SPENCER, North Carolina (Achieve3000, May 17, 2019). Don't ever let anyone tell you that young people can't do great things. Take it from Mrs. Fleming's 7th-grade class at North Rowan Middle School in North Carolina. This compassionate classroom crew is proof-positive that young people can make a difference in the lives of others. And activism can begin with four little words: How can we help?

So how do you go from sitting in a classroom to tackling the problems of the world? For Mrs. Fleming's class, it all started with learning about horrible global events that devastate individuals, families, and communities.

"We planned a trip to Washington, D.C., so that we could immerse ourselves in learning about the Holocaust and refugees," said Mrs. Fleming. "We [also] had the opportunity to participate in a Doctors Without Borders interactive refugee exhibit. We read Achieve3000 articles and novels about refugees, and we watched documentaries and news clips."

Then, the students had yet another extraordinary experience: the chance to speak via video teleconference to a refugee named Lubo, one of the estimated 20,000 Lost Boys who found themselves displaced or orphaned during a deadly civil war that began in Sudan in the 1980s. The students were very moved by Lubo's story as he told them about what he witnessed before he fled Sudan.

"The enemy from the North attacked, people were caught, houses burned, nothing [was] left," student Katie P. remembered him saying. "[It was] really sad because all he had and everything he lived for was no longer there, no one to count on, nothing."

"[We realized that] we usually took everything for granted," said Katie's classmate, Jennifer G. "We never appreciated what we had."

It's one thing to read about history, and quite another to hear from someone who lived it, and who made it clear that Sudan is still affected by life-threatening issues like poverty and lack of access to clean water. The students knew they had to do something, and that's when they asked: "How can we help?"

Soon, they found their answer.

The class was invited by the nonprofit group Mothering Across Continents to host a Walk for Wisdom walkathon to raise money and awareness for impoverished schools in South Sudan. It was a great idea—but the students wanted to take it further.

"We said 'yes,' but asked if we could involve our whole community," Mrs. Fleming said. She joined forces with Karen Puckett, a media specialist at Isenberg Elementary School in Salisbury, North Carolina, which had participated in a school-based Walk for Wisdom for several years.

Meanwhile, the students in Mrs. Fleming's class leaped into action, working in teams to design t-shirts and flyers for the April 2019 walkathon. They also created an iMovie, a website, and a GoFundMe page to help raise money.

Even after all that, the students were just getting started! They planned a Refugee Awareness Community Night at their local bookstore, where they spoke to Ngor Kur Mayol—another Sudanese refugee. The event featured their presentations, art, and writing, as well as a marketplace to raise money for a source of clean water for the students at Nyarweng Primary School in South Sudan.

Mrs. Fleming and her students hope they will eventually be able to exchange messages and photos with the Nyarweng Primary School pupils.

All this might be just the beginning of an ongoing effort. "Our hope is that these events will turn into yearly global events for our county, and that our community will unite for a global cause to help youth in another country," Mrs. Fleming explained.

Needless to say, Mrs. Fleming is extremely proud of how her class has stepped up to help—not that she's surprised.

"Our students have incredible ideas," she said. "All we need to do is listen and encourage. I love seeing where my students' voices and actions can lead us."

And if you want to make a difference in the lives of others, student Kimberly F. has some advice.

"You may think that starting a project to change the world would be difficult," she said. "But if you really put your mind into it, you can achieve amazing things. It can start with a simple act in your community, but you'll see that it will grow and grow."

Most importantly, the students say, don't ever feel like you're too young to make a mark on the world.

"There are many things we are limited to do because we are kids," Katie said. "A lot of people may underestimate [us], but that is what drives us to stand out and help other people."

The best alternate headline for this Article would be __________.

A.Mothering Across Continents Arranges Walk for Wisdom Walkathons

B.Middle School Class Creates GoFundMe Page To Raise Money

C.Students Use Achieve3000 Articles To Learn About Tragic World Events

D.Students Tackle Global Problems One "Step" at a Time


Answer 1


uh what is this basically asking


Answer 2
What is the question

Related Questions

Which answer choice is the best revision of the nonstandard sentence shown
We coulda, I dunno, gone to
the store before we got home.

A. I dunno, we could've gone to the store.
We could of, I don't know, gone to the store before we got home.
We could have gone to the store before we got home.
I don't know, we could of gone to the store before we got home.



d.  I don't know, we could have gone to the store before we got home.


Answer: I don't know when we will see each other again.


4. There (is-are) a dog, a cat, and a bird in the garage.


Answer: There is a dog, a cat, and a bird in the garage

Thank me later ;) Please mark as brainliest <3

There is a dog, a cat, and a bird in the garage

Which element does strong narrative always contain



The elements indispensable for a good narrative writing are - engaging dialogue between the characters of the text, rich and vivid descriptions wherefrom the readers might obtain a pen picture of the entire happenings, and thoughtful reflection which bounds the readers to think.




Solar and chemical


Plants get their energy from the sun, which in turn helps them make food in photosysthesis.

Read the excerpt from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.

I was born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough, and about twelve miles from Easton, in Talbot county, Maryland. I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it. By far the larger part of the slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant.

Which central idea is developed and supported by this passage?

A) Hypocrisy in religion is used to justify slavery.

B) Justice for enslaved people is impossible.

C) An enslaved person is treated no better than an animal.

D) Keeping people enslaved makes slaveholders inhuman.



C) An enslaved person is treated no better than an animal.


Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas is a memoir written by famous orator and former slave Frederick Douglass in 1845.

The given excerpt tells us that an enslaved person was treated no better than an animal. People didn't know basic things about themselves, such as their own age. Slaveholders wanted their slaves to remain as ignorant as possible, just like animals, because that made it easier to control them.




I took the test

What characteristics do you look for in a best friend?



Idk I guess someone I can bother




Friends should be friendly.

What does the landlady insist billy do?


drink his tea


Read the excerpt from "Homesick" by Jean Fritz.

Edward kept busy in programs planned for children his age and the grown-ups made friends and talked

their usual boring grown-up talk.

Based on the excerpt, what is Jean's most likely view of adults?

It is easy to predict what adults will do when they have free time.

It is difficult to have an interesting conversation with adults.

Adults do not enjoy being on a ship as much as children do.

Adults are able to make friends more easily than children are.



It is difficult to have an interesting conversation with adults.


The narration created by Jean disqualifies the conversation of adults, displaying it as boring, uninteresting, without excitement and dull, through the eyes of Edward, who prefers to interact with children who are more interesting and lively.

With that, Jean says that it is difficult to have an interesting conversation with the adults. Probably because their lives are as boring and unenthusiastic as their conversation. Unlike children.


B. It is difficult to have an interesting conversation with adults.


edge2021 :)

Is hovered an antonym for sunk?


Yes, it is an antonym

DIRECTIONS: Read the selection, and answer the following questions.

The Tropics in New York
Claude McKay

Bananas ripe and green, and ginger-root,
Cocoa in pods and alligator pears,°
And tangerines and mangoes and grape fruit,
Fit for the highest prize at parish fairs,

5 Set in the window, bringing memories
Of fruit-trees laden by low-singing rills,
And dewy dawns, and mystical blue skies
In benediction° over nun-like hills.

My eyes grew dim, and I could no more gaze;
10 A wave of longing through my body swept,
And, hungry for the old, familiar ways,
I turned aside and bowed my head and wept.

2. alligator pears: avocados, tropical fruits. All the foods mentioned in this stanza grow in Jamaica, the Caribbean island where the poet was born.
6. rills: streams; brooks.
8. benediction: blessing.

The title of the poem, “The Tropics in New York,” is ironic because —
it is a very unusual title for a poem
sometimes it gets extremely hot in New York
we don’t expect to find the tropics in New York
the weather is a lot nicer in the tropics



The title of the poem is ironic because C) we don’t expect to find the tropics in New York.


The title is oxymoron because as we know tropics never grew in New York and never will.

What is the bet between the lawyer and the banker?


The banker will pay the lawyer two million

dollars to spend fifteen years in solitary



The lawyer will pay the banker two million

dollars if he can't stay in solitary confinement

for five years.

C The lawyer must spend anywhere between five

and fifteen years in solitary confinement.

D The banker and the lawyer will attempt to see

who can last the longest in solitary




A. The banker will pay the lawyer two million dollars to spend fifteen years in solitary confinement.


According to the short story, The Bet by Anton Chekhov, a bet is placed between a lawyer and a banker where the banker promised to pay the lawyer two million rubles if he is able to stay in solitary confinement for fifteen years.

The terms of the bet were that he would not have direct contact with anyone but was allowed to write and receive letters.




To resemble that the flower in the flower pot was being controlled during it's life.


“In the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. there hangs a quilt unlike any other in the world. In fanciful, inspired, and yet simple and identifiable figures, it portrays the story of the Crucifixion. It is considered rare, beyond price. Though it follows no known pattern of quilt-making, and thought it is made of bits and pieces of worthless rags, it is obviously the work of a person of powerful imagination and deep spiritual feeling. Below this quilt I saw a note that says it was made by “an anonymous Black woman in Alabama, a hundred years ago.” If we could locate this “anonymous” black woman from Alabama, she would turn out to be one of our grandmothers-an artist who left her mark in the only materials she could afford, and in the only medium her position in society allowed her to use.”

The quilt described in the passage above is symbolic of ____________.


i think it would be symbolic of either the bible, the crucifixion or jesus


The mark her mother left on the world


The phrase “soaked in the beauty ” shows that Elder Brother —



The Elder Brother is really handsome


Because soaked in beauty means your really pretty or handsome like you were born with beauty.

Main Idea

Read each paragraph and choose the main idea.

Sandy sings in the church choir. She sings a solo every week.Everyone looks forward to hearing her sing. Last Sunday Mrs Smith said Sandy has the voice of an angel" we all agreed with her. I think she will be famous one day.


The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.The church has a choir

b.sandy goes to church

c.sandy is a great singer

d.Sandy song a solo each week


Tommy ran down the street chasing his dog. "Bobby! Bobby!" he yelled. He knew he should have checked the gate before letting Bobby into the back yard. His mother has told him a hundred times. How had he forgotten?If he had closed it,Bobby would still be in the  backyard

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.Bobby ran away,

b.Tommy forgot to make sure the gate was closed.

c.Tommy was forgetful

d.Tommy's mother was bossy.

Joy sat on the beach at the baseball field and waited. She didn't like waiting alone. All of the other kids had been picked up by their parents. Where was her mother? Suddenly, her mother came running to her, "Oh Joy,I'm so sorry. Next time I will make myself a note"

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.Joy's mother forgot to pick her up.

b.Joy hated sitting alone.

c.Joy plays baseball.

d.Joy's mother writes notes.

I went to the ice cream shop and ate a huge sundoe. When I got home, supper was ready, Mom had cooked my favorite meal, No matter how I tried, I couldn't make myself eat.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.I like ice cream.

b.Mom is a good cook.

c.I was too full to eat supper

d.I was sick.



1. c.sandy is a great singer

2.b.Tommy forgot to make sure the gate was closed.

3.a.Joy's mother forgot to pick her up.

4. c.I was too full to eat supper


1. This passage is describing Sandy as a great singer and why she is a great singer. She sings in a church choir and she sings solo every week. Everyone thinks that she is a great singer and that she was the voice of an angel. They are describing her as someone who is successful and they are believing that she will be famous one day.

C) is the correct answer and other answers are not correct because they are considered as details that are leading her to the reputation of a great singer.

2. This passage is telling the readers that Tommy forgot to do an important thing which is closing the gate because of his dog. It is the main idea of the passage because in it we can see that his mother told him a hundred times to close it but he forgot. The central idea of the text is that he forgot to close the gate and his dog escaped.

3. The main idea of this paragraph is that Joy's mother forgot to pick her up and because of that Joy sat on the beach at the baseball field waiting for her mother. Her mother is sorry that she forgot to pick her up and she told her that next time she will make her a note so she does not forget.

4. The main idea of this paragraph is that the person had eaten a huge sundae in an Ice Cream shop and because of that he was not able to eat his favorite meal that his mother had cooked. He tried but he was already full and that is why he could not do it. Other answers are incorrect because they are not mentioned in the passage.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of a search engine? (5 points)
It is an engine that runs on reliable information.
It is the box where you type in what you are looking for.
It is the list of websites that appears once you press "search."
It searches through the Internet and finds websites that match your subject.


i’m sorry lol i’m bored


The answer is D



where did you have your first meal at a restaurant?
when when did you have your first meal at a restaurant?



golden coral


I was 4 years old

What is located after the initiating Incident but before the climax?


I’d say it’s the rising action. I’m not very sure though, but based on normal high society logic I’d believe it’s the rising action of a plot.

List 10 important words in the article “take it out, fight it out”



I love tacos yes I do yum yum yum yummy yum

Explanation: 56

Who is the most beautiful woman in this world?​



Bella Hadid



everyone is beautiful


Bella Hadid

Supermodel Bella Hadid has been declared the most beautiful woman in the world after she passed a science test that determines what constitutes the 'perfect face'. The 23-year-old was found to be 94.35% 'accurate' to the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi - a measure of physical perfection.


What is a thirteen letter word for main character of the story


Friend at court is another word

what is the climax of the short story “presto” Please help will give brainliest if correct.



The rabbit must pull a trick out of the hat to save the magician.


I've watched this short film before.

Type a paragraph of what you see has happened to the price of milk over the last year. Why was it so low in April?

Please help fast! First person to answer gets brainliest!!)



One area that has been filled with uncertainty over the past few months is the milk markets. On March 4, just before the pandemic hit, the 12-month average for Class III milk futures on the cme averaged $16.65 per hundredweight. By April 30, that 12-month average Class III milk futures price had fallen to $14.73 per hundredweight. Today, on June 30, the 12-month average Class III milk futures price has more than rebounded to $17.14 per hundredweight, with the Class III price for June and July forecasted to be above $20.


which of the following is not a consideration when reading and interpreting literature?


i think it may be C...... Not sure though

what kind of barrier is information overload?



Communication barrier.


Information Overload is simply the act of having a lot of information about a particular topic or subject. This availability of enormous information to a person can make the person make some avoidable errors. This causes a delay in responding or replying messages.

The kind of barrier that is Information Overload is communication barrier.

In the public schools, Richard believes that his most important test is his
willingness to do what?






Answer: A


(a) What type of poem is "Elliptical"? Explain. (b) In what ways does the choice of form affect how the reader experiences the poem? (c) Rewrite the poem, adding line breaks that make sense to you. Compare with the original. What is lost and what is gained by the poet's choice of form?



"Elliptical" is a prose poem.

Rewritten with line breaks:

They just can’t seem to…

They should try harder to…

They ought to be more…

We all wish they weren’t so…

They never…

They always…

Sometimes they…

Once in a while they…

However it is obvious that they…

Their overall tendency has been…

The consequences of which have been…

They don’t appear to understand that…

If only they would make an effort to…

But we know how difficult it is for them to…

Many of them remain unaware of…

Some who should know better simply refuse to…

Of course, their perspective has been limited by…

On the other hand, they obviously feel entitled to…

Certainly we can’t forget that they…

Nor can it be denied that they…

We know that this has had an enormous impact on their…

Nevertheless their behavior strikes us as…

Our interactions unfortunately have been…

Compare and contrast:

The poet's choice of form has pros and cons. On the one hand, because none of the sentences in the poem are completed, the paragraph-like structure of the poem could make it easy for the reader to get lost or bored. However, this may still have been a valid artistic choice. After all, the poem is about the "elliptical" of excuses for racism, so maybe it makes sense to have the reader get tired, and associate that weariness with those excuses. In contrast, making the poem have lines and stanzas, rather than a paragraph structure, makes the reader more likely to try to interpret the individual significance of each line, rather than look at what the lines all mean together.

Can someone help me pls???!!!
Chapter one the hobbit


A letter received from Gandalf

It is a great book, make sure to message me if you need anymore help with the answers! ~pluto100
A. a letter form Gandalf

How does a formal discussion differ from an informal discussion?



While in a formal discussion, you would be using words like 'sir' and 'maam' while showing respect to the individual. In an informal discussion, you would most likely be talking to hour friends, often using slang.


Answer: A formal discussion requires advanced preparation.

Explanation: It’s correct :)

the 10 characteristics of a Horror Story.















Tremendous Fear










Other Questions
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