Which of these is a properly formatted APA style in-text citation of a website?


Answer 1


A properly formatted APA-style in-text citation of a website should include the author's last name and year of publication. If the website does not have an identifiable author, use the first few words of the title in quotation marks.

For example:

(Smith, 2021) for a website with an identifiable author and publication date("How to cite websites," 2020) for a website without an identifiable author but with a publication date("APA Style," n.d.) for a website without an identifiable author or publication date

Related Questions

Read the following passage:

The thermometer had been in the back of the bathroom drawer for as long as I could remember. I brushed off the dust and stuck it under my tongue even though I was unsure of its veracity.

What does "veracity" mean as it is used in this reading? Use this dictionary entry to answer the question:

ver- (prefix) truth









Based on the given dictionary entry, "veracity" in the context of the passage means accuracy. The protagonist is uncertain about the accuracy or truthfulness of the thermometer, as it had been sitting in the back of the bathroom drawer for a long time and may not have been used or calibrated recently.

Final answer:

The word 'veracity' means truth or accuracy. In the given passage, the speaker is unsure about the accuracy of the thermometer. They use the word 'veracity' to express their uncertainty about whether the thermometer is telling the truth or not.


The word veracity means truth or accuracy. In the given passage, the speaker is unsure about the accuracy of the thermometer. They use the word 'veracity' to express their uncertainty about whether the thermometer is telling the truth or not.

Learn more about Meaning of veracity here:



1. This sentence is an example of what figure of speech? "Your painting is as colorful as the rainbow." a. personification c. hyperbole d. irony b. simile 2. What is the figure of speech in which like or as is used to make a comparison between two basically unlike ideas. a. simile c. personification d. hyperbole b. metaphor 3. This is a figure of speech in which something is compared directly to another object. a. hyperbole c. irony d. metaphor b. onomatopoeia 4. "The flowers danced around the table," is an example of c. pun d. alliteration a. hyperbole b. personification 5. "The road was a garden of roses.' Is a good example of what? a. hyperbole b. metaphor 6. What figure of speech is used in the poem of G. Orr Clark? The night is a big black cat. The moon is her topaz eye. The stars are the mice she hunts at night. In the field of the sultry sky. c. personification d. simile a. simile c. personification b. metaphor d. metonymy 7. What type of figurative language is an extreme exaggeration of the truth? a. assonance c. simile b. irony d. hyperbole​


This is a smile because the speaker is comparing the painting to the rainbow using the words "as" or "like".

What is rainbow ?

Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that occurs when light is refracted, or bent, by water droplets in the Earth's atmosphere. The colors of the rainbow—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet—form when sunlight reflects off of the water droplets in the sky and is then bent and spread out into its individual colors. Rainbows can be seen when it is raining and the sun is shining at the same time.

2.A simile is a figure of speech.3. A metaphor is a figure of speech.4.This is an example of personification because the flowers are given human characteristics.5. This is a metaphor.6.This is an example of personification.7.A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration of the truth.

To learn more about rainbow



Find one of the words above in a dictionary. Write the
meaning below.


The word I can found from the dictionary is Obsession.

What is Obsession?

Obsession refers to a persistent, intrusive, and distressing thought, feeling, or impulse that dominates a person's consciousness and interferes with their ability to function in daily life. Obsessions can take many forms, such as excessive worry about a particular issue or fear of something happening to oneself or others. These thoughts or feelings may be irrational or uncontrollable, causing significant distress, anxiety, and disruption to normal activities.

Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are often linked and may be symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Treatment for obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors often includes cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

Learn more about dictionary at:



Gertrude Stein wrote many novels, short stories, essays, poems plays, and one opera she is better known for her art collection.
Group of answer choices

a. Run-on sentence

b. Correct

Need a answer


In the 1920s, American author and poet Gertrude Stein gained notoriety for her modernist writings, enormous art collection, and literary salon.

Regarding Gertrude Stein, what did Picasso say?

Picasso persuaded her to sit for a portrait in 1905, and the resulting work was gloomy, weird, and not at all Cubist.

Picasso knew Gertrude Stein, right?

Gertrude managed to keep up her acquaintance with Picasso despite a few setbacks, and she kept collecting paintings up until her death in 1946 at the age of 72.

To know more about Gertrude Stein visit:



Do you agree with the old cherokees story about the two wolves? Why?



What can you say about the story of the two wolves?

The feeling and experience of happiness comes from feeding the wolf from within. As he becomes bigger and stronger, he will be better equipped to handle life's challenges. If you choose to feed only him, he will always win.

What is a claim for the civil rights movement with cause and effect?



hope it help :)


Causes- The discrimination towards blacks. The bad reputation of america. Effects- Desegregated the United States of America. cause was that the laws had not all been fair to blacks so the effects was they pushed their was until they were allowed all blacks to vote and get a chance to vote for fair laws.

Explanation: A claim for civil rights with a cause is they had discrimination, Racism, and White supremacy and an effect is The civil rights act hastened the end of legal Jim Crow.

You have just read two passages about sports injuries in young people. Write an informational essay explaining the strategies parents and children can use to prevent sports injuries among young athletes.

Manage your time carefully so that you can plan your essay and do some prewriting. Be sure to

use evidence from both passages.
avoid over-relying on one passage.
Your written response should be in the form of a multi-paragraph informational essay.


By utilising the right sports gear and ensuring that kids are participating in activities that are appropriate for them, many of these injuries can be avoided.

The best way to avoid sports injuries?

Create a fitness regimen that incorporates flexibility, strength training, and cardiovascular activity. As a result, there will be fewer hazards of wounds to you. Switch between pounding out various muscle categories every other day when you exercise. After exercise or sports, properly cool down.

How might sports-related injuries in kids be avoided?

Sports Injury Prevention. Use the appropriate tools. It's crucial that children use appropriate gear and safety clothing that fits well and is the correct size. On secure ground, have fun. Verify sure playgrounds are free of ruts and holes that could trap children and cause them to trip or fall.

To know more about sports injury visit:



All rights reserved.
Passage 1
The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (1870)
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled.... That the following article be proposed....
which, when ratified by three fourths of said legislatures, shall be valid as part of the Constitution, namely:
Article XV.
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or
previous condition of servitude-
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
And, further,... that the amendment to the Constitution... has been ratified by the legislatures of...all...states.
Passage 2
excerpt from United States Supreme Court Decision in Smith v. Allwright (1943)
Lonnie E. Smith, an African American from Texas, sued to overturn a 1923 state law declaring that only white citizens could vote in Texas's Democratic Party
nimanninntinn Innte hadded that nalitical partine unen hinta amanisations and could maken thair runnine The Cunma Cute Inndmark
Select the correct answer.
Which conclusion about voting rights can be drawn based on these two excerpts?
O A. Because the Fifteenth Amendment did not apply to all states, people of color in Texas were barred from primary voting.
Despite the Fifteenth Amendment, some states had wrongly blocked people of color from voting in all elections.
O C.
The Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed the right to vote in general elections but not in primary elections.
O D. The Supreme Court agreed that states should be able make exceptions to the Fifteenth Amendment.


Option D.  The Supreme Court agreed that states should be able make exceptions to the Fifteenth Amendment.

What does the supreme court say about the amendment

The passage from Smith v. Allwright shows that even though the guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race, Texas had a law that prevented African Americans from voting in the Democratic primary.

The Supreme Court decision in Smith v. Allwright declared that such laws were unconstitutional, as they violated the Fifteenth Amendment's protection of voting rights. Therefore, option D is the correct conclusion that can be drawn from these two excerpts, as the Supreme Court did not agree that states should be able to make exceptions to the Fifteenth Amendment.

Read more on Fifteenth Amendment's



Which word has the same long vowel sound as table?
O poem
O acorn
O deny
O fever​



The long vowel sound in the word "table" is the sound of the letter "a" pronounced like "ay". This sound can also be found in the word "fever", making the correct answer option D. The other answer options do not contain the same long vowel sound as the word "table".

Answer: The word with the same long vowel sound is "fever".

Explanation: The word table has the sound of the vowel "e". "fever" does contain the sound of the same vowel "e". While the word "poem" has the "ow" sound, which is pronounced as a long "o" sound. Another word "deny" has the "i" vowel sound, which is pronounced as a short "e" sound.

While the word "acorn" has the "a" vowel sound.

To learn more about Vowels:



someone help me answer both of the two answers because I need to turn this in


The main ideas of the sections "The Dead Zone" and "Threat of Invasion" are similar in that they both discuss the negative impacts of human activities on the environment.

What is Threat of Invasion?

Threat of invasion is a term used to describe the danger a nation may face of being attacked or taken over by another country. It usually refers to military action and can range from an armed invasion to a non-military, non-violent takeover. It is a serious security concern for any nation and can have significant diplomatic, economic, and political implications.

The section "The Dead Zone" focuses on the destruction of marine ecosystems caused by ocean pollution, while the section "Threat of Invasion" discusses the destruction of terrestrial ecosystems due to agricultural runoff, overfishing, and other human activities.
The ideas in the section "Supporting Life" are different from the ideas in the previous two sections. This section discusses how human activities can benefit the environment, such as creating protected areas, sustainable development, and restoration of habitats. This section focuses on positive human impacts on the environment, while the previous two sections focus on the negative impacts.

To learn more about Invasion

what's the importance of English in modern society



It is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Last but not least, it is the language of international communication, the media, and the internet. Whether it is for professional or personal reasons, understanding the importance of English will help you reach your goals.

what did lincoln mean when he said "We shall not fail—if we stand firm, we shall not fail." in his house divided speech



Hope this helps


Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous "House Divided" speech on June 16, 1858, after he had been nominated as the Republican candidate for the United States Senate in Illinois. The speech contained the famous quote, "A house divided against itself cannot stand," which referred to the growing tensions between the northern and southern states over the issue of slavery.

The quote you mentioned, "We shall not fail—if we stand firm, we shall not fail," is also from this speech. Lincoln was emphasizing the importance of standing firm in the face of the great challenge that lay ahead in the fight against slavery. He believed that the country could only be saved if people were willing to take a firm stand and not back down in the face of opposition.

By stating that "we shall not fail," Lincoln was expressing his confidence that, if people remained steadfast in their opposition to slavery and committed to the cause of preserving the Union, they would ultimately emerge victorious. His words were a call to action, urging his fellow Americans to unite and work towards a common goal, with the conviction that they would ultimately succeed if they did not waver in their determination.

What type of rhyme is used in the following poem?

Oh, give me my very own pizza,
So I won't have to be a
Greedy, food-grabbing monster
Like my brother Chester.

Internal Rhyme

a. End Rhyme

b. Slant Rhyme

c. Exact Rhyme

What type of rhyme is used in the following poem?

Oh, give me my very own pizza,
So I won't have to be a
Greedy, food-grabbing monster
Like my brother Chester.

a Internal Rhyme

b End Rhyme

c Slant Rhyme

d Rhyme
Both free verse and traditional poetry use rhythm; however, free verse poetry does not have meter.



0.25 points


Traditional poems have no recognizable pattern and their lines do not rhyme in any particular way.


0.25 points


The following is an example of internal rhyme:

I went to school full of joy,
Eager to meet each girl and boy.


0.25 points


Unlike prose, which uses paragraphs to separate ideas, poetry is divided into lines and stanzas.



Answer: The first would be a slant rhyme, next it's true that free verse has no meter, traditional poems do have a pattern meaning the answer would be false, the example provided is not an internal rhyme, and the last question is true


what signs tell that a person loss weight by exercise?


Muscles and longer cardiovascular endurance would tell a person they lost weight by exercise.

INVESTIGATE : INSPECT – Do these words have


Neither similar nor contradictory meanings. Inspect means to closely examine something while investigate means to study or inquire into something in order to discover facts or information.

What is investigate?

Investigate is an action of seeking out information or facts. It involves researching and analyzing information from sources such as documents, eyewitness accounts, interviews, and other data. The aim of an investigation is to answer a question or to solve a problem. Investigations can be conducted by individuals, organizations, or the government. Examples of investigations include criminal investigations, academic research studies, and investigations into workplace discrimination or harassment. In each case, the investigator must collect data, analyze it, and draw conclusions based on the evidence. The final report of the investigation will detail the findings and may include recommendations for action.

While both words involve looking into something, their purposes are different. Inspect implies a more visual examination, while investigate implies a more thorough examination to uncover facts or information.

To learn more about investigate

Complete Question:
INVESTIGATE: INSPECT - Do these words have

Similar meanings

Contradictory meanings

Neither similar nor contradictory meanings

Place each statement in the correct box in the table according to the ways the
texts present information.
"Malala's Fight for
Both Texts
"The Freedom Train
Keeps Rolling"
:: describes actions taken to try to escape harm
:: describes intent to silence an outspoken person
:: provides details about helping Hindu hotel patrons
#describes courageous actions taken to help others
provides details about speech critical of the Taliban


"Malala's Fight for Education" describes the intent to silence an outspoken person.

Both texts describe actions taken to try to escape harm.

"The Freedom Train Keeps Rolling" hence provides details about helping Hindu hotel patrons.

Which specific challenges faced Malala during her education?

Malala Yousafzai, a well-known Pakistani advocate for women's education, is a significant figure in the 21st century's social justice movement. After being wounded in 2012 for fighting Taliban restrictions on female education in her native Pakistan, however, Malala Yousafzai rose to prominence as a global representative of the battle for girls' education. Even though Malala was just 15 when she was shot for her activism and 16 when she released her memoirs, her tale is well-known worldwide. She was enrolled in school when the Taliban took over her town in 2008. The fundamentalists promised severe punishments for anyone who disobeyed their regime, which forbade girls from attending school among other things.

Both texts describe courageous actions taken to help others

"Malala's Fight for Education" provides details about the speech critical of the Taliban

To learn more about Malala, visit:



The purpose of this sign is to:
This Way


This sign's directive is to provide information. In social media, people produce, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in online groups and networks.

How does one impart fresh knowledge?

Introduce the topic via images, illustrations, and artefacts. Giving pupils a visual, such an illustration, picture, or artefact to get their minds ready for what they are about to study is a terrific method to engage them in new material. In scientific and social studies, this can be very effective.

What is the four-step approach of instruction?

The lesson plan material is related to the learner using this procedure (four-step technique of instruction). Preparation, presentation, application.

To know more about instruct the information  visit:



Discussion Post: After viewing "Racial Stereotypes in the Media" and reading "Sexuality, Race, and Ethnicity in Advertising," how would you describe the way that people like you are presented in the media? What questions did these texts prompt you to ask?


In numerous ways, advertisers incorporate sex. For instance, Old Spice and Axe claim to make guys more appealing in their advertisements.

What is a good illustration of media representation?

As an illustration of media representation, consider how the British royal family is portrayed in the media. Because the royal family participates in national activities, like as sporting competitions and festivals, the media portrays the King as the head of state, enhancing the sense of "national identity."

What is an illustration of sexuality in marketing?

When a business sells lingerie or pants, for example, sexual imagery might be used in overtly sexual ways. Other times, a business may use sexual imagery to promote condoms or drugs that improve the feeling of being sexual in its advertisements. However, Some businesses just employ explicit material to draw in viewers.

To know more about Sexuality Race visit:



Congress is pitching a law to make social media platforms require an age of 18 and up in order to have a social media account. Do you agree or disagree? Write a letter to the President of the United States arguing for or against the social media age requirement. Use information from the passages to guide your writing.



The President

White house

United States

Subject: Regarding social media age requirement


Cyberbullying is especially prevalent among children between the ages of 13 and 17. Children publish or say things that are hurtful to other people. Harassment, humiliation, taunting, and aggressiveness are all forms of cyberbullying. Teens who are subjected to cyberbullying appear to lack confidence. Teens' usage of social media may also have a detrimental impact on them by diverting them, preventing them from sleeping, and subjecting them to bullying, rumors, unrealistic expectations of other people's life, and peer pressure. So I agree with the law to make social media platforms accessible only to people over the age 18.

Yours responsible citizen

To know more about Letters visit:



Can you think of a real-life situation where you have had to see something from another person’s point of view in order to understand them or an issue better? Explain.



this is just a personal example to give you an idea


A real-life situation where I had to see something from another person's point of view is how hard a teacher's job is. Growing up, I always thought teaching was easy because you are just relaying information to a bunch of kids. However, when I volunteered to help the teacher teach a special education class I realized that being a teacher takes dedication, determination, patience, and hard work. Having to actually help teach students, I realized you have to keep your classroom safe, controlled, and a good environment for the students while still also having to teach, prepare lessons, overwork to grade and give extra help to students, and more. So to this day, I will always know how hard my teachers worked to ensure I and hundreds of other students were thriving, growing, and learning in a safe environment, and I will be grateful.

Read the passage from chapter 17 of The Prince.

Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with. Because this is to be asserted in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life, and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you. And that prince who, relying entirely on their promises, has neglected other precautions, is ruined; because friendships that are obtained by payments, and not by greatness or nobility of mind, may indeed be earned, but they are not secured, and in time of need cannot be relied upon; and men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails.

What type of evidence does Machiavelli most use to support the argument that it is better for a prince to be feared than loved?


Machiavelli makes the case that new rulers can act cruelly using rational justification.

Machiavelli's argument:

They contend that while a king who is despised is less likely to hold onto power, one who is feared can. Scientific research serves as the foundation for empirical evidence. He contends that fear is a more powerful motivator than love, making it the best weapon for leaders. According to Machiavelli, it is preferable for a ruler to be universally feared rather than deeply loved since the former maintains power via duty and the latter through dread of retribution. Machiavelli emphasized the "necessity" of employing harsh force or trickery deliberately, even the annihilation of entire noble families, to preclude any prospect of a challenge to the prince's power in his capacity as a political theorist.

To know more about Machiavelli visit:



in a complete ebc what do you feel is best organic or conventional farming? be specific and ise evidence from the article to support your answer





Part A
What is the effect of the narrator’s mindset at the beginning of the story?

A) It develops the theme that actions demonstrate a person’s true character.
B) It introduces the theme that talent, not practice is the key to peak performance.
C) It introduces the theme that people’s thoughts directly influence their behaviors.
D) It develops the theme that hard work, not natural ability contributes most to success.

Part B
Which quotation from the story best supports the response to Part A?

A) “…I've practiced with my teammates in the evenings, the only rising freshman to show up to the optional preseason runs.”
B) “I was thrilled to be fitting in with a fun group of girls before stepping into a new school—…”
C) “…a group of girls who didn't know that I was secretly a quitter.”
D) “Despite my coach's advice to 'stay loose' before the five-kilometer race, I remain still, and I can feel my muscles start to tense.”+


The effect of the narrator’s mindset at the beginning of the story is that it introduces the theme that people's thoughts directly influence their behaviors.

How to explain the excerpt

The quotation that best supports this response is "Despite my coach's advice to 'stay loose' before the five-kilometer race, I remain still, and I can feel my muscles start to tense."

This shows that the narrator's mindset is directly affecting her behavior and physical state, despite external advice to the contrary.

Learn more about narrator on



Oedipal Complex quote from the book “Hamlet”

Introversion quote from the book “Hamlet”

Masculinity Issues quote from the book “Hamlet”

Infantile Rage quote from the book “Hamlet”

Misogyny quote from the book “Hamlet”

Abandonment quote from the book “Hamlet”

Passive aggressive quote from the book “Hamlet”

Lack of Empathy quote from the book “Hamlet”


Their intense affection for his mother and the repeated sexual allusions reveal Hamlet's oedipal complex. He calls her out for "honeying and making love / Over the nasty sty!"

Although some of this can be attributed to the misogyny of the time, Hamlet's actions are also a result of his insecurities about his manhood. For instance, Hamlet says in a soliloquy about his mother, "Frailty, thy name is woman!"

What is the topic of the book Hamlet?

Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet, is popularly known as The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. The ghost of the deceased monarch commands Hamlet to kill his uncle, who is the new king, with the purpose to exact revenge for his father's death. Hence out of concern for his safety, his uncle also plans to assassinate Hamlet.

“Sorry," Hamlet said, rubbing his temples. "I don't know what came over me. is an introversion quote from the book “Hamlet”

That one may smile ..... dreamt of in our philosophy is an infantile Rage quote from the book “Hamlet”

If thou wilt marry, .......monsters you make of them is an example of a misogyny quote from the book “Hamlet”

"It is not, nor it cannot come to .........hold my tongue is an abandonment quote from the book “Hamlet”

"Let not thy mother lose her prayer.....my best obey you, madam." is a passive-aggressive quote from the book “Hamlet”

“Forbids moreover ..... pronounced than the queen's”. is an instance of lack of Empathy quote from the book “Hamlet”

To learn more about Hamlet, visit:



How do Mrs. Laney's feelings about Matt change from the beginning to the end of the story? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.


Matt is scared because of the warnings he heard about the tornado and because he was home alone

Mrs Laney is not scared and does not think much of the coming disaster.

In Tornado Coming by D ick Donley, story is told about the coming tornado in a small town and how a young boy Matt overcomes his own fears and gets himself and his neighbor Mrs Laney to safety and out of harm's way.

He gets them both into a bathroom and saves Mrs Laney's life because when they came out, the place she was sitting on was destroyed.

In the opening sentence, the author assumes which of the following about his audience?
A country founded on the principle of individual freedom—“life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”1—has both a gift and a problem. “No man is an island,” the English poet John Donne wrote in the seventeenth century, but in the late eighteenth century, at least in America, you very nearly could be, at least physically. The continent was so immense, the forests so thick, and the land so fertile, that a man could literally live alone. Strictly speaking, if survival was all that mattered, he did not even need a market to sell to. He had everything he needed in the woods, streams, and fields.

This was how Americans saw themselves, or claimed to see themselves. In his first Farewell Address—the one in 1783, when he resigned his commission as commander in chief of the continental army—General George Washington envisioned his disbanded troops heading out to the “extensive and fertile Regions of the West,” which would “yield a most happy Asylum to those, who, fond of domestic enjoyment are seeking for personal independence.”

This independence was not only geographical, it was psychological, spiritual, political—and legal. With the colonial grants wiped away by revolution, new American landowners could buy and hold land in “fee simple,” just the way the highest-ranking feudal lords had done at the top of Old World society. Every man was his own lord and vassal. He could make whatever money he could, and keep most of it as his own. There would be taxes in the New World, but they were not “direct.” Indeed, for the first century of its existence, Washington derived the bulk of its revenue from global trade—from import tariffs and duties—and from sales of federal land.

The spirit of economic individualism was always with us, and by the middle of the nineteenth century it had become a kind of secular religion in the world of business, even when the aim of big business was to snuff out the very entrepreneurialism that nurtured commerce to begin with. In 1886, at the height of the first Gilded Age, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the Southern Pacific Railroad—and, by extension, all profit-making corporations—were entitled to be viewed as individual persons in the eyes of the law. We were the first country in the world to view them that way, but it made sense: Individualism was Us, even if Us was a corporate leviathan. Americans have never fully accepted the idea that tax tables should be designed, and revenues disbursed, in a way that makes government the redistributor of wealth and guarantor of income. “Fairness” is one thing, redistribution another.

There was another view—a counterpoint—and much of our history is about the struggle of communal thinking to gain sway in the economic life of America. The question has never been whether Americans would pitch in to help each other—but rather the extent to which government could require them to do so. Observers from Tocqueville onward have commented on our willingness, even eagerness, to join voluntary associations, from civic groups to teaching circles. Americans give more to charity per capita than citizens of any other country. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett2 established the wealthiest charitable foundation in history. We may “bowl alone” more often these days, as author Robert Putnam gloomily puts it in his metaphor for anomie,3 but we also worry about the fact that we do so. Walt Whitman,4 our bard of brotherhood, saw no conflict between his own credo of the individual and his love of all mankind. “[W]hoever walks a furlong without sympathy,” he wrote in “Song of Myself,” “walks to his own funeral drest in a shroud.”

But what is the government’s role in reconciling two age-old American concepts: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” and “united we stand”?

A)They are familiar with the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

B)They view the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” with skepticism.

C)They hold individual freedom in high regard.

D)They view individual freedom as both a gift and a problem.

E)They are probably unfamiliar with the principle of individual freedom.





They view the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” with skepticism. hence the option C is correct.

What is a Symbolism?

Symbolism is the use of symbols or objects to represent abstract ideas or concepts. It is a literary technique that allows writers to convey complex meanings and ideas through the use of symbolic imagery.

In literature, symbolism can take many forms. It can be a recurring motif or image, such as a rose representing love or a dove representing peace. It can also be a more abstract concept, such as the use of colors to represent different emotions or states of mind.

The use of symbolism allows writers to convey meaning on multiple levels. For example, a character in a story may be described as wearing a red dress.

On a literal level, the dress is simply a piece of clothing. However, on a symbolic level, the color red can represent passion or danger, giving the description of the character added meaning.

Learn more about Symbolism here:




Use complete sentences to respond to each question about your novel or short story.

Title of short story or novel
To build a fire

Jack London

Rising Action
Think about the protagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the protagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.

Protagonist’s Action #1

Result of Protagonist’s Action #1

Protagonist’s Action #2

Result of Protagonist’s Action #2

Think about the antagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the antagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.

Antagonist’s Action #1

Result of Antagonist’s Action #1

Antagonist’s Action #2

Result of Antagonist’s Action #2

Think about the climax of your story. Describe the choice the protagonist makes to change the course of the conflict.

Falling Action
Think about the falling action of your story. Describe one event of falling action that directly follows your protagonist’s choice.


Title of short story or novel: To Build a Fire

Author: Jack London

What is the story?

Rising Action:

Protagonist's Action #1: The protagonist, the man, decides to continue his journey alone in extreme cold weather despite warnings and advice from others.

Result of Protagonist's Action #1: The man becomes increasingly vulnerable to the harsh weather conditions and starts facing various challenges and obstacles.

Protagonist's Action #2: The man underestimates the severity of the cold weather and decides to stop and build a fire under a tree, disregarding the advice to build the fire on the ground.

Result of Protagonist's Action #2: The fire he builds under the tree ignites the snow-covered branches, causing a dangerous situation as the fire quickly grows out of control.

Antagonist's Action #1: The antagonist in this story can be considered as the harsh and unforgiving nature, particularly the extreme cold weather and the icy environment.

Result of Antagonist's Action #1: The harsh weather conditions constantly pose challenges and difficulties for the protagonist, making his journey more dangerous and precarious.

Antagonist's Action #2: The antagonist, the cold weather, intensifies, causing the protagonist's extremities to freeze and become numb.

Result of Antagonist's Action #2: The protagonist's physical condition deteriorates rapidly, making it extremely difficult for him to continue his journey and survive in the brutal environment.


The protagonist reaches the climax when he falls through the thin ice into the freezing water of a creek, realizing the severity of his situation and the imminent danger he is facing.

Choice by Protagonist to Change the Course of Conflict:

In the climax, the protagonist makes a critical choice to try and build a fire to dry himself and warm his freezing limbs, despite the immense challenges and obstacles he faces.

Falling Action:

The protagonist's falling action includes his futile attempts to build a fire and save himself from freezing to death, as his physical condition continues to worsen.

Event of Falling Action:

One event of falling action is when the protagonist's hands become too numb and weak to gather more firewood, and he realizes that his chances of survival are dwindling rapidly.

Note: The short story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London is a classic tale of man versus nature, where the protagonist's actions and choices, as well as the antagonist's (the harsh environment) actions, drive the conflict and shape the story's plot.

Read more about short story here:



Part One introduces the central idea that people are comfortable with the things they know and
uncomfortable with things that are unfamiliar to them. Which of the following from Part Two best
develops this central idea?
A paragraph 11
B paragraph 12
C paragraph 13
D paragraph 14


Paragraph 12 best develops this central idea that people are comfortable with the things they know and uncomfortable with things that are unfamiliar to them.

Where is this central idea taken from? What is the story about?

The central idea is taken from Miss Brill. "Miss Brill" is a short story by Katherine Mansfield that really hits a person in the feels. The paragraph provides a writing style as well as the essay's main theme, which is how lovely the oceans and seas are and the species that dwell in them. Miss Brill's main themes are the agony of loneliness and reckless attempts to comprehend life by emulating the experiences of others. It is clear from the start that Miss Brill need warmth and companionship throughout the story.The major concept serves as the narrative's underlying topic, uniting all of the author's fictitious ways for telling the story.

Learn more about Miss Brill here:



true or false. the sentence contains a verbal. swimming is fun in the summer





swimming is a participle



What is the central message in the story Grandfather' s Journey by Allen Say?


The central message in the story "Grandfather's Journey" by Allen Say is the difficulty of finding a true sense of belonging when one feels a connection to multiple cultures and places.

What does culture mean?
Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, practices, and behaviors of a particular group or society. It includes the shared values, traditions, language, arts, music, religion, and other aspects that define the way of life for a group of people. Culture is transmitted from one generation to the next and is constantly evolving through interactions with other cultures and changes in society.

The central message of "Grandfather's Journey" by Allen Say is the idea of longing for home and the feeling of being torn between two cultures. The story is about the journey of the narrator's grandfather, who left Japan to live in the United States but constantly yearned for his homeland. He shared his love for Japan with his daughter and grandson, but they could not fully understand his attachment to a country they had never known. In the end, the narrator himself travels to Japan and feels a sense of belonging and understanding of his grandfather's attachment to the country. The story shows how one can love and embrace more than one culture, but the longing for home and the attachment to one's roots can never be fully replaced.

To know more about religion visit:

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