Resulted in the surrender of Japan to the Allies


Answer 1


The bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki


A combination of events such as the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet Unions invasion of Manchuria forced Japan to surrender in World War 2. On September 2, 1945, Japanese representatives signed the official Instrument of Surrender, prepared by the War Department and approved by President Harry S. Truman. It set out in eight short paragraphs the complete capitulation of Japan.

Related Questions

Please help!!

The first _______ in what would become the United States was written by members of the Iroquous League of Eastern Woodlands.



The first written constitution in what would become the United States was written by members of the Iroquois League of Eastern Woodlands. The Iroquois Constitution, also known as the Great Law of Peace, was a set of principles and guidelines for governance that was developed by the Iroquois people in the late 16th century. The Constitution established a system of government that was based on democratic principles, with power shared among different levels of government and decision-making authority vested in a council of chiefs. The Iroquois Constitution had a significant influence on the development of democratic principles in the United States, and some scholars have argued that it served as a model for the United States Constitution.

Members of the Eastern Woodlands Iroquois League drafted the first written constitution for what would become the United States.

What was the legal framework of the Iroquois nations?

Among the five Iroquois-speaking tribes that established a democracy under the Iroquois Great Law of Peace were the Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, and Mohawk. These five nations came together to form the Iroquois Confederacy around the year 1450.

What characteristics of leaders does the Iroquois Constitution emphasize the most?

The Iroquois demanded the same character traits from their leaders. The constitution declares that "Self-interest will be consigned into oblivion." A competent leader listened well and paid heed to the warnings of others. Ultimately, they were made aware of the fact that their actions had far-reaching effects.

The first written constitution of the future United States was produced by members of the Iroquois League of the Eastern Woodlands. In the late 16th century, the Iroquois people established a set of laws and regulations for their governance that became known as the Iroquois Constitution, also known as the Great Law of Peace. The Constitution established a system of governance based on democratic principles, with authority dispersed across many tiers of government and a council of chiefs in responsible of making decisions. Several researchers claim that the Iroquois Constitution served as a model for the US Constitution and that it had a significant influence on the development of democratic principles in the US.

Learn more about Iroquois Constitution:


in passage 1, roosevelt suggests that, in contrast with people from previous moments in history, contemporary americans are more likely to


In passage 1, Roosevelt suggests that, in contrast with people from previous moments in history, contemporary Americans are more likely to have a broader perspective on the world and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of different nations and cultures.

He argues that modern communication and transportation technologies have made it easier for Americans to engage with and learn from people from other parts of the world. Roosevelt also emphasizes the importance of this global perspective for America's future success and security. Overall, he is highlighting the ways in which the world has changed and evolved, and how Americans must adapt and evolve as well to stay competitive and engaged in a rapidly changing global landscape.

For more information on perspective see:


22. Christianity rose over 2,000 years ago and is still considered one of the major world religions todays Think
about Jesus and his teachings in present day. How do his teachings relate with social justice.

1 paragraph please


Jesus put his views on social justice into actions. He did not discriminate against women, women led the early churches, and he had women followers. He had people of different ethnicities as followers. He taught about social justice as well when he said to Judas the poor will always be with us. He healed the Romans daughter, Romans were the sworn enemies of Jews at that time.

Jesus cared more about helping the poor and needy. If a slave was a slave before he was a christian. he would still be a slave if he became a Christian. Jesus Christ cares more about your spiritual then your social class. Jesus Christ was more concerned about changing hearts because he knows that when hearts are changed the equality and social justice will take care of themselves.

The Sheep and the Goats

31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’


Which best describes Georgia government?

A. The federal government establishes state constitutions and laws of the state.

B. Georgia government has very limited powers. Most power in the state rests with the county governments.

C. Georgia has its own government divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

D. Georgia government has only a legislative and executive branch. Federal government maintains all courts.



The correct answer is C. Georgia has its own government divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

As a state within the United States, Georgia has its own government, which is established by its own state constitution and laws. This government is divided into three branches, which are similar to the federal government: the legislative branch, which makes laws; the executive branch, which enforces laws; and the judicial branch, which interprets laws and resolves disputes.

While the federal government does have some influence over state governments, particularly in areas such as funding and regulation, the state government has significant autonomy and is responsible for governing the state and addressing the needs of its citizens. The state government in Georgia, like other state governments, has its own powers and responsibilities, which are separate from those of the federal government.

Which event is MOST associated with the change in American life
shown in this sketch


Option (c), The transformation in American life depicted in this cartoon is MOST likely caused by the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment.

What purpose did the 14th Amendment serve?

According to the 14th Amendment, all citizens must have access to due process rights as well as equal protection under the law. The language of the act made it conceivable to use it to award rights to ALL people in ALL states, despite the fact that its original purpose was to give freed slaves immediate citizenship in the US.

The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, requires equal protection under the law and due process for all people born in the United States. The 1870-enacted Fifteenth Amendment forbids the denial of a citizen's right to vote on the basis of race, color, or previous slavery.

Learn more about Fourteenth Amendment:


The complete question is:

Which event is MOST associated with the change in American life

shown in this sketch?

A The adoption of the Great Compromise

B The establishment of a two-party political system

C The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment

D The election of more qualified judges

how did the new deal change from its first phase (1933 to 1934) to its second phase that began in 1935?


Answer: it changed from good to bad

Explanation: study island

which of the following characterizes the response to the stamp act by the sons of liberty? a letter-writing campaign to promote colonists' constitutional rights a boycott of british goods like tea and linen riots and effigies against stamp distributors a propaganda campaign condemning the stamp act


The Boycott of British goods like tea and linen against stamp distributors represents the response to the stamp act by the Sons of Liberty. Thus, option b is correct.

The Sons of Liberty was a private community of American colonists created in reaction to the Stamp Act of 1765, which directed colonists to buy and use specially forged paper for published materials such as newspapers, lawful documents, and playing cards.

The Sons of Liberty replied to the Stamp Act with a string of rallies and protests. They arranged a boycott of British goods like tea and linen, provoking colonists to accept only American-made yields. They also utilized fierce plans, such as riots and puppets of stamp distributors.

To learn more about Sons of Liberty


The complete question is:

which of the following characterizes the response to the stamp act by the Sons of Liberty?

a.  a letter-writing campaign to promote colonists' constitutional rights

b. boycott of British goods like tea and linen riots and effigies against stamp distributors

c.  propaganda campaign condemning the stamp act

what inventions inspired new weapons or devices for the military?​



Major trends include artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and the internet of things (IoT) to optimize defense operations and augment military efficiency. Today, conventional warfare is increasingly being replaced by hybrid approaches that also combine cyber warfare and other frontiers.


Major trends include artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and the internet of things (IoT) to optimize defense operations and augment military efficiency. Today, conventional warfare is increasingly being replaced by hybrid approaches that also combine cyber warfare and other frontiers.), robotics, and the internet of things (IoT) to optimize defense operations and augment military efficiency. Today, conventional warfare is increasingly being replaced by hybrid approaches that also combine cyber warfare and other frontiers.


Throughout history, many inventions have inspired new weapons or devices for the military. Here are a few examples:

Gunpowder: The invention of gunpowder in China led to the development of early firearms such as cannons and muskets, which revolutionized warfare in the medieval period.Airplanes: The invention of airplanes in the early 20th century led to the development of military aircraft, which played a major role in conflicts such as World War I and World War II.Radar: The invention of radar during World War II allowed military forces to detect and track enemy planes and ships, giving them a significant strategic advantage.Nuclear energy: The discovery of nuclear fission led to the development of nuclear weapons, which have had a profound impact on international relations and warfare since their first use in 1945.Computers: The development of computers and digital technology has led to the creation of sophisticated military technologies such as missile guidance systems, encrypted communications, and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones).

These are just a few examples of inventions that have inspired new weapons or devices for the military. In general, military forces have often been quick to adopt and adapt new technologies for their own purposes, leading to a constant cycle of innovation and advancement.

A nation at risk was published in 1983 and declared that due to the quality of education being offered the United States was what?


A nation at risk was published in 1983 and declared that due to the quality of education being offered, the United States was at risk of falling behind other nations in terms of economic competitiveness and global leadership.

What quality of studies was provided in the US?

The report emphasized the need for education reform and called for increased academic rigor, teacher training, and parental involvement in order to improve the quality of education in the United States.

Due to the quality of education being offered, this report declared that the United States was at risk of losing its competitive edge in the global economy and experiencing a decline in national security and prosperity.

To know more about global leadership visit:


A nation at risk was published in 1983 and declared that due to the quality of education being offered, the United States was at risk of falling behind other nations in terms of economic competitiveness and global leadership.

What quality of studies was provided in the US?The report emphasized the need for education reform and called for increased academic rigor, teacher training, and parental involvement in order to improve the quality of education in the United States.Due to the quality of education being offered, this report declared that the United States was at risk of losing its competitive edge in the global economy and experiencing a decline in national security and prosperity.

Learn more about quality here:


Marbury v. Madison. In your own words, summarize the issue and decision in
Marbury v. Madison and explain the decisions' significance. Make sure you mention
how this case changed our government and the function of the judicial branch.



Marbury v. Madison was a landmark case decided by the United States Supreme Court in 1803. The case revolved around the issue of whether or not the Supreme Court had the power to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional.

The background of the case was that in the final days of President John Adams' administration, he had appointed a number of new judges, including William Marbury, to fill vacancies in the federal court system. However, when President Thomas Jefferson took office, his Secretary of State, James Madison, refused to deliver the commissions that would have officially appointed Marbury and the other judges. Marbury then sued Madison, asking the Supreme Court to order him to deliver the commission.

The Supreme Court's decision in the case was significant because it established the principle of judicial review, which means that the Supreme Court has the power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional if they are in conflict with the Constitution. Chief Justice John Marshall, writing for the Court, found that the law that gave the Court the power to hear Marbury's case was itself unconstitutional, and therefore the Court could not order Madison to deliver the commission.

The significance of the decision was that it established the Supreme Court as the final arbiter of the Constitution and the laws of the United States. This decision gave the judicial branch a new and important role in interpreting the Constitution and the laws passed by Congress. It also established the principle of separation of powers, which means that the three branches of government - legislative, executive, and judicial - have separate and distinct powers and responsibilities; so, each branch serves as a check on the others to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

h. In 1918 the Bolsheviks killed the czar in the Bolshevik-controlled city of
i. The
Army won the civil war.
j. The new name for Russia under the communists was the


Answer: A.

Explanation: Because Bolshevik controlled the city where the army won the civil war.

The "Kansas City Massacre" led this director of the FBI to ask President Roosevelt to declare a "War on Crime" making G-men heroes in the public imagination:


The "Kansas city massacre" was a violent shootout that happened on June 17, 1933, among law enforcement officials and criminals in Kansas town, Missouri.

The incident resulted in the deaths of 4 law enforcement officers and one crook. on the time, J. Edgar Hoover was the director of the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI).

The tragedy induced Hoover to ask President Franklin D. Roosevelt to declare a "battle on Crime" and gave the FBI an opportunity to showcase their investigative talents and heroic efforts.

The media dubbed FBI retailers as "G-men," and their work was romanticized in famous culture, making them heroes in the public imagination. This brought about expanded public assist for the FBI and their efforts to combat organized crime.

Learn more about Kansas city massacre:-


The "Kansas City Massacre" was a violent shootout that took place on June 17, 1933, in Kansas City, Missouri. It involved the killing of four law enforcement officers by a gang led by Vernon Miller.

This incident, along with other high-profile crimes, prompted J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI, to ask President Franklin D. Roosevelt to declare a "War on Crime." This led to increased funding and resources for the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, and the establishment of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as the premier agency for investigating and solving major crimes. The actions of the FBI agents, known as G-men, during this time period were often portrayed in popular culture as heroic and patriotic, which helped to boost the agency's public image and influence.
The "Kansas City Massacre" led J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI, to ask President Roosevelt to declare a "War on Crime." This initiative made G-men (FBI agents) heroes in the public imagination.

Visit here to learn more about Kansas City Massacre


What was the Dao De Jing?

A) It was a collection of the sayings of Confucius, which influenced the social structure of China
B) It was the first collection of written rules and laws to govern the Chinese people.
C) It was a philosophical text by Laozi to help people live in balance and simplicity.
D) It was a book by Shi Huangdi that explained the concepts of Legalism.


C) It was a philosophical text by Laozi to help people live in balance and simplicity.

The Dao De Jing, also known as the Tao Te Ching, is a classic Chinese text that is attributed to the philosopher Laozi. It is considered one of the most important texts in Chinese philosophy and is often associated with the philosophical and religious tradition of Daoism (Taoism). The text contains 81 short chapters or poems that offer insights and advice on a range of topics, such as the nature of the universe, the importance of balance and harmony, and the role of the individual in society. The text emphasizes the concept of the Dao, which can be translated as "the Way," and suggests that the key to a fulfilling life is to live in accordance with the natural order of things.

what two empires existed on the map from 1450


Between 1450 and 1750, a number of land-based empires that derived their strength from the employment of gunpowder rose to prominence, including the Ottomans and Safavids in Southwest Asia, the Mughal empire in India, the Ming and Qing dynasty in China, and the nascent Russian Empire.

How did land spread empires grow between 1450 and 1750?

Asian land-based Empires had open ceremonies to demonstrate their authority between 1450 and 1750. Many of the expanding empires like the Mughals were looking for centralization tactics to bring them all together. Using a variety of military strategies, including the employment of gunpowder, the empires grew and acquired more territory and people.

Gunpowder weaponry and advances in shipbuilding technology allowed European empires to grow and play a more significant role in world events, ultimately leading to colonialism. The establishment of vast empires in both hemispheres depended on the expanding use of gunpowder, cannons, and armed trade.

To learn more about Mughals, visit:


which early american leader was a chief anti-federalist? group of answer choices james madison john adams george washington patrick henry


.........................................NOT SURE SORRY

What event in the years after World War I proved that Africans would resist
indirect rule?
• A. The signing of the Atlantic Charter
• B. The Igbo Women's War
• C. The Algerian War of Independence
• D. The Mau Mau Uprising


Option (b), The Igbo Women's War demonstrated that Africans may fight indirect authority in the years following World War I.

What function does the Igbo women's war serve?

This change had been sparked by the Women's War as well as countless other significant protests that had taken place afterwards, such as the Tax protests of 1938, the Oil Mill Protests of the 1940s, and the Tax Revolt of 1956. Igbo men and women gained confidence that they could protect their people's rights as a result of the Women's War.

What resulted from the Igbo women's war of 1929?

The rebellion was the country of West Africa's first large female insurrection. In 1930, colonial officials abolished the warrant chieftain system, and women were appointed to the Native Court system. These changes, which are seen as a forerunner to the development of broad African nationalism, were developed by African women.

Learn more about The Igbo Women's War:


1 Cancelled by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which
allowed the people of a territory to vote if slavery
would be allowed there
5 Slave who sued for his freedom, but lost
7 People who wished to eliminate slavery
10 Word that does not appear in the U.S. Constitution,
though the concept does
11 Southern states' main reaction to Lincoln's election
14 In its original form, can be read as a pro-slavery
15 President who signed the 1808 law banning the
importation of additional slaves
16 According to the Dred Scott case, an African
American could never be a--- of the U.S.


He inserted an amendment that overturned the Missouri Compromise and established Kansas and Nebraska as two new territories in order to get their support. According to the popular sovereignty theory, settlers in each area would vote on whether or not to allow slavery.

Who was Dred Scott's owner?

About 1800 was the estimated year when Dred Scott, a slave who belonged to Peter Blow, was born in Southampton, Virginia. Following his relocation to the Midwest in 1830, Scott finally made St. Louis his home along with Blow and the rest of his family. After an army doctor named John Emerson eventually acquired Scott, the two went to Illinois and then the Wisconsin Territory.

Cancelled by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed the people of a Kansas and Nebraska territory to vote if slavery would be allowed thereSlave who unsuccessfully sought freedom- Dred ScottThose who wanted to abolish slavery- abolitionistThe Constitution doesn't mention democracy at all. States in the South were worried that Lincoln would abolish slavery. Radical southerners known as Fire Eaters in the 1850s agitated for southern secession if the Republican Party took power.Lincoln's presidential edict, the Emancipation Proclamation (1863), set all slaves in Confederate-controlled territory free.President Thomas Jefferson quickly signed the measure into effect once he had supported it. After January 1, 1808, the law prohibiting the importation of African slaves into the United States was put into effect.Missouri's Dred Scott Case, 1846–1855. In a shocking 1857 decision, the United States Supreme Court sided with slavery on American soil, disregarded the right of black people to citizenship, and declared the Missouri Compromise to be unconstitutional.

Learn more about Emancipation Proclamation:


The complete question is:

Cancelled by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed the people of a territory to vote if slavery would be allowed thereSlave who sued for his freedom, but lostPeople who wished to eliminate slaveryWord that does not appear in the U.S. Constitution, though the concept doesSouthern states' main reaction to Lincoln's election victoryIn its original form, can be read as a pro-slavery documentPresident who signed the 1808 law banning the importation of additional slavesAccording to the Dred Scott case, an African American could never be a--- of the U.S.

what was an important consequence of the crusades? group of answer choices most trade routes between the middle east and europe were closed. relations between jews and christians worsened considerably. significant intellectual links between europe and the middle east failed to develop. italian merchants were among those to suffer most economically.


An important consequence of the Crusades was the significant intellectual links between Europe and the Middle East failed to develop.

The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims fought over control of the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the late 11th to the late 13th century. While the Crusades had many long-lasting effects on European and Middle Eastern societies, they did not result in the development of significant intellectual links between the two regions.
During the Crusades, European armies traveled to the Middle East to fight, conquer and establish Christian kingdoms in the Holy Land. However, there was little intellectual or cultural exchange between the two regions, as the primary goal of the Crusaders was to secure political and military power. As a result, few cultural or intellectual exchanges occurred, and the two regions remained largely separate.The Crusades did, however, lead to the closure of some trade routes, particularly those in the eastern Mediterranean, which disrupted trade and economic activity in the region. Additionally, the Crusades also exacerbated tensions between Christians and Jews and between Christians and Muslims, leading to ongoing conflicts and persecution in subsequent centuries.

Learn more about crusades here:


which of the following societal changes occurred when new netherlands became new york? a.) a system of patronage was implemented to distribute land. b.) colonists of dutch descent were forcibly exiled back to europe. c.) married women could no longer use their own name to do business. d.) slavery, which had been condemned by the dutch, was introduced.


netherlands became new york?

The introduction in slavery, which the Dutch had opposed, was the major social transformation that took place when New Holland became New York. (option a)

What do you mean by Social change in New Holland ?

In New Holland, a patronage system already existed, married women were not permitted to conduct business under their own names, and immigrants of Dutch ancestry were not forcibly banished to Europe.

Social change, according to sociologists, is the transformation of cultural and social institutions as a result of changes of human interactions and relationships. These alterations take place gradually and frequently have significant long-term effects on society.

To know more about  patronage system visit:


The Supreme Court begins its new session by hearing
public arguments from all parties that have submitted
cases for the Court's review. The justices then select about
75 cases to more fully review and decide. For each case,
the justices debate the facts and then vote on a ruling. The
Court rules in favor of whichever side is supported by the
majority of the justices. One justice then writes a majority
opinion, summarizing the Court's reasoning. Justices who
disagree with the ruling may write their own dissenting
opinions to explain their objections.
Which statement best summarizes the inaccuracy contained in this
description of the Supreme Court's decision-making process?
A. Two-thirds of the justices have to agree on a ruling rather than a
simple majority
B. The Supreme Court does not hear public arguments before
deciding which cases to review
C. The Supreme Court is required to make a decision on every case
that is appealed to it.
D. Dissenting opiions are written by lawyers representing the losing
party rather than justices


Answer is B. Since the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of legal issues and is tasked with seeing that the American people uphold the promise of equal justice under the law, it functions as both a guardian and an interpreter of the Constitution.

What is the role of the Supreme court?

Handles appeals regarding debatable legal issues of general public significance. focuses on instances with the highest constitutional and public significance.

A court is bound by the rulings of a court above it and, often, by a court of comparable status, in accordance with the theory of precedent. Superior courts have the authority to reverse decisions made by subordinate courts and, in some circumstances, to reverse decisions made by them.

The Supreme Court often does not undertake trials, despite the fact that it may hear an appeal on any legal issue as long as it has jurisdiction. Instead, it is up to the Court to determine what a statute means, whether it applies to a certain set of facts, and how it should be implemented.

Learn more about Supreme court:


Develop an argument for why conquerors should leave local rulers on as governors.


Conquerors feel the gain surpasses the risk despite the immense hazards they must confront in order to dominate. prudence or precision. great desire for recognition and achievement. ability to influence or inspire a vast number of individuals.

Why conquerors should leave local rulers on as governors?

States opposed to granting the federal government more authority because: After gaining independence from Britain, many Americans thought that building a strong federal government with excessive control over the states would only lead to the installation of a new autocrat to succeed King George III.

Due to the widespread fear of a powerful central government at the time the Articles of Confederation were written and the strong loyalty of Americans to their state during the American Revolution instead of any national government, the Articles of Confederation kept the national government as weak as possible on purpose.

The Articles of Confederation, which aimed to create a confederation of states, said that each state would "preserve its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, every power, jurisdiction, and right not expressly to the United States in Congress assembled."

learn more about governors:


Explain how industrialization influenced economic and political development throughout the period from 1815 to 1914.


The period from 1815 to 1914 saw significant economic & political changes particularly with the advent of industrialization.

Firstly, industrialization led to increased productivity & economic growth. This led to the development of capitalist economies, where private enterprise & profit became the driving force of economic growth.

Secondly, industrialization led to the growth of urbanization, as people moved from rural areas to cities in search of work in factories.

The social and economic challenges presented by this new class of people led to the development of new political movements and ideologies, including socialism, communism, and labor unions.

The period from 1815 to 1914 saw a number of significant political events, including the unification of Italy and Germany, the scramble for Africa, and the arms race that preceded World War I.

To know more about industrialization-


Industrialization had a significant impact on the economic and political development of many countries during the period from 1815 to 1914.

The rise of industry brought about significant changes in the economy, leading to the creation of new jobs and opportunities for growth. Countries that were able to embrace industrialization were able to improve their economic fortunes, and those that lagged behind were left struggling to keep up.

One of the major effects of industrialization was the growth of cities and urbanization. As factories sprang up, people flocked to the cities to take advantage of the new jobs. This led to the creation of a new urban working class, which in turn sparked the development of new political movements, such as socialism and communism.

Industrialization also had a significant impact on international trade. As countries began to produce more goods, they were able to trade on a much larger scale. This led to the growth of global markets and the development of new trading patterns. Some countries became highly dependent on exports of certain goods, leading to economic booms and busts.

Industrialization also brought about significant changes in the way that governments functioned. As the economy grew and became more complex, governments had to adapt to new challenges. This led to the development of new institutions and policies, such as labor laws and social welfare programs. Governments also began to play a larger role in regulating economic activity, in order to protect workers and ensure fair competition.

In conclusion, industrialization had a profound impact on the economic and political development of many countries during the period from 1815 to 1914. It brought about significant changes in the economy, international trade, and the role of government. Countries that were able to embrace industrialization were able to reap the benefits of economic growth, while those that were left behind struggled to keep up.
Industrialization greatly influenced economic and political development between 1815 and 1914 through the following ways:

1. Economic growth: Industrialization led to a significant increase in the production of goods and services, boosting economic growth and raising the standard of living for many people.

2. Urbanization: As industries expanded, people migrated from rural areas to urban centers, creating new cities and contributing to the growth of existing ones. This shift in population distribution affected political representation and decision-making.

3. Development of transportation and communication: Industrialization spurred advancements in transportation (e.g., railways and steamships) and communication (e.g., telegraph), which facilitated trade, integration of markets, and improved political communication.

4. Emergence of capitalism: The growing importance of capital in the form of machinery, factories, and infrastructure led to the rise of capitalism as the dominant economic system. This shift affected political ideologies and the role of governments in regulating the economy.

5. Labor movements: As workers faced harsh working conditions and low wages, they began organizing to demand better conditions, leading to the formation of labor unions and political parties that represented their interests.

6. Globalization: Industrialization enabled increased global trade and economic interdependence, which in turn led to political alliances, tensions, and the spread of ideas and culture.

7. Colonialism and imperialism: Industrialized nations sought to expand their markets and obtain raw materials for their industries, leading to colonization and imperialism. This expansion influenced the political relationships between nations and the balance of power.

In summary, industrialization between 1815 and 1914 played a crucial role in shaping economic and political development, driving economic growth, urbanization, advancements in transportation and communication, the rise of capitalism, labor movements, globalization, and colonialism.

Visit here to learn more about trade


why do colonies become victims of coloniziton

why were the european countries interest in discovering new routes going to east?



What were the reasons for colonial violence?

One reason had to do with superiority. It was believed that it was okay for a “superior” race to punish “inferior” people. A second reason revolved around being “civilized.” Many people argued violence was necessary to either force locals to work or to “civilize” them.

- Europeans wanted the power and resulting wealth that would come from controlling trade. Finding all- water routes to Asia and its riches would allow European merchants to cut out Middle Eastern middlemen and reap all the profits of eastern trade.

In November of 1920 the New York Times noted that this depression was odd in that:
a. prices had not yet fallen in any significant way.
b. a bank panic had not occurred.
c. stock prices had continued to rise throughout the year.


In November of 1920, the New York Times noted that this depression was odd in that stock prices had continued to rise throughout the year (option c). This was unusual because typically during a depression, stock prices would fall significantly.

In November of 1920, the New York Times noted that the depression at that time was unusual because even though the economy was struggling, prices had not yet fallen significantly, there had not been a bank panic, and stock prices had continued to rise throughout the year. This was unexpected given that in most economic downturns, these factors would typically be the first indicators of an impending recession. However, the 1920 depression was unique in that it was primarily caused by a post-war recession, as well as a decrease in government spending and an increase in interest rates. Ultimately, the economy recovered fairly quickly and the 1920s went on to be a period of economic prosperity in the United States.

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02.07: EAST ASIA
You just flew through a whirlwind of Japanese history, from its earliest written records in the 700s through the Tokugawa Shogunate taking over in the 1600s—about a thousand years of Japan! How will you remember all that? Well, that's your assignment! You need to make a mnemonic that will help you remember one significant piece of Japanese history for each of the five periods covered in the lesson.
Review the lesson and note what strikes you as the most significant or distinct aspects of Japanese history, at least one piece of information for each of the five periods.
Now, make your personal mnemonic! A mnemonic is simply a tool to help you remember something. It can be a haiku poem or just a rhyming song, a drawing with key words, or a short fantastical story—anything you can think of making that will help you remember the important parts of Japan's major historical eras. Don't overthink it!
Select here if you would like two example mnemonics
These two different mnemonics are for the history in the same time period (500-1500) for Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.
Example 1 - Short poem
While the Western Romans went feudal and then national for a thousand years, the Eastern Roman Byzantines held on until the Ottoman Turks realized their worst fears.
Example 2 - Acrostic
Innovative in Golden Age (750-1250)
Shapes the Middle East and North Africa today
Lost the First Crusade and dominated nearly all the others
Arabian Peninsula where it began
Most followers in world except for Christianity
Now, for your teacher to be able to grade it, you will need to explain your mnemonic. This is more important if you do something really creative, but your teacher must be able to see in your work at least one piece of important historical information for each period and how your creation will help you remember it.

Period Pronunciation Name Meaning
Heian (794-1184) "Hey-on"
Japanese word for "peace"
Kamakura (1185-1333) "Comma-cur-uh"
Capital moved to city of Kamakura
Ashikaga (1336-1573) "Aw-she-kaw-guh"
Dynastic family name of shoguns
Azuchi-Momoyama (1573-1603) "Ah-zoo-key-moe-moe-yaw-muh"
The names of the primary fortified castles of the two major sides in the civil war
Tokugawa (1603-1868) "Toe-koo-gaw-ah"
Dynastic family who controlled the shogunate


Pacific War starts. 1945 Japanese history surrenders after atomic bombs are dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1946 The new constitution is promulgated. 1952 The Allied Occupation of Japan ends.

What is the oldest history of Japan?

It has been determined that the Japanese archipelago's first residents arrived there in prehistoric times approximately 30,000 BC. In the first millennium BC, the Yayoi period, which saw the introduction of new Asian innovations, succeeded the Jmon period, which was so named because of the pottery's cord markings.

Who discovered Japan first?

On Tanegashima, a tiny island close to Kyushu, three Portuguese tourists who were travelling on a Chinese ship fell ashore in 1543. The first Europeans to travel to Japan were they. According to historians, in its early years, the Japanese dubbed their nation Yamato.

To know more about Japanese history visit :-


what made the intimate reality of slavery visible to wealthy southern women? multiple choice the children their husbands had fathered and kept in slavery their roles as physical disciplinarians the material sacrifices they endured for the welfare of those people they enslaved


The children their husbands had fathered and kept in slavery. This is what made the intimate reality of slavery visible to wealthy Southern women.

The brutal realities of slavery were frequently hidden from Southern women, particularly rich ones. Nevertheless, some people would have learned about the close-knit nature of slavery through their husbands' associations with enslaved women, which might have led to the birth of mixed-race children who were maintained in servitude. This resulted in a complicated family dynamic that might help the affected ladies better understand the reality of slavery.

Some Southern women were able to perceive the close reality of slavery despite these obstacles, though. Their husbands' associations with women who were held in slavery were one means by which this may occur. White males frequently sexually abused enslaved women, which might result in the birth of offspring of mixed races who were maintained in servitude. In certain situations, the husband would accept that he was the father of these kids and take an active interest in their lives, resulting in a complicated family situation.

To learn more about slavery, refer to:


do you think the Nuremberg trials helped bring justice to victims of holocaust, or is it impossible to bring justice to the victims of the holocaust? explain.



tribunal in history revealed the true extent of German atrocities and held some of the most prominent


The principle religion of indian with roots tracing back to prehistoric times



Also known as, the Hindu Dharma, Hinduism is one of the oldest organized religions in the world, tracing its roots back to 5000 BC.



What was the main religious role of a pharaoh?


As the religious leader of the Egyptians, the pharaoh was considered the divine intermediary between the gods and Egyptians. Maintaining religious harmony and participating in ceremonies were part of the pharaoh's role as head of the religion. i hope this helps!

give two examples of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900.


Two examples of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900:The New Deal in the United States (1930s), and Austerity measures in Greece during the European Debt Crisis (2010s):

The Great Depression, which began in 1929, was a severe economic crisis that affected the United States and many other countries. In response to the economic collapse, the U.S. government under President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal, a series of programs and policies aimed at providing relief, recovery, and reform. The New Deal included measures such as the creation of public works programs to provide jobs, the establishment of social welfare programs, regulations to stabilize the financial system, and the implementation of labor reforms.

The European Debt Crisis, which began in 2009, was a financial crisis that affected several countries in the eurozone, including Greece. In response to the crisis, the Greek government implemented austerity measures, which involved cutting government spending and increasing taxes to reduce the budget deficit and stabilize the economy. These measures included reductions in public sector wages and pensions, increased taxes, and structural reforms aimed at increasing competitiveness.

To learn more about European Debt Crisis, learn here


Two examples of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900 include the US government's response to the Great Depression and the European Union's response to the 2008 financial crisis.

1. Great Depression (the 1930s): The US government, led by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, implemented the New Deal, which consisted of various economic programs and reforms to provide relief, recovery, and reform to the American economy. This included public works projects, financial regulations, and social safety nets.
2. 2008 Financial Crisis: The European Union and its member countries responded with various stimulus packages, bank bailouts, and austerity measures. These actions aimed to stabilize financial markets, restore economic growth, and address fiscal imbalances.

One example of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900 can be seen in the contrast between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Great Depression. The US government under President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal, a series of economic programs aimed at boosting employment and stimulating the economy through government intervention. In contrast, the Soviet Union under Stalin implemented a policy of forced industrialization, which prioritized heavy industry and collectivization of agriculture over addressing the economic struggles of the general population.

Another example can be seen in how different European countries responded to the 2008 financial crisis. While countries like Greece and Ireland implemented austerity measures, cutting spending and increasing taxes to try to reduce their debt, Germany pursued a policy of investment and stimulus. This approach was intended to boost the economy and promote growth, rather than simply reducing deficits.

Learn more about European countries here:


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