I got a email in russian with this attachment what does this mean exactly?
Russian letter: мои зубы зуд!
attachment below:
my teeth are itchy!
In English, мои зубы зуд! means 'my teeth are itchy!'
Which of these words best describe the Aztec?
kind rulers
poor farmers
strong fighters
friendly neighbors
Marked handshapes are usually the "main" handshape in a sign.
I think its false because marked handshapes aren't the "main" handshape in a sign, it's only one of the 5 components that make up any ASL sign.
What's the best way to start learning Japanese? I already have a 100 day streak on Duolingo so I better not see anyone saying that.
Try Duolingo.............
Write a sentence using a Coordinating Conjunction in the space below.
There are many grammar terms which contain the word conjunction! It can be a challenge to remember what the different types are, and how to use them correctly. Coordinating conjunctions are most commonly mixed up with subordinating conjunctions, which you can learn more about in our post on subordinating conjunctions. Let’s review and practice the rules for using coordinating conjunctions, and you’ll have them mastered in no time!
In this post we’ll review what coordinating conjunctions are, the patterns for different ways to use them, and how to use them effectively in a sentence.
7. Redactează un text de 60-100 de cuvinte, în care să-ți exprimi opinia despre ideea
centrală a baladei populare Monastirea Argeşului, anume că orice infaptuire mareata se
bazează pe sacrificiu, valorificând informatii din textul dat.
The translation is: Write a text of 60-100 words, in which to express your opinion about the idea
central of the popular ballad Monastirea Argeşului, namely that any great accomplishment is
based on sacrifice, capitalizing on information from the given text.
This is translated from Romanian.
Which of the following is not an example of an unmarked handshape?
S. I know that there is a b and a 1, but I'm not sure about a and s