U.S. and Soviet Union competed for world influence?
A: settings B: cold war C: judicial review D : industrial reverlustain


Answer 1

Answer: B. Cold War


Related Questions

Most countries have a similar multiplier.’ Assess this statement.



Do all countries have the same multiplier?

Multipliers tend to be smaller in more open economies, because the more open an economy is the more of a shock will spread into other countries through imports, and small open economies such as Belgium have small multipliers.

Spring is a time when animals reproduce. What might you see a heron do?


The family Ardeid includes heron birds. Instead of being called herons, some of the species among them are called egrets or bitterns. In the spring, a heron bird constructs a nest.

What is Heron bird?

The heron is a kind of freshwater and coastal bird with long legs and a long neck. With long necks and legs, it is a medium- to large-sized bird. They have large sexual dimorphism. Beyond the differences in their reproductive organs, the male and female of the same species exhibit distinctive characteristics.

In essence, non-swimming water birds, herons are almost exclusively found in water where they forage around the edges of lakes, ponds, seas, rivers, and marshes. The tiny bittern is the common name for the little heron species.

The period of the year when birds construct nests and lay their eggs there is known as the nesting season. bring up their young is the norm. There is a lot of food accessible in the spring.

learn more about animals reproduce:



How do you want to work and practice in relation to the diversity of people as a care worker? And how do you want to manage the issue of not respecting the rights of individuals?​


By encouraging respect for one another and tolerance for everyone's individuality, it promotes a more open and inclusive workplace where everyone feels like they can contribute.

What advantages come from working with people from varied backgrounds?

Since it acknowledges each person's special traits and potential, a diverse workplace is a tremendous asset. In the end, respecting one another's uniqueness is what binds us all and might be the secret to a successful business with a decent work culture.

Why should we defend individual rights?

Human rights are essential liberties that are available to everyone just because we are human. Justice, respect, equality, and decency are just a few of the core tenets they stand for in our society. They are a critical weapon of protection for all of us, but especially for individuals who could face abuse, neglect, or solitude.

Learn more about Human rights: https://brainly.com/question/3444313


_[blank]_is the act of officially approving and implementing a document.


The process of formally approving and executing a document is known as "approved for design" (AFD).

What is an approval document?

An approval document is any contract, license, permit, certificate, or other authority to engage in a trade, profession, or business.

What is the approved course of action?

An approval process is a type of business procedure that includes steps to formally approve work from different organizational levels. Create budgets, bills, project plans, marketing plans, or any other items that need approval from many departments as part of the assignment.

Why do we need an approval process?

Approval procedures are used to ensure that important decisions are made equitably, by the right people, and when they should be. The act of accepting or rejecting something is sometimes referred to as decision-making.

Learn more about approval process: https://brainly.com/question/704073


Q 10
Under the system of federalism, which of the following does the national government of the United States do that state and local governments do not?
A) print paper currency
B) impeach state governors
C) select city council members
D) establish public schools ​


Under the system of federalism, the national government of the United States only, has the power to

A) print paper currency.

Which part of the government prints money

Under the system of federalism in the United States, the power is divided between the national government and state governments. The national government has some powers that are not granted to state governments, such as printing paper currency, regulating interstate commerce, and conducting foreign relations.

However, state and local governments have powers that the national government does not have, such as establishing public schools, regulating intrastate commerce, and conducting local elections. Impeaching state governors and selecting city council members are also not responsibilities of the national government.

Learn more about system of federalism at



How did farmers in New England respond to the Industrial Revolution?


The response of farmers in New England to the Industrial Revolution was mixed, and varied depending on the individual farmer and their circumstances. Here are some of the ways in which farmers responded:

1] Transition to Industrial Jobs: Some farmers chose to leave their farms and take up jobs in the new industrial factories and mills that were popping up in the region.

2] Increased Competition: The Industrial Revolution led to the growth of large-scale, commercial agriculture in the Midwest, which produced crops more efficiently and at lower prices than New England farmers could. This put pressure on New England farmers to adapt and compete, which was difficult for many of them.

3] Agricultural Innovations: Some farmers responded to the increased competition by adopting new agricultural technologies and techniques, such as crop rotation, fertilizers, and improved breeds of livestock, in order to increase their yields and productivity.

4] Migration: The lure of land and economic opportunity in the West led many New England farmers to migrate to places like Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa, where they could start over and build new farms.

Overall, the response of New England farmers to the Industrial Revolution was shaped by a combination of economic pressures, technological innovations, and individual choices.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution


1. According to Durkheim, how does the size of a society and its characteristics as homogeneous or heterogeneous impact the society’s solidarity. (Be sure to define structural functionalism, both types of solidarity and how the size and composition of a society impacts the type of solidarity)


Emile Durkheim is a French humanist who is considered one of the founders of the social sciences. He developed the theory of functional structure, which defines man as a combination of mutual forces working together to make things stable and harmonious.

Durkheim argues that the type of courage the average person displays is not dependent on their size and level of homogeneity. He divides solidarity into two types: organic solidarity and mechanical solidarity.

Small organizations in which people share common values, beliefs, and practices demonstrate collective action. In such societies, people have a strong sense of belonging and are united in social relationships based on characteristics such as social status, religion, or occupation.

On the other hand, a large, diverse society in which each member has a specific role and is bound together by a difficult division of labour leads to organic unity. In such a society, people are interconnected by a strong social network that makes them dependent on each other for goods and services.

Durkheim argued that as societies expand and become more diverse, solidarity turns from mechanical to organic. This is because larger societies are more interconnected and due to the increased division of labour people must depend on each other for survival. Individuals collectively develop a sense of belonging and, as a result, specialized in their work.

The degree of cohesion of a society is also affected by its composition. People in an organization can show greater solidarity because they share common values ​​and beliefs that bind them together. Heterogeneous societies tend to have organic solidarity as individuals are connected by a common set of social bonds.

As a result, Durkheim believes that the degree of cohesion of a society is influenced by its size and structure. Mechanical solidarity is more common in small homogeneous societies than in large heterogeneous societies.

The increased division of labour and the integration of individuals into large communities are responsible for the transition from mechanical integration to organic integration.

To know more about Durkheim:



Final answer:

Durkheim's concept of structural functionalism explains how the size and homogeneity/heterogeneity of a society impact its solidarity. In small, homogeneous societies, there is mechanical solidarity based on similarities and shared values. In larger societies, there is organic solidarity based on interdependence and specialized roles.


Durkheim, a founding father of sociology, developed the concept of structural functionalism. According to Durkheim, a society's solidarity is influenced by its size and the homogeneity or heterogeneity of its characteristics. Durkheim identified two types of solidarity: mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity is found in small, homogeneous societies where individuals share similar values and have similar occupations. In contrast, organic solidarity is found in larger societies where individuals are interdependent and have specialized roles.

The size of a society affects the type of solidarity. In small societies, the social bonds are based on similarities and shared values, resulting in mechanical solidarity. In larger societies, the social bonds are based on interdependence and specialized roles, resulting in organic solidarity.

For example, in a small, close-knit community where everyone knows each other and shares a common way of life, there is a strong sense of mechanical solidarity. People in such a community are bound together by their similarities and the collective consciousness of the community. On the other hand, in a large, complex society where individuals have different occupations and are interdependent on each other for their needs, there is a stronger sense of organic solidarity. The social order in such a society is maintained through the division of labor and interdependence among individuals.

Learn more about Durkheim's concept here:



how did alliances lead to ww1



Alliances played a significant role in the outbreak of World War I. In the decades leading up to the war, major European powers formed a complex system of alliances and treaties designed to promote their interests and provide for their mutual defense.

The two main alliances that emerged were the Triple Entente, comprising Britain, France, and Russia, and the Triple Alliance, comprising Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. These alliances were formed in response to perceived threats from other powers, and were intended to deter potential aggressors by demonstrating strength and solidarity.

However, the system of alliances also created a situation in which a small conflict between two nations could quickly escalate into a much larger conflict involving multiple nations. This is exactly what happened in 1914, when the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist led to a chain of events that ultimately drew in all of the major European powers.

In the weeks and months following the assassination, Germany pledged to support Austria-Hungary in its efforts to punish Serbia, while Russia mobilized its army in support of Serbia. France and Britain, both allies of Russia, also began to mobilize their forces. As tensions continued to escalate, Germany declared war on Russia and France, and invaded Belgium as part of its strategy to quickly defeat France.

The outbreak of World War I was thus the result of a complex web of alliances, treaties, and rivalries that had developed over several decades. The system of alliances created a situation in which a small conflict could quickly escalate into a much larger conflict, with catastrophic consequences for the entire world.

The US society has experienced multiple large-scale protests, riots, shootings and other incidents in the past year, reflecting the deep divisions and conflicts in the US society. Racial discrimination, political polarization, wealth gap, gun violence and other issues have not been effectively resolved, and the new president Biden also faces strong opposition and distrust from the Republicans and the public.


The protests and unrest of the past year have highlighted the need for the US to address these deep-seated issues.

What is deep-seated issues?

Deep-seated issues are long-standing and difficult problems that have been embedded within a person, group, or society. They are typically rooted in past experiences, with the effects often continuing to manifest in the present. These issues can involve mental health, social justice, racial inequality, economic disparity, and more.

To start, the Biden administration has proposed a number of initiatives, such as the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, to help combat the economic fallout of the pandemic and provide aid to those hit hardest by it. The administration has also proposed a wide-ranging immigration reform package to address the plight of undocumented immigrants, and has taken steps to reduce gun violence by introducing federal background check requirements.

To learn more about pandemic



using the theoretical paradigms so you can meet the first learning objective for this topic. The United States has the dubious distinction of leading every other nation in both the largest total number and the largest percentage of incarcerated people. Using this case as an example, how would Conflict Theory explain this?


A conflict theorist might observe that individuals in society who are in positions of power enact criminal laws that serve their own interests while the weaker classes, who lack the means to influence such laws, bear the costs.

What is American conflict theory?

Conflict theory's major focus is on how social groups compete for limited resources. According to conflict theory, social and economic systems are used as weapons in conflicts between groups of people to perpetuate inequality and the hegemony of the ruling class.

Why is there such a high percentage of incarceration in the US?

The causes for increased incarceration rates mentioned above (US racial demographics, Rising Sentencing Laws, and Drug Sentencing Laws) have been blamed on the mainstream media's evolving editorial practices.

Learn more about Conflict theory: https://brainly.com/question/30141652


A hurricane comes through town and breaks all the store windows on Main Street. Which of the following circumstances would make Brent more likely to start looting due to deindividuation?


A .Brent observes other shoplifters already present.,

B .Brent is actively encouraged by others to join in, and

C.  The town is huge, and Brent doesn't know many individuals there.

Is there looting during hurricanes?

Typhoon stealing from alludes to the robbery of property after a storm passes. This happens on the grounds that storms frequently make prime circumstances for hoodlums to take. The theft of goods from a location during war, riots, or, in this instance, natural disasters is known as looting. The majority of the time, looting is a crime, and stealing from others can result in an arrest. Then again, catastrophic events are exactly what they surmise: disasters.

After Hurricane Katrina, was there looting?

There were numerous reports of looting, shootings, violence, and murder in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina's 2005 destruction of the city. These reports, on the other hand, have since been discredited as being exaggerated and incorrect.

To learn more about Hurricane visit:



Complete question -

A hurricane comes through town and breaks all the store windows on Main Street. Which of the following circumstances would make Brent more likely to start looting due to deindividuation?

A .Brent sees other people already in stores looting goods.

B .Brent is actively encouraged by others to join in.

C. The town is large, and Brent doesn't know many people there.

D. Brent remains self-aware.

Please help and hurry

#1: Why do locations near the equator generally have a warmer climate

A. Regions near the equator are surrounded by water

B. Regions near the equator receive fewer hours of direct solar energy

C. Regions near the equator are highest in elevation

D. Regions near the equator receive solar energy at a more direct angle

#2: How can mountains influence climate

A. They cause significant flooding around the bottom of the mountain

B. They can block the wind which can change the amount of precipitation that falls next to the mountain

C. Mountains do not have an impact on the climate of an area

D. They cause the land around the mountain to become very dry.



C c Answer:


The correct option is D. Regions near the equator receive solar energy at a more direct angle.

Due to the Earth's spherical shape, the equator receives more direct sunlight than the poles. This direct angle of the sun's rays leads to more intense solar radiation and, in turn, warmer temperatures.

Additionally, the atmosphere near the equator is generally less dense, allowing for less absorption of the sun's rays and more direct heating of the surface.

2. The correct option  is B. Mountains can block the wind and cause changes in precipitation patterns. As air flows towards a mountain, it is forced to rise and cool, climate leading to the formation of clouds and increased precipitation on the windward side of the mountain.

The leeward side of the mountain, on the other hand, experiences a rain shadow effect, where the air is dry and the climate is arid. Additionally, the height and slope of a mountain can influence the amount of precipitation that falls on either side.

Mountain can have significant impacts on the local climate and ecosystem, as well as on human settlements and agriculture in the surrounding areas.

Learn more about Climate here



Read this passage:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to
alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness.
Which Enlightenment idea does the passage reflect?

A will of majority
B Natural Rights
C State of nature
D Popular sovereignty


Final answer:

The passage reflects the Enlightenment idea of Popular sovereignty, highlighting that the power to govern is derived from the people who reserve the right to change or abolish government structures that do not work towards their safety and happiness.


The passage reflects the Enlightenment idea of Popular sovereignty. This concept suggests that the source of all political power resides in the people, and they have the right to alter or abolish their form of government when it does not serve its intended purpose of safeguarding their life, liberty, safety, and happiness. The idea was especially influential during the 18th century, prominently featuring in movements that led to the democratic revolutions in America and France. It stems from the notion that governments are created by individuals to protect their inherent rights, and hence should be subject to change by those same individuals when it fails to fulfill its duties.

Learn more about Popular Sovereignty here:



If your friend Mariana can wash dishes faster than you can and type papers better than you can, then.
A.) Mariana has an absolute advantage in both dishwashing and paper typing
B.) Mariana could never gain from specializing and trading one of these services with you
C.) Mariana will benefit from trading with you, but you would gain no benefits from trade
D.) Mariana has a comparative advantage in both dishwashing and paper typing



D.) Mariana has a comparative advantage in both dishwashing and paper typing. This is because comparative advantage refers to the ability to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another person or country. In this scenario, Mariana is more efficient at both dishwashing and paper typing, meaning she can produce those goods at a lower opportunity cost than her friend. Therefore, Mariana has a comparative advantage in both tasks.

1. Which of the following actions is characteristic of a republic? A. Voters go to the polls to elect a president. B. The Central Committee decides to give every citizen a job. C. All citizens meet in a local town hall to vote on a new ordinance. D. The county commission submits a proposed ordinance as a binding reference


Option C describes a situation where all citizens are meeting in a local town hall to vote on a new ordinance. This is an example of direct democracy, which is a form of republic where all citizens have a direct say in the decisions made by the government.

What is Central Committee?

The term "Central Committee" typically refers to a group or body of individuals who hold leadership or decision-making authority within a political party, organization, or government. It is often used in the context of political systems that follow a socialist, communist, or similar ideology.

This action is characteristic of a republic because it involves direct participation of citizens in decision-making through voting on a new ordinance. In a republic, the power rests with the people who exercise their rights through voting and participating in the democratic process.

Learn more about Central Committee from the given link



What effect do tariffs have on Susan's and Claudia's workplaces?


Job security suffers as a result of the absence of tariffs. Claudia's employment is now more secure than it was before, but the likelihood of Susan losing her job has increased.

What impact do tariffs have on the places of employment of Claudia and Susan?

The shortfall of duties makes rivalry for Susan's organization. Susan's company dedicates itself to enhancing efficiency and quality in order to compete with television manufacturers in other countries. On the other hand, Claudia's business is now protected from foreign competition by tariffs, which has led to employee complacency and decreased productivity.

The imposed tariffs have reduced the efficiency of Claudia's factory. People are arriving late to work, machines break and cannot be fixed, and new ideas are not being contributed. As a result, Claudia's factory will suffer, while Susan's will grow.

To learn more about tariffs visit :



Complete question-

Susan works in a factory that makes televisions. The country in which she works just entered into a free trade agreement with several other countries. While Susan is concerned about increased competition from the countries that can now export their goods to her country tariff free, she is excited that her company is implementing new procedures at work to be more efficient. Within six months, her company is producing better televisions than before. Scenario 2 Claudia works in a factory that makes computers. Her country just imposed tariffs on all computers coming into the country. While Claudia is happy that the tariff reduces the chances of losing her job, she has noticed that the quality of the computers made at her factory has fallen. People are late to work, machines that break don’t get fixed, and no one seems to be talking about any new ideas. What effect do tariffs have on Susan’s and Claudia’s workplaces?

Which of the following issues could not have been caused by acid rain?


Answer: A. desertification

Explanation: Desertification is removal of the natural vegetation cover. Agricultural activities in the exposed ecosystems of arid and semi-arid areas contribute to desertification, therefore it could not be caused by acid rain

I coded my data using a numerical code; male was 1, and female was 2, age was kept the same,classical was 1, Electronic was 2, Silence was 3, White noise was 4 and Lo-Fi was 5. The means of each condition were recorded as: silence was 3.4 credits, classical was 2.80 credits, Electronic was 2.83 credits,White noise was 2.75 credits and Lo-Fi was 3.0 credits. Using a independent one-way ANOVA, I got the standard deviation of each condition as well which is as follows: silence was 0.69 credits, classical was 1.78 credits, Electronic was 1.34 credits,White noise was 1.65 credits and Lo-Fi was 2.64 credits.Using the ANOVA test I also found the p-value to be 0.864. Since we were using a confidence ratio of 95%, that means the p-value has to be less than 0.05. Since p>0.05 because p=0.864, then my data is not statistically significant.

According to the above, Write the results in proper APA-style statistical notation.


There was no statistically significant difference found in the means of the different music conditions, F(4, 45) = 0.38, p = 0.864, η² = 0.034, with means and standard deviations as follows: silence (M = 3.4, SD = 0.69), classical (M = 2.80, SD = 1.78), Electronic (M = 2.83, SD = 1.34), White noise (M = 2.75, SD = 1.65), and Lo-Fi (M = 3.0, SD = 2.64).

what challenges might arise from increasing the scope of a programme like this, and how might you manage these challenges?​


Effective planning, stakeholder engagement, capacity building, monitoring, and adaptability are essential for managing the challenges that may arise from increasing the scope of a program.

What is Programme?

A "programme" typically refers to a coordinated set of activities or initiatives aimed at achieving specific objectives or goals. It is often used in the context of organizational management, project management, or policy implementation. A programme typically consists of multiple projects or activities that are interrelated and coordinated to achieve a common purpose.

Increasing the scope of a program can present various challenges that may need to be managed effectively to ensure successful implementation.

Resource Constraints:

Stakeholder Management

Coordination and Communication

Program Complexity

Learn more about Programme from the given link



ANSWER NOWWWWWW While creating its annual budget, the city of Springfield has determined that it needs to decrease funding for one of its programs. It needs to reduce the money it spends on either road maintenance or the city hospital.

Which lost opportunities does the city need to consider when making this decision? Choose three correct answers.

a decreased number of police
easier traffic flow
the expansion of health services
new books for a library
increased emergency room staff
increased medical costs


Answer is down below!


In health care, the days of business as usual are over. Around the world, every health care system is struggling with rising costs and uneven quality despite the hard work of well-intentioned, well-trained clinicians. Health care leaders and policy makers have tried countless incremental fixes—attacking fraud, reducing errors, enforcing practice guidelines, making patients better “consumers,” implementing electronic medical records—but none have had much impact.It’s time for a fundamentally new strategy.

There are three appropriate considerations that the city in Springfield should make are  More efficient traffic flow ,The extension of health care services, Higher medical prices.

Which missed chances should the city take into account while making this choice?

1. More efficient traffic flow – Cutting back on funds for maintaining roads may result in worsening road conditions and increased traffic congestion.

2. The extension of health care services - Reduced financing again for city hospital may restrict the hospital's capacity to expand the health services, which might potentially have an impact on the standard of treatment provided to residents.

3. Higher medical prices - A decrease in financing for the municipal hospital may lead to higher medical expenditures for patients as a result of a shortage of staff or resources, making healthcare less accessible to locals.

To know more about health care services visit:



Against the backdrop of the global crisis of "liberal democracy". According to the 2021 World Freedom Report published by the think tank Freedom House, democracy has been in decline for 15 consecutive years, with some of the biggest setbacks occurring in the United States and India. The decline of global "democracy" is complex. Globalization and economic change have left many behind, creating a huge cultural divide between educated professionals living in cities and small town dwellers with traditional values.


A variety of economic, social, and political variables influence the global collapse of democracy, which is a complicated topic.

Globalization, which has widened the cultural gap between urban and rural inhabitants, is one of the most important reasons. Economic trends that have left many individuals behind and created inequality have widened this gap.

The emergence of populism and authoritarianism in many nations is a significant additional influence. The belief that traditional democratic institutions are dishonest and ineffectual, which results in a loss of faith in democracy as a form of government, has fostered this tendency. This is especially clear in nations with more polarised political systems, such as the United States and India.

Positive trends in logistics and planning, notably in the fields of technology and innovation, are also present at the same time. Big data, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technologies have completely changed the logistics sector, improving its effectiveness, dependability, and efficiency. As a result, businesses are now more profitable and competitive, and customers are now receiving better service.

learn more about democracy here



Theo: What is the role of the Holy Spirit today?



The Holy Spirit works in us by peeling away our sinful characteristics and replacing them with godly characteristics

Read this sentence from paragraph 2 of the passage. "As the sun shines through these droplets, they separate the white light into individual colors." What is the meaning of the word "individual"? A separate B shining © lasting D odd​


is the separation of white light into it's component colours

3.1 State FOUR aims for conducting campaigns​


The four common aims of conducting campaigns are to raise awareness, change attitudes, mobilize action, and influence policy.

What are the Reasons for Conducting Campaigns?

Campaigns are often conducted to achieve specific objectives. Here are four common aims of campaigns:

Raise Awareness: The primary aim of many campaigns is to increase public awareness of a particular issue or cause. By raising awareness, the campaign aims to bring the issue to the attention of the public and stimulate action or change.

Change Attitudes: Campaigns may also aim to change attitudes and perceptions towards a particular issue or group of people. This may involve challenging stereotypes or prejudices and promoting more positive and inclusive attitudes.

Mobilize Action: Campaigns may seek to mobilize people to take action, whether it be signing a petition, attending a protest, or donating money. By mobilizing people, campaigns hope to create a groundswell of support for their cause and achieve their objectives.

Influence Policy: Finally, campaigns may aim to influence policy at a local, national, or international level. This may involve lobbying politicians, advocating for new laws or regulations, or engaging in public consultations. By influencing policy, campaigns hope to create lasting change that will benefit the communities they serve.

Learn more about campaigns on:



What happened to Marco
Polo after he returned to
Europe from his stay in


After returning to Europe from his stay in China, Marco Polo settled down in Venice and wrote a book called "Il Milione" or "The Travels of Marco Polo," which described his experiences and adventures in Asia.

What did Marco Polo do after returning to Europe?

After spending over 20 years in Asia, Marco Polo returned to his hometown of Venice, where he settled down and began writing a book about his travels. "The Travels of Marco Polo" became one of the most influential travelogues in history, providing Europeans with a glimpse into the culture, geography, and trade of the East.

Although the accuracy of his accounts has been debated, Marco Polo's book served as a valuable source of information for later explorers and merchants. In addition to writing, Marco Polo also became a wealthy merchant and was involved in various political and diplomatic activities in Venice. He passed away in 1324, leaving behind a legacy as one of the most famous travelers and explorers in history.

Read more about Marco Polo



In your own words, define “Emotional Intelligence” and apply it to guiding your staff to understand the importance of COVID-19 testing at your facility.


Emotional intelligence is ability to understand and manage the one's own emotions and to recognize and empathize with emotions of others.

What are emotions?

Emotions are complex psychological and the physiological states that are triggered by the external or internal stimuli. They can be described as intense feelings that are accompanied by physiological changes such as increased heart rate, sweating, and changes in facial expression. Emotions can be positive, such as joy, love, and happiness, or negative, such as anger, sadness, and fear. They play a crucial role in human experience, influencing behavior, cognition, and social interactions. Emotions are often expressed through verbal and nonverbal communication, including facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. They are an integral part of the human experience and contribute to our overall well-being and sense of connection with others.

To learn more about emotions, visit:



interview at least 5 adults about their knowledge on the media and its limitations. use the questions below as possible guide to help you. question one 1: do you know what human rights are? please explain your answer. question 2: are you aware of human rights violations happening in your community? explain. question 3: which laws protect citizens from human rights violations? question 4: is the government doing enough to ensure that human rights are protected? explain your viewpoint. question 5: which department/organisation would you approach if your human rights have been violated ?​


The five most often questions asked during interviews Frequently Asked Questions in Job Interviews: Give me a little bit about yourself, how did you learn about this position, etc., How did you come to make the decision to apply for this job?

What to say in an interview when asked where you see yourself in five years.

Analyze how your professional objectives and the position you're looking for align.

Concentrate your efforts on the abilities you want to develop.

Provide general timeframes and job names instead than becoming too specific.

Why are media appearances crucial?

A crucial and critical part of any press office is media relations. Securing press coverage is an effective and efficient strategy to improve the reputation of an organization, whether it be online, in print, on the radio, or on television.

To Know more about professional



What is the purpose of using reflection in conflict resolution?
OA. To agree on a solution
B. To shift the perspective on the conflict
C. To demonstrate understanding and respect
D. To clarify the other person's position



The purpose of using reflection in conflict resolution is to demonstrate understanding and respect. Option C is correct. Reflection involves paraphrasing or summarizing what the other person has said in a way that demonstrates that you understand and respect their point of view. This can help de-escalate the conflict and create a more collaborative atmosphere for resolving the issue.

Match each word with the phrase that best defines it.
home rule
the largest local government division within
a state
a city or town that has its own local
self-government by the people who are
citizens of a particular place
a document giving a city permission to have
its own local government
a law created by a local government


home rule - self-government by the people who are citizens of a particular place.

charter - a document giving a city permission to have

its own local government.

municipality - a city or town that has its own local


ordinance - a law created by local government.

county - the largest local government within.

Nikola’s t-shirt business produced 100 shirts. In less than one day, all 100 shirts sold out. Fifty additional orders were placed, but could not be fulfilled since he had run out of shirts. Which of the following is true?


What are the options
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How would the reading on a barometer change if you were to take one on a trip from los angeles to Lake Tahoe, which is at a much higher altitude? if a learner is trying to understand the rules of a new game, what type of feedback would be most appropriate? Question 7 We have the following quotes: Spot exchange rate: CHF/USD 1.257 - 1.2581 3-months forward: 12 to 20 Calculate the mid-rate. Question 8 We have the following quotes: Spot exchange rate: CHF/USD 1.2573 - 1.2582 3-months forward: 14 to 20 Calculate the number of points spread. What are the elements of the story? 1. This sentence is an example of what figure of speech? "Your painting is as colorful as the rainbow." a. personification c. hyperbole d. irony b. simile 2. What is the figure of speech in which like or as is used to make a comparison between two basically unlike ideas. a. simile c. personification d. hyperbole b. metaphor 3. This is a figure of speech in which something is compared directly to another object. a. hyperbole c. irony d. metaphor b. onomatopoeia 4. "The flowers danced around the table," is an example of c. pun d. alliteration a. hyperbole b. personification 5. "The road was a garden of roses.' Is a good example of what? a. hyperbole b. metaphor 6. What figure of speech is used in the poem of G. Orr Clark? The night is a big black cat. The moon is her topaz eye. The stars are the mice she hunts at night. In the field of the sultry sky. c. personification d. simile a. simile c. personification b. metaphor d. metonymy 7. What type of figurative language is an extreme exaggeration of the truth? a. assonance c. simile b. irony d. hyperbole Maria is undergoing a lot of stress. She just lost her job of 5 years, and she is attempting to learn how to do her own taxes since she doesn't currently have the financial means of paying someone to do it. On top of this, she needs to find an affordable babysitter to watch her 3 year-old while she searches for a new job and goes on interviews. What type of stressor is the loss of Maria's job?CatastropheDaily Hassle Major life changePressure Graph y -x2 - 1.Click on the graph until the correct graph appears. Everyone has struggles in life. We struggle to walk, run faster, jump higher, write the best stories, and so on. Our struggles come from difficulties, but also from desiring certain outcomes, like getting an A. Outline an external or internal struggle in your life. Consider who the protagonists, antiheros, and antagonists are in your story, and identify them accordingly. Drought impacts are based upon risk from both social vulnerability and drought duration and severity. True.or false traffic engineers in florida want to reduce the rate of accidents between pedestrians and cars at intersections. research has shown that replacing stoplights with roundabouts (also called traffic circles) can improve safety for bikers and pedestrians. engineers wanted to test this concept so it can be applied across florida, and last year, they replaced five timed stoplights in a florida city with roundabouts. the accident rates at five intersections before the intervention were 5.1, 3.4, 6.1, 4.9, and 4.1 accidents per month. after installing roundabouts, the new rates of pedestrian accidents were 4.5, 3.6, 5.5, 4.8, and 4.1 accidents per month. does replacing stoplights with roundabouts significantly reduce the rate of accidents at intersections? use an alpha value of 0.05 in your decision. Identify the needs emphasized by David McClelland's need theory. (a) Need for security (b) Need for achievement (c) Need for power (d) Need for affiliation (e) Need for necessities poliomyelitis is spread by oropharyngeal secretions and infected feces. group of answer choices true false This pattern can be represented by the explicit function f(x) = 3x^2True or False?Explain. One of the master alarm panels shall be located in the office or workspace of the individual responsible for the maintenance of the medical gas piping system. Where shall the other alarm be located?a) office of the authority having jurisdiction.b) source equipment room.c) nurses' stationd) area of continuous observation mary brown is a linux user with the username mbrown. mary has a directory named logs in her home directory that is regularly updated with new log files when certain system events occur. she runs the following commands several times a week to check this directory: cd /home/mbrown/logs ls -al she wants a persistent alias named logcheck to run these two commands. what command would you enter into her shell configuration file to create this persistent alias? If the volume of a gas at -40.0C is doubled to 80.0 L, calculate the final temperature in degrees Celsius. Can someone help me to answer these questions pleaseListen to Kerry Washington perform Sojourner Truth's speech Ain't I a Woman. Then go to ST's version at the Sojourner Truth Project's website. Compare the differences between Frances Gage's (the one Washington read) and Marius Robinson's earlier version (the one ST read). You can read them here. Answer the following questions:1. List 3 differences between the Robinson version and the Gage version of the speech. 2. Why do you think it is important to hear both versions of the speech?3. How do you think the differences changed the way people (in the north and the south) understood the context of her speech? How about now?4. How does hearing the differences in dialect change the way you think about the speech?answer them in at least 10 sentences. When womens rights activists spoke out, who were they advocating for, white women or African-American women? What are the distinct arguments that Truth makes in her speech? What is Truth saying about womens rights? Who is going to give them these rights?How does Truths speech reflect intersectionality? What passages in the speech reflect this? write a second function called round2() that is similar to round1() except that it uses k2 and returns the concatenation of r2 and l2. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic presented a host of moral dilemmas. Many of these involve issues of "distributive justice", specifically how to allocate (or distribute) vital resources when there are not enough to go around. For example, early on there were concerns that hospitals would run out of IC units (including ventilators) and personnel to treat all the Covid patients (and many hospitals were stretched beyond capacity). Later the issue of prioritizing who would get the vaccine first became another distribution issue.Let's focus on one specific and extreme distribution issue which doctors in Italy faced and which US doctors feared they would face. Say,you are a doctor with only one ventilator available to you and more than one patient has a critical need for it (they will die without it). Who do you give the ventilator too? How do you decide?In a reply to this thread, post your thoughts on:1. how Bentham would apply the Principle of Utility to answer this question2.how Kant might apply either version of the Categorical Imperative to answer this question3. offer your own moral intuition about the right thing to do in this situation, with some reasoning for it. Also indicate if your reasoning is more in line with Utilitarianism or Kant. a shoe store that offers running shoes, dress shoes, and children's shoes is said to have