what did lithuania, georgia, and other soviet republics do as a result of the democratic reforms sweeping through eastern europe?


Answer 1

In response to the democratic reforms sweeping through Eastern Europe, Lithuania, Georgia, and other Soviet republics took steps to regain their independence and establish democratic governance.

These actions included declaring independence, organizing pro-democracy movements, and holding free and fair elections. The reforms contributed to the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Lithuania, Georgia, and other Soviet republics began to embrace democratic reforms in response to the changes sweeping through Eastern Europe. This included holding free elections, establishing multi-party systems, and granting more political freedoms to citizens. In Lithuania, this led to the restoration of their independence in 1990, making it the first Soviet republic to break away from the Soviet Union. Similarly, Georgia held its first multi-party elections in 1990 and declared independence in 1991. These actions paved the way for other Soviet republics to follow suit and eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Learn more about the Soviet Union here: brainly.com/question/10173240


Related Questions

the two requirements for a successful 42 u.s.c. section 1983 lawsuit are


For a successful 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove that a state actor violated their federally protected rights.

To successfully bring a 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 lawsuit, you must meet two key requirements:

1. The alleged violation must involve a person acting "under color of state law." This means that the defendant must be a state actor or someone working on behalf of a government entity, such as a police officer or a public school official.

2. The alleged conduct must have violated the plaintiff's rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution or federal laws. In other words, there must be a clear violation of the plaintiff's civil rights as protected by federal law or the U.S. Constitution.

In summary, for a successful 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove that a state actor violated their federally protected rights.

To learn more about 42 U.S.C Section 1983 here: brainly.com/question/31166953


A successful 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 lawsuit requires the plaintiff to demonstrate (1) a violation of their constitutional or federal rights by a defendant acting under color of state law, and (2) a direct causal connection between the defendant's actions and the harm experienced.

A successful 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 lawsuit has two main requirements. First, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant, acting under "color of state law," violated their constitutional or federal rights. This means that the defendant, usually a state or local government official or employee, exercised their authority in a way that infringed upon the plaintiff's federally protected rights.

Second, the plaintiff must show a direct causal link between the defendant's actions and the alleged violation. In other words, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant's conduct was the primary cause of the harm suffered. Establishing this causation is essential to successfully pursuing a Section 1983 lawsuit.

For more such questions on lawsuit, click on:



Analyze Maps Which Warsaw Pact countries bordered NATO nations?


East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Albania,

Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland,

Turkey, Greece, Italy, Belgium,

Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain.

East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Albania.
Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland.
Turkey, Greece, Italy, Belgium.
Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain.

4. ASKING QUESTIONS What questions might historians need to
ask to determine whether Aesop was a real, individual writer?


Even though Aesop probably never existed, it is helpful in understanding how the ancient Greeks thought about the fables to understand who Aesop was thought to have been, and how he was thought to have lived his life. We can reasonably assume that the “life story” of the inventor of the fables developed along the lines that would have been found most compatible with what the Greeks thought the fables were. Therefore, by learning what the Greeks thought about the author of the fables, we can expect to learn something about what they thought about the fables themselves.

So, who was Aesop to the ancient Greeks? We know that Aesop was widely known in the ancient Greek world. We find references to him and his life in Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, and Aristophanes, and while those references may not be historically accurate, they do show that the audiences for the works of these four men (a historian, two philosophers, and a comic playwright), which would have included citizens from a wide range of social classes, knew who Aesop was and could be expected to respond to references to him in predictable ways. It also shows that he was well known and important enough for these authors to decide that he was worth including in their writings in the first place, and this can only be because his life and fables were believed to be useful cultural material and worthy of attention.

Setting aside the references mentioned above, an extended account of Aesop’s life can be found in the pseudo-biographical Life of Aesop, which is believed to have been written in roughly the 2nd cn. C.E., although much of it is a compilation of older stories that were part of oral tradition (for example, the Life of Ahiqar). The details of his life, although they may be entirely fictional, are important because while today we tend to draw sharp distinctions between how a philosopher does their job and how they live their life, in ancient Greece and Rome this was much less the case. The philosopher was expected to live their life according to their principles, and accordingly what one did (or was believed to have done) had a real impact on how their philosophy was received. Therefore, Aesop’s life can be seen as an embodiment of the principles he lives by, and vice versa: we can learn about fables through the ”biography” of the person who wrote them, whether or not Aesop ever actually existed. Rather than analyzing the entire text in detail, this article will offer a short summary, and then look in more detail at four especially salient aspects of his life. First, he was said to have begun his life as a slave; second, he is said to have been extremely ugly—as though he were not entirely human; third, he begins his life unable to speak; and, finally, his rise from slavery to greatness also leads to his destruction. As we will see, each of these qualities mark him as being on the boundary between human beings and the other animals that feature so prominently in Aesop’s fables.

he head of the american railway union involved in the pullman strike was group of answer choices william bryan. terence powderly. james duke. eugene debs. james blaine.


The head of the American Railway Union (ARU) involved in the Pullman Strike was Eugene Debs.

The correct option is C.

Debs was a union leader who had been active in the labor movement since the 1870s. He was a leader in the Knights of Labor and was one of the founders of the ARU. He became the leader of the ARU in 1893 and was a leader of the Pullman Strike in 1894.

Debs was an outspoken advocate for the rights of workers and a powerful public speaker. He used the strike to bring attention to the injustices that workers faced, and campaigned for government involvement in improving the lives of working people.

He was eventually arrested for his involvement in the strike, but was pardoned by President Grover Cleveland in 1895. Debs went on to become the leader of the Socialist Party of America, and ran for President five times.

To know more about Eugene Debs, click here:



the ottomans took the byzantine cathedral hagia sofia and


Built in 537 A.D., the Hagia Sophia was the most important cathedral of the Byzantine Empire until Sultan Mehmed II's Ottoman forces beat Constantinople in 1453 and turned the cathedral into a mosque.

Mehmed gave it the status of an Islamic charitable trust a few years later. Mehmed the Conqueror used it as a mosque after Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. It remained Istanbul's main mosque until the Sultan Ahmed Mosque was built in 1616.

In 1453, when Mehmet II conquered the city, Hagia Sophia became a mosque (Ayasofya Camii), where it remained until the Ottoman Empire fell in the early 20th century.

After Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople in 1453 and designated the structure as a mosque, it also served as a significant place of Muslim worship. Until it was turned into a museum in the 1930s, it remained a mosque. Peruse more about the Byzantine Realm.

To learn more about Hagia Sophia here



Q- The Ottomans took the Byzantine cathedral Hagia Sofia and Converted it into the mosque of Aya Sofya.

The Ottomans took the Byzantine cathedral Hagia Sophia when they conquered Constantinople in 1453. The Ottoman Empire conquered the Byzantine Empire in 1453, which included the famous Hagia Sophia Cathedral.

After the conquest, the cathedral was converted into a mosque by the Ottomans and is now a significant historical site and museum in Istanbul, Turkey. The Ottomans converted the cathedral into a mosque, adding minarets and other Islamic architectural features. The building remained a mosque for centuries until it was converted into a museum in 1935. However, in 2020, Turkish President Erdogan declared that the Hagia Sophia would once again be a mosque, causing controversy and international debate.

Learn more about Ottomans here: brainly.com/question/17850038


What is the relation between the new lynching memorial and Confederate monuments?



The new lynching memorial and Confederate monuments are related in that they both represent different aspects of America's complex and painful history of racial injustice.

The lynching memorial, officially known as the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, is a monument that honors the thousands of African Americans who were lynched in the United States between 1877 and 1950. It is a somber reminder of the brutal and violent ways in which black people were oppressed and terrorized during this period.

Confederate monuments, on the other hand, are statues and other memorials that commemorate the Confederacy, a group of southern states that seceded from the United States and fought a civil war (1861-1865) to preserve slavery. These monuments are controversial because they celebrate figures who fought to uphold a system of racial oppression and slavery.

While the lynching memorial and Confederate monuments may seem to represent opposing sides of the same issue, they both serve as reminders of America's troubled history with race. The lynching memorial acknowledges the violence and terror that black people faced, while Confederate monuments represent a history of white supremacy and oppression. Both monuments are important in their own way, as they help us to remember and learn from the past so that we can work towards a more just and equitable future.

How are the people of Washington working to address the problem of overfishing in their state? Choose three correct answers.

by limiting fishing for recreational purposes
by closing some fisheries in tribal communities
by setting a rate on harvesting certain types of fish
by removing salmon from the diet of most tribal groups
by increasing the construction of dams along the area’s rivers
by banning all salmon and steelhead trout fishing along the coast


Answer: - By limiting fishing for recreational purposes

- By closing some fisheries in tribal communities

- By setting a rate on harvesting certain types of fish

Explanation: The people of Washington are working to address the problem of overfishing in their state through the following three correct approaches:

By limiting fishing for recreational purposes: Washington has implemented regulations and restrictions on recreational fishing to manage fish populations and prevent overfishing.  These limitations can include catch limits, size restrictions, and seasonal closures to protect vulnerable species and ensure sustainable fishing practices.

By closing some fisheries in tribal communities: The state of Washington works closely with tribal communities to manage fisheries sustainably.  In some cases, fisheries may be temporarily closed or restricted in tribal areas to allow fish populations to recover and ensure long-term sustainability.

By setting a rate on harvesting certain types of fish: Washington has implemented fishing quotas and catch limits for certain species to prevent overfishing and ensure their populations can thrive.  These quotas are based on scientific assessments of fish stocks and are designed to maintain a sustainable balance between fishing activities and the health of the ecosystems.

Put the following in order: Shiloh, Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, Fort Sumter, Ironclads, Election of 1860, 1st Battle of Bull Run, 2nd Battle of bull run.



The Election of 1860 occurred in November of 1860.The attack on Fort Sumter began on April 12, 1861, marking the start of the Civil War.The First Battle of Bull Run took place on July 21, 1861.The Battle of the Ironclads (USS Monitor vs. CSS Virginia) occurred on March 9, 1862.The Battle of Shiloh took place on April 6-7, 1862.The Battle of Antietam took place on September 17, 1862.The Battle of Fredericksburg occurred on December 11-15, 1862.The Second Battle of Bull Run took place on August 28-30, 1862.The Siege of Vicksburg took place from May 18 to July 4, 1863.The Battle of Gettysburg occurred from July 1-3, 1863.

Hope this helps!

Read the quotation by Adam smith
According to this quote, what motivates most indidviduals



According to Adam Smith, the thing that motivates most individuals is D. sense of self interest.

What is self interest?

It should be noted that self interest simply means engaging in things that will be beneficial to one.

In this case, acccording to Adam Smith, the thing that motivates most individuals is a sense of self interest.

What are some parallels between the racial profiling experienced by
Mexican-American youth in the 1940s and current perceptions of
underrepresented groups in our society?


There are some parallels between the racial profiling experienced by Mexican-American youth in the 1940s and current perceptions of underrepresented groups in our society. Some of these parallels include:

Stereotyping: Both then and now, members of underrepresented groups are often stereotyped and treated as if they are all the same. For example, Mexican-American youth in the 1940s were often seen as gang members or troublemakers simply because of their ethnicity, while today, people of color may be seen as criminals or terrorists based on their race or ethnicity.

Discrimination: Both then and now, members of underrepresented groups may face discrimination in education, employment, and other areas of life. For example, Mexican-American youth in the 1940s were often denied access to good schools or jobs simply because of their ethnicity, while today, people of color may be denied opportunities or face barriers in the workplace because of their race or ethnicity.

Police brutality: Both then and now, members of underrepresented groups may be subject to police brutality and violence. For example, Mexican-American youth in the 1940s were often harassed or beaten by police officers simply because of their ethnicity, while today, people of color are more likely to be killed or injured by police officers than people of other races.

Fear and mistrust: Both then and now, members of underrepresented groups may live in fear of persecution or mistreatment. For example, Mexican-American youth in the 1940s often had to be careful not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and today, people of color may feel the need to be cautious in interactions with police officers or other authority figures.

While there have been some improvements in terms of racial equality since the 1940s, there are still many issues that need to be addressed in our society to ensure that all people are treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their race or ethnicity

woodrow wilson believed in voluntarism and hoped it would help pull america out of the great depression. true false


Answer: true


What is the most common resource in America


Answer: America has the world's largest reserves of coal. This abundant source of energy helped fuel U.S. growth during the Industrial Revolution.

Answer: coal

Explanation: America has the world's largest reserves of coal. This abundant source of energy helped fuel U.S. growth during the Industrial Revolution

Which factors forced many forest dewellers


There are a variety of factors that have forced many forest dwellers to migrate.

One of the main reasons for this is the increasing pressure on forests due to population growth. This has led to deforestation and the destruction of many natural habitats, which has caused many forest dwellers to lose their homes. In addition, the introduction of commercial logging has also had a detrimental effect on the forests, with reduced resources and decreased biodiversity.

Furthermore, many forest dwellers have been displaced by large-scale infrastructure projects, such as dams and roads. Climate change has also had an impact, with irregular rainfall, rising temperatures and increasing drought making it difficult for many forest dwellers to survive. Finally, the spread of disease and the increased risk of exploitation has also forced many to migrate.

To know more about forest dwellers , click here:



The Question-

Which factors forced many forest dwellers to migrate?

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No se ve nada, en la foto, tómala mejor

Write a essay explaining What were Stalin’s objectives in supporting Communist governments in Eastern Europe?



Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953, had several key objectives in supporting Communist governments in Eastern Europe after World War II. These objectives included expanding Soviet influence and control over the region, promoting the spread of communism, and creating a buffer zone to protect the Soviet Union from potential Western aggression.

One of Stalin's primary objectives in supporting Communist governments in Eastern Europe was to expand Soviet influence and control over the region. After World War II, the Soviet Union emerged as a major power in Europe, and Stalin saw the establishment of Communist governments in Eastern Europe as a way to consolidate Soviet power and influence beyond the Soviet Union's borders. By promoting the spread of communism in Eastern Europe, Stalin hoped to create a sphere of influence that would help to advance Soviet interests and counteract the influence of the United States and other Western powers.

Another key objective of Stalin's support for Communist governments in Eastern Europe was to promote the spread of communism. Stalin saw communism as a superior form of government that would ultimately replace capitalism and imperialist systems around the world. By supporting Communist governments in Eastern Europe, Stalin hoped to demonstrate the superiority of communism and encourage other countries to adopt communist systems of government.

Finally, Stalin's support for Communist governments in Eastern Europe was motivated by a desire to create a buffer zone to protect the Soviet Union from potential Western aggression. After World War II, the Soviet Union was surrounded by countries that were hostile to communism and potentially hostile to the Soviet Union itself. Stalin believed that by establishing Communist governments in Eastern Europe, he could create a buffer zone that would protect the Soviet Union from potential Western aggression and allow the Soviet Union to consolidate its power and influence in the region.

In summary, Stalin's objectives in supporting Communist governments in Eastern Europe were to expand Soviet influence and control over the region, promote the spread of communism, and create a buffer zone to protect the Soviet Union from potential Western aggression. While these objectives were motivated by a desire to advance Soviet interests and promote communism, they also had significant geopolitical implications and contributed to the tensions and conflicts of the Cold War era.

Unit Test Review
Why was using shading and light important to Renaissance painters?
It helped the subjects show less emotion.
It made religious subjects look more serious.
It helped make subjects look more realistic.
It allowed the subject to appear more dramatic.
Mark this and return
Save and Exit


The correct answer is: It helped make subjects look more realistic.

Environmental science deals with the study of atmosphere, land, and ocean.

What is Renaissance painters?

Renaissance painters were artists who lived and worked during the Renaissance period, which was a cultural and artistic movement that emerged in Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries. This period marked a significant shift in art, characterized by a renewed interest in humanism, scientific inquiry, and the revival of classical Greek and Roman artistic techniques and styles.

Shading and light were important techniques used by Renaissance painters to create a sense of depth and three-dimensionality in their paintings. By carefully manipulating light and shade, artists were able to create the illusion of form, volume, and space on a two-dimensional canvas or fresco.

Learn more about Renaissance painters from the given link




Here i gotchu, jst look at tha bottom it's the whole answer sheet too this quiz ;) ya ya you can thank me later...but quick get yo quiz doneeee slay itt LOL...you got this <3  ALSO HAPPY SUMMERRR


which statements are true regarding the amistad? multiple select question. the enslaved people of the amistad had no experience with sailing and tried to compel the crew to steer them to their destination. the enslaved people aboard the amistad were being transferred from brazil to an illegal slave market in charleston. the amistad stands as the only known instance of successful revolt by enslaved people aboard a ship. john quincy adams argu


The following statements are true regarding the Amistad:
The Amistad stands as the only known instance of successful revolt by enslaved people aboard a ship.
John Quincy Adams argued before the Supreme Court on behalf of the enslaved people.

The Amistad was a Spanish slave ship that was transporting 53 enslaved people from Sierra Leone to Cuba in 1839. The enslaved people revolted and took control of the ship, but they had no knowledge of navigation and were unable to steer the ship to Africa. Instead, they were intercepted by the U.S. Navy and brought to New Haven, Connecticut, where they were put on trial for mutiny and murder. John Quincy Adams, who at the time was a former president and serving as a member of the House of Representatives, argued their case before the Supreme Court, ultimately winning their freedom. The Amistad case was significant in the fight against slavery and helped to fuel the abolitionist movement in the United States.

Learn more about Amistad here:



how does the kingdom of bhutan protect its mahayana buddhist culture?


The Kingdom of Bhutan takes great pride in preserving its Mahayana Buddhist culture through legal frameworks, maintaining monastic institutions, preserving cultural practices, upholding traditional architecture, and conserving the environment.

To protect it, the government has implemented various policies and practices. For example, the country has strict regulations regarding the number of tourists who can visit each year. This ensures that the cultural sites are not overcrowded and the local way of life is not disturbed.

Additionally, Bhutanese children are educated in their traditional culture and religion in schools. The government also supports various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, which highlight Bhutanese traditions, including the annual Paro Tsechu festival.

In summary, the Kingdom of Bhutan protects its Mahayana Buddhist culture through strict regulations on tourism, education of children, and support for cultural events and festivals.

To know more about Mahayana Buddhist refer here:



The Kingdom of Bhutan takes great measures to protect its Mahayana Buddhist culture. One of the primary ways is through its constitution, which mandates that at least 60% of the country's land must remain forested, preserving the environment that is considered sacred in Buddhism.

Additionally, the government funds monasteries and supports the education and training of monks and nuns to ensure the continuation of Buddhist traditions. Bhutan also has a Gross National Happiness index that prioritizes the preservation of cultural heritage and promotes sustainable development. Finally, the government strictly controls tourism to limit its impact on traditional culture and natural resources.Establishment of a Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, which is responsible for preserving Bhutan's cultural heritage and promoting the development of cultural industries.Preservation of sacred sites and monuments, such as the Taktshang Monastery (also known as Tiger's Nest) and the Punakha Dzong fortress.Implementation of a dress code that requires Bhutanese citizens to wear traditional clothing in public places, which helps to promote a sense of cultural identity and pride.Promotion of Buddhist education in schools and universities, including the establishment of the Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan.Encouragement of traditional arts and crafts, such as weaving, painting, and sculpture, which help to preserve Bhutan's cultural heritage and provide economic opportunities for local communities.

Learn more about Buddhism  here:



the rapid expansion of the american population and geographic area in the early 1800s had a somewhat paradoxical result in that it:


The rapid expansion of the American population and geographic area in the early 1800s had a somewhat paradoxical result in that it both increased national unity through a shared sense of manifest destiny and also intensified regional differences, as diverse groups with conflicting interests settled in new territories.

The rapid expansion of the American population and geographic area in the early 1800s had a somewhat paradoxical result in that it both strengthened and weakened the concept of American identity. On one hand, the growth of the nation and the spread of American culture and values solidified a shared sense of national identity among citizens. On the other hand, the displacement and mistreatment of Native American populations during westward expansion, along with the continuation of slavery in many regions, highlighted the contradiction between American ideals of freedom and equality and the reality of discrimination and oppression. Therefore, the expansion of the nation resulted in a paradoxical tension between a growing sense of national unity and the persistence of deep-seated social and political divisions.

Learn more about rapid expansion here:



The rapid expansion of the American population and geographic area in the early 1800s had a somewhat paradoxical result in that it led to both positive and negative outcomes.

On the positive side, the westward expansion of the United States allowed for the exploration of new territories and the creation of new economic opportunities for settlers. It also led to the growth of industries such as farming, mining, and lumber, which contributed to the country's economic development.

However, the rapid expansion also had negative consequences, particularly for Native American communities who were displaced from their ancestral lands and forced to relocate. This displacement led to the loss of their cultural identity, as well as their autonomy and self-governance. Additionally, the westward expansion also had an adverse impact on the environment, as the exploitation of natural resources led to deforestation, pollution, and other environmental problems.

Furthermore, the westward expansion also exacerbated sectional tensions between the North and South, as the issue of whether new territories would be free or slave states became a central issue in American politics. Ultimately, the rapid expansion of the American population and geographic area in the early 1800s had a complex and paradoxical impact, with both positive and negative outcomes.

To learn more about American population refer here:



Since the drafting of the Constitution, both the executive branch and Congress have managed to expand their powers. Which power is often cited as an example of Congress exerting too much power over states' rights?

A: the amendment prohibiting the sale of alcohol

B: Congress's control over international tariffs

C: the amendment requiring Congress to maintain a standing army

D: congressional regulation of interstate commerce


The most commonly cited example of Congress exerting too much power over states' rights is the regulation of interstate commerce.

The correct option is D.

This power is granted to Congress under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, which gives Congress the ability to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."

This power has been used to pass a wide variety of laws, such as the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Civil Rights Act, that have been seen as overreaching and infringing on the power of the states. By regulating interstate commerce, Congress has been able to pass laws that may conflict with the laws of individual states, thus limiting the autonomy of the states in certain areas.

The correct option is D.

To know more about Congress , click here:



What happened to African American slaves of Loyalists after they fought in the American Revolution? (2 points)

Became doctors

Ran for political office

Started schools for slave children

Were reclaimed by their owners


They were reclaimed by their owners
Hope the helps:)
They were reclaimed by their “owners.” They were allowed to serve the country through warfare but other than that had little to no rights. Hope this helps

congress rejects american membership in the league of nations the kellogg-briand pact of 1928 the neutrality acts of 1936-37 charles lindbergh and the america first committee which would make the best title for a research paper about these topics?


"The Isolationist Policies of the United States in the Interwar Period: Examining Congress' Rejection of the League of Nations, Kellogg-Briand Pact, Neutrality Acts, and the America First Committee."  is an apt title for this research paper.

A foreign policy stance known as isolationism emphasizes a country's independence and lack of participation in international events, especially in military alliances and conflicts. Following the destruction of World War I, many Americans in the interwar era thought that the United States should concentrate on home matters and stay out of foreign conflicts.

Isolationist views were prevalent in the US during this time, as seen by the Neutrality Acts of 1936–1937, the Kellogg–Briand Pact of 1928, and the rejection of American inclusion in the League of Nations. After World War I, the League of Nations was established to foster international cooperation and avert future conflicts; however, the United States Congress refused to join the group out of worry over losing authority over foreign policy choices.

To learn more about Isolationist Policies, refer to:



How do the prisoners quoted in this reading describe the process of killing at Auschwitz? Who was involved in the killing? Why do you think the Nazis forced other prisoners (the Sonderkommandos) to assist in the murders? Why were Sonderkommandos killed and replaced every few months?


Auschwitz was network of concentration and extermination camps established by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II.

What is extermination?

Extermination refers to the deliberate and systematic killing of a particular group, species, or population, often with the intention of completely eradicating it. This can include acts such as genocide, where a specific ethnic or religious group is targeted for elimination, or the extermination of a particular species, often due to human activities such as deforestation or hunting. The term can also be used to describe the intentional killing of pests, such as insects or rodents, in order to control their populations. Extermination is a controversial and often morally charged concept, with many arguing that it is never justified to intentionally wipe out an entire group or species.

To learn more about extermination, visit:



13. The newspaper headline on the left describes an event that took place in the
Middle East.
Which course of action did the United States take in response to this
international incident?
A. It refused to give Iraq any additional humanitarian aid.
B. It launched an invasion of Iraq to topple dictator Saddam Hussein.
C. It organized a military alliance that forced the Iraqis out of Kuwait.
D. It seized the staff of the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, D.C., as hostages.


The course of action that was taken is that :  It launched an invasion of Iraq to topple dictator Saddam Hussein.

Why did the US topple Saddam Hussein?

The reasons behind the US decision to topple Saddam Hussein, the former President of Iraq, are complex and multifaceted. There were several stated reasons, including:

WMDs: The US claimed that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and that he was a threat to global security. However, after the invasion, no evidence of WMDs was found.

Terrorism: The US also claimed that Saddam Hussein had links to terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, and that he supported and sponsored terrorism.

Human Rights: The US and its allies accused Saddam Hussein of committing human rights abuses against his own people, including mass killings, torture, and other atrocities.

Read more on invasion of Iraq herehttps://brainly.com/question/12483188


Which of the following best describes Roosevelt’s leadership approach?
a. He was direct and decisive
b. He avoided conflict
c. He made promises he couldn’t keep
d. He was slow to suggest change


a. he was direct and decisive

hope this helps

What does Mae Jemison mean when she says,"I like to think of ideas as potential energy. They’re really wonderful, but nothing will happen until we risk putting them into action. "


Mae Jemison is saying that ideas are only potential energy until they are put into action.

Ideas are great and they can lead to amazing things, but they will remain potential energy until we put them into action. She is emphasizing the importance of taking risks and taking action on our ideas in order to bring them to fruition. Without taking action, our ideas will remain just that—ideas.

Taking risks can be scary, but Mae Jemison is encouraging us to take the leap and put our ideas into action because that's the only way for them to become real. Risk-taking is essential for us to make our ideas a reality and to make change in the world.

To know more about Mae Jemison, click here:



Genetically speaking ____ does not exist


There is no such thing as genetically inherited variety.  Due to their lack of genetic control, traits like religion or spoken language have a heritability of zero.

What kinds of qualities have genetic roots?

Through their genes, parents transmit to their offspring traits or qualities like eye colour and blood type. Additionally, some illnesses and ailments can be genetically handed down. Dietary deficiencies including a lack of iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid in the diet can result in anaemia.

What types of genetic variations exist in people?

Genetic variants that can arise in the human population include those that affect a person's skin tone, hair color, dimples, freckles, and blood type, to name a few. The three main categories of genetic illnesses are single-gene, chromosomal, and multifactorial.

To know more about genetic control visit :-



renaissance 20 main idea words


1. Rebirth
2. Humanism
3. Artistic expression
4. Individualism
5. Intellectual curiosity
6. Scientific innovation
7. Classical antiquity
8. Cultural transformation
9. Secularism
10. Rationalism
11. Patronage
12. Progress
13. Perspective
14. Creativity
15. Exploration
16. Literature
17. Architecture
18. Education
19. Invention
20. Enlightenment

the practice of spreading ideas to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause propagandatrue or false


The given statement "the practice of spreading ideas to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause propaganda" is true, because (Propaganda refers to the practice of spreading ideas, information, or rumors to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause.)

Propaganda is a deliberate and systematic method used to manipulate public opinion and perception. Propaganda can be found in various forms, including speeches, advertisements, social media, and more. It often utilizes persuasive techniques and emotional appeals to influence people's thoughts and behaviors.

Propaganda is commonly used in political contexts to promote specific ideologies, policies, or candidates. However, it can also be used in other situations, such as in business or social campaigns. The main goal of propaganda is to sway public opinion and encourage people to support a particular viewpoint or cause.

While propaganda can sometimes be based on factual information, it often exaggerates or distorts the truth to fit a specific narrative. It is important to critically analyze any information we encounter and consider the source, context, and potential biases before accepting it as fact.

For more such questions on propaganda, click on:



Complete the paragraph about the Syrian Civil War.


The following words can be used to finish the text:

Chemical Russia

What is the Syrian Civil War?Syria is now embroiled in a multi-sided civil war between the Syrian Arab Republic, which is led by President Bashar al-Assad, and a number of domestic and international forces who, in different ways, oppose both the Syrian government and one another. Since 2011, there has been a conflict in Syria. Due to the high rates of unemployment, rampant corruption, and lack of political freedom, many people were dissatisfied. Peaceful protests began in March, spurred on by the "Arab spring" events in Egypt and Tunisia. The crisis started when President Bashar al-Assad's regime forcefully suppressed civilian uprisings in 2011; however, with the support of Iran and Russia, President al-Assad has emerged militarily triumphant.

The complete question is:

Complete the paragraph about the Syrian Civil War.

Unrest in Syria began in 2011 as part of the Arab Spring protests. The war was between government forces and rebels. The United States called for government leader Assad to step down. Despite warnings from the United States, Syria's leader began using ___ weapons in Damascus, killing 1,500 people, including many children. The United States and ___ agreed on a deadline for removing these weapons from Syria.

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