What are two literary themes that can be identified in this description?


Answer 1

The two scholarly themes that can be recognized in this poem are: choice D. The certainty of maturing and the pride of self-esteem.

A poem subject alludes to the focal or hidden thought or idea that is investigated, inspected, or conveyed in a sonnet. It is the general subject or message that the writer means to impart to the peruser. The subject of a sonnet can be a particular inclination, a general human encounter, a social issue, a philosophical idea, or some other point or thought that the writer needs to investigate and communicate.

Theme in sonnets can change broadly and can envelop a scope of feelings, viewpoints, and subjects.

Learn more about theme, from:



Your question is incpmplete, probably the correct question is-

Read the following description:

She had the face of an arrogant headmistress who was

long past her prime, yet she hadn't bothered to find out.

Something in the severe lines of her face suggested she

had long since been defeated by time but was still fighting

pointlessly against it.

What are two literary themes that can be identified in this description?

A. The indignity of vanity and the futility of the pursuit of beauty

B. The cruelty of time and the importance of integrity

C. The uselessness of youth and the value of kindness

D. The inevitability of aging and the dignity of self-worth

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A critical review of Esperanza rising. Help pls.


Esperanza Rising is a captivating novel that explores themes of resilience, hope, and the power of family bonds. It tells the story of Esperanza, a privileged young girl from Mexico whose life drastically changes when tragedy strikes and she is forced to leave her luxurious lifestyle behind and adapt to the hardships of working as a migrant farm laborer in California during the Great Depression.

While the book presents a compelling narrative and sheds light on important historical and social issues, it also has a few shortcomings.

Esperanza Rising is a well-crafted novel that explores important themes and presents a captivating story. Its central character, Esperanza, undergoes a significant transformation, which adds depth to the narrative.

However, the novel falls short in terms of secondary character development, which hinders readers' ability to fully connect with their stories.

Additionally, while the book addresses crucial social issues, it occasionally oversimplifies complex topics, which may hinder a deeper understanding of the historical context.

Despite these shortcomings, the novel remains a powerful read, emphasizing resilience, empathy, and the significance of family bonds.

Pam Muñoz Ryan's storytelling skills shine through as she creates a thought-provoking narrative that encourages readers to reflect on privilege and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

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Write a speech on animal shouldn't be kept in zoo


Animals play an important role of human life. Wild animal is a kind that normally lives in the wild, for example: elephants, tigers, rhinos and many others. They live in the wild with spacious and natural environment, however many humans kept them in the zoo, as an attraction for the sake of the money. They didn’t think of the wild animals habitat, and there are some problems arise from keeping them in cages. The shock of being in captivity would depress the animals; they would even act hysterically and might hurt people near them. And it is not the animal to be fault. There are three main reasons why wild animals should not be kept in the zoos:

Firstly, the ecosystem became unbalanced. If the humans kept the wild animals in the zoo, they…show more content…

Wild animals would not be wild anymore; the humans have tamed them. Their natural behavior will change.

which one is a run-on sentence , a camel can go without water for days and days, he stored water in the jump on his back


The run-on sentence is "a camel can go without water for days and days, he stored water in the jump on his back."A run-on sentence is a sentence that has two or more independent clauses and that is not punctuated correctly or that is not joined correctly.

It can also be called a fused sentence. Independent clauses are sentences that can stand alone and express complete thoughts.A camel can go without water for days and days. This is an independent clause because it can stand alone and express a complete thought. It states a fact about camels, which is that they can survive for long periods of time without water.

He stored water in the jump on his back. This is also an independent clause. It can stand alone and express a complete thought. It talks about how camels store water in their humps to survive in the desert.The two independent clauses are joined by a comma, which is not correct.

A comma splice is a type of run-on sentence. The correct way to punctuate these two independent clauses is to use a semicolon or a period:a camel can go without water for days and days; he stored water in the jump on his back.a camel can go without water for days and days. He stored water in the jump on his back.

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“sharon walked
out the door, and everyone waved goodbye” what is the subject of the first independent clause ?


The subject of the first independent clause in the sentence "Sharon walked out the door, and everyone waved goodbye" is "Sharon."

The subject is usually the one who does the action, and in this case, Sharon is walking, indicating she is the subject of this sentence.


Creative writing!!
What rule should a writer keep in mind as they are crafting concise dialogue?

✔ Read aloud and trust your ear.

Use complete sentences.

Include general chit-chat for realism.

Be careful not to cut too much out.


Concise dialogue construction is a crucial talent for writers. Brevity and realism might be challenging to manage, but there are several guidelines that can be useful.

First and foremost, read your construction   out loud. You'll be better able to see any odd wording, excessively long phrases, or words that don't quite fit if you do this. Additionally, it's a terrific opportunity to assess the dialogue's naturalness and sense of style.

Next, put your ear to the test. If something in the dialogue doesn't seem quite right to you, it's generally better to reword it because dialogue should sound realistic. Additionally, if at all feasible, utilise whole phrases to make the dialogue sound more realistic. Finally, it's crucial to incorporate some general banter.

Learn more about  dialogue at:



Which of the following situations best represents group communication as defined in the textbook?
a. people talking in an elevator
b. people discussing the weather at an airport
c. fans cheering at a baseball game
d. jury members deliberating a court case
e. a congregation listening to a sermon


D. jury members deliberating a court case.

The situation that best represents group communication as defined in the textbook is d. jury members deliberating a court case.

Group communication involves a collective exchange of information, ideas, and opinions among multiple individuals with a shared goal or purpose. In this scenario, jury members are engaged in a deliberation process where they discuss and analyze evidence, consider different perspectives, and ultimately reach a verdict. The communication within the jury is interactive, collaborative, and focused on decision-making. While the other options mentioned (a. people talking in an elevator, b. people discussing the weather at an airport, c. fans cheering at a baseball game, and e. a congregation listening to a sermon) involve communication among groups of people, they do not fully encompass the key elements of group communication as defined in the textbook.

To know more about communication refer :



All countries and cultures are either classified strictly as a high or low-context culture, and it is not common for a country/culture to be a mix of both. True False


False. Countries and cultures are not strictly classified as either high-context or low-context. Instead, cultures exist on a spectrum, with varying degrees of context orientation.

While some cultures may exhibit characteristics that align more closely with high-context communication patterns, emphasizing implicit meanings, shared knowledge, and indirect communication, others may lean more toward low-context communication, which emphasizes explicit and direct communication with less reliance on contextual cues. It is common for countries and cultures to have a mix of both high-context and low-context communication tendencies. Cultural practices and communication styles can vary within a country or even among different groups within the same culture. Additionally, globalization and cultural interactions can lead to the adoption of communication patterns from different cultures, further blurring the boundaries between high and low context. It is important to approach cultural analysis with nuance and avoid oversimplifying the complexities of communication patterns within different countries and cultures.

To know more about communication refer :



write a poem about "love for parents"​


In order to generate emotion or to express location and plot, a poem uses rhyme, rhythm, and meter. There are several varieties of poetry, including ballads, haiku, verse, and haiku. Poems are identified by their shapes even though they are not what defines them.

The love for parents, oh how it soars

Endless, boundless, like the ocean's roar

A love that's pure, a love that's true

Always there, no matter what we do

From infancy to our adult years

Their love ignites, it never disappears

Guiding us every step of the way

Fostering our growth every single day

The love for parents, it's an endless flame

An eternal bond that'll forever remain

I thank the heavens for this precious gift

The love of parents, my life's biggest lift.

Learn more about poem here:



Which part of the excerpt is ironic?


An excerpt is generally a quote that is fragmented. It could have been taken from any source, for example, from book, novel, story, speech, article  or any other literary piece.

To find that which part is ironic, one must look into three major things:

Writer tries to elaborate what he feels by using excerpt.When writer tries to focus reader's attention.When writer tries to analyze things

Read more about ironic part in excerpt,


what is the authors point of view in bawl haw


The author of "Bawlin' Haw" is a young boy who is struggling to come to terms with the death of his father.

What happens in Bawling Haw ?

The poem is full of raw emotion, and the author's point of view is one of grief, anger, and confusion. He is angry at the world for taking his father away, and he is confused about why this happened to him.

The poem is a powerful expression of the pain of loss, and it is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

The author's point of view is evident in the language he uses. The poem is full of strong imagery, such as "the wind howled like a banshee" and "the rain beat down like nails.

Find out more on  point of view at https://brainly.com/question/13107415


for managers, communication can't be overemphasized because ________ requires communication.


For managers, communication can't be overemphasized because effective communication is essential for successful management.

Nearly every aspect of managerial work relies on communication, making it a critical skill for managers to master. Communication is crucial for conveying expectations, goals, and strategies to employees. Managers need to articulate their vision, provide clear instructions, and ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Without effective communication, employees may become confused, leading to misunderstandings, mistakes, and a lack of alignment. Communication plays a vital role in fostering a positive work environment. Managers must engage in open, honest, and transparent communication to build trust and rapport with their team members. Regular feedback, recognition, and constructive criticism are essential for employee growth and motivation. Clear and effective communication can prevent misunderstandings, diffuse tensions, and promote collaboration.

To know more about communication refer :



Give 3 Significant Ideas Why The Second Brazilian company to produce Russia's Sputnik V COVID 19 Vaccine



Second Brazilian company to produce Russia's Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine. BRASILIA (Reuters) - A Brazilian pharmaceutical company said on Friday it has signed an agreement with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) to produce Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 starting in the second half of November.

Also the purpose was : effectiveness against new strains of coronavirus

“The Gold Series: A History of Gold”

Identify (a) What do people still use gold for today that people used it for thousands of years ago? (b) What is at least one modern use for gold today?



jewelry for a

and cutlery or silverware and bowls and plates for b

Read the following excerpts from Frederick Douglass' text "What to a Slave is the Fourth of July?" and answer the question that follows.

… Fellow-citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions! whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are, to-day, rendered more intolerable by the jubilee shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" To forget them, to pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and shocking, and would make me a reproach before God and the world. My subject, then, fellow-citizens, is American slavery. I shall see this day and its popular characteristics from the slave's point of view. Standing there identified with the American bondman, making his wrongs mine, I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul, that the character and conduct of this nation never looked blacker to me than on this 4th of July! Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting. America vis false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future. Standing with God and the crushed and bleeding slave on this occasion, I will, in the name of humanity which is outraged, in the name of liberty which is fettered, in the name of the constitution and the Bible which are disregarded and trampled upon, dare to call in question and to denounce, with all the emphasis I can command, everything that serves to perpetuate slavery the great sin and shame of America! "I will not equivocate; I will not excuse"; I will use the severest language I can command; and yet not one word shall escape me that any man, whose judgment is not blinded by prejudice, or who is not at heart a slaveholder, shall not confess to be right and just …

… At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed. O! had I the ability, and could reach the nation's ear, I would, to-day, pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced.

What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are, to Him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages …

In a well-written paragraph of 7–10 sentences, identify and evaluate Douglass' use of two rhetorical devices and one


In this excerpt from Frederick Douglass' text "What to a Slave is the Fourth of July?", Douglass skillfully employs rhetorical devices to convey his powerful message and evoke a strong emotional response from his audience.

One rhetorical device Douglass employs is vivid imagery. He paints a stark picture of the contrast between the jubilant celebrations of the Fourth of July and the plight of the enslaved population. By describing the slaves' chains as "heavy and grievous" and emphasizing that their suffering is intensified by the festive shouts of the day, Douglass creates a vivid image that elicits a sense of sorrow and injustice. This imagery highlights the stark reality faced by slaves and exposes the blatant hypocrisy of celebrating freedom while denying it to a significant portion of the population.

Douglass uses repetition effectively. He repeats the phrase "in the name of" several times throughout the passage to emphasize his denunciation of slavery and establish his moral authority. By invoking humanity, liberty, the Constitution, and the Bible, Douglass asserts that slavery is an affront to all these principles. The repetition of these powerful terms strengthens his argument and evokes moral outrage in the reader or listener.

Furthermore, Douglass incorporates irony into his rhetoric. He employs scorching irony to underscore the absurdity and hypocrisy of celebrating independence and liberty while simultaneously denying these fundamental rights to enslaved individuals. By expressing his desire to pour out a "fiery stream of biting ridicule" and "blasting reproach," Douglass uses irony to condemn the nation's failure to live up to its professed values. This ironic tone exposes the contradiction between freedom and equality ideals and the reality of slavery. It challenges the audience to critically examine their complicity in perpetuating this injustice.

In conclusion, Frederick Douglass employs vivid imagery, repetition, and irony to effectively convey his message and denounce slavery. Through these rhetorical devices, he evokes strong emotions and highlights the stark contrast between the Fourth of July celebrations and the suffering of the enslaved. He also exposes the hypocrisy of a nation that celebrates freedom while denying it to a significant portion of its population. Douglass' skillful use of these devices contributes to his speech's rhetorical power, making it a compelling call to action against slavery.

Creative writing!’
Walter's friend Ray tells him that writing has a business side that could be applicable to Walter even if Walter is more concerned with the writing process itself. For this reason, Ray proposes that Walter should try to better
understand a certain topic. What topic is Ray MOST likely recommending that Walter learns more about?

trends in the publishing industry

how to write an effective query letter

how to write for the commercial business realm

themes popular in the finance realm



Ray is most likely recommending that Walter learns more about trends in the publishing industry. Since Ray mentions the business side of writing, understanding trends in the publishing industry would be valuable knowledge for Walter. This knowledge would help Walter navigate the ever-changing landscape of the publishing world, including emerging genres, popular writing styles, market demands, and reader preferences. By staying informed about trends in the publishing industry, Walter can make more informed decisions about his writing and potentially increase his chances of success in the competitive market.

6). The prince said to the begger," Disguise yourself as a merchant,,​


The prince instructed the beggar to disguise himself as a merchant.

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is a way of reporting someone else's words without using their exact phrasing.

It involves conveying the meaning of the original statement while adjusting the pronouns, verb tenses, and other elements to fit the context of reporting.

In indirect speech, the speaker's original words are reported by another person rather than being directly quoted.

In the given example, the original direct speech is "Disguise yourself as a merchant," which is a statement made by the prince to the beggar.

In indirect speech, the statement is reported by someone else (the speaker) and is modified to fit the reporting context.

Thus, the indirect speech form becomes "The prince instructed the beggar to disguise himself as a merchant."

Here, the words of the prince are reported indirectly without using quotation marks, and the verb "said" is replaced with "instructed" to convey the meaning accurately.

Know more about indirect speech:



Alphabet poem examples


A hope for poetry : Remembering the  the sixties by Barry Tebb is an example of an alphabet poem.

Poetry is a kind of literature that uses words chosen and arranged for their meaning, tone, and rhythm to elicit an emotional reaction in the reader.

The lines from the poem: "I threw rainbows against the classroom walls, Gold, and silver dragons in the corridors and Halls; the children’s eyes were full of stars; I taught the alphabet in Greek and spoke of Peace and war in Vietnam."

Learn more about poetry, here:



Which paragraph would be the best conclusion for Nathan's essay?


The best conclusion for Nathan's essays is: Nathan from “Storm Warriors” was a good surfman because he was in a good medical situation.

Essays are a form of written composition that presents a writer's perspective, arguments, or analysis on a particular topic. They are typically structured and organized, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Essays serve various purposes, such as informing, persuading, or reflecting upon a subject.

Essays are commonly assigned in academic settings as a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of a subject, develop critical thinking skills, and effectively communicate their ideas.

Learn more about essays, here:



How might these people have “sang the sun in flight” and then “grieved” it?


The phrase "sang the sun in flight" holds a metaphorical interpretation within the context of the poem. This pertains to people who seized every opportunity to experience life with exuberance and enthusiasm.

What is the poem about?

By embracing the vitality and radiance of existence, they figuratively captured and celebrated the fleeting sun.

The sentence, "And they come to the realization, belatedly, that they mourned the passing of time," implies that these people ultimately grasp that life is short-lived and the chances they may have overlooked or regretted become apparent as they near the end of their existence.

Learn more about poem  from



Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

by Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

You will now work through Dylan Thomas’s “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” stanza by stanza, answering questions as you go.

How might these people have “sang the sun in flight” and then “grieved” it?

What kinds of words are added to a dull sentence to make it a masterpiece?
O nouns or verbs but never adjectives or adverbs
O very precise words that paint a picture for readers
O words that can also be used to describe works of art
O long, complicated words that are difficult to read


Answer: A masterpiece is referred a unique or extraordinary piece or an object that grabs the  attention of the viewer at one time. This masterpiece will be created with efforts and hard works.


Identify and differentiate PERFORMANCE AS EVALUATIVE


Title: Performance as Evaluative vs. Performance as Multidimensional

Introduction: Performance is a complex behavior that can be observed and evaluated in various domains, including sports, academics, and professional settings. However, the concept of performance can be understood and approached in different ways. This essay aims to identify and differentiate two perspectives of performance: performance as evaluative and performance as multidimensional. These perspectives provide distinct lenses through which performance can be assessed, understood, and improved. Performance as Evaluative: Performance as evaluative refers to the assessment and judgment of an individual's or a group's performance based on predefined criteria or standards. It involves comparing the achieved results or outcomes against established benchmarks or expectations. This perspective often focuses on quantifiable and measurable aspects of performance, such as productivity, efficiency, or goal attainment. Key characteristics of performance as evaluative.

To know more about characteristics refer :



why is jeanne finally able to say “farewell” to manzanar


Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. In Houston's book "Farewell to Manzanar", Jean's ability to say "farewell" to Manzanar – the internment camp where she and her family were interned during World War II – symbolizes her emotional and psychological liberation from the traumatic The experiences and hardships he faced there.

Jeanne describes the struggles, prejudice, and deprivation of freedom that Japanese Americans faced in internment camps during the course of the novel. Jean struggles with her identity and the effects of internment as she grows older and learns more about her family's history and the injustices they have faced.

Learn more about Farewell to Manzanar, here:



The sun is shining bright and warm,
As I stroll through the park with calm,
The grass is green and lush and bright,
And flowers bloom, a lovely sight.
The birds are chirping in the trees,
A sweet melody carried on the breeze,
And squirrels run and play and chase,
As I walk along at a leisurely pace.
The children laugh and shout and play,
Their carefree spirits on full display,
And parents watch with joy and pride,
As they run and jump and slide.
The peace and tranquility
of the park,
A welcome respite from the daily stark,
The simple beauty of nature's grace,
A reminder of life's simpler pace.
Does this poem have alliteration?




Yes, the poem does have examples of alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close proximity. In the given poem, some examples of alliteration include:

"sun is shining"

"grasses green"

"flowers bloom"

"birds are chirping"

"squirrels run and play"

"children laugh and shout"

"peace and tranquility"

"simple beauty"

These repeated consonant sounds create a pleasing and rhythmic effect in the poem.

Read the following excerpt from "The Yellow Peril and the Dockers" by Leon Lopez (Claude McKay) before you choose your answer.

"We were met at the gate by an old pal who took us down to the hold of his ship, where we had breakfast à la creole, rice and corn meal and flour dumplings, swimming in coconut oil and thick coarse unadulterated cocoa made in native style with fat floating on the top. It was a great meal and for years I had not tasted one like it; but it turned bitter in my mouth when I thought of the despairing crowd of men outside. Even the wretched life of my swarthy friends in the ships' bottoms was better than gnawing starvation ashore."

In this excerpt, the author uses descriptive language to

A. emphasize the contrast between abundance and hunger
B. reveal his respect for international cultures and cuisine(THIS NOT THE ANSWER)
C. signify his distaste and utter contempt for excess
D. create a feeling of nostalgia for the comforts of home



A.emphasize the contrast between abundance and hunger


It is simply the best answer

The author uses descriptive language to emphasize the contrast between abundance and hunger. The author describes the breakfast in great detail, using words like "swimming," "coarse," and "unadulterated" to create a sense of abundance. This abundance is contrasted with the despairing crowd of men outside, who are "gnawing starvation." The author's use of descriptive language creates a powerful image of the contrast between those who have and those who have not.

The correct answer is A.

Someone please help I’m running out of time

Write a narrative essay about overcoming a challenge and what you learned as a result



here :)


Through my entire life I have seen many tough people, I have seen many harsh sights, and faced many difficult challenges. Accomplishing these things seems to be easy, but I believe I have not only overcome these challenges, but used them to develop myself as a person.I look back and feel happy for having such wonderful people, like my Mom, in my life to comfort me through all of my anxiety. I think of how lucky I am to have parents that care about me, and a Mom who sacrifices things she has to make me happy.

Throughout a majority of my life, I had not developed the mental maturity of taking a negative experience and turning it into something to build my character. When I was younger my struggles were never as great as they are now, but still …show more content…

Events like this were common, as I would run around the house in fear looking for my parents, but not looking closely enough to find that they were upstairs, or in the kitchen. I realize now that I never learned from those mistakes. I never looked harder to find my Mom or my Dad, I gave up on the spot if I couldn’t run around the house and find them in a minute. Every time I thought they were lost or gone forever, they always came back. But at the moment I finally found one of my two parents, I would hug them harder than I did the last time, to make sure that if that hug was somehow the last, that it might count, or that I could remember their scent or how comforted I felt when I was in the protection of their arms. Whenever my mom came to find me, she was always in the middle of doing something important. She was always cooking dinner or working on her arts and craft pieces that she cared so much about. I remember running up to her in the kitchen, there was a pot of boiling …show more content…

I would have months and weeks of pure happiness, where I felt pure, and others where every day I would do nothing but sit and bed and cry. I still do have those days. Ones of pure sadness, where no being or thing could make me feel like I was worth it. I struggled than and still with self doubt, hating myself relentlessly for things I had said, done, or felt. It was and is beyond difficult. The difficulty with people I had this eighth grade year was agonizing. I would receive messages and texts joking about me, making fun of the people I liked and the way I acted. I had people take advantage of my softness, and they found a way to use it against me. They would try to trick me into saying terrible things had happened to them that I caused, and than revealing to me later that it was fake and I was only ‘gullible’. These people made me feel worthless, made me hate myself and my life. The sad truth is- these were all the people I trusted. All the friends who I had been close to were turning against me. It hurt the worst because they knew me the best. They knew my weaknesses and how vulnerable I was, and used it all for their own amusement. For months I would spend days at a time crying and sitting in bed having no clue what to do. The few days I truly enjoyed myself were carefully ruined with texts and triggering images. I would run to my Mom, weeping and sobbing, asking her when this would end.

Which sentence correctly uses subject-verb agreement?
Neither clowning nor krumping requires a strong background in dance.
Neither clowning nor krumping require a strong background in dance.
Neither clowning nor krumping have required a strong background in dance.
ONeither clowning nor krumping were developed from traditional dance.



Neither clowning nor krumping have required a strong background in dance.

What does Plath's poem “The Applicant” compare women to?


In "The Applicant," a poem by Sylvia Plath, women are compared to things or commodities within a social context that emphasizes conformity and women's place as passive customers. The poem offers a humorous examination of gender roles and societal norms.

In Sylvia Plath's free verse dramatic monologue "The Applicant," a salesman who is applying to buy a wife is subjected to a thorough interview. The poem mocks patriarchy and unbridled materialism by examining how these factors compel people to fit into predetermined roles. In order to critique how society treats women as inanimate things to be selected and exploited in accordance with predefined criteria, "The Applicant" employs powerful imagery and irony. It also challenges traditional gender roles.

Learn more about The Applicant here:



If victor had studied then modern scientists would he ever thought of the idea to create life from nothing?


If Victor Frankenstein had studied modern scientists in the context of the novel, it would significantly alter the story's premise and the character's motivations.

What things would have changed with the change of profession?

Depending on the specific scientific ideas and advancements he would have encountered, it's plausible that Victor might have pursued different methods or approaches to creating life, potentially drawing inspiration from fields such as synthetic biology or bioengineering.

However, the exact outcome would depend on the specific knowledge and ideas he would have acquired from studying modern scientists.

Read more about Frankenstein here:



the _____ exerts the strongest influence on the act of communication.


The “context” exerts the strongest influence on the act of communication.

The sender exerts the strongest influence on the act of communication. The sender plays a crucial role in the act of communication and exerts the strongest influence on the process.

As the initiator of the communication, the sender sets the tone, intent, and content of the message being conveyed. They determine the purpose, choose the words, and select the appropriate communication channel. The sender's clarity in expressing ideas, emotions, or information greatly affects how the message is received and interpreted by the recipient. Their communication skills, knowledge, and ability to convey messages effectively impact the overall success of the communication process. Additionally, the sender's non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice, can significantly influence the interpretation of the message. The sender's level of engagement, empathy, and understanding of the audience also play a vital role in ensuring effective communication.

To know more about communication refer :



Question 14 of 15 Which example of media would best set the mood for a speaker giving a presentation about the dangers of oil spills? A. A photograph of a beautiful blue ocean OB. A video of an oil rig in the ocean C. A photograph of a sick bird covered in oil D. A timeline showing oil spills in the last three decades​


The example of media "A photograph of a sick bird covered in oil" would best set the mood for a speaker giving a presentation about the dangers of oil spills. Therefore, option C is correct.

Media refers to various means of communication used to convey information, ideas, or entertainment to a wide audience. It encompasses different forms of communication channels, including print media (newspapers, magazines), broadcast media (television, radio), digital media (websites, social media), and other forms such as films, music, and books.

Media can transmit messages through text, images, audio, video, and interactive content.

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Calculative an Inflation Rate. A country reports a price index of 55 in 2005 and 60 in 2006. What is the inflation rate between 2005 and 2006? Answer as a percentage and round to two decimal places (xx.xx%). Hi, I think the answer to this question (20) is (a), am Iright?20) The number of common points of the parabola y = 8x and the straight line p: x+y = 0 is equal to : a) 2 b) 1 c) 0 d) [infinity] e) none of the answers above is correct which state of matter has a high density and a definite volume? Show by induction that for all n = 2,3,. ON n Recall that k Question 2: [2.1] Determine all the partitions of the set {a,b,c}. [2.2] Given that the Stirling set number {*} is defined as the number of ways to partition a set of n objects into exactly k nonempty subsets. Use the above to determine - END - mation 1/1 G O157 %- 2:11 PM Search the web and Windows )) we have > { 2 } = 2-1 is the Stirling set number for n and k. - 1. Links There is a 5% discount for the customer if the bill is paid within 3 days. Calculate the discount to the nearest cent. $ (Make sure to add tax to the parts total only!) Item Quantity Needed Cost 30 inches $1.25 per foot colon Color 2 $0.84 each inch hose 5 inch hose clamps 8 4 inch hose inch hose clamps 24 inches $1.35 per foot 2 $0.84 each $5.65 each $4.50 each Thermostat with gasket 1 Pressure cap 1 Upper hose 1 Lower hose 1 $11.44 each $16.53 each Hose Clamps 4 $0.98 each 7% sales tax on parts only Job Labor Charge $39.50 $20.00 Remove, clean, and replace radiator Reverse flush block Replace heater hoses Replace thermostat and cap $10.00 N/C A !!! CAM/C 4. For C 8-9 Co Consid DME FATIGU Gears A m/c capital Straigh Conter C Chegg File | C:/Users/pdaks/Downloads/Engineering%20Economics%20and%20Management%20(IHS%20241).pdf + DY 2 of 2 2B A piece of machinery costs $7500 and has no salvage value after it is installed. The 05 manufacturer's warranty will pay the first year's maintenance and repair costs. In the second year, maintenance costs will be $900, and this item will increase on a $900 arithmetic gradient in subsequent years. Also, operating expenses for the machinery will be $500 in the first year and will increase on a $400 arithmetic gradient in the following years. If interest is 12%, what is the economic service life for this machine? Smita P Er X 10 + 60 I Private nonprofit four-year colleges charge, on average, $27,996 per year in tuition and fees. The standard deviation is $7,440. Assume the distribution is normal. Let X be the cost for a randomly selected college. Round all answers to 4 decimal places where possible. a. What is the distribution of X? X - N( b. Find the probability that a randomly selected Private nonprofit four-year college will cost less than 30,116 per year. c. Find the 79th percentile for this distribution. Find the number that belongsin the green box.3764[?]30Round your answer to the nearest tenth. Question 2 (5 points) The equation that models the amount of time t, in minutes, that a bowl of soup has been cooling as a function of its temperature T, in C, log (T-15) is t - . Round answers to 2 Apply spin selling into a digital card transport( octopus) the diffusion coefficient of fe in bcc iron is approximately 3 x 10-11 cm2/s at 900 oc and 1.5 x 10-14 cm2/s at 630oc. the activation energy in cal/mol is approximately (15.31) shelia's measured glucose level one hour after a sugary drink varies according to the normal distribution with = 131 mg/dl and s = 10.9 mg/dl. 56. The inherent value of a negotiable instrument is that it isrelatively easy to transfer - T F57. An S Corporation can have up to 500 stockholders - T F58. Articles of Incorporation is a term tha a patient has demonstrated interest in obtaining a penile implant. what should the patient consider prior to making this decision? select all that apply. Eye Color of Males SurveyedGreenBlue516Brown27Eye Color of Females SurveyedBlueBrown1918Green3What percent of students in the survey are either female or have green eyes? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.About % are either female or have green eyes.What percent of students in the survey are males who do not have green eyes? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.About % are males who do not have green eyes.Find the sum of these two percents.The sum of these two percents is %. Suppose the supply of a good is perfectly elastic at a price of $15. The market demand curve for this good is linear, with zero quantity demanded at a price of $25.Given that the slope of this linear demand curve is -0.25, draw a supply and demand graph to illustrate the consumer and producer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus for this market. a+saline+solution+contains+1.3+%+nacl+by+mass.+part+a+how+much+nacl+is+present+in+71.9+g+of+this+solution? 6. For each of the following, find the interior, boundary and closure of each set. Is the set open, closed or neither? (6) {(x,y):0 Coronado Petronick decided to start an accounting practice after graduation from university. The following is a list of events that occurred concerning Coronado's practice. After shopping around, Coronado found an office to lease and signed a lease agreement. The lease calls for a payment of 1. $896 rent per month 2. Coronado borrowed $3,584 from his grandmother so that he could buy some office furniture for his new othe 3. Coronado deposited the $3,584 plus $448 of his own cash in a new bank account at EMO under the name Petronick Accounting Services. 4 Paid the landlord the first month's rent 5. Purchased office furniture for $2.958 on account. 6. Moved into the office and obtained the first assignment from a client to prepare year-end financial statements for $1,792. 7. Performed the work on the assignment and sent an invoice to the customer for $1.792 Paid half of the amount of the purchase of office furniture. Purchased office supplies on account for $270. Paid $46 cash for Internet services Collected half of the amount owing from the customer referred to in #7 Coronado withdrew cash from the business of $132 for personal expenses. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A company in U.S. sells a product with the following unit standard cost card: 50 Selling price Variable cost 20 - Contribution Margin 30 - This card is based on budgeted sales of 1,600 units, and the budgeted fixed cost is $10 per unit. Actual selling price was $52, unit variable costs were $26 and unit fixed cost $7. Actual sales were 1,700 units were made. The company currently uses absorption costing. What was the sales volume variance? a. $2,400 (A) $2,000 (F) $2,800 (F) $2,000 (A) b. C. d. 69