PLS HELP For this activity, you can use the audio recorder on your cell phone or a digital camera to record the following sounds: • the sound of footsteps of someone walking towards you
• the sound of a person starting a car, rewing the engine, and driving away
• the sound of a phone ringing at home as you walk toward it the sound of somebody speaking to you as you walk toward that person
After you record these sounds from different sources, play them back and observe the differences in the recorded sound from each source. Write a note recounting your experience and observations for each of these recordings.​


Answer 1


So you put down what is recorded. Because every time you Play back the audio it sound's different. When you are doing the Exp. It's Called Sound waves My Friend


Answer 2


I recorded the four types of sounds as mentioned in the question. When I played them back, they seemed to create a dramatic effect.

The footsteps sounded quite dramatic and added purpose to the activity. I recorded the sound of my sister's footsteps as she walked down the stairs in high heels and then as she walked past me. When I was recording the sound, the footsteps sounded normal. However, when I heard the recorded footsteps, the sound of the slow, approaching footsteps created a sense of mystery. Who was the person walking down the stairs? Why was the person hurrying past me? Did she achieve what she set out to do? In addition, I noticed perspective in a sound effect for the first time. It started softly and then became louder. As she moved past me and went away, it became softer again until it finally faded away.

The engine noise, and the sound of starting and driving the car, brought out the innate nature of the sound and emphasized that there is more to starting an engine than just moving the car. For instance, when the car engine started, it was clear that the driver was heading somewhere. The car's constant "vrooming" noise indicated that the driver was waiting to drive. However, the question is, "What's the rush?" The sound of the car driving away indicated that the driver finally drove away. I also noticed that the way the car drives away reveals the driver's state of mind. When the driver is in a rush and swerves and drives away at great speed, there will be drama. This is different from the peaceful, non-rushed driving style of a person going out for a drive with his or her family. The sound of people going to work will be different from the sound of people going on a holiday or going shopping on a weekend.

Walking toward a ringing phone added an element of surprise to the action. I placed the recorder near the phone and could hear myself walking toward it. When I heard the recorded sound, it sounded as though I was in no rush to pick up the ringing phone. It sounded just like any other regular action, not one filled with drama or mystery.

As I walked toward my friend while he spoke, his voice sounded louder and clearer. The effect was similar to zooming in on an image from a distance. This adds perspective to sounds and voices, and it adds depth to the visuals as well.



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Write a simplified machine language program that has register $s0 loop through the numbers 0, 100, 200, ..., 500. See Lab 11 for details on submitting the simplified machine language programs.




     li $s4 , 100 // Initialize register $s4 with 500 for checking the condition when $s0 is equal to 500

Loop : li $s0 , 0 // Initialize register $s0 with0

abc : addi $s0 , 100  // Add 100 to register $s0

bne $s0, $s4 , abc  // Branch to label abc if not equal to 500

beq $s0, $s4 , Loop   // Branch to label Loop if equal to 500

active cell is indentifed by its thick border true or false​


Answer:  It's identifed by its thick border so its true

Answer: true is correct

It is always better to get at least 3 times the amount of b-roll needed






What is the purpose of the Error Alert feature?



When you add data validation to a cell, the Error Alert feature is automatically turned on. It blocks the users from entering invalid data in the cell.


There ya go.. -_-


A) To alert the user to data entry mistakes  


One vulnerability that makes computers susceptible to walmare is:
A. A using antimalware software
B. Using password software
C. Using old versions of software
D. Using encryption on sensitive files


C using old versions of software

Assuming int numbers[SIZE]; is initialized somehow, write a function counter() that you can send the array to, plus an extra integer, and the function will return the number of times that value is found in the array. For example, if the array of SIZE 7 contains {1,2,3,2,3,3,3}then the call
x=counter(numbers,SIZE,3); will put 4 into x.




The following function is written in Java and takes in three parameters the array, its size, and the chosenNumber that will be counted. The function then creates an instance variable called Counter and loops through the given array looking for the chosenNumber. Every time that the number is found in the array it adds 1 to the counter. Once the loop is done it returns the total value of the counter variable.

 public static int counter(int[] numbers, int Size, int chosenNumber) {

       int counter = 0;

       for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++) {

           if(numbers[x] == chosenNumber) {




       return counter;


Write your own accessor and mutator method for the Rectangle class instance variables. You should create the following methods: getHeight setHeight getWidth setWidth getArea getPerimeter toString- The output of a rectangle with width 10 and height 4 method should be:



Public int getHeight(){

return height;


public int getWidht(){

return widht;


public int setHeight(int change){

height = change;


public int setWidht(int change){

widht = change;


public int getPerimeter(){

int perimeter = 2 ( getWidht() + getHeight ());

return perimeter;

If the width is 10 and height 4, the perimeter should be 28.


An accessor in Java is a method that is used to get the value of an object variable. The program above has three accessor methods, getHeight, getWidht and getPerimeter.

Mutators are methods that is used to change of mutate the value of object variables. They are denoted or identified by the set prefix in their names. From the class code, the mutator are setHeight and setWidht.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using steganography versus symmetric or asymmetric encryption



Steganography is a technique used in securing or hiding sensitive information by encrypting the information in a non-hidden file like a JPEG format. A major advantage of this method is that it reduces the risk of attack or break-in since the data is enclosed in a non-secure file; thereby reducing threats of any hack. One main disadvantage of this method is that the hidden message may become difficult to recover if the source file (non-secure file) used, is edited or deleted.

In symmetric or asymmetric encryption they both employ cryptographic encryption method. While symmetric encryption uses one key to encrypt and decrypt data, asymmetric encryption uses two keys (one for encryption, the other for decryption) of the data. A major advantage of using these methods is that they provide more security. Although while symmetric encryption is faster, asymmetric encryption is slower (eg using separate keys to gain access), a disadvantage.

A strategy for concealing critical information as well as ensuring its secure communication everything in non-hidden storage is steganography.


Because the content is contained throughout a non-secure file, the above strategy decreases the chance of an assault on classified info.


This approach has the disadvantage that concealed information might be able to retrieve if somehow the documents have been changed or deleted as of a non-secure file.

Once again to encrypt as well as decode information, symmetric encryption employs a unique key, but asymmetric encryption utilizes two different keys, something for encryption as well as someone else for decryption.


One such approach is superior to steganography throughout the level of protection.


Because distinct keys have been needed to get access, such techniques of asymmetric encryption are considerably slower.

Thus the approach above is correct.

Learn more about steganography here:

What single awk command can be used to display all the login names and their associated numerical user IDs



Used the command syntax; awk -F":" '{ print "username: " $<number location> "\t\tuid:" $<number location> }' <target folder>


Linux operating system is a fast open-source computer platform for programmers and network administrators. Its system is arranged in a hierarchical tree structure with the root represented as "/" (for absolute path).

The passwd is a folder in the Linux OS that holds the login details of all users in the system network. The 'awk' is one of the commands used to get information from a file in a folder. It prints out the result by specifying the location of the values (like the username and user id) as a variable (with prefix '$') and then the target folder.

12. The best method of protecting the residential user with an Internet connection from intruders out on the Internet is to use



Updated OS software patches


Firstly we need to know that patches are those software updates as well as operating system updates that addresses the vulnerabilities In a program or a products security. Software operators may decide to roll out new updates which have the power to fix performance bugs in a program as well as providing more enhanced methods of security.

If you wanted to make the system sequentially consistent, what are the key constrains you need to impose



The call of instructions and data must be sequential, there can be no reordering of instructions but to allow reordering, a fence must be created.


Sequential consistent memory model is able to use instructions when or before processing is done and after processing, so long as the instruction order is sequential.

This is similar to uploading a video on you-tube, the site immediately creates a page for the video even before the video is fully uploaded. Sent tweeter messages are seen by different people at different times, but the messages appear to be arranged sequentially.

Write a recursive function that accepts two arguments into the parameters x and y. The function should return the value of x times y. Hint: multiplication can be performed as repeated addition. Test your recursive function by prompting the user to enter values for x and y and then displaying the result. Your function should be able to handle multiplication of negative values.



In Python:

def times(x,y):

     if y<0:

           return -1*times(x,y*-1)

     if y == 1:

           return x

     return x + times(x,y-1)

x = int(input("x: "))

y = int(input("y: "))



I answered the question using Python3

This defines the function

def times(x,y):

This checks for negative values

     if y<0:

           return -1*times(x,y*-1)

This is the base case where y = 1

     if y == 1:

If true, the value of x is returned

           return x

This returns the recursion and it is repeated until the base case is achieved

     return x + times(x,y-1)

This prompts user for x value

x = int(input("x: "))

This prompts user for y value

y = int(input("y: "))

This calls the recursion and also prints the result


What are url addresses for visiting websites? And what are the different parts of a URL? Answer it in a 1-2 paragraph


A URL is a website link which consists of //https and the title of the website you are going to. A URL helps guide and memorize certain links and websites. Also some URL links are fake and give false advertisement or false information especially when looking into things that happen everyday like the news. You can tell this by seeing if the url link is a trustworthy link. I hope this helps maybe you can expand on it if it’s not long enough


Please read explanation


URL is the short form for "Uniform Resource Locator". A uniform resource locator tells the location of a website to the browser.

Parts of URL:

There are three main parts of URL

ProtocolDomain nameExtension

Protocol defines the type of protocol used for communicating with the website while the domain name is the name assigned to the IP address and the mapping is stored in domain name server and extension tells the type of website i.e.

.com means commercial

.org means non-profitable organization

.edu means educational website

An additional element is path which change with the website navigation.

When people receive benefits just because they belong to a particular identity group, this is called




write the code that writes access granted if the correct password, swordfish is entered and access denied! otherwise


In python 3.8:

if input("Enter password: ") == "swordfish":

   print("access granted")


   print("access denied!")

Write a program that gives simple math quizzes. The program should display two random numbers that are to be added, such as:

Project 5-11 output

The program should allow the student to enter the answer. If the answer is correct, a message of congratulations should be displayed. If the answer is incorrect, a message showing the correct answer should be displayed.





the answer would have to be 6

Documenting findings, actions, and outcomes of network troubleshooting calls is an essential part of the troubleshooting process. List the reasons why documentation is critical, and discuss the form that this documentation could take (e.g. blogs, wikis, professional document management software, etc). Include a detailed description of what information would need to be saved.



The main purpose of documentation is for future reference on the cost, materials, procedures, and techniques used in a task. It can be in form of a video log, report, digital text document or software, etc.  


Documentation is an important practice of taking notes of events during a process. It could in the process of creating or discovering new ideas or repair or management of existing processes. It holds the time, cost, technique, event name, measures-taken, etc, that would totally describe the event.

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.

A freelance graphic designer has received an assignment to design a company logo. What image format is most suitable to display this logo on the company website?

The _________ format is most suitable in order to display the logo on the company website.



The most suitable format for logo is PNG


PNG stands for portable network graphics. It is an improved version of gif. The best thing in png is that it is lossless compression and the background is not visible. Both 24 and 32 bit Colour can be used in png. PNG became ISO standard in sixteen years ago in 2004.

Professor Gig A. Byte needs to store text made up of the characters A with frequency 6, B with frequency 2, C with frequency 3, D with frequency 2, and E with frequency 8. Professor Byte suggests using the variable length codes:
Character Code
A 1
B 00
C 01
D 10
E 0
The professor argues that these codes store the text in less space than that used by an optimal Huffman code. Is the professor correct?



This is not true


The optimal Huffman code is used to encrypt and compress text files. It uses fixed-length code or variable-length code for encryption and compression of data.

The professor's character code is similar to Huffman's variable-length coding which uses variable length od binary digits to represent the word strings. The file size of the text file above is;

= 6 x 1 + 2 x 2 + 3 x 2 + 2 x 2 + 8 x 1 = 28 bits

This would be the same for both cases.

The encrypt would be the problem as the encoded and decoding of the characters B and E may cause an error.

Write an LC-3 assembly language program to read in a two-digit decimal number whose digits add up to less than 10 and display the sum of those digits in the next line.
Sample execution (user input underlined) : Please enter a two-digit decimal number > 27. The sum of the digits = 9








   FNUM DB ?

   STR2 DB ' AND '

   SNUM DB ?

   STR3 DB ' IS '

   ANS DB ?

   STR4 DB ' $'



   MOV AX, "at" DATA       PLEASE NOTE: your "at" need to be in symbol

   MOV DS,AX                    It is because this text editor who allow the sub-

                                            mission of this answer if i use the symbol format

   MOV AH,2                       that is why put it in bold and parenthesis


   INT 21H

   MOV AH,1

   INT 21H



   INT 21H



   SUB BL,30H


   MOV AH,9

   LEA DX,STR1  

   INT 21H


   INT 21H



i need help to answer this question



The answer is D.


Adding a flex property denotes to that component to use a flex layout for its children.

B it needs a flex value of 1 because that means all of the other compounds will be children of this view

Your project will require a 7-day work week rather than the traditional 5-day. How can you adapt the software to this new schedule



Click on the Project Tab then the Change Working Time Tab


The software here is believed to a MICROSOFT PROJECT. This is used often by project managers to manage projects particularly in terms of project duration, methods of the undertaking, resource management, reports, etc.

Hence, to adapt the software to this new schedule to a 7-day work week from the traditional 5-day, one should "Click on the Project Tab then the Change Working Time Tab."

This can be done by

1. Click on the Project tab, then click on Properties group

2. Click on Change working time

2. From the Change Working Time window click on "Create new calendar"

3. Name your calendar a name, in this case, "7 day week, " from there on keep following the prompt questions to finish the settings.

4. After the working times are set, click Ok.

how does a digital computer process data?

as a string of binary digits called bits
as number written in the decimal number system
as a sequence of instructions given by a programmer
as a software program generated by the computer



as a string of binary digits called bits

Which feature is being used when connecting a device to the network using an electrical outlet?



In other words, a WiFi bridge can convert Ethernet to WiFi. WiFi bridges can be high-performance and can support more WiFi network types than the T7-Pro can.

Becky's mom is a nurse and is required to wear specific clothing to work. This clothing is called

a uniform
business casual
formal business attire


the answer is uniform!

hope this helps!!

If a function is called more than once in a program, the values stored in the function's local variables do not _________ between function calls. g





Calling a function Within a program, can be regarded to as specifying of the name of the function when it is within a statement or it could be by the function itself, it possible for a particular function to call another function, in a case wherby a function returns a value, assignment or using the value to variable is not necessary. It should be noted that If a function is called more than once in a program, the values stored in the function's local variables do not persist between function calls

What are stored procedures? What kind of attack do stored procedures protect from? Identify two reasons why stored procedures are a good mitigation against the specific attack. g



Stored procedures or procedures are subroutines or subprograms in SQL written by the user to accomplish a certain task. it helps to mitigate SQL injection by using markers as placeholders for data input and it streams the query statement and data separately in the database.


The stored procedure used in SQL is a user-defined function. Unlike built-in functions like pi(), they must be called to use them.

SQL injection in query statements is written by hackers to bypass conditions, especially when trying to gain access to other user accounts. Stored procedures use markers or placeholders to prevent this.

How many fnaf games did Scott Cawthon make?



8 but he is making FNaF security breach


there is FNaF VR help wanted


8 or 10


For things like school, you should have a more serious:



who and what do you mean



Select the correct answer.

Stacy is in the process of creating a storyboard for her personal website, but she is unable to decide which storyboarding technique to use. Which technique would work best for her?

A. hierarchical
B. linear
C. webbed
D. wheel








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