
Answer 1


Women played a key role, encouraging the larger democratic movement to include women's issues and fostering the leadership of women. The newly formed Federation of South African Women began organizing women of all races to fight together for equality.

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When discussing 4WD operation, Technician A says that during turns the front wheels travel a greater distance than the rear wheels. Technician B says that when a vehicle is operating in 4WD and the front and rear axles are turning at the same speed, driveline windup can result. Who is correct?


Technician A is correct because during turns, the wheels on outside of the turn travel a greater distance than the wheels on the inside of the turn, causing the front and the rear wheels to turn at different speeds.

What is travel?

Travel refers to the act of moving from one place to another, typically for the purpose of experiencing different cultures, environments, and lifestyles. It can be done for leisure, education, business, or any other reason. Travel can involve various modes of transportation, such as planes, trains, buses, cars, or even on foot. It can also include accommodations, such as hotels, hostels, camping, or staying with locals. Travel can provide opportunities for personal growth, broaden perspectives, and create unforgettable memories. It can also involve challenges, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and unexpected events. Overall, travel is a way to explore the world and connect with people and places beyond one's own familiar surroundings.

To learn more about transportation, visit:






What factors helped Haiti win independence from France?

The causes of the Haitian Revolution included the franchise's frustrated aspirations, the brutality of slave owners, and inspiration from the French Revolution.

I don't need Brainliest, give it to the next answerer :)


The enslaved people were inspired by the American Revolution and the French revolution, and was needed to actualize Haiti's goals.


3 in Your own words, explain Napoleon III's steps in the Progressive liberalisation of his empire Pg. 101 What are reasons behind these changes ?​


Napoleon III's steps in the Progressive liberalisation of his empire involved a series of reforms aimed at loosening restrictions on personal freedom, expanding civil rights, and promoting economic growth. These changes included the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, the creation of a parliament with greater powers, and the implementation of free trade policies. One reason behind these changes was to win the support of the middle class and promote economic growth by creating a more stable and prosperous society. Another reason was to catch up with other European powers like Britain and Germany who had already embraced free trade and liberal economic policies. Ultimately, the goal was to strengthen the French Empire by creating a more open and democratic society.

Document 2
Source: Menelik II, emperor of Ethiopia, letter to Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy,
and Russia, 1891.
I have no intention at all of being an indifferent spectator, if the distant Powers hold onto
the idea of dividing up Africa. For the past fourteen centuries Ethiopia has been an island
of Christians in a sea of Pagans.
Since the All-Powerful has protected Ethiopia up until now. I am hopeful that He will
keep and enlarge it also in the future, and I do not think for a moment that He will divide
Ethiopia among the distant Powers. In the past, the boundary of Ethiopia was the sea.
Without our use of force and without the aid of the Christians, our boundary on the sea fell
into the hands of the Muslims. Today we do not pretend to be able to recover our seacoast
by force; but we hope that the Christian Powers, advised by our Savior, Jesus Christ, will
restore our seacoast boundary to us, or give us at least a few ports along the coast.

Summarize the "African response to European imperialism."

Who wrote this document?

When was this document written?

WHY was this document written?
(What is its purpose?)



menelik a black scavengers can't written document

How did Japan use the restrictions of the peace treaties for its own benefit?
A. Began spending more money building a navy to create jobs
B. They were welcomed into the League of Nations without an emperor
C. Converted all of the spending from military to business and infrastructure
D. They grew more food on the limited space they had than they did with their empire


C- because Japan was not allowed to build an army; Japan went through a boom in business and infrastructure after WW2

What beliefs do both Buddhism and Jainism have in common?

Caste system (obviously not)

Pls help will give Brainliest


Answer: Ahimsa

Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism believe in the concept of karma, which is an attachment of positive and negative forces to the soul based on a person's actions, beliefs, and spiritual attachments. Reincarnation carries this force forward and requires effort to purify the soul.

According to Jainism every act by which a person directly or indirectly supports killing or injury is violence (himsa), which creates harmful karma. The aim of ahimsa is to prevent the accumulation of such karma.

Since they both believe in karma and Ahimsa is karma technally that is the answer

If you could commission a statue honoring Alexander Hamilton or James Madison, who would you choose and why? What would the statue look like, and where would you locate it? Pay attention to each man's political accomplishments, philosophical ideals, and personal contributions to the early American republic.


One of the founding fathers of the United States, Alexander Hamilton, had a major impact on the direction of the nation's early economic policies. He helped create the country's financial system.

What distinguishes James Madison from Alexander Hamilton?

Madison tended to be calmer and more restrained, while Hamilton was outspoken, ambitious, and aggressive. The two men's enmity was never as intense as it was between Burr and Hamilton or, even before their reconciliation, between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

Why do we honor Alexander Hamilton?

He was a planner and a thinker, and the things he performed involved extensive plans for the country. Hamilton, a master of administration, created the framework for the growth of contemporary America.

To know more about Hamilton visit:


The impact of migrant labour system in black communities?



The migrant labour system has had a significant impact on black communities. In South Africa, it has been linked to the country's history of apartheid and racially segregated settlements. The system was used to reconcile the need for cheap labour in mines and cities with the apartheid ideology that workers should not reside there permanently. As a result, black people were often confined to rural areas with fewer economic opportunities and could only work in cities on a temporary basis. This forced many black men to leave their families to find job opportunities in mines, construction, garden services, and other labour-intensive jobs within urban areas where white people lived. A significant number of women were also forced to migrate to urban areas to look for domestic jobs ¹.

The migrant labour system has left a huge dent in the black communities’ way of life. Some of the results of the migrant labour system include segregation of South African black people, poverty due to less paying jobs, segregated families, squatter camps and informal settlements, hostels and substance abuse ¹.

(1) The Impact of Migrant Labour System in Black Communities Essay Guide .... Accessed 11/04/2023.

(2) The History of Migrant Labor in South Africa (1800–2014). Accessed 11/04/2023.

(3) The damaged family structure in African societies is a result of lack .... Accessed 11/04/2023.

(4) The impact of labor migration on African families in South Africa .... Accessed 11/04/2023.


Who won the civil war in America and how did it end?


After four bloody years of conflict, the United States defeated the Confederate States. In the end, the states that were in rebellion were readmitted to the United States, and the institution of slavery was abolished nation-wide.

American foreign policy after world war ll of resisting further expansion of communism around the world



Policy of Containment


Why was the abolitionists so impactful



because it is some how we can find out what Ambitions of Four score and 7 years ago blank brought from Earth on this content, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to proposition that all men are created equal.


The abolitionists saw slavery as an abomination and an affliction on the United States, making it their goal to eradicate slave ownership. They sent petitions to Congress, ran for political office and inundated people of the South with anti-slavery literature.

How you would define the word revolution?





The word "revolution" can be defined as a dramatic and fundamental change in a society, culture, or political system, often brought about by a mass movement of people seeking to overthrow an existing order and replace it with a new one. A revolution can involve radical social, economic, or political transformations, and may be marked by violence, protests, and other forms of direct action. In some cases, revolutions have led to the establishment of new forms of government or social organization, while in other cases, they have resulted in chaos and instability. Ultimately, the term "revolution" refers to a profound and often irreversible shift in the way a society operates.

Which nation occupied the German territory labelled 2?

A. Soviet Union
B. France
C. United States
D. Britain


Answer: The red area would be the Soviet Union!

Green is Britain, Yellow is United States, and Blue is France. Hope this helps!

The red area would be the Soviet Union, Green is Britain, Yellow is United States, and Blue is France. So, Soviet Union occupied the German Territory Labelled 2.

Germany was split into four occupation zones following World War II, each of which was under the jurisdiction of one of the four Allied powers: the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, and France. The French occupation zone is indicated on the map with the number 2.

At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, the Allied nations decided to partition Germany into four occupation zones. Military occupation lines were used to separate the zones, with the Soviet Union occupying eastern Germany and the United States occupying the south, Britain occupying the northwest, and France occupying the southwest.

Until 1990, when Germany was reunited, the occupation zones persisted.

To know more about France:


In five paragraphs , compare and contrast the role television, music, movies, and the suburbs played in developing conformity and a counterculture in America during the 1950s.



The 1950s in America saw the emergence of a unique cultural landscape characterized by the pursuit of conformity as well as a counterculture. This era was heavily influenced by the proliferation of television, music, movies, and the suburbs, each playing a distinct role in shaping societal norms.

Television emerged as a powerful force in shaping public opinion and perpetuating conformity. The medium provided a platform for advertising and created a sense of national unity through the dissemination of information and entertainment. The majority of programming emphasized traditional family values and reinforced the ideal of the “perfect” American lifestyle.

In contrast, music and movies provided an outlet for dissent and rebellion against the prevailing norms. Rock and roll music, for example, provided a subculture for young people seeking to reject mainstream values and express themselves through music and fashion. Movies, on the other hand, often depicted anti-authoritarian themes and presented an alternative perspective on social issues.

The suburbs, a product of the post-World War II era, played a significant role in promoting conformity. These residential areas were designed to provide a uniform and comfortable lifestyle for middle-class families. They reinforced traditional gender roles and the nuclear family structure, promoting conformity to social norms.

However, the suburbs also provided a breeding ground for countercultural movements. The monotony and isolation of suburban life often left young people feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. This led to the emergence of subcultures that rejected the mainstream values of conformity and sought alternative forms of expression.

In conclusion, the cultural landscape of 1950s America was shaped by the interplay between conformity and counterculture. Television and the suburbs reinforced traditional values and promoted conformity, while music and movies provided an outlet for rebellion and dissent. The tension between these forces contributed to the emergence of a unique cultural landscape that continues to shape American society today.

b. How were the social positions of merchants different in early Chinese and Muslim societies?​



The social positions of merchants were different in early Chinese and Muslim societies in several ways.

In early Chinese society, merchants were generally considered to be a lower social class than farmers and artisans. This was because they were seen as making their living through commerce and trade, rather than through productive labor. Merchants in China were often subject to strict regulations and restrictions, and were required to pay higher taxes than other social classes.

In contrast, merchants in early Muslim societies were often highly respected and valued for their role in trade and commerce. This was partly due to the central role of trade in Islamic culture and the importance of the Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca, which brought merchants from all over the Islamic world together. Merchants in Muslim societies were often wealthy and influential, and were sometimes able to use their wealth to gain political power and influence.

Another key difference between the social positions of merchants in early Chinese and Muslim societies was their relationship to the ruling elite. In China, merchants were often seen as a threat to the power and stability of the ruling dynasties, and were therefore subjected to strict regulations and restrictions. In Muslim societies, however, merchants were often able to use their wealth and influence to gain favor with the ruling elites, and were sometimes able to hold powerful positions within the government.

Overall, the social positions of merchants in early Chinese and Muslim societies were shaped by a complex set of cultural, political, and economic factors, and varied widely depending on the specific historical context and social norms of each society.

The social positions of merchants in early Chinese and Muslim societies were different in several ways.

In early Chinese society, merchants were generally considered to be members of the lowest social class, along with farmers and artisans. Confucianism, which was the dominant philosophy of the time, placed a high value on scholarly pursuits and viewed commerce as a less honorable profession.

Merchants were often seen as greedy and dishonest, and their wealth was viewed with suspicion. As a result, merchants were not given a prominent role in government and were often subject to various restrictions and regulations.

In contrast, in early Muslim society, merchants played a much more significant role. Islam placed a high value on trade and commerce, and the Prophet Muhammad himself was a merchant before he began preaching. As a result, merchants were respected members of society and were often involved in politics and government.

They were seen as valuable contributors to society, and their wealth was not viewed with suspicion as it was in China. In addition, the Islamic legal system, or sharia, provided a framework for commercial transactions and contracts, which helped to facilitate trade.

Overall, while the social positions of merchants in early Chinese and Muslim societies were different, these differences reflect the distinct cultural, philosophical, and religious values of these two societies.

Learn more about early Chinese societies

Helpp pleaseeee


(Q004) Explain how these two readings work together to help provide a picture of how Americans responded to the dramatic changes that were taking place during the first half of the nineteenth century. Use quotes from both primary sources.


According to the question, these two readings provide a picture of how Americans responded to dramatic changes that were taking place during the first half of 19th century.

First reading-

It speaks about mill girls. How they labour for around 10 months a year to provide money for the boys in their family or even a friend in the hopes that they may enrol them in school so they can receive an education.

For the tasks they performed, the women received a pitiful wage. They often only received one dollar every week in pay.

In a later section of the chapter, it is explained why women are now valued financially and why they were not given greater attention.

Second reading-

The second reading was from Henry David Thoreau's book Walkden.

"Walden" was written by Henry David Thoreau. It illustrates the way Americans interacted with nature and how they lived in the country, emphasizing the value of living alone.

Both works discuss a time in American history when citizens had to react to the tremendous changes occurring in the first half of the nineteenth century, when businesses employed people for low-paying positions and employees toiled for long hours in ill circumstances.


Hence, together the two readings helped paint a picture of how women had a role in how Americans reacted to the seismic shifts that occurred throughout the first part of the nineteenth century. These significant improvements would not have taken place without women.

To know more about America visit:


Describe two other environmental regulations in Texas, one from previous decades
and one passed within the last 5-10 years. These could be local ordinances or state-
wide legislation. Explain the problem each regulation addresses and how it seeks to
solve it.


The Texas Clean Air Act of 1970 was one of the earliest environmental regulations in the state, and it aimed to address air pollution by setting standards for emissions from industrial sources.

It established the Texas Air Control Board, which was tasked with enforcing the regulations, and required industrial facilities to obtain permits for emissions above a certain threshold. This legislation was instrumental in reducing levels of smog and other pollutants in the atmosphere and improving air quality across the state.

More recently, in 2019, the Texas legislature passed House Bill 20, which requires the state to develop a plan to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. This legislation seeks to address the effects of climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.

This plan will include strategies such as increased energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources, which will help reduce emissions and protect the environment.

To know more about Texas Clean Air Act, click here:


1. Who founded the American Equal Rights Association (AERA), and why? (4 points)



One of the major groups leading the suffrage movement at this point was the American Equal Rights Association (AERA). The organization was founded on May 10, 1866, at the eleventh National Woman's Right Convention by suffrage leaders Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. The group outlined its goal to “secure Equal Rights to all Americans citizens, especially the right of suffrage, irrespective of race, color, or sex.” The AERA featured a diverse group of members, many prominent figures in the suffrage and abolition movements.


Why was Harry Truman concerned about Stalin's military power and influence?


Truman hinted that although Stalin's agenda was “dynamite” or aggressive, the U.S. now had ammunition to counter the communist leader.

3. The question below includes an incomplete sentence. Choose the answer that best
completes the sentence.
Madison's Virginia Plan was an important part of the Constitutional Convention,
compromises were needed for it to work.
A. although
B. after
C. because
D. as a result

Anyone pls :(


Option (a), Although concessions were required for it to succeed, Madison's Virginia Plan played a significant role in the Constitutional Convention.

What amendments to the constitution were altered as a result of the Virginia Plan?

The Virginia Plan called for the creation of a bicameral national legislature, or a legislature with two houses, in which the "rights of suffrage" in each house would be proportional to the size of the state. James Madison's Virginia Plan was presented to the Convention by Edmund Randolph on May 29, 1787.

What was the justification for the Constitutional Convention's Great Compromise?

Delegates from the larger states argued that since their states made proportionately greater financial and military contributions to the country, they should have correspondingly greater representation in both the Senate and the House.

Learn more about Constitutional Convention:


-. Read the following sentence: "These three branches divide the work of creating,
interpreting, and enforcing the laws of the United States."
In this sentence, the word enforcing means
V108 26
A. getting rid of laws
B. make sure laws are followed
C. creating laws
D. ruling a country

Pls I need for today :(


In the sentence, "enforcing" means "making sure laws are followed." So, the correct answer is B.

describe the role of one global brand in changing culture?



The use of social media communications makes information travel instantly, which means that customs, culture, fashion, and traditions from one place can be known in the other corner of the planet, something that never happened in the past.


What character traits helped Enola Holmes solve the mystery of the movie?


Enola Holmes defies the societal expectations placed on women at the period by being incredibly brilliant, perceptive, and intuitive.

How can Enola Holmes teach us something?

Enola Holmes is the youngest child in the Holmes family. Being exceptionally intelligent, insightful, and intuitive, she violates the traditional expectations for women of the time. Her mother, Eudoria, has pushed her to be independent and to have a strong will. She has taught her everything, from chess to jujitsu.

The results may lead the writer to conclude that nationalism (self-sacrifice) is the moral tenet of the movie that is most essential.

How is Enola Holmes a hero?

Enola's intelligence, her ability to solve problems faster than her illustrious older brother, Sherlock Holmes, and her ability to stand up for herself while defending others, like Tewkesbury, are all revealed throughout the film.

Learn more about Sherlock Holmes:


• known for trends in questioning of authority • rise of a more consumer-drive economy • expansion of universities and a massive growth in the labor force Which of the following would be the best title for the list above? A. The Baby Boom and the American Standard of Living B. The Baby Boom and the Rise of the Counterculture C. Baby Boomers and the Impact of Television Advertising D. Baby Boomers' Impact on the Post World War II Society


"Baby Boomers' Impact on the Post World War II Society" would be the finest heading for the aforementioned list. The three key themes in the description—which are all related to the Baby Boomer generation's impact on postwar society as a whole—are summarised in this title.

The expansion of colleges and the labor force, the rise of a consumer-driven economy, patterns of challenging authority, and the questioning of authority themselves all reflect the Baby Boomers' influence on society at this time.

The growth of a consumer-driven economy, the expansion of universities, and changes in the labor force are all signs that the Baby Boomer generation had a substantial impact on post-World War II society.

As this generation ages and continues to influence the cultural, social, and economic environment of the United States and abroad, their influence is still felt today. Understanding how the Baby Boomers have changed society can assist to clarify contemporary discussions of social and economic issues as well as the historical and cultural background of the post-war era.

learn more about massive growth here


What was one cause of the rise in European nationalism after World War I?

pride in their economic recovery
the need for more workers
a response to economic collapse
a fear of fascism in every country


the need for more workers

3.) People were moving from
agricultural areas to urban
areas for?
a) economic opportunities
b) housing
c) better roads
d)coal mining jobs





because thats what other races usually do when coming to America because it is very easy to get that job

Comparisim of racism in nazi Germany 1993- 1939 and apartheid in South Africa 1948- 1980


The ideas of Social Darwinism also affected South Africa. Because of South Africa's long colonial and apartheid history, the ethnic and racial terms that have been used to categorise us - white, African, coloured, Indian - have in many ways become part of our identities. And because the laws that existed were applied according to these categories, we often still use these racial and ethnic labels. However, it is important to remember that the racial and ethnic categories used to describe South Africans are constructed and based on the false ideas of Social Darwinism.

discuss 1 policy that you agree with from the Republican Party's party platform and 1 policy that you agree with from the Democratic Party's platform




Regarding foreign policy, the Republican Party traditionally has supported a strong national defense and the aggressive pursuit of U.S. national security interests, even when it entails acting unilaterally …

What was the National War Labor Board largely in charge of?
A. Preventing all industries from discriminating in hiring practices
B. Banning the practice of paying black and white workers differently for the same job
C. Preventing defense companies from refusing to hire minorities
D. Requiring businesses to hire a certain number of minorities


The National War Labor Board was created during World War I and then reestablished during World War II. Its main purpose was to prevent work stoppages and strikes by mediating labor disputes between workers and management in industries related to war production.

Therefore, the National War Labor Board was largely in charge of mediating labor disputes and preventing work stoppages and strikes in industries related to war production, rather than dealing with issues related to discrimination in hiring practices or affirmative action policies.

Hence, the correct answer is none of the options.

Consumer protection regulations have benefits and drawbacks. Identify each characteristic below as a benefit or a drawback to consumer protection regulations.


One drawback of consumer protection regulations is that they often can make business difficult for manufacturers and other companies.
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Make sure you click on the answer in the drop box that goes in the blank for each numbered blank.BLANK #1 PLEASE ANSWER ALL THE BLANKS 100 points PLEASE HELP AND EXPLAIN AND SHOW WORK OF HOW YOU GOT THE ANSWER I WILL MARK YOU BRAINLIEST Hi! Please help! The line plots represent data collected on the travel times to school from two groups of 15 students. Labeled- Bus 47 Travel Times Numbers on the line plot are 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28. One dot is above the number 4. One dot is above the number 6. Two dots are above the number 10. Two dots are above the number 12. One dot is above the number 14. Three dots above the number 16. Two dots above 18. Two dots above 22. One dot above 28.Second bus- Bus 14 Travel TimesSame numbers as first line plot. Two dots above 8. One dot above 10. Four dots above 12. Two dots above 14. One dot above 16. Three dots above 18. One dot above 20. One dot above 28.Compare the data and use the correct measure of center to determine which bud typically has the faster travel time. Round your answer to the nearest whole number, if necessary, and explain your answer.Bus 47, with a median of 16 Bus 14, with a median of 14Bus 47, with a mean of 16Bus 14, with a mean of 14 in general, organizations that operate in the same industry are likely to have similar technology requirements and often select the same products. True or false? what problems that can be caused by language barriers? group of answer choices a. damage to the patient and provider relationship b. miscommunication with regard to the health problem and treatment approach c. medication and correct-dosage mistakes d. all of the above Select an element to include to expand a sentence. Add spaces between words. Use conjunctions. Use a simple sentence. Write larger letters. A car, van, truck and bike are all travelling in the same direction on the road. Each travels at a constant speed, but the speeds of the 4 vehicles may be different. At 10 am the car overtakes the van. At noon it overtakes the truck. At 2 pm it overtakes the bike. At 4 pm the truck overtakes the bike. At 6 pm the van overtakes the truck. When does the van overtake the bike? Qu frase describe la foto?Un vestido para beb, rayado y de mangas largas.Una falda cuadriculada para beb.Un vestido para beb, estampado y de mangas largas. How does the third paragraph in the article (Dr. William Baer) connect with the subsection Nature vs. Medicine a carving in metal that is soaked with acid, inked, and stamped on paper last year the price per share of stock x increased by k percent and the earnings per share of stock x increased by m percent, where k is greater than m. by what percent did the ratio of price per share to earnings per share increase, in terms of k and m ? the wheels of a powerful motorcycle can accelerate from rest to 72.0 rad/s in only 3.60 s. what is the average angukar acceleration Based on this data, what is a reasonable estimate of the probability that Patsy sells fewer than 5 feathers next festival? As a planet orbits a star, it makes a big ellipse, but its gravity has a similar effect on the star, causing the star to make a small star. this is called How many cuts are necessary to cut the strip of paper until it is approximately 10 nanometers long?the strip is 10cm in length and 1cm in width the nurse anticipates that a client who is immunosuppressed is at the greatest risk for developing which type of shock? true or false: the more value an individual places on information to be learned, the more effective and efficient the individual becomes in the learning process. A client with a long history of alcohol use disorder recently has been diagnosed with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Which of the following symptoms should the nurse expect to assess? Select all that apply.1. A sudden onset of muscle pain with elevations of creatine phosphokinase.2. Signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure.3. Loss of short-term and long-term memory and the use of confabulation.4. Inflammation of the stomach and gastroesophageal reflux disorder.5. Lab values that document severe thiamine deficiency. A firm issues a 20-year semi-annual payment bond, which is priced at $1213.55. The coupon rate of the bond is 9.00%. The tax rate is 37 percent. What is the after-tax cost of debt? % (to two decimal places) Triangle PQR has vertex coordinates at P(4, 0), Q(4, 3), R(5, 1). If the triangle is translated so that Q(4, 5), determine the translation direction and number of units. 8 units down 8 units up 8 units to the right 8 units to the left