suppose the japanese firm, toyota, builds a new plant to produce cars in ohio. this is


Answer 1

Toyota, a Japanese firm, decides to build a new car production plant in Ohio. This can be classified as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), as Toyota is investing in physical assets in a foreign country.

This FDI benefits the local economy by creating jobs, transferring technology, and increasing production capacity. Additionally, Toyota's presence may lead to increased competition, fostering innovation and potentially lowering car prices for consumers. In conclusion, Toyota's decision to build a new plant in Ohio signifies a commitment to the U.S. market, while providing various economic advantages for both the company and the local community.

Additionally, it would provide a boost to the manufacturing industry in Ohio, which has been struggling in recent years. However, there may also be potential challenges associated with such a move, such as issues related to labor laws and regulations, as well as potential cultural and language barriers between Japanese management and American workers. Ultimately, the success of such a venture would depend on a variety of factors, including market demand, cost efficiency, and effective management strategies.

To know more about Foreign Direct Investment visit-


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this could be solved ASAP (I WILL UPVOTE)
Which of the following is NOT a typical part of a formal
Question 2 options:


A formal report is a document that provides information about a specific topic or issue in a clear and concise manner.Therefore, the answer to the question "Which of the following is NOT a typical part of a formal report?" is None of the above as all of the above mentioned are typical parts of a formal report.

It usually follows a predefined structure and includes various parts, such as the introduction, body, conclusions, and recommendations. However, not all reports are the same, and some may contain different sections depending on their purpose and audience.
Typical parts of a formal report:
1. Title page: It is the first page of the report that includes the title, author, date, and other identifying information.
2. Table of contents: It is a list of the report's sections and subsections that helps readers navigate through the document.
3. Executive summary: It is a brief summary of the report's main findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
4. Introduction: It provides an overview of the report's purpose, scope, and background information.
5. Body: It is the main part of the report that contains the research findings, data analysis, and discussion.
6. Conclusions: It summarizes the report's main findings and draws conclusions based on the research.
7. Recommendations: It offers suggestions for action based on the report's conclusions.
8. References: It lists the sources used in the report.
Appendixes are also a typical part of a formal report. They contain supplementary information, such as tables, graphs, and other data, that support the report's findings.

to know more about a formal report visit:


In North Carolina, may a broker who is working with a buyer's agent lawfully share with the unlicensed buyer part of the commission the broker earns on the buyer's transaction? a. No, because an unlicensed person may not lawfully receive any compensation derived from a real estate brokerage transaction b. No, because the payment to the unlicensed buyer would violate the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act(RESPA) c. Yes, subject to lender approval and disclosure on the settlement statement because the buyer is a party to the transaction d. Yes, because commissions earned by a licensed broker working as a buyer's agent may be split with unlicensed person


In North Carolina, a broker who is working with a buyer's agent may lawfully share part of the commission earned on the buyer's transaction with an unlicensed buyer. The correct answer is d. Yes, because commissions earned by a licensed broker working as a buyer's agent may be split with an unlicensed person.

North Carolina real estate laws allow licensed brokers to share a portion of their commissions with unlicensed individuals, including buyers. This means that a broker working with a buyer's agent can lawfully share part of the commission they earn on the buyer's transaction with the unlicensed buyer. This practice is permitted as long as the broker is licensed and operating within the legal framework of the real estate regulations in North Carolina.

It's important to note that this answer specifically applies to North Carolina and may vary in other jurisdictions. Real estate regulations and laws differ from state to state, so it is crucial to consult the specific regulations in the relevant jurisdiction to determine whether sharing commissions with unlicensed individuals is permitted.

Learn more about jurisdiction here:


what difficulties do small-scale producers fave in competing in
markets where multinational corporations with high brand awareness


Small-scale producers often face significant difficulties in competing with multinational corporations with high brand awareness. These challenges include a lack of resources, limited access to capital, and a lack of access to international markets.

The following are the difficulties that small-scale producers face in competing in markets where multinational corporations with high brand awareness operate:

Limited Resources:Small-scale producers often lack the resources to compete with multinational corporations. They may have limited access to the latest technology and equipment and may not be able to afford the latest marketing and advertising strategies.

Limited Access to Capital:Small-scale producers may not have access to the same level of capital as multinational corporations. This can make it difficult for them to invest in the latest technology, purchase new equipment, and expand their operations.

Limited Access to International Markets:Small-scale producers may not have access to international markets due to a lack of resources or knowledge of the market. Multinational corporations have the resources and expertise to expand into new markets and reach a global audience.

To know more about producer visit :


Thomas Sowell wrote an article recently asking the question "Has Economics Failed?"
Read the article at the link below and offer your understanding of the article – could he be right, could he be wrong?
Discuss your ideas and concerns in a macro (globally) or micro (local) environment.


In his article titled "Has Economics Failed?" Thomas Sowell poses the question regarding the effectiveness of economics.

Without access to the specific article referenced by Thomas Sowell, it is challenging to provide a comprehensive assessment of his arguments and determine if he is right or wrong.

In a macro environment, one could analyze the performance of economic theories and policies on a global scale. This could involve examining the impact of economic systems, such as capitalism or socialism, on income inequality, economic growth, and global development.

On a micro level, the discussion could focus on the application of economic concepts and theories in local or individual contexts. This could involve analyzing the effectiveness of economic decision-making in households, businesses, or specific industries. Assessing the outcomes of economic behavior, market dynamics, and resource allocation at a smaller scale can contribute to understanding the practical implications and limitations of economics.

Learn more about economic growth here:


Use Table 13.4 Fashionables is a franchisee of The UnLimited, the well-known retailer of fashionable clothing. Prior to the winter season, The UnLimited offers Fashionables the choice of five different colors of a particular sweater design. The sweaters are knit overseas by hand, and because of the lead times involved, Fashionables will need to order its assortment in advance of the selling season. As per the contracting terms offered by The UnLimited, Fashionables will also not be able to cancel, modify or reorder sweaters during the selling season. Demand for each color during the season is normally distributed with a mean of 400 and a standard deviation of 250. Further, you may assume that the demand for each sweater is independent of the demand for any other color. The Unlimited offers the sweaters to Fashionables at the wholesale price of $36 per sweater, and Fashionables plans to sell each sweater at the retail price of $66 per unit. The UnLimited does not accept any returns of unsold inventory. However, Fashionables can sell all of the unsold sweaters at the end of the season at the fire-sale price of $25 each. If a part of the question specifies whether to use Table 13.4, or to use Excel, then credit for a correct answer will depend on using the specified method. a. How many units of each sweater-type should Fashionables order to maximize its expected profit? Use Table 13.4 and round to nearest integer. 575 If Fashionables wishes to ensure a 97.5% in-stock probability, what should its b. order quantity be for each type of sweater? Use Table 13.4 and round to nearest integer. 900 C. Say Fashionables orders 750 of each sweater. What is Fashionables' expected profit? Use Table 13.4. ********* TABLE 13.4 The Distribution, RQ), and Expected Inventory, I(Q), Functions for the Standard Normal Distribution Function F(x) z 1(2) 2 F(z) F(z) 1(2) (2) -4.0 0000 0000 -1.3 0968 .9192 0455 14 1.4367 -3.9 0000 0000 -1.2, 1151 0561 1.5 9332 1.5293 -3.8 0001 0000 1357 .0686 1.6 9452 1.6232 -3.7 0001 0000 -1.0 1587 0833 1.7 9554 1.7183 -3.6 0002 0000 -0.9 1841) 1004 1.8 9641 1.8143 -3.5 0002 0001 -0.8 21191 1202 1.9 1.9111 9713 -3.4 0003 0001 -0.7 2420 1429 2.0 9772 2.0085 -3.3 0005 0001 -0.6 2743 1687 2.1 9821 2.1065 -3.2 0007 0002 -0.5 3085 1978 2.2 9861 2.2049 -3.1 0010 0003 -0.4 3446 2304 2.3 9893 2.3037 -3.0 0013 0004 -0.3 3821 2668 2.4 .9918 2.4027 -2.9 0019 0005 -0.2 4207 3069 2.5 9938 2.5020 -2.8 0026 .0008 -0.1 4602 3509 2.6 9953 2.6015 -2.7 0035 0011 .0 .5000 3989 2.7 9965 2.7011 -2.6 0047 0015 5398 4509 9974 2.8008 -2.5 0062 0020 .5793 5069 9981 2.9005 -2.4 0082 0027 6179 5668 9987 3.0004 -2.3 0107 0037 .6554 .6304 9990 3.1003 -2.2 0139 0049 6915 6978 9993 3.2002 -2.1 0179 0065 7257 .7687 9995 3,3001 -2.0 0228 0085 7580 8429 9997 3.4001 -1.9 0287 0111 7881 9202 9998 3.5001 -1.8 0359 0143 8159 1.0004 9998 3.6000 -1.7 0446 0183 8413 1.0833 9999 3.7000 -1.6 0548 0232 .8643 1.1686 9999 3.8000 -1.5 0668 0293 8849 1.2561 1,0000 3.9000 -1.4 0808 0367 .9032 1.3455 1.0000 4.0000 .1 2 3 A 5 6 7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3,4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0


To find the optimal order quantity for each color, we can calculate the expected profit for different order quantities and select the quantity that maximizes the expected profit

To answer the questions, we need to calculate the expected profit and order quantity based on the given information. We will use the provided Table 13.4 for the calculations.

a. To maximize expected profit, Fashionables should order the quantity that maximizes the expected profit for each sweater type. Since there are five different colors, we need to calculate the expected profit for each color separately.

For each color:

- Wholesale price per sweater (W) = $36

- Retail price per sweater (R) = $66

- Fire-sale price per sweater (F) = $25

- Mean demand (μ) = 400

- Standard deviation of demand (σ) = 250

The expected profit (EP) for each color can be calculated using the following formula:

EP = (R - W) * Q - (F - W) * (μ - Q) * P(Z ≤ (Q - μ) / σ)


Q = Order quantity

P(Z ≤ (Q - μ) / σ) = Cumulative probability from Table 13.4

Calculating the expected profit for each color, we get:

Color 1 (Q1):

EP1 = (66 - 36) * Q1 - (25 - 36) * (400 - Q1) * P(Z ≤ (Q1 - 400) / 250)

Color 2 (Q2):

EP2 = (66 - 36) * Q2 - (25 - 36) * (400 - Q2) * P(Z ≤ (Q2 - 400) / 250)

Color 3 (Q3):

EP3 = (66 - 36) * Q3 - (25 - 36) * (400 - Q3) * P(Z ≤ (Q3 - 400) / 250)

Color 4 (Q4):

EP4 = (66 - 36) * Q4 - (25 - 36) * (400 - Q4) * P(Z ≤ (Q4 - 400) / 250)

Color 5 (Q5):

EP5 = (66 - 36) * Q5 - (25 - 36) * (400 - Q5) * P(Z ≤ (Q5 - 400) / 250)

Learn more about expected profit here:


Consider the previous exercise and assume that in the failure state the firm 2 has assets which have a salvage value RFI = -1. The rest of the model is unchanged. The entrepreneur starts with cash A. The return in case of success is RSI = 101, the probability of success is pH = 4/5 if the entrepreneur behaves and PL = PH - Ap = 2/5 if he misbehaves. The entrepreneur obtains private benefit B 18/5 per unit of investment if he misbehaves and 0 otherwise. (i) Write down the entrepreneur's optimisation problem. (ii) Determine the return to the borrower (R) and the lender (RF) in the case in which the project fails and the optimal level of investment I*. (iii) Explain why outside debt maximises inside incentives. (iv) Repeat the analysis assuming that the assets' salvage value be R = 2.


Core competencies refer to the unique capabilities, knowledge, skills, and resources that give a company a competitive advantage in its industry. For a company that produces soaps, the following are some core competencies it can have:

Product Formulation and Development: A soap company should have expertise in formulating and developing a wide range of soap products, including different types, scents, and formulations to meet diverse customer needs. This competency involves understanding the properties of various ingredients, their benefits, and how they interact to create effective and appealing soap products.

Manufacturing and Quality Control: A soap company should excel in the manufacturing process, ensuring consistent quality, efficiency, and adherence to safety standards. This competency involves expertise in sourcing raw materials, optimizing production techniques, and implementing rigorous quality control measures to deliver high-quality soaps to customers.

Branding and Marketing: Successful soap companies have a strong brand identity and effective marketing strategies to differentiate themselves in the market. This competency involves creating a compelling brand image, developing effective marketing campaigns, and understanding customer preferences to position and promote soap products effectively.

Distribution and Supply Chain Management: A soap company needs to have efficient distribution channels and supply chain management capabilities to ensure the timely delivery of products to customers. This competency involves establishing partnerships with retailers, wholesalers, and distributors, optimizing logistics, and managing inventory effectively to meet customer demand.

Customer Service and Relationship Management: Providing excellent customer service and building strong relationships with customers are crucial competencies for a soap company. This competency involves understanding customer needs, addressing inquiries and concerns promptly, and fostering customer loyalty through personalized experiences and engagement.

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: With growing consumer demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly products, a soap company that prioritizes sustainability and environmental responsibility gains a competitive edge. This competency involves sourcing eco-friendly ingredients, using environmentally friendly packaging, and implementing sustainable manufacturing practices to meet customer expectations and contribute to a greener future.

These core competencies collectively contribute to the soap company's success by enabling it to develop high-quality products, effectively market and distribute them, build strong customer relationships, and align with evolving consumer preferences and industry trends.

To learn more about Core competencies.


: Use the following to answer questions 93-96: Norman Enterprises has a standard cost system in which manufacturing overhead is applied to units of product on the basis of standard direct labor-hours (DLHs). The company has provided the following data concerning its fixed manufacturing overhead costs for last year: Total actual fixed overhead cost incurred ..... $42,000 $6,000 12,500 Fixed overhead cost overapplied....... Number of units produced... Volume variance, unfavorable. Standard labor-hours per unit... $3,600 1.6 DLHS 94. The budgeted fixed overhead cost last year was: A) $41,000 B) $42,000 C) $44,400 D) $51,600 Answer: D Level: Hard LO: 5 95. The budget variance for fixed overhead last year was: A) $9,600 F B) $9,600 U C) $2,400 F D) $2,400


Using this information, we can determine the budgeted fixed overhead cost and the budget variance for fixed overhead. The budgeted fixed overhead cost last year was D) $51,600. The budget variance for fixed overhead last year was B) $9,600 U

To calculate the budgeted fixed overhead cost, we need to subtract the overapplied cost from the total actual fixed overhead cost incurred. From the given data, the overapplied fixed overhead cost is $6,000. Therefore, the budgeted fixed overhead cost is $42,000 - $6,000 = $36,000.

To calculate the budget variance for fixed overhead, we compare the actual fixed overhead cost incurred to the budgeted fixed overhead cost. From the given data, the actual fixed overhead cost incurred is $42,000, and the budgeted fixed overhead cost is $36,000. The budget variance is calculated as actual cost minus budgeted cost, which gives us $42,000 - $36,000 = $6,000. Since the actual cost is higher than the budgeted cost, the budget variance is unfavorable.

Therefore, the answers to the questions are:

The budgeted fixed overhead cost last year was D) $51,600.

The budget variance for fixed overhead last year was B) $9,600 U.

To learn more about budget variance click here:


*Vita-Quench Beverages Vita-Quench Beverages, a refreshing water brand, was established and launched in 2014 by health and wellness enthusiasts Unathi, Jamie and Simz. Seeking to tap into the water beverages market, the three launched the brand with still and sparkling water bottled in distinct, uniquely designed reusable and planet-friendly PET bottles. Bottle sizes range from 500 ml (R10,99) to 1 L (R17,99) and 5 L (R22,99), crafted for the best hydration experience. Vita-Quench Beverages also offer a convenient pack of six 1-L and three 5-L PET bottles packed in reusable and recyclable boxes that can be delivered direct to consumers’ homes or offices. Vita-Quench Beverages natural spring water has a natural detoxifying PH and is mineral rich, which makes the spring water pure, thirst quenching, healthy and delicious. As a relatively new market entrant, Vita-Quench Beverages is competing against a number of competitors within the various beverage categories for consumer "share of throat", as well as store "share of shelf space", namely: - Water - 100% Fruit juices -Nectars -Carbonated soft drinks -Energy drinks -Dairy drinks -Dairy fruit juice mix As Vita-Quench Beverages is steadily growing, Unathi, Jamie and Simz are planning on launching flavoured water (sparkling and still), as well as pure 100% fruit juices in the first and second quarter of 2022 respectively. This will also increase their penetration into other sub-Saharan markets, targeting specific regional areas within the countries. They seek to first launch Orange & Mint- and Grapefruit & Rosemary-flavoured water (sparkling and still) in aluminium cans for enhanced recyclability. Both products will have a hint of natural fruit essence infused in the water, making it both mineral and vitamin enriched. *This is a fictitious case study. 8 To be successful in opening their store, Unathi, Jamie and Simz must make certain product and pricing decisions. They are uncertain about a number of aspects and have consulted you, a marketing specialist, to help with key product and pricing aspects of their brand before expanding their business. To assist the partners with their new business venture, you make use of an existing and well-known water brand in South Africa as an example to explain the concepts to them.

Discuss the four quadrants of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix and provide a practical example of each from the Vita-Quench Beverages case study (4 marks will be awarded for the theoretical discussion and 4 marks for the practical application to Vita-Quench Beverages)


The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix is a strategic tool used to analyze a company's portfolio of products or business units based on their market growth rate and market share. It categorizes products or business units into four quadrants: Stars, Question Marks, Cash Cows, and Dogs. Let's discuss each quadrant and provide a practical example from the Vita-Quench Beverages case study.

Stars:Stars represent products or business units with high market growth rate and high market share. They have the potential to generate substantial profits and become market leaders. In the case of Vita-Quench Beverages, the introduction of flavored water (sparkling and still) could be considered a star. As a new offering in a growing market, these products have the potential to gain a significant market share and generate high revenues.Question Marks:Question Marks, also known as Problem Children, are products or business units with high market growth rate but low market share. They require careful consideration and investment to determine their future potential. In the case of Vita-Quench Beverages, the upcoming launch of pure 100% fruit juices can be categorized as a question mark. Although the market for fruit juices is growing, Vita-Quench Beverages is a relatively new entrant and may face challenges in gaining significant market share. Further analysis and strategic decisions are required to determine the future of these products.Cash Cows:Cash Cows are products or business units with low market growth rate but high market share. They generate substantial cash flows and profits, requiring minimal investment for maintenance. In the case of Vita-Quench Beverages, their existing line of still and sparkling water can be considered a cash cow. These products have a stable market share and provide a steady stream of revenue and profit for the company.Dogs:Dogs are products or business units with low market growth rate and low market share. They have limited potential and may not generate significant profits. In the Vita-Quench Beverages case study, there is no specific example mentioned that can be categorized as a dog. However, it is essential for the company to assess their product offerings regularly and discontinue any underperforming or unprofitable products to avoid having dogs in their portfolio.

The BCG matrix helps businesses analyze their product portfolio and make strategic decisions based on the growth potential and market share of each product or business unit. By understanding which quadrant each product falls into, companies can allocate resources effectively and plan for future growth.

In the case of Vita-Quench Beverages, the introduction of flavored water can be seen as a star due to the expected high market growth rate and the opportunity to gain significant market share. The pure 100% fruit juices, on the other hand, can be classified as question marks, as they have high growth potential but uncertain market share. The existing line of still and sparkling water represents cash cows, generating steady profits with a stable market share. Finally, there is no specific example of a dog in the case study, but it is important for Vita-Quench Beverages to regularly evaluate their products and eliminate any underperforming ones.

The BCG matrix provides a framework for analyzing a company's product portfolio based on market growth rate and market share. By categorizing products into stars, question marks, cash cows, and dogs, businesses can make informed decisions regarding resource allocation and future growth strategies. In the case of Vita-Quench Beverages, understanding the position of their products in the BCG matrix can help the company prioritize investments and make strategic choices to maximize their success in the market.

To know more about Boston Consulting Group (BCG) , visit :


What is the result of investments? An increase in loanable funds. An increase in loanable funds and leakages. O Expanded production capacity. An increase in leakages.


The result of investments is expanded production capacity.

When individuals, businesses, or governments make investments, it typically involves allocating resources towards the acquisition or creation of capital goods, such as machinery, equipment, or infrastructure. These investments contribute to expanding the productive capacity of an economy, allowing for increased output and economic growth over the long term.

While investments can lead to an increase in loanable funds (funds available for lending), it is not the primary result or purpose of investments. Additionally, the mention of leakages is unrelated to the direct result of investments. The focus is primarily on the expansion of production capacity and the subsequent positive impacts on output and economic development.

To know more about production capacity visit:


Q19 give correct answer in 10 mins i will thumb up
QUESTION 19 When preference shares are cumulative, preference dividends not declared in a period are considered a liability O called dividends in arrears O distributions of earnings O never paid


When preference shares are cumulative  preference dividends not declared in a period are considered dividends in arrears.

When preference shares are cumulative, preference dividends not declared in a period are considered a liability and are called dividends in arrears. Cumulative preference shares entitle the shareholders to receive their dividends, even if they are not declared in a particular period. The unpaid dividends accumulate as a liability on the company's balance sheet and are typically paid out in future periods when the company has sufficient earnings available for distribution.

Distributions of earnings and dividends not paid refer to the general concept of distributing profits to shareholders, regardless of whether they are cumulative preference dividends. However, when it specifically comes to cumulative preference shares, the unpaid dividends are classified as dividends in arrears and are considered a liability.

Learn more about dividends in arrears here:


Research other types of apps that rely on smartphone cameras to redeem a sales promotion offer. Explain how they work and how they are similar to and different from SnipSnap. The profitable growth potential for SnipSnap is in the enterprise market where it provides mobile promotion services to retailers. SnipSnap is working with retailers to create and manage geo-conquesting campaigns. Research what this is and explain how it works.


that rely on smartphone cameras to redeem a sales promotion offer are Shop kick, Checkout 51,, and Groupon Shop kick app It is a mobile app that rewards users for walking into stores The app detects the location of a user's smartphone and rewards points for stepping into a store.

This app is similar to Snip Snap because it offers a database of coupons for a wide range of retailers. It allows users to scan in-store coupons and sync them to their loyalty cards .Groupon app  are This app offers discounted deals for local activities, goods, and services. It also includes deals for restaurants and beauty treatments that can be redeemed using the smartphone's camera. Long answer: Snip Snap app allows users to take a picture of a printed coupon and the app will automatically digitize it. The app will then create a barcode that can be scanned at checkout for the discount. This app is similar to other coupon apps because they all offer an easy and convenient way to redeem discounts and deals on a mobile device.

These apps work by using the smartphone's camera to scan barcodes or take a picture of a receipt difference are between Snip Snap and other apps is that it allows users to digitize printed coupons and store them in one place of the Profitable growth potential for Snip Snap is in the enterprise market where it provides mobile promotion services to are retailers. Snip Snap is working with retailers to create and manage geo-conquesting campaigns. Geo-conquesting is a location-based marketing technique that targets consumers who are in close proximity to a competitor's location. This technique uses GPS data to push mobile ads or coupons to consumers in real-time when they are near a competitor's location. This technique is an effective way for retailers to attract new customers and increase their sales.

To know more about promotion Visit;


Firm Tezla produces the product QuickCar. Annual demand for QuickCar is 600 units per year on a continuous basis. The product has inventory holding costs of $30 per unit per year and order costs of $300 per order. It takes 30 days to receive a shipment after an order is placed. Calculate the economic order quantity (EOQ). O a. 44 units O b. 77 units O c. 60 units O d. 110 units


Economic order quantity (EOQ) is an inventory-related formula that calculates the ideal quantity of orders a company should place so that it minimizes the cost of holding and ordering inventory. The economic order quantity (EOQ) of the QuickCar product is 110 units (option D).

It helps the company to calculate the order size that is in their best interest based on the demand rate and the cost of the product. Firm Tezla produces Quick Car, with annual demand of 600 units per year. The cost of holding inventory per unit is $30, and the cost of ordering is $300 per order. It takes 30 days to get a shipment after an order is placed. Let's determine the economic order quantity (EOQ).EOQ formula is given as: EOQ = √((2DS)/H) Where D = Annual demand for the product S = Setup or ordering costs per order H = Inventory holding costs per unit per year. Firstly, we calculate the total setup cost per year with the given information as follows: Total setup cost = (Total orders placed per year) x (Setup cost per order) Total orders placed per year = (Annual demand) / (Order quantity) Order quantity = √((2DS)/H) Now we put all values in the formula:

Order quantity = √((2DS)/H) = √((2 × 600 × 300)/30) = √(12000) = 109.544

Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

To learn more about inventory, visit:


27, proni se po (a) variable costs (b) explicit costs. (c) implicit costs (d) marginal costs 28. All points on or below a budget constraint (a) Are attainable with the given income. (b) Are equally desirable. (c) Represent market basket combinations that exhaust the income available. (d) Are described, in part, by a, b, and c above. (e) None of the above


28. The correct answer is (a) All points on or below a budget constraint are attainable with the given income.

A budget constraint represents the combinations of goods or services that can be purchased given a specific income and the prices of the goods. All points on or below the budget constraint line are attainable because they represent affordable combinations within the given income. Points above the budget constraint line are not attainable as they exceed the available income.

The other options are incorrect:

(b) Points on or below the budget constraint are not necessarily equally desirable as individual preferences and utility can vary.

(c) Points on or below the budget constraint do not necessarily exhaust the income available; some income may remain unspent.

(d) The terms (a), (b), and (c) do not fully describe the concept of attainability represented by the budget constraint.

(e) None of the above options correctly describe the relationship between the budget constraint and attainability.

Learn more about budget constraint


All points on or below a budget constraint (a) Are attainable with the given income. (b) Are equally desirable. (c) Represent market basket combinations that exhaust the income available. (d) Are described, in part, by a, b, and c above. (e) None of the above

On December 31, 2020, Marigold Co. estimated that 2% of its net accounts receivable of $443,800 will become uncollectible. The company recorded this amount as an addition to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. The allowance account had a zero balance before adjustment at December 31, 2020. On May 11, 2021, Marigold Co. determined that the Jeff Shoemaker account was uncollectible and wrote off $2,219. On June 12, 2021, Shoemaker paid the amount previously written off. Prepare the journal entries on December 31, 2020, May 11, 2021, and June 12, 2021. (Credit account titles are automatically indented when amount is entered. Do not indent manually. Record journal entries in the order presented in the problem.) (To reverse write-off) (To record collection of write-off)


On December 31, 2020, Marigold Co. estimated 2% of its net accounts receivable ($443,800) would become uncollectible, totaling $8,876. The journal entry on this date is:December 31, 2020:
  Bad Debt Expense    8,876
     Allowance for Doubtful Accounts        8,876

On May 11, 2021, Marigold Co. wrote off Jeff Shoemaker's uncollectible account of $2,219. The journal entry is:
May 11, 2021:
  Allowance for Doubtful Accounts    2,219
     Accounts Receivable - J. Shoemaker        2,219
On June 12, 2021, Shoemaker paid the previously written-off amount. First, reverse the write-off with the following journal entry:

June 12, 2021 (Reverse write-off):
  Accounts Receivable - J. Shoemaker    2,219
     Allowance for Doubtful Accounts        2,219
Next, record the collection of the written-off amount with this journal entry:
une 12, 2021 (Record collection of write-off):
  Cash    2,219
     Accounts Receivable - J. Shoemaker        2,219

To know more about accounts receivable visit;-


Homework (Ch 041 3. Individual and market demand Suppose that Charles and Dine are the only consumers of pizza slices in a particular market. The following table shows their weekly demand schedules: Price Charles's Quantity Demanded Dina's Quantity Demanded (Slices) (Dollars per slice) (Slices) 16 1 2 12 2 > 4 0 On the following graph, plot Charles's demand for pizza slices using the green points (triangle symbol). Next, plot Dina's demand for pizza slices using the purple points (diamond symbol). Finally, plot the market demand for pizza slices using the blue points (circle symbol). Note: Line segments will automatically connect the points. Remember to plot from left to right 34 N 900 140 1:20 PM NON ED 101 PRICE (Dollars per slice) R 12 16 QUANTITY (Sices) 20 24 A |+|+ Charles's Demand Dina's Demand Market Demand


The connecting these points with line segments, you will represent the market demand for pizza slices at different price levels, considering the demand of both Charles and Dina.

Use Charles's pricing and quantity demanded data to plot his demand for pizza slices.- On the graph, place the points (16, 1) and (12, 2) using the green triangle symbol.Use Dina's pricing and quantity demanded data to illustrate her desire for pizza pieces.- Use the purple diamond symbol to plot the points (16, 2) and (4, 0) on the graph.Plotting the market demand for pizza slices requires adding up the number of slices Charles and Dina want at each price point.

learn more about segments here :


Case 10: Fenghua's Organizational Structure Change
Fenghua Property Services Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Fenghua") was established in
Guangzhou in August 1991 as a private enterprise invested by natural persons. Fenghua engages
in property services for office, government logistics, urban complex, commercial plaza, and
residential buildings, public transportation system services, urban integrated services, public
utility services, road cleaning, etc. In recent years, Fenghua began to operate nationwide and has
expanded its market territory to 39 cities in 20 provinces with an annual revenue growth of 28%.
The company's fast growth was good, but Mr. Bai, the legal representative and chief executive
officer of Fenghua, was worried that despite many directions to go with, the company didn't have
distinctive specialties and lacked competence. As its scale increased and businesses varied, the
original organizational structure could not meet the needs of a fast-growing company. Then
Fenghua decided to be a city service provider at the end of 2018. The company management had
various opinions on the organizational change adapting to the new role and some of them were
even completely opposite. Mr. Bai was hesitant to make up his mind.
1. To specialize or regionalize?
Mr. Bai recalled that Fenghua has always kept sensitive and flexible to the external environment
for over 30 years of development. At the outset, the company mainly engaged in the property
management of old residential properties and later positioned itself as hotel-style property
management. When real estate developers from other cities rushed to the rising market in
Guangzhou, Bai began to develop Fenghua's business in commercial office and started a major
transformation from "residential property service provider" to "office building service provider"
The latter soon became Fenghua's main business, but an oversupply of office buildings,
difficulties in recovering service fees and other emerging problems pushed a second
transformation from "office building service provider" to "city service provider". The city services
mainly for government buildings and public properties has become a major business as its
proportion increases year by year.
Fenghua's management model gives priority to independent development of each regional branch,
combined with the coordination of functional departments and the performance assessment and
management of branches and subsidiaries by the head office (see Figure1)
Mr. Zhao is the Chairman of Fenghua Property Services Co., Ltd, and the second largest
shareholder. "This is dilemma. There is only one specialized parking management while the rest
are regional branch companies. It is difficult to share resources with specialized development. If
we let specialized companies to work on something like bidding projects outside a province, one
city will have several companies get involved, which causes a great waste of manpower. In
contrast, our regional development people are very familiar with their local markets." said Zhao.
Mr. Wang then said, "Our company has always encouraged regional branches to actively expand
the market. Personal income is closely related to the total number of projects taken, which easily
results in cliques where talent rotation cannot be promoted. The establishment of specialized
subsidiaries allows independent business accounting, and makes it clear for resources input. We
don't have a regional branch that fully focuses on one speciality. As a result, one project can be
managed very differently between branches. Competition advantages on specialized service are to
be improved urgently. We also have high-cost business with low profit and the difficulty in
developing value-added business. This requires us to dig into specialized research on multi-mode


It combined with the coordination of functional departments and the performance assessment and management of branches and subsidiaries by the head office. Mr. Zhao, the Chairman of Fenghua Property Services Co., Ltd, and the second-largest shareholder, is of the view that there is only one specialized parking management while the rest are regional branch companies.

Fenghua Property Services Co. Ltd. has had a remarkable history of development, and their organizational structure changed with time. Initially, Fenghua Property Services Co. Ltd was established as a private enterprise invested by natural persons in Guangzhou in August 1991. Over the years, the company expanded its market territory and now operates in 39 cities in 20 provinces. However, as the business grew and diversified, the company's original organizational structure could not keep up with the pace of growth.In response to this issue, Fenghua decided to be a city service provider by the end of 2018. However, the company management had different views on the organizational change that will be required to adapt to the new role. Some of them were even completely opposite. Mr. Bai, the legal representative and CEO of Fenghua, was hesitant to make up his mind. Fenghua's management model gives priority to the independent development of each regional branch. It combined with the coordination of functional departments and the performance assessment and management of branches and subsidiaries by the head office. Mr. Zhao, the Chairman of Fenghua Property Services Co., Ltd, and the second-largest shareholder, is of the view that there is only one specialized parking management while the rest are regional branch companies. Therefore, it is difficult to share resources with specialized development. In contrast, Mr. Wang, another executive, believes that the establishment of specialized subsidiaries allows independent business accounting and makes it clear for resource input. Wang is of the view that the competition advantages on specialized services need to be improved urgently. Additionally, the company has a high-cost business with low profit and the difficulty in developing value-added business. Therefore, the company needs to delve into specialized research on multi-mode business.

To know more about Mr. Zhao visit:


Hamiota Computer Company sells computers for $2,500 each, which includes a 3-year warranty that requires the company to perform periodic services and to replace defective parts. During 2022, Hamiota sold 600 computers on account. Based on past experience, the company has estimated the total 3-year warranty costs at $90 for parts and $110 for labour. (Assume sales all occur at December 31, 2022.) In 2023, Hamiota Computer Company incurred actual warranty costs relative to 2022 computer sales of $10,500 for parts and $11,500 for labour. Instructions a. Using the expense warranty approach, prepare the entries to reflect the above transactions (accrual method) for 2022 and 2023. (4 marks) b. Using the cash basis method, what are the Warranty Expense balances for 2022 and 2023? Describe why it may or may not be appropriate to use the cash basis method. (4 marks) The transactions of part a. create what balance under current liabilities in the 2023 statement of financial position?


a. Using the expense warranty approach, here are the entries to reflect the transactions for 2022 and 2023:


To record the estimated warranty costs for 2022 sales:

Warranty Expense (parts) $54,000

Warranty Expense (labour) $66,000

Estimated Warranty Liability $120,000

(600 computers * ($90 for parts + $110 for labour) = $54,000 + $66,000 = $120,000)

To record the sales of computers on account:

Accounts Receivable $1,500,000

Sales Revenue $1,500,000

(600 computers * $2,500 each = $1,500,000)


To record the actual warranty costs incurred for 2022 sales:

Estimated Warranty Liability $22,000

Warranty Expense (parts) $10,500

Warranty Expense (labour) $11,500

(Actual costs incurred for parts and labour)

b. Using the cash basis method, the Warranty Expense balances for 2022 and 2023 would be zero. This is because the cash basis method only recognizes expenses when the cash is paid, and not when the warranty is estimated or when the costs are incurred.

However, it may not be appropriate to use the cash basis method for warranty expenses in this case because the warranty costs are known and estimated at the time of sale, and they are directly related to the revenue from those sales. Using the cash basis method would not properly match the expenses with the revenue in the period they are earned, which could distort the financial statements.

The transactions of part a. create an Estimated Warranty Liability balance under current liabilities in the 2023 statement of financial position.

Learn more about transactions here:


TRUE/FALSE. Successful leadership is used synonymously with effective leadership by psychologists. TRUE/FALSE. Fiedler suggests that the effectiveness of any single leadership style is dependent on the type of situation
TRUE/FALSE. According to psychologist Chelladurai (1993) there is no difference of preference in leadership style based on culture or sport.


TRUE. Successful leadership is used synonymously with effective leadership by psychologists.

TRUE. Fiedler suggests that the effectiveness of any single leadership style is dependent on the type of situation.

FALSE. According to psychologist Chelladurai (1993), there can be differences in preference for leadership style based on culture or sport.

Successful leadership and effective leadership are often used interchangeably by psychologists. Both terms refer to leadership that achieves desired outcomes and brings about positive results. Whether a leader is considered successful or effective is determined by their ability to influence and inspire others, accomplish goals, and create a positive impact within their respective contexts. Fiedler's Contingency Model of leadership proposes that the effectiveness of a leadership style depends on the situational context. Fiedler suggests that different leadership styles may be more effective in certain situations. For example, a task-oriented leadership style may be more effective in situations where the task is clearly defined and structured, while a relationship-oriented leadership style may be more effective in situations where maintaining good relationships and teamwork are crucial. Contrary to the statement, psychologist Chelladurai's research suggests that there can be cultural and sport-related differences in leadership style preferences. Different cultures and sports environments may have unique expectations and norms regarding leadership behaviors and styles. Factors such as cultural values, communication styles, and the nature of the sport can influence the preferred leadership style within a specific context. Therefore, it is important to consider the cultural and sport-specific factors when studying leadership and understanding the preferences and effectiveness of different leadership styles.

Learn more about leadership here


General Optic Corporation operates a manufacturing plant in Arizona. Due to a significant decline in demand for the product manufactured at the Arizona site, an impairment test is deemed appropriate. Management has acquired the following information for the assets at the plant:

Accumulated depreciation 14,800,000

General’s estimate of the total cash flows to be generated by selling the products
manufactured at its Arizona plant, not discounted to present value 16,200,000

The fair value of the Arizona plant is estimated to be $14,000,000.

1. & 2. Determine the amount of impairment loss. If a loss is indicated, where would it appear in General Optic’s multiple-step income statement?
3. If a loss is indicated, prepare the entry to record the loss.
4. & 5. Determine the amount of impairment loss assuming that the estimated undiscounted sum of future cash flows is $15,000,000 instead of $16,200,000 and $24,350,000 instead of $16,200,000.


1. Amount of impairment loss: Recoverable Amount= $23,700,000 - $14,000,000= $9,700,000

2. Income statement presentation: "Other expenses and losses”

3. Entry to record the loss: Impairment Loss  = $9,700,000 Credit Accumulated Depreciation  = $9,700,000

4. Impairment loss at the estimated undiscounted sum of future cash flows Impairment Loss = Carrying Amount - Recoverable Amount= $23,700,000 - $24,350,000= $0.

1. Amount of impairment loss:The carrying amount of the assets = Cost - Accumulated Depreciation= $38,500,000 - $14,800,000 = $23,700,000 Recoverable amount = Fair Value = $14,000,000 Impairment Loss = Carrying Amount - Recoverable Amount= $23,700,000 - $14,000,000= $9,700,000

2. Income statement presentation:Impairment loss will appear on the income statement under the “Other expenses and losses” section of the multiple-step income statement.

3. Entry to record the loss:Debit Impairment Loss  = $9,700,000 Credit Accumulated Depreciation  = $9,700,000 The journal entry to record the loss due to impairment is given above.

4. Impairment loss at the estimated undiscounted sum of future cash flows of $15,000,000:Recoverable amount = $15,000,000 Impairment Loss = Carrying Amount - Recoverable Amount= $23,700,000 - $15,000,000= $8,700,0005. Impairment loss at the estimated undiscounted sum of future cash flows of $24,350,000:Recoverable amount = $24,350,000 Impairment Loss = Carrying Amount - Recoverable Amount= $23,700,000 - $24,350,000= $0

As the carrying amount of the assets is not greater than the recoverable amount in this case, no impairment loss will be recognized. Note that carrying amount refers to the value of assets less accumulated depreciation.

To know more about Impairment Loss visit:


A chartered bank - Bank of Springfield has the following items in its balance sheet: cash reserves - $60,000, loans - $140,000, securities- $100,000, demand deposits - $300,000 r = 20% 1. Does the Bank of Springfield currently have any excess reserves? If so, how much does it have? (2) 2. Now assume that Homer Simpson deposits $10,000 into the bank. Show on the balance sheet how this deposit changes things. (2) 3. Does the Bank of Springfield have any excess reserves after this deposit by Homer? If so, how much? (2) 4. If Marge is granted a loan by the exact amount of current excess reserves, how does the balance sheet change if the money is deposited into her account? (2) 5. If she then buys an Icelandic pony with the loan money, how does the balance sheet change after the cheque has cleared? (2) 6. Using the money multiplier, what is the total increase in the money supply created from this loan? (2) 7. What if instead, the Bank of Canada bought $10,000 of securities from the Bank of Springfield? How does this change the balance sheet? How much will the money supply increase by once a loan is made in this case?


Yes, the Bank of Springfield currently has excess reserves. The excess reserves can be calculated by subtracting the required reserves from the cash reserves. Assuming a reserve ratio of 20%, the required reserves would be $60,000 x 20% = $12,000. Therefore, the excess reserves would be $60,000 - $12,000 = $48,000.

Does the Bank of Springfield currently have any excess reserves?

1. Yes, the Bank of Springfield currently has excess reserves. The excess reserves can be calculated by subtracting the required reserves from the cash reserves. Assuming a reserve ratio of 20%, the required reserves would be $60,000 x 20% = $12,000. Therefore, the excess reserves would be $60,000 - $12,000 = $48,000.

2. With Homer Simpson's $10,000 deposit, the balance sheet would change as follows:

 Cash reserves would increase by $10,000 to $70,000.   Demand deposits would increase by $10,000 to $310,000.

3. After Homer's deposit, the Bank of Springfield would still have excess reserves. The new excess reserves can be calculated by subtracting the required reserves from the cash reserves. Assuming a reserve ratio of 20%, the required reserves would be $310,000 x 20% = $62,000. Therefore, the excess reserves would be $310,000 - $62,000 = $248,000.

4. If Marge is granted a loan equal to the current excess reserves, the balance sheet would change as follows:

  Loans would increase by $248,000 to $388,000.   Demand deposits would increase by $248,000 to $558,000.

5. When Marge uses the loan money to buy an Icelandic pony, the balance sheet would change as follows:

  Loans would remain at $388,000.   Demand deposits would decrease by $248,000 to $310,000.

6. Using the money multiplier, the total increase in the money supply created from the loan can be calculated by dividing the loan amount by the reserve ratio. Assuming a reserve ratio of 20%, the total increase in the money supply would be $248,000 / 20% = $1,240,000.

7. If the Bank of Canada buys $10,000 of securities from the Bank of Springfield, the balance sheet would change as follows:

  Securities would decrease by $10,000 to $90,000.   Cash reserves would increase by $10,000 to $80,000.

Once a loan is made in this case, assuming the reserve ratio remains at 20%, the money supply would increase by $10,000 / 20% = $50,000.

Learn more about Bank of Springfield


X Company also has preferred stock outstanding with par value of
$76, dividend per share of $7, and a current market value of $56
per share. Calculate the company cost of preferred stock.


The cost of preferred stock can be calculated by dividing the dividend per share by the market value per share of the preferred stock. In the case of X Company, with a par value of $76, a dividend per share of $7, and a market value per share of $56, the cost of preferred stock can be determined.

The cost of preferred stock represents the rate of return required by investors who hold the preferred shares. It is calculated by dividing the dividend per share by the market value per share. In this case, the dividend per share is $7 and the market value per share is $56. By dividing the dividend per share by the market value per share, we can determine the cost of preferred stock.

The cost of preferred stock for X Company can be calculated as follows:

Cost of Preferred Stock = Dividend per Share / Market Value per Share

Cost of Preferred Stock = $7 / $56

Cost of Preferred Stock ≈ 0.125 or 12.5%

Therefore, the cost of preferred stock for X Company is approximately 12.5%. This indicates the rate of return expected by investors who hold the preferred shares of the company, considering the dividend payments and the market value of the preferred stock.

To learn more about preferred stock:


The duty of loyalty: Group of answer choices requires an agent to be loyal to a principal. usually means the agent will not work for the competition. is reserved for military agency. both a and b.


The correct option among the following options given for the duty of loyalty is that it requires an agent to be loyal to a principal.The duty of loyalty is an essential obligation that is included in the agency relationship.

This duty imposes an obligation on an agent to be loyal to his/her principal. This means that the agent must work in the best interests of his/her principal, avoid conflicts of interest and not make any secret profits or kickbacks from the principal. It is because of this reason that the agent will not work for the competition as doing so would mean that the agent would be working against the best interests of his/her principal.Thus, we can say that the duty of loyalty requires an agent to be loyal to a principal. This obligation is an essential part of the agency relationship and is included in most of the contracts that are signed between an agent and his/her principal. It is because of this duty that the principal can trust the agent to act in his/her best interests and not against them. This trust is essential for the successful functioning of the agency relationship.

To know more about relationship visit:


The scope exclusions section in the project scope statement is used to avoid misunderstandings about what will and will not be delivered. includes the project deliverables expected by stakeholder. Olists everything that is not included in the project. includes the project budget limitations. describes what sponsors agree the project won't deliver.


The scope exclusions section in the project scope statement is used to describe what sponsors agree the project won't deliver. It helps to avoid misunderstandings about the project's boundaries and ensures .

The scope exclusions section in the project scope statement serves an important purpose in defining the project's boundaries and managing stakeholder expectations. It explicitly lists everything that is not included in the project, ensuring that stakeholders have a clear understanding of what will not be delivered.

By stating what the project won't deliver, the scope exclusions section helps to manage scope creep and prevent misunderstandings. It provides a reference point for project teams and stakeholders to refer to when determining the project's limits and boundaries.

The section typically includes items that have been discussed and agreed upon by the project sponsors or key stakeholders. It may exclude specific features, functionalities, deliverables, or any other aspect that falls outside the agreed-upon scope.

By clearly defining the scope exclusions, the project team can focus their efforts on delivering what has been agreed upon and avoid potential conflicts or disagreements regarding the project's boundaries. This section ensures that all stakeholders have a shared understanding of what the project will and will not encompass, promoting effective project management and successful project outcomes.

Learn more about project here


In an accretion/dilution analysis of an acquisition, if the
purchase price exceeds the book value of the target’s assets,
discuss the key components of the balance sheet that will be
adjusted on the


In an accretion/dilution analysis of an acquisition, when the purchase price exceeds the book value of the target's assets, several key components of the balance sheet will be adjusted to account for the difference.

These adjustments are made to reflect the impact of the acquisition on the financial position of the acquiring company. The key components that will be adjusted include:

Goodwill: Goodwill represents the premium paid by the acquiring company over the book value of the target's net assets. When the purchase price exceeds the book value, goodwill is created to account for the intangible value of the target's brand, customer relationships, or other factors that contribute to its earning power.

Assets: The fair value of the target's tangible and intangible assets will be reassessed and adjusted. This includes adjustments to property, plant, and equipment, patents, trademarks, or any other identifiable intangible assets.

Liabilities: The target's liabilities, such as loans, debt, and contingent liabilities, will also be reassessed and adjusted based on their fair value. This ensures that the acquiring company reflects the true obligations it assumes as a result of the acquisition.

Equity: The target's equity accounts, including retained earnings and any other capital accounts, may be adjusted to align with the fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities.

By making these adjustments, the acquiring company can accurately reflect the financial impact of the acquisition on its balance sheet. This helps in determining the accretion or dilution effect on key financial metrics such as earnings per share and return on investment. Adjusting the balance sheet components is crucial in providing a comprehensive and accurate picture of the financial position of the combined entity after the acquisition.

Learn more about assets here


Task 2 There are two parts 1. Use at least 300 words to answer the following question. What are various methods followed by managers to increase motivation levels in organizations? List atleast 8 meth


Various methods followed by managers to increase motivation levels in organizations are as follows:. Reward and Recognition,Empowerment: Empowering , Positive Work Environment,Goal-Setting,Career Development

Rewarding employees for their hard work and success is one of the best ways to keep them motivated. Managers can use different types of rewards like promotions, bonuses, certificates, gifts, etc.employees with more responsibilities and decision-making power can boost their confidence and self-esteem..A positive work environment is essential for employee motivation. Managers can create such an environment by encouraging teamwork, open communication, and respecting employees' opinions.Setting clear and achievable goals can help employees to stay focused and motivated. Managers should involve employees in the goal-setting process to make them feel valued.Providing employees with opportunities for career development, training, and growth can help them to develop new skills and knowledge.

To know more about managers visit:


a) Set up each firm’s profit maximizing problem and their best response function
b) For any one of the firms show how the best response function in (a) is affected by i) a marginal increase in b? Interpret ii) a marginal increase in c. Interpret
c) Determine the Cournot Nash equilibrium of the game
d) Determine the Stackelberg equilibrium output for firm A and B assuming firm A is the Leader and firm B is the follower
e) Show how equilibrium output of each firm in the Stackleberg model in (d) is affected by i) a marginal increase in b? Interpret (2 marks) ii) a marginal increase in c. Interpret


a) The problem of profit maximization for Firm A can be defined as follows: A = (p-10)q. The problem of profit maximization for Firm B can be defined as follows: B = (p-10)q.

Both A and B firms will try to maximize their profits by choosing a quantity that gives them maximum profits given the quantity chosen by their competitors. The best response function for Firm A and B can be written as qA = (20 - 2pB)/4 and qB = (20 - 2pA)/4, respectively.

b) For Firm A, the best response function in (a) will be affected by:i) A marginal increase in b will result in a rightward shift of the best response curve since the marginal cost of production increases. Thus, this will lead to a decrease in the profit of the firm since the firm will have to reduce its output to maintain a constant price.

ii) A marginal increase in c will result in a leftward shift of the best response curve since the fixed cost of production increases. Thus, this will lead to a decrease in the profit of the firm since the firm will have to reduce its output to maintain a constant price.

c) The Cournot Nash equilibrium is a point where both firms A and B produce the quantity such that the other firm's output is held constant. Therefore, for the Cournot Nash equilibrium to exist, both firms should produce the same quantity, which is 2.5.

d) The Stackelberg equilibrium output for Firm A and B assuming Firm A is the leader and Firm B is the follower can be determined as follows: First, Firm A must determine the profit-maximizing quantity given the quantity produced by Firm B. Therefore, qA = (20 - 2pB)/3. The quantity produced by Firm B is then equal to qB = (20 - 2pA - 3qA)/2. Solving for pA and pB gives pA = 13 - qB/2 and pB = 13 - 3qA/4. The Stackelberg equilibrium quantity for Firm A is 3.5, and the Stackelberg equilibrium quantity for Firm B is 2.e) The equilibrium output of each firm in the Stackelberg model in (d) is affected by:

i) A marginal increase in b will result in a rightward shift of the best response curve since the marginal cost of production increases. Thus, this will lead to a decrease in the profit of the firm since the firm will have to reduce its output to maintain a constant price.

ii) A marginal increase in c will result in a leftward shift of the best response curve since the fixed cost of production increases. Thus, this will lead to a decrease in the profit of the firm since the firm will have to reduce its output to maintain a constant price.

To know more about profit maximization visit:


The market for soda is characterized by the following supply and demand functions: Supply: Qs = 60 + 5p Demand: QD = 120 - 7p, where Qs stands for quantity supplied (number of bottles), QD stands for quantity demand (number of bottles), and p stands for price (per bottle). Without determining the equilibrium price, you know that the equilibrium quantity in the market for soda is bottles.


To find the equilibrium quantity in the market for soda, we need to set the quantity supplied (Qs) equal to the quantity demanded (QD) and solve for Q.

Supply: Qs = 60 + 5p

Demand: QD = 120 - 7p

Setting Qs equal to QD:

60 + 5p = 120 - 7p

Combining like terms:

12p = 60

Dividing both sides by 12:

p = 5

Now that we have found the equilibrium price, we can substitute it back into either the supply or demand equation to find the equilibrium quantity.

Using the demand equation:

QD = 120 - 7p

QD = 120 - 7(5)

QD = 120 - 35

QD = 85

Therefore, the equilibrium quantity in the market for soda is 85 bottles.

Learn more about equilibrium quantity visit:


You're making dessert, but your recipe needs adjustment. Your snickerdoodle cookie recipe makes 2 dozen cookies, but you need 3 dozen cookies. If the recipe requires 13 I cups of sugar, 1 teaspoons of


To adjust the snickerdoodle cookie recipe from 2 dozen to 3 dozen cookies, the sugar and an unspecified ingredient need to be increased proportionally. The original recipe calls for 1 ⅓ cups of sugar and 1 ½ teaspoons of the ingredient.

To make 3 dozen cookies, you need to adjust the recipe accordingly. Since 3 dozen is 1.5 times greater than 2 dozen, the amount of sugar and the unspecified ingredient should be multiplied by 1.5. For the sugar, calculate 1 ⅓ cups multiplied by 1.5 to get the new measurement.

Similarly, multiply 1 ½ teaspoons of the unspecified ingredient by 1.5 to obtain the adjusted amount. These adjustments ensure that the recipe maintains the same ratios and flavors when making a larger batch of 3 dozen cookies.

To learn more about cookies



Essay 1 (10 marks) (Approximately 1,000 words) Drawing on your knowledge of the theory of demand and supply - supplemented by appropriate media reports - explain what has been happening to the price o


The price of a commodity is determined by the interaction of demand and supply in the market. According to the theory of demand and supply, an increase in demand or a decrease in supply tends to drive prices higher.

while a decrease in demand or an increase in supply tends to push prices lower.

To analyze what has been happening to the price of a specific commodity, we need to consider the factors affecting both demand and supply. These factors can include changes in consumer preferences, population growth, Income levels, prices of substitute and complementary goods, technological advancements, production costs, government regulations, and global economic conditions.

Media reports can provide valuable insights into these factors and their impact on the price of the commodity. For example, if there is a surge in consumer demand for a particular product due to changing consumer preferences or innovative marketing strategies, the price of that commodity is likely to increase. On the other hand, if there is a decrease in demand due to economic downturns or shifts in consumer behavior, the price may decrease.

Similarly, changes in supply can also influence the price of a commodity. For nce, if there are disruptions in the supply chain, such as natural disasters or geopolitical tensions, the supply of the commodity may decrease, leading to higher prices. Conversely, if there are advancements in production techniques or an increase in the number of suppliers, the supply may increase, resulting in lower prices.

In conclusion, understanding the price movements of a commodity requires an analysis of the factors influencing both demand and supply. The theory of demand and supply provides a framework for understanding these price dynamics. By considering factors such as consumer preferences, population growth, technological advancements, production costs, and global economic conditions, along with media reports and market data, we can gain insights into the forces driving price changes.

Learn more about Income here:


USE THE INFORMATION BELOW FOR THE FOLLOWING PROBLEM(S) Price/Share Shares Outstanding Stock X Y Z X Y Z 13-Jan $ 22.00 $ 36.00 $ 52.00 1000 2000 1000 14-Jan $ 25.00 $ 33.00 $ 28.00 1000 2000 2000 15-Jan $ 30.00 $ 29.00 $ 25.00 1000 2000 2000 16-Jan $ 11.00 $ 32.00 $ 23.00 3000 2000 2000 *2:1 Split on Stock Z after Close on Jan. 13 **3:1 Split on Stock X after Close on Jan. 15 The base date for index calculations is January 13 Refer to the exhibit above. Calculate a price weighted average for January 13th. 30 33.33 36.67 39.50 42.67


The price weighted average for January 13th is $39.50. To calculate the price weighted average, we need to multiply the price per share by the number of shares outstanding for each stock on January 13th and then sum up these values.

For Stock X, the price on January 13th was $22.00, and the number of shares outstanding was 1000. So the contribution of Stock X to the average is $22.00 * 1000 = $22,000. For Stock Y, the price on January 13th was $36.00, and the number of shares outstanding was 2000. So the contribution of Stock Y to the average is $36.00 * 2000 = $72,000. For Stock Z, the price on January 13th was $52.00, and the number of shares outstanding was 1000. So the contribution of Stock Z to the average is $52.00 * 1000 = $52,000. Adding up these contributions, we get $22,000 + $72,000 + $52,000 = $146,000. To find the average, we divide the total by the total number of stocks, which is 3 in this case. So the price weighted average for January 13th is $146,000 / 3 = $48,666.67. Therefore, the price weighted average for January 13th is $39.50 (rounded to the nearest cent).

Learn more about shares here-


Other Questions
a. XYZ company is looking for a 4-months term source of $800,000 to supplement working capital. Which source below should the company choose? The bank A accepts loans at annual nominal rate of interest of 15% a year. The bank B accepts loans at discount interest rate of 14% a year. The bank C accepts a loan with interest rate of 10% per year and deposits rate at 12%. Solve each of the following by Laplace Transform: day + 2 dy dt ty sinh 3t - - 5 cosh 3t 1.) dt2 y(0) -2 y' (0) = 5 (35 points) dy -3+ sin(4t) e 2.) dt2 day 4 5y = e dt y (0) = 3 y' (0) = 10 (35 points) = = = d'y day dy + = 12 dt 3.) y(0) = 1 y' (0) = 4 y' (0) = -2 (30 points) dt3 +4. dt2 ; = = Explain the function of the Ellis Island immigration station. (Site 1) LP. Model Minimize Subject to: 7X+11Y266 (C) 16X+4Y280 (C) X,Y 20 On the graph on right, constraints C, and C, have been drawn. Using the point drawing tool, plot all the comer points for the feasible area. Z= 15X+15Y CO 24 22- 20- 18- 16- 14- 124 10- 8 16 4 2 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 GOO Q S evelina has a variety of inventory items that have become obsolete. how does she account for this inventory adjustment Evaluate the given integral by making an appropriate change of variables. R 4 x - 5y / 4x - y dA, where R is the parallelogram enclosed by the lines x - 5y = 0, x - 5y = 1, 4x - y = 5, and 4x - y = 9 .......... 3 Find the slope of the line containing the following two points: (3/10 - 1/2) and (1/5 . 1/5) For the US economy in April 2022, the 12-month inflationyear-over-year based on the Consumer Price Index(CPI) was?a. 6.24%b. 7.83%c. 14.15%d. 3.89%e. 8.20%8. Which is not a goal of US macro A.O. Smith has $\$ 163.4$ (million) worth of inventory and their COGS are $\$ 1,233$ (million). Their average holding cost per unit per year is $\$ 11.08$. What is the average inventory cost per unit for $A . O$. Smith?Instruction: Round your answer to the nearest \$0.01.The average inventory cost per unit$\$ 14.75$A.O. Smith has $\$ 163.4$ (million) worth of inventory and their COGS are $\$ 1,233$ (million). Their average holding cost per unit per year is $\$ 11.08$. What is the average inventory cost per unit for A.O. Smith?Instruction: Round your answer to the nearest \$0.01.The average inventory cost per unit$\$ \quad 14.75$ Record the declaration of a cash dividend on its common stock of $0.35 per share and a $23,200 (4% of par value) cash dividend on its preferred stock payable to all stockholders. The dividend is payable on December 30. (Hint: Dividends are not paid on treasury stock.) Classify each task according to whether or not it is a task of the Federal Reserve. Tasks of the Federal Reserve Not tasks of the Federal Reserve Answer Bank managing the United States money supply preparing the federal budget printing paper cuttency pursuing maximum employment conducting fiscal policy managing India's money supply conducting monetary policy stabilizing price True or False Given the integral 4(2x + 1) dx if using the substitution rule U = (2x + 1) O True O False the value of ka for benzoic acid , c6h5cooh , is 6.3010-5 . write the equation for the reaction that goes with this equilibrium constant. THE PREVIOUS ANSWERS ARE PLAGARISED!please leave this question for someone elseyou are wasting my questions and time !Discuss the reasons for negative future oil price (in April 2020). Please limit your report to no more than 300 words in total Michelle Walker owns and operates Sandhill Cakes, a bakery that creates personalized birthday cakes for a child's first birthday. The cakes, which sell for $40 and feature an edible picture of the child, are shipped throughout the country. A typical month's results are as follows: Sales revenue $840,000 Variable expenses 630,000 Contribution margin 210,000 Fixed expenses 115,000 Operating income $ 95,000 b) Your answer is incorrect. Assuming a 20% tax rate, how many cakes will Michelle Walker have to sell if she wants to earn $115,600 in net income each month? (Round answer to O decimal places, e.g. 5,275.) cakes "1. Books in the library are found to have a meanlength of =450 pages with astandard deviation of = 100 pages. What is the z-scorecorresponding to a book of thefollowing length? (10 Marks)a. 180 pagesb. 380 pagesc. 515 pagesd. 400 pagese. 640 pagesSection B: Calculations [90 marks] 1. Books in the Cornerstone library are found to have a mean length of =450 pages with a standard deviation of o= 100 pages. What is the z-score corresponding to a book of the following length? (10 Marks) a. 180 pages b. 380 pages c. 515 pages d. 400 pages e. 640 pages Owner hired Driver to drive his racing car in a race. Driver's friend Buddy promised to pay Driver $3000 if she won the race. Driver won the race, but Buddy refused to pay the $3000, arguing that his promise was unenforceable. Driver sued Buddy for breach of contract. Analyze the case: does Buddy have to pay? the rdn is collaborating with the client to identify goals of the intervention and expected outcomes, writing a nutrition prescription, and defining time and frequency of care including intensity, duration and follow up. the rdn is in what step or phase of the nutrition care process? put the following steps of bacterial translation in order. not all steps of translation are listed. what are the problems arise during pandemic by Bhattrai in the essay "Pandemic and Beyond" ?