.

At this point all elements of the story should be wrapped up satisfactorily, with no loose ends or disputes. Furthermore, the concussion should show how the story impacted the characters and brought about changes in them.

Learn more about plot conclusion:



can someone please read my essay

Every year, about 480,000 Americans die from smoking-related diseases. In this essay, I will discuss the health issues one may get from smoking.

To start with I will explain how smoking started. There are many types of smoking but the number one most smoked substance is tobacco. Smoking goes back to 5000 BC and would be used in rituals. Around the time of the Revolutionary War, tobacco goods started to become very popular in the US.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Smoking causes more deaths yearly than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle accidents, and firearm-related incidents. Smoking tobacco causes 90% of all lung cancer deaths, more than women with breast cancer.

Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways. Tobacco harms every organ in your body. Smoking tobacco introduces not only nicotine but also more than 5,000 chemicals, including numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals), into your lungs, blood, and organs. It has been proven that smoking tobacco can shorten your lifespan.

Some examples of diseases you can get from smoking are Lung Cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Heart Disease, Stroke, and Asthma. Those are just some of the many conditions you can get.

Lung Cancer
Compared to other cancers, lung cancer claims the lives of most individuals. Nearly 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by cigarette smoking, making it the leading lung cancer risk factor. There is a one in five possibilities that you will still be living five years after being diagnosed.

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Obstructive pulmonary illness (COPD) makes breathing difficult. Early death and severe lasting effects are the results. When COPD first begins to limit one's ability to be active, such as when playing with a grandchild, it typically grows worse, making even simple tasks like walking to the mailbox or going up a couple of steps difficult or impossible. People may become restricted to their homes, unable to have their desires or visit friends. Smoking cigarettes contributes to 85% to 90% of all cases of COPD. The sixth most common cause of mortality in the US is COPD.

Heart diseases
Nearly every function in your body, including your heart, is harmed by smoking. Smoking can result in challenges and artery pressure, which reduces the amount of blood and oxygen reaching your heart. The rate of cardiac disease also dropped as cigarette use declined in the United States. However, the leading cause of mortality in the US continues to be heart illness.

Smoking may lead to a stroke because it changes the blood vessels. When your brain's temporary blood flow is cut off, a stroke occurs. Because of the lack of air, brain cells begin to weaken. The effects of a stroke can include death, paralysis, speech difficulties, and changed brain function. Stroke is the fifth most common cause of death and plays an important role in adult damage in the United States.

Asthma is a chronic lung condition that makes it more difficult to "breathe," or send oxygen in and out of your airways. Cigarette smoke can cause quick and serious attacks of asthma because it affects the airways. More than 25 million people in the United States suffer from asthma, a severe medical disease. It only gets worse when you smoke.

Those are just some of the effects smoking can cause. Here is more, it can increase tooth loss and gum damage, lower the immune system, increase diabetes, premature aging, stained teeth, and bad breath.

As a result of all that I've stated, smoking can lead to lifelong illnesses or even death. Even though smoking can be a very tempting and addictive thing to do it’s best not to do it.

Health Risks of Smoking Tobacco (cancer. org)10 of the Worst Diseases Smoking Causes | State of Tobacco Control | American Lung AssociationSmoking: Effects, Risks, Addiction, Quitting, Treatment (clevelandclinic.org)


This essay was well written and informative. You did a great job of explaining the history of smoking and the various health risks associated with it. You also provided some helpful statistics to back up your points. The conclusion was also strong, emphasizing the importance of avoiding smoking. Overall, this was a great essay!

person may u Explain why a +b is irrational.



i don't know the sums of a and b so hope this helps


Actually, the sum of two rational numbers can be either rational or irrational, depending on the specific values of the two numbers.

For example, if a = 1/2 and b = 1/3, then a + b = 5/6, which is a rational number.

However, there are cases where the sum of two rational numbers is irrational. One such example is when a = 1 and b = -1, in which case a + b = 0. The number 0 is neither positive nor negative, and is therefore not a rational number.

In general, the sum of two irrational numbers is not necessarily irrational. For example, √2 + (-√2) = 0, which is rational.

Therefore, we cannot conclude that a + b is irrational without knowing the specific values of a and b.

Imagine that your teacher wanted a group of students to present one poem with students individually saying lines. Decide on the largest number of students who could smoothly present this poem and explain your choice. Use two details from the poem to support your response.


The concept of "Myself" by Edgar Guest is developed to show the character learning to appreciate and forgive himself in order to set himself free and eventually lead a happy life.The guest considers all of the good and bad deeds he has done in his life.

What stands out in this poem as its main theme?

The main idea of a poem is its topic, or, to use another expression, "what it's about." The poet had something in mind when they wrote the poem, even though many people are uncomfortable with poetry being "about" anything.

What stands out as the main concept of Edgar A. Guest's poem Be a Friend?

the Edgar Guest. Through this lovely poetry, he wishes to express his gratitude for his constant company and contribution to his happiness. Although the speaker would like to pay him back, he means a lot to him and his assistance cannot be returned.

To know more about "Myself" visit:-



What is an example of an internal conflict in A Midsummer Night's Dream?


The only really serious conflict is the one between Hermia and her father, and that is literally a life or death situation for her. She does not have the right, under Athenian law, to decide who she wants to marry. Her father says it will be Demetrius or death.

What was Edgar's first memory of his mother? *

A. Caring for her

B. Coughing up blood

C. Singing on stage


Edgar's first memory of his mother, Eliza Poe, was option B: coughing up blood, as she was suffering from tuberculosis.

Eliza Poe, a noted traveling actress, was the mother of Edgar Allan Poe. Sadly, she passed away from tuberculosis at the age of 24, leaving Edgar, then only two years old, behind. Poe's dramatic readings of his most renowned works, which were a significant source of cash and ultimately helped him become America's first professional writer, were probably inspired by her acting legacy.

She supported Edgar Poe's artistic goals and encouraged him to read poetry from an early age until her untimely death in 1829, when he was just 20 years old, due to an undisclosed illness.

To know more about Edgard's poetry, refer:



Personal ……………. Left behind on seats in the theater are brought to the lost and found department, but most are nervous claimed


Personal property Left behind on seats in the theater are brought to the lost and found department, but most are nervous claimed.

Any personal items left on seats at a theatre must be collected by the lost and found department. Due to potential embarrassment over having forgotten anything in the first place, most people are reluctant to claim their lost items.

They can also worry that the item has been stolen or misplaced in the interim. Many people will not even try to find their lost belongings and instead assume they are lost forever out of their own peace of mind.

To learn more about Personal Property link is here



Explain how commas are used in a series. Just need a small sentence answer


Individual entries in a list are separated by commas in a series.

Items in a series are separated by commas. This signifies that a comma should be used to separate each item in a list of three or more elements. For instance, you would write "red, blue, and green" if you wanted to list the colors red, blue, and green.

In sentences or phrases, commas can also indicate a pause, as in the sentence "My favorite colors are red, blue, and green." In this example, the comma is used to indicate a pause and to add clarity between the two sections of the statement.

Additionally, semi-colons should be used in place of commas to divide the items in the list if any of them include commas on their own.

To learn more about commas link is here



Which of these statements includes a

He felt unwell and looked as pale as

She had teeth as white as pearls.

I was as hungry as a horse.

"Thank you for your help, you're a star!"



that would be the third sentence my friend

“Thank you for your help, you’re a star!”

Read the passage.

The Peanut Man

courtesy of the Library of Congress

George Washington Carver was a person born into slavery in Diamond Grove, Missouri, around 1864. He is one of the nation's most famous agricultural scientists. He is best known for his research on peanuts and his commitment to helping poor Southern African American farmers.

George Washington Carver was always interested in plants. When he was a child, he was known as the "plant doctor." He had a secret garden where he grew all kinds of plants. People would ask him for advice when they had sick plants. Sometimes he'd take their plants to his garden and nurse them back to health.

Later, when he was teaching at Tuskegee Institute, he put his plant skills to good use. Many people in the South had been growing only cotton on their land. Cotton plants use most of the nutrients in the soil. (Nutrients provide nourishment to plants.) So, the soil becomes "worn out" after a few years. Eventually, cotton will no longer grow on this land.

This was especially bad for poor African American farmers, who relied on selling cotton to support themselves. Carver was dedicated to helping those farmers, so he came up with a plan.

Carver knew that certain plants put nutrients back into the soil. One of those plants is the peanut! Peanuts are also a source of protein.

Carver thought that if those farmers planted peanuts, the plants would help restore their soil, provide food for their animals, and provide protein for their families--quite a plant! In 1896 peanuts were not even recognized as a crop in the United States, but Carver would help change that.

Carver told farmers to rotate their crops: plant cotton one year, then the next year plant peanuts and other soil-restoring plants, like peas and sweet potatoes. It worked! The peanut plants grew and produced lots of peanuts. The plants added enough nutrients to the soil so cotton grew the next year. Now the farmers had lots of peanuts--too many for their families and animals--and no place to sell the extras.

Carver invented all kinds of things made from peanuts. He wrote down more than 300 uses for peanuts, including peanut milk, peanut paper, and peanut soap. Carver thought that if farmers started making things out of peanuts, they'd have to buy fewer things and would be more self-sufficient. And if other people started making things out of peanuts, they would want to buy the extra peanuts, so the farmers would make more money. Although not many of Carver's peanut products were ever mass-produced, he did help spread the word about peanuts.

Peanuts became more and more popular. By 1920 there were enough peanut farmers to form the United Peanut Association of America (UPAA). In 1921 the UPAA asked Carver to speak to the U.S. Congress about the many uses for peanuts. Soon the whole country had heard of George Washington Carver, the Peanut Man! And by 1940 peanuts had become one of the top six crops in the U.S.


Which statement is a main idea of the text?


A. Carver helps people figure out what is wrong with their plants.

B. Before Carver, peanuts were not recognized as a crop in the United States.

C. Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living

D. Sweet potato and pea plants do not pull nutrients from the soil.


Option C is correct. Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living

What is the idea of the passage

The main idea of the text is that George Washington Carver was a famous agricultural scientist who helped poor Southern African American farmers by promoting the planting of peanuts to restore the soil and provide food and protein.

The answer is C: Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living.

Read more on George Washington Carver



What does the phrase "charted the course for the nation" mean as it is used in paragraph 1 of the passage? A ran for an office B fought for more freedom C moved to a country D planned for the future​


The phrase "charted the course for the nation" as used in the given context means to "plan for the future" Option D

What does the phrase mean and how to understand phrase contextual meaning?

The phrase  "charted the course for the nation" also means to establish a direction or plan of action that a nation will follow. This often involves developing policies, setting goals, and taking actions that will shape the nation's progress and development.

To identify the contextual meaning of a phrase, you should follow these steps: Identify the phrase, Look for the surrounding words, Determine the tone or purpose of the sentence, Consider the audience or situation and Look for context clues: Context clues such as punctuation, capitalization, and emphasis can also provide additional information about the intended meaning of a phrase.

Find more exercises on  contextual meaning of a phrase;



The “Read Books, Share the Love” advertisement effectively uses the association technique to convince people to read more books. The advertisement targets parents who could easily associate the children in the picture with their own children. This has a positive connotation of intimacy and love. The image implies that reading is not just intellectually beneficial, but that it creates a closer bond between parents and their children. Because of this association technique, parents are persuaded to read to their children. Most parents certainly would want their children to do well academically and feel loved at the same time. Therefore, this ad effectively encourages literacy.

Which of the following revisions would most improve this paragraph?
specific details from the poster
a strong topic sentence
a discussion of the techniques used in the ad
additional information about the ad in general


A strong topic sentence would most improve this paragraph. A possible revised paragraph can be constructed.

What  possible revised paragraph can be constructed to improve the paragraph?

"The 'Read Books, Share the Love' advertisement efficaciously uses the association technique to promote literacy by spotlighting the emotional alliance between parents and their children while reading. Through the image of a parent and child cuddled up with a book, the ad targets parents by tapping into their desire for intimacy and love with their children. The ad implies that reading not only benefits a child's intellectual development, but also strengthens the relationship between parent and child. This powerful association technique persuades parents to read to their children in order to achieve both academic and emotional success."

This revised paragraph includes a strong topic sentence that clearly states the main idea of the paragraph, as well as specific details from the poster and a discussion of the techniques used in the ad. It also provides additional information about the ad in general.

Learn more about topic sentence here:



The Song: Disney's Part of your world
1. What is the speaker’s tone in this song?
2. What persona is the speaker trying to become?
3. Is this song an example of a monologue? Explain why or why not?
4. What is the extended metaphor in the song?
5. Provide one example of how imagery is shown in the song.





The speaker's tone in the song "Part of Your World" is wistful and longing.

The speaker is trying to become a persona who dreams of a life beyond her current circumstances, yearning for something more and believing that she is meant for greater things.

Yes, the song is an example of a monologue as it is a speech delivered by one person, the speaker, expressing her thoughts, feelings, and desires.

The extended metaphor in the song is the comparison of the speaker's desire to be part of the human world to a fish out of water, emphasizing her feeling of being out of place and yearning to belong.

One example of how imagery is shown in the song is the line "Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun," which creates a vivid image of a world that is bright, lively, and free, contrasting with the dark, confined space that the speaker is currently in.

which type of audience appeal calls for a speaker to use facts, statistics, and common sense? which sentence best summarizes truman's persuasive strategy in this part of the speech? apex


The type of audience appeal that calls for a speaker to use facts, statistics, and common sense is called the logical appeal or logos. This type of appeal is used to convince the audience through rational and logical means.

As for Truman's persuasive strategy in this part of the speech, without knowing the specific part of the speech, it is difficult to provide a summary. However, in general, Truman was known for using straightforward language and appealing to the common sense of his audience. He also used emotional appeals when necessary, such as in his famous "Truman Doctrine" speech where he appealed to the fear of communism spreading.

Overall, his persuasive strategy was a combination of logical and emotional appeals.

To know more about persuasive strategy, click here:



Slaughterhouse 5 1. In Chapter 1 Vonnegut tells the reader that he has promised Mary O'Hare that he will not
make war glamorous. Give some details that show he is keeping this promise in this


He discusses the excessive number of youths fighting in the conflict. He also talks about dying honestly and without embellishment.

What does Slaughterhouse-first Five's chapter mean?

Slaughterhouse-first Five's chapter functions more like an introduction or prelude than like the conventional opening chapter of a novel. More biographical than fictional, it not only recounts a significant portion of Kurt Vonnegut's life story but also describes how the book was created.

Why did Mary O'Hare become agitated while Vonnegut was there?

The spouse of Bernhard O'Hare is Mary. Vonnegut is rebuked by Mary because she thinks his book would glorify war; he, however, makes a commitment not to do so.

To know more about Mary O'Hare visit:



Why is having free time good for mental health please answer help


There are both physical and psychological benefits of leisure time, with reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression; improved mood; and higher levels of positive emotion. Engaging in recreational activities can also lower cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate.

What key features should be analyzed when reading an argumentative/ analytical text? Why is this important?


carefully read the argument and instructions. Identify the claims, conclusions, a1nd underlying presumptions of the argument. evaluate them for quality, Try to come up with different defences and examples .

Why is analysis crucial in argumentative writing?

The goal of analysis is to identify the complexity of the argument as well as to demonstrate how the evidence supports your claim. If you come across anything that contradicts the argument while responding to questions that lead to analysis, use your critical thinking to strengthen the argument.

What analysis in argument analysis is most crucial to perform?

It's crucial to observe the various arguments that were used in the piece, and it can be helpful to make a note of the category that you believe best fits each one.

To know more about Analytical text  visit:



3. One common criticism of capitalism is that it encourages greed and harsh competition for money. In the context of this text, does money buy happiness? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer


The text does not provide a clear answer to the question of whether money buys happiness or not, as it mainly focuses on the downsides of capitalism such as exploitation and inequality.

However, there is evidence in the text that suggests that the pursuit of wealth and material possessions can lead to unhappiness, as the author argues that "the chase for more and more money" can be a "never-ending treadmill."

Additionally, other literature, art, and history have explored this topic, with some arguing that money can buy some level of happiness in terms of meeting basic needs and providing security, while others argue that true happiness comes from non-material sources such as relationships, purpose, and personal growth. Ultimately, the relationship between money and happiness is complex and may vary depending on individual circumstances and values.

To learn more about capitalism, here



according to the terms of the agreement between latinus and aeneas in book 12, what will happen if aeneas wins against turnus?


According to the terms of the agreement between Latinus and Aeneas in book 12, if Aeneas wins against Turnus.

Then he will be granted the right to marry Lavinia and rule over the Latins. This agreement was made against the wishes of Turnus, who also sought to marry Lavinia and become ruler. Aeneas asks for protection, declaring that the Trojans will leave if Turnus triumphs. But if he succeeds, he won't make the Italians his slaves; instead, he'll invite them to join him as equal citizens in a new country.

                         The terms are accepted by Latinus. To seal the deal, they offer animal sacrifices. Aeneas informs Latinus that he does not desire a kingdom for himself. His sole objective, as it has been throughout the entire epic, is to construct a city where he and his exiled countrymen can live in harmony. The last altercation between Aeneas and Turnus is characterised as earth-shattering.

To know more about Aeneas refer :



Killing at the camps was different from the mass shootings perpetrated by the Einsatzgruppen. How did the new use of gas chambers change the distance between perpetrator and victim? What effect might this distance have had on the perpetrators?


The mass shootings were resource-intensive, requiring many shooters and escort guards as well as guns, ammunition, and transport. Concerns about the inefficiency of the shootings and their psychological impact on the shooters led to the development of special vans outfitted with engines that pumped carbon monoxide into sealed passenger compartments. Jews were packed into the compartments, then driven to a mass grave, asphyxiating during the journey. 

The basic sound that composes a language is called the _______; the ________ is the smallest unit of language that has meaning.
morpheme; semantic
parse; phoneme
phoneme; morpheme
morpheme; polysemy


The basic sound that composes a language is called the phoneme the morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has meaning. Because A morpheme is the smallest meaningful component in a language.

Language is a form of communication that is used to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Language has a significant role in human connection. The cognitive linguistic relationship has only been fully developed in humans.

The smallest unit of meaning in language and the fundamental building block of language, the morpheme, cannot be divided into smaller meaning-containing components. The meaning is largely the same across languages and contexts.The discipline of morphology is concerned with morphemes. Bound and free morphemes are two categories into which these can be separated.While bound morphemes need the existence of a free morpheme in order to communicate meaning, free morphemes.

To know more about morpheme visit:



Other Questions
1 tesis resumida del maltrato infantil the return on an investment is the gain (or loss) on the investment divided by its value. for example, if you buy a share of stock for $100 and the price of the stock increases to $110, your return on the stock is: return An airplane is flying at a height of 3 miles above the ground. The distance along the ground from theairplane to the airport is 7.5 miles. What is the angle of depression from the airplane to the airport?Round to the nearest degree. Solution to problems facing democracy Describe a situation with two variables that you can represent w its an equation that uses two operations. Write the equation. Explain the relationships between the variables Cost of exhibition catalogues. A catalogue for each exhibitionwill cost 5,000 to produce. The catalogue for the first exhibitionwill have been paid for in December out of Carolines remaining10,000. The catalogues for the second and third exhibitions will also be paid for one month in advance.Gallery premises costs. Business rates are to be paid monthly; the cost is 750 per month. Electricity costs will average out at 60 per month and Caroline expects to receive a bill for the first three months' electricity in March, and to pay it in April.Wages. Caroline will pay a part time assistant 550 per month.Other expenses. Caroline estimates that a total of 1,000 in other expenses will be paid each month.Drawings. She plans to draw 700 per month in cash.Private view expenses. In each of the three months Caroline will have to spend an estimated 450 on buying in wine and other refreshments for the private view. This figure also includes the cost of hourly-paid waiting staff to take drinks round to guests.Advertising. The initial round of press adverts will appear in December, and the 3,000 cost will be paid for out of Carolines remaining 10,000. Each month 400 will be paid for brochures and postage costs to send out to people on the gallerys mailing list.The bank balance at 1 January 20X4 will be 2,000 after advertising and catalogue costs have been paid for. The advertising and catalogue costs form part of Carolines start-up capital.The gallery premises are to be depreciated over 25 years on the straight-line basis, with an assumption of nil residual value.Prepare for Caroline:a budget cash flow statement for the three months of January, February and March 20X4a budget statement of profit or loss for the three months ending 31 March 20X4a budget statement of financial position at 31 March 20X4 and:briefly discuss whether or not you think Carolines business is going to be successful, identifying any areas where cash flow might be a problem which of the following describes schizophrenia? which of the following describes schizophrenia? loss of contact with reality and disruption of thought diminished ability to concentrate repeated episodes of mania or mixed episodes of mania and depression lowered mood and decreased interest or pleasure in all activities . what is the present (year 0) value of the cash flow stream if the opportunity cost rate is 10 percent? The nurse is caring for a new mother who has a chlamydial infection. For which complications should the nurse assess the client's neonate? Select all that apply.PneumoniaPreterm birthMicrocephalyConjunctivitisCongenital cataracts First day on the job quiz what is the central idea of the statement what two countries showed the greatest decline in press freedom in 2014 Last Friday, AT&T closed at $41.68. AT&T pays an annual dividend of $1.98. Calculate the dividend yield help please! state the key features for the graph P153 Multiple changes in cash conversion cycle Garrett Industries turns over its inventorysix times each year; it has an average collection period of 45 days and an averagepayment period of 30 days. The firms annual sales are $3 million. Assume thatthere is no difference in the investment per dollar of sales in inventory, receivables,and payables, and assume a 365-day year.a. Calculate the firms cash conversion cycle, its daily cash operating expenditure,and the amount of resources needed to support its cash conversion cycle.b. Find the firms cash conversion cycle and resource investment requirement if itmakes the following changes simultaneously.(1) Shortens the average age of inventory by 5 days.(2) Speeds the collection of accounts receivable by an average of 10 days.(3) Extends the average payment period by 10 days.c. If the firm pays 13% for its resource investment, by how much, if anything,could it increase its annual profit as a result of the changes in part b?d. If the annual cost of achieving the profit in part c is $35,000, what action wouldyou recommend to the firm? Why? Which options represent the information used in a weighted decision matrix? the key proposition of new growth theory that makes growth persist is that ______ is not subject to diminishing returns. a 15-month-old child brought to the ed is crying inconsolably. a specialized blood test revealed crescent-shaped rbcs. this result confirms__________________________ anemia. Nancy has a strong tendency to morally disengage. As a result, when Nancy sells some company supplies on eBay for her own profit she is likely to ________.A) turn herself into a company officialB) feel no distress from being unethicalC) suffer from extreme role conflictD) share her profits with the company Write the polynomial function of least degree that has zeros of x=0, x= 2i and x =3(assume all coefficients must be real)A. x)=x-3x+4x - 12xB. x)=x-3x + 4x-12C. x)=x-3x+4x + 12xD. f(x)=x + 3x - 6x + 12 Eight years ago Zack& Co. had purchased an equipment fo: $1,200,000. This equipment was being depreciated on a straight line basis over a 12 year period to a 300,000 salvage value. The equipment has six more years of economic life. During this period the annual revenues and operating costs assocaited with this machine are expected to be $388,000 and $87,500, respectively. Zack is now considering replacing this machine with a more modern one. The old equipment can now be sold for $180,000. Investment in net working capital is expected to increase by $132,000 as a result of the investment. The new machine will cost $1,500,000 and another $120,000 will be needed to modify it. This machine falls into the ACRS 5-year class life. It. is also expected to have an economic life of SiX years. The annual revenue and operating costs from the new machine are expected to be $750,000 and $58,000, respectively. At the sixth year Zack expects to sell the nes machine for $180,000. Zack's marginal tax rate is 34%. The equipment will be equity financed. (14 pts.) 1 Please calculate Zack's Net Investment and the Net Cash flows for the next six years if the replacement decision is made.