what is an example of terrigenous sediment? diatomaceous earth oolite sand granite manganese nodules


Answer 1

Answer: Sand


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how do craters differ from calderas? how do craters differ from calderas? calderas are always composed of mafic material, whereas craters are always composed of felsic material. calderas form as a result of the summits of volcanoes collapsing, whereas craters only form in the tops of explosive volcanoes. calderas, which have diameters of 1 km or more, are much larger than craters. they result when the summit of the volcano collapses into the magma chamber. calderas are much smaller than craters, which have diameters of 1 km or more. craters form when the summit of the volcano collapses into the magma chamber. calderas are always composed of felsic material, whereas craters are always composed of mafic material.


Craters and calderas are both geological features related to volcanic activity, but they differ in several ways. Calderas are generally larger, with diameters of 1 km or more, while craters are smaller. Calderas form as a result of the summit of a volcano collapsing into the magma chamber, whereas craters typically form on the tops of explosive volcanoes

Craters and calderas are geological features that are formed by volcanic activity. Craters are bowl-shaped depressions that form at the summit of a volcano when it erupts and blasts out a vent or a crater lake. Calderas are larger and more complex features that form when the summit of a volcano collapses following a massive eruption or when magma is withdrawn from beneath the surface. Calderas can be several kilometers wide and may contain a central depression, known as a resurgent dome, surrounded by a ring of mountains. Both craters and calderas can have significant effects on the surrounding environment, including releasing volcanic gases, ash, and lava flows.

Learn more about Craters and calderas here:



a source of precisely timed radio bursts, believed to be spinning neutron stars.


The phenomenon you're describing is known as a pulsar. Pulsars are spinning neutron stars that emit precisely timed radio bursts due to their strong magnetic fields and rapid rotation.

The source of precisely timed radio bursts that are believed to be spinning neutron stars is known as a pulsar. Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars that emit beams of electromagnetic radiation. As the pulsar spins, the beams sweep across space like a lighthouse, producing a regular pattern of radio emissions that can be detected on Earth. Pulsars were first discovered in 1967 and have since been studied extensively as important objects for understanding the properties of matter under extreme conditions, as well as for testing theories of gravity and astrophysics. These celestial objects were first discovered in 1967 and have since been observed across various wavelengths, including radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray emissions.

Learn more about celestial objects :



(q021) groundwater contaminants group of answer choices move so slowly that they are usually detected and removed before they travel far. are always toxic materials like arsenic, mercury, and lead. like sulfur, iron, calcium carbonate, and methane may come from the rock the water flows through. are all eventually removed by rock and sediment acting as natural filters.


Groundwater contaminants C. like sulfur, iron, calcium carbonate, and methane may come from the rock the water flows through.

Where do groundwater contaminants come from ?

Groundwater contaminants can come from a variety of sources, including human activities such as industrial and agricultural processes, as well as natural sources such as minerals and rocks. The specific types of contaminants that are present in groundwater depend on the geology and hydrology of the region, as well as the surrounding land use.

Some groundwater contaminants can move quickly through the subsurface and pose a significant risk to human health and the environment.

Find out more on groundwater contaminants at https://brainly.com/question/9643265


the ability of rocks to accumulate large amounts of strain energy before rupturing and the ability of a rock body to store strain as frictional resistance at the faults generate ______.


The ability of a rock body to store strain as frictional resistance at the faults generate stick-slip behavior, which can lead to earthquakes.

The concept of stick-slip behavior refers to the tendency of a rock body to store elastic strain energy as it is subjected to tectonic stresses, until it reaches a critical threshold where the frictional resistance along a fault is overcome and the rock suddenly slips, generating seismic waves that we experience as earthquakes. In many cases, faults are locked and do not slip continuously due to the frictional resistance between the two sides of the fault. As tectonic forces continue to act on the rock, the strain energy builds up until it reaches a critical point, at which point the fault suddenly slips, releasing the accumulated energy as seismic waves. This slip can occur suddenly and violently, causing an earthquake.

Learn more about rock :



The ability of rocks to accumulate large amounts of strain energy before rupturing and the ability of a rock body to store strain as frictional resistance at the faults generate a phenomenon known as elastic rebound.

Elastic rebound is the release of accumulated strain energy when a rock body ruptures along a fault. As tectonic forces act upon a rock body, strain energy accumulates within the rock, causing it to deform. The rock body resists this deformation through frictional resistance along its faults.

When the accumulated strain energy exceeds the frictional resistance, the rock body ruptures along the fault. The release of strain energy causes the rock body to snap back or rebound, resulting in an earthquake. This process is called elastic rebound because the rock body returns to its original shape after the release of strain energy.

In summary, the accumulation of strain energy and the storage of strain as frictional resistance at faults in a rock body generate elastic rebound, which is the process responsible for earthquakes.

To know more about strain energy refer here:



what type of weather may typically be found in the comma tail of an extratropical cyclone? group of answer choices sleet ice pellets freezing rain thunderstorms


The comma tail of an extratropical cyclone typically contains areas of precipitation, including rain and snow, as well as gusty winds and possibly thunderstorms. Sleet, ice pellets, and freezing rain may also be present, especially in colder regions, but they are not necessarily the most common types of precipitation in the comma tail.

The comma tail of an extratropical cyclone typically contains a mix of precipitation types, depending on the temperature and moisture content of the air mass. This can include rain, sleet, freezing rain, snow, and ice pellets. Thunderstorms can also occur in the comma tail, particularly in the warm sector of the storm where warm, moist air is lifted and cooled, leading to instability and convective activity. The exact weather conditions in the comma tail will depend on a variety of factors, including the strength and track of the cyclone, the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air masses, and local topography.

Learn more about topography here:



features on the earth that are the furthest away from the equator


The North Pole: The North Pole is located at 90 degrees north latitude, which makes it the furthest point on Earth from the equator.

1.The South Pole: The South Pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude, which also makes it the furthest point on Earth from the equator.

2.Greenland: Greenland is a large island that lies between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Its northernmost point, Kaffeklubben Island, is located at 83.66 degrees north latitude.

3.Siberia: Siberia is a vast region in Russia that lies mostly north of the 50th parallel. The city of Norilsk, which is located in northern Siberia, is one of the furthest human settlements from the equator.

4.Canada: Canada is the world's second-largest country by area, and much of it lies in the high latitudes. Alert, a small military outpost on the northern tip of Ellesmere Island, is the northernmost permanently inhabited place on Earth.

5.Antarctica: Antarctica is the southernmost continent on Earth, and its highest point, Vinson Massif, is located at 78 degrees south latitude.

Learn more about North Pole here:



the main carrier of heat between the warm tropics and the cold polar regions is


The main carrier of heat between the warm tropics and the cold polar regions is the atmospheric circulation.

The Earth's atmosphere is an important factor in the transfer of heat because it acts as an insulator, trapping heat near the surface. The atmosphere also moves heat around the globe through the process of convection.

Warm air rises near the equator and is transported towards the poles. As the air cools, it descends near the poles, providing a return flow of air towards the equator. This circulation of air is called the Hadley cell, and helps to transport heat from the warm tropics to the cold polar regions. Other atmospheric circulations, such as the Ferrel cell and the Polar cell, also help to transport heat around the globe.

Ocean currents also play an important role in the transfer of heat, as they transport warm water from the tropics to the poles. This heat is then released into the atmosphere, helping to keep the polar regions from becoming too cold.

To know more about atmospheric circulation, click here:



. The sphere of influence of a service centre ​


An individual or organization's sphere of influence is the territory they may use to exercise authority or control. A company's sphere of influence, for instance, can include its personnel, clients, shareholders, and the broader public.

What is the sphere of influence in customer service?

According to the Sphere of Influence, only those who are one degree away from the Sphere of Influence will be interested in the success story you want to sell towards (marketing may assist you in creating content that describes your interactions with that client).

The sphere of influence, in the context of leisure, refers to the geographic region from which people will be drawn to a sporting or tourism attraction. The facility's catchment area will be larger the further up the hierarchy it is.

The three main components that influence current consumer happiness are technology, service, and customer comprehension. You may deliver satisfying, consistent client experiences and foster genuine customer loyalty by taking advantage of these aspects.

Learn more about customer service:



in addition to being the second-largest moon in the solar system, saturn's moon titan is


Titan is not only the second-largest moon in the solar system, but also possesses a thick atmosphere, a hydrocarbon-based weather cycle, and a diverse landscape.

Titan, the second-largest moon in the solar system, is a remarkable celestial body orbiting Saturn. Besides its size, Titan is particularly interesting because of its thick atmosphere and the presence of stable liquid bodies on its surface. The atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen, with minor amounts of methane and other trace gases. This dense, nitrogen-rich atmosphere is similar to Earth's, making Titan a unique object among moons.

Furthermore, Titan's weather patterns and hydrological cycle resemble those on our planet. However, instead of water, liquid methane and ethane play key roles in shaping Titan's surface. These hydrocarbons form clouds, rain, rivers, lakes, and even seas, making Titan the only known moon with stable liquid bodies. This distinctive feature has led scientists to study the moon's potential to harbor life or to help us understand how life may have emerged in similar environments.

Additionally, Titan's surface features vast sand dunes, made of organic molecules, and icy mountains, giving it diverse and complex geography. These features are continually modified by geological processes like erosion, volcanism, and tectonics, making Titan an active and dynamic world.

In conclusion, Saturn's moon Titan is not only the second-largest moon in the solar system, but also possesses a thick atmosphere, a hydrocarbon-based weather cycle, and a diverse landscape. These characteristics make it an intriguing object of study, as it offers valuable insights into planetary formation and the potential for extraterrestrial life.

For more such questions on Titan.



In addition to being the second-largest moon in the solar system, Saturn's moon Titan is unique because it is the only moon in our solar system with a substantial atmosphere.

The atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen with trace amounts of methane and other gases. Titan's atmosphere is also thought to be similar to that of early Earth, which makes it a fascinating target for study and exploration. Additionally, Titan's surface is covered in lakes and rivers of liquid methane and ethane, which makes it the only other known body in our solar system, besides Earth, with stable bodies of liquid on its surface. The dense atmosphere of Titan has also led to unique surface features. The moon's surface is shrouded in a thick orange haze, which makes it difficult to see the surface in visible light. However, using radar and other instruments, scientists have been able to map the surface of Titan and identify features such as lakes, rivers, and mountains.

Learn more about mountains :



Impact of coriolis force and latent heat on development of tropical cyclones


The Coriolis force and latent heat are two important factors that influence the development of tropical cyclones.

What is Coriolis force?

The Coriolis force is a phenomenon that occurs due to the Earth's rotation, which causes objects that are moving in a straight line to appear to curve. In the context of tropical cyclones, the Coriolis force causes air to rotate around a low-pressure center, which helps to create the cyclonic circulation that is characteristic of these storms.

Latent heat is the energy that is released or absorbed when water changes from one phase to another, such as from liquid to gas during evaporation. In the context of tropical cyclones, latent heat plays a critical role in providing energy to fuel the storm's development.

Learn more about Coriolis force at https://brainly.com/question/11178074


why might the ground subside after groundwater is pumped to the surface? why might the ground subside after groundwater is pumped to the surface? as water is withdrawn, some sediment is lost with it, and the remaining sediment is left to support the weight on top of it. as a result, the sediment packs more closely together, causing the ground to subside. as water is recharged, the water pressure drops, and the sediment is left to support the weight on top of it. as a result, the sediment packs more closely together, causing the ground to subside. as water is withdrawn, the water pressure drops, and the underground caverns it had created in the limestone bedrock collapse, causing the ground to subside. as water is withdrawn, the water increases, and the sediment is left to support the weight on top of it. as a result, the sediment packs more closely together, causing the ground to subside. as water is withdrawn, the water pressure drops, and the sediment is left to support the weight on top of it. as a result, the sediment packs more closely together, causing the ground to subside.


Groundwater subsidence occurs when groundwater is pumped to the surface, leading to a decrease in water pressure within the sediment.

When groundwater is pumped to the surface, the water pressure in the underground aquifer drops. As a result, the sediment surrounding the aquifer is left to support the weight on top of it. This can cause the sediment to pack more closely together, which in turn can cause the ground to subside. Essentially, as water is withdrawn, some of the sediment is lost with it, and the remaining sediment is left to bear more weight than it previously did. This can lead to settling or sinking of the ground above. So, the answer to why the ground might subside after groundwater is pumped to the surface is due to the compaction of sediment that was supporting the weight of the overlying ground.

Learn more about groundwater here https://brainly.com/question/14241380


Willem receives a flyer from a religious group as he walks into the subway. The flyer is explaining how this religion could benefit Willem in his life and
asking him to join the religion. What is the flyer doing?
O A.
O c. solemnizing
Reader 16613
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The area behind an island arc that develops a spreading center is a(n) Multiple Choice a. back-arc basin. b. trench. c. abyssal plain. d. passive margin.


The area behind an island arc that forms a contagious center is the back arc basin. Thus, option A is correct.

The Back-arc basin is a submarine bay that includes an island arc. Such basins are commonly located along the western margin of the Pacific Ocean near the intersection of two tectonic containers.

When an aquatic plate subducts underneath a continental scale, it can complete an island arc on the continental scale side and a groove on the aquatic plate side. As the subducting plate resumes to sink, it can produce pressure in the overlying vessel, forcing it to break and form a contagious headquarters.

To learn more about Island Arc



the coniferous forest vegetation on the equatorward side of the tundra is known as:


The coniferous forest vegetation on the equatorward side of the tundra is known as the boreal forest or taiga.

The boreal forest, also known as the taiga, is a type of coniferous forest vegetation that occurs on the equatorward side of the tundra. It is the largest terrestrial biome on Earth, covering vast areas of Canada, Russia, and Scandinavia, as well as smaller areas in other parts of the world. The boreal forest is characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers, and is dominated by evergreen coniferous trees such as spruce, pine, and fir. The forest floor is covered with a thick layer of organic matter, including mosses and lichens, which helps to maintain soil fertility and provides habitat for a variety of wildlife, including moose, wolves, and bears. Despite its harsh climate, the boreal forest is an important global resource for timber, pulp, and other forest products, and plays a key role in regulating the Earth's climate by storing large amounts of carbon.

Learn more about coniferous trees :



which mountain range receives the heaviest precipitation in the continental united states? group of answer choices sierra nevada rocky mountains coastal range wasatch range bitterroot mountains


The coastal range receives the heaviest precipitation in the continental United States. The range runs along the western edge of the United States, from northern California to southern Alaska, and is known for its wet and rainy climate.

The climate of the coastal range is influenced by several factors, including its proximity to the ocean, prevailing winds, and the topography of the region. The range's location along the Pacific Ocean means that it is exposed to moisture-rich ocean air, which produces a lot of precipitation when it meets the cooler air over the mountains. Prevailing winds also play a role in the range's climate, as they push moist air from the ocean up over the mountains, causing it to cool and condense into rain and snow. The topography of the coastal range also contributes to its heavy precipitation. The range has many peaks and valleys that create different microclimates, some of which are more wet than others. The highest peaks of the coastal range, such as Mount Olympus in Washington state, receive the most precipitation, as they are exposed to more moisture-rich air and experience more uplift and cooling of the air as it rises over the peaks.

Learn more about topography here:



what causes the large-scale rossby waves? check all that apply. multiple answers: multiple answers are accepted for this question select one or more answers and submit. for keyboard navigation...show more a the difference in solar radiation received by one longitude versus another in the mid-latitudes b the differential heating of land masses vs. oceans in the mid-latitudes c the large mountain ranges such as the rockies in the mid-latitudes d the absence of the coriolis force in the mid-latitudes


The large-scale rossby waves are caused by a difference in heating between land masses and oceans in the mid-latitudes, which supports Option B.

What are Rossby waves, and how do they impact our local weather?

Rossby waves aid in the transport of heat from the tropics towards the poles and cold air towards the tropics in an effort to restore the equilibrium of the atmosphere. Furthermore, they aid in locating the jet stream and delineate the path of surface low-pressure systems.

Why do Rossby waves shift from one direction to the other?

The conservation of potential vorticity leads to atmospheric Rossby waves, which are impacted by the Coriolis effect and pressure gradient. In the northern hemisphere, the rotation causes fluids to move to the right as they travel, and to the left in the southern hemisphere.

To know more about rossby waves visit :-



approximately what percent of the oil in marine waters worldwide is due to natural causes?


Use or consumption of oil (which includes operational discharges from ships and discharges from land-based sources): 37% Transportation (accidental spills from ships): 12% Extraction: 3% Natural seeps: 46%

what type of rock is formed from the fragments of existing rock material that have been weathered and eroded away? group of answer choices igneous rocks metamorphic rocks magma sedimentary rocks


Answer: Metamorphic rocks


10. what is the difference between an uncontrolled photomosaic in a hilly area and an orthophoto of the same area at the same scale? which will yield the most accurate horizontal measurements? why?


An uncontrolled photomosaic in a hilly area is a collection of individual photographs stitched together to form a larger image, without accounting for differences in elevation or terrain. On the other hand, an orthophoto is a georeferenced and geometrically corrected aerial photograph that has been adjusted for variations in elevation and terrain, resulting in a uniform scale.

In terms of accurate horizontal measurements, an orthophoto will yield more accurate results than an uncontrolled photomosaic. This is because the orthophoto has been corrected for distortions caused by elevation changes and terrain, ensuring that horizontal distances are consistent and accurate throughout the image.nOn the other hand, an orthophoto of the same area at the same scale is a corrected aerial photograph that has been geometrically transformed to remove distortions and produce a true-to-scale image where every point has a constant scale. This means that the orthophoto will yield the most accurate horizontal measurements because it is corrected for distortions and provides a true representation of the ground surface. The correction of distortions in an orthophoto is achieved through a process called orthorectification, which involves using digital elevation models (DEMs) to correct for differences in camera position and terrain relief. This allows for accurate horizontal measurements, such as distance and area, to be made on the orthophoto.

Learn more about orthophoto here:



the _______ is an international treaty designed to eliminate use of cfcs (chlorofluorocarbons).


The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty designed to eliminate the use of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) which impacts climate change.

The Montreal Protocol is a multinational compact designed to save the ozone layer by phasing out the display of significant matter that is responsible for ozone depletion. The Montreal Protocol has been victorious in restricting and changing the gain of ozone-depleting gases in the air.

It was arranged by many countries in 1987 and has been amended several periods since then to contain further importance. The purpose of the Montreal Protocol is to safeguard the Earth's ozone layer, which is necessary for rescuing life on Earth from damaging ultraviolet radiation.

To learn more about Montreal Protocol



(q023) which of the following statements is true? group of answer choices on the scale of your lifespan, groundwater is a renewable resource; it rains all the time. pore collapse occurs when water is compressed between grains within an aquifer. in coastal areas, saltwater can enter an aquifer, float on the freshwater there, and be drawn up in wells. the level of the water table can drop when surface water is diverted away from recharge areas.


In reference to coastal areas, the true statement among the given choices is: "In coastal areas, saltwater can enter an aquifer, float on the freshwater there, and be drawn up in wells." This phenomenon is known as saltwater intrusion, which can cause contamination of freshwater resources in coastal regions.

Coastal areas are regions where land meets the sea, including beaches, cliffs, and wetlands. They are dynamic and complex ecosystems that are influenced by a variety of factors, including tides, waves, currents, winds, and human activities. Coastal areas are home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including coastal dunes, mangroves, salt marshes, and coral reefs. They are also important for human activities, including fishing, shipping, recreation, and tourism. However, coastal areas are vulnerable to a range of threats, including erosion, sea level rise, storm surges, and pollution. Proper management and conservation of coastal areas are essential for maintaining the health of these important ecosystems and the well-being of local communities.

Learn more about Coastal areas here:



Scientists have found some of the same types of rock containing the same types of fossil species in Africa and Antarctica.


Types of rock examples can be found on distinct continents and in no other areas. This suggests that these continents have to have once been together.

How is it possible for the same kind of fossil to be discovered in many kinds of rock strata?

If the same index fossil is discovered in multiple locations, the strata in each location were probably deposited at the same time. Therefore, using the idea of faunal succession, it is possible to estimate the age of unknown fossils.

Do various continents have the same kinds of rocks and fossils?

The fossil record is one sort of evidence that has been used to support continental drift theory. Similar-type plant and animal fossils have been discovered by scientists in rocks that are roughly the same age. On the coasts of many continents, these rocks could be found.

To know more about Types of rock visit :-



identify the true statement. choose one: a. soil consists of rock or sediment that has been modified over time. b. the organic material at the top of a soil is called the b-horizon. c. a vertical sequence of various soil layers is called the soil horizon.


'Soil consists of rock or sediment that has been modified over time' is  the true statement. The right answer is a.

Rock or silt that has been altered over time by physical and chemical interactions with organic matter, rainwater, and creatures is what is referred to as soil. Soil is formed as a result of three processes that occur at or near the Earth's surface. Initially, loose debris, new minerals, and ions in solution are produced by chemical and physical weathering.

Second, rainwater seeps through the trash and carries clay flakes and dissolved ions downstream. Finally, by creating acids that weather grains, absorbing nutrient atoms, and leaving behind organic waste and remnants, bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals engage with sediment.

The correct answer is option a.

Know more about soil here



the most common rock forming minerals are composed of predominantly eight elements. these minerals are the


The most common rock-forming minerals are composed of predominantly eight elements: oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

These minerals are the building blocks of most igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Examples of such minerals include quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, pyroxene, olivine, and calcite. Silicates are classified into several groups based on their chemical composition and crystal structure. For example, feldspars are a group of silicate minerals that contain aluminum, sodium, and potassium, and they make up a significant portion of many igneous and metamorphic rocks. Quartz is another common mineral that is composed entirely of silicon and oxygen and is found in many types of rocks. In addition to silicates, other minerals that are important in the Earth's crust include carbonates (such as calcite), sulfides (such as pyrite), and oxides (such as hematite). However, these minerals are not as common as the silicates.

Learn more about sedimentary rocks :



(I couldn't find science)


Points neither toward nor away from the sun, and the days in the Northern Hemisphere are getting longer: March

Points toward the sun, so the Northern Hemisphere gets its most sunlight: June

Points neither toward nor away from the sun, and the days in the Northern Hemisphere are getting shorter: September

Points away from the sun, so the Northern Hemisphere gets the least sunlight: December

The Northern and Southern Hemispheres receive nearly similar amounts of sunshine between the months of March and September because the Earth's axis is neither tilted towards nor away from the Sun. The days and nights are also about the same length during these times.

Because of its tilt towards the Sun in June, the Northern Hemisphere receives the most sunshine and has the longest days of the year. June marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere because of this.

The Northern Hemisphere has tilted away from the Sun in December, which results in the shortest days and least amount of sunlight. Dec. marks the start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere because of this.

learn more about Northern Hemisphere here



If a midlatitude cyclone is centered in Kansas on Tuesday, by Wednesday it will most likely be centered in:
Question options:
A)North Dakota


Midlatitude cyclones typically move from west to east, so if the cyclone is centered in Kansas on Tuesday, it is likely to be centered in North Dakota by Wednesday.

The correct option is A.

Midlatitude cyclones are also known as extra-tropical cyclones or mid-latitude depression and they form in the mid-latitudes due to the presence of an area of low pressure. This low pressure area is usually created by the convergence of warm and cold air masses.

As the cyclone moves eastward, cold air continues to move in from the north and warm air from the south, creating a cyclonic circulation. This circulation causes the cyclone to move eastward and eventually reach North Dakota by Wednesday.

The correct option is A.

To know more about Midlatitude cyclones , click here:



stone extraction from the earth’s surface for building purposes occurs in ________.


Stone extraction from the earth’s surface for building purposes occurs in  quarries.

Quarrying is the process of extracting stones from natural rock surfaces. Quarrying stone is not the same as mining. Quarrying is done on the exposed surface of natural rocks to the sun's light, whereas mining is only done underground. Stone quarrying is often done in hilly places where there is an abundance of stone.

The stone industry is widely defined based on the function of the stone, which includes building, paving blocks, curbstones, blackboards, and monumental usage. The requirement for a certain sort of stone, the intended application, and what we will use the majority of the time will define the site of a quarry. Granitic rocks, limestones, marbles, slates, sandstones, and other materials are among those used.

To learn more about Sand and Gravel:



Which boundary would be the BEST example of a consequent boundary? A) the boundary between Sudan and South Sudan B) the boundary between South Africa and Lesotho C) the boundary between Madagascar and Mozambique D) the boundary between the United States and Canada E) the boundary between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovin


The boundary between South Africa and Lesotho would be the BEST example of a consequent boundary.

Option A is correct

A consequent boundary is one that is established in accordance with pre-existing geographical or cultural features, such as rivers, mountains, or linguistic groups. The Drakensberg Mountains, which act as a natural border between the two regions, serve as the boundary between South Africa and Lesotho in this instance. The mountain range was chosen as the border because it had already established a cultural and linguistic divide between the two regions, making it an obvious choice.

The South Africa-Lesotho border fits the definition of a consequent boundary better than the other options on the list. For instance, rather than being determined by pre-existing cultural or geographical characteristics, the border between Sudan and South Sudan was established as a result of political conflict.

Option A is correct

To know more about  consequent boundary.  here



the dominant direction of longshore transport (littoral drift) is southward on both coasts of the u.s. group of answer choices false true


True, the dominant direction of longshore transport (littoral drift) is southward on both coasts of the U.S.

The statement "the dominant direction of longshore transport (littoral drift) is southward on both coasts of the U.S." is partially true.

On the east coast of the U.S., the dominant direction of longshore transport is generally southward due to the influence of prevailing winds and ocean currents. However, on the west coast, the direction of longshore transport varies depending on the location. In some areas, it can be southward, while in others, it can be northward. So, the statement is not entirely true for both coasts.

Learn more about longshore  here:



Earthquakes with longer rupture lengths produce seismic waves with lower frequencies. TRUE/FALSE


The given statement "earthquakes with longer rupture lengths produce seismic waves with lower frequencies" is True because  it tends to produce seismic waves with lower frequencies due to the more extensive and powerful movement along the fault

To elaborate, an earthquake's rupture length refers to the distance along a fault where the movement and release of energy occur. When an earthquake has a longer rupture length, it generally means that a larger area of the fault is involved in the seismic event.

Seismic waves are the vibrations generated by earthquakes that travel through the Earth's layers. These waves have varying frequencies, which determine their speed and energy. Lower-frequency seismic waves are associated with larger-scale, more powerful movements of the Earth's crust, such as those resulting from longer rupture lengths.

In summary, when an earthquake has a longer rupture length, it tends to produce seismic waves with lower frequencies due to the more extensive and powerful movement along the fault.

This relationship helps scientists understand the characteristics and potential impacts of different earthquakes based on the properties of the seismic waves they generate.

To know more about earthquakes, refer here:



True, earthquakes with longer rupture lengths do produce seismic waves with lower frequencies.

During an earthquake, energy is released in the form of seismic waves that travel through the Earth. These waves can be detected and measured by seismometers, and they provide important information about the earthquake's size and location. The frequency of seismic waves is determined by a number of factors, including the type of rock through which they are traveling, the distance from the earthquake, and the length of the fault rupture that caused the earthquake. Longer rupture lengths produce seismic waves with lower frequencies, which can be detected over longer distances. The longer wavelengths of these low-frequency waves allow them to travel much farther through the Earth's crust and mantle, which is why they can be detected over much larger distances than high-frequency waves.

Learn more about Earth's crust :



Other Questions
A project has the following estimated data: price = $95 per unit; variable costs = $42.75 per unit, fixed costs = $5,700; required return = 13 percent; initial investment = $12,000; life = six years. Ignore the effect of taxes.What is the degree of operating leverage at the financial break-even level of output? in the early days of paleontology, dinosaurs were all assumed to be cold blooded, giant lizards. the discovery of archaeopteryx changed this idea because they were: shuffle a deck of cards and t urn over t he first card. \i\fhat is t he sample space of t his experiment? how many outcomes are in t he event t hat t he first card is a heart? The table shows the tax revenues and the outlays of a nation of each level of real GDP.1. What is the budget deficit when real GDP is $4 trillion?2. When real GDP is $4 trillion, the budget deficit is _____ trillion.Real GDPTax revenues (trillions of dollars)Outlays30.10.540.20.450.30.360. Suppose that the index model for stocks A and B is estimated from excess returns with the following results: RA = 2.8% + 1.0RM + eA RB = -1.0% + 1.3RM + eB M = 18%; R-squareA = 0.27; R-squareB = 0.13 What is the covariance between each stock and the market index? (Calculate using numbers in decimal form, not percentages. Do not round your intermediate calculations. Round your answers to 3 decimal places.) The following system of linear equations is shown in the graph.y equals one fourth times x minus 1x 4y = 4How many solutions does the system of linear equations have? No solution Infinitely many solutions One solution at (4, 0) One solution at (0, 1) how would you describe leader-follower influence during the acquaintance phase? What is an appropriate statement to tell Penny regarding her 'keto diet'?Penny tells her friends that her 'keto diet' causes the body to burn only fat. What is an appropriate response to this statement?3. Penny lost 5 lbs in the first 2 days of her "keto diet." To what can Penny's rapid weight loss likely be attributed? How does the body initially respond to severe bleeding?a. The body attempts to maintain an oxygen-rich blood flow to the vital organs.b. The body attempts to maintain an oxygen-rich blood flow to the neck and head.c. Blood flow to the extremities is increased to provide energy for the body to cope with the emergency.d. Blood pressure decreases in order to conserve all remaining blood within the body. if a solution originally 0.532 m in acid ha is found to have a hydronium concentration of 0.112 m at equilibrium, what is the percent ionization of the acid? Please help!! The first _______ in what would become the United States was written by members of the Iroquous League of Eastern Woodlands. The story of an hour Lines 4849: Why is this description ironic, especially in light of the information given at the beginning of the story about Mrs. Mallards heart trouble? The full set of short-run cost curves for a firm tells us...a. how many employees the firm has hired.b. how many other firms are competing with that firm.c. the cost-minimizing level of output.d. the profit-maximizing level of output. a two-year degree with specialized training, a flexible schedule, and lower educational costs is called a(n) ______________. Oedipal Complex quote from the book HamletIntroversion quote from the book HamletMasculinity Issues quote from the book HamletInfantile Rage quote from the book HamletMisogyny quote from the book HamletAbandonment quote from the book HamletPassive aggressive quote from the book HamletLack of Empathy quote from the book Hamlet A transfer disclosure statement would not be required in the sale of which of the following properties?a. mobile home when sold along with the real property to which it is attachedb. three-unit multi-family dwellingc. single-family home listed for sale by ownerd. retail space in commercial district Each mole of al(no3)3 contains how many moles of oxygen atoms? 1. 3 mol 2. 9 mol 3. 12 mol 4. 1 mol 5. 6 mol a wheel of radius 15 cm has sa rotational inertia of 2.3 kg m^2. the wheel is spinning at a rate of 6.5 revolutions per second. a frictional force is applied tangentially to the wheel to bring it to a stop. the work done by the torque to stop the wheel is most nearly: The table shows the number of stories in 15 skyscrapers. Construct a line plot of the data Question 5A recent conference had 900 people in attendance. In one exhibit room of 80 people, there were 65 teachers and 15 principals. What prediction can you make about the number of principals in attendance at the conference? There were about 820 principals in attendance. There were about 731 principals in attendance. There were about 208 principals in attendance. There were about 169 principals in attendance.Question 6A teacher was interested in the subject that students preferred in a particular school. He gathered data from a random sample of 100 students in the school and wanted to create an appropriate graphical representation for the data.Which graphical representation would be best for his data? Stem-and-leaf plot Histogram Circle graph Box plotQuestion 7A random sample of 100 middle schoolers were asked about their favorite sport. The following data was collected from the students.Sport Basketball Baseball Soccer TennisNumber of Students 17 12 27 44Which of the following graphs correctly displays the data? histogram with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled basketball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled baseball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled soccer going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled tennis going to a value of 44 histogram with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled baseball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled basketball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled tennis going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled soccer going to a value of 44 bar graph with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled basketball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled baseball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled soccer going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled tennis going to a value of 44 bar graph with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled baseball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled basketball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled tennis going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled soccer going to a value of 44Question 8A New York City hotel surveyed its visitors to determine which type of transportation they used to get around the city. The hotel created a table of the data it gathered.Type of Transportation Number of VisitorsWalk 120Bicycle 24Car Service 45Bus 30Subway 81Which of the following circle graphs correctly represents the data in the table? circle graph titled New York City visitor's transportation, with five sections labeled walk 80 percent, bus 16 percent, car service 30 percent, bicycle 20 percent, and subway 54 percent circle graph titled New York City visitor's transportation, with five sections labeled walk 40 percent, bicycle 8 percent, car service 15 percent, bus 10 percent, and subway 27 percent circle graph titled New York City visitor's transportation, with five sections labeled subway 40 percent, bus 8 percent, car service 15 percent, bicycle 10 percent, and walk 27 percent circle graph titled New York City visitor's transportation, with five sections labeled subway 80 percent, bicycle 20 percent, car service 30 percent, bus 16 percent, and walk 54 percentQuestion 9A college cafeteria is looking for a new dessert to offer its 4,000 students. The table shows the preference of 225 students.Ice Cream Candy Cake Pie Cookies81 9 72 36 27Which statement is the best prediction about the scoops of ice cream the college will need? The college will have about 480 students who prefer ice cream. The college will have about 640 students who prefer ice cream. The college will have about 1,280 students who prefer ice cream. The college will have about 1,440 students who prefer ice cream.Question 10The box plots display measures from data collected when 20 people were asked about their wait time at a drive-thru restaurant window.A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every one-half unit up to 32. The line is labeled Wait Time In Minutes. The box extends from 8.5 to 15.5 on the number line. A line in the box is at 12. The lines outside the box end at 3 and 27. The graph is titled Super Fast Food.A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every one-half unit up to 32. The line is labeled Wait Time In Minutes. The box extends from 9.5 to 24 on the number line. A line in the box is at 15.5. The lines outside the box end at 2 and 30. The graph is titled Burger Quick.Which drive-thru typically has more wait time, and why? Burger Quick, because it has a larger median Burger Quick, because it has a larger mean Super Fast Food, because it has a larger median Super Fast Food, because it has a larger mean