What are the disadvantages of using a series circuit in a lighting system?


Answer 1


Throughout the following segment, the disadvantages of the given topic are summarized.


It's indeed impossible to monitor each unit, but the entire series can be switched open or closed.Unless the series-connected components vary in any way, they include varying voltages through themselves which could create difficulty when you both need a certain voltage.Working with such positive and negative sequence loads on sequence is extremely challenging.

Related Questions

In this exercise you will debug the code which has been provided in the starter file. The code is intended to do the following:

take a string input and store this in the variable str1
copy this string into another variable str2 using the String constructor
change str1 to the upper-case version of its current contents
print str1 on one line, then str2 on the next

1 /* Lesson 4 Coding Activity Question 2 */
3 import java.util.Scanner;
5 public class U2_L4_Activity_Two{
6 public static void main(String[] args){
8 Scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
9 String str1 = scan.nextLine();
10 String str2 = String(str1);
11 str1 = toUpperCase(str1);
12 System.out.println("str1");
13 System.out.println("str1");
15 }
16 }



The corrected code is as follows:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class U2_L4_Activity_Two{

public static void main(String[] args){

Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

String str1 = scan.nextLine();

String str2 = str1;

str1 = str1.toUpperCase();






This corrects the scanner object

Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

This line is correct

String str1 = scan.nextLine();

This copies str1 to str2

String str2 = str1;

This converts str1 to upper case

str1 = str1.toUpperCase();

This prints str1


This prints str2


name 3 supercomputers along with their cost, purpose and the country it is located.​



The three super computers are

a) Fujitsu Fugak

b) IBM Summit/IBM/Nvidia/Mellanox

c) Sunway TaihuLigh


Three super computers are as follows

a) Fujitsu Fugak - It is located in Kobe, Japan and its costs is ¥130 billion

b) IBM Summit/IBM/Nvidia/Mellanox - It is located in Oak Ridge, U.S. and it costs $325 million

c) Sunway TaihuLigh- It is located in Wuxi, China and it costs US$273 million

what is this car first to awnser is the brianliest


Answer: Lamborghini

Explanation: Is it yours

Lamborghini ?????????????

the largest network in tje world is​


the largest network in the world is the internet.


it should be the internet

A disciplined, creative, and effective approach to problem solving is needed for project success. The nine-step approach to problem solving begins with develop a problem statement and the ninth step is determine if the problem has been solved. Which of the steps listed in not a step on the nine-step approach?
A. Gather data and verify the most likely causes.
B. Determine the most popular solution.
C. Revise the project plan.
D. Evaluate the alternative solutions.


Answer: Determine the most popular solution.


Some of the approaches to problem solving that are listed here include:

• Gather data and verify the most likely causes.

• Revise the project plan.

• Evaluate the alternative solutions

To solve a problem, one needs to gather the data and verify the likely causes of the problem. This can be done by asking questions, running test, interviewing people, running tests, reading reports, or analyzing data.

The project plan can also be revised. Likewise, when one comes with different solutions, one should weigh the cost and benefits of each in order to choose the best solution.

Determine the most popular solution isn't a correct option.

You are on a team of developers writing a new teacher tool. The students names are stored in a 2D array called “seatingChart”. As part of the tool, a teacher can enter a list of names and the tool well return the number of students in the class found with names that matching provided list. For this problem you will be completing the ClassRoom class in the problem below. Your job is to complete the numberOfStudents found method. This method accepts an array of Strings that contain names and returns the quantity of students with those names. For example:
Assume that a ClassRoom object named “computerScience” has been constructed and the seating chart contains the following names:

“Clarence”, “Florence”, “Ora”

“Bessie”, “Mabel”, “Milton”

“Ora”, “Cornelius”, “Adam”

When the following code executes:

String[] names = {"Clarence", "Ora", "Mr. Underwood"};

int namesFound = computerScience.numberOfStudents(names);

The contents of namesFound is 3 because Clarence is found once, Ora is found twice, and Mr. Underwood is not found at all. The total found would be 3.

Complete the numberOfStudents method

public class ClassRoom


private String[][] seatingChart;

//initializes the ClassRoom field seatingChart

public ClassRoom(String[][] s){

seatingChart = s;


//Precondition: the array of names will contain at least 1 name that may or may not be in the list

// the seating chart will be populated

//Postcondition: the method returns the number of names found in the seating chart

//TODO: Write the numberOfStudents method

public int numberOfStudents(String[] names){


public static void main(String[] args)




System.out.println("Look in the Actual Column to see your results");





Wait what? Some of the words are mashed together...

what are bananas if they are brown


they are ripe or overripe (rotten)

if banans are Brown there bad I think

what are the key differences between ides and website builders ?



The key differences are as follows:


Are usually installed locallyBuild websites by writing and tweaking the source codes

Website Builders:

Are usually run from an online serverprovides beginners with an easy way to create websitesBuild websites by selection from a number of preset options


IDE is short for Integrated Development Environment.

They are predominantly designed to ease the use of a specific programming language. In most cases, IDEs contain tools for editing, testing, and converting the code to its final form as an application.

Other functions that come with it are a web server with a control interface, a database management system with a control interface (in most cases, a relational database that functions off of the webserver), a server-side programming language


What does the following Boolean operators do?
AND function
OR function
NOT function​



Sum of Primes JAVA project
read 2 strings from the command line; each string will contain an integer. let's call those integers, num1 and num2. write a loop that goes from num1 and num2 looking for prime numbers. if a number if prime then store it in an array of integers, pass this array to a method that returns the sum of all the numbers in the array; you will also need to tell this method how many numbers are in the array. output only the sum of primes. you may assume a maximum of not more than 1000 numbers in the array.
import java.util.*;
class SumPrimes {
// go thru the array primes which has size elements
// total the integer values in primes
// return this total
// the first argument is the array of prime numbers
// the second argument is the number of primes in this array
public static int sumArray(first argument, second argument) {
// this method takes an integer, n, and determines if it is prime
// returns true if it is and false if it isn't
// a number is prime if it is only evenly divisible by 1 and itself
// 1 is NOT considered prime
static boolean isPrime(int n) {
// Corner case
if (n <= 1)
return false;
// Check from 2 to n-1
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++)
if (n % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// define the constant MAX which represents the largest size of the primes array
int num1, num2, numPrime = 0;
// declare an array of the proper data type and size
// convert 1st command line argument from a string to an integer
num1 = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
// get num2 from the command line
// loop through all integers from num1 to num2
// store those that are prime in the primes array
// keep track of the number of primes - numPrime
// output the sum of all the primes
System.out.println(sumArray(primes, numPrime));




The following code is written in Java and creates the necessary code so that two int inputs are read and looped through all the numbers between them to find all the primes. These primes are counted and summed. Finally, printing out the sum and the number of primes found to the console.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

class SumPrimes{

   public static void main(final String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

           ArrayList<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<>();

           int num1, num2, numPrime = 0;

           System.out.println("Enter number 1:");

           num1 = in.nextInt();

           System.out.println("Enter number 2:");

           num2 = in.nextInt();

           for (int x = num1; x <= num2; x++) {

               if (isPrime(x) == true) {


                   numPrime += 1;



           System.out.println("There are " + numPrime + " primes in the array.");

       System.out.println("Their sum is " + sumArray(primes));


   public static int sumArray(ArrayList<Integer> arr) {

       int sum = 0;

       for (int x: arr) {

           sum += x;


       return sum;


   static boolean isPrime(int n) {

       if (n <= 1)

           return false;

       for (int i = 2; i < n; i++)

           if (n % i == 0)

               return false;

       return true;



If the pictures are not the same size when they are selected from a file,

PowerPoint will use AutoCorrect so they are the same size.
the picture will be overcorrected.
these pictures will remain the size as in the file.
the layout should be fit to the slide.



The correct answer is C) the pictures will remain the size as in the file


Microsoft Office PowerPoint is a multi-media presentation tool. It supports, videos, pictures, and hyperlinks.

When a picture is inserted by selection from a file, PowerPoint does not automatically resize. The editor or user will need to manually adjust the size(s) of the picture(s) to fit the dimensions they require.



What does Al stand for?
B. Artificial Ingenuity
A. Actual Intelligence
C. Artificial Intelligence
D. Algorithm Intel


AI stands for Artificial Intelligence

Implement the above in c++, you will write a test program named create_and_test_hash.cc . Your programs should run from the terminal like so:
./create_and_test_hash should be "quadratic" for quadratic probing, "linear" for linear probing, and "double" for double hashing. For example, you can write on the terminal:
./create_and_test_hash words.txt query_words.txt quadratic You can use the provided makefile in order to compile and test your code. Resources have been posted on how to use makefiles. For double hashing, the format will be slightly different, namely as follows:
./create_and_test_hash words.txt query_words.txt double The R value should be used in your implementation of the double hashing technique discussed in class and described in the textbook: hash2 (x) = R – (x mod R). Q1. Part 1 (15 points) Modify the code provided, for quadratic and linear probing and test create_and_test_hash. Do NOT write any functionality inside the main() function within create_and_test_hash.cc. Write all functionality inside the testWrapperFunction() within that file. We will be using our own main, directly calling testWrapperFunction().This wrapper function is passed all the command line arguments as you would normally have in a main. You will print the values mentioned in part A above, followed by queried words, whether they are found, and how many probes it took to determine so. Exact deliverables and output format are described at the end of the file. Q1. Part 2 (20 points) Write code to implement double_hashing.h, and test using create_and_test_hash. This will be a variation on quadratic probing. The difference will lie in the function FindPos(), that has to now provide probes using a different strategy. As the second hash function, use the one discussed in class and found in the textbook hash2 (x) = R – (x mod R). We will test your code with our own R values. Further, please specify which R values you used for testing your program inside your README. Remember to NOT have any functionality inside the main() of create_and_test_hash.cc
You will print the current R value, the values mentioned in part A above, followed by queried words, whether they are found, and how many probes it took to determine so. Exact deliverables and output format are described at the end of the file. Q1. Part 3 (35 points) Now you are ready to implement a spell checker by using a linear or quadratic or double hashing algorithm. Given a document, your program should output all of the correctly spelled words, labeled as such, and all of the misspelled words. For each misspelled word you should provide a list of candidate corrections from the dictionary, that can be formed by applying one of the following rules to the misspelled word: a) Adding one character in any possible position b) Removing one character from the word c) Swapping adjacent characters in the word Your program should run as follows: ./spell_check
You will be provided with a small document named document1_short.txt, document_1.txt, and a dictionary file with approximately 100k words named wordsEN.txt. As an example, your spell checker should correct the following mistakes. comlete -> complete (case a) deciasion -> decision (case b) lwa -> law (case c)
Correct any word that does not exist in the dictionary file provided, (even if it is correct in the English language). Some hints: 1. Note that the dictionary we provide is a subset of the actual English dictionary, as long as your spell check is logical you will get the grade. For instance, the letter "i" is not in the dictionary and the correction could be "in", "if" or even "hi". This is an acceptable output. 2. Also, if "Editor’s" is corrected to "editors" that is ok. (case B, remove character) 3. We suggest all punctuation at the beginning and end be removed and for all words convert the letters to lower case (for e.g. Hello! is replaced with hello, before the spell checking itself).
Do NOT write any functionality inside the main() function within spell_check.cc. Write all functionality inside the testSpellingWrapper() within that file. We will be using our own main, directly calling testSpellingWrapper(). This wrapper function is passed all the command line arguments as you would normally have in a main


This question is way to long I don’t even understand what your asking

What steps can be used to open the Custom AutoFilter dialog box? Select any cell in the data range.

Click the _____ tab.

In the ______ group, click Filter.

Next to a column heading, click the AutoFilter drop-down arrow.

Click ______ and click Custom Filter. The Custom AutoFilter dialog box appears for creating custom filers.




Sort and Filter

Text Filters


Proof that this answer is correct in the file attached.

A step which can be used to open the Custom AutoFilter dialog box is to click on the data tab.

What is data?

Data simply refers to a representation of factual instructions (information) in a formalized manner, especially as a series of binary digits (bits) that are used on computer systems.

The step which can be used to open the Custom AutoFilter dialog box on Microsoft Excel include the following:

Click on the data tab.In the Sort & Filter group, click Filter.Next to a column heading, click the AutoFilter drop-down arrow.Click Text Filters and click Custom Filter.Then, the Custom AutoFilter dialog box would appear for creating custom filers.

Read more on Excel spreadsheets here: https://brainly.com/question/4965119


briefly explain intellegence?​



Intelligence is the ability to think, to learn from experience, to solve problems, and to adapt to new situations. ... Psychologists believe that there is a construct, known as general intelligence , that accounts for the overall differences in intelligence among people.


The ability to be knowledgeable and successful in skills as well as school subjects.


What year did the first hovercraft sail on water



Consider the language defined by the following regular expression. (x*y | zy*)* Does zyyxz belong to the language? Yes, because xz belongs to both x*y and zy*. Yes, because both xz and zyy belong to zy*. Yes, because zyy belongs to both x*y and zy*. No, because zyy does not belong to x*y nor zy*. No, because zyy belongs to zy*, but does not belong to x*y. No, because xz does not belong to x*y nor zy*. Does zyyzy belong to the language? Yes, because zy belongs to both x*y and zy*. Yes, because zyy belongs to both x*y and zy*. Yes, because both zy and zyy belong to zy*. No, because zy does not belong to x*y nor zy*. No, because zyy does not belong to x*y nor zy*. No, because zyy belongs to zy*, but does not belong to x*y



Consider the language defined by the following regular expression. (x*y | zy*)* 1. Does zyyxz belong to the language?

O. No, because zyy does not belong to x*y nor zy*

2. Does zyyzy belong to the language?

Yes, because both zy and zyy belong to zy*.


what is cyber ethics​



cyber ethics​


code of responsible behavior on the Internet. Just as we are taught to act responsibly in everyday life with lessons such as "Don't take what doesn't belong to you" and "Do not harm others," we must act responsibly in the cyber world.

A profit of ₹ 1581 is to be divided amongst three partner P,Q and R in ratio 1/3:1/2:1/5.theshareof R will be?​



R's share = 306


Sum of ratio = 1/3 + 1/2 + 1/5

LCM = 30

Sum of ratio = (10 + 15 + 6) / 30 = 31 /30

Profit to be shared = 1581

P = 1/3 ; Q = 1/2 ; R = 1/5

Share of R :

(Total profit / sum of ratio) * R ratio

[1581 / (31/30)] * 1/5

(1581 / 1 * 30/31) * 1/5

51 * 30 * 1/5

51 * 6 = 306

what is astronaut favourite key on keyboard? ​


The space bar
Thanks for that today
Have a great day

The astronaut favorite key on keyboard ​ is Space-Bar.

What is space bar?

This is known to be a long  key that is seen at the lower part of a computer keyboard or typewriter used to type space.

Conclusively, to Space Key is known to be the Astronaut's Favorite Key on the Keyboard due to the fact that an Astronaut often travel to Space and work on satellites and as such they loves the space bar, more as it tells more about  the Outer Space.

Learn more about astronaut from


The type of Al that computers can use to generate and understand human speech is called__________



Language or Vocal processing


Language processing in AI is used to understand languages, dialects and phrases, these AI have been trained to understand human language.

Good information is characterized by certain properties. Explain how you understand these characteristtics of good information. Use examples to better explain your answer.​



here is your ans


Characteristics of good quality information can be defined as an acronym ACCURATE. These characteristics are interrelated; focus on one automatically leads to focus on other.


Information should be fair and free from bias. It should not have any arithmetical and grammatical errors. Information comes directly or in written form likely to be more reliable than it comes from indirectly (from hands to hands) or verbally which can be later retracted.


Accuracy of information is just not enough. It should also be complete which means facts and figures should not be missing or concealed. Telling the truth but not wholly is of no use.


Information should be analysed for its benefits against the cost of obtaining it. It business context, it is not worthwhile to spend money on information that even cannot recover its costs leading to loss each time that information is obtained. In other contexts, such as hospitals it would be useful to get information even it has no financial benefits due to the nature of the business and expectations of society from it.


Information should be communicated in the style, format, detail and complexity which address the needs of users of the information. Example senior managers need brief reports which enable them to understand the position and performance of the business at a glance, while operational managers need detailed information which enable them to make day to day decisions.


Information should be communicated to the right person. It means person which has some control over decisions expected to come out from obtaining the information.


Information should come from reliable source. It depends on qualifications and experience and past performance of the person communicating the information.


Information should be communicated in time so that receiver of the information has enough time to decide appropriate actions based on the information received. Information which communicates details of the past events earlier in time is of less importance than recently issued information like newspapers. What is timely information depends on situation to situation. Selection of appropriate channel of communication is key skill to achieve.

Easy to Use

Information should be understandable to the users. Style, sentence structure and jargons should be used keeping the receiver in mind. If report is targeted to new-comer in the field, then it should explain technical jargons used in the report.

1. You will need to add data to the tables in your design that matches the data in the supplied Excel documents. If your database design doesn't accommodate a given piece of data you must modify your design and implementation to ensure that all data provided in the spreadsheet can be added. a. You may any other data you wish and as your design requires. If your design is such that the needed data is not supplied in the spreadsheet you will need to simply "mock" up some sample data and add it into your database. b. Important: Your instructor cannot provide you with specific information how to complete this step. Each person's database design will be different and therefore, how data must be entered will be different from person to person.



is all about knowing what to do with the data


determine what to do with your data

You can insert video by clicking video drop-down menu on the ______ tab.

choose the correct answers​please tell me the answer right now


The correct answer is iii. Insert

In Scheme, source code is data. Every non-atomic expression is written as a Scheme list, so we can write procedures that manipulate other programs just as we write procedures that manipulate lists.
Rewriting programs can be useful: we can write an interpreter that only handles a small core of the language, and then write a procedure that converts other special forms into the core language before a program is passed to the interpreter.
For example, the let special form is equivalent to a call expression that begins with a lambda expression. Both create a new frame extending the current environment and evaluate a body within that new environment. Feel free to revisit Problem 15 as a refresher on how the let form works.
(let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b))
;; Is equivalent to:
((lambda (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2)
These expressions can be represented by the following diagrams:
Let Lambda
let lambda
Use this rule to implement a procedure called let-to-lambda that rewrites all let special forms into lambda expressions. If we quote a let expression and pass it into this procedure, an equivalent lambda expression should be returned: pass it into this procedure:
scm> (let-to-lambda '(let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b)))
((lambda (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2)
scm> (let-to-lambda '(let ((a 1)) (let ((b a)) b)))
((lambda (a) ((lambda (b) b) a)) 1)
In order to handle all programs, let-to-lambda must be aware of Scheme syntax. Since Scheme expressions are recursively nested, let-to-lambda must also be recursive. In fact, the structure of let-to-lambda is somewhat similar to that of scheme_eval--but in Scheme! As a reminder, atoms include numbers, booleans, nil, and symbols. You do not need to consider code that contains quasiquotation for this problem.
(define (let-to-lambda expr)
(cond ((atom? expr) )
((quoted? expr) )
((lambda? expr) )
((define? expr) )
((let? expr) )
(else )))
; Returns a function that checks if an expression is the special form FORM
(define (check-special form)
(lambda (expr) (equal? form (car expr))))
(define lambda? (check-special 'lambda))
(define define? (check-special 'define))
(define quoted? (check-special 'quote))
(define let? (check-special 'let))
;; Converts all let special forms in EXPR into equivalent forms using lambda
(define (let-to-lambda expr)
(cond ((atom? expr)
((quoted? expr)
((or (lambda? expr)
(define? expr))
(let ((form (car expr))
(params (cadr expr))
(body (cddr expr)))
((let? expr)
(let ((values (cadr expr))
(body (cddr expr)))


What are you saying at the bottom?

how do you open links in this app​








Don't open the links there viruses

Python’s pow function returns the result of raising a number to a given power. Define a function expo that performs this task, and state its computational complexity using big-O notation. The first argument of this function is the number, and the second argument is the exponent (nonnegative numbers only). You may use either a loop or a recursive function in your implementation.



The function is as follows:

def expo(num,n):

   prod= 1

   for i in range(n):



   return prod

The big-O notation is: O(n)


This defines the function

def expo(num,n):

This initialzes the product to 1

   prod= 1

This iteration is perfomed n times

   for i in range(n):

The number is multiplied by itself n times



This returns the calculated power

   return prod

To calculate the complexity.

The loop is repeated n times.

Each operation has a complexity O(1).

So, in for n number of operations; the complexity is: O(n * 1)

This gives: O(n)

Edhesive 3.7 code practice


Yes that answer is correct 3.7

Answer: To hard to answer :)

Explanation: hurts my brain

mips Write a program that asks the user for an integer between 0 and 100 that represents a number of cents. Convert that number of cents to the equivalent number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Then output the maximum number of quarters that will fit the amount, then the maximum number of dimes that will fit into what then remains, and so on.




The following program was written in Java. It creates a representation of every coin and then asks the user for a number of cents. Finally, it goes dividing and calculating the remainder of the cents with every coin and saving those values into the local variables of the coins. Once that is all calculated it prints out the number of each coin that make up the cents.

import java.util.Scanner;

class changeCentsProgram {

         // Initialize Value of Each Coin

   final static int QUARTERS = 25;

   final static int DIMES = 10;

   final static int NICKELS = 5;

   public static void main (String[] args) {

       int cents, numQuarters,numDimes, numNickels, centsLeft;

       // prompt the user for cents

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter total number of cents (positive integer): ");

       cents = in.nextInt();


       // calculate total amount of quarter, dimes, nickels, and pennies in the change

       centsLeft = cents;

       numQuarters = cents/QUARTERS;

       centsLeft = centsLeft % QUARTERS;

       numDimes = centsLeft/DIMES;

       centsLeft = centsLeft % DIMES;

       numNickels = centsLeft/NICKELS;

       centsLeft = centsLeft % NICKELS;

       // display final amount of each coin.

       System.out.print("For your total cents of " + cents);

       System.out.println(" you have:");

       System.out.println("Quarters: " + numQuarters);

       System.out.println("Dimes: " + numDimes);

       System.out.println("Nickels: " + numNickels);

       System.out.println("Pennies: " + centsLeft);




1. If Earth's plates are constantly moving, why don't we need to update the locations of -
continents on world maps (such as the one above) all the time?
The Value of Fossil Evidence



Because the tectonic plates are moving so slowly in such small incraments that it would take a while before there was any noticable change.


Earth's plates are constantly moving, but we do not need to update the locations because the movement of the plates does not dramatically alter the surface of the Earth's landscape.

What are continents?

Any of the numerous enormous landmasses is a continent. Up to seven geographical regions are typically recognized by convention rather than by any precise criterion.

The actions of plate movement take place closer to the Earth's crust, beneath the surface of the earth, and in the lithosphere.

The Earth's plates travel deep within the planet toward the crust, but when they intersect, the result is felt as earthquakes on the surface.

Thus, because plate movement has little impact on the terrain and positioning of the Earth's surface, it is not necessary to update the locations of continents on global maps.

To learn more about earth's plates, refer to the below link:



Other Questions
PLEASE HELP ILL REPORT SCAMS OR LINKS When Georgia started Kindergarden, her parents set aside $10,000 in an account that yielded 5.6% interest compounded annually to pay for her college tuition. After 6 years of elementary school, 3 years of middle school and 4 years of high school, how much was in the account for Georgias college tuition? URGENT, PLEASE!Which process do you think offers a greater chance of nondisjunctionmitosis or meiosis? Please help The Escobar family is getting ready to have guests over. Fill in the blanks intheir conversation below with the appropriate form of the following verbs:cortar, ayudar, hacer, lavar, pasar, sacar.Pablo: Mam, qu ests 1.t?Mam: Estoy 2.los platos, hijo. Y t?Pablo: Nada.Mam: Vale. Qu estn 3.tus hermanos?el bao y Marta est arreglando suPablo: Juan est 4.dormitorio.Mama: Bien, hijo. Ahora, quita el polvo de la sala y luego 5.la aspiradora por las alfombras.Pablo: Pero, mam...la basura... Mara! QuMam: Ahora! Y despus 6.ests 7.hija?Mara: Isabel y yo estamos 8.el csped. Por qu?Mam: Porque tus primos vienen a comer hoy y necesito ayuda para poner lamesa. Photos A and B both show the same field of view containing a star-forming molecular cloud. One of the photos was taken in visible light and the other in infrared light. Which one is the visible-light photo, and how do you know? The ratio of 8:5=(?)% 1 It was the last day of school; the kids were gone, the books had been collected, and Principal Drake was handing out final paychecks. This was normally a relaxed meeting at which teachers wearing casual clothes smiled and wished each other well for the summer. But no one was smiling today, because a story in the local newspaper had exploded like a crack of thunder.2 The headline read, Board of Education Plans New Middle School, and the staff members of East Orange Elementary were rattled.3 Principal Tom Drake opined, I am concerned about a situation in which a newspaper already knows school district information that comes as a surprise to me and my teachers. He continued, But of far greater concern is what this means for us, for our colleagues at West Orange, and students and parents throughout the district.4 Coach Melinda Gardner whispered to her friend, Mr. Dale French, Old Tom is just worried the Board might ask him to retire and make someone else principal of the new campus.5 Mr. French whispered back, Melinda, you be nice now, but he couldnt help smiling at his friends remark.6 As the meeting went on, many teachers worried out loud about what might happen if grades 6-8 from East and 6-8 from West consolidated.7 Ever since the two elementary schools had opened, decades ago, the district had proudly maintained a unique system. While surrounding districts had built new middle schools, Orange kept two elementary buildingsEast and Westwith K-8 graders in each.8 Now, according to the paper, the results of the 2010 census were in. They suggested population growth would soon fill both elementary schools with K-5 students only. Apparently, the Board thought the time was ripe to build one new middle school for 6-8 graders.9Will one campus need two middle school science labs? Dr. Fred Davis, the science department head, asked the group in his usual shy, quiet voice.10Since there is only one middle school library, is the Board going to honor seniority? Mrs. Betty Green asked brashly. Or the Board could just keep whichever librarian has the coolest photos on her social media site, she added sarcastically.11Mrs. Green is worried her lack of computer skills might finally hurt her, Coach Gardner whispered to Mr. French again.12Coach Gardner, please! Principal Drake scolded his gym teacher for whispering. You would not tolerate it if your students were rude. This turn of events has caused real alarm so lets be sensitive to each others concerns.13I apologize for both of us, Tom, Mr. French offered. But lets not get carried away and spoil our summers over this. We dont know if this proposed new campus will actually be built. The census projections could be wrong. Even if they are right, the cost of raising taxes to pay for a new school might not go over well with voters.14 Mr. French continued, I plan to enjoy my summer and expect another great year. Chances are well all have jobs because several teachers retire every year and the Board moves us around to fill the vacancies. Some of us may have new assignments, but well all land somewhere.15 All around the room, there were nods of agreement. The atmosphere of gloom gave way to the usual feelings of accomplishment and relief at the end of school.16 Mr. French offered one more uplifting thought. Each spring we graduate our eighth graders and send them on to Central High. If they can adjust to a new building, I think we can too.17 With that, the teachers adjourned and summer vacation began.Write a complete and accurate summary of this text. Be sure to include details from the text in your response.pls help I need to turn this in soon Beetles may be the most varied order of animals. New beetle species are authenticated, completely unpredictably, at a typical rate of one every 7.0 months. A supplement to a guide is planned to be published after 20 new species have been discovered. a) What are the expected value and standard deviation of the number of months (treated as a continuous measure of time) until the supplement is published Me podran ayudarCuales son las Tecnicas basicas del apoyo y pautado de la guitarra Will give brainliest The diameter of a tree trunk is 23 in. what is the circumference? --_____ vas al cine? El sbado?--S, voy al cine el sbado. Break-even analysis can be used by a firm that produces more than one product, but: a. the results are estimates, not exact values. b. the firm must allocate some fixed cost to each of the products. c. each product has its own break-even point. d. the break-even point depends upon the proportion of sales generated by each of the products. e. None of these statements is true. Help!solve this problem Factor the polynomial12x + 24yplease show your work! A rectangle on a coordinate plane has vertices L(0,6), M(8,6), N(8,0), and O(0,0). What are the dimensions of the rectangle? The base is 6 and the height is 8. O The base is 8 and the height is 6. O The base is 6 and the height is 6. O The base is 8 and the height is 8. La principal ciudad portuaria, comercial y banquera de Chile a inicios del siglo XX, la cual posea una gran influencia inglesa fue: Question A researcher wants a 30 milliliter acid solution with a concentration of 8%. She has concentrations of 2% and 11%. How much of each solution must she use to get the desired concentration? Drag each tile to the correct box.Adam takes a bus on a school field trip. The bus route is split into the five legs listed in the table. Find the average velocity for each leg of the trip. Then arrange the legs of the trip from highest velocity to lowest.Leg Distance (km) Time (min)A 18 9B 25 15C 24 8D 48 12E 15 7 1. Three apples, a, and two peaches, p, sell for $1.25.Five apples and 1 peach sell for $1.50. What is thecost of one apple?