What is colonisation​


Answer 1


the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.

Explanation: WARNING: I used g.o.o.g.l.e for this answer, if you copy and paste this you will get copy write claimed unless you say your source or put that definition into your own words. You could also just change some of the words on the definition

Hope I helped

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A map titled Physical Features of East Asia. A key shows Lowlands in green, Highlands in yellow, and mountains with brown triangles. China is surrounded by the following countries: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Laos, Thailand, and Bangladesh. The map has labels 1 through 4. 1 is a river in Mongolia. 2 is a river in southern China. 3 is a river south of the Qin Mountains. 4 is a river north of the Qin Mountains.
Which number on the map shows the Yellow River?






I guest I m new




first of all where is the quastion

Who was the first African American woman to serve as the US Secretary of State?

Angela Merkel
Margaret Thatcher
Anita Hill
Condoleezza Rice


Answer:Answer:     Condoleezza Rice

Explanation: On Edg.. 2021


D: Condoleezza Rice


Edge 2022

Is a marble cake the best way to describe the dynamic involved in cooperative federalism? If so, why? If not, what would be a better way to
illustrate that relationship? What analogy would you use for coercive federalism?


A marbled cake in which the different flavors intermingle without a previously established order clearly serves as an example to demonstrate how cooperative federalism works.

Federalism is the term used to describe a system of government where sovereignty is constitutionally divided between central government and the smaller units, which may be called provinces, states or regions.  

Within federalism we can find various ways to carry it out, one of which is cooperative federalism. This type of federalism implies that the various levels of sovereignty in a territory (national, state, local, etc.) collaborate with each other to fulfill the different responsibilities of government.

Learn more about federalism in https://brainly.com/question/2284707

what president made armistice day veterans day


President Eisenhower

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can I get a pic of it plz it would help

To my dear Historia,
As I write this Reiner is standing at my side. He knows this is a love letter but he’s still sneaking glances. Honestly, it’s no wonder the creep is still single. That said, he did give me his word that he’d deliver this letter to you. He says he owes me for the time I doubled back to save him.
I’m sorry about that. I never would have imagined myself choosing those two over you.
I’m gonna die soon, but I’ll die without regrets, Or that’s what I’d like to say. Truth is, I do have one. I never got to marry you...
With love, Ymir



Potato girl dead...........

Natural Resources

1-Coal Mine

2-Scientist, factory worker, accountant

3-new robotic technology in a factory

4-idea for a new car powered by solar energy



so what's the question po?

How is New Mexico’s bill of rights different from the US Bill of Rights?



The name of this state is New Mexico, and its boundaries are as follows:


Beginning at the point where the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude intersects the one hundred and third meridian west from Greenwich; thence along said one hundred and third meridian to the thirty-second parallel of north latitude; thence along said thirty-second parallel to the Rio Grande, also known as the Rio Bravo del Norte, as it existed on the ninth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty; thence, following the main channel of said river, as it existed on the ninth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, to the parallel of thirty-one degrees forty-seven minutes north latitude; thence west one hundred miles to a point; thence south to the parallel of thirty-one degrees twenty minutes north latitude; thence along said parallel of thirty-one degrees twenty minutes, to the thirty-second meridian of longitude west from Washington; thence along said thirty-second meridian to the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude; thence along said thirty-seventh parallel to the point of beginning.[1]

Which method of protest (boycotts, sit-ins, or marches) had the greatest impact on the civil rights movement. Why?





Boycotts had more of an impact because they caused companies and businesses to lose customers. Thus, causing them to have less money to sustain their business.  For example, the Montgomery bus boycotts. People of color and allies quit funding businesses because of segregation laws.


This question sounds like it can be argued in any way but I think the best answer would be boycotts because they directly harmed the opposing side.

from which country did the united states win its independence?



Great Britain.


The United States used to be a group of colonies, and they fought in the Revolutionary War for their independence from Great Britain. In the end, they won, and we are now a separate nation.

The united states win its independence from Great Britain By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress in 1776.

How did united states win its independence from Great Britain?

The American Revolution,  was a 1775–83 revolt that resulted to the political independence of 13 of Great Britain's North American colonies and the eventual formation of the United States of America.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which the 13 American colonies used to dissolve their political ties to Great Britain. The Declaration enumerated the reasons why the colonies wanted independence.

One of the most significant texts in American history is the Declaration of Independence. The declaration of independence from British authority by the 13 American colonies was a formal action.

To learn more about American Revolution



a. Bedouin-Who are they/what did they do?



Most Bedouins are animal herders who migrate into the desert during the rainy winter season and move back toward the cultivated land in the dry summer months. Bedouin tribes have traditionally been classified according to the animal species that are the basis of their livelihood.


enslaved Africans resist slavery in english colonies slavery by



Feigning illness, working slowly, producing shoddy work, and misplacing or damaging tools and equipment.


Although these examples are less obvious ones and probably don't have anything to do with the article you may be reading I hope these help

They would work slowly and break the tools they needed to crop the crops. hope this helps :) please give brainly

Which activities influenced by early Indians are you familiar with? Check all that apply. viewing statues of the Buddha or of Hindu gods in museums or online reading stories about Hindu gods like Rama and Shiva using algebra to solve a problem using a telescope to look at stars and planets working on a computer





All of the above

It wants to know how much you know about this subject.

Which definition best describes militarism?
A) A policy of maintaining a large army
B) A policy of peaceful coexistence
C) A partnership formed between nations
D) A policy of isolation from foreign relations


Because the definition of militarism states:

the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.

Hope this helps!
Brainliest and a like is much appreciated!

What’s a national government and it’s purpose?



National governments are responsible for maintaining internal and external security and stability

which 1899 statement established america's right to trade with china without interference from european nations



North American Free Trade Agreement


The North American Free Trade Agreement was an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States that created a trilateral trade bloc in North America. The agreement came into force on January 1, 1994, and superseded the 1988 Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Canada.

Which Enlightenment principle did Napolean adhere to? A government that does not work for its people can be overthrown. Unrestricted civil liberties are necessary to ensure progress in government. The monarchy can play a significant role in a well-organized government. People whose rights are not protected by their government will emigrate.




Government doesn't protect people's rights

Social reform necessary for government support

Monarchy can play role in well organized government

People whose right aren't protect by government will emirage

Social enlightenment is a philosophical movement that dominated the Europe and centered around the idea of the primary source of authority and legitimacy.

Advocate such as liberal and tolerance and fraternity. As of napoleon the principle that social reform is necessary for government support.

Hence the option B is correct.

Learn more about the enlightenment principle did Napoleon adhere.


Suquamish Tribe Donates $80,000 to Peninsula Community Health Services
In 2012, Peninsula Community Health Services expects to have taken care of 25,000 patients in 80,000 visits, providing 24-hour on-call care for low-income, uninsured and underinsured residents at four locations.
Patients pay for services according to a sliding scale, based on income. . . .
Though nonprofit, “Our providers are all paid. We have as strong a program as you have anywhere else,” CEO Barbara Malich said. “Our clients range from the admiral’s wife on TriCare to the homeless person down the street.”
On Wednesday, Peninsula Community Health Services will receive a financial boost from the Suquamish Tribe. Members of the Tribal Council will visit the Peninsula Community Health Service offices on 7th Avenue in Poulsbo, 11 a.m. to noon, to present a donation of $80,000 and tour the offices.
“Peninsula Community Health Services has been working with the Tribe, especially on wellness, and some tribal members use their services,” Suquamish Tribe spokeswoman April Leigh said. “That relationship has grown, and the Suquamish Tribal Council wanted to contribute to support the good work [the health service does] for the uninsured and underinsured.”
She said the Suquamish Tribe’s donation will help cover the cost of behavioral health services two days a week for a year.
–North Kitsap Herald,
December 17, 2012

What is the purpose of this donation by the Suquamish Tribe?

A. to build a new medical facility and other forms of infrastructure
B. to help pay for health care for people who cannot afford it in the community
C. to teach organizations how to secure funding for health care and other services
D. to pay for the education of young people who want to become doctors and nurses


Explain: The Squamish Tribe is committed to supporting non-profit programs that improve the lives of those living in Kitsap County and the greater Puget Sound Area.


the answer is B



How did black codes affect African-Americans in Louisiana?



When slavery ended in the United States, freedom still eluded African Americans who were contending with the repressive set of laws known as the black codes. Widely enacted throughout the South following the Civil War—a period called Reconstruction—these laws both limited the rights of Black people and exploited them as a labor source.

In fact, life after bondage didn’t differ much from life during bondage for the African Americans subjected to the black codes. This was by design, as slavery had been a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and the former Confederate states sought a way to continue this system of subjugation.

“They may have lost the war, but they’re not going to lose power civically and socially,” says M. Keith Claybrook Jr., an assistant professor in the Department of Africana Studies at California State University, Long Beach. “So, the black codes were an attempt to restrict and limit freedom.”

Losing the Civil War meant the South had little choice but to recognize the Reconstruction-era policies that abolished slavery. By using the law to deny African Americans the opportunities and privileges that white people enjoyed, however, the one-time Confederacy could keep these newly liberated Americans in virtual bondage.

(source: https://www.history.com/news/black-codes-reconstruction-slavery)

what is a possible explanation for why the giant ice caps that covered a supercontinent in the paleozoic era melted?



Volcanic outgassing increased the greenhouse effect.


What was the Eisenhower doctrine?


Answer: The Eisenhower Doctrine allows a country to ask for economic or military support if they are threatened by another country or state.

Explanation: President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced the Eisenhower Doctrine in January 1957, and Congress approved it in March of the same year. Under the Eisenhower Doctrine, a country could request American economic assistance and/or aid from U.S. military forces if it was being threatened by armed aggression from another state. Eisenhower singled out the Soviet threat in his doctrine by authorizing the commitment of U.S. forces "to secure and protect the territorial integrity and political independence of such nations, requesting such aid against overt armed aggression from any nation controlled by international communism."

The Eisenhower Administration's decision to issue this doctrine was motivated in part by an increase in Arab hostility toward the West and growing Soviet influence in Egypt and Syria following the Suez Crisis of 1956. The Suez Crisis, which had resulted in military mobilization by Great Britain, France, and Israel--as well as United Nations action--against Egypt, had encouraged pan-Arab sentiment in the Middle East, and elevated the popularity and influence of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. President Eisenhower believed that, as a result of the Suez conflict, a power vacuum had formed in the Middle East due to the loss of prestige of Great Britain and France. Eisenhower feared that this had allowed Nasser to spread his pan-Arab policies and form dangerous alliances with Jordan and Syria and had opened the Middle East to Soviet influence. Eisenhower wanted this vacuum filled by the United States before the Soviets could step in to fill the void. Because Eisenhower feared that radical nationalism would combine with international communism in the region and threaten Western interests, he was willing to commit to sending U.S. troops to the Middle East under certain circumstances.

The first real test of the Eisenhower Doctrine came in 1958 in Lebanon, where the threat was not armed aggression or a direct Soviet incursion. Lebanon's President, Camille Chamoun, requested assistance from the United States in order to prevent attacks from Chamoun's political rivals, some of whom had communist leanings and ties to Syria and Egypt. Eisenhower responded to Chamoun's request by sending U.S. troops into Lebanon to help maintain order. Although Eisenhower never directly invoked the Eisenhower Doctrine, the American action in Lebanon was meant not only to help Chamoun's Government against its political opponents, but also to send a signal to the Soviet Union that it would act to protect its interests in the Middle East.

hope this helps!

What best describes the Arabian Peninsula in the late 6th century (around the time of Muhammad's birth and early life?)​





Most people were polytheistic nomads living in tribes.

Ok so it is b………………….

Compare and contrast the Mughal Empire to the Ottoman Empire



From my point of view they have five differences:

1- Lifetime lenght, Ottoman Empire ( officially Dawlat-i Aliyye which means just and alone “ Empire / Big State ) has remained more centuries instead of Mughal Empire ( Baburides ).

2- Mughal Empire was just located in one subcontinent/peninsula which is Indian subcontinent but Ottoman Empire located in three different continent; Europe, Asia and Africa.

3- Even all Hindustani languages borrow some words from Turkish - especially Urdu language which Urdu means Army in Turkish - there is no Turkish speaking community after the collapse of Mughal Empire. But in Ottoman Empire case, Turkey’s, Azerbaijan’s and Turkish Republic of North Cyprus’ official language is Turkish and there is many strong and not assimilated linguistic minorities in all Empire’s territory.

4- After the Mughal Empire’s collaps the territory created mainly four states; India, Pakistan, Bengaldesh and Sri Lanka. But on the Ottoman’s territory - after the collapse of course - established 45 different country. So it means that the ethnic and religious diversity of Ottomans were more than Mughals.

5- Even Ottomani Turkish took a strong influence from Arabic and Persian; Turkish was the official language of Ottoman Empire. Instead of this truth, Mughal’s official language was Persian.

I hope my answer helps you to understand.

Why and how the Spanish were able to easily defeat the Aztecs?


Answers: The Spanish were able to defeat the Aztec and the Inca not only because they had horses, dogs, guns, and swords, but also because they brought with them germs that made many native Americans sick. Diseases like smallpox and measles were unknown among the natives; therefore, they had no immunity to them.

where does 80% of the population live? a)on farms b)in rural areas c)in or near the city d)along the coast


In or near the city would be the answer

When we think of city/urban populations we think of a dense area with a lot of people.

Select the statements that are True about Theodore Roosevelt
(4 Points)
Set aside land for a national park system
Wrote the Monroe Doctrine
Vetoed the Monroe Doctrine
Based policies on the ideas of the Monroe Doctrine
Established a police that made the United States the police of the Western Hemisphere
Supported corporate monopolies because they were good for the U.S. economy
Opposed corporate monopolies and was known as a "Trust Buster."



Set aside land for a national park system


Write a 500-word essay analyzing and evaluating US Democracy. ● What was the historical context for the US Founding Fathers’ desire for a new form of government? What were they trying to get rid of? What did they include in our Constitution to ensure that we thrived? ● Identify two ways in which the Founding Fathers neglected to adequately protect the rights of everyone. Hint: look at Constitutional Amendments to see how the US has started to remedy their shortcomings. ● Contrast the US Democracy with any other form of government. Find two distinctions and evaluate their strengths vs. weaknesses. Provide explanation for your analysis.


To write an essay analyzing and evaluating democracy in the United States, it is necessary to understand some fundamental historical contexts, such as the desire for freedom in order to achieve American independence.

The settlers were trying to free themselves from the rule of the British colonizers, which culminated in the American Revolution, which transformed the US into a unified, independent, republican and federalist country.

Through the American Constitution, it was established to create a balance between the centralized power of the president while guaranteeing the autonomy of states, preventing the government from becoming a tyranny, but rather a democracy.

US democracy has several strengths compared to other, more protectionist forms of government. Some advantages of democracy are:

EquityGovernance through voteFreedom of expressionSovereignty of the people

Therefore, democracy is a system that guarantees that all citizens are equal before the law, and all have an active role in government decisions, directly or indirectly.

It is essential that there is awareness of the political role of the citizen to achieve a fairer society for all.

Find out more information about US Democracy here:


what is one positive impact the european settlers had on native americans?


European settlers did non have a very positive impact on indigenous people. For the sake of your grades, though, mid-19th century the settlers brought many kinds of horses to the Americas.


When the Europeans arrived they brought with them diseases unknown to the natives. The natives, having no immunity died from diseases that the Europeans thought of as commonplace. They also brought guns, alcohol and horses. The effect of these was to change the way of life for the Native Americans.


why was papyrus so important to the ancient egyptians?


The ancient Egyptians used papyrus to make paper, baskets, sandals, mats, rope, blankets, tables, chairs, mattresses, medicine, perfume, food, and clothes.
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