The United States was successfully able to contain communism in the Korean War.
O True
O False


Answer 1

Answer: True

Explanation: Although the war ended where it began, the United States and its allies did succeed in preventing communism from overtaking South Korea.

Answer 2


The United States and its allies did succeed in stopping communism from taking over South Korea, even though the war came to an end where it started.



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how did president roosevelt plan to turn the opinions of the supreme court in favor of the new deal?



The Supreme Court was striking down New Deal legislation, so Roosevelt decided to curb the power of the Supreme Court by proposing a bill to allow the president to name a new federal judge for each who did not retire by age 70. At the time, 6 justices were over the age limit.

4. ASKING QUESTIONS What questions might historians need to
ask to determine whether Aesop was a real, individual writer?


Even though Aesop probably never existed, it is helpful in understanding how the ancient Greeks thought about the fables to understand who Aesop was thought to have been, and how he was thought to have lived his life. We can reasonably assume that the “life story” of the inventor of the fables developed along the lines that would have been found most compatible with what the Greeks thought the fables were. Therefore, by learning what the Greeks thought about the author of the fables, we can expect to learn something about what they thought about the fables themselves.

So, who was Aesop to the ancient Greeks? We know that Aesop was widely known in the ancient Greek world. We find references to him and his life in Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, and Aristophanes, and while those references may not be historically accurate, they do show that the audiences for the works of these four men (a historian, two philosophers, and a comic playwright), which would have included citizens from a wide range of social classes, knew who Aesop was and could be expected to respond to references to him in predictable ways. It also shows that he was well known and important enough for these authors to decide that he was worth including in their writings in the first place, and this can only be because his life and fables were believed to be useful cultural material and worthy of attention.

Setting aside the references mentioned above, an extended account of Aesop’s life can be found in the pseudo-biographical Life of Aesop, which is believed to have been written in roughly the 2nd cn. C.E., although much of it is a compilation of older stories that were part of oral tradition (for example, the Life of Ahiqar). The details of his life, although they may be entirely fictional, are important because while today we tend to draw sharp distinctions between how a philosopher does their job and how they live their life, in ancient Greece and Rome this was much less the case. The philosopher was expected to live their life according to their principles, and accordingly what one did (or was believed to have done) had a real impact on how their philosophy was received. Therefore, Aesop’s life can be seen as an embodiment of the principles he lives by, and vice versa: we can learn about fables through the ”biography” of the person who wrote them, whether or not Aesop ever actually existed. Rather than analyzing the entire text in detail, this article will offer a short summary, and then look in more detail at four especially salient aspects of his life. First, he was said to have begun his life as a slave; second, he is said to have been extremely ugly—as though he were not entirely human; third, he begins his life unable to speak; and, finally, his rise from slavery to greatness also leads to his destruction. As we will see, each of these qualities mark him as being on the boundary between human beings and the other animals that feature so prominently in Aesop’s fables.

The policy of Containment led the United States to become involved in several conflicts throughout the world. Which even listed below was NOT a result of the U.S. Policy of Containment?

Creation of Israel and Palestine

The Korean Conflict

Vietnam War

The Bay of Pigs


Answer:the answer is Israel and Palestina

In case of Israel it became independent when the British left in 1948

The first digital camera was introduced by Kodak in 1996. A) Fillers B) Use of passive voice. C) lack of parallel structure. D) Redundancies.


The given sentence is an accurate and concise statement that describes the advent of the first digital camera by Kodak in 1996.

There aren't any fillers, redundancies, or lack of parallel shape in the sentence. using passive voice is not considered a grammatical errors, and in this case, it's far the proper desire.

The sentence is focused on the issue "the first digital camera," and the statistics is supplied in a clean and direct way. The sentence provides relevant statistics with out adding useless phrases or info. common, the sentence is grammatically accurate and efficaciously communicates its principal concept. It is a good example of clean and concise writing, that is vital for effective communique.

Learn more about  grammar:-


What is the result of the requirement that Congressmembers must be inhabitants of the
state they represent? What costs and benefits does this rule carry, in terms of the issues that
Edmund Burke raised regarding delegation versus trusteeship on behalf of elected



This model was formulated by Edmund Burke (1729–1797), an Irish MP and philosopher, who opposed the delegate model of representation. In the trustee model, Burke argued that his behavior in Parliament should be informed by his knowledge and experience, allowing him to serve the public interest.


in the 1800s, every mill town had daredevils who developed their own survival techniques to entertain and amaze crowds. these daredevils were known as


stunt performers or thrill-seekers who were skilled in performing dangerous stunts and tricks. They often developed unique techniques.

Strategies to ensure their safety while performing, such as perfecting their balance, agility, and timing. These daredevils would often perform death-defying acts, such as tightrope walking, fire breathing, and acrobatics, to entertain and amaze crowds. Their performances were often highly anticipated events and drew large crowds to the mill towns where they were held. In the 1800s, every mill town had daredevils who developed their own survival techniques to entertain and amaze crowds. These daredevils were known as "stunt performers" or "acrobats."

To know more about Developed refer :


4. Study this graph. What happened to white American incomes during the
1950s? How did this affect the ability of white American families to live the
"American Dream"? What about African American families? How did their
incomes change during the 1950s? What does this tell us about their ability to
live the "American Dream"? (8 points)

(This is from apex)


The 1950s saw a surge in white American incomes and there was a chase to achieve the American dream.

By enabling them to achieve their own definition of prosperity in an atmosphere whereby upward mobility is accessible for every person, this had an impact on the potential of white American parents to achieve the "American Dream".

There can be growth seen in the average family income of the African American family. But the growth was very slow or low. In the 1950s, there were various upliftments that were present. Which helps them grow. And earn more money. They were living in a community with Americans. They also wanted to have some kind of American dream that they wanted to fulfill.

Learn more about incomes, here:


how did the colonial experience in nineteenth-century africa create new identities?
Colonial subjects identified themselves as racially superior to Europeans.
Universal Western education gave everyone in colonial societies a shared identity.
European colonial administration categorized Africans into distinct "tribes."
The identity of colonial subjects came to be associated with active masculinity.


colonial experience also gave rise to new forms of identity formation. For instance, universal Western education, introduced by the colonial administration, gave everyone in colonial societies access to a shared body of knowledge and cultural practices.

This allowed for the emergence of new identities based on common experiences and shared values.

At the same time, European colonial administration also categorized Africans into distinct "tribes," which became an important aspect of identity formation in many African societies. These newly constructed identities were often linked to ethnic and linguistic groups, which allowed for the formation of new alliances and political movements.

Finally, the identity of colonial subjects in Africa came to be associated with active masculinity, as colonizers often portrayed themselves as more masculine and powerful than their colonial subjects. This created new gendered identities that continue to shape social relations in many African societies.

Overall, the colonial experience in nineteenth-century Africa created a complex and multifaceted set of new identities that continue to shape social and political relations in the region today.

Learn more about colonial  here:


true or false during world war i, popular prejudice associated anything german with disloyalty.


True. During World War I, there was widespread prejudice against German people and culture in many countries, including the United States.

The war was widely seen as a conflict between the Allied powers, which included the U.S., France, and Britain, and the Central powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. As a result, anything associated with Germany was often viewed with suspicion or hostility, and German Americans were sometimes subjected to discrimination and even violence. This included the renaming of German foods, such as sauerkraut, to more patriotic-sounding names, and the banning of the German language in some schools and public places. This anti-German sentiment was fueled by propaganda and government policies, as well as by fear and mistrust of an enemy that was seen as barbaric and uncivilized.

To learn more about propaganda visit;


Analyze Maps Which Warsaw Pact countries bordered NATO nations?


East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Albania,

Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland,

Turkey, Greece, Italy, Belgium,

Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain.

East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Albania.
Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland.
Turkey, Greece, Italy, Belgium.
Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain.

Please Help With This


No se ve nada, en la foto, tómala mejor

of the utopian movements listed on the map below, which was most successful, judging from the number of communities planted?


The most successful utopian movement in terms of number of communities planted was likely the Shaker movement.

What was the Shaker movement?

The Shaker movement was a Christian religious sect that originated in the late 18th century in England and quickly spread to the United States. The Shakers believed in communal living, celibacy, and simplicity, and they were known for their ecstatic worship services, including singing and dancing. They also believed in gender equality and allowed women to take leadership roles within their communities. The Shaker communities were known for their innovative farming practices, furniture design, and other crafts. However, the Shaker movement declined in the late 19th century due to factors such as changing social norms and the adoption of birth control, which made it difficult for them to maintain their celibate way of life. Today, there are only a few remaining Shakers, and their communities are primarily focused on preserving their cultural heritage and history.

To learn more about Shaker movement, visit:


Put the following in order: Shiloh, Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, Fort Sumter, Ironclads, Election of 1860, 1st Battle of Bull Run, 2nd Battle of bull run.



The Election of 1860 occurred in November of 1860.The attack on Fort Sumter began on April 12, 1861, marking the start of the Civil War.The First Battle of Bull Run took place on July 21, 1861.The Battle of the Ironclads (USS Monitor vs. CSS Virginia) occurred on March 9, 1862.The Battle of Shiloh took place on April 6-7, 1862.The Battle of Antietam took place on September 17, 1862.The Battle of Fredericksburg occurred on December 11-15, 1862.The Second Battle of Bull Run took place on August 28-30, 1862.The Siege of Vicksburg took place from May 18 to July 4, 1863.The Battle of Gettysburg occurred from July 1-3, 1863.

Hope this helps!

in the landmark decision of munn v. illinois (1877), the supreme court group of answer choices declared state railroad regulations unconstitutional. upheld the right of states to regulate public businesses including railroads. established federal guidelines for agricultural production. outlawed segregation in companies engaged in interstate commerce. outlawed child labor.


In the landmark decision of Munn v. Illinois (1877), the Supreme Court upheld the right of states to regulate public businesses including railroads.

Munn v. Illinois was a pivotal Supreme Court case that addressed the question of whether states had the right to regulate businesses that operated in the public interest, such as railroads and grain elevators. The Court ultimately ruled that states did have this right, and that regulations such as price controls and rate-setting were permissible as long as they were reasonable and did not interfere with interstate commerce. This decision marked a significant shift in the Court's approach to economic regulation and helped to establish the idea that businesses that operate in the public interest are subject to government oversight and regulation. The decision did not address the constitutionality of state railroad regulations more broadly, but it did establish an important precedent that has been cited in subsequent cases involving the regulation of industries such as transportation and utilities.

Learn more about Munn v.IIIinois here:


Genetically speaking ____ does not exist


There is no such thing as genetically inherited variety.  Due to their lack of genetic control, traits like religion or spoken language have a heritability of zero.

What kinds of qualities have genetic roots?

Through their genes, parents transmit to their offspring traits or qualities like eye colour and blood type. Additionally, some illnesses and ailments can be genetically handed down. Dietary deficiencies including a lack of iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid in the diet can result in anaemia.

What types of genetic variations exist in people?

Genetic variants that can arise in the human population include those that affect a person's skin tone, hair color, dimples, freckles, and blood type, to name a few. The three main categories of genetic illnesses are single-gene, chromosomal, and multifactorial.

To know more about genetic control visit :-


Henry David thoreaus book walden led people to focous on


Thoreau's straightforward life experiment. He lived in a hut on Walden Pond for two years, and the experience encouraged many individuals to lead straightforward, independent lives.

What did Henry David Thoreau focus on?

Thoreau offers distinctive contributions to ontology, the philosophy of science, and radical political thinking in addition to his emphasis on ethics in an existential sense.

It is important to consider our principles before sacrificing our entire lives for meaningless respect because if we spend our entire lives pursuing the past, we are likely to not live a life that is meaningful.

During his stay in Walden, the narrator learned that no one needed to accept a dull, drudgery-filled existence and that no one needed to be "so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labours of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked." All men may, the narrator discovered, firmly hope for a better life.

Learn more about David Thoreau:


what terms of the treaty of versailles caused economic collapse and political problems for weimar germany


The Treaty of Versailles, which was imposed on Germany after World War I, contained several terms that contributed to economic collapse and political problems for the Weimar Republic (the government of Germany from 1919 to 1933).

Some of the key terms that had detrimental effects on Weimar Germany were: War Reparations: Germany was required to pay heavy war reparations to the Allied Powers as compensation for the damages caused during World War I. The exact amount was later determined by the Reparations Commission and was set at a staggering 132 billion gold marks. This immense financial burden severely strained Germany's economy, leading to hyperinflation, a devalued currency, and a deep economic recession.

Territorial Losses: Germany was forced to cede significant territories to neighboring countries, including Alsace-Lorraine to France, West Prussia and Posen to Poland, and parts of Schleswig to Denmark. These territorial losses not only diminished Germany's size and resources but also led to the displacement of millions of German-speaking people, resulting in social and political unrest within Germany.

Disarmament: The Treaty of Versailles imposed strict limitations on Germany's military capabilities, including a reduction of its army, navy, and air force. This significantly weakened Germany's military power and national pride, and was seen as a humiliation by many Germans, fueling resentment and nationalist sentiments.

To learn more about Treaty of Versailles, visit here


There were several terms of the Treaty of Versailles that caused economic collapse and political problems for Weimar Germany. Firstly, Germany was forced to pay large reparations to the Allied powers, which placed a heavy burden on the country's already struggling economy.

The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, imposed several economic and political terms that led to economic collapse and political problems for Weimar Germany.

Key terms include:

1. Economic:
- Reparations: Germany was required to pay huge sums in war reparations to the Allies, amounting to 132 billion gold marks (approx. $33 billion).
- Loss of territories and resources: Germany lost valuable industrial regions such as Alsace-Lorraine and the Saarland, which weakened its economy and reduced access to coal and steel.

2. Political:
- War guilt clause (Article 231): Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war, leading to national humiliation and resentment towards the Weimar government.
- Military restrictions: Germany's military was significantly reduced, limiting its capacity to defend itself or assert power in international politics.

These terms caused hyperinflation, unemployment, and a struggling economy in Weimar Germany, while also fostering political instability and dissatisfaction, eventually paving the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Additionally, the treaty imposed strict limits on Germany's military and restricted its ability to defend itself. This made Germany vulnerable to external threats and undermined its political stability.

Finally, the treaty's "War Guilt" clause placed sole responsibility for the war on Germany, which led to widespread resentment and humiliation among the German people.

These economic and political issues contributed to the rise of extremist political movements, such as the Nazis, and ultimately led to the collapse of the Weimar Republic.

Visit here to learn more about Treaty of Versailles:


America lost more men in the Civil War than in any other war in its history. The war had other impacts on the North and South. Choose THREE statements that detail effects of this war on the South.

A The economy became more industrialized as a result of production of war goods.
B Racial tensions between former slaves and white people grew in the South.
C Many people were left poor, with their properties and farms destroyed by the war.
D The South's economy got stronger as more jobs became available there after the war.
E Federal military troops occupied the South for much of the decade after the war.


Answer: Todas menos la B porque los federales querian abolir la esclavitud y pues tensiones entre los salvadores y los salvados, como que no tiene sentido


I think the answers are B, C, and E.

1. Which previous U.S. president encouraged leaders to pursue an isolationist policy?
O Thomas Jefferson
O John Adams
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln


George Washington


Complete the paragraph about the Syrian Civil War.


The following words can be used to finish the text:

Chemical Russia

What is the Syrian Civil War?Syria is now embroiled in a multi-sided civil war between the Syrian Arab Republic, which is led by President Bashar al-Assad, and a number of domestic and international forces who, in different ways, oppose both the Syrian government and one another. Since 2011, there has been a conflict in Syria. Due to the high rates of unemployment, rampant corruption, and lack of political freedom, many people were dissatisfied. Peaceful protests began in March, spurred on by the "Arab spring" events in Egypt and Tunisia. The crisis started when President Bashar al-Assad's regime forcefully suppressed civilian uprisings in 2011; however, with the support of Iran and Russia, President al-Assad has emerged militarily triumphant.

The complete question is:

Complete the paragraph about the Syrian Civil War.

Unrest in Syria began in 2011 as part of the Arab Spring protests. The war was between government forces and rebels. The United States called for government leader Assad to step down. Despite warnings from the United States, Syria's leader began using ___ weapons in Damascus, killing 1,500 people, including many children. The United States and ___ agreed on a deadline for removing these weapons from Syria.

To learn more about Syrian Civil War, refer to:

what most distinguished roger williams and the rhode island colony from the massachusetts bay colony?


Roger Williams and the Rhode Island colony were most distinguished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony by their emphasis on religious freedom and separation of church and state.

Roger Williams was an English-born New England Puritan minister, theologian, and author who founded Providence Plantations, which became the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations and later the U.S. State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, now the State of Rhode Island. He was a staunch advocate for religious freedom, separation of church and state, and fair dealings with Native Americans. Williams was expelled by the Puritan leaders from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and established Providence Plantations in 1636 as a refuge offering what he termed "liberty of conscience". In 1638, he founded the First Baptist Church in America, in Providence.[3][4] Williams studied the indigenous languages of New England and published the first book-length study of a native North American language in English.

Learn more about theologian here:


How can I explain Alien Acts?


These statutes increased the citizenship eligibility age from 5 to 14, gave the president the power to expel "aliens," and allowed for their detention, arrest, and deportation during times of war.

What is meant by Alien Acts?Four statutes known as the "Alien and Sedition Acts" were passed in 1798 and imposed limitations on speech and immigration in the country. Four laws—collectively known as the Alien and Sedition Acts—were as a result passed by a Federalist-controlled Congress. These statutes increased the citizenship eligibility age from 5 to 14, gave the president the power to expel "aliens," and allowed for their detention, arrest, and deportation during times of war.In the case of conflict, the government was authorised by the Alien Enemies Act to detain and deport all male citizens of a hostile country. And even during times of peace, the Alien Friends Act gave the president the authority to remove any noncitizen suspected of plotting against the country.

To learn ore about Alien Acts, refer to:

What is the relation between the new lynching memorial and Confederate monuments?



The new lynching memorial and Confederate monuments are related in that they both represent different aspects of America's complex and painful history of racial injustice.

The lynching memorial, officially known as the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, is a monument that honors the thousands of African Americans who were lynched in the United States between 1877 and 1950. It is a somber reminder of the brutal and violent ways in which black people were oppressed and terrorized during this period.

Confederate monuments, on the other hand, are statues and other memorials that commemorate the Confederacy, a group of southern states that seceded from the United States and fought a civil war (1861-1865) to preserve slavery. These monuments are controversial because they celebrate figures who fought to uphold a system of racial oppression and slavery.

While the lynching memorial and Confederate monuments may seem to represent opposing sides of the same issue, they both serve as reminders of America's troubled history with race. The lynching memorial acknowledges the violence and terror that black people faced, while Confederate monuments represent a history of white supremacy and oppression. Both monuments are important in their own way, as they help us to remember and learn from the past so that we can work towards a more just and equitable future.

Push: Things that force you to leave a area
1. Answer: Push or Pull and explain why
2. Describe the type of dangers physically and mentally of living in an area where terrorism is a constant threat


When we draw an object, the vertical component, on the other hand, moves upward, reducing the frictional force. As a result, when there is less frictional force, moving the body will be simpler. Pulling a body is therefore easier than pushing one is.

Why should I pull or push?

A pull is a force that pushes something in a different direction toward you. If it moves away, the reverse is true; this is referred to as a push. Sometimes, force is simply defined as the push or pull an object experiences when it comes into contact with another thing. Therefore, each kind of force is ultimately a push or a pull.

What dangers does terrorism pose?

Following terrorist attacks, people frequently suffer from severe depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorders. Additionally, survivors of terrorist attacks are more prone to developing drug addiction issues and psychosomatic symptoms.

Learn more about terrorism:


Ancient Greece is thought by many to be the origin of civilization as we know it today. It was a society shaped by the people's belief in many mythological gods to whom they turned for guidance and protection.

Read Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poem To the Oracle at Delphi here.

Reflect on its meaning and then answer these questions: Why do you think Ferlinghetti chose to present the poem as an appeal to an ancient Greek figure? How does the poem connect with the Beat movement of which Ferlinghetti was a part? Free write for five minutes (That is, write whatever comes to mind without stopping to censor your thoughts.) on these questions.


Ancient Greece is cited by Ferlinghetti as the foundation of civilisation upon which America as a nation and a society were based in To the Oracle at Delphi.

What was Ancient Greece thought?He looks to a figure known as the Oracle who is said to offer good counsel, something he believes America needs. He addresses the Oracle as a witness to what has transpired in either the original America or the America that sprang from Europe. (Europa). It is the disadvantaged America, where their voices are frequently ignored. It is a larger society, but it is not a superior or superior society. We have money and technology, but we don't have any art that inspires us to feel, especially for one another. Instead of slowly slipping towards plutocracy, where the wealthy would reign over the rest of us, he asks for advice on how to decrease inequality and preserve our democracy. American society can be revived or preserved with "new dreams to dream" and "new myths to live by."

To learn more about Ancient Greece, refre to:

the practice of spreading ideas to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause propagandatrue or false


The given statement "the practice of spreading ideas to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause propaganda" is true, because (Propaganda refers to the practice of spreading ideas, information, or rumors to help one's cause or to harm an opposing cause.)

Propaganda is a deliberate and systematic method used to manipulate public opinion and perception. Propaganda can be found in various forms, including speeches, advertisements, social media, and more. It often utilizes persuasive techniques and emotional appeals to influence people's thoughts and behaviors.

Propaganda is commonly used in political contexts to promote specific ideologies, policies, or candidates. However, it can also be used in other situations, such as in business or social campaigns. The main goal of propaganda is to sway public opinion and encourage people to support a particular viewpoint or cause.

While propaganda can sometimes be based on factual information, it often exaggerates or distorts the truth to fit a specific narrative. It is important to critically analyze any information we encounter and consider the source, context, and potential biases before accepting it as fact.

For more such questions on propaganda, click on:


in the middle of the 17th century, england was embroiled in a civil war between:


England in the middle of the 17th century was in the midst of a civil war between the Royalists, also known as the Cavaliers, and the Parliamentarians, commonly known as the Roundheads.

The Royalists were supporters of the King and the absolute monarchy, while the Parliamentarians advocated for the rule of Parliament and a constitutional monarchy. The Royalists were predominantly members of the old nobility and the gentry, while the Parliamentarians were supported by the emerging merchant and trading classes.

The civil war was sparked by the attempt of King Charles I to raise taxes without parliamentary consent in order to fund an unpopular war against Scotland. This precipitated a series of events that eventually led to the outbreak of civil war in 1642. Over the course of the civil war, there were several major battles fought and a series of political and military maneuvers which eventually resulted in the victory of the Parliamentarians in 1646.

To know more about England , click here:


Assess the roles of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), James Farmer, and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in shaping the civil rights movement.


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was a major force in the civil rights movement. Founded in 1909, the NAACP was one of the first organizations to confront racial injustice and fight for equal rights.

What is organizations?

Organizations are groups or associations of people who work together to achieve a common purpose or goal. They are formal institutions that are structured, governed and managed by individuals, typically with the goal of providing a service or achieving a specific outcome. Organizations vary in size, scope and purpose, ranging from small businesses to large corporations, government entities, charities and non-profits.

Its strategy was to use the courts to challenge racial discrimination and segregation. The organization also sought to influence public opinion by organizing marches, boycotts, and other forms of protest. Through its powerful legal team, the NAACP won a number of landmark cases, which paved the way for the desegregation of public institutions and the dismantling of Jim Crow laws.

To learn more about organizations

Which of the following is NOT true of maroon communities?

Group of answer choices

One Venezuelan maroon community ran a successful shipping company

Maroon communities were always violent and short on food and essential supplies.

Some maroon communities traded with European colonies.

Maroon communities combined African and Native Ameirican forms of government, religion, and agriculture.


The statement " Maroon communities were always violent and short on food and essential supplies." is not true of maroon communities.

The settlements of descendants of enslaved Africans are regarded as Maroon communities. They escaped captivity and established their own societies in the Americas. The formation of these communities dates back to the period when Africans were tortured and forced to work on plantation in America during the period of the transatlantic slave trade.

The Maroons escaped to the areas where their captors would not be able to have access to them, for instance, dense forests, swamps, and mountains. And in these places, they practiced their own cultural norms and values.

To know more about, Maroon communities, visit :

Answer: Maroon companies were always violent and short on food and essential supplies

Explanation: I took the test, and this is the correct answer :)

The Europeans began to colonize areas rich in resources such as rubber and petroleum after
. Factories transformed such raw materials into finished goods, but they needed
to sell these finished goods.



Answer: 1. (B) The Industrial Revolution

2. (A) New Markets


The Industrial Revolution which began in the United Kingdom was a period in the latter half of the 18th century where urbanization developed at a rapid pace in Europe and America. Goods were being mass produced thanks to new technologies that easily transformed raw materials into finished goods.

New Markets

Having started mass producing goods, the European countries needed a new avenue to dispose of these goods for a profit.

For these 2 reasons countries (not an exhaustive list) were colonised especially in Africa and Asia which had both massive resources and populations to cater for these new needs.


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What amount should Alpha recognize in its year-end income statement if the investment is treated as an available-for-sale security and what amount should be recognized in the income statement if the investment is treated as a trading security?Available-for-sale security: $5000, Trading security: $7000Available-for-sale security: $0, Trading security: $2000Available-for-sale security: $5000, Trading security: $5000 suppose that you solve the lp relaxation of a production problem in which you are trying to minimize cost. the optimal value of the objective function is $250,000. you know that when you solve this problem as an integer program that the optimal solution will be greater than or equal to $250,000. less than or equal to $250,000. greater than $250,000. less than $250,000. If the marginal propensity to save is expected to increase, this means that in the short run:A) Real GDP will increase.B) Real GDP will decrease.C) Real GDP will be unchanged.D) Real GDP will decrease then increase. What number is halfway between 10 and 17 Shari works as a sales manager with a retailer that has stores across the United States. She has the regional sales figures for each product as shown in the spreadsheet.Which function can she use to calculate the total sales of product XYZ? A. MAX(B5:E5) B. COUNT(B5:E5) C. SUM(B5:E5) D. ROUND(B5:E5) E. MIN(B5:E5) write pseudo code to solve the dinning philosopher problem. more importantly, explain whether your code will cause deadlock or not, and why. _ is translating what you think the client is feeling into words. it is a means of displaying empathy. suppose you want to define a constructor for objects of the custom shoes class. what should you place in the blank to complete the javascript command block for this purpose? this.pairqty cooking wok value to home users value to professional chefs no-name brand $50 $60 high-end professional series $70 $100 given an equal amount of users, if the firm can only set one price, how should the firm price the no-name brand wok? Amita has 3 children ages 2, 5, and 7. The current cost of college is $25,000. The children will begin college at age 18 and be in college for 5 years. Education inflation is expected to be 6% and the parent's portfolio rate of return is 8%. How much does Amita have to save annually at year end if she wants to make her last savings payment at the beginning of the youngest child's first year of college?$28,610.89$31,843.26$30,899.76$29,484.50 Injecting heroin with shared needles leads to risk of infection of other diseases including:A. Hepatitis B or CB. HIVC. All of the aboveD. None of the above Kindly help ASAP:)Read the following text, which is an advertisement for a climbing holiday in Greece.Analyse the text, focusing on form, structure and language. [25]WORLD-CLASS CLIMBING ON KALYMNOSKalymnos is a beautiful Greek island. Its fantastic limestone cliffs make it a paradisefor sport climbing at all grades. Just add sun, sea, secluded beaches, friendly people,delicious food and great weather and you understand why its a world-class climbingdestination.Small boats will take you from island to island with clear water and amazing beaches.It is a great place to chill out after climbing. Beach bars, snorkelling, kayaking, greatfood, fishing, diving, scooter tours, yoga: Kalymnos offers it all. This island has madea big impression on those that go and return year after year.FOCUS OF THE KALYMNOS CLIMBING HOLIDAYKalymnos has become one of the most popular rock climbing destinations in the world.The variety of climbing is endless. For beginners, intermediate as well as experiencedclimbers there are slabs, technical walls, and steep caves with tufas1. The differentclimbing areas on the island are close to one another and easy to get to. And they often offer breathtaking views over the Mediterranean sea and the island of Telendos. Finally, a mild climate and the warm hospitality of local inhabitants have made Kalymnos a favourite amongst rock climbers.The Kalymnos climbing holiday will be geared towards your individual abilities andaspirations. Depending on where you are in your climbing career, our climbing guidescan focus their attention on your lead climbing skills, which might involve ropeawareness, clipping practice and teaching you how to thread anchors. Or they will aimto improve your movement skills and teach you how to climb more efficiently so youcan climb harder routes than you have ever climbed before. Some climbers take theopportunity to improve their mental approach to climbing. For instance to learn to dealwith fear of falling or failing. Either way, your instructors will aim to give you the bestpossible climbing experience.KALYMNOS CLIMBING HOLIDAY ITINERARYSaturday: arrival on Kos, take the ferry to Kalymnos, settle in your accommodation.Meet and greet dinnerSunday: single pitch sport climbing with certified guideMonday: single pitch sport climbing and coachingTuesday: climbing and coachingWednesday: rest dayThursday: climbing and coachingFriday: climbing and coachingSaturday: departureWe dont have a set list of crags, though some of our favourite climbing areas onKalymnos are: Afternoon, Arginonta Valley, Lambda (on the island of Telendos),Palionisos, Odyssey and Grande Grotta.KALYMNOS WEATHER & CLIMATEGreece is known for its very hot summers. In the winter there are not many flights toKos. Spring and autumn are therefore the best times of year to go climbing on Kalymnos.We organise climbing trips to Kalymnos in May and October, when it is not too hot, the sea is warm and the days are long.ACCOMMODATIONYour accommodation will be located in Massouri/Myrties, which is where the climberson the island prefer to stay because of its restaurants, bars, climbing shops, minimarkets and beaches. It is within walking distance to some of Kalymnos most popular crags, like Grande Grotte, Afternoon, Panorama and Poets. For those wanting to explore Kalymnos, transport is readily available. You can either go by bus or taxi or rent a scooter. Most climbing venues are within walking distance of your accommodation and the water taxi port to take the ferry to the island of Telendos is just down the road.KALYMNOS CLIMBING HOLIDAY INCLUDES 7 nights accommodation including breakfast 5 days guided climbing and coaching Maximum instructorclient ratio is 1:6 Transport to/from cragsQUICK FACTS Fly to Kos Ideal for those climbing grade F5 up to F7B+ Inland and sea-cliff climbing Limestone slabs, vertical walls and steep overhangs1tufas: limestone rock formations The splanchnic nerves contain preganglionic axons of the sympathetic nervous system.True or false what is ""low ability"" students with a mastery goal A ______ is a mutation where part of one chromosome is transferred to another chromosome Which correctly matches an important figure from the Byzantine Empire with an action they took?A. Justinian I moved the capital of the empire to ConstantinopleB. Empress Theodora banned the use of icons.C. Saint Cyril studied thousands of books to organize a new law code.D. Belisarius developed a strong military that conquered lands for the empire. How to calculate the percentages of all New Interest-OnlyLending and New Principal-and-Interest Lending out of Total NewLending during the period.This question is related to the "Mortgage Market" i In a monarchy, the government is led by a ruler like a king, queen, tsar, pharaoh or emperor, who is called a monarch. Almost always, only one person acts as a monarch at a time, and the title and its power are later passed down to members of the monarchs family. There are two kinds of monarchies: constitutional and absolute. In a constitutional monarchy, the constitution limits the monarch's power. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch's power is limitless. He or she decides the laws and wields all the political power. Today, the United Kingdom, Spain and Japan are all constitutional monarchies. The monarch's power is very limited, and the title monarch is primarily ceremonial. In contrast, Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.According to the passage, a monarchAalways has absolute power.Boften shares power with other rulers.Cis always male.Dusually passes his or her power on to a relative. are older men shorter than younger men? according to a national report, the mean height for u.s. men is 69.4 inches. in a sample of 170 men between the ages of 60 and 69, the mean height was x