please open the link to see math problem


Answer 1
Question 1 - 10 miles (4 x 2.5 = 10)
Question 2 - 60 miles(15 x 4 = 60)

Related Questions





Step-by-step explanation:

that i the answer becuase you multply

4) Tony pays $245 for a PS4. He decides to sell the PS4 with a 30%
markup. How much is Tony selling the PS4 for?




Step-by-step explanation:

trust me .



Step-by-step explanation:

30% of 245 is 73.5

245 + 73.5 = 318.5

I need helpppp?!!!
What is the slope of the line??
Please give right answer


Answer: -1/2

Step-by-step explanation:


Up 1 and to the left 2 which makes it a negative

slope = -1/2

to find this, take two points from the graph. I used (0,3) and (2,2). Then find the difference between the y coordinates and x coordinates. So in this case, the difference between 3 and 2 is 1. And the difference between 0 and 2 is two. And remember it is rise over run so that makes it 1/2. And lastly, you know it's negative because the graph is decreasing. hope this helpsss

in a geometrical progression,the product of the 2nd and 4th term is double the the 5th terms. and the sum of the first four terms is 80 find the G.p​


The 15th term of the geometric progression is 9,565,94.

What is the 15th term of the geometric progression?

A geometric progression can be expressed as an = a1rn-1 for some a1 and r. You are told that a2 * a4 = 2a5 and a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 = 80.

From the first equation, a2 = a1 r, a4 = a1 r3, and a5 = a1 r4. This tells us that

a1 r a1 r3 = 2 a1 r4

The r's and one a1 cancel leaving a1 = 2.

Now, plugging similarly into a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 = 80,

2 + 2r + 2r2 + 2r3 = 80

r3 + r2 + r + 1 = 40

In general, the easiest way to solve a cubic is by graphing, but here you know the answer will be a small integer, so just try a few. If we try r=3, we get 27 + 9 + 3 + 1 = 40 so r = 3.

So the geometric sequence here is an = 2 3n-1. The 15th term is then:

a15 = 2*3^14

a15 = 9,565,938.

Full question:

A G.P, the product of the 2nd and the 4th term is double the 5th term, and the sum of the first 4th terms is 80. find the 15th term.

Read more about geometric progression


The United States Census collects data on many variables about individuals and households.

Which variables are quantitative?

Select all that apply.

Years living in the U.S.

How many adults are registered to vote in the upcoming election?

Number of adults over 18.

Number of minors in the household

Family role of respondent

Number of family members residing at the address


Zip code



Years living in the U.S.

How many adults are registered to vote in the upcoming election?

Number of adults over 18

Number of minors in the household

Number of family members residing at the address

Zip code

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following :

Select the variables which are quantitative :

Quantitative variables may be explained as those variables which are represented numerically or possess numerical attributes. The are usually expressed in numbers. Quantitative variables in the options below are those which will take Numeric inputs.

Years living in the U.S. = quantitative

How many adults are registered to vote in the upcoming election? = quantitative

Number of adults over 18. = quantitative

Number of minors in the household = quantitative

Family role of respondent = not quantitative

Number of family members residing at the address = quantitative

Ethnicity = Not quantitative

Zip code = quantitative

An equilateral triangle with side length 4cm is shown in the diagram, work out the area of the triangle.
Give your answer rounded to 1 DP.




Step-by-step explanation:

we know that the area of equilateral triangle is √3/4a^2

Kathy ran the 400-meter dash in 60.48 seconds. She ran the 200 meter dash in 28.9 seconds.If she divided her 400-meter dash time in 8 equal time segments, how long would it take cathy to run one of these segments Please HELPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE



Kathy would take 7.56 seconds to run each of the 8-time segments of the 400-meter dash.

Step-by-step explanation:

Kathy ran the 400-meter dash in 60.48 seconds, so if she now divided that time into 8 equal time segments we have:

[tex] t = 60.48 s [/tex]

By dividing the above equation into 8:

[tex] t = \frac{60.48 s}{8} = 7.56 s [/tex]

Hence, she would take 7.56 seconds to run each of the 8-time segments of the 400-meter dash.

I hope it helps you!

Solve the compound inequality.






Group of answer choices















I would say either the 2,3,4,or 5

Which of the following are irrational numbers?


Answer: √20

Step-by-step explanation:

4.47213595 (the 5 repeats)

Irma is just learning to play the Happy Fairies video game. In the game, players gain and lose points based on how well they take care of the fairies in their fairy gardens. Irma had a total of – 5 points. Then, her fairy house fell over in the wind and she got – 3 points. How many total points does Irma have now?


Answer: -8 points

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question, we are informed that Irma is just learning to play the Happy Fairies video game and that in the game, players gain and lose points based on how well they take care of the fairies in their fairy gardens.

We are told that Irma had a total of –5 points, then, her fairy house fell over in the wind and she got –3 points.

Her total points now will be the addition of -5 and -3. This will be:

= -5 + (-3)

= -5 - 3

= -8

Note that minus multiplied by plus is minus.

Answer: -8

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following can be concluded given Z1 a ZT?


D alternate exterior angles

Given the function f(x) = 7x + 2, find x when f(x) = 31.
Plz help



x = [tex]\frac{29}{7}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given f(x) = 7x + 2 and f(x) = 31 then equate the right sides

7x + 2 = 31 ( subtract 2 from both sides )

7x = 29 ( divide both sides by 7 )

x = [tex]\frac{29}{7}[/tex]

Solve for x.




Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is z/k + 5 = x

Solve this 8x+5/2=13


Is that 8 X or multiplication sigh?

Answer: There are actually 3 answers for this ahaha, but this is the EXACT ONE: 21/16 in DECIMAL FORM it's 1.3125 in MIXED NUMBER FORM it's 1 5/16

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the value of each variable.



19. x = 65

20. x = 12

21. x = 35, y = 85

Step-by-step explanation:

19. 2x -10 = 120

2x (-10 + 10) = (120 +10)

2x/2 = 130/2

x = 65

20. 2x + 4x + 108 = 180

6x + (108 - 108) = (180 - 108)

6x/6 = 72/6

x = 12

21. 2x + 25 = 3x - 10

2x + (25 - 25) = 3x (- 10 - 25)

(2x - 3x) = (3x - 3x) - 35

-x/-1 = -35/-1

x = 35

3x - 10 + y = 180

3(35) - 10 + y = 180

105 - 10 + y = 180

(95 - 95) + y = (180 - 95)

y = 85

What is the solution to the inequality f+4<2


Step-by-step explanation:

option b is the correct answer

Write the equation of a line with the slope -3 and y-intercept of 5
O y = 5x + 3
O y = -5x + 3
O y = 5x - 3
O y = -3x + 5



[tex]\fbox{y = -3x + 5}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

You are given the slope and the y-intercept of the line; so you can substitute these values into slope-intercept form: [tex]y=mx+b[/tex];

where [tex]m= \ $slope = -3[/tex]and [tex]y-$int = 5[/tex]

Plugging these values into slope-intercept form gives:

[tex]y=(-3)x+(5)[/tex][tex]y=-3x+5[/tex]Another way to find the slope-intercept form of a line given the slope and a point:

We are given the slope and a point that the line passes through, so we can use the point-slope equation to find the slope-intercept form of the line.

The point that the line passes through is the y-intercept: [tex](0,5)[/tex].

Point-slope form:


where [tex](x_1, \ y_1)[/tex] are the coordinates of the point that the line passes through and [tex]m= $ slope of the line.[/tex]

Substitute [tex]m=-3[/tex] and [tex](0,5)[/tex] into the point-slope form equation.


Simplify the equation on both sides.


Add 5 to both sides of the equation.


This is in slope-intercept form: [tex]y=mx+b[/tex], so we are done.

The answer is [tex]D) \ $y = -3x+5[/tex].

2/15 of an airline's flights are international. The airline's flights are equally divided among 8 countries. What fraction of the​ airline's flights are to each​ country? If the airline has 2700 flights in​ all, how many are​ international? How many are not​ international? How many are to each of the ​6 countries?



The fraction of the​ airline's flights for  each​ country is 1 /60

The number of international  airline flights is 360 flights

The number of flights for each of the 8 countries is 45 flights

Step-by-step explanation:


international airline's flights = 2/15

number of countries = 8

total number of the airline flight

The fraction of the​ airline's flights for  each​ country;

[tex]= \frac{2}{15}*\frac{1}{8} \\\\ = \frac{1}{60}[/tex]

The number of international  airline flights;

[tex]= \frac{2}{15} *2700\\\\= 360 \ flights \ are \ international[/tex]

The number of flights for each of the 8 countries;

[tex]= \frac{1}{8} *360\\\\= 45 \ flights \ \\\\OR\\\\= \frac{1}{60}*2700\\\\ = 45 \ flights[/tex]

write an equation of a line passing through point p(-2, 6) that is parallel to the line x= -5​



x= -2

Step-by-step explanation:

x = -5 is a vertical line, so a line parallel would also have to be a vertical line

It goes through the point ( -2,6)

The x coordinate -2

So a line parallel would be x= -2


x= -2

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the standard form of the polynomial,
9x2 + 5x + 27 + 2x3



The standard form of the given polynomial ( 9x² + 5x + 27 + 2x³ ) is 2x³ + 9x² + 5x + 27.

What is the standard form of the polynomial?

To write a polynomial in its standard form, we first simplify then write the terms in an descending order.

Given the polynomial; 9x² + 5x + 27 + 2x³

First, we move the constant 27 to the right end of the expression

9x² + 5x + 2x³ + 27

Next, we move 2x³ left end of the expression

2x³ + 9x² + 5x + 27

Therefore, the standard form of the given polynomial ( 9x² + 5x + 27 + 2x³ ) is 2x³ + 9x² + 5x + 27.

Learn more about standard form of polynomial here:


Can you explain step by step on how to solve this problem?




Step-by-step explanation:



-55/11​​ =w+2




Jose and his mother decide to bake a cake for his Father's birthday. Jose notices that after mixing the cake batter and placing it in the oven he says bubbles forming in the cake as it begins to rise. What explains this Phenomenon? A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change C. Neither physical nor chemical change D. Both physical and chemical change



B) Chemical Change

Step-by-step explanation:

Physical change only changes the physical appearance of good, their chemical properties remaining same. These are usually reversible. Eg : Cutting a cake

Chemical change changes the physical composition of the product(s) involved. These are usually not irreversible. Eg : Baking of a cake, getting bubbles during bake process meanwhile

6 lumberjacks can cut down 15 mahogany trees in 2 hours. How much longer will
it take 8 lumberjacks to cut down 35 mahogany trees working at the same rate?
B. 1}hr
A. 3hr
D. 21hr​


9514 1404 393


  3.5 hr

Step-by-step explanation:

We assume that "the same rate" means effort per tree is a constant. "Effort" is measured as the product of lumberjacks and hours. Then ...

  (lumberjacks)(hours)/trees = (6)(2)/15 = (8)(t)/35

Multiplying by 35/8, we have ...

  (35/8)(12/15) = t = (3·4·5·7)/(2·3·4·5) = 7/2 = 3.5

It will take 8 lumberjacks 3.5 hours to cut down 35 trees.

please help me? im desperate!



The same sign

Step-by-step explanation:

Expand & simplify 4(t+2)+6(t-4)



10t - 16

Step-by-step explanation:

4(t + 2)+ 6(t - 4)

4t + 8 + 6t -24

10t - 16

Expand the first bracket: 4t + 8
Now expand the second bracket: 6t - 24
4t + 8 + 6t - 24
Add all like terms together: 10t - 16

a line is perpendicular to y - 5 = -1/4(x + 8) and goes through the point (-1,2). What is the lines y-intercept?



y = 4x + 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Turn the equation we are given into slope-intercept form.

y - 5 = -1/4(x + 8)

y - 5 = -1/4x - 2

y = -1/4x + 3

The slope of a perpendicular line is the opposite reciprocal of the original line.

-1/4 -> 4/1 -> 4

Find the new y-intercept using the point given.

y = 4x + b

2 = 4(-1) + b

2 = -4 + b

6 = b

Fill in everything we solved for.

y = 4x + 6

Best of Luck!

A fruit bowl contains 2 bananas, 5 oranges, and 4 apples in the simplest form, what is the ratio of apples to bananas in the fruit bowl?



Ratio of apple to banana is 2:1

Step-by-step explanation:

To find ratio of x type of one thing and y type of other thing we divide

x by y and ratio is written as

ratio = x:y


Number  of banana = 2

Number  of apples = 4

Ratio of apple to banana = Number  of apples :Number  of banana

Ratio of apple to banana = 4:2

since 4 is divisible by 2 , to get the ratio in simplest form

we divide both numerator and denominator by 2

Ratio of apple to banana = 4/2:2 /2 = 2:1


Ratio of apple to banana is 2:1

338 points in 16 games. how many points did they make per game?​


21.125 (21) points in each game.
just divide 338 by 16.
-hope this helps

What the equation of the line that is perpendicular to the line y = −3x + 5 that goes through point D (9, 2)?



y=1/3-1 ...............

Can someone send me the answer to the question in the photo? (with solutions)



This is so easy question .

I can do.

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