Was the US right in doing whatever necessary to build the Panama Canal?


Answer 1


The threat worked and a treaty was signed in the fall of 1902. The Treaty gave the U.S. the right to build a canal on a strip six miles wide and 53 miles long.

Related Questions

Answer these questions by the following 6 U.S. Presidents:

1. George Washington

2. John Adams

3. Thomas Jefferson

4. James Madison

5. James Monroe

6. Andrew Jackson

Here are the questions you need to answer for each President.

1. What is his Political Party?

2. What is his Home State??

3. How many years did he serve as president??

4. What are some personal characteristics about this President??

5. What were his precedents, accomplishments & historical events??




John Adams, a remarkable political philosopher, served as the second President of the United States (1797-1801), after serving as the first Vice President under President George Washington.

Learned and thoughtful, John Adams was more remarkable as a political philosopher than as a politician. “People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity,” he said, doubtless thinking of his own as well as the American experience.

Adams was born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1735. A Harvard-educated lawyer, he early became identified with the patriot cause; a delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses, he led in the movement for independence.

During the Revolutionary War he served in France and Holland in diplomatic roles, and helped negotiate the treaty of peace. From 1785 to 1788 he was minister to the Court of St. James’s, returning to be elected Vice President under George Washington.

Adams’ two terms as Vice President were frustrating experiences for a man of his vigor, intellect, and vanity. He complained to his wife Abigail, “My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.”

When Adams became President, the war between the French and British was causing great difficulties for the United States on the high seas and intense partisanship among contending factions within the Nation.

His administration focused on France, where the Directory, the ruling group, had refused to receive the American envoy and had suspended commercial relations.

Adams sent three commissioners to France, but in the spring of 1798 word arrived that the French Foreign Minister Talleyrand and the Directory had refused to negotiate with them unless they would first pay a substantial bribe. Adams reported the insult to Congress, and the Senate printed the correspondence, in which the Frenchmen were referred to only as “X, Y, and Z.”

The Nation broke out into what Jefferson called “the X. Y. Z. fever,” increased in intensity by Adams’s exhortations. The populace cheered itself hoarse wherever the President appeared. Never had the Federalists been so popular.

Congress appropriated money to complete three new frigates and to build additional ships, and authorized the raising of a provisional army. It also passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, intended to frighten foreign agents out of the country and to stifle the attacks of Republican editors.

President Adams did not call for a declaration of war, but hostilities began at sea. At first, American shipping was almost defenseless against French privateers, but by 1800 armed merchantmen and U.S. warships were clearing the sea-lanes.

Despite several brilliant naval victories, war fever subsided. Word came to Adams that France also had no stomach for war and would receive an envoy with respect. Long negotiations ended the quasi war.

Sending a peace mission to France brought the full fury of the Hamiltonians against Adams. In the campaign of 1800 the Republicans were united and effective, the Federalists badly divided. Nevertheless, Adams polled only a few less electoral votes than Jefferson, who became President.

On November 1, 1800, just before the election, Adams arrived in the new Capital City to take up his residence in the White House. On his second evening in its damp, unfinished rooms, he wrote his wife, “Before I end my letter, I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof.”

Adams retired to his farm in Quincy. Here he penned his elaborate letters to Thomas Jefferson. Here on July 4, 1826, he whispered his last words: “Thomas Jefferson survives.” But Jefferson had died at Monticello a few hours earlier.

In our three branch government, explain what is the name of the system that the Founding Fathers created to insure that no one branch would gain too much power?



Checks and balances



The answer is Checks and Balances.

Checks and Balances is a political principle which describes how the branches of government work with each other. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches each have a role in government decisions and events.

For example:
The Judicial Branch can decide if presidential acts are constitutional. This illustrates the Judicial Branch balancing the power of the executive branch by checking on presidential decisions.
The Legislative Branch can impeach the president, override a veto, and confirm executive appointments.
These are example of the Executive Branch being regulated by the two other branches of government.

How did Hideyoshi become an important leader of Japan?

1.He unified all provinces of Japan using force and political alliances.
2.He granted independence to Tokyo and most provinces.
3.He took over Japan when Ieyasu died.
4.He moved the capital to Tokyo and overthrew the Ashikaga shogunate.



I believe that the answer is 1, but I am not sure.


Plz mark as brainliest!!!


♡ hi luv ♡

your answer is 1.

enjoy your night/day♡


✧・゚: *✧・゚:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:・゚✧*:・゚✧


what happened to spark the change in thinking the scientific revolution in the past



People began questioning old beliefs and proving with real, hard evidence using mathematics and experiments. Old beliefs were based of of religions or customs of people in a society. It mostly started in astronomy. Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler are some of the biggest names during that time period.

how many US presidents have died in office?





the incident at three miles island in 1979 involved



In 1979 at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in USA a cooling malfunction caused part of the core to melt in the #2 reactor. The TMI-2 reactor was destroyed. Some radioactive gas was released a couple of days after the accident, but not enough to cause any dose above background levels to local residents.

I hope this helps.

Fighting in the European Theater during World War II ended as a result of?



for the European Theater, it ended when the Russians reached Berlin

for the Asian theater, it ended after the 2nd atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki


Hope this helps :)

How did feudalism affect the medieval European economy?



it was a very good MORNING kidd hyb


It created stability in the economy.


I took a test on it.

What did Kerosene allow people to do all across the nation?



Kerosene allowed better lighting throughout the country.


When kerosene refinement became possible, kerosene became a very cheap and affordable fuel for virtually all citizens of the country, making it a strong fuel to be used in lamps, when the country did not have an electric lighting system efficient as today.

In some underdeveloped countries where electricity is still deficient or poorly distributed, kerosene is still used to light houses at night when sunlight is not available.

Can a candidate win the popular vote but not the election? *


Yes, it’s possible- it happened recently in the US election of 2016. Hillary won the popular vote, but lost the election to Donald.

How did France expand its control in North America and create a new identity?



Mercantilism and Triangle Trade

By the late 1600s, competition for control of North America

between England and France intensified and pressure to settle

Quebec increased. Responsibility for colonizing Quebec, now

known as “New France”, fell to the Company of One Hundred

Associates but as a fur trading business it had little interest

in bringing settlers to the colony. As such, in 1663, King Louis

XIV (the Sun King) officially declared New France a royal

province and quickly established a colonial government directly

controlled by him.

By 1871, who ruled over Germany??



William 1



The third and final act of German unification was the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, orchestrated by BISMARCK to draw the western German states into alliance with the North German Confederation. With the French defeat, the German Empire was proclaimed in January 1871 in the Palace at Versailles, France.


What caused inflation to occur in many states?




Inflation could occur if prices rise up due to increases in production costs. That could include wages and raw materials.

A increase in demand for products and services could also cause inflation as consumers are willing to pay alot for the product.

Hope this helped!

which country did the industrial revolution start


Answer: Britain


Answer: The industrial revolution started in Britain

Correct me if i'm wrong but positive it's Britain

I need the answer pls.





I'm guessing C because it makes sense? I hope... If I'm wrong I'm really sorry!...

What was different about the KKK in the 1920s as compared to the KKK right after the
Civil War?


Answer: The Ku Klux Klan, founded in the late 1860’s, experiences three major surges in popularity promoting ideals such as white supremacy, white nationalism, Nativism, anti-immigration, and anti-communism.

Explanation: The first era of Ku Klux Klan experienced a rise in popularity in the late 1800’s with the intent of overthrowing Republican state governments in the South and ensuring that newly-freed southern African Americans did not vote. In 1871 their membership was oppressed by federal law enforcement (1871 Ku Klux Klan Act signed by President Grant to combat the KKK and other white supremacy groups).  

The second Ku Klux Klan group flourished nationwide in the 1920’s on the platform of pro-prohibition and anti-Catholicism and anti-Jewish feelings. They experience a diminished population in the late 1920’s (around the time of the Great Depression; a time of mass American economic hardship).  

The modern-day third wave of the Ku Klux Klan came about in the late 1950’s opposing the civil rights movement. Current membership, as of 2016, amounts to an estimated 3,000-6,000 active members.

Compare and contrast the experiences of Native Americans in Spanish settlements and in English colonies.


Answer:The colonies were alike in that they all had close ties to England. All the colonies had someone who owned at least one slave, though some colonial societies were more dependent on this than others. The colonists also observed English customs such as having tea. Regionally, the colonies were quite different.

Explanation: Good luck

During the 1800s, the growth of the
system allowed Atlanta to become a major center of trade in Georgia.



The history of Atlanta dates back to 1836, when Georgia decided to build a railroad to the U.S. Midwest and a location was chosen to be the line's terminus. The stake marking the founding of "Terminus" was driven into the ground in 1837 (called the Zero Mile Post). In 1839, homes and a store were built there and the settlement grew. Between 1845 and 1854, rail lines arrived from four different directions, and the rapidly growing town quickly became the rail hub for the entire Southern United States. During the American Civil War, Atlanta, as a distribution hub, became the target of a major Union campaign, and in 1864, Union William Sherman's troops set on fire and destroyed the city's assets and buildings, save churches and hospitals. After the war, the population grew rapidly, as did manufacturing, while the city retained its role as a rail hub. Coca-Cola was launched here in 1886 and grew into an Atlanta-based world empire. Electric streetcars arrived in 1889, and the city added new "streetcar suburbs".




Scientists use i ____to represent magnetic fields



This is History dude


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Complete the description of the Persian Empire. created the Persian Empire after leading a revolt against the and overthrowing them. He was known for being a merciful and fair leader. One of his greatest contributions to the Persian Empire was the way he promoted tolerance for all throughout the empire.



1. King Cyrus the Great

2. Medes


Based on the history of the Persia Empire in modern-day Iran. It was documented that KING CYRUS THE GREAT created the Persian Empire after leading a revolt against the MEDES the land of Media in 550 BC. and overthrowing them.

He was known for being a merciful and fair leader. One of his greatest contributions to the Persian Empire was the way he promoted tolerance for all throughout the empire.


1: Cyrus the Great

2: Medes

3: religions


Which book describes 1950s society as one in which the individual's main concern is to be accepted by others? A. On the Road B. The Lonely Crowd C. The Feminine Mystique D. Plutonium Ode


The book entitled "The Lonely Crowd" is a 1950 sociological analysis that was written by David Riesman, Nathan Glazer, and Reuel Denney. The book was referred to as "quite astringent criticism" by Reisman who was a lawyer and ended up teaching sociology.


B. The Lonely Crowd


How was Crispus Attucks significant during the Revolutionary Era?


In 1770, Crispus Attucks, a black man, became the first casualty of the American Revolution when he was shot and killed in what became known as the Boston Massacre. ... At other times he worked as a ropemaker in Boston. Attucks' occupation made him particularly vulnerable to the presence of the British.

Historians often describe the time period from 1820 to 1850 as the era of Jacksonian Democracy, characterized by the rise of universal white male suffrage and a celebration of the “common man.”
In what ways and to what extent did this democratic impulse impact American reform movements in the first half of the Nineteenth Century?

Using the documents and your knowledge of the time period 1820-1850, answer the question with reference to THREE of the following:
- Women’s rights
- Moral reforms
- Education
- Religion



Jacksonian Democracy greatly impacted reform movements in the first half of the Nineteenth Century because it spread  the idea that all men were created equal, and as such should be allowed the same privileges.

Which of the following is false…? *

The President is Commander in Chief

The President Enforces laws

The President is head of the Executive Branch

The President can declare war


The president cannot declare war, that's false. He can bomb whatever country he wants with Congress' permission. But he does NOT have the power to declare war

The Bill of Rights affirmatively states some rights that the people are guaranteed
O True
O False





16. Who did not benefit greatly from the Industrial Revolution?
A. Craftspeople
B. The aristocracy
C. The middle class
D. Factory owners



A. Craftspeople


Impacts of Industrialization

As factories expanded to manufacture things other than textiles, the process of making goods became highly mechanized. And as machine production replaced handcrafts, the level of skill required to manufacture items went down. Operating a machine in a factory took far less skill than making something by hand. As a result, manufacturing products' manufacturing process became cheaper, allowing the middle classes to buy more consumer products. Along with this, however, the wages for working-class laborers dropped and some trades had a difficult time competing with machines. When factories and machines replaced workshops and handcrafted work, tradespeople became workers. As workers tied to an employer, they were forced to accept lower wages for less-skilled jobs. This shift from skilled to unskilled labor made it difficult for workers to demand better working conditions and pay since factory workers were easy to train and easy to replace. This meant that workers could do little about their low wages or the difficult working conditions in the factories.  

Working conditions in factories were incredibly harsh. Workdays were often as long as 16 hours with very few breaks. Factory conditions were uncomfortable and unsafe. With all the machines running, room temperatures could become very hot, and the conditions were crowded. Working the machines could be hazardous, and injuries and even deaths were common. And, despite all these risks and poor conditions, the wages were quite low.


A. Craftspeople

Explanation: hope this helps ;)

The Pieta, by Michelangelo, is a

model example of Renaissance art. What does sculpture represent

about art during this era?
Select one:
a. The sculpture lacks the use of perspective, which had been more popular among artists of the Middle Ages.
b. The sculpture is well done in terms of technique but does little to suggest a feeling.
c. The sculpture uses perspective and very natural-looking details to evoke strong religious feelings.
d. The sculpture is perfectly lifelike--which makes it so scary and ugly that viewers want to look away.



C is the answer


Hope this help

The Pieta by Michelangelo is a model illustration of Renaissance art, exhibiting the utilization of viewpoint and regular looking subtleties to evoke strong religious feelings.

The choice (C) is right.

The figure portrays the Virgi*n Mary supporting the group of Jesus Christ after his execution. Michelangelo's wonderful method brings a feeling of authenticity and profound profundity to the figures, catching the melancholy and commitment of the Virgi*n Mary.

The figure's arrangement, utilization of physical exactness, and tender loving care mirror the Renaissance center around humanism and the restoration of a traditional feel. By large, the Pieta encapsulates the imaginative beliefs of the Renaissance, consolidating specialized expertise with a significant depiction of strict topics.

Learn more about Renaissance art:



Early American leaders designed the Articles of Confederation to create a national
government that:
A. could stop state governments from passing unfair laws.
B. would not be powerful enough to become a tyranny.
c. would regulate the economy to protect the poor.
D. could enforce laws through a powerful court system.


Answer: B would not be powerful enough to become a tyranny

Explanation: i just took the quiz and got it right




B. would not be powerful enough to become a tyranny. Passed the Quiz!

where did the southern colonies explore?


The Southern Colonies, including Maryland, the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia were established during the 16th and 17th centuries. The Southern Colonies in North America were established by the British during the 16th and 17th centuries. At the time, they consisted of South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia; their historical names were the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, the Province of Carolina, and the Province of Georgia.

this is a quiz and i need help so ill put 10 questions for 10 points there pretty easy but who ever can answer more will be the brainiest answers so here are some answer as many as you can
1.What first replaced canal transportation for an easier route to the west?

The steamboat
The railroad
The wagon train
The turnpike

2.Who originated the building of canals?

The government
The wealthy businessmen
The industrialists
The people

3.What shifted population from rural agrarian to urban industrial?

The invention of the cotton gin
The first textile mill
The introduction of new power sources
The increased use of slavery

4.Why were keelboats and flatboats important to the early settlers?

The boats were cheap types of new homes.
Most settlers used them when traveling to the West.
The boats were safer than steamboats.

5.What geographic feature did the Portage Railroad conquer?

The narrow waterways
The low lying areas
The rugged terrain
The rapids and waterfalls

6.Which of the following was NOT a use for the railroad horse?

It was used to pull early crude train cars.
It was used for emergency power.
It was used as a substitute for train travel.
It was used for carrying passengers across areas not connected by rail.

7.Which is the most accurate description of the first railroad?

It was completed before the Erie Canal.
It carried only freight and animals.
It connected Maryland to the west.
It was drawn by horses for a portion of the journey.

8.What highway enabled thousands of settlers to make the journey to the Northwest Territory?

National Turnpike
Cumberland Road
Wilderness Road

9.Which of these descriptions does NOT apply to the National Road?

It allowed thousands of settlers to make the journey to the Northwest Territory.
It took over forty years to complete the construction.
It opened trading opportunities for businesses.
It connected the north to the south in a direct trip.

10.Select the five ways in which the cotton gin affected the South.

Slaves became more important and valuable.
Land under production declined.
Prosperity reached most of the Southern population.
Southern attitudes about slavery hardened.
Cotton became the principal southern crop.
The South developed a cultural caste system.
Cotton became a major U.S. export.

whos gonna take on my challenge rember to give best answer. who ever has most correct will get 10 points.



1) The Railroad

2) The People

3) The introduction of new power sources

4) Most settlers used them when traveling to the West.

5) The narrow waterways

6) It was used as a substitute for train travel.

7) It was drawn by horses for a portion of the journey.

8) Cumberland Road

9) It connected the north to the south in a direct trip.

10) "Slaves became more important and valuable" "Southern attitudes about slavery hardened" "Cotton became the principal southern crop" "Cotton became a major U.S. export" and "Land under production declined"


Plz give me brainliest after that

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