which element moves a story along and creates reader interst? cultural values, point of view, theme, conflict


Answer 1

We can see here that the element that moves a story along and creates reader interest is D. conflict.

What is a story?

A story is a narrative or account of events, whether true or fictitious. It typically has a plot, which includes a sequence of connected events that follow a particular course of action and lead to a resolution.

Stories can be written in various forms, such as novels, short stories, plays, and films, and they often aim to entertain, inform, or educate the reader or audience. They may also convey a message or theme, express emotions, or evoke a particular response from the reader or audience.

Conflict is the central driving force of any story, and it is the source of tension and drama that keeps readers engaged.

Learn more about story on https://brainly.com/question/24292088


Related Questions

llowing questions as instructed. [5] a A little girl swings cheerfully in the park. (identify each of the words in the sentence pattern) b. He slowly walked into the kitchen and asked for the dinner. (start the sentence with an adverb) c. Write an example of a compound sentence joined by the conjunction 'yet. d. Write a compound-complex sentence with only one independent clause. e. Write an example of a complex sentence using the casual element of the independent clause. 4. Choose the correct word for the following expressions a. The color of​


We can see here that the following will be:

a. A (article) little (adjective) girl (noun) swings (verb) cheerfully (adverb) in (preposition) the (article) park (noun).

b. Slowly (adverb), he walked into the kitchen and asked for the dinner.

c. The sky was dark, yet the stars shone brightly.

d. She studied hard for her exam, but she still didn't get a good grade.

e. As the rain poured down, we decided to cancel our picnic plans.

What is  a compound-complex sentence?

A compound-complex sentence is a sentence that has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. It combines the features of both compound and complex sentences, with multiple clauses and the use of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to link them.

An example of a compound-complex sentence is: "I wanted to go to the concert, but I had to finish my work, which took much longer than I expected, so I missed the show." In this sentence, there are two independent clauses ("I wanted to go to the concert" and "I missed the show") and one dependent clause ("which took much longer than I expected").

Learn more about a compound-complex sentence on https://brainly.com/question/3921355


Formulate the statement of the problem part of your research


there isn’t a photo to answer your question or even a statement

Help pls :(

In the second column, complete each row by dragging the textual evidence that could be used to support further the reader’s analysis of the criminal justice system. In the third column, write your personal response related to the analysis and supporting textual evidence from Monster.

Textual Evidence Options ( 3 of 3 )
“The film will be the story of my life... I’ll call it what the lady who is the prosecutor called me. Monster.”

“Steve, let me tell you what my job is here. My job is to make sure the law works for you as well as against you.”

“You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious as they do.”

“The film will be the story of my life... I’ll call it what the lady who is the prosecutor called me. Monster.”

“Steve, let me tell you what my job is here. My job is to make sure the law works for you as well as against you.”

“You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious as they do.”

Textual Evidence
My Personal Response
It is human nature to make assumptions about people, even in a trial.
Select Answer
It can be difficult to determine a person’s guilt or innocence.
Select Answer
The law isn’t always fair.
Select Answer


Steve, let me tell you what my job..... as against you.”- It can be difficult to determine a person’s guilt or innocence -

“You let the jury ...... serious as they do.- The law isn’t always fair.

“The film will be the story of my life..... prosecutor called me. Monster.”- It is human nature to make assumptions about people, even in a trial.-

What is Monster's primary takeaway?

Race, justice, and A.V.R.—appearance versus reality—are three topics that are examined in Walter Dean Myers' book 'Monster'. Everything Steve fears is represented by Monster. He is afraid of the jury in court who won't look at him, the jail full of monstrously aggressive men, and the jail itself. He fears himself the most, though. Racial prejudice, injustice, the dehumanization of those involved in the legal system, and violence are some of 'Monster's' major themes.

Steve's challenging trial and his horrifying encounters at the Manhattan Detention Center serve as the vehicle through which 'Monster' explores these topics. Steve becomes fixated on the word "monster," questioning whether it applies to him, when state prosecutor Sandra Petrocelli refers to him and other alleged offenders as "monsters." Steve's identity is represented by this label of dehumanization during his criminal trial.

To learn more about Monster, visit:



Read the passage from chapter 17 of The Prince.

Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with. Because this is to be asserted in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life, and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you. And that prince who, relying entirely on their promises, has neglected other precautions, is ruined; because friendships that are obtained by payments, and not by greatness or nobility of mind, may indeed be earned, but they are not secured, and in time of need cannot be relied upon; and men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails.

What type of evidence does Machiavelli most use to support the argument that it is better for a prince to be feared than loved?


Machiavelli primarily uses anecdotal evidence to support his argument that it is better for a prince to be feared than loved.

What is Machiavelli?

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469-1527) was an Italian political philosopher, historian, musician, and a writer of the Renaissance period. He is best known for his book The Prince, which is a treatise on the art of governing a state. Machiavelli's political theories focus on the practical aspects of governing a state. He argued that the most successful form of government was one that combined strong central control with a certain amount of freedom for individuals.

He references historical examples, such as the idea that when a need is far away, people will offer their blood, property, life and children to a prince, but when the need arises, they will turn against him. He also points to the human tendency to be ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, and covetous. He concludes that because of these qualities, friendships that are obtained by payment are not reliable, and that people have less scruple in offending someone they love, as opposed to someone they fear.

To learn more about Machiavelli



Select the sentence with a comparative adjective.

The green sea turtle is larger than the triggerfish.
The Hawaiian Honeykeeper is the most beautiful bird.
The Nene is a beautiful, small, brown and white bird.
The triggerfish is one of the fastest fish in the ocean.




The green sea turtle is larger than the triggerfish.


A comparative adjective is used to compare two or more things and indicate which one is superior or inferior to the other. In the given options, only the sentence "The green sea turtle is larger than the triggerfish" contains a comparative adjective, "larger," which is used to compare the size of the green sea turtle with that of the triggerfish.

+ A
Last year, Skip had signed up for baseball-to him, an exercise in futility,
considering the fact that he had never been able to hit or catch. In pickup or
organized basketball games, he had never scored a basket. Early on, he had
made peace with the realization that he was not the kind of athlefe his dad hadi
been Still, tomorrow marked the start of football tryouts, and he expected his dadi
to invite him into the backyard to practice kicking before dinner.
"Skipt" called Dad, right on cue. "Come on out."
T'm coming," answered Skip
Skip looked around the yard for the kicking net. But he didn't see one.
Instead, Dad motioned him over to the grill where he had laid out a tray of raw
hamburgers, hot dogs, and some vegetables
"I thought I'd teach you how to get perfect grill marks," said Dad
"But I thought we were going to kick footballs," said Skip
"Not tonight. Your uncle Bobby says you were a natural when you helped him with
his last catering gig. But believe it or not, I taught him everything he knows," said
Dad with a chuckle. "Now watch this."
Dad arranged the hamburgers on the grill and explained how to angle each
piece to get the perfect crisscross pattern. When he was about to place the
vegetables on the grill, Skip said, "Wait" He went to the kitchen and returned with
skewers and a small knife. He cut up the vegetables, then he put the cut vegetable
on skewers. "This is a better way to char them and put a little crisp on the outside,
he explained
Bobby's right. You really do know a thing or two about food," Dad said.
For the rest of the evening, there was no mention of football or any other
tryouts. They ate and chatted about grilling, and Skip let on how much he enjoyed
watching cooking shows on TV
"Really? I know you have a lot of interests, but I had no idea you were into
food shows said Dad "Some of those chefs are amazing," he added
Then Skip said, "Dad, I need to be straight with you"
"About what?
"I really don't want to play football-or baseball or basketball," responded
Skip T'm not the athlete you were, and I don't want to be."
His dad stiffened slightly, but his face portrayed nothing of the
disappointment Skip expected. Instead, he said, "Fair enough. It's just that you're
so into running, I assumed that, like me, you could play team sports, too."
"Maybe I can," said Skip "I just don't want to I like so many other things-
like cooking"
"Well then, Let's see what Bobby can teach you about "began Dad
before Skip stopped him
T'd rather learn from the best, Dad"
A warm grin spread across his father's face. "You've got it, Skip," he said.
6 of 10 Answered
Based on the passage, Dad can best be described as
OA. unaware or inattentive
OB. uncaring or inconsiderate.
OC. demanding and inflexible.
D. understanding and accepting





Which of the following are areas of individual competence? Select all that apply.
O critical thinking
O effective listening skills
O ability to direct
O assertion


The areas of individual competence are:

Critical thinking

Effective listening skills

The ability to direct and assertion are not typically considered as areas of individual competence, as they are more related to leadership and communication skills.


Critical thinking because it’s a mental thing, effective listening skills because u can’t have someone learn for you

Why were laws like the Twelve Tables unable to prevent corruption in the later Roman Empire?


The Twelve Tables were unable to prevent corruption in the later Roman Empire due to the concentration of power, lack of enforcement, and the decline of the empire.

Write a short note on The Twelve Tables.

The Twelve Tables were the first set of written laws in ancient Rome, established in 449 BCE. These laws codified Roman customs and provided a basis for legal proceedings. However, as the Roman Empire expanded and became more complex, the laws became increasingly inadequate in preventing corruption.

One reason for this was the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals. In the later Roman Empire, the emperors and other high-ranking officials had significant power and influence, which allowed them to bend or break the laws without consequence. This led to widespread corruption, as these individuals used their positions to enrich themselves and their allies, often at the expense of the general population.

Another reason for the failure of the laws was the lack of enforcement. The legal system in the later Roman Empire was often inefficient and corrupt, and many cases were settled through bribery or other forms of influence. This meant that even if the laws themselves were sound, they were often not applied fairly or consistently.

Finally, the decline of the Roman Empire itself played a role in the failure of the laws. As the empire weakened, its institutions became increasingly dysfunctional, and corruption became more widespread. The lack of a strong central authority made it difficult to enforce the laws or hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Overall, while the Twelve Tables provided an important foundation for Roman law, they were unable to prevent corruption in the later Roman Empire due to a combination of factors, including the concentration of power, lack of enforcement, and the decline of the empire itself.

To learn more about Twelve Tables, visit:



I still have problems with this questing please answer fast and help with other questions i posted


John believes that the world was created by God.The first verse of Genesis in the Holy Bible reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Also mentioned in verse 25b is the phrase .

What is the creation according to John?

The Creation story is addressed once again in John's Gospel. According to John, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1) is how his Gospel is introduced. John is saying that Jesus was there at the beginning of the universe by referring to him as "the Word."

To know more about Bible visit:



Researching What It Takes to Make a Difference: Tutorial
In this lesson, you conducted a search to answer a research question based on the unit's guiding question, what does it take
to make a difference. You also planned the body of your argumentative essay to prepare for the Unit Activity. In this activity,
you will select one of the main points from your plan and develop a body paragraph that will answer your research question.
You will use your Conducting the Search Graphic Organizer and the notes recorded in the Notebook tool () to complete
this activity.
Part A
Using your graphic organizer and notes in the Notebook tool (G), please complete the table below. List three main points
that you found from your sources related to your question. For each main point, identify evidence from your sources that
support the point. Then, select one main reason you would use to draft a body paragraph.
B IUX² X₂ 14pt
福 ≡
Supporting Evidence
Main Points or Reasons
Space used (includes formatting): 513/15000
36 of 39 ▷ Save & Exit
Apr 10
12:15 A


1. Making a difference requires dedication and hard work.

• “Making a difference in the world requires dedication and hard work. It is not something that can be done overnight. It takes time, effort, and commitment to make a lasting impact.” (Source 1)

• “Making a difference in the world requires dedication and hard work. It is not something that can be done quickly or easily. It takes time, effort, and commitment to make a lasting impact.

3. Based on the text, with which statement would the author MOST LIKELY agree?
A. DaVinci's inventions were enhanced by his artistic practice.
B. DaVinci led an interesting life, even though it was not practical.
C. DaVinci ought to be known more as an inventor than as an artist.
D. DaVinci rather than the Wright brothers really invented the airplane.


Answer: A

Explanation: DaVinci was well known for his artistic pieces and they were later enhanced by his artistic practices. I hope this helps

Choose all the statements that are true about Nelson Mandela's speech.

A Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.

B In this speech, Mandela has an angry, passionate tone that is full of powerfully dangerous emotion.In this speech, Mandela has an angry, passionate tone that is full of powerfully dangerous emotion.

C Mandela advocates that young people forego organizing formally and pursue violent protest.Mandela advocates that young people forego organizing formally and pursue violent protest.

D Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.

E In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.

F In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.

G Mandela wants young people to think of negotiating with the apartheid government as the next step in the struggle to end racist government.


We can see here the true statements about Nelson Mandela's speech are:

A) Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.

D) Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.

Who is Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election.

Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in Mvezo, a small village in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. He studied law at the University of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand and became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944.

The other statements are:

E) In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.

F) In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.

G) Mandela wants young people to think of negotiating with the apartheid government as the next step in the struggle to end racist government.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela on https://brainly.com/question/953555


Have you wrote to us regarding this issue before


"Have written" is simple past tense; "wrote" is present perfect tense. The explanation on this website is decent. When a completed action's results or consequences are still relevant, it is said to be in the Present Perfect.

How do the words write and wrote vary from one another?

Long vowels continue to sound in writing. I, you, she, he, and other people all used the past tense of write, which is wrote. Written is a past tense verb. I wrote to the bank, she wrote, and they wrote to me.

Has my mail from yesterday been received?

I wrote a letter to her yesterday is the proper way to phrase the sentence "I have written a letter yesterday," as "here Yesterday" should not be present with the tense of "I have written."

To know more about perfect tense visit:-



ways in which the ongoing need for affirmative action perpetuates discrimination ​


The ongoing need for affirmative action perpetuates discrimination by creating reverse discrimination against individuals who may be more qualified for a position or opportunity but are not selected because of their race or gender.

What is the meaning of affirmative action?

Affirmative action refers to policies and practices aimed at addressing historical and current discrimination faced by certain groups, particularly in the workplace and in education. The purpose of affirmative action is to level the playing field and provide equal opportunities for marginalized groups, such as women, racial and ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. Affirmative action can take many forms, such as setting quotas for the number of underrepresented groups in a particular field or providing preferential treatment during the hiring process.

The concept of affirmative action has been the subject of much debate and controversy. Supporters argue that it is necessary to ensure diversity and equal opportunities in society, while opponents argue that it is a form of reverse discrimination that can lead to unqualified individuals being hired or admitted to educational programs simply because of their demographic characteristics.

Overall, affirmative action remains a controversial and complex issue, with varying perspectives on its effectiveness and fairness.

To learn more about affirmative action, visit:



How were people’s attitudes towards anatomy and the science of the human body changing around the time of Frankenstein’ publication ?


the public's attitudes towards anatomy remained complex and often conflicted

Mary Shelley

Attitudes towards anatomy and the science of the human body were undergoing substantial shifts in Western civilization about the time Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was published in 1818. Growing interest in anatomy research during the 18th century resulted in an expansion in medical schools and dissections. However, there was opposition to this practise and widespread outrage, particularly when it came to acquiring bodies for dissection.The UK's Anatomy Act of 1832 made it legal to supply bodies for dissection and medical research at the beginning of the 19th century. This made it less common for remains to be taken illegally, including by grave-robbing or murder, and it was simpler for medical schools to conduct research.

To know more about  Shelley, click on the link :



You can give the tour guide a tip but it is not necessary.

You __________________________ give the tour guide a tip.



you can give a tour guide tip because why not


you have heard that your friend in another school wants to involve himself/herself in examination malpractice during the forthcoming Basic Education Certificate Examination. write a letter warning him/her of the dangers of such an action and advising him/her to take his/her studies seriously instead​



hope it helps


Dear brother ,
How are your studies? I hope you are preparing very well for your coming final exams. It is my prayer that you record a sounding success in the exams.

The purpose of my writing you is to express and warn you against the dangers in examination malpractice.

As you must  have been told several times before now that, examination malpractice which is a common phenomenon in most public examinations carried a penalty of twenty-one years  jail term under decree of our constitution, I hereby warn you not to fall a victim because it will affect you so much and the plans on the ground daddy has for you.

Besides, where there is a report of examination malpractice, such centre stands the risk of cancellation of results and so you might not be able to fulfill your desire of moving to the university, such centre stands the risk of cancellation of results and so you might not be able to fulfill y our desire of moving to the university. This would give a big set-back to the candidates concerned.

Bayo, I have known you as a serious and hard-working brother of mine, the moment you put yourself in the position of those seeking shadows in terms of ‘runs’ or certain help instead of sweating, you’ll just discover that you will become a lazy drone in academics and you may end up as a failure. So, try and read your books and pray to your God for a big success in your exams and I believe God is able.

Let me not waste your precious time with  too mush talk on exam malpractice; I have sent the sum of five thousand hair to your account to help you buy necessary things as well as keep you buoyant throughout the period of your exams. Spend wisely and face your studies. Greet your friends for me. My wife and children greet you.

Which of these conclusions about the speaker is best supported by lines 6-16?
My clouded reflection eyes me
like a bird of prey, the profile of night
slanted against morning. I turn
this way-the stone lets me go.
I turn that way-I'm inside
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
again, depending on the light
to make a difference.
I go down the 58,022 names,
half-expecting to find
my own in letters like smoke.
A. As the speaker reads through the names of the deceased and missing-in-action soldiers, he begins to feel guilty that he survived the war.
B. The speaker is trying to understand his perspective on the memorial and his relationship with it.
OC. The speaker is lost inside the maze of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial's Inner structure.
D. The speaker's eyesight has never been the same since his time in Vietnam.
FL-ELA K12 EE.2.1
Save and continue


The best conclusion supported by these lines is option B: The speaker is trying to understand his perspective on the memorial and his relationship with it.

What is the poem about?

Throughout the passage of the poem, the speaker is reflecting on his experience of visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and how he feels when he is there. He describes his clouded reflection, which suggests that he is struggling to see himself clearly or understand his own emotions. He also mentions that he is "depending on the light to make a difference," which could be interpreted as a metaphor for his attempt to find clarity or meaning in his visit.

The speaker's sense of being "lost" inside the memorial could further suggest that he is struggling to navigate his own emotions and memories related to the war, and that he is seeking some kind of resolution or understanding.

Overall, the passage seems to be focused on the speaker's attempt to come to terms with his experience of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, rather than on his guilt, eyesight, or the structure of the memorial itself.

Learn more about poems here:



The steady influx of observers continued until every seat in the courtroom was filled. Everyone watched the famous defendant, who appeared to be __ to what was being said as she nodded in affirmation to each whisper from her lawyer. look as she described the guilt While on the stand, the defendant had a[n] that she felt for her crimes; however, during the cross-examination, the prosecutor succeeded in provoking the defendant until she lost her temper. She stood and screamed in rage. "Defense, please your client," said the judge. After the outburst, the trial fell apart for the defense. The jury deliberated and found the defendant guilty, and one charges for lying on behalf of the defendant. of the witnesses faced __ charges for lying on behalf of the defendant. ​


Throughout the trial, the well-known defendant acknowledged her attorney's hushed comments by nodding in agreement. During cross-examination, she did lose her composure.

Who are witnesses in court?

Someone who is a witness is a person who is present when an act, a sequence of actions, or a scene is occurring. Any individual who has the capacity to grasp a fact with their five senses qualifies as a witness.

Why are witnesses requested?

A witness includes a person who was there when the crime was committed, heard it, or may know something crucial about it or the accused. Both the prosecution and the defence have the option of calling witnesses to provide testimony or share their knowledge of the case. Testimony is what a witness actually says in court.

To know more about Witnesses visit:



Read the following excerpt about the invention of refrigerators and answer the question that follows. It wasn't until 1930, when Frigidaire began cooling with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), that people began upgrading to refrigerators. Small, with big fans on top, the appliance changed the way America ate. Manufacturers provided books with menus for a lifestyle that included ice tongs, bridge parties, and recipes showing off all that a refrigerator could do for a single meal. (In 1929, Kelvinator suggested a raspberry cup, molded lamb, celery curls, and Kelvinator fruitcake with whipped cream.) Pre-fridge, "frozen desserts and frozen salads were nonexistent or just for wealthy people," says Sylvia Lovegren, author of Fashionable Food: Seven Decades of Food Fads. "All of a sudden, the middle class could have things that seemed high class a few years before." And what could be more high class than frozen cheese salad or an icy frappe made of condensed tomato soup? Which of the following details should be included in a summary of an article about the history of refrigerators?


The invention of refrigerators changed the way America ate when Frigidaire began cooling with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in 1930. Manufacturers provided books with menus and recipes showing off what a refrigerator could do for a single meal, and frozen desserts and salads became available to the middle class. Details that should be included in a summary of an article about the history of refrigerators include the introduction of CFCs in refrigeration, the change in the American lifestyle due to the availability of refrigerators, and the introduction of frozen foods to the middle class.





In "Getting Ready for the Robots," how do paragraphs 5 through 7 contribute to the
development of the article? Use two details from the article to support your response.


Give instances of both the potential advantages and drawbacks of automation in the workplace. In the article, it is stated, for instance, that robots may increase productivity but may also result in job displacement.

What are paragraphs in Word?

A paragraph is a group of words and phrases that have an end-of-line character (return, line feed, or both) at the end of them in word processing and text editing. Even a single word followed by a return is considered a paragraph by the programmed.

How do I construct a paragraph?

First, introduce the subject of the paragraph with a powerful topic sentence. The topic is then further developed with a few sentences for help and growth. The last line of the paragraph should be a conclusion sentence that summarises the topic or provides one final piece of supporting evidence.

To know more about Paragraph visit:



QuickWrite Consider class discussions, the video, and the Launch Text as you think about the prompt. Record your first thoughts here. PROMPT: Is fear always a harmful emotion?


Because it can set off reactions that help you survive or deal with a dangerous circumstance, fear is not always a negative feeling.

What exactly is fear?

Fear is a negative feeling experienced under unsafe or dangerous circumstances. For instance, you might feel terrified in the dark since being blind leaves you defenceless.

Is fear a negative emotion?

Our bodies' natural reaction to a hazardous or uncertain circumstance is fear. This feeling is connected to bodily processes like a quicker heart rate that are intended to help you react in order to live or deal with the dangerous circumstance.This man's fear is a coping tool, therefore it's not always bad.

To know more about harmful emotion visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

This question is incomplete because the video and text were not provided; due to this, the answer is based on general knowledge.

What is the theme of lobs girl by joan aiken



Loyalty: The unusually powerful bond between Sandy and Lob offers a compelling portrayal of undying loyalty.

Family: The members of the Pengelly family treat one another with the utmost love and care.

The supernatural: The character of Lob seems to exist outside the boundaries of nature in several ways.


Surprisingly, Guests have a _____ to use the indoor pool in the summer.
1- Trend
3- Movement
4- habit




Tendency is like automatic, while habit is gained after time and the others are pretty obv

A Family That Plays Together
by Tirzah Tyler
On Friday morning, Sergio flung his backpack over his shoulder and sighed.
"It's just for fwo nights," he told his father
"Mijo, we're a mariachi band. If you abandon us, we'll only have one guitar,"
Mr. Rosales said with a frown and a gleam in his eye that made him look like a
heartbroken puppy
Sergio had never seen his father cry, but he wondered if maybe he was
about to witness that phenomenon. Telling him about working at a shoe store
over the weekend with a friend was not going well "Dad, I'm going to make
more money than I would performing with the family." Sergio explained.
"But we always play togetherl And then we all split the profits Mr. Rosales
exclaimed. Now he looked like the Paricutin volcano about to erupt in a Mexican
"Dad, it's going to be OK" Sergio said. "Ana knows the guitar parts to all the
songs just as well as I do if she just plays her guitar louder than usual, I think
the family will sound just fine"
Mr. Rosales sighed and said calmly, "I can't make you perform with us." Then
he added, "When you started spending so much time with Jeremy, I thought
maybe you just needed a friend. Now I'm beginning to think that you just don't
want us in your life anymore"
"Dad, I love you all," Sergio said. "I'm not trying to leave the family I'll just bo
away for four hours tonight and six hours tomorrow night. The more I earn now,
the less I need to earn later Comprendes, Papi?"
Mr. Rosales gently stroked his chin in thought. He nodded and replied, "SI,
Mijo, claro que si to say that he understood what Sergio was saying
After school, Sergio rode the city bus with his friend Jeremy to Speedaway
Athletic Shoes. Their plan was to do inventory, they were going to make a list of
the store's supplies After the boys arrived at the store, Sergio unzipped his
backpack and took out his calculator and pencil Jeremy turned on the TV in the
store's break room and tuned in to his favorite show
it's OK if we goof off," Jeremy said. "Speedaway will pay us for four hours of
work, but our job will only take us about two hours. We can do whatever we
want while we're here. The manager told me so
Sergio groaned at the thought of being dishonest. He thought about his
family playing his favorite mariachi songs without him Then he decided that
earning less money with his family was better than earning more money with a
As politely as he could, Sergio said goodbye to Jeremy and caught the next
bus home. After he arrived, he threw his backpack onto his bed, changed into
his uniform, and fished his guitar out of his closet. Then he half-walked, half-ran
the eight blocks to the restaurant where his family was performing
8 of 10 Answered
Which word best describes Sergio's character?
OA. ke
OB. greedy
OC. confused
OD. honorable
Session Timer: 14:06
Session Score: 63% (5/8)


Sergio is clearly honorable for his dad's profession and the family over money, as can be seen from the preceding text.

Sergio and his friend Jeremy took the city bus after school to get to Speedway Athletic Shoes. They intended to do an inventory and compile a list of the store's stock. Sergio unzipped his rucksack as the lads got to the shop and pulled out his calculator and pencil. Jeremy flipped on his preferred programme on the TV in the store's break area. We can have fun and act silly, Jeremy added, "We'll get paid by Speedway for four hours of work, but it will only take us around two. While we are here, we are free to do whatever we wish. Sergio scowled at the prospect of lying, "The manager told me that."

He imagined his family listening to his favorite mariachi music without him. Then he came to the conclusion that spending less money with his family would be preferable to spending more money with a buddy. Sergio said Jeremy farewell as well as he could before boarding the subsequent bus home. He walked in, dropped his bag on the bed, changed into his uniform and pulled his guitar from his wardrobe. Then he sprinted the eight streets to the restaurant where his family was performing as he partially walked.

To know more about A Family That Plays Together visit:



What is the mood of the verb in this sentence?
If I were you, I would consult a specialist.
O subjunctive
O indicative
O imperative


Answer: A; subjunctive.
Explanation: Subjunctive mood usually allows the speaker/writer to express their suggestion, wish, or demand. Typically, it would be shown as, “If I were you…” or “I suggest…” Indicative mood expresses an action as something that is true, or a fact. Typically it would be shown as, “Lisa does not like the flowers.” of “John is going to the beach.” Imperative mood expresses a command. Typically it would be shown as, “Come over here.” or “Don’t touch that.” Hope that helped!

Read the passage and identify any figurative language. I looked at the road ahead, which twisted up and around the side of the mountain like frosting on the side of a cake. It disappeared around the corner, but I could bet that it kept going upward. “You ready?” Donna asked, clipping her expensive bicycling shoes into their special pedals. “I guess,” I shrugged. With a whoop, Donna pushed off, and up the mountain we went. As we pedaled, sweat poured off me until the road behind me was a river. My calves were screaming, and my lungs felt like a boa constrictor was wrapped around them. Donna flew ahead of me. Only her back wheel caught my eye as I turned each corner. More than once, I thought to myself that if I got just a little farther behind, I could get off my bike and walk, and Donna would never know.


In this phase, you evaluate what you've said and how you've expressed it. You cannot move on to step two unless your message has been refined.Not all of these terms are brand-new, despite the fact that it could initially seem that way.

Does a boa constrictor consume humans?

There are rare instances of boa constrictors attacking humans, despite the fact that many people may be scared of them. Even newborn humans are too big to be considered ideal prey for these snakes.

The boa constrictor's method of breathing?

The animals gradually stretch a portion of their rib cage to breathe, which results in a pressure shift that draws air in. Those ribs are crushed when they are being squeezed. As prey is consumed,

To know more about constrictor visit:-



I just need and outline/draft!!! I’ll give brainliest!!

Complete the following activities.
1. Write a well-organized multi-paragraph essay (750-1,000 words) in which you analyze the relationship between some aspect of the historical, social, or cultural context in which Metamorphosis was
written and the meaning of the work as a whole.
Do not merely summarize the plot.
Use the following guidelines as a checklist to make sure you include each element in your draft:
• an introduction that engages the reader's attention and includes your thesis statement
• body paragraphs that address each of your major assertions
• textual support for each assertion
analytical statements that connect textual support to the assertions
• a conclusion that explicitly states a judgment of the literary merit of the text, as informed by your analysis of the text in its historical, social, or cultural context



F r a n z K a f k a’s Metamorphosis” is a thought-provoking novella that delves into the innermost thoughts of a man who wakes up one day transformed into a giant insect. Ka f k a’s work has been widely analyzed and interpreted over the years.

The overview of the text

However, it is crucial to understand the historical, social, and cultural context in which K a f k a wrote the novella to fully appreciate its meaning. In this essay, I will analyze the relationship between some aspect of the historical, social, or cultural context in which “Metamorphosis” was written and the meaning of the work as a whole.

Body Paragraphs:

K a f k a wrote “Metamorphosis” during a time of great social and political unrest in Europe. The novella was written in 1912, which was just before the First World War. The political and social tensions in Europe were already high, and the looming war only made it worse. This context is essential in understanding the themes of alienation and estrangement in the novella.

One of the major themes in “Metamorphosis” is alienation. K a f ka explores the feeling of being isolated from society and the consequences that arise from this isolation. The protagonist of the novella, Gregor Samsa, wakes up one day transformed into a giant insect. This transformation isolates him from the rest of society and makes him feel like an outsider. He becomes a burden on his family, who try to hide him away from the rest of the world. Gregor’s alienation from society is a reflection of the social tensions that K a f k a experienced during his time.

Another theme in “Metamorphosis” is the loss of identity. K a f ka explores how the transformation of the protagonist affects his sense of self. Gregor’s transformation changes him physically, but it also changes his identity. He is no longer a productive member of society and cannot contribute to his family’s welfare. K a f k a uses Gregor’s transformation to comment on the impact that social pressures can have on a person’s identity.

Textual Support:

K a f k a uses several literary devices to emphasize the themes of alienation and identity loss in “Metamorphosis”. He uses the imagery of Gregor’s transformation into an insect to create a sense of disgust and horror. The description of Gregor’s body is repulsive and highlights the alienation that he experiences. K a f k a also uses the motif of the door to emphasize the theme of isolation. The door represents the barrier between Gregor and the outside world. Gregor’s family locks him in his room, and he is unable to communicate with anyone outside of his family.

Read more about essay here:



Use the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. (watch) Lucy went into the living-room. It was empty but the television was still warm. Someone _____________________________ it.

2. (play; not win) I _____________________ tennis, so I had a shower. I was annoyed because I ____________________ a single game.

3. (walk; walk) The walkers finally arrived at the destination. They __________________ all day, and they needed a rest. They _____________________ thirty miles.

4. (stop; smoke) When I saw Ben last week he said he _______________ smoking. But when I saw him two days later, he ____________________ a cigarette. He took the cigarette from his mouth and looked rather ashamed.

5. (have; see; know) Harry found a note from Graham in Celia’s coat. That’s how Harry found out they ________________ an affair. In fact they _____________________ each other for months. Graham’s wife ____________________ about it all the time.

Exercise 2. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. We (cook) _________________ all day for the party that evening and by 9 o’clock we still weren’t ready.

2. It (rain) ___________________ since 2 o’clock.

3. He was very tired when he got home. He (work) ____________ hard all day.

4. He (sell) ____________________ computers for 2 months.

5. They (play) _____________ tennis for about an hour when it started to rain.

6. They are good football-players. Since when (they, play) ______________________________ football?

7. My grandfather stopped smoking last year. He (smoke) _____________ for 50 years.

8. Nick was sitting on the ground. He was out of breath. He (run) _______.

9. By the end of their journey they were very tired. They (travel) _________________________ for two days.

10. We (wait) ______________________ for your call all night.

11. The children (sleep) _____________________ since they came back home.

12. My cousin (take) ___________________ music lessons for five years now.


1. was watching
2. played; did not win
3. were walking; walked
4. had stopped; was smoking
5. were having; had been seeing; had known

1. were cooking
2. had been raining
3. was working
4. had been selling
5. had been playing
6. have they been playing
7. had smoked
8. had run
9. had travelled
10. waited
11. have been sleeping
12. has been taking
Final answer:

The exercise pertains to using Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous as well as Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous to correctly complete given sentences. The answers provided use these tenses appropriately to convey the intended meaning.


The completed sentences using Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous are as follows:

Someone had been watching it.I had played tennis, so I had a shower. I was annoyed because I had not won a single game.The walkers finally arrived at the destination. They had been walking all day, and they needed a rest. They had walked thirty miles.When I saw Ben last week he said he had stopped smoking. But when I saw him two days later, he had been smoking a cigarette.That’s how Harry found out they had been having an affair. In fact they had been seeing each other for months. Graham’s wife had known about it all the time.

For Exercise 2 using Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous:

We have been cooking all day for the party that evening.It has been raining since 2 o’clock.He had been working hard all day.He has been selling computers for 2 months.They had been playing tennis for about an hour when it started to rain.Since when have they been playing football?He had been smoking for 50 years.He had been running.They had been traveling for two days.We have been waiting for your call all night.The children have been sleeping since they came back home.My cousin has been taking music lessons for five years now.

Learn more about Present Perfect Tense here:





Answer: Technology may make an individual feel more alone.  

Explanation: Technology is the reason why many of us are not making personal connections, and can result in why many of us feel more lonely. When using technology, like cell phones, it could prevent us from enjoying relationships in our social life. When being on technology, it can affect your social life, and could make an individual feel like they don't want to socialize frequent.

Hope this helps!

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