pls i need help !! due on 10 mins

Pls I Need Help !! Due On 10 Mins


Answer 1


Last two I think


Hope this Helped. Brainliest would be appreciated. Good Day

Related Questions

[URGENT] By 1924, the Ottoman Empire no longer existed,and the region was divided into several different countries. The impact of the downfall of the Ottoman Empire led to

a. A lack of oil

b. Economic wealth

c. Regional conflict between ethnic and religious groups

d. Lack of water


B economic wealth anyone please correct me if i’m wrong

Please answer--> The picture below is of a ceremonial rite installing the new Pharoah in Egypt. What type of government is represented in this picture?
(Picture is attached below with answer options to choose from)





Monarchy is the type of government is represented in this picture. Hence, option D is correct.

What is Monarchy?

Monarchy, a form of governance in which a single person possesses complete sovereignty or power. The word refers to nations where the monarch has absolute authority and acts as the head of state. Monarchs are chosen through hereditary procedures.

The monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. In a monarchy, the head of state is either a king or queen. The British Monarchy is one of the constitutional monarchies. This shows that although though The Sovereign is the Head of State, laws are created and adopted by an elected Parliament.

With their "less formal role" as the country's ruler, the monarch acts as "a center for national identity."

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about Monarchy, click here:


how did Pittsburgh Landing fit into the Northern strategy in fighting the war?​


Pittsburg Landing fit into the Northern strategy in fighting the war by the  Union wanting to gain control of the tributaries that flowed into the Mississippi River.

Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

PLEASE HELP FAST!! How did Georgia play an important role during the Constitutional Convention?

A)Georgia delegate, Abraham Baldwin, refused to sign the Constitution because the debate over equal representation was not resolved.
(only answer if you know FOR SURE)

B)No delegates from Georgia attended the Constitutional Convention because Georgia was involved in a war with Spain during the convention.

C)Georgia delegate, Abraham Baldwin, helped provide the opportunity for discussion that would lead to the Great Compromise solving the problem of equal representation.

D)Georgia delegate, William Few, helped to ensure George Washington as the leader of the country before voting was allowed.



I think it's A, but don't mark my words...

Definitely not B

According to this declaration why do children need someone to advocate



To provide protection to the child.


Children need someone to advocate  or talk about their interest and rights because children has their rights in the society. They need someone to talk about their rights when there is violation of rights occurs with the children in the society. To provide protection to the child, an advocate is needed to raise their voice and fight for their rights.

What is the purpose of the Preamble to the Constitution?
Select the best answer to the question.
O A.
To reiterate the Declaration of Independence
B. To form a more perfect union
c. To outline the amendment process
D. To explain why the Articles of Confederation were being replaced with a new constitution





the correct answer is B because that is a line in the actual Preamble.

Where were the Tobacco Colonies located?​



New England


"Where were the Tobacco Colonies located?​"

The tobacco colonies were those that lined the sea-level coastal region of English North America known as Tidewater, extending from a small part of Delaware south through Maryland and Virginia into the Albemarle Sound region of North Carolina (the Albemarle Settlements).

How did Napoleon’s activities in Europe effect his decision to sell the Louisiana territory?



He could no longer control the native Americans living in there territory.


the first amendment is perhaps the most important amendment in the bill it rights. write a paragraph describing the on-going importance of the first amendment. how does it continue to affect your life , and the life of the other americans ? include at least three examples



The First Amendment is also the most important to the maintenance of a democratic government. The freedoms of speech, press, assembly and the right to petition the government and seek redress of grievances proclaim that citizens have the right to call the government to account

These guarantees affect me every day and empower me as a citizen seeking to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


In which type of government do people receive services from the government like healthcare, basic housing, and education?

A) Monarchy
B) Socialism
C) Autocracy


B would be the answer
B) Socialism is the answer:)

He was as great as a man can be without virtue meaning? Napoleon


Answer:This quote means that Napoleon was without morals, but for someone without morals, he acted the best he could.   Prove that he did have virtues with examples of good strong behavior or agree and show how ruthless he was

This was a lot of fun thank you!

Which country did the United States back in the Yom Kippur War of the 1970s? A. Egypt B. Israel C. Sinai D. Syria​







B. Israel


What was the result of the national industrial recovery act ?



Down Below


On June 16, 1933, this act established the National Recovery Administration, which supervised fair trade codes and guaranteed laborers a right to collective bargaining. The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was enacted by Congress in June 1933 and was one of the measures by which President Franklin D.


On June 16, 1933, this act established the National Recovery Administration, which supervised fair trade codes and guaranteed laborers a right to collective bargaining. The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was enacted by Congress in June 1933 and was one of the measures by which President Franklin D.


i hope this helps :D

Before the Pueblo Revolt there was not ________________________.
a reduction in population
crop failure and famine
a sharp increase in villages
Spanish became a common language

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The awnser is going to be. B




Where did most routes on the Underground Railroad lead?
to Canada
to Mexico
to Western territories
to the Caribbean Islands


The answer to the question is Canada

Most routes on the Underground Railroad lead to Canada. The correct option is A.

Why was the railroad important to Canada?

The railway, which connected Eastern Canada to British Columbia and was finished in 1885, was crucial to the growth of the country. The railway made it easier to communicate and move around the country because it was constructed under perilous circumstances by thousands of laborers, including 15,000 temporary Chinese workers.

African Americans were assisted in escaping from slavery in the American South to free Northern states or to Canada. In North America, the Underground Railroad was the main anti-slavery freedom movement. In British North America, it brought in between 30,000 and 40,000 fugitives. About 30,000 to 40,000 slaves traveled the Underground Railroad between the early and middle 19th centuries to enter Canada. most people moved to Upper Canada (Ontario). They quickly rose to prominence in Canadian society as productive contributors.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Canada here:


List the three jobs for a female in the Industrial Revolution



In the industrial revolution women took up manufacturing jobs, daycare jobs, and nurses.


I need help asap please help
Giving brainlest



Thats easy The answer is B and if not it is C


The largest cities in the United States are located near____.



The largest city in the US is New York City, with over 8.5 million residents. Los Angeles and Chicago follow, each with more than 2.5 million residents, and southern US cities Houston and Phoenix round out the top five with populations of almost 2.3 million and 1.6 million, respectively.


The coast line.

Almost all of the major cities in the USA are located near the east, gulf and west coast. That includes, New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Houston with many more.

Which event resulted from the unexpected death of Muhammad?
The Persian Empire expanded into parts of Europe.
Muhammad’s son came to power and conquered different areas.
The Byzantine Empire attacked the weakened Arabian Peninsula.
Conflicts arose among his followers because he had not chosen a successor.








"Replacing one tax law with another only made colonists angrier. The taxes were very small, and they were meant to help the colonists. As long as the colonists paid their taxes, Britain would provide defense for them" 1)So, WHY was there so much anger towards these small taxes? 2)What does the quote above mean? 3)How does our current system of gov. Today ensure that we have at least some say in the taxes we pay?



It was not about taxes, it was about the government who pass it.


This was not about taxes, it was about the government who passed this order. New taxes were imposed by the parliament of England not by their own local government of colonists which make them angrier and they decided not to pay taxes to the British empire because they violate their rights as British citizens. Our current system collect taxes from us and spend on ourselves while the British collect taxes from colonist and spend it on its own country not on the colonist.

Use the excerpt from William Bennett Munro’s Crusaders of New France to answer the question.

Which conclusion about the impact of environmental conditions on New France does the excerpt BEST support?


Variable climate conditions discouraged French colonists from settling in the St. Lawrence River Valley.


The forested landscape of the interior limited French ambitions and confined them to lands adjacent to the British.


Rugged, wooded terrain hindered French efforts to build large agricultural communities like those in the British colonies.


Early French settlers lacked the technology to clear and develop tracts of land sizable enough to support large populations.



Rugged, wooded terrain hindered French efforts to build large agricultural communities like those in the British colonies.


"Much of the land on both the north and the south shores of the St. Lawrence was heavily timbered, and the work of clearing proved tedious"

French efforts to build an agricultural community in the New France area to contribute towards a cultivable land in one of its Colony like the British was largely limited due to the topographic features of the landmass. They were encouraged to clear wooden terrain, especially timber to make it a productive landmass. However, most of the efforts went in vain even after half a century of settlement due to the conditions and their desire to make New France one of the most productive agricultural community failed.

Which of the following words best describes President Jackson’s feelings toward American Indians? A. materialistic B. sympathetic C. paternalistic D. apathetic Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



I think it might be c



I Know Its C Bc I Just Did It


Tell Me If You Want Proof

What do you believe Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Legacy is? What did she do for women?
Help please


Answer: she paved the way for many women to have rights over their own bodies. Her legacy is the power she has given to so many people and the ongoing fight for equality couldve never been done without her


What two important inventions did the people from this region share with society?



i believe steam engines and factory systems


please mark brain thingy!

dont forget to say thanks!!

Why were the "Dark Ages" given this name?
high levels of pollution caused an absence of light
guilt over abandoning traditional religions caused heightened anxiety
widespread illiteracy caused few historical records to be left behind
anger at the collapse of Rome caused political revolution



Correct answer is widespread illiteracy caused few historical records to be left behind .


First option is not correct as Europe didn't had problems with pollution, as they did with climate changes and diseases.

Second option is not correct as Christianity became a dominant part of everyday life of people.

Third option is correct as usually only people close to church were educated. Most of the people weren't able to leave any type of written source behind them.

There were no political revolutions at all at that time as the new feudal system was established.

How did the intellectual and philosophical ideas of the Renaissance affect the way people viewed themselves and their place in the world?




the philosophy people had better perspective making them more happy than all the intellectual people.

Which sentence best describes the effect of the Declaration of Rights?
It gave Parliament the right to elect a successor when a monarch died.
It ensured that no monarch could rule without Parliament.
It guaranteed all people the rights to liberty and property.
It defined the rights of the officials of the Church of England.



I believe its B


true or false theocracy can co exist with monarchy ​


Yes theocracy can co-exist with monarchy because there can be a king/queen that follows religious rules and laws.

5-10 facts about Amelia Earhart.


1. She was born in Atchison, Kansas on July 24, 1897

2. She was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean

3. She was an American aviation pioneer and author.

4. She wrote best selling books about her flying experiences

5. She graduated from Columbia University in 1915

Who won the French and Indian War?

What did they gain from the war?

Who did problems develop between after the war?




The British had won the French and Indian War. They took control of the lands that had been claimed by FranceFrance lost its mainland possessions to North America.Included in event: Seven Years' War

Combatants: France

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