When you write a short story, why might you use a thesaurus to look up synonyms of descriptive words?

A to add more words to your story
B to be more precise in your writing
C to vary the language and word choice
D to distinguish between word meanings


Answer 1
answer: c

explanation: a thesaurus is a book that provides synonyms for separate words. you use a thesaurus when you want to make a story more “high profile” or avoid using repeated words.
Answer 2




Related Questions

what does the claim from the passage mean?



in literature, a claim is a statement that asserts something to be true. A claim can either be factual or a judgment.However, in literature, claims have a special function of presenting the author's main ideas or opinions which he or she can later support with more evidence.

What does reliability mean?



In simple terms, someone you‘re able to trust and rely on


Definition- The quality i’ve been trustworthy or performing consistently well! And example would be always being able to rely on your friend so your friend is a reliability! Hope this helps!

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in the Gettysburg Address supports the claim that President Lincoln did not recognize the historical importance of his speech?
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the
proposition that "all men are created equal."
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met
on a great battle field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it, as a final resting place for those who died here, that the nation
might live. This we may, in all propriety do. But in a larger sense, we can not dedicate-we can not consecrate-we can not hallow, this ground
- The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have hallowed it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note,
nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here.
It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased
devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in
vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people by the people for the people, shall not perish from
the earth.



The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here.

what is the theme in "the show must go on "



The story "The Show Must Go On" is named after a popular phrase in show business  which means that no matter what the circumstances the show or film that has been put together should be played or filmed for the waiting audience. The story aims to teach us that even though certain people and situations may initially appear as problems when they enter our lives, we should be optimistic and treat them as opportunities to better ourselves and our work. In the end, we may not get exactly what we wanted in the first go but we will understand that all persons and situations enter our life for a specific reason.

In "The Show Must Go On" Tessa is initially upset on being paired with Varick who is neither similar to her nor related to someone famous as she had desired but is instead a Midwestern boy who has never left his home in Ohio. However, as the story progresses Varick turns out to be a blessing in disguise for Tessa. He teaches her that we should make the most of every opportunity that comes our way. She was aghast to discover that he had an open-ended design for his script that he wanted to develop spontaneously as he filmed for the program. She considered his ideas as a waste of a golden opportunity. As the story progresses, Tessa begins to appreciate her partner's viewpoint when things do not exactly go as she had planned them.

In the fourth week, Tessa reviews her footage to discover that her film is a complete opposite of what she had thought. She is filled with envy when she discovers that Varick's film which she had greatly underestimated was looking way better than her own work. Varick had utilized the obstacle of the storm and captured the thunder laden sky in a breathtaking way. Moreover, instead of rushing through the special effects like Tessa he had made it a point to minimize the side effects and made the best of every situation. After this incident, Tessa realized the importance of being spontaneous and going with the flow as the same methods that she had disapproved of had produced far better results than her own. She becomes friends with Varick and shares and discusses her work with him. In the end, her film is saved when she learns to turn the obstacle of refusal from the museum into an opportunity to film the runners as they pass the museum. The judges appreciate her film and she learns that  "The Show Must Go On".


Why did Jim Crow laws exist/ what were their purpose?


Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation. Named after a Black minstrel show character, the laws—which existed for about 100 years, from the post-Civil War era until 1968—were meant to marginalize African Americans by denying them the right to vote, hold jobs, get an education or other opportunities. Those who attempted to defy Jim Crow laws often faced arrest, fines, jail sentences, violence and death.
Hope this helps. :)

Yo lemme get dat answer real quick homies tho i dont know if anyone is up rn



freedom from fear


It states towards the end that the persons guilt was lifted.

Write the prepositional phrases for the following sentences: That would
have never occurred to me.



The prepositional phrase is to be


At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause, the "object" of the preposition. The object of the p reposition will often have one or more modifiers to describe it.

List of prepositions







































































What impact did African American World War II veterans have on the early civil rights movement?



black veterans led the postwar civil right charge.Blacks returned home from the war to a life of bigotry and injustice.The experiences of African American soldiers during World War II inspired many of them to agitate for civil rights when they returned to civilian life. Even though black soldiers faced discrimination from within the American military, they had the opportunity to observe societies where Jim Crow racism was not the law of the land.Black soldiers hoped that their military service would serve as a powerful claim to equal citizenship for African Americans.



african americans went home to bigotry and injustice after serving in the war even tho the war created spots for african american people the war became a racial and political consciousness of a genaration of black people especially those who served in the army wich had a impact in the civil rights movement .


i think im right

Use the drop-down menu to choose the most precise word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Maria got a new ___ for her birthday.
The ___ woman walked slowly down the street.
The child ___ because his mom would not buy him a candy bar.
I ___ across the yard after my dog.
A) sports car, vehicle
B) Ancient, old
C) Howled, cried
D) Bolted, ran



Maria got a new sports car for her birthday.

The ancient women walked slowly down the street.

The child howled because his mom would not buy him a candy bar.

I bolt across the yard after my dog.


The most precise word or phrase to complete each sentence are:

Maria got a new sports car for her birthday.The old woman walked slowly down the street.The child cried because his mom would not buy him a candy bar.I ran across the yard after my dog.

What is grammar?

Grammar is a set of rules that governs how words, sentences, and other aspects of a language are combined and understood. The term “grammar” also refers to a book that contains these rules or the study of these abstract aspects.

The old woman walked slowly down the street. Ancient is used for very old things or dead things or non-living things. I ran across the yard after my dog. Bolted means ran very quickly.

Therefore, the correct options are

A) sports car.

B) old

C) cried

D) ran.

To learn more about grammar, refer to the link:



The author of the passage states that Michelangelo Buonarroti was the greatest artist of the Italian Renaissance How is this statement supported throughout the passage? A ) B ) by detailing Michelangelo's life from his birth until his death by explaining how Michelangelo faced and overcame the challenges and problems as an artist by exposing the between Michelangelo and Renaissance Sanzio by asserting that Michelangelo's name much better known other author's names



by explaining how Michelangelo faced and overcame the challenges and problems as an artist

Explanation:Uhh... I read the story.

By explaining how Michelangelo faced and overcame the challenges and problems as an artist  This statement supported throughout the passage

What is the artist?

An artist is a person engaged in an activity related to making art, practicing the arts, or demoing art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse refers to a practitioner in the visual arts only. Artists of the Renaissance, an artist specializing in watercolors. Someone skilled in any of the arts, I can't draw at all.

One of the most significant Renaissance artists is Michelangelo. His artistic accomplishments included sculpture, painting, and architecture. A few of his masterpieces include his David sculpture, the Sistine Chapel ceiling painting, and the St. Peter's Basilica mural.

The best-known of Michelangelo's works today are arguably the paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican (1508–12), which feature the famous representation of the creation of Adam as it is understood from Genesis. However, the artist saw himself more as a sculptor.

Therefore, Thus, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the artist here:



Please help me with this!


Answer: C

Explanation: It says 'you should not believe what you hear' which means the author is against the existence of urban legends




They are talking about the book To Kill a Mockingbird

Probably nobody will do this and thats ok I’m just giving it a shot cause this is due today




6) Yes, I do have some type of connection with the word actually. I'm half black. Thankfully, I have never been called the word. I do/do not use the word sometimes (optional sentence). I never use it in a negative manner though. (Corresponds to the optional sentence). I would most definately take offense to the word if I was called it and i would retaliate by (your choice). I had first heard of the word when I was (whatever age you were) and was taught that it wasn't appropriate to (i dont know exactly what u were taught with it. i was taught that i shouldnt risk saying it around darker skinned people because they most likely wont know that i am half black).

The one thing i can't do is bring in evidence from the book bc i lost it. i thought i still had it but its not here. Im sorry. But i hope what i had put in helped at least a bit. I would suggest finding some things from the chapters where she first heard the word and explained where some parts u agree from ur own point of view with a small bit of explanations here and there. :)


Poetry,Essay, and novel make a definition in your own word NOT GOOGLE


Answer: 1.a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems.  2.a short piece of writing on a particular subject. 3.a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.


What will your problem be? This is the focus of your story. How did the problem affect you? How did you solve the problem? How did you feel after you solved the problem?


Letter Idea That I Made for an Automatic Irrigation System, via Arduino:

Dear (The Person The Letter Is For),

I have noticed that many of my plants die due to neglect. People (including me) don't water their plants. This problem effected me and most-likely lots of others very much because we have put in lots of my time and money into making a garden, just for it to fail. In fact, the Ancient Civilization of Egypt collapsed because the Egyptians were not able to properly maintain water levels in plants, leading the plants to wilt, a lack in water because of wasting the water on the plant, the Egyptians to die of dehydration, and the fall of Ancient Egypt. So I made an Arduino-based automatic irrigation system to help other like me and obviously myself maintain a healthy garden. This device will water my plants whenever they are dehydrated, and it will water in correct amounts, due to the soil moisture sensor in the setup. This solution worked, and I feel happy because the solution worked, it was very inexpensive, and it was super easy to make.




From the way that Agamemnon talks to Amphimedon, the reader can infer that Agamemnon
is disturbed by Amphimedon.
is fighting with Amphimedon.
has great respect for Amphimedon.
has a deep affection for Amphimedon
please help fast


The first thing I did was t


(A) is disturbed by Amphimedon. ]



The ____ basketball team won the state championship



i will put {The boys basketball team won the state championship.Explanation:hoped i helped :D

How does this poster reflect the United States’ concerns during the World War II era?


It reminds of racist past.

What figurative language is “rain of steel” ?


simile i think hope this helps




It is a metaphor because it says that something is something. It is not a simile because it is not using "like" or "as".

In a story without conflict, there is tons of action, a huge fight, ample passion, and various problems.

Select one:
a. True
b. False





a story without conflict would have no conflict

fighting and problems are conflict


Did you just assume my gender?

Please mark me brainliest :)


Read the passage below from Captain John Smith's personal account of his experience in America. As you read, think about how he presents himself in this passage.

When this news reached Jamestown, much was their sorrow for his loss, few having expected him to be captured. For six or seven weeks those Barbarians kept him prisoner, and many strange triumphs conjurations they made of him. He behaved among them in a way that not only diverted them from surprising the Fort, but also procured his own liberty, and made himself and his company so respected among them, that those savages admired him more than their own gods.

What is the BEST description of John Smith's account of himself?
Group of answer choices

He has an inflated view of his importance in the colony.

He portrays a humble view of himself and how others see him.

He portrays himself as frightened, angry, and ready to attack.

He is overconfident about how he will treated among the Native Americans.



A. He has an inflated view of his importance in the colony.


Captain John Smith was an English soldier and explorer of the New Continent (America). He is famous as the governor of the first British settlement in America, Jamestown. He wrote down his experiences and they were later published.

However, one could justifiably doubt the credibility of these historical sources.

Here, we see that he writes about himself in third person (which is an indicator of the size of his ego). Also, events portrayed in this excerpt present him as a hero, a saviour of the settlement and a highly respected member of the colony. We can't say for sure that is a lie, but it is safe to say that his descriptions of himself and his actions were, at least, a bit of out-of-proportion.

How does Dickens characterize Scrooge's outward appearance?|



In stave one, Ebenezer Scrooge is depicted as an extremely cold, callous businessman who is insensitive, cold-hearted, and miserly. Dickens vividly describes Ebenezer Scrooge by writing,

Scrooge! a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shriveled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice.

Scrooge's character is synonymous with the cold, frigid environment, and his features seem to highlight his miserable, unfriendly demeanor. Dickens further characterizes Scrooge as a bitter, callous man by revealing how the citizens of London go out of their way to avoid him in the street. Even animals purposely avoid Scrooge and never make eye contact with him.

Scrooge is further characterized as a greedy, solitary man during his interactions with his nephew and with his employee, Bob Cratchit. Scrooge rejects his nephew's offer to celebrate Christmas, threatens to fire his employee, and dismisses the two gentlemen collecting holiday donations to the poor. Dickens's portrayal of Scrooge's unfriendly, miserly personality only emphasizes his remarkable transformation after he is visited by three spirits that night. By the end of the story, Scrooge has transformed into a loving, charismatic, friendly man who is generous, warm, and hospitable.





From the earliest days of her childhood, Kamala Harris was taught that the road to racial justice was long.

She spoke often on the campaign trail of those who had come before her, of her parents, immigrants drawn to the civil rights struggle in the United States — and of the ancestors who had paved the way.

As she took the stage in Texas shortly before the election, Ms. Harris spoke of being singular in her role but not solitary.

“Yes, sister, sometimes we may be the only one that looks like us walking in that room,” she told a largely Black audience in Fort Worth. “But the thing we all know is we never walk in those rooms alone — we are all in that room together.”


Kamala Harris may history as the  first African American to be elected as vice president. She also is inspring young African American little  girl and all girls  to become who what they want to be. She have proven that she is capabled  of doing anything to bring this nation together and untite the country again.  


Hope this help (Love Kamala Harris :) )

Using the list of prefixes and roots above, the word which matches the definition, write on, is


I believe "inscribe" is the answer you're looking for.

Should boys and girls be in separate classes?



Hell to the no


Mixing these classes results in less hate, jealousy, and negative experiences.

Sure boys may tease girls, and girls may tease them back, but if we keep them separate, then wee isolate. This results in even worse social anxiety and uncomfortableness, and can lead to judgement, such as "I play soccer because I am a boy, which means that girls cant do that because they are bad at it", or "I can do gymnastics because I'm a girl, so any boys that do it are weird". Overall it would destroy any chances of breaking gender norms or giving kids a chance to be themselves, that's no bueno.

Which workplaces are common for someone in Consumer Services? Select all that apply.
apartment building
barber shop


Answer:   B.   Bank   &   D.   Office    ( 2, 4 )

Explanation:  People who work in Consumer Services are usually ones having to do with working in finances. Some career examples would be Loan Counselors and Customer Service Representatives. Those other workplace options have nothing to do with careers in this path. This information is a summary of Edge's notes in the Career Explorations course.

I hope this helped !

Good luck <3


Workplaces common for an employees in Consumer Science are banks and offices.



Read this excerpt from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone.

Fortunately, the French had made a number of copies of the inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone. They did this by covering the surface of the Stone with printer’s ink, laying a sheet of paper on it, and rolling rubber rollers over it until good, clear impressions were obtained.

Based on the word choice in this excerpt, how does Giblin feel about the French attempt to understand the writings on the Rosetta Stone?

that it was a waste of time
that it was worthwhile
that it was impossible
that it was amazing



that it was worthwhile


i took it on edge




What is the main organizational structure the student uses in the report? Ideas are presented in order of least important to most important. Ideas are presented in order of least important to most important. Events are related in chronological order. Events are related in chronological order. Two ideas are compared and contrasted. Two ideas are compared and contrasted. Topic sentences are followed by supporting details. Topic sentences are followed by supporting details.



Topic sentences are followed by supporting details.


When writing a report, the student can adopt different organizational structures that match more with the text he will write. However, one of the most efficient structures for writing a report is the use of topical phrases followed by supporting details.

This structure is efficient, because it allows the author to establish an argument or an essential statement for the report, with several supporting phrases that prove that the statement or argument is true, in addition to enriching the text and showing that the author has researched and prepared to write it.

"On pages 137-138, Montag finds himself outside of the city noticing new sights, sounds, and sensations. The narrator mainly uses this paragraph beginning with “There must have been a billion leaves…” to show
A. Montag’s enjoyment of the sensory experience of being in nature

B. the ingredients Montag normally used when he cooked for his wife, Mildred

C. the dangers of being new in an unfamiliar environment

D. how far Montag is from the city


Answer: A. Montag’s enjoyment of the sensory experience of being in nature


Human beings have a tendency to exaggerate when they are happy about something which is why when Montag was outside of the city and in the presence of nature, his total enjoyment of the serenity that came with the sensory experience of being in nature prompted him to declare that he must have seen a billion leaves even if he did not.

For Angela's English project, she wanted to be to the point in her presentation. She did not want to say more than she needed to because her project explained it all.

What does the phrase to the point suggest?
Angela wants her presentation to be very sharp.
Angela wants to be very brief with what she says.
Angela does not want others to touch her project.
Angela wants to touch the project with her finger.


B is the answer for this

please help me asap I need this today



Y = 4x -3


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