what changes were introduced by the comprehensive drug abuse prevention and control act of 1970?


Answer 1

The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 was a significant step forward in addressing drug abuse and addiction in the United States, and many of its provisions remain in effect today.

The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, also known as the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), was a significant piece of legislation that aimed to combat drug abuse and reduce drug trafficking in the United States. Some of the major changes introduced by this act include:

1.Classification of drugs: The CSA classified drugs into five schedules based on their potential for abuse and medical value. Schedule I drugs were deemed to have the highest potential for abuse and no accepted medical use, while Schedule V drugs were considered to have the lowest potential for abuse and accepted medical use.

2.Prescription requirements: The act introduced strict prescription requirements for controlled substances, making it illegal to prescribe, distribute, or possess them without a valid prescription.

3.Drug enforcement: The CSA established the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to enforce drug laws and coordinate efforts to combat drug trafficking.

4.International cooperation: The act increased cooperation between the United States and other countries in the fight against drug trafficking and abuse.

Learn more about Prevention here:



Related Questions

1. Which previous U.S. president encouraged leaders to pursue an isolationist policy?
O Thomas Jefferson
O John Adams
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln


George Washington


The graphic below shows the average petroleum consumption in millions of barrels per day of different regions of the world from 1980 to 2010.

Image courtesy of U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2010

Much of the petroleum consumed in the last few decades has been extracted from relatively few locations around the world, because most of the world's easily accessible petroleum deposits are concentrated in these areas.

How has this continued petroleum extraction from selected areas over time likely affected petroleum resources on Earth?
Petroleum resources have been replenished as quickly as they have been extracted.
More petroleum is now available overall because extraction techniques result in the formation of more petroleum.
The distribution of petroleum has not changed in any way, and there is the same amount of petroleum available now as there was in the past.
The distribution of petroleum has changed and less petroleum is now available overall.


Throughout the world, a sizable amount of the petroleum resources that has been consumed in recent years has been extracted from a very small number of places. Choice (C) is correct as a result.

What exactly do we mean by petroleum resources?

Petroleum, sometimes known as crude oil or just oil, is a naturally occurring liquid mixture that is mostly composed of hydrocarbons and is found in geological formations. both unrefined crude oils that are naturally occuring.

How long did our planet need to create the fossil fuels we use today?

Algae and plants inhabited shallow oceans millions of years ago. The organic material was buried after it perished and sank to the seafloor, where it mixed with other materials. Over a period of millions of years, at extreme pressure and heat.

To know more about petroleum resources visit :-



in order to interpret the evidence from middle paleolithic sites in france, lewis binford studied the use and discard of bones and tools at a seasonal hunting camp used by the


Lewis investigated the usage and discard of bones and implements in a seasonal hunting camp used by the Nunamiut of Alaska in order to interpret the data from middle paleolithic sites in France.

American archaeologist Lewis Binford is renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to archaeological theory, ethnoarchaeology, and the Paleolithic era. He looked at how bones and tools were used and discarded at a seasonal hunting camp in France to understand the data from middle paleolithic sites there.

He asserts that the purpose of archaeology is to "understand and explain the broad spectrum of physical and cultural similarities and contrasts indicative of the entire spatio-temporal span of man's existence.

To know more about Lewis Binford, refer:



In order to interpret the evidence from Middle Paleolithic sites in France, Lewis Binford studied the use and discard of bones and tools at a seasonal hunting camp used by the prehistoric humans.

In order to understand how prehistoric societies lived and hunted, archaeologists often study the artifacts left behind at ancient sites.

Lewis Binford, a renowned archaeologist, studied the use and discard of bones and tools at a seasonal hunting camp in France during the Middle Paleolithic period.

This approach allowed him to analyze the patterns and organization of these sites, providing insights into the social and cultural aspects of the inhabitants during that time period.

This type of analysis can provide evidence about the types of animals hunted, the hunting techniques used, and even the social organization of these ancient communities.

By carefully examining the artifacts and other remains found at these sites, archaeologists like Binford can piece together a better understanding of the past.

Visit here to learn more about Archaeologists:



Genetically speaking ____ does not exist


There is no such thing as genetically inherited variety.  Due to their lack of genetic control, traits like religion or spoken language have a heritability of zero.

What kinds of qualities have genetic roots?

Through their genes, parents transmit to their offspring traits or qualities like eye colour and blood type. Additionally, some illnesses and ailments can be genetically handed down. Dietary deficiencies including a lack of iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid in the diet can result in anaemia.

What types of genetic variations exist in people?

Genetic variants that can arise in the human population include those that affect a person's skin tone, hair color, dimples, freckles, and blood type, to name a few. The three main categories of genetic illnesses are single-gene, chromosomal, and multifactorial.

To know more about genetic control visit :-



which statements are true regarding the amistad? multiple select question. the enslaved people of the amistad had no experience with sailing and tried to compel the crew to steer them to their destination. the enslaved people aboard the amistad were being transferred from brazil to an illegal slave market in charleston. the amistad stands as the only known instance of successful revolt by enslaved people aboard a ship. john quincy adams argu


The following statements are true regarding the Amistad:
The Amistad stands as the only known instance of successful revolt by enslaved people aboard a ship.
John Quincy Adams argued before the Supreme Court on behalf of the enslaved people.

The Amistad was a Spanish slave ship that was transporting 53 enslaved people from Sierra Leone to Cuba in 1839. The enslaved people revolted and took control of the ship, but they had no knowledge of navigation and were unable to steer the ship to Africa. Instead, they were intercepted by the U.S. Navy and brought to New Haven, Connecticut, where they were put on trial for mutiny and murder. John Quincy Adams, who at the time was a former president and serving as a member of the House of Representatives, argued their case before the Supreme Court, ultimately winning their freedom. The Amistad case was significant in the fight against slavery and helped to fuel the abolitionist movement in the United States.

Learn more about Amistad here:



What diplomatic accomplishments were achieved during the Bush years in Libya, Pakistan, and China?


He authorized a military invasion of Afghanistan to drive out the Taliban, destroy al-Qaeda, and capture Osama bin Laden. He also signed the controversial Patriot Act, which permitted the monitoring of accused terrorists.

What two aspects of Bush's foreign policy stood out?

the US invasion of Panama to overthrow a local despot. the signing of the nuclear disarmament agreements, START I and START II, with the Soviet Union. success in the Cold War battle against communism. the 1989 protests and, notably in Eastern Europe, the collapse of Moscow-centered communism.

What modifications did George W. Bush make to foreign policy?

Bush announced the Bush Doctrine in his early 2002 State of the Union Address, which said that the United States will adopt a strategy of preemptive military attacks against countries believed to be sheltering or supporting a terrorist group hostile to the United States.

Learn more about Bush Doctrine: https://brainly.com/question/12320940


What is the relation between the new lynching memorial and Confederate monuments?



The new lynching memorial and Confederate monuments are related in that they both represent different aspects of America's complex and painful history of racial injustice.

The lynching memorial, officially known as the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, is a monument that honors the thousands of African Americans who were lynched in the United States between 1877 and 1950. It is a somber reminder of the brutal and violent ways in which black people were oppressed and terrorized during this period.

Confederate monuments, on the other hand, are statues and other memorials that commemorate the Confederacy, a group of southern states that seceded from the United States and fought a civil war (1861-1865) to preserve slavery. These monuments are controversial because they celebrate figures who fought to uphold a system of racial oppression and slavery.

While the lynching memorial and Confederate monuments may seem to represent opposing sides of the same issue, they both serve as reminders of America's troubled history with race. The lynching memorial acknowledges the violence and terror that black people faced, while Confederate monuments represent a history of white supremacy and oppression. Both monuments are important in their own way, as they help us to remember and learn from the past so that we can work towards a more just and equitable future.

What are some parallels between the racial profiling experienced by
Mexican-American youth in the 1940s and current perceptions of
underrepresented groups in our society?


There are some parallels between the racial profiling experienced by Mexican-American youth in the 1940s and current perceptions of underrepresented groups in our society. Some of these parallels include:

Stereotyping: Both then and now, members of underrepresented groups are often stereotyped and treated as if they are all the same. For example, Mexican-American youth in the 1940s were often seen as gang members or troublemakers simply because of their ethnicity, while today, people of color may be seen as criminals or terrorists based on their race or ethnicity.

Discrimination: Both then and now, members of underrepresented groups may face discrimination in education, employment, and other areas of life. For example, Mexican-American youth in the 1940s were often denied access to good schools or jobs simply because of their ethnicity, while today, people of color may be denied opportunities or face barriers in the workplace because of their race or ethnicity.

Police brutality: Both then and now, members of underrepresented groups may be subject to police brutality and violence. For example, Mexican-American youth in the 1940s were often harassed or beaten by police officers simply because of their ethnicity, while today, people of color are more likely to be killed or injured by police officers than people of other races.

Fear and mistrust: Both then and now, members of underrepresented groups may live in fear of persecution or mistreatment. For example, Mexican-American youth in the 1940s often had to be careful not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and today, people of color may feel the need to be cautious in interactions with police officers or other authority figures.

While there have been some improvements in terms of racial equality since the 1940s, there are still many issues that need to be addressed in our society to ensure that all people are treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their race or ethnicity

World History Chapter 12 Assessment
Humans are selfish and greedy, social contract, absolute power should be strong in order to preserve order in society is the quotes of __
A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. Thomas Hobbes
C. John Locke
D. Montesquieu
E. Voltaire


The quote "people are selfish and greedy, social agreement, absolute strength ought to be strong to be able to maintain order in society" is attributed to the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes.

Hobbes believed that people were naturally selfish and violent and they needed a strong primary authorities to hold order in society. He argued that people might willingly surrender their person freedoms in alternate for safety from the nation.

This idea of a social agreement between residents and the authorities is a crucial theme in Hobbes' political philosophy. His influential work "Leviathan" advocates for an absolute monarchy because the first-class form of presidency to ensure social stability and order..

Learn more about Thomas Hobbes:-



Humans are selfish and greedy, social contract, absolute power should be strong in order to preserve order in society is the quotes of Thomas Hobbes. So, option B is correct.

The quotes "humans are selfish and greedy," "social contract," and "absolute power should be strong in order to preserve order in society" are associated with the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, particularly his work "Leviathan." Hobbes believed that humans are naturally selfish and violent, and that a strong central authority is necessary to prevent chaos and maintain social order. He argued that individuals give up some of their freedoms in exchange for protection and security provided by the government through a social contract.

To know more about Thomas Hobbes



1. in a short paragraph, explain Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace after World War 1. How did Wilson’s plans influences the Central powers and the Treaty of Versailles?



Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace after World War 1 was known as the Fourteen Points, which he presented to the Congress in 1918. The Fourteen Points outlined his vision for a post-war world, which included ending secret treaties, promoting free trade, ensuring the rights of all nations to self-determination, and creating an international organization to prevent future wars. Wilson's plan influenced the Central powers by offering them a chance for a fair and just peace without any harsh penalties. However, some of Wilson's proposals were omitted from the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed in 1919. Instead, the Treaty held Germany responsible for the war and imposed harsh terms, including military disarmament and significant reparations. The failure to implement some of Wilson's key points contributed to the rise of nationalism, leading to World War II.

what was the outcome of the three governors controversy? a eugene talmadge served as governor of georgia for a third term. b ellis arnall became governor of georgia. c eugene talmadge's son became governor of georgia. d lieutenant governor melvin thompson became governor of georgia.


The outcome of the three governors controversy was that Ellis Arnall became governor of Georgia, Eugene Talmadge's son became governor of Georgia, and Lieutenant Governor Melvin Thompson became governor of Georgia.

The correct options are C and D.

The Three Governors Controversy was a dispute over the governorship of Georgia in 1946. The issue arose when Governor-elect Eugene Talmadge died before he could take office. The state legislature passed a resolution allowing Talmadge's son, Herman, to serve as governor in his father's place.

However, Lieutenant Governor-elect Melvin Thompson argued that he was the rightful governor and sued. The state Supreme Court ruled in Thompson's favor, and he became the governor of Georgia. Meanwhile, Ellis Arnall, a former governor who had been defeated by Talmadge in the election, was appointed interim governor by the state legislature. Eventually, Herman Talmadge was elected governor in 1948, and he served until 1955.

The correct options are C and D.

To know more about Georgia , click here:



How are the people of Washington working to address the problem of overfishing in their state? Choose three correct answers.

by limiting fishing for recreational purposes
by closing some fisheries in tribal communities
by setting a rate on harvesting certain types of fish
by removing salmon from the diet of most tribal groups
by increasing the construction of dams along the area’s rivers
by banning all salmon and steelhead trout fishing along the coast


Answer: - By limiting fishing for recreational purposes

- By closing some fisheries in tribal communities

- By setting a rate on harvesting certain types of fish

Explanation: The people of Washington are working to address the problem of overfishing in their state through the following three correct approaches:

By limiting fishing for recreational purposes: Washington has implemented regulations and restrictions on recreational fishing to manage fish populations and prevent overfishing.  These limitations can include catch limits, size restrictions, and seasonal closures to protect vulnerable species and ensure sustainable fishing practices.

By closing some fisheries in tribal communities: The state of Washington works closely with tribal communities to manage fisheries sustainably.  In some cases, fisheries may be temporarily closed or restricted in tribal areas to allow fish populations to recover and ensure long-term sustainability.

By setting a rate on harvesting certain types of fish: Washington has implemented fishing quotas and catch limits for certain species to prevent overfishing and ensure their populations can thrive.  These quotas are based on scientific assessments of fish stocks and are designed to maintain a sustainable balance between fishing activities and the health of the ecosystems.

boo radley brings scout and jem home after being attacked, and sheriff tate finds out that _____ had been stabbed.


Boo radley brings scout and jem home after being attacked, and sheriff tate finds out that Bob Ewell had been stabbed.

The question appears to be referring to a plot factor within the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" via Harper Lee. In chapter 29 of the novel, Boo Radley saves Jem and Scout from an assault with the aid of Bob Ewell, a violent and abusive guy.

Boo Radley consists of Jem home, and Sheriff Tate arrives at the scene to research. it's miles discovered that Bob Ewell had been stabbed during the assault, however the identification of the attacker is initially unclear. it's far later found out that Boo Radley had been the only to stab Bob Ewell in protection of Jem and Scout.

Learn more about To Kill a Mockingbird:-



In the scene where Boo Radley brings Scout and Jem home after being attacked, Sheriff Tate finds out that Bob Ewell had been stabbed. It is later revealed that Boo Radley was the one who had actually stabbed Bob Ewell in defense of the children.
In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," after Boo Radley brings Scout and Jem home following the attack, Sheriff Tate discovers that Bob Ewell had been stabbed.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a novel written by Harper Lee, published in 1960. The novel is set in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is narrated by a young girl named Jean Louise Finch, who goes by the nickname Scout. The story follows Scout and her brother Jem, as they grow up and learn about racial inequality and injustice in their town.

The novel's main plot revolves around the trial of Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a white woman. Atticus Finch, Scout and Jem's father, is a lawyer who defends Tom in court. The trial exposes the racial tensions and prejudices that exist in the town, and Atticus's defense of Tom puts him and his family at risk.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a coming-of-age story that deals with themes of racism, prejudice, justice, and morality. The novel is widely regarded as a classic of American literature and has won numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize.

The novel was also adapted into a highly acclaimed film in 1962, starring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch. The film won three Academy Awards and is considered one of the greatest American films ever made.

Visit here to learn more about To Kill a Mockingbird brainly.com/question/31220543


true or false during world war i, popular prejudice associated anything german with disloyalty.


True. During World War I, there was widespread prejudice against German people and culture in many countries, including the United States.

The war was widely seen as a conflict between the Allied powers, which included the U.S., France, and Britain, and the Central powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. As a result, anything associated with Germany was often viewed with suspicion or hostility, and German Americans were sometimes subjected to discrimination and even violence. This included the renaming of German foods, such as sauerkraut, to more patriotic-sounding names, and the banning of the German language in some schools and public places. This anti-German sentiment was fueled by propaganda and government policies, as well as by fear and mistrust of an enemy that was seen as barbaric and uncivilized.

To learn more about propaganda visit;



the practice of spreading ideas to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause propagandatrue or false


The given statement "the practice of spreading ideas to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause propaganda" is true, because (Propaganda refers to the practice of spreading ideas, information, or rumors to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause.)

Propaganda is a deliberate and systematic method used to manipulate public opinion and perception. Propaganda can be found in various forms, including speeches, advertisements, social media, and more. It often utilizes persuasive techniques and emotional appeals to influence people's thoughts and behaviors.

Propaganda is commonly used in political contexts to promote specific ideologies, policies, or candidates. However, it can also be used in other situations, such as in business or social campaigns. The main goal of propaganda is to sway public opinion and encourage people to support a particular viewpoint or cause.

While propaganda can sometimes be based on factual information, it often exaggerates or distorts the truth to fit a specific narrative. It is important to critically analyze any information we encounter and consider the source, context, and potential biases before accepting it as fact.

For more such questions on propaganda, click on:



1. What is the "M" reason for WWI that was part of countries making
sure that they had the strongest war technologies in the war?


In Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28, 1914, the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, along with his wife, Sophie. This act served as the catalyst for the start of World War I.

What led various nations to join World War One?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was the immediate cause of World War I that brought the aforementioned factors into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism). A Serbian nationalist terrorist organization known as the Black Hand deployed teams to kill the Archduke in June 1914.

What was the main topic of discussion in class on the reasons for World War I?

The four main causes of World War One are each listed under the abbreviation M-A-I-N, which stands for militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.

To Know more about imperialism,



The Europeans began to colonize areas rich in resources such as rubber and petroleum after
. Factories transformed such raw materials into finished goods, but they needed
to sell these finished goods.



Answer: 1. (B) The Industrial Revolution

2. (A) New Markets


The Industrial Revolution which began in the United Kingdom was a period in the latter half of the 18th century where urbanization developed at a rapid pace in Europe and America. Goods were being mass produced thanks to new technologies that easily transformed raw materials into finished goods.

New Markets

Having started mass producing goods, the European countries needed a new avenue to dispose of these goods for a profit.

For these 2 reasons countries (not an exhaustive list) were colonised especially in Africa and Asia which had both massive resources and populations to cater for these new needs.


Why did many former colonies often experience difficulties when they achieved independence? Include information from the lesson and documents to support your claims.


Things to consider:
•dependance- did they have a strong dependency on the ‘mother’ of the colonies
•Government- how fit was their new rulers at leading a country, and how did they deal with minorities
•Economy- their starting from scratch and need to find ways to use tax and wages to boost the economy
•World trade and allies- who will assist with exports and imports

in 1955, after the passage of the taft-hartley act, the afl and cio merged to create the afl-cio. group of answer choices false true


True.in 1955, after the passage of the taft-hartley act, the afl and cio merged to create the afl-cio

The Taft-Hartley Act, passed in 1947, imposed certain restrictions on labor unions, such as prohibiting certain types of strikes and allowing states to pass "right-to-work" laws. In response to these challenges, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) merged in 1955 to form the AFL-CIO, which remains the largest federation of unions in the United States today. The merger aimed to consolidate the power of the two organizations and create a more unified labor movement to better represent workers' interests in the face of these new legal restrictions.

Learn more about Taft-hartley act here:


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure
these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed, That whenever any Form of Government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem
most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.²
OA. People are naturally evil and need to be controlled by strong
B. Governments should be overthrown if they violate people's natural
OC. A government works best when political power is divided between
OD. The laws in a country must be obeyed by all citizens, including
political leaders


Option (d), All citizens, even political leaders, are required to abide by the laws of the country.

What is meant by the proposition that all men are created equal and that these truths are self-evident?

According to this definition, human equality refers to the "self-evident truth" that all persons are equally valuable, have equal inherent rights, and are treated equally under the law.

What is the mission statement of the Declaration of Independence?

To deliberate and provide King George III with the colonists' grievances, the Continental Congress was formed. In order to justify our independence to the rest of the world, the statement of Independence acted as a statement of our independence.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence: https://brainly.com/question/14578050


4. ASKING QUESTIONS What questions might historians need to
ask to determine whether Aesop was a real, individual writer?


Even though Aesop probably never existed, it is helpful in understanding how the ancient Greeks thought about the fables to understand who Aesop was thought to have been, and how he was thought to have lived his life. We can reasonably assume that the “life story” of the inventor of the fables developed along the lines that would have been found most compatible with what the Greeks thought the fables were. Therefore, by learning what the Greeks thought about the author of the fables, we can expect to learn something about what they thought about the fables themselves.

So, who was Aesop to the ancient Greeks? We know that Aesop was widely known in the ancient Greek world. We find references to him and his life in Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, and Aristophanes, and while those references may not be historically accurate, they do show that the audiences for the works of these four men (a historian, two philosophers, and a comic playwright), which would have included citizens from a wide range of social classes, knew who Aesop was and could be expected to respond to references to him in predictable ways. It also shows that he was well known and important enough for these authors to decide that he was worth including in their writings in the first place, and this can only be because his life and fables were believed to be useful cultural material and worthy of attention.

Setting aside the references mentioned above, an extended account of Aesop’s life can be found in the pseudo-biographical Life of Aesop, which is believed to have been written in roughly the 2nd cn. C.E., although much of it is a compilation of older stories that were part of oral tradition (for example, the Life of Ahiqar). The details of his life, although they may be entirely fictional, are important because while today we tend to draw sharp distinctions between how a philosopher does their job and how they live their life, in ancient Greece and Rome this was much less the case. The philosopher was expected to live their life according to their principles, and accordingly what one did (or was believed to have done) had a real impact on how their philosophy was received. Therefore, Aesop’s life can be seen as an embodiment of the principles he lives by, and vice versa: we can learn about fables through the ”biography” of the person who wrote them, whether or not Aesop ever actually existed. Rather than analyzing the entire text in detail, this article will offer a short summary, and then look in more detail at four especially salient aspects of his life. First, he was said to have begun his life as a slave; second, he is said to have been extremely ugly—as though he were not entirely human; third, he begins his life unable to speak; and, finally, his rise from slavery to greatness also leads to his destruction. As we will see, each of these qualities mark him as being on the boundary between human beings and the other animals that feature so prominently in Aesop’s fables.

WWII part three: On The Battlefield NEWSELA


Based on information in the article, the statement that is true is (A) The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor inspired many volunteers to enlist in the military.

According to the article, most American soldiers traveled to Europe D. in large groups of similar ships that had little space.

The relationship between British forces in Africa and the Soviets was D. British forces caused Germany to send extra troops to Africa so that the Soviets could win.

How did the British invasion of Africa aid the Soviets ?

The British and Soviets were allies fighting against Germany and its allies in World War II, but their cooperation and coordination varied depending on the specific theater of the war and the political and military strategies of the different leaders involved.

While the British and Soviets did not directly coordinate their efforts in Africa and Europe, their overall cooperation and success in the war contributed to the eventual defeat of Germany.

Find out more on British at https://brainly.com/question/1373696


(T/F) japan was bitter with western nations by the mid 1920s due to western nations making them feel inferior and forcing japan to abandon the twenty one demands




The given statement "Japan was bitter with western nations by the mid 1920s due to western nations making them feel inferior and forcing japan to abandon the twenty one demands" is true because, the western nations didn't want Japan's control over the Chinese economy.

With the 1st World War under-way, Japan's condition was strong & Britain's was weak; never-theless, Britain (& the United States) for-ced Japan to drop the 5th set of demands that would ha-ve given Japan a large mea-sure of control over the entire Chinese economy & ended the Open Door Policy. The Japan-ese requests included 5 groups of secret demands that be-came known as the Twenty-One Demands.

To know more about Twenty One demands click below:



Complete the paragraph about the Syrian Civil War.


The following words can be used to finish the text:

Chemical Russia

What is the Syrian Civil War?Syria is now embroiled in a multi-sided civil war between the Syrian Arab Republic, which is led by President Bashar al-Assad, and a number of domestic and international forces who, in different ways, oppose both the Syrian government and one another. Since 2011, there has been a conflict in Syria. Due to the high rates of unemployment, rampant corruption, and lack of political freedom, many people were dissatisfied. Peaceful protests began in March, spurred on by the "Arab spring" events in Egypt and Tunisia. The crisis started when President Bashar al-Assad's regime forcefully suppressed civilian uprisings in 2011; however, with the support of Iran and Russia, President al-Assad has emerged militarily triumphant.

The complete question is:

Complete the paragraph about the Syrian Civil War.

Unrest in Syria began in 2011 as part of the Arab Spring protests. The war was between government forces and rebels. The United States called for government leader Assad to step down. Despite warnings from the United States, Syria's leader began using ___ weapons in Damascus, killing 1,500 people, including many children. The United States and ___ agreed on a deadline for removing these weapons from Syria.

To learn more about Syrian Civil War, refer to:


Please Help With This


No se ve nada, en la foto, tómala mejor

British colonist gathered for the first continental congress to?



Option D is the correct answer.


An appeal to address grievances that was sent to Lord George III of Britain after the Primary Mainland Congress in 1774, remained unanswered.

The arrangement was to dismiss the legitimate specialist of the Parliament to control exchange. But they didn’t deny control of the Regal specialist, which was said unequivocally in a request to the Ruler.

Refer the below link:


the sources often cited for art nouveau are diffuse and wide-ranging. they include ______________ book illustration, Celtic ornament, the rococo style, the Arts and Crafts movement. Pre-Raphaelite painting, Japanese decorative design, and especially ukiyo-e woodblock prints.


The sources often cited for Art Nouveau are diverse and encompass various artistic influences. These include book illustrations, Celtic ornamentation, the Rococo style, the Arts and Crafts movement, Pre-Raphaelite painting, Japanese decorative design, and notably, ukiyo-e woodblock prints.

Art Nouveau, which emerged in the late 19th century, was characterized by its use of sinuous, organic forms, as well as its incorporation of decorative elements from a variety of sources. The movement was a reaction against the academic art of the time, which was seen as overly rigid and formulaic. Book illustration, particularly the work of artists such as Aubrey Beardsley and Walter Crane, was a major influence on the development of Art Nouveau. The movement also drew inspiration from Celtic ornament, which was characterized by its use of interlacing patterns and stylized plant forms. The rococo style, with its emphasis on curvilinear forms and ornate decoration, was another important influence on Art Nouveau. The movement also borrowed elements from the Arts and Crafts movement, which emphasized the value of handcrafted goods and rejected the mass production of the Industrial Revolution.

Learn more about emphasis here:



The sources often cited for Art Nouveau are diffuse and wide-ranging, and they include influence artistic styles and movements comprising book illustration, Celtic ornament, the Rococo style, the Arts and Crafts movement, Pre-Raphaelite painting, Japanese decorative design, and especially ukiyo-e woodblock prints.

These sources comprise book illustration, which showcases intricate and stylized designs; Celtic ornament, known for its interlacing patterns and flowing lines; the Rococo style, characterized by ornate and intricate decorations; and the Arts and Crafts movement, which promotes traditional craftsmanship and simple, elegant forms.

Additionally, Art Nouveau also draws inspiration from Pre-Raphaelite painting, which emphasizes nature, medievalism, and the importance of symbolism; Japanese decorative design, which is distinguished by its organic forms and asymmetry; and especially ukiyo-e woodblock prints, which showcase a unique blend of stylized elements, natural motifs, and linear patterns.

These diverse sources collectively contribute to the distinct visual language of Art Nouveau, which is characterized by its flowing, organic lines, attention to detail, and emphasis on the harmony between form and function.

By combining these various influences, Art Nouveau artists were able to create a new and innovative style that captured the imagination of their contemporaries and continues to inspire designers today.

To know more about Art Nouveau refer here:



Analyze Maps Which Warsaw Pact countries bordered NATO nations?


East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Albania,

Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland,

Turkey, Greece, Italy, Belgium,

Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain.

East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Albania.
Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland.
Turkey, Greece, Italy, Belgium.
Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain.

renaissance 20 main idea words


1. Rebirth
2. Humanism
3. Artistic expression
4. Individualism
5. Intellectual curiosity
6. Scientific innovation
7. Classical antiquity
8. Cultural transformation
9. Secularism
10. Rationalism
11. Patronage
12. Progress
13. Perspective
14. Creativity
15. Exploration
16. Literature
17. Architecture
18. Education
19. Invention
20. Enlightenment

Put the following in order: Shiloh, Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, Fort Sumter, Ironclads, Election of 1860, 1st Battle of Bull Run, 2nd Battle of bull run.



The Election of 1860 occurred in November of 1860.The attack on Fort Sumter began on April 12, 1861, marking the start of the Civil War.The First Battle of Bull Run took place on July 21, 1861.The Battle of the Ironclads (USS Monitor vs. CSS Virginia) occurred on March 9, 1862.The Battle of Shiloh took place on April 6-7, 1862.The Battle of Antietam took place on September 17, 1862.The Battle of Fredericksburg occurred on December 11-15, 1862.The Second Battle of Bull Run took place on August 28-30, 1862.The Siege of Vicksburg took place from May 18 to July 4, 1863.The Battle of Gettysburg occurred from July 1-3, 1863.

Hope this helps!

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