what are the two sources of committee power in legislatures? what are some of the reasons we tend to consider congressional committees in latin america as weakly professionalized/specialized?


Answer 1

The two main sources of committee authority are the capabilities of its members and the prerogatives granted to the committee by the rules of procedure.

What are the strength of committees and professionalization of its membership?

In numerous chambers in the region, politicians routinely swap committees throughout their term in office, which diminishes incentives to specialize. Congressional committees are strengthened by experienced legislators and a steady membership.

Argentina has a committee system that is amateurish because of its low likelihood of reelection and legislators who prioritize their careers at the regional level. Brazil: Each committee typically has a consistent core, although the overall composition frequently changes from one meeting to the next. In Costa Rica, lawmakers frequently have to switch committees each year and are not simply prohibited from competing for reelection. Colombia - The constitution of the nation mandates an annual rotation of committee heads and other chamber authority.

To know more about Congressional committees, visit:



Related Questions

the commercial kitchen is best thought of as a democracy and a place where communal decisions are made frequently. true false


The statement given is true that the commercial kitchen is best thought of a democracy and a place where communal decisions are made frequently.

What is a commercial kitchen?

A commercial kitchen is a prep kitchen that is rented out for shared use and comes fully equipped. They are also referred to as food hubs, accelerators, shared kitchens, community kitchens, kitchen incubators, and food innovation centres.

What features are included in commercial kitchens?

Ovens, ranges, burners, grills, griddles, deep fryers, freezers, refrigerators, food processors, blenders, mixers, slicers, salamanders, toasters, and beverage brewers are some of the major kitchen equipment to think about. A commercial kitchen dishwasher and glass washer are also required.

What is democracy?

Democracy is Defined as “power of the people” or “power of the people’s will,” democracy is derived from the Greek words “demos,” which means “people,” and “kratos,” which means “power.”

Why is democracy important?

Supporting democracy helps build a more safe, stable, and affluent global environment where the United States may advance its national interests in addition to advancing such core American principles as worker rights and freedom of religion.

To know more about commercial kitchen and democracy:



compare and contrast the views of either martin delany and frederick douglass or martin luther king and malcolm x on the question of assimilation versus separatism. what leads each to adopt the position he adopts? how does cornell west think we should resolve this issue?


Assimilation in anthropology and sociology relates to the procedure through which individuals or groups with various ethnic ancestries blend in with the dominant culture of a society.

What are the views about assimilation versus separatism?

Delany got involved in abolitionist activities in Pittsburgh, serving as the chairman of the Vigilance Committee that helped relocate runaway slaves, founding the Young Men's Literary & Moral Reform Society, and enlisting in the integrated militia to defend the Black neighborhood from attacks by white mobs.

He rose to prominence in the abolition movement, which worked to abolish slavery both before and after the American Civil War. He persisted in advocating for equality and human rights after that battle as well as the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862 until his death in 1895.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act were both made possible thanks in part to MLK. Each of these laws made it easier for African Americans to enjoy civil rights across the nation.

In addition to being a leader in the civil rights movement and a proponent of Black nationalism, Malcolm X was a clergyman. He advised other African Americans to defend themselves from white hostility.

To know more about Assimilation, visit:



What happened at the triangle shirtwaist factory what caused it as well?


A fire began in a rag bin of the triangle shirtwaist factory. The fire likely sparked by a discarded cigarette started on the eighth floor of the Asch Building, 23–29 Washington Place, just east of Washington Square Park.

The fire was believed to be started by a discarded cigarette in a waste bin full of highly flammable fabric on the 8th floor. As the workers were getting ready to go home after a grueling day of nonstop physical labor. Some of the workers spotted the fire.

This sent all of the workers into a panic. They desperately tried to pry open the locked door leading to the stairs. Some workers managed to get into the elevator before it severely burst into flames. Others tried a fire escape, which eventually collapsed due to poor maintenance. The garment factory in New York City caught fire, killing 146 workers.

To learn more about the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire click here: https://brainly.com/question/20235738

How many human sperm cells are in the typical race to reach and fertilize a human ovum?.


A fertile male human discharges somewhere in the range of 2 and 5 millilitres(ml) of semen (on normal about a teaspoon). In every ml there are regularly around 100 million sperm. In the event that the fixation falls under 20 million sperm for every mililiter there is normally some issue with richness.

Do numerous sperm cells treat one egg?

Sometimes, two sperm are known to treat a solitary egg; this 'twofold preparation' is remembered to occur in around 1% of human originations. An incipient organism made this way doesn't generally get by, however a couple of cases are known to have made it — these kids are figments of cells with X and Y chromosomes.

Could twins have 2 distinct dads?

In uncommon cases, congenial twins can be brought into the world from two distinct dads in a peculiarity called heteropaternal superfecundation. Albeit unprecedented, intriguing cases have been recorded where a lady is pregnant by two unique men simultaneously.

What does sperm with two tails mean?

Sperm with many tails additionally have Macrocephaly, implying that different followed sperm accompany similar issues as their enormous headed partners: their chromosomal cosmetics is strange and, in this manner, brings about bombed pregnancies and unsuccessful labour's while meeting with the egg.

Learn more about sperm cells here:



Exempting things such as groceries and clothing from sales tax is an attempt by states to make sale tax less ______.





It's on quizlet

neoconservativism is an isolationist foreign policy approach of a nation keeping to itself and only becoming involved after another nation requests it. group of answer choices true false


Neoconservatism is an isolationist foreign policy approach of a nation keeping to itself and only becoming involved after another nation requests it. False.

Neoconservatism: what is it?

Neoconservatism is a term used to describe views on foreign affairs that are pro-American nationalism. This includes increased military spending, support for democracy, nationalism, and anti-communism. In the 1960s, it first appeared in the US.

What distinguishes neoconservatism from paleoconservatism?

In contrast to neoconservatism, paleoconservatism supports republicanism and opposes free trade. Neoconservatives are viewed as imperialists by paleoconservatives, who identify as republican defenders. The majority of paleoconservatives are against LGBTQ rights, gay marriage, and abortion.

Who is the author of the phrase libertarian?

The French cognate libertaire, which was first used in a letter by French libertarian communist Joseph Déjacque to mutualist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in 1857, is where the term "libertarian" first appeared.

Learn more about Neoconservatism here:



a rise in fundamentalism is often seen when group of answer choices things are stable there are many changes in society there is peacetime people are in rural settings


a rise in fundamentalism is often seen when there are many changes in society.

The belief in old and traditional forms of religion or the belief that what is written in a holy book, society as the Recent years have seen a growth in religious fundamentalism. Steve Bruce contends that modernization and secularization are the primary causes of Fundamentalism, but we also need to consider the nature of the religions society themselves and a range of "external factors" to fully explain the growth of fundamentalist movements. both atheistic and religious ideas. the rise of secularism and the modern rush toward consumerism. Fundamentalism, according to Altemeyer and Hunsberger (1992), is a way of thinking that clearly teaches the unquestionable truth about humanity and society. This unquestionable truth is opposed by evil forces, which must be overcome.

Learn more about Fundamentalism here:



which of the following agencies were created by congress to give them information independent of the information it gets from the executive branch?


The Congress established the Congressional Budget Office as a body to provide them with information that is separate from that which they receive from the executive branch.

What do you understand by executive branch?

The executive branch is made up of the President, his or her advisors, and several departments and organizations. This branch's responsibility includes enforcing the law. The following are some of the organisations and agencies that make up the executive branch: government's executive branch Treaties may be negotiated and signed by the President; the Senate must then ratify them. The Executive Branch maintains diplomatic relations with various nations. The president may issue executive orders to guide executive departments or to clarify and promote existing legislation. The Executive Branch is under the supervision of the President of the United States, who also serves as head of state and military commander-in-chief.

To learn more about the executive branch click,



a leader who thinks of followers as generally incompetent is more likely to engage in what type of leadership:


A leader who thinks of followers as generally incompetent is more likely to engage in what type of leadership:  Authoritarian.

Authoritarian leadership :

Authoritarian leaders generally believe that people who are left to work alone are unproductive. Authoritarian leadership can improve performance, but it reduces follower satisfaction and engagement. Authoritarian leadership, also known as autocratic leadership, is a leadership style in which an individual has complete decision-making power and absolute control over subordinates. An authoritarian leadership style is exemplified when a leader dictates policies and procedures, determines goals to be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without meaningful involvement from subordinates. Such leaders have complete control over the team and allow little autonomy within the group.

Learn more about leadership :



self-care has been used historically in america and is still used today. group of answer choices false true


America has always used and continues to practice self-care. set of potential solutions True.

To look at anything historically, what does that mean?

When anything is referred to historically, it means that it somehow relates to or has occurred throughout history. When something has a lengthy history of difficulty, it has been challenging for a very long time. Oil has always been a cause of war between states. Wilt Chamberlain put up total score in a basketball game, playing historically well.

What is truthful to history?

A claim's factual status is determined by how historically accurate it is. Historicity refers to historical reality, veracity, and truthiness and emphasizes on the real worth of historical knowledge claims. According to certain theorists, historicity is a component of all natural processes that occur throughout

To know more about historically visit;



dr. ayers finds positive correlations between scores on a measure of authoritative parenting and scores on measures of children's healthy psychological development. based on your text's discussion, what result might she find if she replicated her research using a sample composed only of children with difficult temperaments?


Here, we define empathy as any situation in which a person experiences a particular emotion in response to one that they've observed in another person.

Which feelings come to mind?

An emotion is a feeling that may be triggered by your environment or indeed the people surrounding you. Examples of emotions include joy, love, fear, fury, and hatred. Hamilton had to teach himself to experience happiness. As she said, her voice shook.

What precisely are feelings in people?

Harvard American Psychological Association defines emotion as "a multifaceted response pattern, incorporating sensory, behavioral, and physiological elements" (APA). People have strong emotional responses to things or situations that mean a lot to them.

To the more about emotion visit:



gaining market power requires that workers join together to make a decision about when to supply their labor, much like a cartel in the market for commodities.


Gaining market power necessitates workers banding together to make a collective choice on when to give their labor, much like a cartel in a commodity market.

What does economic market power imply?

Economists use the terms 'market power' and' monopoly power' to describe a single firm's or group of enterprises' ability to price profitably above marginal cost. Both concepts technically refer to the power to charge above competitive levels. The degree of market power that enterprises express in various marketplaces is relative to the market structure in which the firms operate. Market systems are classified into four types: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Each type has distinct characteristics. The monopoly structure is the most extreme manifestation of market power, with one firm controlling nearly all market share and market power.

To know more about market power visit:



define motivation as psychologists use the term today, and describe four perspectives useful for studying motivated behavior.


Psychologists define motivation as an action that energizes. The four perspectives discussed in this chapter are instinct/evolution, urge reduction, arousal, and the hierarchy of needs.

What is motivation ?Motivation comes from the word motive, which describes a person's needs, desires, desires, or motives. It is the process of motivating people to take action  to achieve their goals. Psychological factors that drive people's behavior related to their professional goals may include their desire for money.The key words here are 'needs', 'values' and 'goals', which are the building blocks of motivation leading to action.Needs are basic requirements for survival, whether physical or psychological. For example, hunger, thirst, love, friendship.Motivation is important because: Give a goal to work on. It will help you solve your problem. Helps change old habits. Motivation reflects something unique to each  of us and enables us to achieve worthwhile outcomes such as improved performance, increased well-being, personal growth and purpose.

To learn more about motivation  from the given link :



julie was in a large crowd of people when she noticed a child that looked lost. she did not stop to help the child. this is an example of:


In the midst of a crowded area, Julie spotted a youngster who appeared to be lost. She did not pause to assist the youngster. The bystander effect is illustrated here.

What is another name for the bystander effect?

According to the bystander effect, also known as bystander apathy, when passive bystanders are present in an emergency scenario, people are less likely to assist.

What is the bystander effect's advantage?

The current field investigation offered more proof in favor of the "beneficial bystander effect." It has been demonstrated that more bystanders lead to more helpful intervention in circumstances where the helper must anticipate more adverse outcomes in the event of assistance.

To learn more about Bystander effect here:



in 2015, the united states had 2,145,100 people behind bars. the next largest incarcerated population was in china, with 1,649, 804 prisoners. true false


In 2015, the united states had 2,145,100 people behind bars. The next largest incarcerated population was in china, with 1,649, 804 prisoners. Hence, the above statement is False.

What is the meaning of Incarcerated?

The act of incarcerating someone or the situation of being imprisoned are both referred to as being incarcerated.

One type of incarceration is being sentenced to prison after committing a crime. Some people can believe that attending school resembles being imprisoned. Some people who practice extreme religion believe that the body imprisons the spirit.

Although both jails, as well as prison, are utilized as incarceration methods, jail is more frequently employed for individuals who are being detained for a brief period. Frequently, "short" denotes a minor conviction as opposed to "long," which denotes a felony.

Learn more about Incarcerated here:



the challenge of crime in a free society called for the improvement of police personnel through higher education. t/f


It emphasized how crucial it is to combat the crime issue through criminal justice training and analysis. The police, prosecutors and defense attorneys, courts, and the prison system are the main components of the criminal justice system.

Delivering justice to persons who have been accused of crimes is known as criminal justice. The criminal justice system is made up of many institutions and government organizations. Rehabilitating convicts, preventing new crimes, and offering emotional support to victims are all objectives.

Delivering justice to persons who have been accused of committing crimes is known as criminal justice. A collection of governmental organizations make up the criminal justice system. Goals include victim support, crime prevention, and offender rehabilitation. The police, prosecutors and defense attorneys, courts, and the prison system are the main institutions of the criminal justice system.

To learn more about criminal justice:



the northern border between the u.s. and canada from minnesota westward is an example of a(n) border. the southern border between texas and mexico is an example of a(n)


The northern border between the u.s. and canada from minnesota westward is an example of a(n) Geometric border. the southern border between texas and mexico is an example of a(n) natural.

Where are The northern borders ?

The terms "Northern Border" and "North Border" can be used to describe the international border between Mexico and the United States. The international boundary separating the United States and Canada is known as the Canada-United States border.

How are boundaries in geometry created and what distinguishes a natural boundary from a geometric boundary?

Regardless of the geographical and cultural characteristics of the region, geometric boundaries are created by straight lines (such as lines of latitude or longitude) or sporadically by arcs (Pennsylvania/Delaware). Physical elements like rivers, mountains, and coastlines serve as natural boundaries. For instance, the Mississippi River forms part of Arkansas' boundary. Geometric boundaries are drawn by humans as straight lines. When Africa was divided during the Berlin Conference, come to mind

Learn more about northern borders here:

Actions such as laughing, exercising, and learning time-management skills in reaction to stressors are examples of which of the following?
effective behavioral responses to stressors


Actions such as laughing and exercising in reaction to stressors are example of Effective behavioral responses to stressors that is option  B is correct.

Stress is referred to a stage in which a person's mind is undergoing some sort of tension or trauma related to any matter in the the person's life. Stress has adverse effects on the health of the person and it can cause migraine, severe headache and so many problems. However, a person can cope up with stress and stressors. There are many ways of doing that. Developing an optimistic behavior and always having happiness around the person can lead to reduction of stress. Keeping yourself busy like doing exercise and if stress is due to work then managing time can lead to effective management of stressors.

Learn more about Stress at:



Complete Question:

Actions such as laughing, exercising, and learning time-management skills in reaction to stressors are examples of which of the following?

Ineffective behavioral responses to stressors

Effective behavioral responses to stressors

Fight-or-flight responses to stressors

Displays of self-efficacy

how does your educational philosophy apply to your practice or beliefs of teaching (instructional models)?


A teacher would have the ability to observe and consider things from the viewpoint of their pupils.

What is the purpose of education overall?

Ensuring that over kids are exposed to basic, high-quality education is known as "education for all." This means establishing learning environments where children are capable of learning in both schools and basic education programs.

Why is education so crucial?

Education fosters the development of critical thinking. For someone to learn how to make judgments and interact with people logically, this is crucial (e.g., boosting creativity, enhancing time management). Education helps a person meet the standards for entry-level positions and boosts their chances of landing better jobs.

To know more about educational visit:



a little girl kicks the family dog after her mother sends her to her room. this is an example of which defense mechanism?


After being sent to her room by her mother, a young girl kicks the household dog. This statement is an example of a displacement defense mechanism.

What is displacement in psychology?As a kind of self-preservation, displacement is the act of shifting one's unfavorable emotions from one thing or person to another.For instance, if someone is upset with their job, they might "take it out" on a family member by yelling at them.

Why does displacement occur?When we divert our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from the primary intended aim to a secondary one, this is called displacement.Based on individual interpretations and views regarding the situation or due to the inability to effectively address the situation.Similar to the girl in the aforementioned case, she becomes tremendously enraged at her boss but is powerless to do anything about it because she fears losing her job. As a result, she instead directs her rage onto her younger sister, whom she views as a more secure target.

After being sent to her room by her mother, a young girl kicks the household dog. This statement is an example of a displacement defense mechanism.

To know more about displacement, check out:



transrapid, employs an electromagnet to lift the train off the guideway. the attraction from magnets present on the underside of the vehicle that wrap around the iron rails of the guideway keep the train about 1.3 cm (0.5 inch) above the guideway.


The magnetic suspension (EMS) system uses the magnetic attraction between magnets on the guideway and the sides and bottom of the train to levitate the train.

The train is kept about 1.3 cm (0.5 inch) above the guideway thanks to magnets on the underside of the vehicle's attraction to the iron rails of the guideway. While electrodynamic suspension (EDS) systems and magnetic suspension electromagnetic suspension (EMS) systems are comparable in a number of ways, EDS uses magnets to reject trains from the guideway rather than to attract them. Since they are supercooled and superconducting, these magnets can still conduct electricity for a guideway brief period of time after the power has been turned off.  Transrapid, a variation on EMS, uses an electromagnet to lift the train off the guideway.

A further difference between EMS and EDS is that the charge of the magnetic suspension magnetized coils of the guideway in EDS systems repels the charge of the magnets on the train's undercarriage, causing guideway the train to levitate higher (usually between 1 and 10 cm [0.4 and 3.9 inches]) above the guideway.

Learn more about magnetic suspension here



Another 50-pointer.

What was Paul Revere feeling on 4/18/1775 as he raced through the country warning his fellow colonists?


Answer: He was scared

Explanation: I learned this on AP World History last year. He was scared because if he got caught no one would be able to warn his team anymore!

for many people with hearing loss deafness is viewed as a(n) culture. b. risk increasing variable. c. aging accelerator. d. alternate reality.


For many people with hearing loss deafness is viewed as a(n)risk aging accelerator.

Option C is correct .

Hearing loss :

People with hearing loss typically communicate through spoken language and may benefit from hearing aids, cochlear implants, other assistive devices, and closed captioning. Most "deaf" people have severe hearing loss. That is, you can barely hear it, or not hear it at all. They often use sign language to communicate. Deafness is the partial or complete inability to hear. Hearing loss may be present at birth or acquired later. Hearing loss can occur in one or both ears

Can hearing loss lead to hearing loss?

Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to the inner ear or nerves that send sound to the brain. Sensorineural hearing loss tends to be permanent and result in hearing loss. Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss may coexist.

Learn more about hearing loss :



is there mandated leave from work for fathers in the u.s., and if so, do you think most new fathers would make use of this leave?


Expectant and new fathers are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-secured paternity leave in the majority of states across the country. While time off is an expected right, unpaid leave in the United States is simply too expensive for most families to afford.

You are entitled to one or two weeks of paternity leave as the baby's father or the mother's partner. This leave must be taken all at once with either option, and a 'week' is your working week. Most new fathers would make use of this leave.

Learn more on paternity leave -



any pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress, is uncommon in society, and/or harms their ability to function in daily life, may indicate the presence of . group of answer choices


Any pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress, is uncommon in society, and/or harms their ability to function in daily life, may indicate the presence of a mental disorder.

A mental disorder or mental illness , often known as a mental illness or psychiatric problem, is a pattern of behavior or thought that significantly impairs personal functioning or causes great misery. These characteristics may be ongoing, relapsing, or only present during specific episodes.

The root causes of mental illnesses are frequently unknown. Findings from many different domains may be incorporated into theories. Mental disorders are typically identified by a person's behavior, feelings, perceptions, or thoughts. This may be connected to specific brain areas or activities, frequently in a social context. One element of mental health is a mental disorder. When developing a diagnosis, societal norms, cultural and religious beliefs, and practices should all be taken into consideration.

For more info about 'mental disorder' click on below link - https://brainly.com/question/933852


anthropologist oyeronke oyewumi holds a postmodern view of gender. she reports that the yoruban society of west africa was a genderless society prior to the arrival of western researchers, if that is indeed the case, why did the researchers find evidence of a gender system upon their arrival?


Anthropologist Oyèrónké Oyěwùmí holds a postmodern view of gender. The researchers do find evidence of a gender system upon their arrival-The researcher's preconceptions shaped their interpretation of what they saw.

A gender system is a social structure that determines the number of genders and the associated gender roles in society. Gender roles are "everything a person does or does to indicate to others and to himself whether he is male, female, or androgynous.

Is gender a social system?

Gender is as important a social fabric of society as politics, economics, race and class, and it is also the relationships that are built through the interaction of individuals, groups and institutions.

Why is gender important in society?

Gender is important in defining the powers, privileges and opportunities that some people have in a particular society. It influences progress towards equality and non-discrimination.

Learn more about gender system:



abbey works at railroad ties. her bosses continually indicate that her motivational level is low. abbey agrees but is unwilling to work harder until the company changes the types of reward it offers its employees. which of the following is low for abbey?


Low valence Abbi works for Railroad Ties. Her managers have been harping on her lack of motivation for a while now. Abbi agrees, but she won't work harder unless the company changes the kinds of benefits it offers to its employees.

Valence is the degree to which a worker finds a particular outcome desirable. There are many different outcomes that employees might get from their occupations, including compensation, job stability, perks, pride in one's work, and promotions. Valence can range in size and amplitude, and it can be either positive or negative. How desirable a result is for a worker depends on the amount of valence. Because highly desirable outcomes may not be available to workers, motivation issues arise. To inspire and keep valuable employees, it's critical to provide extremely useful outcomes to them.

learn more about employees here:



describe an event, achievement, or experience of which you are particularly proud but that will not show up on a resume, may not garner any recognition, and does not appear anywhere else on your admission application.


Showing empathy towards the poor is something I'm very proud of.

What does "recognition" mean within an organization?

All the ways an organization expresses gratitude for the contributions of its personnel are referred to as employee recognition. It may or may not entail monetary compensation and can take many different forms. Employers praise personnel for things like: Achievements. displaying the intended behavior.

Peer-to-peer, manager-led, and leadership-led are a few examples of the different ways but some activities or events are supposed to be done out of humanity and not for the purpose of recognition.

To know more about employee recognition, visit:



gregory is an impoverished african american teen who finds school stressful but performs at a moderate level academically. he has no relationship with his father but a close relationship with his mother and grandmother. which factor most increases his vulnerability to developing a mental disorder? please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. answer choices stressful school experience


Referring back to the narrative of the question,  it was stated that Gregory finds school stressful and it is worthy of note that stress when in excess can lead to a mental disorder.

What is mental disorder?

A mental condition, sometimes referred to as a mental ailment or psychiatric issue, is a behavioural or mental pattern that significantly affects daily functioning or causes great distress. These traits could be constant, relapsing, or only noticeable during particular episodes. There have been many diseases identified, and each one has a different set of signs and symptoms. Such illnesses can be identified by a mental health specialist, usually a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist.

Many often, the underlying causes of mental diseases are not known. Theories can integrate data from a wide range of fields. Usually, a person's behavior, feelings, perceptions, or thoughts will reveal a mental disorder. This may have an association with particular brain regions or functions, frequently in a social setting.

To learn more about mental disorder



shareholders rely on ceos to adopt policies and strategies that maximize the value of their shares. to motivate ceos to maximize the value of their companies, boards of directors can consider all of the following options except one. which one is it?


Shareholders rely on CEOS to adopt policies and plans that maximize the value of their shares. Boards of directors can consider all of the following choices one. Dismissal for poor performance is not an choices.

A person or entity that the corporation registers as the legitimate owner of share of the share capital of a private or publicly traded corporation is referred to as a shareholders. Members of a company are sometimes used to refer to stockholders. Unless mandated by law, a person or private corporation becomes a shareholder in a company when their name and other information are recorded in the corporation's registration of shareholders or members. The corporation is not obliged or allowed to inquire as to the ownership rights of the shares. In general, a corporation is not permitted to possess its own stock.

Learn more about Shareholders here:



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